Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography: history, description, faculties and reviews. Siberian State Geodetic Academy Siberian Geodetic Academy

(tab=About the educational institution)

In the largest scientific and educational center of our country - the city of Novosibirsk, there is a unique educational institution - the Siberian State Geodetic Academy. There are only two similar universities in Russia, and there are only five of them in the world! We have something to be proud of - we are proud of our graduates who work in the vast expanses of our Motherland and many continents of the world! In modern conditions, the demand for specialists from our university is constantly growing, and this is the basis for stability and career growth.

The Academy not only formed a school for training professional personnel in basic specialties, but was also able to find an important link in the training of professions that are non-traditional for the university profile - tourism and hotel economics, environmental economics, real estate economics and organizational management.

Currently, the SSGA is a major educational and scientific center not only at the all-Russian, but also at the international level. Structurally, the Academy is a multidisciplinary holding, including five institutes: Institute of Geodesy and Management, Institute of Optics and Optical Technologies, Institute of Cadastre and Geographic Information Systems, Institute of Remote Sensing and Environmental Management, Institute distance learning.

They are actively used in the educational process information Technology, there are display classes and multimedia lecture halls. There are specialized laboratories equipped with modern instruments and equipment. Great value is devoted to professional retraining in the popular block of programs in the field of geodesy, cadastre, land management, real estate and processing of remote sensing data.

The Academy has partnerships with leading oil and gas production and mining and processing companies, with many administrations of the constituent entities of the Siberian Federal District and other regions. Qualified specialists perform a large range of production and research work using modern technologies. Currently, the academy's specialists are implementing a vital GLONASS/GPS project, which includes the placement of 19 active base stations in the Novosibirsk region. Our students have great opportunities to pass production practices in large Russian companies during the training period. We have no problems with employing our graduates.

(tab=Faculties and specialties)

Higher professional education programs:

Specialties (terms of study - 5 and 5.5 years)

Applied geodesy;


Ammunition and fuses.

Areas of bachelor's training (duration of study - 4 years)

Information systems and technologies;

Information security;



Standardization and metrology;

Technosphere safety;

Cartography and geoinformatics;

Ecology and environmental management;




Master's degree (duration of study - 2 years)

Geodesy and remote sensing;

Land management and cadastres;


(tab=Contact information)

Siberian State Geodetic Academy

Siberian State Geodetic Academy
Original title

Novosibirsk Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography Engineers (NIIGAiK)

International name

Siberian State Academy of Geodesy




Karpik Alexander Petrovich


Lesnykh Ivan Vasilievich

Legal address

Siberian State Geodetic Academy (SSGA) (until 1994 - Novosibirsk Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography Engineers) - technical university Novosibirsk.

The Academy has more than 50 special laboratories equipped with instruments and equipment. The academy's graduate departments have 10 branches in different research institute, factories, enterprises of the city of Novosibirsk and the Computing Center of the SB RAS. Educational and industrial training of specialists is carried out at four educational and scientific bases, in production organizations and educational and production workshops, factories and research institutes. The Academy has a publishing base that produces educational literature and scientific collections under license in the amount of 300-400 printed sheets per year.

The Academy has a scientific and technical geodetic library with a volume of about 400 thousand volumes, which has a unique collection of geodetic literature publications in Russia. At the SSGA there are specialized councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations, in which dissertations in the following specialties can be defended: geodesy, aerospace photography, photogrammetry and phototopography, cartography , optics , optical instruments , metrology , cadastre and land monitoring.

State budgetary and economic agreements are fulfilled annually research on 70..75 topics. SSGA is a member of three international associations, has fruitful contacts and agreements with educational institutions Slovakia , Mongolia, organizations Germany , Switzerland , USA , China and other countries.


SSGA is a holding structure that includes five institutes:

Institute of Geodesy and Management (IGiM)

IGiM trains students, undergraduates and graduate students in modern programs that are available in only a few universities in Russia using the latest technological solutions not only in the field of geodesy, information systems, but also in the field of tourism economics and organization management.

Students undergo internships and subsequently work at the largest enterprises in the country ( OJSC "SURGUTNEFTEGAZ" , OJSC "ROSNEFT", "PTK-30", LLC "Clean Water" etc.)


  • Applied geodesy
  • Astronomical geodesy
  • Information systems and technology
  • Economics and management of enterprises (tourism and hotel management)
  • Organization management


Institute of Cadastre and Environmental Management (IKiP)

Year of formation - 1995. From the date of its foundation to the present, IKiGIS has graduated more than 1000 specialists in the field of land and urban cadastres, more than 150 in economic specialties and more than 100 in the specialty of full-time education. More than 400 people underwent retraining, including more than 150 people who received a second higher education. A significant part of graduates work in land cadastral chambers, Federal Registration Service Directorates, land committees, real estate agencies in the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk regions, Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, and other regions of Western and Eastern Siberia.


  • Life safety in the technosphere
  • Economics and management at an enterprise (in environmental management)


  • Land management and land cadastre (bachelor)
  • Land management and land cadastre (specialization "Land and Real Estate Valuation") (Master)
  • Land management and land cadastre (specialization "Land Management") (Master)
  • Innovation (Bachelor)

Institute of Optics and Optical Technologies (IOiOT)

Year of formation - 1994. Created through the reorganization of the optical faculty, which, in turn, was created in 1966.

Today, the structure of IO&OT has two faculties: the Faculty of Optics (Faculty) and the Faculty of Applied Optoelectronics (FPOE), which are based in six departments. The FPOE has seven branches and two representative offices. Training is conducted in various parts of the city: both directly on the premises of the SSGA, and in the premises of branches.

Graduates of the institute are distributed and are in demand at the city's manufacturing enterprises, in Akademgorodok institutes, in design bureaus, commercial structures and firms.


  • Optoelectronic devices and systems
  • Instrumentation technology
  • Metrology and metrological support
  • Testing and operation of equipment (electronics)
  • Organization and technology of information security
  • Economics and enterprise management (in mechanical engineering)


  • Optotechnics (Bachelor, Master)
  • Nanotechnologies and microsystems in optics (Master)

Institute of Remote Sensing and Environmental Management (IDZiP)

Year of formation - 1999.


  • Exploration of natural resources by aerospace means
  • Aerial photogeodesy

disbanded in 2011.

Institute of Distance Learning (IDL)

Created by the decision of the Academic Council of the SSGA on March 5, 2002 in order to increase the efficiency of the academy’s activities in the field of distance learning and distance learning. The correspondence faculty conducts training on a budgetary and contractual basis using distance learning technologies.


  • Applied geodesy
  • City cadastre
  • Information systems and technologies
  • Economics and enterprise management (in geodetic production)
  • Economics and enterprise management (in real estate transactions)
  • Economics and management at enterprises (in environmental management)
  • Life safety in the technosphere
  • Organization management

IN Russian Federation There are more than 20 universities whose profile is geodesy and related specialties. One of the largest in this field is the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography. Let's get to know him in more detail.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography: history

The functioning of the future alma mater is associated with the spring of 1779, when the opening of the Konstantinovsky Land Surveying School (“branch” of the Land Survey Office) took place in the capital, which was dedicated to the birth of the second grandson of Catherine the Second. In 1796, the work of the land surveying school was enshrined in law, and in 1835 it was transformed into the Land Survey Institute of Konstantinovsk (by decree of Nicholas I). According to the new charter, the time of study at the institute was six years, in addition, the study of new disciplines was introduced: architecture, mineralogy, foreign languages etc. In the 40s of the 19th century, an observatory was created at the university.

The winter of 1930 was marked by a split in the Land Survey Institute. Now it has become the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers and Geodetic Representation. After 6 years, the university received a new name: Moscow Institute of Geodesy, Cartography, and Aerial Photography Engineers. At that time, it consisted of only four faculties (geodesy, cartography, aerial photogeodesy, geodetic instrumentation).

The period from 1957 to 1967 was significant for the institution, when the head of the aerial photography department B.N. Rodionov designed a number of space programs that made it possible to make plans for individual parts of the Moon on a large scale. In 1979, MIIGAiK was replenished with a new building, where two years later a faculty was formed where applied cosmonautics was studied. Two years later, a new building of the institute was put into operation. In the spring of 1993, the university was reorganized and since then has had a new name - Moscow state university geodesy and cartography .


Being a large educational and scientific-production complex, the university consists of:

  • six faculties of full-time education and one - distance learning (evening and correspondence departments);
  • Department of Education for Foreigners;
  • center for postgraduate retraining and advanced training.

In addition, MIIGAiK is represented by:

  • postgraduate and doctoral studies;
  • numerous specialized laboratories;
  • training and production center;
  • two training grounds;
  • educational and computing faculty centers;
  • educational and geodetic museum;
  • library.

Some numbers

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography is a full member of the Association of Universities of the Russian Federation. Students and graduate students from Russia, republics study there former Union and foreign countries - only about five thousand people.

The teaching staff includes more than 400 teachers and about a hundred researchers, of whom 20 are corresponding members of various academies, 70 are professors and doctors of science, 228 are associate professors and candidates of science.

Scientific practice

The Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, headed by cosmonaut pilot, MA academician, Professor V.P. Savin, is actively engaged in scientific works in the field of geodesy and related profiles, carries out aerospace developments. The university highlights in its scientific activity a number of priority areas:

  • geodetic support of the cadastre of lands and real estate of the Russian Federation;
  • automated processing, interpretation and use of aerospace information;
  • development of expert geoinformation systems;
  • systems and methods for sensing the Earth on long distances, their mapping and tracking;
  • discoveries in digital photogrammetry and CFS.

Every year, about 60 research projects are carried out on a budgetary and investment basis to study leading scientific directions. The university’s research personnel are “forged” through postgraduate and doctoral studies in seven specialties.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography: faculties

MIIGAiK carries out the educational process at six faculties. Geodetic - the very first of them, was formed in the spring of 1917. It prepares graduates in:

  • Applied geodesy - with full-time study for five years at the qualification level "Specialist".
  • Geodesy and remote sensing - here they study for bachelors and masters (4 and 2 years, respectively)
  • Applied informatics - preparation of bachelors (4 years).

The Faculty of Cartography and Geoinformatics trains students in the same field: 4 years - bachelor's degree, 2 years - master's degree. The Faculty of Optical Information Technology Systems trains specialists:

  • in the field of optical and electronic devices and special-purpose systems;
  • optics;
  • laser technology and related technologies;
  • information security.

The full-time department offers bachelor's and master's degrees.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) is one of the leaders among institutions with the specialty “Information Security”, since its graduates have a wide range of skills and are capable of organizing and implementing security different types secret information at all levels of protection.

The Faculty of Territorial Development is engaged in training and retraining of personnel, as well as scientific developments in the following areas:

  • real estate cadastre;
  • geographic information systems;
  • accounting, economic assessment and real estate management;
  • theoretical development and planning.

The Faculty of Humanities is represented by two specialties: “Jurisprudence” and “Architecture”. The Applied Faculty of Cosmonautics trains specialists in geodesy and remote sensing, as well as information systems and technologies.

Correspondence education

Evening and correspondence forms at MIIGAiK provide training for a period of 4.5 years. Here they study optics, study geodesy and remote sensing, and also specialize in land management and cadastres.

Student Feedback

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography evokes conflicting reviews from former students: some are delighted high level teaching and ancient history university, others complain about the depressing state of the premises and the ambiguous presentation of educational material.

But if negative reviews are dictated by subjective emotions, then the “advantages” of the university are outlined quite clearly:

  • rich history of the university;
  • high level of teaching of both specialized and humanitarian subjects;
  • a large number of practical classes;
  • presence of a military department.

In addition, there is a rich and interesting student life here.

The Omsk Geodetic Institute (OGI), also called the Siberian Astronomical and Geodetic Institute (SAGI), was opened in 1932 by decision of the Main Geodetic Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry (NKTP) - as an industrial institute. The question of organizing a university to train geodetic engineers for Siberia was raised at various regional and all-Union conferences. Order on the appointment of V.S. Pankov acting Director of the OGI, as well as his orders were dated 08/01/1932.

In 1932, enrollment of students took place in three departments: astronomy and geodetic, photogeodetic and cartographic and geodetic. The structure of the institute initially did not have departments. By order of V.S. Pankova only 03/16/1934. the departments of geodesy and astronomy were organized with heads, respectively, P.A. Khodorovich (part-time) and I.D. Chulkov.

In Omsk, the geodetic institute worked for almost two years, and in 1934, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (SNK USSR) No. 77 dated January 11, 1934. was reorganized into the Geodetic Faculty of Siberian construction institute(Sibstrin). In accordance with this resolution, the director of Sibstrin on 04/09/1934 issued his order on the organization of the astronomy and geodesy faculty with the appointment of V.S. Pankov. his dean from September 1, 1934 to June 20, 1935. The heads of the departments of geodesy and astronomy are appointed P.A. Khodorovich, and I.D. Chulkov. In 1936, the faculty already had three departments: lower geodesy (head of department N.G. Bazhanov), higher geodesy and astronomy (head of department S.Ya. Belykh), cartography (head of department I.G. . Nagaev). And on January 1, 1937, two more new departments appeared at the faculty: astronomy (head of department I.N. Yazev); physical geography (head of department P.S. Belorussov).

Already in 1938, it was planned to create a branch geodetic institute in Novosibirsk within the framework of the GUGK. Novosibirsk AGP was entrusted with the construction of an educational building and dormitories. To prepare for the opening of the Novosibirsk Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography Engineers (NIIGAiK), by order of the GUGK dated November 10, 1939, acting. A.I. was appointed director of the institute. Agroskin.

In 1940, the charter of the institute was approved. In the fall of 1940, the first intake of students for the 1st year took place and the transfer of teachers and students of all educational, laboratory and economic property of the geodetic faculty of NISS to the jurisdiction of NIIGAiK.

Thus, from August 1940, NIIGAiK began to function independently. In accordance with the Charter, the institute had three faculties and 11 departments. But due to the outbreak of the Patriotic War in July 1941, the structure of the institute was reduced - one dean’s office and 4 departments remained: astronomy and gravimetry, geodesy, cartography and the foundations of Marxism-Leninism. At the end of 1942-1943. all departments and three faculties were restored.

Beginning in 1943, postgraduate studies were opened at the institute. Postgraduate students of Professor B.V. Bazilevsky were supervised after 1945 (astronomy) and (geodesy). In 1946, there were three faculties: astronomy and geodetic, aerial photogeodetic and cartographic (deans: N.V. Shubin, I.I. Markson, G.I. Znamenshchikov).

In 1946, NIIGAiK was transferred from the GUGK to the jurisdiction of the Ministry Higher education USSR (MVO). In 1948, in addition to three specialties, a new one was opened - engineering geodesy, and since 1951 the department of engineering geodesy was opened.

On the basis of the Faculty of Geodesy it was organized in 1969. Novosibirsk Research Institute of Applied Geodesy (NIIPG), whose first director was V.F. Chernikov.

In 1956 K.L. came to the leadership of NIIGAiK. Provorov after double defense of his candidate and doctoral dissertations. I had experience as the chief engineer of the Novosibirsk AGP. The period of leadership of K.L. Provorov (1956-1970), in the history of NIIGAiK turned out to be the brightest and most fruitful. During the years of his rectorship, an educational and laboratory building, two dormitory buildings and a residential building were built and put into operation. During this period, a training ground was built on the Inya River, near Izdrevaya station. During the 60s and subsequent years, many new training courses: on computers, radio-electronic measurement methods, satellite methods; new faculties were opened (correspondence - 1959, optical - 1964), a number of new departments. During this period, new technical teaching aids were introduced and a number of textbooks were written. During these years, many young graduates were involved in scientific research and the educational process, and a significant number of candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended. So the following became doctors: V.Ya. Finkovsky (1963), A.V. Butkevich (1964), G.A. Meshcheryakov (1964), A.A. Vizgin (1966), G.I. Znamenshchikov (1966), A.N. Gridchin (1968), V.V. Buzuk (1970), V.G. Konusov (1970).

In 1968 The scientific research sector (SRS) was organized. In 1977, the training of foreign students began, and in 1981. the dean's office was created.

In 1979, the institute opened two specialized councils for the defense of candidate dissertations: in the scientific specialty 00.24.01 “Geodesy” and in the specialty 05.24.03 “Cartography”.

By the 80s, all geodetic organizations in Western and Eastern Siberia were provided with specialists, graduates of NIIGAiK.

In 1983, for services to training specialists for national economy and scientific research By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 5, the institute was awarded the order"Badge of Honor".

By the beginning of 1993, the university had five faculties, the student population numbered 2,700 people, training was carried out in 7 specialties, and the number of scientific and teaching staff was 290 people.

A new form of applied research work was the participation of department teachers in a grant competition. The result was the winning of three grants from the Novosibirsk Regional Administration in a competition.

In 1994, the institute received a new status and name: Siberian State Geodetic Academy (SSGA). In 1994-1995 Two institutes appeared in the structure of the SSGA: Institute of Optics and Optical Technologies, director O.K. Ushakov. and the Institute of Cadastre and Geographic Information Systems, director V.B. Zharnikov. The Institute of Geodesy and Management was formed by the decision of the Academic Council of the SSGA, on July 1, 1997, on the basis of the geodetic faculty consisting of seven departments and two faculties, A.P. Karpik became its director, deputy Director Padve V.A.

On the basis of the aerial photogeodetic faculty on September 28, 1999. The Institute of Remote Sensing and Environmental Management was created (director Yu.V. Dementyev, deputy A.P. Guk).

In November 2001, in order to increase the efficiency of the academy's activities in the field of distance and correspondence education, the Institute of Distance Learning (IDL) was created. The institute included: correspondence faculty, branches in the cities of Yekaterinburg, Toguchin, Bolotnoye, r.p. Linevo, representative office in Kemerovo. The creation of a branch in Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan, is in the process of being formalized.

Directors of NIIGAiK and SSGA: Pankov V.S. (1932-1934), Agroskin A.I. (1939 – 1941, 1946 – 1951), Kovalev E.S. (1941-26.06.1942), Garkavenko S.D. (28.10.1942 – 1945), Zubritsky I.V. (02.09.1944 – 20.02.1946), Znamenshchikov G.I. (1951-1956), Provorov K.L. (1956 – 1970), Rodionov S.I. (1970-24.07.1986), Meshcheryakov N.A. (07/24/1986 – 1991), Lesnykh I.V. (since 1992 - rector of the institute, and since 2006 - president of the SSGA), Karpik A.P. (from 06/06/2006 to present).

Vice-rectors: First vice-rector V.B. Zharnikov, V.V. Buzuk (1968-1988), Lesnykh I.V. (1988-1992), Karev P.A. (1965-1973), Guk P.D. (1873-1984), Rozhkov V.F. (1984-1990), Smerdov N.E. (1990 – 1992), Sinyakin A.K. (1992 – 2006), Seredovich V.A. (1992 – 2006), S.M. Gornykh, Ascheulov V.A. (from 2006 to present), Guk A.P. (from 2006 to present).

Deans of the Faculty of Geodesy: Pankov V.S. (09/1/1934 – June 1935 and acting from 09/26/1936 – until 1937), Burtsev A.F. (2.06.1935 – 5.09.1936), Belykh S.Ya. (June 1937), Nekrasov F.P. (01/20/1937 – 02/1/1937), Bazhanov N.G. (03/17/1937 – until 1942), Zubritsky I.V. (1942 – 09/02/1944), Shubin N.V. (02/23/1945 – 1949, 04/31/1951 – 1955), Agroskin A.I. (1950 – 1951, 1955), Znamenshchikov G.I. (1951), Sokolov P.A. (November 4, 1955-1956), Buzuk V.V. (1957-1960), Gridchin A.N. (1960-1964, 1965-1968), Karev P.A. (1.06.1964-1.07.1965), Yashin V.Ya. (1968-1974), Kharkevich G.A. (1974-1976), Rozhkov V.F. (1976-1984), Kuzmin M.I. (1985-1990), Sinyakin A.K. (1990-1992), Dyukov V.P. (1992-1993), Padve V.A. (1993-1997), Murzintsev P.P. (1997 to present).

Deans of the Optical Faculty: Mayer O.A. (06.08.1966-1981), Sosnov A.N. (1981-1985), Kashlaty R.E. (1985-1993), Ushakov O.K. (1993 to present).

Deans of the Aerophotogeodetic Faculty: Markson I.I., Finkovsky V.Ya., Fateev A.P. (1970 - 1979), Panshin E.I. (1979-1989), Ashcheulov V.A. (1989 -1994), Dementyev Yu.V. (11/15/1994 to present).

Deans of the Faculty of Cartography: Znamenshchikov G.I., Sokolov O.I.

Deans of the correspondence faculty: Fedorova M.A. (1964-1972), Zenzinov B.Ya. (1972-1984), Teleganov N.A. (1984-1989), Panshin E.I. (1989-1994), Nagorny Yu.N., Tverdovsky O.V. to date

Heads of graduate geodetic departments:

Higher Geodesy– Belykh S.Ya. (1936-1938, 1950 – 1951), Yazev I.N. (1938 – 1940), Popov V.V. (1946 – 1949), Shubin N.V. (1952 – 1961), Agroskin A.I. (1963 – 1973), Pankrushin V.K. (1974 – 1979, 1984 – 1989), Teleganov N.A. (1979-1984), Giniyatov I.A. (1989-1992), Malkov A.G. (1992 – 1997), Mazurov B.T. (1997 – 2002), Khoroshilov V.S. 2002 – present

Geodesy- Chulkov I.D. (1933 - 1934), Khodorovich P.A. (02/16/1934 - 1936), Bazhanov N.G. (1936 - 1942, 1947-1951), Popov V.V. (1943 – 1946), Zubritsky I.V. (1946 – 1947), Agroskin A.I. (1954 – 1963), Glovatsky B.A. (1963 – 1967), Gridchin A.N. (1968 – 1971), Lesnykh I.V. (1971 – 1982, 1995-2000), Yashin V.Ya. (1982 – 1986), Zharnikov V.B. (1986 – 1995), Kalyuzhin V.A.

Engineering geodesy— Bazhanov N.G. (1948 – 1951), Lutz (1951), Yurkevich A.S. (1952 – 1954), Provorov K.L. (1954 – 1960), Sokolov P.A. (1959 – 1960), Gridchin A.N. (1960–1966), Chernikov V.F. (1966 – 1969), Bernovsky E.F. (1969-1971), Konusov V.G. (1974 – 1991), Seredovich V.A. (1991 – 1992), Karpik A.P. (1992 – present).

Astronomy and gravimetry— Chulkov I.D. (1934 – 1935), Yazev I.N. (1937 – 1944), Bazilevsky B.V. (1945 – 1955), Belykh S.Ya. (1955), Napalkov V.P. (1966 – 1967, 1968 – 1973), Merkushev V.A. (1973 – 1978), Buzuk V.V. (1967 – 1968, 1985 – 1991), Sosnovskaya M.V. (1979 – 1984), Surnin Yu.V. (1993), Dudarev V.I. (1994 – 1997), Antonovich K.M. (1992, 1997 – 2003).

Cartographies– Nagaev I.V. (1936-1939), Lisichansky A.S. (1939-1940), Znamenshchikov G.I. (1946-1961, 1968-1970), Sokolov O.V. (1961-1968, 1970-1975), Pursakov S.I. (1975-1981, 1988-1994), Gavrilov Yu.V. (1981-1986), Pilkevich I.V. (1986-1988), Topchilov M.A. (1994-1999), Lisitsky D.V. (1999 to present).

Photogrammetry– Gorin A.A., Finkovsky V.Ya., Shershen A.I. (1942-1943), Nuvariev A.S., Guk P.D. (1968-1973 and 1984-1990), Pavlov I.M. (1973-1984), Guk A.P. (since 1991).

Physicists and radio electronics – Provorov K.L. (1961), Donich R.M. (1962), Alekseev V.I. (1963 – 1968 and 1972 – 1977), Noskov F.P. (1968 – 1971), Sinyakin A.K. (1977 – 1987), Koshelev A.V. (1987 – 2010).

Computational Mathematics - Yurshansky Z.M. (1963-1969, 1970-1971), Provorov K.L. (1971-1975), Kuzmin M.I. (1975-1985), Padve V.A. (1985-1990), Vovk I.G. (1990-1999), Bugakova T.Yu.

Higher mathematics- MM. Mostkov, G.A. Meshcheryakov, G.N. Teterin (1970-1980)

Honored Workers of Geodesy and Cartography: Provorov K.L. - awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1961), two orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1971,1983), seven medals (1946,1950,1953,1970,1974, 1976,1985 ) and eight distinctive signs, Laureate of the F.N. Krasovsky Prize (1988), Honored Worker of Geodesy and Cartography of the USSR (1980), Honorary Member of the All-Union Astronomical and Geodetic Society at the USSR Academy of Sciences (1970), Buzuk V. V., Konusov V.G. Lesnykh I.V., Dementyev Yu.V.

Prize winnersnamed after F.N. Krasovsky: Provorov K.L., Antipov I.T.

Title of honorary surveyor received: Alekseev V.I., Karpik A.P., Kuzmin V.I., Guk P.D., Gulyaev Yu.P., Egorov V.V., Dyakov B.N., Lesnykh I.V., Lukin A.S., Napalkov V.P., Noskov F.P., Pavlov I.M., Panshin E.I., Pankrushin V.K., Pursakov S.I., Rozhkov V.F., Teleganov N. A., Teterin G.N., Sheptunov G.S., Yashin V.Ya.

Military orders and medals of the Great Patriotic War were awarded: Agroskin A.I., Asafiev O.N., Alekseev V.I., Agapov A.P., Buzuk V.V., Elistratov I.I., Zenzinov B.Ya., Zadorozhny S.N. , Kostsov V.M., Korneev V.D., Kotenev N.M., Trifonov A.P., Konusov V.G., Krivykh V.D., Lyapko S.L., Merkushev V.A., Malyuchkova M.S., Noskov F.P..

List of NIIGAiK graduates who held senior positions:

Provorov K.L. - Ch. Eng. Novosibirsk AGP, rector of NIIGAiK,

Yashchenko V.R. – beginning enterprises in Baku, Sverdlovsk, head of GUGK,

Dudkov P.G. – beginning Khabarovsk AGP, 1st deputy. beginning GUGK, ch. Eng. cartographic association,

Rusakov Yu.A. - gen. dir. PA "Uralaerogeodesy",

Tikhonov V.P. – beginning Irkutsk AGP,

Silvansky A.V. – beginning Ashgabat AGP,

Antipov I.T. – dir. NIIPG, President of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,

Chepkasov A.F. – dir. Novosibirsk card factory, gene. dir. Software "Engineering"

Senatorov Yu.E. - beginning Magadan AGP,

Litvintsev A.K. – beginning Irkutsk AGP,

Kiryan D.F. – beginning Yakutsk, Magadan AGP,

Manchenko A.P. – deputy Beginning GUGK,

Polevtsev V.V. - Ch. Eng. Novosibirsk AGP, ch. editor of the magazine "Geodesy and Cartography",

Chernikov V.F. – dir. NIIPG, TsNIIGAiK,

Zinchenko V.V. – beginning AGP,

Tsurkov V.E. – beginning Frunzensky AGP, dir. State Agency for Geodesy and Cartography under the Government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan,

Tkachev E.V. – dir. Srednevolzhsky AGP,

Khomutov A.I. – dir. center for processing aerospace and cartographic information "Aerocosmgeodesy" (Kazakhstan),

Savinykh I.I. – Manager of the KuzbassTISIZ Trust,

Chudinov S.I. – beginning Novosibirsk AGP,

Karev P.A. - beginning Novosibirsk AGP.

Avetyan G.Kh. – Head of the Geodetic Service of Armenia,

Gorbov A.V. – deputy Chairman of the State Geodesy of the USSR, Deputy. hands Federal service geodesy and cartography of Russia,

Danilchev A.M. – beginning AGP No. 6 (Almaty),

Shlyakhov A.A. – beginning AGP No. 22 (Tyumen),

Serenko V.M. – beginning AGP No. 23,

Shalamov V.N. – beginning AGP No. 1 (Irkutsk),

Bagiauri Sh.M. – beginning AGP No. 4 (Tbilisi),

Soldatov V.I. – beginning KyrgyzGIIZA,

Belykh V.N. - Ch. Eng. enterprises of East Siberian, Novosibirsk, Ashgabat,

Krikunovsky V.B. – Manager of the KuzbassTISIZ Trust,

Bushuev A.V. – head Department of the Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic, head. air ice reconnaissance, crew member of the drifting station "North Pole",

Kiselev V.M. - Ch. Eng. East Siberian AGP,

Laptev V.M. - Ch. Eng. Tashkent AGP,

Gordeev G.A. – deputy commander of the military unit of the Military Technical Cooperation,

Buda E.I. - Ch. Eng. Khabarovsky, Kuibyshev AGP,

Povago F.P. - Ch. Eng. PA "Uralaerogeodesy",

Mantrov - ch. Eng. Tashkent AGP,

Melnik A.F. - Ch. Eng. Chita AGP,

Lyskov G.A. - Dean of the Faculty of the Rostov Civil Engineering Institute,

Berengarov A.O. - Ch. Eng. Tyumen AGP,

Tikhonravov E.A. – beginning Department of the General Staff of the Military-Technical Cooperation,

Olenich A.V. – beginning department of VTU,

Polyakova V.A. – head laboratory TsNIIGAiK,

Podshivalov V.P. – Dean of the Faculty of Geography of Novopolotsk Polytechnic Institute,

Kharkevich G.A. – Dean of the Faculty of Geography of the Krivoy Rog Mining Institute,

Karataev G.I. – head department BPI, beginning department of the Minsk Computer Center, member of the correspondent. A.N. Belarus,

Bolotov P.A. – dir. Tomsk Topographical College,

Dorokhin N.I. - dir. Tomsk Topographical College,

Pilkevich I.V. - Ch. Eng. Novosibirsk card factory,

Lisitsky D.V. – deputy dir. NIIPG,

Grishchenko V. – manager of the Kamchatka branch of DalTISIZ,

Kozodoev M.S. - Ch. Eng. Irkutsk AGP,

Kalenitsky A.I. - Ch. Eng. Software "Engineering"

Ozhigov S.A. - acting deputy beginning Kazgeodesy,

Savkin A.P. – dir. Alma-Ata geodetic center,

Shpakin B.V. - Ch. Eng. Transbaikal AGP (Chita),

Kiselev V.G. – deputy dir. Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant, Mokrousov Yu.Ya. - Ch. Eng. Magadan AGP,

Bondarenko V.N. – head department Geodesy, Novopolotsk Polytechnic Institute,

Kartashov A.P. – head department Geodesy of the Alma-Ata Road Institute,

Butkevich A.V. – manager department Higher Geodesy of Lviv Polytechnic Institute,

Sharpak G.S. – deputy dir. Moldavian GIIGIZ,

Finkovsky V.Ya. – head department photogrammetry of Lviv Polytechnic Institute,

Gulyaev Yu.P. - Dean of the Kemerovo Polytechnic Institute, head. department geodesy NISS,

Gladky V.I. – dir. Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise FCC "Zemlya" in the Siberian Federal District,

Zelensky A.M. – head department Eng. geodesy of the Brest Civil Engineering Institute,

Mikheev P.I. - Ch. Eng. ZapSibTISIZA,

Golendukhin M.A. – head department Eng. geodesy of the Perm Polytechnic Institute,

Vershinin V.I. - Ch. Eng. Murmansk TISIZ,

Lukidi G.M. – beginning PPO card factory No. 8 (Tbilisi)

Kryzhanovsky A.A. - Ch. Eng. AGP No. 17,

Fedorenko I.P. – deputy gene. dir. Software "Engineering"

Gavrilov F.N. – beginning ZapSibTIGGN,

Lazarenko V.A. - Ch. Eng. Novosibirsk AGP,

Bosyuk V. – Chairman of the City Executive Committee of Iskitim,

Rozhkov V.F. - Director of NIIPG (Sibgeoinform),

Lityushkin Yu.I. – deputy dir. Information Computing Center of the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee,

Pochernikova S.A. – dir. cartographic factory of the North-Eastern Geological Department,

Neudakhin A.S. - Ch. Eng. Branch of the trust engineering surveys(Barnaul),

Sheptunov G.S. - head Latitudinal Astronomical Observatory (Blagoveshchensk),

Lobov M.I. - head department at the Mining Institute (Dnepropetrovsk),

Morenko A.I. – dir. Novosibirsk Topographical College,

Simakhin V.V. – beginning Far Eastern TIGGN,

Telnov A.F. - Ch. Eng. Far Eastern TIGGN,

Minaeva G.A. – beginning cadastre of the Crimean Autonomous Republic,

Tyurin L.P. – deputy dir. non-mineral exploration trust,

Beloglazova O.A. - laureate of the state prize,

Markova L.I. - State Prize laureate,

Vizgin A.A. – head department NIIZhT.

Gusarov A.K. – beginning PPO Novosibirsk AGP.
