We read the lapel for the queen of spades - we remove the rival. Lapel to the Queen of Spades: a powerful ritual for strong feelings Lapel to the Queen of Spades

There are many legends and traditions associated with the Queen of Spades. And it is this character in the form of a Tarot card that is a frequent attribute of love magic rituals. The Queen of Spades is used in both simple and complex rituals of various types. And such rituals are always effective. The Queen of Spades lapel is very popular among young people. The ritual is most often carried out if it is necessary to remove a rival.

The most popular ritual

The most popular and famous lapel for the Queen of Spades involves performing the ritual on Thursday, Tuesday or Saturday. The ritual is performed late at night during the waning moon. For the ritual you will need a new deck of cards. It must be purchased in advance for payment, or you do not need to take change when purchasing it. On the day chosen for the ceremony, you must go to the cemetery with a purchased deck of cards. At an unknown or abandoned grave, you should leave an offering to the Mistress of the Churchyard, then shuffle the deck of cards and stand on it with your left foot. Next, you should, in any form, nine times turn to the Mistress of the Church with a request to assist you in your ritual acts. Then you need to pick up the deck and quickly leave the cemetery without looking back.

The ritual is carried out in a separate room, which should have a table. It is covered with a black tablecloth and three black candles are placed on it in a semicircle. Between them is placed a deck of cards, a mirror and on its two sides photographs of people who need to be separated. After this, the deck is shuffled and the Queen of Spades card is taken out of it, which is placed face up on the mirror.

After this, the candles are lit and the lapel plot is read seven times:

“I, with my strong word, call the Queen of Spades into the world. That churchyard and black woman, eaten away by grief and misfortune, but at the same time prayed away by the demon himself, and hidden from the white light forever. The Queen of Spades is known for her passion and for the fact that you are considered the mistress of all evil spirits. You have a destructive soul, and whoever you meet along the way, you will lure him onto the dead path. You are a demon of the dark worlds, a master of cold hearts, you can send any cold to the soul.

At the sight of you, all hearts bleed, they become colder than the host, they turn into stones. Let your dark power drive (man's name) away from (woman's name) from this moment and forever. Let them from this moment walk separately around the world and not see each other, growling like animals and screaming in human voices. Let (man’s name)’s feelings towards (woman’s name) cool, and let indifference drag them into the pool.

And if they suddenly come together to decide, then you, the Queen of Spades, will stand between them and again, by your force, force them to disperse. There will be no heat of love between them, but only slate poison will emanate from (man’s name) to (woman’s name). They should live separately, they won’t come together and crawl into one place.

With your help, lady of spades, with my words, I turn love into emptiness, I send the lapel to (man’s name) to (woman’s name). There will never be mutual love, I command with my will, I conjure with my words. By the power of demons, the queen of spades from a deck not played, I force (man’s name) and (woman’s name) to separate forever. Together with the howl of the wolf at night and the morning fog, their love will dissolve. May what I say come true with the help of a demonic order. Amen".

After the spoken words, you should make a small incision on your finger and draw a cross own blood on the mirror and glue the Queen of Spades card onto it. After this the following words are spoken:

“Through the mirror surface and scarlet blood, come into the world, Queen of Spades. With a black lapel, scatter (man's name) and (woman's name) in different directions, separate their destinies forever. An accurate arrow - a dark quarrel, an abandoned grave - a rejected soul. Amen".

All attributes should be left in this state overnight and go to bed without thinking about anything. Early in the morning you should wake up and burn the Queen of Spades card.

At the same time the following words are pronounced:

“Born by fire, you will leave the world with flame. As I asked, that’s what happened. Amen".

The ritual with the Queen of Spades is very complex and requires the right mental attitude. Therefore, when the slightest doubt V own strength It’s better to turn to a professional magician.

An article on the topic: “we read a lapel on the queen of spades - we remove a rival on the love spell master website” will help you do everything right.

Posted by Piterka

Queen of Spades Lapel

Any Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday take unplayed!!! deck of cards

Place it on the table and light three black wax candles.

Also put a small mirror on the table, then put a photo of that under the mirror

who are you making the lapel for?

Shuffle the deck, then take the Queen of Spades card from the deck and place it on

mirror then read these words:

The black lady of the churchyard

Grief that is consumed by eternal

You are the peak passion

You are the mistress of all evil spirits

Yes, your icy anemone

Darling pernicious

Who will you meet on the way?

Graveyard gray song

Yes you are a black devil

Cool the heart's co-creator

So with its peak power

That Abel's destruction is a witness

One (name) to wander ford

Growl like a beast, scream like a siren

So if they decide to get together

I turn one love into nothing

I send the Queen of Spades lapel to (name) and (name)

(Name) and (name) separate

Queen of Spades, spicy, dark

This is how he is punished

From a demonic decree.


Read 7 times.

Then cut your finger on your left hand, draw a cross with it on the mirror, attach the Queen of Spades card to this cross with the front side.

When you attach it, say:

Through scarlet blood and mirror-like surface, you are a black lapel

go, scatter, entangle, on different sides (name) and separate (name).

A black quarrel, a well-aimed arrow, a forgotten grave, a rejected soul. Amen!

Everything should stay overnight (stand overnight), the candles should burn out completely.

Then throw the queen card to the victims, if there is one

you have the opportunity.

If not, then burn it with these words:

Born by fire, by fire and go, what was asked was created through you. Amen

(But of course it’s better to throw it in, hide it in the place where he spends his time

one of the victims, for example in the workplace)

Take the remaining deck and candle stubs to the crossroads, bury them there, and leave the ransom to the Demons.

Uv. Piterka! , thank you very much. It’s just that it’s not clear in the blood lapel -

“Then cut your finger on your left hand, draw a cross with it on the mirror, and attach the Queen of Spades card to this cross with the front side.”

That is, should the card be attached with the front side to the mirror or away from it?

and which finger is better to cut (and you can probably prick too?)

In order to understand how such a lapel works, you need to understand where such a character as the Queen of Spades came from and what this card symbolizes.

There are a lot of legends around the Queen of Spades; they are especially popular among young people. Guys and girls have been passing their nights for years by telling each other horror stories, the main character of which is the queen of spades.

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The Queen of Spades first appeared in a deck of Tarot cards and, like any other card, this character had both positive and negative meanings.

A positive image is a kind queen, queen, warrior woman, she is incredibly strong in spirit and body and strikes her enemies with poisoned arrows. The Queen will never harm a good person, as well as someone who does not wish her harm; moreover, you can turn to her for help in case of difficult situations.

The Queen of Spades has always been a mysterious figure

The negative image of a lady is that of an insidious killer, an ice queen who does not experience feelings. Thus, when approaching a lady, you need to concentrate in advance on the image that you need, otherwise, as they say in youth horror films, the lady will come to strangle the caller.

Throughout the entire action you must call exactly positive image, which can help solve many problems. If at this time you think of her as angry woman, about the killer, then a completely different entity will come to the call, capable exclusively of destruction.

Youth horror films

There are many stories about this character among young people. According to legends, to summon the Queen of Spades, you need to draw a door and a staircase leading from it on the mirror. After this, turn off the light, light a candle and say the words three times:

“Queen of Spades come.”

If the call was heard, the lady will open the drawn door and begin to go down the stairs.

Such rituals are not recommended for impressionable people.

At this time, you need to quickly make a wish and erase the rest of the stairs, and then the entire remaining drawing, so that the lady does not have time to get out of the mirror. Otherwise, she will end up next to the performer of the ritual and try to take his life. If everything was done correctly, the queen should grant your wishes.

What comes to us from mirrors

The mirror is a door, a portal to other dimensions, to other worlds. Almost anything can pass through such a door into our world. Often, teenagers who have performed such a ritual begin to complain that they are being haunted by scary shadows, they begin to hear voices and sounds in empty rooms, and much more.

This is not surprising; when working with a mirror, they are able to summon forces that can only harm. In general, when young people play with the challenge of the Queen of Spades, guys can see a variety of entities that have nothing to do with Tarot cards, Bloody Mary, or the female gender in general.

Carrying out the ritual

Be that as it may, the Queen of Spades is a very powerful symbol. People believe in the existence of a dark queen, and therefore, if she did not exist before, she was created by people's imagination from other entities.

Thanks to the faith of people, this character can be used in divination, especially in love magic.

The fear of teenagers leads to the fact that the queen becomes stronger every day, and therefore rituals in which the performer enlists her support have become extremely popular and effective.

There are several basic ways to carry out a lapel using this playing card. Below is one of the most common.

To carry out the ceremony you will need a new deck of cards. The ritual is performed at night on Tuesday or Thursday. The table is covered with a clean dark tablecloth, cards are placed on it and three candles are placed around it. They also place a photograph of the lapel target on the table and a small mirror on top.

This ritual is suitable for those who have already practiced magical rituals.

We shuffle the deck of cards, find the queen of spades, place it on the mirror and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I summon, I call out the Queen of Spades, the Black Woman, the churchyard woman, the one who is forever eaten away by grief, who has been prayed away by demonic prayer, who is hidden from the white light. Peak passionate, mistress and steward of all wickedness, Your soul is pernicious, and like a cold anemone, whoever you meet will forever walk along the dead path. You are a black devil, a co-creator of cold hearts, you can strike a hundred hearts with dead cold at a time.

You will force the heart to bleed, those hearts will be colder than the host, those words will be heavy stones, and rats’ tails will grow together, with your dark power, with your peak power, reject (the name of the target) from (the woman’s name) for all time. One by one they wander through fords, growl like beasts, scream lilacs. (name of the target) will become icy cold and stand on end to (woman’s name), pulling their feelings into a deep pool.

And if they come together to decide again, then you, the lady of the churchyard, will stand between them, you yourself will recoil, you will force them to disperse with the power of hell. Do not radiate heat towards (name of the target) towards (name of the woman), but hate, with the fang of a snake, with the venom of a slate. They should live separately and look for new happiness. One will follow the moon, the other will follow the black Dvina, They will not converge, they will not slide.

With your help, I turn love into nothing, I send you, Queen of Spades, with a lapel to the feelings of (name of the target) to (name of the woman). Everything will turn upside down, they will never return back, so I command, I conjure. By demonic power, with a card not played, I force (name of target) and (name of woman) to separate forever. Their love will disappear like a wolf's howl and morning fog. Queen of Spades, everything sharp, dark, black, scary. May what was said come true, as he was ordered, by demonic order. My strong will. Amen".

“Across the mirrored surface and scarlet blood, go, Queen of Spades, scatter (the name of the target) and (the woman’s name) in different directions with a black lapel, disperse them, separate them. A well-aimed arrow - a black quarrel, a forgotten grave, a rejected soul, so be it. Amen, Amen, Amen."

The mirror should remain in this form all night. After this, the card must be thrown into the target's house. If this is not possible, you can burn the lady with the words:

“Born by fire, you go by fire, what you asked will be done, Amen.”

The Queen of Spades lapel is a very strong, black ritual, before performing which you should definitely take care of your own protection. Some sources say that to increase efficiency, the ritual should be performed on the waning moon, in a cemetery.

In this case, the largest and most convenient tombstone or monument is used as an altar. If you work in a cemetery, do not forget to leave a payoff to the owner and mistress of the graveyard, as well as at the grave where the ritual was performed.

Saving a family, returning a beloved man to his home who has left for a rival is the number one task for every woman. Find out how you can get rid of and eliminate your mistress, make a spell from your rival and read it at home from a distance: with salt, waning moon, water and candles! What is needed to carry out such rituals besides the desire to return your man? How safe is this for you and your man? Let's take a closer look...

Find out how to get rid of your rival at a distance and eliminate your husband's mistress!


Often in family life a relationship crisis occurs, which can lead to divorce. Often the cause of misunderstanding between spouses is a rival. At such moments, women are ready to make any sacrifice in order to save the family and eliminate the homewrecker. There are many magical practices in the world that allow you to return your husband to your family.

In order for your chosen one to experience tender feelings for you again, you can use a conspiracy to cool off feelings for another or a conspiracy to attract a man’s love. If a woman does not doubt her abilities, she can read a conspiracy from her rival at home

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Rules for reading conspiracies

There are several ways to eliminate a rival: it could be by turning away one of the participants, a cold man, or the rival herself.

Before removing your rival from your loved one at a distance, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for reading love spells:

  • Before any magical action, you should think about whether your decision is correct, since a connection with magic can bring both positive and negative results.
  • Don’t wish bad things on your opponent and don’t curse her, it may transfer to you;
  • Love magic without experience and compliance with the rules of rituals can have dire consequences for all persons mentioned in the conspiracy;
  • The words specified in the ritual must be memorized and pronounced slowly - pronounce each word clearly. If you can’t remember, you need to write down the words on paper, but in such a way that you can read them without hesitation.
  • It is not recommended to talk about your idea before and after the actions taken. Magic can have reverse side and impact on participants.
  • All love rituals can work and return a man to the family only after you believe in them. If you doubt the abilities of magic, it is better to refuse actions.

A selection of conspiracies to get rid of your rival

How to get rid of your rival and return your beloved man: the conspiracy is carried out not only for the sake of taking her away from her husband, but also with an additional drying. This is necessary to renew lost feelings between you.

Option 1: Powerful ritual for breaking “On the knife”

A plot against a rival using knives is considered effective when a man is completely under the power of feelings for another woman. A knife that is often used in everyday life will do. With the help of this item, a woman needs to prepare dinner. When you cut the vegetables, say the following words, bringing it to your lips:

I will go, servant of God (proper name),

Early in the morning in a green grove, I will catch a clear falcon,

I tell him to fly to the unknown, unknown spirit,

So that the unknown spirit flies to that place,

Where does the servant of God (name of the man) live?

And let him whisper in his ear and in his heart,

Let him talk until

While there is love in him for me,

The servant of God (proper name), will light up with a bright flame...

When your husband comes home, invite him to dinner, and then make him sharpen this knife. To make the sharpening process longer, dull the knife before your husband arrives. And before going to bed, read a prayer to any Saint an odd number of times.

In order to quickly eliminate a rival: in the ritual it is important that the knife remains in the man’s hand for as long as possible.

Option 2: Ritual on Ostuda

If your chosen one notices another woman, and she responds with sympathy, for this you can use a trick on the mind or a conspiracy to cool off from your rival. If all the rules were followed when performing the ritual, your man will lose interest in that girl. The ritual will require a pinch of salt, in addition, the plot to get rid of a rival must be read in the morning before sunrise:

I’ll get up in the morning without being blessed, I’ll go without crossing myself to God,

Not by door or gate, but only by underground paths.

I'll go to the sea-ocean, find the blue stone,

And on that stone sits a goblin with a leshovitsa,

The devil with the devil, Satan with the Satan, the merman with his favorite merman.

They sit with their backs to each other, faces apart. They fight and bite all the time,

They get angry and swear. So you (husband’s name) with (rival’s name)

You will not know the world, quarrels and swearing will haunt you,

And then you will part with her and you will not know her.

What I said will come true...

The spell from your rival should be read three times, then you need to salt the food prepared for your husband. Add it to your food every time. Make sure your husband finishes the cooked dish. This conspiracy against a rival gives a positive result, and soon your man will no longer be interested in another person.

In order to restore the desire to be together: read a conspiracy for severe melancholy

Option 3: Egg Ritual

To complete this strong conspiracy on a rival, you need to find out her name. At midnight, when your husband falls asleep, take a chicken egg in your right hand, move it over his head in the direction the hour hand goes, saying:

33 crows are flying, carrying 33 stones, they will peck an egg on my doorstep,

They will curse my rival (name of the homewrecker) with their beaks.

This egg will never die, it will guard me and my house,

To protect from homewreckers and rivals, to preserve happiness and the family hearth.

The crows threw 33 stones on my doorstep, who is lucky?

If he wants to destroy what belongs to me, he will take all the stones.

Let it be so. Amen (three times)…

Say the words an even number of times, then hide the egg under the bed on the side of the faithful. The conspiracy will begin to manifest itself in a couple of weeks. This action is most effective if the initiative for meetings comes from the woman, and the husband takes a neutral position.

Important: do not wish harm to your rival and believe in the power of magic, then a positive and quick result is possible.

So that your rival herself loses interest in your husband and refuses to meet with him, perform a ritual to cool her feelings.

Option 4: Salt and fish spell

Next, we will give a salt plot to completely remove your rival from your life. Before it takes place, go to the market in the morning, buy fresh medium-sized fish and a pack of salt. When you get home, take out the insides and give them to the cats.

Wash the fish, pour salt into a separate bowl and read the following curse over them:

Just as this fish does not have a tail, just as this fish does not have a bladder,

There is no head, fins or intestines in it.

From now on, my rival (name) will get what she wants.

Only when this fish’s guts grow back in its belly will

Again the fins will float in the water, again the eyes will open and look at the world.

Until this happens, my rival

Not knowing happiness next to my man, not knowing love for her (man’s name).

What I said now, let it come true!

Forever and ever, now and ever. Amen…

Option 5: Spell for bread and the waning moon

Bread will also help take the homewrecker away from the man you love. Check with lunar calendar and read the spell for your rival on the waning moon over a loaf of bread. Then, as soon as the sun begins to rise, go outside and scatter the crumbs of the charmed bread on the ground. Make sure that the birds eat your “treat” completely.

To enhance the effect, say the following:

Fly birds, fly higher than the sky, fly higher than the sun!

Bring my beloved the news that

That they are waiting for him at home, that they miss him,

That love for him, as before, is ardent...

Important: The effect of conspiracies increases significantly if you begin to pronounce them after praying to the saints.

Option 6: Photo spell

Such magic ritual carried out when a man feels sympathy for another woman and is ready to leave the family. In this case, the wife should prepare a conspiracy against her rival in the photo. The first thing you need is to find out the name of the homewrecker, and secondly, you need her photograph. If all this is available, you can begin to perform the magical ritual.

Light an ordinary church candle, take a photo of your husband and his passion in both hands, tear the photo of the homewrecker in half, saying the following words:

This magical ritual is performed when a man feels sympathy for another woman and is ready to leave the family.

The mountains are high and heavy, take your tears and grief for me, the servant of God (proper name).

Help me, mountains, take your bows, string and shoot arrows into the heart of my husband (name).

Let his whole chest hurt, let everything inside burn day and night and midnight.

Let his liver stand up, let his lungs stop breathing, let his head begin to remember me.

His legs are fast, you rush to my home, let your blood burn, let the thought of me boil, let the memory of me fly in from everywhere.

I will call him, I will beckon him, but the longing for me will always oppress him.

You, (husband’s name), hurry to me, break away from your rival.

Holy Mother of God, pray for me.

Fly, arrow, pierce from the mountains into the heart of my husband, you, my husband, return to me quickly.

My work is sculpted, my word is strong, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the photo is torn into several parts, say the following words over them:

“I’m throwing it away! I'm cleaning it up! I'm separating! Let it be so!".

Option 7: Lunar plot

A conspiracy against a rival, to remove your man’s feelings from another woman, will be effective when the cycle of the waning moon begins. On the first day of the moon's damage, go out into the courtyard and, turning your face to the moon, clearly say the following spell:

As the moon wanes, so does my rival run away from my beloved,

But he doesn’t know her anymore and never remembers her,

And he completely forgets. My words are strong, my actions are sculpting. Amen.

The spell must be repeated until the next moon cycle.

Forum “Gadalkin House”: active discussions on the topic

With this conspiracy you get rid of your rival and her feelings for your man.

Option 8: White conspiracy

Conspiracy against a rival " white magic" assumes the presence of a church candle, holy water, a photo of the husband and matches. Remove the table and cover it with a white tablecloth. Place a vessel with holy water in the center of the table. Place a candle behind the glass and place a photo in front of you. Light a candle, and in the glare of the candle, peer at the photo of your husband.

Visualize how the power of fire comes to your aid, and your problem will be resolved soon. Turn your gaze to the candle flame, and in one breath say these words out loud:

How I, your servant of God (name), cut and break my nails without pity,

Without pain, I don’t remember, I don’t melt in my soul, I don’t talk about them,

So God’s Servant, (husband’s name), would not love my evil rival and homewrecker,

I didn’t regret it, didn’t remember it, didn’t exchange my beauty for love.

I don’t harbor evil against my husband, but I bring this God-given one to my place,

I return what was due, blessed by God.

The words are not crowned, not twisted, righteous and okay. Let it be so!".

  • The plot should be read three times in a row, preferably not from a piece of paper, but from memory;
  • Next, taking a candle in your hand, drop the wax into a vessel with water;
  • Then dip the candle itself in water;
  • Wipe the extinguished candle with a napkin and wrap it in a white cloth, and pour the water into a bottle;
  • In the morning, when leaving home, take these attributes with you;
  • Pour the water either into a nearby lake, or take it to the intersection and pour it around;

This action will help eliminate your family troubles. Bury the candle away from the house, where no one can remove it.

Such rituals weaken sexual attraction lovers and returns to the man the old feelings that he previously experienced for his wife.

Option 9: Poppy spell

To return a man to the family and get rid of his rival from a distance, you can read the plot on poppy. To do this, plant seeds (purchased in advance in a store) are scattered on the threshold of the house, near the doors. When this space is completely covered, you need to say the words:

Birds fly past the house, past the poppy.

They sit down near my doorstep. They peck the poppy.

So let the one who is the servant of God (the name of the beloved)

She stole and stole, will disappear from our lives,

Our family, as soon as the birds eat all the poppy seeds. Amen!

As a result, the infidel returns to the family. But in such rituals it is important to perform actions on time and correctly that return love.

You can read it yourself love spell By photo

Video: “Instructions: independent conspiracy from a rival”

If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

Tell me, is this a work ritual? If yes, what can you say in addition to this text? In particular, what kind of compensation should be paid? How many days should one fast before and after the ceremony? What other details are missing here, what protection should there be? And in general, can this lapel be made on a man (from a rival, so that he forgets her) or is it only on a woman? Thanks in advance for your answers.

The phase of the moon does not play a role here.

On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday they buy a deck of cards without change.

Three wax candles are lit.
Place a small mirror on the table.
Under the mirror is a photo of the person for whom the lapel is being made.
They shuffle the deck.
They take out the Queen of Spades card. K
They put it on the mirror
They recite the spell by heart. People with multiple sclerosis are not allowed.

I call out, I call the woman of spades

The black lady of the churchyard
Grief that is consumed by eternal
The demonic prayer that was prayed away
From the white light of the darkness that is hidden
You are the peak passion
You are the mistress of all evil spirits
Yes, your icy anemone
Darling pernicious
Who will you meet on the way?
So forever along the dead path
Graveyard gray song
Yes you are a black devil
Cool the heart's co-creator
You strike a hundred hearts with dead cold
You command the heart to bleed
To be those hearts colder than a graveyard
To be those words like dusty stones
Grow together with rat tails
So with its peak power
That Abel's destruction is a witness
So with that power, remove (name) from (name) forever and ever.
One (name) to wander ford
Growl like a beast, scream like a siren
Yes, cold cold (name) to (name)
It will stand on end, it will drag you into a whirlwind of feelings
So if they decide to get together
Then you will stand between them
With the power of hell you will curse their passion like a toad
Don’t be too hot to walk (name) on (name)
And with a snake fang, asp venom
That's how they should live, and everyone should look for their own place
One under the moon, the other behind the black Dvina
Not to converge, not to crawl, seven roots
With one ax, seven logs with one fire
I turn one love into nothing
I send the Queen of Spades lapel to (name) and (name)
Everything will be turned upside down
They will never come back, that’s what it’s commanded
An unplayed deck, a demonic card
(Name) and (name) separate
Disappear like a wolf howl, die in the morning fog
Queen of Spades, spicy, dark
This is how he is punished
From a demonic decree.
Read 7 times.

THEN the ring finger on the left hand is pierced.

They draw a cross on the mirror with blood
The Queen of Spades card is placed face down on the Cross.
And they say:

Through the scarlet blood and the mirror-like surface, you go with a black lapel, scatter, entangle, separate (name) and (name) on different sides.

The quarrel is black, the arrow is well-aimed.
The grave is forgotten, the soul is rejected. 3 times Amen.

After which they go to the crossroads with a decent payoff.

The card must spend the night like this. Then it is thrown to those who are turned away or burned with the words:

Born by fire. By fire and go, what was asked was created through you. 3 Amen

IN modern world The majority of marriages break up due to adultery. And more often this happens due to interference in the family idyll of another woman who has plans for married man. Therefore, quite often women ask themselves: is it really possible to save a family when the relationship begins to collapse because of a mistress? The answer is simple - yes.

Various love situations can be solved using magic. Turning away from your mistress will help save the family and turn your husband away from his rival. This ritual can be done at home and without special preparation.

Naturally, it is better, in addition to performing the ritual, to analyze the relationship with your spouse in order to avoid mistakes in behavior and building relationships in the future. It is an integrated approach that will help to quarrel between the husband and his mistress and improve intra-family relationships.

  • Distinctive features of rituals
  • Types of rituals for discord
  • Ritual with a candle
  • Ritual on a pin
  • Ritual for water
  • Ritual for food
  • Ritual with black thread
  • Rite of land from the cemetery
  • Spell for fighting dogs
  • Ritual with photography

Distinctive features of rituals

A strong ritual to turn away from a homewrecker is an effective ritual that will help save the family and break the husband’s connection with another woman.

Factors influencing the success of the lapel:
  1. Lunar phase.
    The best time to perform magical rituals for separation and lapel is the period of the waning moon. The ritual performed at this time is the most effective and powerful.
  2. Lead time.
    Unless otherwise indicated in the ritual, then best time performing the lapel - late at night: time after midnight and later is the most suitable.
  3. Meditation and thoughts during the lapel.

At the time of performing the ritual, you should concentrate on negative thoughts regarding the homewrecker. Hatred, hostility and disgust towards this woman will become an excellent foundation for the ritual.

After completing the lapel, you need to concentrate on positive thoughts towards your husband. Such thoughts will prepare you for the return of your spouse and help make the arrival a joyful event.

When can lapels be used:

  1. If magic was used on a man and all signs point to this. A magical lapel will help return a representative of the stronger half of humanity to the family and remove the effect of the love spell.
  2. If a man left the family, he is still planning to do this, and the reason was another woman. Even when there are certain signs of magic, but there is no final certainty about the presence of a love spell, or maybe you are confident in the use of magic, we recommend making a love spell.

Types of rituals for discord

Conventionally, all rituals for turning away from another woman are divided into three types:
  1. Turning on a rival is a method of returning a husband to the family.
    Let's say a loved one fell in love on the side and is going to break off the relationship and go to another woman. In the above case, he does everything consciously and no magic was used on him. It is better to do a ritual to end the rift with your lover and at the same time analyze the relationship, understanding the reason for looking for a new relationship. After all, magic will help in this particular case, and working on relationships will guarantee a happy future together.
  2. The lapel is a measure of protection.
    IN in this case white magic helps to turn away a loved one and remove any impact. It’s possible to do such a ritual yourself using photos and other components. Lapels from a homewrecker will help return your spouse to the family.
  3. Lapel for personal gain.
    Here magic is used to destroy a family, and this, in turn, is not always good. A positive result can be achieved if a man is unhappy in his marriage and separation will benefit both him and his wife. And if a woman decides to destroy a strong and happy family, then the consequences of these actions will be different.

Ritual with a candle

Lapels from a mistress count effective method, helping to return the husband to the family, and if purple attributes are also used, then the power increases. In magic it is believed that purple is the color of separation, which should be used to cool one person towards another. You only need one thin purple candle, not scented or decorated.

At midnight, light a candle and, looking at the fire, focus on the negative towards the homewrecker. Do you want to turn your husband away?

Read the lapel:

“Burn the candle, burn... Separate lovers forever and ever.
Take all the love and passion for yourself and put it out.
Burn, burn, separate forever!”

Just read the text of the plot, put out the candle, and store it in a secluded place. If within a few weeks the lovers do not fall out, or perhaps the consequences of the lapel seem insignificant, then it is possible to repeat the ritual with the same candle.

Ritual on a pin

The lapel pin has a long history. This ritual will not be difficult to perform: you will need a new pin and your husband’s clothes, in which he has been wearing for quite a long time.

Turning away a lover involves discreetly pinning a pin to clothing and reading the text of the lapel:

“A sharp pin, a pin, with the slave (name) everywhere,
Save from temptations and fornication, protect from betrayal.
If only slave (name) remained faithful to me, and immediately left everyone else.
If he left his mistress, he did not return, he did not see joy and peace with her.
My word is law. The word cannot be removed.

Lapels from your mistress using a pin will help make visits to your mistress unpleasant. Subsequently, these visits will lead to a complete break. Unpleasant sensations, discomfort next to the homewrecker and the desire to leave as quickly as possible are the consequences of this ritual.

Ritual for water

Do you want to turn your husband away from his mistress and return him to the family? Use different lapels from your mistress. Do you want to restore peace in your lover’s soul and return feelings to your lawful wife? The following ritual should be used for water.

Wash your husband’s things with your hands, and read the spell over the last water in which the clothes were rinsed:

“I will get up in the morning at dawn. I will go out of my doors, they will go to the gates, and I will come out of them.
Oh, you, powers of heaven and earth, help.
Let the slave (husband’s name) be surprised by my beauty,
Captivated by the mind, surrounded by love from now on and forever.
If only he thought about me and missed me,
If only he could see life without me.
If he didn’t want to see slaves (the name of his rival) and didn’t want to know,
If only he had seen her, he would have left.
Don’t be with her, the underwater snake, the filthy homewrecker.
If only the path led to my husband
And only with me he knew happiness.
No one will change my word, no one will remove my conspiracy, Forever.

After reading the words of the lapel, you should wash your feet in this water and pour it under the woman’s tree. Female tree - viburnum, birch, pine, viburnum, spruce, except aspen. The ritual begins to take effect almost from the moment it is performed, but the first results will have to wait a little. The power of the ritual lies in the use of water and the use of the female tree.

Magic that is used to restore relationships and against homewreckers is considered very effective, because it is used for good. If you do this ritual with the goal of taking your husband away from the family, the result may be the opposite. Give the magic a little time and believe in the result.

Ritual for food

It is possible to turn a man away on your own with the help of food that is enchanted. Need to cook delicious dishes to your loved one, adding an order of magnitude more salt and pepper.

Before serving, the plot is read:

“Like hot pepper and salt eat you away,
So let both hatred and hostility towards the servant of God (name) grow.
If only you hated and despised her, but only ran to me
To the hearth of the home, to the woman you love!

Do not serve food hot. Since the ceremony is carried out at home, it is possible to try to prepare food. A man must like her. The opponent's lapel begins to work almost immediately, and the first results will become visible in a week.

Ritual with black thread

A strong turn away from a rival can be done in several directions at the same time: to quarrels and discord and to the lack of sexual contact. In this case, the ritual can actually be performed independently. You will need black thread, a needle and your husband's underwear. At midnight, you need to thread a needle and, sewing the linen, make a lapel for your opponent.

The following text is read:

“I am closing and sewing up the path to the house of the harlot (woman’s name),
Let everything interfere with meeting and happiness,
If only every time we saw each other, we quarreled and swore.
If she drove you away from her, and you were afraid and hated her
Stronger than death, a fierce enemy or a wild beast.
You didn’t get along well in bed with anyone but me,
I sew up the paths, I sew up all the paths to it.
You are with me alone forever and ever and you can’t live without me.
My word is law.

It is better to sew linen along the seams, so that outside interference is unnoticeable. The lapel of a loved one involves concentrating on negative thoughts towards your rival, which allows you to strengthen the ritual. Do you want to quickly turn your husband away from the homewrecker?

He must often wear the charmed underwear. This ritual belongs to light magic, and the white essence of the ritual limits the possible consequences.

Rite of land from the cemetery

It is possible to make a strong lapel of a rival using cemetery land. This ritual is done independently and no one should know about its implementation. Magic does not tolerate publicity. You will need land taken from the cemetery. It is not at all necessary to use the soil from the grave; it is possible to perform a ceremony with soil collected within the cemetery.

“Just as death is inevitable, so too is the death of (the name of the husband and mistress) of love,
All feelings will die, and they will be replaced by fierce hatred.
Relationships will crumble and crumble to smithereens.
Swearing and deadly anger will settle in and take you in different directions.
My word is law. And don’t take it off or interrupt anyone:
Not a sorcerer, not a sorceress, not a black goat.
Key and lock!

The enchanted earth should be thrown into the place where both the spouse and the mistress will step over it. It is better to choose their usual meeting place, since it will be possible to turn away the husband only if both he and she step over the ground.

If you do this ritual correctly, the result will be strong and quick, and the effect of the ritual will help turn your loved one away forever.

Spell for fighting dogs

Do you want to cause discord in a man’s communication with his rival?

It is necessary, when you see cats and dogs fighting on the street, to read the following plot:

“Like these animals bite and fight,
Then they scatter as their worst enemies,
So let the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name of rival)
They swear and fight, and then run away.
Let everything said come true!

The words of the conspiracy should be spoken while approaching the animals. Then leave immediately.

Ritual with photography

This ritual is considered very powerful. You will need one church candle and a photo of your rival. She is alone in the picture, the quality of the photograph is good and the photo should not have been taken earlier than a year before the ceremony. At midnight, light a candle and sit at the table. Concentrate on your thoughts regarding the homewrecker while holding the photo in your hands.

“Burn-burn love and all the tender feelings of the servants of God (name of spouse and mistress).
If everything burns out, you will end up in discord.
You will not see happiness and peace.

It is necessary to repeat the spell until the photograph burns out. Then the ashes should be thrown out the window. A ritual using a photo is very effective. The first results of this effect will become noticeable within one to two weeks. Try to follow all the instructions of the ritual exactly, and successful resolution of problems will not take long to arrive.

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A lapel is a powerful magical action aimed at separating one person from another. The lapel is similar to damage, since all actions are based on directing negative energy towards people.

The Queen of Spades is often used to carry out various rituals. This is a very powerful magical symbol, since people believe in the existence of the Dark Queen and this belief is so strong that it makes it possible to use it in fortune telling, and most often in love magic as an important part of the ritual.

In order to successfully perform magical actions with the help of this character, you need to fully understand all its power and significance.

Many legends have been created around the Queen of Spades. Most often, children like to spend their evenings telling horror stories on this topic. And so the fear of her grows and this adds power to rituals that use her support. These rituals are very popular especially among teenagers.

History of the symbol

This character was first discovered in a deck of Tarot cards. The Queen of Spades has two sides: dark and light. In a bright image, she appears as a good ruler, a warrior with a strong body and strong spirit. She kills her enemies with a bow and arrow. You can ask her for help in difficult situations. life situations, and she will not hurt the innocent in vain and will not harm people who do not wish harm to her.

WITH negative side The Queen of Spades is an insidious killer who does not experience any good feelings. That is why, if you turn to her, it is advisable to first concentrate well on the image that you want to attract to help.

Throughout the ritual, turn to the positive side of the Lady, who will not refuse help in any case. If you think of it as an evil entity, then don’t expect any good. She will come to you with the goal of causing destruction.

Popular ritual among young people

Young people love stories about the Queen of Spades. The ritual with which you can evoke it is very popular. According to legend, you need to draw a staircase and a door on the mirror, then turn off the light and summon the Queen of Spades three times. If she hears, she will open the door you pictured and begin to leave.

It is very important to quickly say your wish and destroy the remains of the stairs. If this is not done, then the queen will take the life of the one who dared to call her. If the ritual is performed correctly, she will fulfill her wish.

Rituals with mirrors should be carried out very carefully, since a mirror is a door to another dimension and it is not known what may emerge from it. There are cases when teenagers, after performing this ritual with a mirror, begin to complain that they hear voices and see some shadows that follow them.


People use several types of lapels on the Dark Queen. But beginners should not take risks and it is best to turn to an experienced sorcerer.

Like many rituals, the lapel is performed at night. The lapel with the help of the Queen of Spades should be carried out on Thursday or Tuesday. To make a turn, you need cards that have not yet been played. The table is covered with a tablecloth, mostly dark in color, three candles are lit and cards are placed on the table. Just like in all lapels, you need an image of the person on whom the ritual is being performed. In addition, a mirror is used in the ritual.

You need to shuffle the deck of cards several times, select the Queen of Spades and place it on the mirror with the front side facing the glass. After this you need to say special words.

These words must be repeated seven times. Then you need to draw a cross on the mirror with your blood and stick a card on it.

The mirror should be left in this condition overnight. Then the card must be thrown into the house of the person who needs to be turned away, or burned.

Lapel using the Queen of Spades is a very dark and powerful magical ritual. If you do it incorrectly, you can cause yourself great harm. Some magicians claim that the ritual will work best if it is performed not at home, but in a cemetery on a full moon. Tombstones or a monument are used as an altar. In order not to offend the owners of the grave, you must remember to leave them a ransom.

Unlike a love spell in a lapel, the author himself does not participate in completing the process; the couples separate on their own. The performer watches what is happening from the side, and you cannot wish bad things on your opponent or opponent. It is recommended that after the ritual, go to church and light a candle for the health of the one from whom a loved one was taken away.

Often beginners, having read somewhere on the Internet or a magazine the rules for performing a lapel, try to perform it, and in such magicians the lapel has a negative impact not only on the one who needed to be turned away, but also on the one who performed the ritual. Such lapels lead to the fact that victims of this action begin to have serious problems with their health and personal life. Therefore, before carrying out it, you need to take care of your own safety.

In general, a lapel is a manifestation of human anger and selfishness, the same as a love spell. By turning away, you still won’t be able to build a relationship with the person for whom you did it. And the ritual returns with a blow of negative energy to the one who performed it. Most often, women use such rituals.

To better understand how the lovers' lapel works on the Queen of Spades, I will tell you the story of the appearance of this character. Queen of Spades. What does this card symbolize? There are many legends associated with the Queen of Spades. When it first appeared in the deck, this card had both positive and negative symbolism. A fair queen, a warrior, and in body, she mercilessly strikes her enemies, but will not harm someone who does not wish her harm, someone who turns to her for help in difficult situations.

But her dark side is a gloomy essence, capable only of destruction, an insidious snow queen who does not experience feelings. When addressing the Queen of Spades, you need to concentrate on the image that you need. In other words, you must know exactly what you want from her.

Lapel on the Queen of Spades - a powerful magical influence

The Queen of Spades can be involved in both simple rituals of turning a husband away from his mistress on cards, as well as complex ones. According to urban legend, to summon the Queen of Spades, you need to draw a door and a staircase leading from it on the mirror, turn off the light, light a candle and say three times: Queen of Spades, come.

If the call is heard, the otherworldly entity will open a virtual door and begin to descend the stairs. At this time, you need to make a wish and erase the stairs, and then all the drawn outlines, so that the Queen of Spades will not be able to get out of the mirror. Otherwise, she will end up next to the performer of the ritual and try to take his life. But, if everything was done correctly, the Queen of Spades will be forced to fulfill her wish. And the desire can be anything. For example, in order for a couple you want to separate to break up - a mystical turning away of a guy from a girl using cards.

Mirror lapel - what comes into our world from reflections

Be careful when working with mirrors, because a mirror is a gateway to other dimensions. If they are opened, anything can enter our world. It happens that those who independently carried out the ritual of mirroring a man’s lapel from his rival claimed that they were haunted by shadows of a frightening, repulsive appearance. These people begin to hear voices in empty rooms and feel someone’s hostile presence. By working with the mirror on their own and making fatal mistakes, non-specialists in magic risk calling on forces that can harm.

When independently carrying out a lapel for the Queen of Spades, it is necessary to invoke precisely the positive image of the queen, who is able to provide assistance in the matter you need. The Queen of Spades is a serious magical symbol. People who are accustomed to believing in bad things and mentally cultivating negativity believe in the evil magic of the dark queen. Therefore, if the ice lady did not previously exist, she was created by the power of the collective imagination. Woven from others dark entities feeding on the energy of negative emotions, in particular the energy of fear. This hypostasis of the Queen of Spades is used in the magic of destruction.

Brawl over the Queen of Spades - a dangerous mirror lapel

There are several ways to carry out a lapel between a man and a woman on cards. Need a new deck of cards. The ceremony takes place after midnight on Tuesday or Thursday. Cards are placed on a table covered with a dark cloth and three candles are placed. Place a photo of the object in front of you and cover it with a mirror. The deck is shuffled, the Queen of Spades is taken out, placed on the mirror and the spell of the mirror lapel is read 7 times through the Queen of Spades: “I call out, I call out the Queen of Spades, a black woman, a churchyard woman, the one who is always eaten away by grief, who has been prayed away by demonic prayer, who is from the white light hidden..."

Then you need to cut your finger and draw a cross on the mirror with blood. Glue the card face down onto the fresh blood and say the words of the conspiracy to the man’s cool: “Across the mirror surface, and scarlet blood, go, queen of spades, scatter (name) and (name) in different directions with a black lapel, disperse them, separate them. A well-aimed arrow, a black quarrel, a forgotten grave, a rejected soul, so be it. Amen".

In order to understand how such a lapel works, you need to understand where such a character as the Queen of Spades came from and what this card symbolizes. There are many legends and traditions associated with the Queen of Spades. And it is this character in the form of a Tarot card that is a frequent attribute of love magic rituals. The Queen of Spades is used in both simple and complex rituals of various types. And such rituals are always effective. The Queen of Spades lapel is very popular among young people. The ritual is most often carried out if it is necessary to remove a rival.

The Queen of Spades first appeared in a deck of Tarot cards and, like any other card, this character had both positive and negative meanings.
A positive image is a kind queen, queen, warrior woman, she is incredibly strong in spirit and body and strikes her enemies with poisoned arrows. The Queen will never harm a good person, as well as someone who does not wish her harm; moreover, you can turn to her for help in case of difficult situations.

The negative image of a lady is that of an insidious killer, an ice queen who has no feelings. Thus, when approaching a lady, you need to concentrate in advance on the image that you need, otherwise, as they say in youth horror films, the lady will come to strangle the caller.
Throughout the entire action, it is necessary to call upon a positive image, which can help in solving many problems. If at this time you think of her as an evil woman, a killer, then a completely different entity will come to the call, capable only of destruction.

There are many stories about this character among young people. According to legends, to summon the Queen of Spades, you need to draw a door and a staircase leading from it on the mirror. After this, turn off the light, light a candle and say the words three times:

“Queen of Spades come.”

If the call was heard, the lady will open the drawn door and begin to go down the stairs.
At this time, you need to quickly make a wish and erase the rest of the stairs, and then the entire remaining drawing, so that the lady does not have time to get out of the mirror. Otherwise, she will end up next to the performer of the ritual and try to take his life. If everything was done correctly, the queen should grant your wishes.

Portal to the other world

The mirror is a door, a portal to other dimensions, to other worlds. Almost anything can pass through such a door into our world. Often, teenagers who have performed such a ritual begin to complain that they are being haunted by scary shadows, they begin to hear voices and sounds in empty rooms, and much more.
This is not surprising; when working with a mirror, they are able to summon forces that can only harm. In general, when young people play with the challenge of the Queen of Spades, guys can see a variety of entities that have nothing to do with Tarot cards, Bloody Mary, or the female gender in general.

Carrying out the ritual

The most popular and famous lapel for the Queen of Spades involves performing the ritual on Thursday, Tuesday or Saturday. The ritual is performed late at night during the waning moon. For the ritual you will need a new deck of cards. It must be purchased in advance for payment, or you do not need to take change when purchasing it. On the day chosen for the ceremony, you must go to the cemetery with a purchased deck of cards. At an unknown or abandoned grave, you should leave an offering to the Mistress of the Churchyard, then shuffle the deck of cards and stand on it with your left foot. Next, you should, in any form, nine times turn to the Mistress of the Church with a request to assist you in your ritual acts. Then you need to pick up the deck and quickly leave the cemetery without looking back.

The ritual is carried out in a separate room, which should have a table. It is covered with a black tablecloth and three black candles are placed on it in a semicircle. Between them is placed a deck of cards, a mirror and on its two sides photographs of people who need to be separated. After this, the deck is shuffled and the Queen of Spades card is taken out of it, which is placed face up on the mirror.

We shuffle the deck of cards, find the queen of spades, place it on the mirror and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I summon, I call out the Queen of Spades, the Black Woman, the churchyard woman, the one who is forever eaten away by grief, who has been prayed away by demonic prayer, who is hidden from the white light. Peak passionate, mistress and steward of all wickedness, Your soul is pernicious, and like a cold anemone, whoever you meet will forever walk along the dead path. You are a black devil, a co-creator of cold hearts, you can strike a hundred hearts with dead cold at a time. You will force the heart to bleed, those hearts will be colder than the host, those words will be heavy stones, and rats’ tails will grow together, with your dark power, with your peak power, reject (the name of the target) from (the woman’s name) for all time. One by one they wander through fords, growl like beasts, scream lilacs. (name of the target) will become icy cold and stand on end to (woman’s name), pulling their feelings into a deep pool. And if they come together to decide again, then you, the lady of the churchyard, will stand between them, you yourself will recoil, you will force them to disperse with the power of hell. Do not radiate heat towards (name of the target) towards (name of the woman), but hate, with the fang of a snake, with the venom of a slate. They should live separately and look for new happiness. One will follow the moon, the other will follow the black Dvina, They will not converge, they will not slide.
With your help, I turn love into nothing, I send you, Queen of Spades, with a lapel to the feelings of (name of the target) to (name of the woman). Everything will turn upside down, they will never return back, so I command, I conjure. By demonic power, with a card not played, I force (name of target) and (name of woman) to separate forever. Their love will disappear like a wolf's howl and morning fog. Queen of Spades, everything sharp, dark, black, scary. May what was said come true, as he was ordered, by demonic order. My strong will. Amen".

“Across the mirrored surface and scarlet blood, go, Queen of Spades, scatter (the name of the target) and (the woman’s name) in different directions with a black lapel, disperse them, separate them. A well-aimed arrow - a black quarrel, a forgotten grave, a rejected soul, so be it. Amen, Amen, Amen."

The mirror should remain in this form all night. After this, the card must be thrown into the target's house. If this is not possible, you can burn the lady with the words:

“Born by fire, you go by fire, what you asked will be done, Amen.”

The Queen of Spades lapel is a very strong, black ritual, before performing which you should definitely take care of your own protection. Some sources say that to increase efficiency, the ritual should be performed on the waning moon, in a cemetery.
In this case, the largest and most convenient tombstone or monument is used as an altar. If you work in a cemetery, do not forget to leave a payoff to the owner and mistress of the graveyard, as well as at the grave where the ritual was performed.

If you want to understand the full responsibility of working with the mirror world and want the Queen of Spades to challenge you for the entertainment of your friendly company, be careful about the security of this call. The Queen of Spades task can be applied to a mirror in the four corners of black equilateral crosses or in the space behind the mirror glass of the text of a protective prayer. In this case, you can safely call the Queen of Spades without worrying about an unwanted object appearing in the mirror.

The first way is to call Lady Peak with curiosity, lipstick. At midnight on the mirror the lipstick (red) pulls the ladder. The candle lights up and the light goes out. A wet cloth is prepared in advance to clean the stairs on time. Then it is said three times: “Queen of spades, come!” If this call of the Queen of Spades causes a vision of an image that comes down the stairs to appear in the mirror, it must be immediately wiped off with a rag so that the "Queen of Spades" does not come out of the mirror and everything overflows :)

The second method is to call on the “Queen of Spades” with a game card depicting “Lady of Spades”. For this call you need a card, a black and red candle and a mirror. Place one card in front of the mirror, place a red candle on the right, a black one on the left. Start at midnight with the Queen of Spades' call. To do this, in complete darkness, first a black candle, then a red one. Say in the mirror three times: “Queen of spades, go look at your card.” After the image appears in the mirror, you can either end the Queen of Spades' challenge by removing the candles, or ask questions to the lady. At the first feeling of danger, change the candles in places and remove them.

Third way. The summit lady names three dark chocolates and a glass of cognac. Place the food in front of the mirror and say in a whisper at 11 o'clock: "Queen of Spades, come and refresh yourself." And leave the room. After one hour, repeat the call of the woman of spades, only at this time turn off the lights in the room and light a wax candle. Say out loud: “Queen of Spades, I challenge you to enjoy the invitation!” Then look in the mirror. This call of the Queen of Spades is directed in such a way that in the mirror you see only a candle, cognac and sweets that you should not see. If you see a “Spicy Lady” or some silhouettes, dazzling movements in the mirror, you can ask a question, ask the name of the one who came. AND The best way To complete the Queen of Spades task is to light a candle in front of the mirror and erase it around the center of the imaginary cross that you drew in front of the mirror.

Fourth path - Call Ledina Peak red blanket. Cover the table with a red cloth, place a mirror in the middle, place a mirror in front of it. Place wax candles on both sides of the mirror. This call of the Queen of Spades takes place after twelve o'clock in the evening. Turn off the lights, light the candles, turn the mirror so that it reflects the mirror on the table. Look into the mirrored corridor and say three times:

“Coming from the depths of the worlds, “Queen of Spades”! When you see movement in the mirror, the images or emotions of fear are felt - rely on each other and reflect on them four times through the drip wax.

How to summon the “Queen of Spades” - secrets of the ritual at home

You can use different methods to summon a witch.

Take a new, unopened deck of cards and choose Lady of Spades. The ritual takes place between midnight and 3 am. In complete darkness, they stand in front of the mirror, holding the map in front of them and begin to tear it into small pieces. In this case, three times you must say:

“Queen of Spades, show off your looks!”

After this, you need to look closely at the reflection. If the ritual works, you will be able to see a witch in a black robe, who will ominously stretch her hands towards the fortune teller. At this point, you need to distract her by asking your question. After the Queen of Spades gives her answer, the mirror is quickly covered with a rag and the light is turned on.
The following setting should not damage the card. You can perform the ritual at any time, as long as the sun does not penetrate the room. So, first light a candle and place it on the table. Take a mirror in your left hand, right hand- map. Position yourself in such a way that the light from the candle reflects well into the reflection in the mirror. The card begins to pass through the mirror from the edge to the middle. At the same time, you need to call the witch, promising her various gifts. When she appears, you should never praise her. On the contrary, one must say that she is ugly, scold her and meanwhile ask her questions. Having learned about everything, they hung up the mirror with a rag. The Queen of Spades' calling is best at midnight

This method does not make it possible to find out the information you are interested in from the witch, but with its help you can verify its existence.
