Resentment. Vasily Shukshin - stories V m Shukshin summary

The son Konstantin Ivanovich came to the old woman Agafya Zhuravleva. With my wife and daughter. Visit, relax. I drove up in a taxi, and the whole family spent a long time pulling their suitcases out of the trunk. By evening, the village learned the details: he himself was a candidate, his wife was also a candidate, and his daughter was a schoolgirl.

In the evening, men gathered on Gleb Kapustin’s porch. Somehow it turned out that many noble people came from their village - a colonel, two pilots, a doctor, a correspondent. And so it happened that when noble people came to the village and people were crowded into the hut in the evening, Gleb Kapustin came and cut off the noble guest. And now candidate Zhuravlev has arrived...

Gleb went out to the men on the porch and asked:

Have guests arrived to grandma Agafya?


Candidates? - Gleb was surprised. - Well, let's go check on the candidates.

It turned out that the men were leading Gleb like an experienced fist fighter.

Candidate Konstantin Ivanovich greeted the guests joyfully and bustled around the table. Settled down. The conversation became more friendly, they began to forget about Gleb Kapustin... And then he attacked the candidate.

In what area do you identify yourself? Philosophy?

You can say that

And how does philosophy now define the concept of weightlessness?

Why now?

But the phenomenon was discovered recently. Natural philosophy will define it this way, strategic philosophy - completely differently...

“There is no such philosophy—strategic,” the candidate became agitated. - What are you talking about?

Yes, but there is a dialectic of nature,” Gleb continued calmly, with everyone’s attention. - And nature is determined by philosophy. That's why I ask, is there any confusion among philosophers?

The candidate laughed heartily. But he laughed alone and felt awkward. He called his wife: “Valya, we’re having a strange conversation here!”

Okay,” Gleb continued, “how do you feel about the problem of shamanism?”

No such problem! - the candidate again slashed from the shoulder.

Now Gleb laughed.

Well, no, there is no trial. There is no problem, but these... are dancing, ringing bells. Yes? But if desired, it’s as if they don’t exist. That's right... One more question: how do you feel about the fact that the Moon is also the work of the mind. That there are intelligent beings on it.

So what? - asked the candidate.

Where are your calculations of natural trajectories? How can your space science be applied here?

Who are you asking?

I wonder what? - the candidate asked ironically and looked significantly at his wife. He did this in vain, because the significant glance was intercepted. Gleb soared up and hit the candidate from there:

Invite your wife to laugh. But maybe we’ll at least learn to read newspapers first. This can also be useful for candidates...


No, really, listen. We had, so to speak, pleasure. Therefore, let me point out to you, Mr. Candidate, that candidacy is not a suit that is bought - once and for all. And even your suit needs to be cleaned from time to time. And even more so... the candidacy must be supported.

It was awkward to look at the candidate; he was clearly confused. The men looked away.

Of course, you can surprise us, drive us up to the house in a taxi, take five suitcases out of the trunk... But... if you come to this nation, then you need to be more prepared. More collected. More modest.

But what is our immodesty? - the candidate’s wife could not stand it.

But when you are left alone, think carefully. Goodbye. It's nice to spend your holiday...among the people!

Gleb grinned and slowly left the hut. He did not hear how later the men, leaving the candidate, said: “He pulled him away!.. He’s done, he’s a dog. How does he know about the Moon?.. He cut it off.” In the voices of the men there is even a kind of pity for the candidates, sympathy. Gleb Kapustin continued to amaze. Amazing. I even admired it. Even though there was no love here. Gleb is cruel, and no one has ever loved cruelty anywhere.


Title of the work: cut off

Year of writing: 1970

Genre of the work: story

Main characters: Konstantin Ivanovich- PhD, Valya- his wife, Gleb Kapustin- man


The old woman’s son Konstantin and his wife, candidates of science, and their granddaughter, a schoolgirl, came to visit. They had a lot of luggage with them. From the village it seemed a lot famous people. All of them, according to tradition, were examined or cut off by Gleb Kapustin. The village men went to visit the candidate. He received them friendly, but soon the conversation went in a different direction. Gleb raised questions about strategic philosophy, natural philosophy, the problem of shamanism and even space themes. To Konstantin Ivanovich the conversation seems absurd. Finding himself under pressure, the candidate of sciences ended up looking confused. Then Gleb advised him to be more modest. He delighted the men with his breadth of knowledge and ability to cut off his opponent. But they still felt sorry for the visiting guests.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The lesson of the story is that violence and verbal battles will not achieve anything. People can respect such a person, but not love him. When a person is driven by envy, relationships are destroyed. It is important to rejoice in the successes of others and praise them for their achievements. Then peace and love will flourish. At the same time, an intelligent person should not stoop to a lower level by insulting idle talkers. You need to prove that you are right through actions, not words.

Shukshin Vasily Makarovich is a famous Soviet writer, screenwriter, director and actor. The writer based his literary works on the contrast between rural and urban lifestyles. One striking example is the short story “Wolves” by V. M. Shukshin. A brief summary of it will be given in the article.

Biography of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (1929-1974)

Vasily Makarovich was born in 1929 into a simple peasant family in the Altai outback. Shukshin Sr. was shot during the period of collectivization; the future writer was barely 5 years old at that time.

At the age of 17, Vasily Makarovich went to get a job on a collective farm. Over the next 8 years, the writer regularly changes his place and occupation, going from a mechanic at turbine and tractor factories to a Russian language teacher at a school in his native village.

In 1954, having persuaded his mother to sell her only cow, Shukshin went to Moscow with the proceeds and entered the directing department of VGIK. Two years later, Vasily Makarovich receives his first episodic role in the film “Quiet Flows the Don”, and after another 2 years his first story “Two on a Cart” will be published. Knowledge of the type of Russian person and the author’s extensive life experience can be felt by reading even summary"Volkov" Shukshina V. M.

The story of the story "Wolves"

The story “Wolves” was written in 1967 and became one of the iconic works of Vasily Makarovich’s literary work. Summary of “Wolves” by V. M. Shukshin cannot convey the humor and depth of storytelling inherent in all the writer’s works. Despite their brevity, simplicity and unpretentiousness, all of Shukshin’s works are instructive and deeply moral.

Vasily Makarovich had high hopes for one of his first works, where he acted as a screenwriter. We are talking about a historical film about Rasputin. In 1967, the project, on which the author had been working for more than two years, was rejected. Perhaps this event influenced the title and overall emotional plan of the story "Wolves".

Summary of the story "Wolves" by V. M. Shukshin

Reading the full work takes no more than 10 minutes. The summary of “Wolves” by Vasily Shukshin is comparable in volume to the original text, but, of course, loses in the expressiveness and imagery of the narrative. The writer is a recognized master of the short story.

The events of the work take place in an unnamed village. Naum, a still old, cunning man, and his son-in-law Ivan are the main characters of the story. The father-in-law and son-in-law do not like each other, as reported in the very first paragraph of the text. Naum considers Ivan too lazy, but his son-in-law does not like life in the village and his father-in-law, who always reproaches him for laziness.

The men agree to go into the forest for firewood, each on their own cart. On the way they meet a pack of wolves. Naum immediately turns around and sets his horse into a gallop, constantly shouting “Rob-ut!” At first, Ivan finds it funny; both his father-in-law’s fear and his inappropriate exclamation seem stupid to him. But then, when the pack led by the leader catches up with the sleigh, and Ivan, who has never seen the animal in person before, realizes that the wolf is not a yard dog, his laughter fades away.

The hero has nothing with him except a whip for the horse and hay in the sleigh. Naum, however, doesn’t even think about slowing down and helping his daughter’s husband; he didn’t even agree to hand over the ax right away, and he threw it to the side of the road. Ivan gets off the sleigh, and the wolves catch up and bully his horse.

The pack does not touch the man, but he is angry and offended. Ivan scolds his father-in-law for cowardice, promises to beat him for meanness, but cannot catch up with Naum. The ending of the story is both funny and tragic at the same time. Upon returning to the village, Ivan finds his wife and Naum in the company of a policeman. The father-in-law accuses his son-in-law of rowdyism and dislike for power, Ivan is taken to the “rural jail” “out of harm’s way,” although the policeman admits that he doesn’t like Naum either.

Morality in the story "Wolves"

Having described two chases - the wolves for Ivan and Ivan for Naum, the writer very subtly showed the reader how easy it is for a person to turn into a beast. Revenge, anger and banal resentment do not paint him as well as pettiness, cowardice, meanness and quarrelsomeness.

If before the death of the horse, all the reader’s sympathies are on the side of the lazy but simple Ivan, then after his threats to his father-in-law, the reader comes to the conclusion that they - The policeman in the finale shows more sympathy for Ivan than he does for his own father-in-law.

“The student is a tall guy with a simple good face” is late for an exam in Russian literature. The professor is angry, but pulls himself together: the guy was late because he was fulfilling an urgent order at work. The student takes a ticket, gets ready, and begins to answer the question on “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” The professor very quickly realizes that the student has not read the work, but is at best familiar with the “stupid preface.” The professor calls such situations “the berries of distance learning.”

The student admits that he only looked through “The Word...” because there was a lot of urgent work. The professor begins to shame and scold the student for negligence, for the fact that he, a Russian man, did not read “the greatest national work.” The student embarrassedly asks to ask him more questions, explains that he was “preparing.” The Professor asks several leading questions, gets irritated, and in a mocking tone asks how the prince was captured. The student says in a sharp, decisive tone that the professor needs to give him a bad grade and let him go. He himself fought and was in captivity for three months, and then escaped from the prison camp. The professor persistently tries to get the student to talk coherently about this episode, but he answers in monosyllables. He didn’t think about anything in captivity, didn’t talk to anyone about anything.

The professor begins to tell the student that in Kyiv, above Podol (a district of Kyiv), the thought constantly occurred to him that he had already been there once, in a past life, perhaps during the time of Prince Igor. There, above Podol, the professor “somehow comprehended everything related to war.” For example, there the idea occurred to him that the guards should be “taken down” silently, frightened, crawl up unnoticed and very quietly ask about something neutral. According to the professor, this feeling over Podol comes to him because “our country fights a lot. It is difficult to fight. This is almost always a people's war and people's grief. And even those who do not take a direct part in the war still live with the same feelings and concerns that the people live with.”

The professor wonders if the student thinks he is an old eccentric. He replies that, on the contrary, he is very interested, and he is trying to understand the professor. The professor gives the student a copy of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” with a dedicatory inscription and insists that he must read the book.

After leaving the classroom, the student opens his record book. He would be satisfied with “satisfactory” in today's subject, and it would be awkward if the professor gave him “good” or “excellent”. But in the record book it is “bad”. Laughing, the student goes outside. And the professor stands at the window for a long time, thinking.

An adult, but naive man, in his simplicity, gets into various troubles. His attempts to help others always end in failure.

Vasily Yegorych Knyazev is a projectionist, a strange man who works in the village. His wife calls him Weird.

The weirdo is going to the Urals, to visit his brother, whom he has not seen for about twelve years, but before the trip he gets into various unpleasant stories. In the store, having bought gifts for his nephews, he notices a fifty-ruble note, picks it up and leaves it at the checkout, assuming that the owner will return for it. Going out into the street, Chudik realizes that it was he who lost his money. He doesn’t dare return for them, thinking that people will take him for a man who decided to pocket someone else’s fifty dollars.

Chudik flies to the Urals in a plane, which lands not on a runway, but on a potato field. When landing, Chudik's neighbor loses his false jaw. Vasily decides to help him and finds the jaw, but instead of gratitude he receives abuse: the owner of the jaw did not like that Chudik took it in his hands. Giving a telegram home, Knyazev, in his usual style, informs his wife that he arrived safely. The stern telegraph operator demands that the text be changed, the Freak is forced to obey.

Arriving at his brother’s, Vasily immediately feels the hostility of his daughter-in-law, the barmaid Sofia Ivanovna. The drunk Chudik, together with his brother Dmitry, are forced to move from the house to the street, where both reminisce and philosophize.

The next day, Weird wakes up and finds himself alone at home. Deciding to do something nice for his daughter-in-law, Knyazev decides to paint the stroller. After making drawings on the stroller, he goes shopping. Returning in the evening, he hears his brother arguing with his wife, who did not like the painted stroller at all. She demands that Chudik leave and threatens to throw away his suitcase. The weirdo realizes that he is not welcome and goes home.
