Pavel Petrovich attitude to love. The main character of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” is Bazarov: attitude to love, quotes

The conflict between Kirsanov and Bazarov underlies the entire novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.” This article presents the table “Dispute between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.”

Political Views

The different views of Bazarov and Kirsanov come from their social status.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is a prominent representative of aristocratic society. He is a hereditary nobleman.

Evgeny Bazarov is a commoner. His mother was of noble origin, and his father was an ordinary doctor. This allows us to talk about Bazarov’s intermediate position: he does not consider himself a nobleman, but he does not consider himself to be one of the ordinary men either.

Due to this difference in origin, Bazarov and Kirsanov have different socio-political views.


Relation to nobility, aristocracy and principles

“Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles... - just think, how many foreign and useless words! Russian people don’t need them for nothing”;

“We act because of what we recognize as useful. At the present time, the most useful thing is denial - we deny... Everything..."

“I just want to say that aristocracy is a principle, and in our time only immoral or empty people can live without principles”;

“Without self-esteem, without self-respect - and in an aristocrat these feelings are developed - there is no solid foundation public building"

Plans for the public future

“First we need to clear the place”

“You deny everything, or, to put it more precisely, you destroy everything... But you also need to build”

Attitude to the people

“People believe that when thunder roars, it is Elijah the prophet in a chariot riding across the sky. Well? Should I agree with him?”;

“My grandfather plowed the land,” Bazarov answered with arrogant pride. - Ask any of your men which of us - you or me - he would rather recognize as a compatriot. You don’t even know how to talk to him” (to Kirsanov)

“No, the Russian people are not what you imagine them to be. He sacredly honors traditions, he is patriarchal, he cannot live without faith”;

“And you talk to him and despise him at the same time” (to Bazarov)

Philosophical views

The main disputes between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov arise from different attitudes towards nihilism.

Moral values


Attitude towards love

“Love is nonsense, unforgivable nonsense”;

“And what is this mysterious relationship between a man and a woman? We physiologists know what this relationship is. Study the anatomy of the eye: where does that mysterious look come from, as you say? This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art”;

“Such a rich body, even now to the anatomical theater”

“Think what could be more terrible than loving and not being loved!”

Attitude to art

“A decent chemist is 20 times more useful than any poet”;

“Raphael is not worth a penny”

He notes the role of art, but is not interested in it himself: “He was not born a romantic, and his foppishly dry and passionate... soul did not know how to dream.”

Attitude to nature

“Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it”

Loves nature, which allows him to be alone with himself

This article, which will help you write the essay “Table “The Dispute between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich”,” will examine the political, philosophical and moral views of the representatives of “fathers and sons” from the novel by I. S. Turgenev.

Work test

Main character novel "Fathers and Sons" - EvgeniyBazarov. Attitude towards loveThis young and daring nihilist, as many remember, was not entirely respectful. For him, such feelings are nonsense and nonsense. Let's see how much this character changes by the end of the work.

The influence of nihilism on Bazarov’s personality

Eugene cannot take love as something serious, because he is a nihilist, which means he is obliged to deny it, since the feeling cannot bring practical benefit. The main character loses his temper when he learns that Arkady, whom he considered his follower, wants to get married.

To quote in textBazarov quotesabout love, it is enough to remember that he evaluates the relationship between a man and a woman only from the point of view of physiology: one must “get some sense” out of a woman.

Bazarov and Kirsanov

The novel “Fathers and Sons” is built on an antithesis; the entire work is permeated by disputes between two generations. Eugene's progressive views are contrasted with the position of a middle-aged aristocrat, Pavel Petrovich.He and the main character have different ideas about life, art, and nature. Throughout the entire work we observe dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov. These two people also have different ideas about love.

Pavel Petrovich belongs to a generation that elevates feelings and treats women with trepidation and reverence. Evgeny, as we remember, is a pragmatist and treats Kirsanov’s romantic views with caustic irony. However, changes are destined to occur in his life that will force the protagonist to experience love.


Meeting Anna Odintsova significantly changes Bazarov's idea of human relations. Surprisingly, what Turgenev’s hero feels for her completely contradicts all his life principles.This beautiful woman attracts Eugene’s attention, he involuntarily admires her at the governor’s ball, but evaluates her only for her physical attractiveness, rudely noting that she has a “rich body” and “she doesn’t look like other women.”

These are Bazarov's statements. About loveour hero does not say a word then. During this period of his life, he is still sincerely surprised: “And what is this mystery of the relationship between a man and a woman?” He is sure that he is a physiologist, therefore he is well versed in this.

Relationship between Evgeny and Anna Odintsova

Bazarov is certainly a charismatic person, and Anna could not help but become interested in him. She even decides to invite him to visit her, and Evgeniy comes to her. In Nikolskoye, he and Bazarov spend a lot of time walking, talking, arguing. Odintsova appreciates Evgeniy’s extraordinary mind.

So what? Bazarov? Attitude towards loveThe main character changes completely, for him this feeling ceases to be nonsense and art, now he really loves. He does not dream of reciprocity, but only waits for some favor from the chosen one of his heart.

About the change in the soul of the main character

Most of us find it difficult to rememberIn what chapter does Bazarov talk about love?, but we will not be mistaken if we follow Evgeniy and Anna into the garden where they were walking. This woman, seeing that Eugene feels for her strong feeling, managed to get him to open up and hear his confession.

For Bazarov, Odintsova’s infatuation turns out to be so strong that he can no longer apply his pragmatic theory to what is happening in his life. Eugene now cares about only one woman - Anna, for whom personal peace of mind is above all passions. Odintsova is interested in Bazarov, but she refuses to reciprocate his feelings.

The main character is rejected. Evgeniy is very worried and, upon arriving home, devotes himself entirely to work in order to forget about his feelings. This is how it changes Bazarov. Attitude towards loveEvgenia is completely different in this part of the novel. Now this is no longer a pragmatic nihilist, but a person who is completely captured by feeling.

Love line in the novel

Turgenev's work shows us the strength of feelings of representatives of two generations. Bright representatives of the old generation are the Kirsanov brothers. Nikolai Petrovich, Arkady's father, cannot imagine his life without love. But this feeling for Kirsanov is something calm, quiet, deep. Love for Nikolai Kirsanov is the source of life. In his young years, he selflessly loved his wife, Arkady's mother. After her death, Nikolai Petrovich cannot come to his senses for a long time and finds happiness with the simple Fenichka. Feelings for her are just as deep, strong, but at the same time serene.

Arkady is a representative of the “children” generation by age. But, being the son of his father, he was filled with love in his parents' home and, naturally, expected the same feeling to appear in his life. Bazarov's views excited his mind, but everything changes when Katya appears in his life. Arkady falls in love with her, the girl reciprocates. The feelings that arise between them are strong and calm.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is a representative of the “fathers” generation. In his youth he was very attractive and women undoubtedly liked him. Pavel Kirsanov was waiting for success and a high position in society, but everything changed when Princess R. appeared in his life. She was a married lady, frivolous and empty. She did not respond to his feelings, she drove him away. Kirsanov left the service and followed his love everywhere. Upon learning of her death, Pavel Petrovich was shocked and returned to the village to find peace of mind. The elder Kirsanov was as monogamous as his brother Nikolai. However, the fateful meeting changed his whole life, and he could not imagine marrying another woman.

Separately, it should be said about the emotional unrest Evgeniy experiencesBazarov. Attitude towards loveThe main character is ambiguous, he in every possible way denied and ridiculed this feeling. However, having met a woman who began to completely absorb his thoughts, Bazarov is unable to resist love, he recognizes its existence.

Eternal loneliness

Being terminally ill, the main character is looking for a meeting with his beloved, he wants to see her for the last time. Odintsova arrives, but does not rush to Evgeniy. She keeps a low profile. Anna only takes human part, nothing more.So, the main character dies rejected, but towards the end of his life he begins to understand the power of parental love, and this cannot be done withoutquotes from Bazarov:“People like them cannot be found in our world during the day.”Alas, he realizes the value of human relationships too late.

In the novel " Fathers and Sons" Bazarov's attitude to loveshown in dynamics: at first he despises this feeling, laughs at the romantic impulses of Arkady Kirsanov. For the main character, any manifestation of love is just the voice of instinct. He is an ardent nihilist, a supporter of materialistic beliefs. The meeting with Anna Odintsova turns Evgeniy’s mind upside down. He confesses his love for her and admits defeat. At the end of the novel, Bazarov dies, realizing his own loneliness.

Nikolai Petrovich: “But...those sweet, first moments, why shouldn’t they live an eternal, undying life?” “You say this, Pavel, you, whom I considered the most adamant opponent of such marriages!”

Pavel Petrovich: “Think what could be more terrible than loving and not being loved!” “Brother, fulfill your duty as an honest and noble man, stop the temptation and bad example that is set by you, the best of people!... Marry Fenechka... She loves you, she is the mother of your son.” "...let's do our duty; and look, we'll get happiness in addition."

Arkady: I ​​think that he (father) should marry her." "...I am not rich and I feel that I am ready for all sacrifices...”

Bazarov: “You still attach importance to marriage; I didn’t expect this from you.” “And what kind of mysterious relationship is between a man and a woman? We physiologists know what kind of relationship this is. Just study the anatomy of the eye: where does that mysterious look come from, as you say? It’s all nonsense, romanticism, rottenness, art. Let’s go.” It's better to watch the beetle." “Only freaks think freely between women.” “Bazarov was a great hunter of women and female beauty, but he called love in the ideal sense, or, as he put it, romantic, nonsense, unforgivable foolishness, considered knightly feelings something like deformity or illness, and more than once expressed his surprise: why not put in the yellow house of Torenburg with all the Minesingers and troubadours? “Do you like a woman,” he used to say, “try to get some sense; but you can’t - well, don’t, turn away - the earth is not aligned like a wedge.” “...what kind of desire is there to talk and think about the future, which for the most part does not depend on us? If there is a chance to do something, it will be great, but if it doesn’t work out, at least you will be satisfied that you didn’t talk in vain in advance.” “ is better to break stones on the pavement than to allow a woman to take possession of even the tip of a finger.” “A man has no time.” engage in such trifles; a man must be fierce, says an excellent Spanish proverb." "...and at the same time love... after all, this is a feigned feeling." "You didn't break yourself, so a woman won't break you."

Odintsova: “In my opinion, it’s either all or nothing. A life for a life. You took mine, give yours, and then without regret or return. Otherwise, it’s better not to.” “Tell me why even we enjoy, say, music, a good evening, a conversation with nice people, why does all this seem more like a hint of some immense happiness existing somewhere, than real happiness, that is, the kind that we ourselves possess ?" “No...God knows where this would lead, this is not something to joke about, calm is still better than anything in the world.”

Katya: “Oh no! What is this for? (to rule) On the contrary, I am ready to submit - I understand that; this is happiness; but a subordinate existence... No, that’s enough.”

Fenechka: “I don’t like Nikolai Petrovich - but after that I don’t even need to live!” No.

Bazarov E. V.

Kirsanov P. P.

Appearance Tall young man with long hair. The clothes are poor and untidy. Doesn't pay attention to his own appearance. A handsome middle-aged man. Aristocratic, “thoroughbred” appearance. He takes good care of himself, dresses fashionably and expensively.
Origin The father is a military doctor, from a poor, simple family. Nobleman, son of a general. In his youth, he led a noisy metropolitan life and built a military career.
Education A very educated person. A talented doctor and dedicated researcher. Friends predict a great future for Bazarov. He studied in the page corps. Little read. I owe my success in service more to my personal charm and family connections.
Important Personality Traits Pragmatist and cynic. The main measure of a person’s value is his usefulness to society. Knightly nature. It values ​​a person's personality and self-esteem.
Lifestyle He eats a lot and loves wine in large quantities. Starts the day early, active and energetic. He is restrained in his eating habits, drinks little, loves a comfortable life.
Attitude towards love Cynical: sees meaning in love only from a physiological point of view. It turns out that he is not ready for a serious feeling. Romantic. After the death of his beloved woman, he left a brilliant career. Devastated in spirit.
Attitude to the people Mixed: sympathizes with the plight of the poor and despises their ignorance. Communicates with peasants on equal terms. He admires folk culture and the patriarchal way of life out loud, but squeamishly avoids direct communication with the peasants.
Attitude to family Despises patriarchal values. Loves his parents, but pushes them away. Criticizes Arkady's relatives in his presence. He puts family values ​​above all else. He loves his brother and nephew, protects their peace and well-being.
The characters' relationship to each other He sees in the elder Kirsanov the embodiment of the worst traits of the aristocracy: inactivity and idle talk. He considers Bazarov a threat to the established order. Fears the spirit of destruction that the new generation brings.
Speech features Rough, simple speech. Actively uses folklore elements. Speaks competently, uses French and English phrases.
Behavior in a duel He jokes a lot and considers what is happening to be absurd. Does not aim at the opponent, wounds him by accident. He takes the fight seriously. He fails, but is satisfied with the result of the duel.
Character in the finale Dies. His grave symbolizes the only possibility of reconciliation between different generations. Leaves Russia. Abroad he leads a bright but empty life. By the author's definition, a living dead.
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    • I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” contains a large number of conflicts in general. These include a love conflict, a clash of worldviews of two generations, a social conflict and an internal conflict of the main character. Bazarov, the main character of the novel “Fathers and Sons,” is a surprisingly bright figure, a character in which the author intended to show the entire young generation of that time. We should not forget that this work is not just a description of the events of that time, but also deeply felt very real […]
    • The idea for the novel arises from I. S. Turgenev in I860 in the small seaside town of Ventnor, in England. “...It was in the month of August 1860, when the first thought of “Fathers and Sons” came to my mind...” It was a difficult time for the writer. His break with Sovremennik magazine had just occurred. The occasion was an article by N. A. Dobrolyubov about the novel “On the Eve”. I. S. Turgenev did not accept the revolutionary conclusions contained in it. The reason for the gap was deeper: rejection of revolutionary ideas, “peasant democracy […]
    • Roman I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" ends with the death of the main character. Why? Turgenev felt something new, saw new people, but could not imagine how they would act. Bazarov dies very young, without having time to begin any activity. With his death, he seems to atone for the one-sidedness of his views, which the author does not accept. Dying, the main character did not change either his sarcasm or his directness, but became softer, kinder, and speaks differently, even romantically, that […]
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    • What exactly is the conflict between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov? An eternal dispute between generations? Confrontation between supporters of different political views? A catastrophic discrepancy between progress and stability bordering on stagnation? Let us classify the disputes that later developed into a duel into one of the categories, and the plot will become flat and lose its edge. At the same time, Turgenev’s work, in which the problem was raised for the first time in the history of Russian literature, is still relevant today. And today they demand change and [...]
    • Arkady and Bazarov are very different people, and the friendship that arose between them is all the more surprising. Despite the young people belonging to the same era, they are very different. It is necessary to take into account that they initially belong to different circles of society. Arkady is the son of a nobleman; from early childhood he absorbed what Bazarov despises and denies in his nihilism. Father and uncle Kirsanov are intelligent people who value aesthetics, beauty and poetry. From Bazarov’s point of view, Arkady is a soft-hearted “barich”, a weakling. Bazarov doesn’t want [...]
    • In I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” the main character is Evgeniy Bazarov. He proudly says that he is a nihilist. The concept of nihilism means this type of belief, which is based on the denial of everything accumulated over many centuries of cultural and scientific experience, all traditions and ideas about social norms. The history of this social movement in Russia is connected with the 60-70s. XIX century, when there was a turning point in society in traditional social views and scientific […]
    • The action of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" takes place in the summer of 1859, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. At that time in Russia there was an acute question: who could lead society? On the one hand, the nobility claimed the leading social role, which consisted of both fairly free-thinking liberals and aristocrats who thought the same way as at the beginning of the century. At the other pole of society were the revolutionaries - democrats, the majority of whom were commoners. The main character of the novel […]
    • The relationship between Evgeny Bazarov and Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, heroes of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" did not work out for many reasons. The materialist and nihilist Bazarov denies not only art, the beauty of nature, but also love as a human feeling. Recognizing the physiological relationship between a man and a woman, he believes that love “is all romanticism, nonsense, rottenness, art.” Therefore, he initially evaluates Odintsova only from the point of view of her external data. “Such a rich body! At least now to the anatomical theater,” […]
    • The action of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” dates back to 1859, and the writer completed work on it in 1861. The time of action and creation of the novel is separated by only two years. It was one of the most intense eras of Russian history. At the end of the 1850s, the whole country lived in a revolutionary situation, under the sign of an imminent sharp turn in the fate of the people and society - the impending liberation of the peasants. Once again, Russia “reared up” over an unknown abyss, and for some its future was illuminated […]
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