On the rules for confirming the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction. On the rules for confirming the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction As amended

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  • "M.video" is one of the leading Russian retail chains selling electronics and household appliances. M.video has been operating since 1993. The total area of ​​the chain's stores is about 489 thousand square meters. meters. M.video offers its customers about 20,000 items of audio/video and digital equipment, small and large household appliances, media and entertainment products, as well as accessories

  • The BEKO brand is part of the Koc Holding Durable Consumer Goods Group. The company produces a full range of large and small household appliances under the BEKO brand and is one of the five largest manufacturers of household appliances in Europe. The BEKO product range includes a wide selection of solo and built-in equipment, as well as electronics that meet international quality standards

  • Bertazzoni Spa is a manufacturer of premium household appliances. The history of the Italian company Bertazzoni began in the 19th century, when Francesco Bertazzoni founded the production of wood-burning stoves and built his first factory. His descendants in the middle of the 20th century began to produce the first ovens, gas stoves and hobs. Now the company's products are exported to more than 60 countries, including Russia.

  • Danfoss is one of the largest industrial concerns in Denmark. The Danfoss Group is a global leader in the development, production, sales and service of mechanical and electronic components for industry. The Danfoss business is focused on three main areas where Danfoss has a leading position in the market: thermal automation, refrigeration equipment, drive technology

  • V-ZUG AG is a leader in the production of household appliances on the Swiss market. The company creates, manufactures and markets high-end kitchen and laundry products. V-ZUG is constantly developing new technologies that help make cooking, frying and baking easier, and redefine the way you wash and dry your laundry.

  • Heidelberg-CIS LLC is a manufacturer of printing equipment. The company supplies to the market of Russia and CIS countries comprehensive solutions Heidelberg for all stages of printing production, and also provides service and technological support, supply of spare parts and consumables. The Heidelberg-CIS company was created in 1996 by the German concern Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, a leader in the production of printing equipment

  • Valid Editorial from 27.12.1997

    Document typedecree, rules
    Receiving authorityRussian government
    Document number1636
    Acceptance date01.01.1970
    Revision date27.12.1997
    Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
    • Document in electronic form FAPSI, STC "System"
    • "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 01/05/98, N 1, art. 138, "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 15, 01/27/98, "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" ("Departmental Supplement"), N 24, 02/07/98



    In order to protect the country’s domestic market from the unreasonable use of new materials, products, structures and technologies, on which the reliability, safety and durability of buildings and structures depend, as well as to create favorable conditions for eliminating technical barriers when introducing progressive domestic and foreign achievements in construction, the Government Russian Federation decides:

    1. Establish that new, including those imported from abroad, materials, products, designs and technologies, the requirements for which are not regulated by current building codes and rules state standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents, can be used in construction (including reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment and repair of buildings and structures) after confirming their suitability for use in the conditions of construction and operation of facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    2. Approve the attached Rules for confirming the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction.

    3. The State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy shall, within three months, introduce regulatory documents for construction, changes and additions arising from this resolution.

    Chairman of the Government
    Russian Federation

    Government resolution
    Russian Federation
    dated December 27, 1997 N 1636


    1. These Rules establish general requirements for testing and confirming the suitability for use in construction of new materials, products, structures and technologies (hereinafter referred to as new products), the use of which in construction is not regulated by current building codes and regulations, state standards and other regulations documents.

    These Rules are binding on federal authorities executive branch, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state supervisory authorities, legal and individuals carrying out design, construction, including reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment and repair of buildings and structures, production and supply of products for construction.

    2. New products must be suitable for use in the conditions of construction and operation of facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    3. The suitability of new products is confirmed by a technical certificate from the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Housing and Construction Policy (hereinafter referred to as the technical certificate).

    4. A technical certificate is a document authorizing the use of new products in construction on the territory of the Russian Federation, provided that they comply with the requirements specified in the certificate.

    A technical certificate is issued taking into account the mandatory requirements of construction, sanitary, fire, industrial, environmental, and other safety standards approved in accordance with current legislation.

    5. New products are subject to testing and confirmation of suitability, on which the operational properties of buildings and structures, their reliability and durability, safety for the life and health of people, their property, as well as environment, including:

    newly developed on the territory of the Russian Federation and transferred to mass (serial) production;

    requirements for the properties and conditions of use of which are completely or partially absent from the current building codes and regulations, state standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents;

    first mastered by production using foreign technologies, if it differs (in materials, composition, design, etc.) from products of a similar purpose that meet the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation;

    manufactured according to foreign norms and standards and supplied in accordance with the requirements of these norms and standards to the territory of the Russian Federation.

    New products designed in full compliance with current building codes and regulations, as well as developed and supplied in accordance with state standards or technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner, do not require testing and confirmation of suitability.

    A specific list of new products that are subject to testing and confirmation of suitability for use in construction is established by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy.

    6. The technical certificate is prepared on the basis of the documentation submitted by the applicant, as well as an analysis of the results of additional tests of new products for compliance with the conditions of construction and operation of facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    A technical certificate is issued if necessary in the presence of conclusions from state sanitary-epidemiological and fire inspection bodies and environmental control certifying the compliance of new products with safety requirements for the life and health of people, their property and the environment.

    7. The technical certificate for new products, depending on its purpose and scope of application, contains:

    a fundamental description of the product allowing identification;

    purpose and permitted area of ​​application of the product;

    indicators and parameters characterizing the reliability and safety of products;

    additional conditions for the production, use and maintenance of products, as well as quality control, including by control and supervisory authorities;

    list of documents (conclusions, examination reports, test reports, etc.) used in the preparation of the technical certificate.

    8. Work to confirm the suitability of new products for use in construction, including the preparation and execution of a technical certificate, conducting examinations and testing of products, is carried out for a fee on the basis of an agreement with the applicant.

    The period for consideration of an application for a technical certificate for a new product should not exceed three months from the date of filing the application. At the same time, the confidentiality of information that is the subject of a commercial or industrial secret of the applicant must be ensured.

    9. Bodies of state non-departmental examination of projects and estimates and bodies of state architectural and construction supervision control the availability of technical certificates for new products used in design and construction, as well as their compliance with the requirements of the technical certificate.

    10. For the use of new products in construction without a technical certificate, the perpetrators will be held accountable as established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    11. The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Housing and Construction Policy establishes the procedure for confirming the suitability of new products in accordance with these Rules and carries out state registration of issued technical certificates.

    The website "Zakonbase" presents the RF Government DECREE dated December 27, 1997 N 1636 "ON THE RULES FOR CONFIRMING THE SUITABILITY OF NEW MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, STRUCTURES AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR APPLICATION IN CONSTRUCTION" in the latest edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To find the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use convenient navigation or advanced search.

    On the Zakonbase website you will find the RF Government Decree dated December 27, 1997 N 1636 "ON THE RULES FOR CONFIRMING THE SUITABILITY OF NEW MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, STRUCTURES AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR APPLICATION IN CONSTRUCTION" in the latest and full version, in which all changes and amendments have been made. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

    At the same time, you can download the RESOLUTION of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1997 N 1636 "ON THE RULES FOR CONFIRMING THE SUITABILITY OF NEW MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, STRUCTURES AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR APPLICATION IN CONSTRUCTION" you can completely free of charge, both in full and in separate chapters.



    Judicial practice and legislation - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1997 N 1636 (as amended on February 15, 2017) "On the Rules for confirming the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction"

    In order to protect the country's domestic market from the unreasonable use of new materials, products, structures and technologies, as well as to create favorable conditions for eliminating technical barriers when introducing progressive domestic and foreign achievements in construction, the Government of the Russian Federation, by Decree of December 27, 1997 N 1636, approved "Rules for confirming the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction", mandatory for federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, authorities state examination and supervision, legal entities and individuals carrying out design, construction, including reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment and repair of buildings and structures, production and supply of products for construction.

    Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

    1. Electronic applications within the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, filled out in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

    2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

    3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens' appeals. The Ministry ensures objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Review of electronic appeals is free of charge.

    4. In accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the relevant body or the relevant official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

    5. Electronic appeal is not considered if:
    - absence of the applicant’s surname and name;
    - indication of an incomplete or unreliable postal address;
    - the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
    - the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
    - when typing, use a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters;
    - absence of punctuation marks in the text, presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
    - the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

    6. The response to the applicant is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

    7. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Information about the personal data of applicants is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

    8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and presented to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections “for residents” and “for specialists”






    In order to protect the country's domestic market from the unreasonable use of new materials, products, structures and technologies on which the reliability, safety and durability of buildings and structures depend, as well as to create favorable conditions for eliminating technical barriers when introducing progressive domestic and foreign achievements in construction, the Government of the Russian Federation The Federation decides:

    1. Establish that new, including those imported from abroad, materials, products, structures and technologies, the requirements for which are not regulated by current building codes and regulations, state standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents, can be used in construction ( including reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment and repair of buildings and structures) after confirming their suitability for use in the construction and operation of facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    2. Approve the attached Rules for confirming the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction.

    3. The State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy shall, within three months, introduce changes and additions to the regulatory documents on construction arising from this Resolution.

    Chairman of the Government

    Russian Federation



    Government Decree

    Russian Federation




    1. These Rules establish general requirements for testing and confirming the suitability for use in construction of new materials, products, structures and technologies (hereinafter referred to as new products), the use of which in construction is not regulated by current building codes and regulations, state standards and other regulations documents.

    These Rules are mandatory for federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state supervisory authorities, legal entities and individuals carrying out design, construction, including reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment and repair of buildings and structures, production and supply of products for construction .

    2. New products must be suitable for use in the conditions of construction and operation of facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    3. The suitability of new products is confirmed by a technical certificate from the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Housing and Construction Policy (hereinafter referred to as the technical certificate).

    4. A technical certificate is a document authorizing the use of new products in construction on the territory of the Russian Federation, provided that they comply with the requirements specified in the certificate.

    A technical certificate is issued taking into account the mandatory requirements of construction, sanitary, fire, industrial, environmental, and other safety standards approved in accordance with current legislation.

    5. New products are subject to testing and confirmation of suitability, on which the operational properties of buildings and structures, their reliability and durability, safety for the life and health of people, their property, as well as the environment depend, including:

    newly developed on the territory of the Russian Federation and transferred to mass (serial) production;

    requirements for the properties and conditions of use of which are completely or partially absent from the current building codes and regulations, state standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents;

    first mastered by production using foreign technologies, if it differs (in materials, composition, design, etc.) from products of a similar purpose that meet the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation;

    manufactured according to foreign norms and standards and supplied in accordance with the requirements of these norms and standards to the territory of the Russian Federation.

    New products designed in full compliance with current building codes and regulations, as well as developed and supplied in accordance with state standards or technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner, do not require testing and confirmation of suitability.

    A specific list of new products that are subject to testing and confirmation of suitability for use in construction is established by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy.

    6. The technical certificate is prepared on the basis of the documentation submitted by the applicant, as well as an analysis of the results of additional tests of new products for compliance with the conditions of construction and operation of facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    A technical certificate is issued, if necessary, in the presence of conclusions from state sanitary, epidemiological and fire supervision and environmental control bodies, certifying the compliance of new products with safety requirements for the life and health of people, their property and the environment.

    7. The technical certificate for new products, depending on its purpose and scope of application, contains:

    a fundamental description of the product allowing identification;

    purpose and permitted area of ​​application of the product;

    indicators and parameters characterizing the reliability and safety of products;

    additional conditions for the production, use and maintenance of products, as well as quality control, including by control and supervisory authorities;

    list of documents (conclusions, examination reports, test reports, etc.) used in the preparation of the technical certificate.

    8. Work to confirm the suitability of new products for use in construction, including the preparation and execution of a technical certificate, conducting examinations and testing of products, is carried out for a fee on the basis of an agreement with the applicant.

    The period for consideration of an application for a technical certificate for a new product should not exceed three months from the date of filing the application. At the same time, the confidentiality of information that is the subject of a commercial or industrial secret of the applicant must be ensured.

    9. Bodies of state non-departmental examination of projects and estimates and bodies of state architectural and construction supervision control the availability of technical certificates for new products used in design and construction, as well as their compliance with the requirements of the technical certificate.

    10. For the use of new products in construction without a technical certificate, the perpetrators will be held accountable as established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    11. The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Housing and Construction Policy establishes the procedure for confirming the suitability of new products in accordance with these Rules and carries out state registration of issued technical certificates.

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