Perennial ryegrass. Perennial ryegrass is a biennial or perennial herbaceous flowering plant, a species of the genus Chaff of the Cereals family Lawn grass perennial ryegrass

Ryegrass is a perennial plant that is found in every country in the world except the Arctic. Most often it grows as an ordinary weed, along roads and in fields, under trees. This culture can reach a height of seventy centimeters; the smallest specimens reach a height of twenty centimeters. Lawn grass ryegrass(ryegrass) is a spectacular, beautiful grass that will decorate the territory of a summer cottage.

Lawn grass ryegrass (ryegrass)

Ryegrass - planting and care

The root system of ryegrass is very powerful, containing appendages. The stems of this perennial are very thin, smooth, and the leaves are quite narrow, about four millimeters wide. In the upper part they are glossy and shiny, in the lower part they are matte, with a slight gray tint. Near the very base of the stem, the leaf has a red tint.

At the very top of the ryegrass shoot there is an inflorescence in the form of a spike, which has a length of ten to fifteen centimeters. The fruit of ryegrass is a caryopsis; as a rule, it blooms in early June and continues until autumn. Most often, this crop is used as feed for livestock and as lawn grass.

Ryegrass has been used as a grass for seeding lawns for a very long time. It will decorate not only a vast lawn, but also a small country courtyard. Quite often, football or tennis fields, as well as golf courses, are sown with ryegrass. It is thanks to its texture that this crop can be found in most mixtures used for sowing sports fields and fields.

Ryegrass is used for sowing on lawns of summer cottages and gardens due to its following advantages:

  • High growth rate.
  • Resistant to damage and abrasion.
  • Frost and drought resistance.
  • Ability to form turf.
  • Decorative.

You can effectively sow lawns with ryegrass if you use the following classification of its varieties:

Phoenix: this variety is represented by semi-creeping bushes, most often it is sown in the Central and North-Western regions.

Leningradsky: A semi-erect ryegrass variety, most commonly used in the Northwest region.

Cinderella: perfectly withstands the most severe frosts, does not suffer from lack of drought, has low bushes.

Voronezh: tolerates cutting and mowing well, forms tall shoots.

Ryegrass grows quite quickly even on fairly heavy soils. It can be planted even in moderate shade. The only thing it cannot tolerate is soils with high acidity and excess moisture. This crop is sown using seeds (this can be done from May to August). The first shoots can be seen from the fifth to the fourteenth day after planting. In order for ryegrass to grow quickly and actively develop, it can be fed with biocompost or special solutions.

An important advantage of ryegrass is that already in the first year after planting it produces a beautiful, dense carpet of vegetation. After it is mowed, it grows back quite symmetrically and retains its decorative properties until the first frost.

If ryegrass is grown in favorable conditions, it can produce fairly strong turf, thanks to which it will last in the same place for several years. Not only does he have high decorative qualities, but also perfectly nourishes the soil and improves its fertile characteristics.

Thus, the lawn grass ryegrass (ryegrass)- this is an excellent crop that can decorate a summer cottage with tall and thick grass of a delicate emerald hue. Everyone, even a novice summer resident, is quite capable of growing a magnificent and pleasing lawn on his or her plot; you just need to spend a little time and make a little effort.

Perennial ryegrass (pasture), (Lolium perenne L.) Poa family. Perennial, semi-mountain, loose-bush grass. In the first year of life, ryegrass forms a dense, beautiful, bright lawn carpet. It stays in grass for 5-7 years. The plant tolerates shade well and is resistant to trampling. Ryegrass grows quickly and is capable of self-repairing the lawn. The rhizome is powerful, branched. Forms dense turf and holds soil well. Does not tolerate late spring frosts and snowless winters. Ryegrass can freeze, forming bald spots, and during prolonged frosts it can even fall out of the grass stand.

Ryegrass is a highly ornamental plant with a bright, juicy green color. Used in all types. Both in lawns for sports purposes and in decorative parterre lawns. Ryegrass is resistant to trampling. It grows very quickly and evenly. Saves decorative look until late autumn.

Perennial ryegrass is used as a forage plant. Hay, silage and haylage are made from it. On pastures it is eaten only in a mixture with other grains and leguminous herbs due to the fact that it has a bitter taste.

The seeding rate for ryegrass is 15-20 kg/ha.

From us you can buy perennial ryegrass seeds from 1 kg.

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)- perennial loose-bush, short-rhizome plant of winter type of development. Does not tolerate drought, winter hardiness is weak.

Perennial ryegrass- grassroots loose-bush perennial grass. The leaves are thin, long (up to 30 cm and above), shiny, smooth below, rough along the veins, bright green. Unlike meadow fescue, the base of the blade has short, sometimes indistinct ears. The tongue is short, with a solid edge. The inflorescence is a straight, slightly drooping, loose brownish-green spike. Spikelets with 5-12 flowers are attached singly to the spike shaft with the narrow side, unlike wheatgrass, in which the spikelets are attached with the wide side.

All spikelets have one glume. The lower flower scales are awnless. The glume is longer than the adjacent lemma.

Perennial ryegrass moisture-loving, does not tolerate drought well; responsive to irrigation, but does not withstand prolonged flooding and close groundwater. Winter hardiness and spring hardiness are low. Well adapted to moderate humid climates with mild winters. It cannot withstand snowless winters. Old grass stands are more prone to freezing. One of the reasons for insufficient winter hardiness ryegrass- shallow location of the tillering node from the soil surface - 8-13 mm. When breeding, this feature must be taken into account. The plant is of a mid-season winter type of development; it grows quickly in the year of sowing, but, as a rule, does not form generative stems, although in some populations they sometimes form. It produces fruiting shoots in the second, and if the grass is preserved, even in the third year of life. Depending on the conditions of the year and the cultivation zone, it blooms in the second year of life in the second half of June - early July (in warm weather). Blooms in morning hours. Cross-pollinated by wind. Can produce a significant number of seeds when self-pollinating. Seeds ripen in the forest zone, depending on the conditions of the year, on July 10-15 - August 5, in the forest-steppe zone - July 10-25. The seeds are lanceolate, grayish in color, 5.5-6.5 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, slightly concave on the inside. Sterzhenek, in contrast to meadow fescue flattened, expanding upward.

Ryegrass used in grass mixtures to create cultivated pastures and hayfields in the northwestern, western and central regions forest zone, forest-steppe of Ukraine, in certain areas of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Grows well in moderately moist, fertile loamy, clayey and sandy soils. Like white clover does not develop well on acidic soils and dry podzolized sandy loams.

Under favorable conditions it can produce high yields of dry matter. It is distinguished by its high shoot-forming ability, good mortality, and pasture resistance. In terms of nutritional merits, this is one of the most valuable cereals.

Longevity perennial ryegrass small. It produces the highest yields in the second or third years of life, and then its productivity sharply decreases. It can survive in grass cover on pastures for 3-4 years. Seeds are used for one to two years. Affected by some fungal diseases: powdery mildew, rust, spotting and others.

Naturally, insufficient longevity and poor winter hardiness, as well as low disease resistance, hinder the widespread use of this valuable grassland cereal in a number of areas, especially those characterized by a continental climate.

Is a highly productive component in the composition feed grass mixtures: Green Deer Agro "Combi", "Protein+", "Grazing" And "Mowing"

Perennial ryegrass, also called English ryegrass and perennial ryegrass, is a flowering herbaceous plant belonging to the grass family. This is what we will discuss in our article.


The original range of this biennial or perennial plant covered all of Europe (with the exception of the Arctic), Western Asia, North Africa and more eastern Asian regions (up to the Himalayas), including the southern regions of Western Siberia. Gradually, perennial ryegrass, as an introduced or alien grass, has widely spread throughout all extratropical zones of the planet, which is due to its active cultivation. The plant is found in meadows, fields, forest clearings, in populated areas, and near roads.

Perennial ryegrass: description

This plant with a powerful root system has a height of up to seventy centimeters (usually from fifteen centimeters to half a meter). Perennial ryegrass has both vegetative and generative shoots, which makes it different from other types of chaff, which are characterized by only generative shoots.

The stems of the plant are smooth, the leaves are bright green, long and thin, up to thirty centimeters in size, shiny below, rough along the veins. At the base of the plate there are short, sometimes indistinct ears. Tongue with solid edge, short.

The inflorescence looks like a slightly drooping straight loose spike of brownish-green color. The spikelets, which have from five to twelve flowers, are attached to the spike shaft individually with their narrow side. Each of them has one glume. The lower lemma is awnless. The spikelet is longer than the adjacent flower stem.

Perennial ryegrass seeds are 5.5-6.5 millimeters long and 1-1.5 millimeters wide, lanceolate, grayish in color, slightly concave on the inside. The rod is flattened, expanding upward.

Features of growth

Perennial ryegrass, photos of which are presented in the article, is a moisture-loving plant that does not tolerate drought. It is responsive to irrigation, but cannot withstand close groundwater and long-term flooding.

Spring hardiness and winter hardiness are low. Perennial ryegrass is well adapted to the conditions of a humid temperate climate, which is characterized by mild winters. It cannot tolerate winter without snow, and old grass stands are more prone to freezing. One of the reasons for the plant’s poor winter hardiness lies in the shallow location of the tillering node from the soil surface (eight to thirteen millimeters). This feature must be taken into account during selection.

Perennial ryegrass belongs to the plants of the winter mid-season development type; it grows quickly in the year of sowing, however, as a rule, it does not form generative stems, although they sometimes still form in some populations. It bears fruit in the second year of life, and if the grass stand is preserved, in the third.

The plant feels good on fertile loamy, moderately moist, sandy and clay soils. It grows poorly on dry podzolized sandy loams and acidic soils. Capable of producing a high yield of dry matter under favorable conditions. Perennial ryegrass is distinguished by good mortality, high shoot-forming ability, and pasture resistance. This is one of the most valuable cereals, judging by its nutritional merits.


Depending on the cultivation zone and conditions, it blooms in the second year of the growing season, in warm weather, usually in the second half of June and early July. The plant is pollinated by the wind. When self-pollinating, it can produce a large number of seeds. In the forest-steppe zone, seeds ripen, depending on the conditions of the year, on July 10-25, and in the forest zone - from July 10-15 to August 5.


Perennial ryegrass is characterized by short longevity. In the second or third year of life, the plant produces the highest yields, after which productivity decreases sharply. On pastures it can persist in grass for three to four years.

Ryegrass is affected by several fungal diseases: spotting, rust, powdery mildew.

Weak winter hardiness, short longevity, and low resistance to diseases in a number of areas hinder the widespread use of such a valuable grassland grass. Its growth is especially difficult in areas with a continental climate.


Perhaps the main advantage of this cereal grass is its amazing ability to form a very beautiful thick grass stand just a month after sowing. Perennial ryegrass is widely used throughout the world in agriculture as a valuable forage (pasture) plant. It is also used for decorative purposes due to its bright green color. Ryegrass is added to all types of lawn grass mixtures for coverings for both sports and decorative purposes.

After mowing, the plant grows evenly and quickly, while maintaining its decorative appearance until the end of autumn and disappearing green under the snow. The grass used as a forage crop is characterized by fairly high digestibility; it contains a lot of soluble sugars, so it ensiles perfectly without adding preservatives. Perennial ryegrass and clover form a very successful grass mixture that fully satisfies the protein needs of livestock. Another advantage of the plant is its rapid tillering, which makes it possible to start grazing on its grass stand early.

Perennial ryegrass, also called English ryegrass and perennial Chaff, belongs to the perennial plants of the Poaceae family. The perennial is common in Europe, Asia, Africa and the southern part of Western Siberia. It is used for landscaping summer cottages and is used as livestock feed. The crop has both perennial and biennial varieties. When growing in a summer cottage, you need to take into account that grass pollen is very allergenic and can cause an allergic reaction.

Characteristics and description

English ryegrass is one of the best representatives of spring-type pasture grasses. When creating a lawn, it is often mixed with annual legumes and clover.

Due to its increased nutritional value, pasture ryegrass is used as livestock feed. When grown on carved hayfields, the grass lives in one place for 4-6 years, on pastures - up to 12 years. The culture is resistant to trampling and mechanical damage.

The plant is undemanding to soil, but grows well in well-drained loamy soil. On acidic soil, yield and quality will be reduced.

Perennial Chaff produces small, numerous shoots with shiny, narrow, light emerald foliage. The plant has spike-shaped inflorescences of brownish-green color. The spikes are formed by 5-12 flowers, which are attached to the spike shaft one by one.

Advantages of English ryegrass:

  1. 1. The root system grows quickly.
  2. 2. Numerous shoots maintain a presentable appearance appearance until the first frost.
  3. 3. Fast regrowth after bevel.
  4. 4. Green grass is resistant to trampling.
  5. 5. Good combination with clover and other wildflowers.
  6. 6. It is a healer for the soil, as it prevents erosion.

Despite the large number of positive qualities, spring grass has its disadvantages:

  • low frost resistance;
  • does not tolerate drought;
  • grows poorly on lands with close groundwater.

Choosing a location and sowing lawn grass

The plant is not picky about soil composition, but grows best in high, flood-free areas with loamy, well-drained soil.

Perennial ryegrass is planted with seeds in well-cultivated, plowed, leveled, fertilized soil. Before sowing, all stones and rhizomes are removed and the soil is allowed to settle.

Before sowing, the soil must be compacted.

To grow a beautiful lawn, the area must be perfectly flat and the slope differences should not exceed 30 degrees. When sowing seeds in spring, the soil is prepared in the fall. To do this, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied to the plowed land. In spring, the soil is plowed again and fertilized with nitrogen.

  1. 1. Sowing of seeds is carried out after the air temperature warms up to +5 degrees.
  2. 2. Planting depth is 2 cm, the seeds are evenly distributed throughout the entire area and carefully covered with a rake.
  3. 3. Watering is carried out as the soil dries.
  4. 4. The first shoots appear on the 10th day.

Features of cultivation and winter hardiness

The main care consists of moderate irrigation in hot, dry summers, since a lack of water has a detrimental effect on growth and development, and overwatering leads to rotting of the root system.

Before sowing, it is imperative to fertilize the soil. During growing season carry out biocompost fertilizing. Since grass recovers quickly, it needs to be mowed or sheared several times a season.

Perennial ryegrass is adversely affected by severe frosts and snowless winters. During harsh winters, you can lose much of the vegetation. Tender sprouts do not tolerate spring frosts well, so when inspecting the lawn in the spring, you need to reseed frozen areas.

The plant is best grown in regions with a temperate climate, where the air temperature in winter does not fall below -18 degrees.

Ryegrass in landscape decoration and its benefits

When grown on carved hayfields, the lifespan of the grass is 3-4 years. High yields occur in the 2nd year, after which the yield decreases significantly.

Grass is widely used in landscape design. It is used to create decorative lawns, plant them in parks and squares, and landscape sports grounds. In grass mixtures it looks harmonious with alfalfa, clover and Horned iceweed. Meadow mint, fescue and comb grass are sown against the background of ryegrass.

Since the grass is very nutritious and is not inferior to Meadow fescue and timothy, it is cultivated in agriculture. It is used to feed horses, cows, goats and sheep. After the snow melts, the plant begins rapid growth and is suitable for pasture by May.

Pasture ryegrass is a high-yielding crop. From 1 hectare of land you can get 400 centners of green mass or 90-100 centners of hay.

The culture heals and nourishes the soil structure, prevents erosion.

Winter-hardy varieties

Thanks to the work of breeders, a large number of varieties of Perennial ryegrass have been developed. Among them there are frost-resistant, decorative and high-yielding.

You can find out about popular varieties from the table.

Variety name Description
VicA perennial plant with a lifespan of up to 5 years. A fast-growing variety that does not require heavy fertilization. Resistant to autumn and spring frosts. Not drought-resistant and does not tolerate excess moisture
LeningradskyA bush with erect shoots and soft emerald foliage. Has increased resistance to frost, ideal for growing in the North-West region
PhoenixIn the first year of growth, the shoots are creeping and there are no inflorescences. The leaf is of medium length and width, dark olive color. The variety is grown in the Central and Northwestern regions
CinderellaThe bush is low-growing, semi-erect, drought- and frost-resistant, but grows back slowly after mowing. The variety is highly decorative
DoubleThe bush is low, semi-creeping, with dark emerald leaves. The stem and inflorescences are short, there is no flowering in the first year of growth. The variety is winter-hardy, with a high degree of germination, resistant to fusarium

As can be seen from the description and characteristics, perennial ryegrass is ideal for decoration summer cottage and as a forage crop. After mowing, the grass grows quickly and evenly, maintaining its decorative appearance until autumn and disappearing green under the snow.
