Card fortune telling for relationships and love. Relationship spread "station for two", fortune telling with tarot cards online

It is also important that Tarot cards will always show deception, if any. Including self-deception too.

A Tarot card layout is the first step to getting answers to your questions. Relationships with people are never absolutely smooth, and no situation will show ideal relationship. Therefore, you should not be upset if the cards say, along with positive, negative aspects.

Let's look at several relationship layouts using Tarot cards:

  • Pyramid layout;
  • Beehive layout or just a layout for a relationship problem;
  • 7 card layout and 3 card layout – a person’s attitude, his thoughts and actions.

Pyramid layout and example of interpretation

The Lovers' Pyramid layout is simple and very meaningful. In general, only very experienced masters can make overly complex layouts for assessing relationships, since the Tarot itself requires great intuition and deductive thinking, and a bunch of cards and their meanings will only confuse a non-professional. That’s why we consider simple and effective layouts in our article.

So, the Pyramid of Lovers layout is based on the Major Arcana and consists of 4 main positions. The first is the questioner’s position in the relationship and his plans. The second position is the position of the partner (mother, boss, loved one) in the relationship, his behavior. The third position shows the state of the relationship that they have accepted. This position can describe the problem - whether there is a rival, bad intentions on one of the partners, or outside influence, for example, magic. The fourth shows the future, the prospects of relationships. But you can never predict exactly how even a negative card will turn out, so you shouldn’t regard them as a break. This could be a change in general - a wedding, the birth of a child, moving.

Let's give an example of the layout

The questioner is a young girl who is confused in a relationship with a man. A man has been dating a young lady for quite some time, but hides some information. She doesn’t tell the fortuneteller anything else. Let's make a schedule:

  • 1 – World;
  • 2 – Moon
  • 3 – Priestess;
  • 4 – Hermit;

The girl’s position is positive and she wants love, opening new horizons for herself in relationships. The young man’s position is indeed quite strange - it is a concealment of facts. The Moon (or Twilight) is a time when all objects are distorted, truly a young man hiding his true self. Relationships, as the third position says, among young people are pure and friendly. There is no place for passion in them, the woman does not depend on him. This is usually assumed to be chastity.

The prospect of relationships is loneliness for self-development. The girl will study and take care of herself. This is what her life requires now.

The girl was not satisfied with this data and asked to tell more. And in such a situation, our reader can resort to simple way– draw two or three cards opposite each one Minor Arcana. They will talk about the nuances of the case. So, an incomprehensible moment for the girl was position 2. It came up with: King of Swords, 7 of Wands, Queen of Wands and Slave of Cups. It becomes clear that his position as the King of Swords is a tough position, often a sign of people associated with law enforcement agencies. The Queen and the Slave talk about the presence of people - a woman and a child, perhaps a rival. But the 7 of Wands always shows arguments, heated arguments without getting personal.

We can say that the man is sorting out legal issues with the woman and child. As the girl herself said, the man is going through divorce proceedings and works as a policeman. Perhaps that is why the cards of the 4th and 5th positions are such that the relationship has no prospects. The person is quite old, with already accumulated problems. The girl is young and sees opening horizons before her. He does not consider her a fighting friend and protects her from his problems, while respecting her.

Beehive layout and its features

The Beehive layout shows exactly the solution to problems, and not the attitude towards each other. It is suitable for couples who do not even think about breaking up and, in principle, they do not need this option. Option for strong people who want to comprehend their mistakes and stop stepping on the “same rake.”

The layout consists of 8 positions:

  • 1st position shows the attitude of the questioner;
  • 2nd is his expectation from his partner, beloved;
  • 3rd and 4th similar information only from the partner, another person;
  • The 5th position speaks of what connects the relationship;
  • 6th – shows the problem;
  • The 7th and 8th positions talk about what the questioner and his partner need to do, respectively, so that this problem disappears.

The beehive layout is suitable for everyone for whom the magic of love is more important than their own ego and what this or that card predicts - separation, betrayal, etc. It is important for them to maintain the relationship.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards online

Layout 7 cards and 3 cards

The layout of 7 cards and 3 cards are similar. Its basis is the distinction between thoughts, feelings and actions. So, laying out 3 cards on the attitude of a loved one or any other partner, you can see:

  • 1st position – what he thinks about the questioner;
  • 2nd position – what one feels towards the questioner;
  • 3rd position – how one behaves towards the questioner;

Layout example. A young woman about 30 years old works as an accountant in a fairly large company; her boss, the same age as her, treats her very well. But something happens all the time that she, as if by chance, “pins” mistakes and shortcomings on her. The woman is puzzled and somewhat frightened. Does the boss do this on purpose and if so, why?

The following appears:

1 – Priest
2 – Inverted Tower;
3 – Sun.

As we see, there are contradictions. The boss considers the questioner smart person, a master, but in feelings the Tower often means negativity, hostility, fear or hatred. And the behavior is the Sun, which means warmth. Upon reflection, you can understand that everything comes from the knowledge of the questioner - obviously, the boss respects her deep down, but has complexes about her unprofessionalism. This makes her feel hostility and envy, and do minor dirty tricks in order to spoil her reputation at least a little. And her behavior is noticeably warm and non-aggressive.

The layout of 7 cards also contains three positions - thoughts, feelings, actions only on both sides, and the 7th position means the essence of the relationship. If a humanized card comes up, then most often there is a person standing between people who is either spoiling or wants to help. This is not necessarily a rival, just an ill-wisher. Or vice versa, a good person who wants to help.

The meaning of 7 tarot cards in the layout:

1 card- How the essence of the matter is presented; the image of an object and its manifestation.
2 card- What makes him move; pushes, or still holds.
3 card- What are the aspects that cause tension, discourage (yes, at least a hundred times the “beautiful and kind” card will settle here; know such a problem emerges from this image).
4 card- What are the aspects that carry harmonious components, things - on hand (yes, at least the most “terrible” of the cards will be included here; gratitude to her in her good wave).
5 card- Past basis; where does the matter stem from? This is the "beginning" of the time vector.
6 card- How the matter wants to end; nature of accomplishments; "end" of the time vector
7 card- In what manner are all positions considered?

Times are defined by their qualities. This ability of Time colors and transforms our perception of things in the sphere of consideration.
Something becomes fashionable, something becomes old-fashioned, relevant, stagnant, arriving at the right moment, late, pleasant, irritating, right to the rescue. In our model, the sphere of time is represented as diffused across our events simultaneously.

Such simultaneity of time allows you to WORK ON THE SITUATION.

The past, present and future are in a harmonious (in any case, harmonious, just look at both) combination. The past is in the past, the past is in the present, the past is in the future, etc. These are some spherical coordinates time.

To use such a model requires such a personal view. And this personal experience, this is a style, a certain character that is inherent in everyone.

Cards from the library are laid out on their characteristic fields; V in this case- these are seven fields, characteristic positions. The map is laid out on them and the witch monitor turns on. This is a monitoring machine, behind which there is a database, the entire magical library.

And as you can see: the card does not need to be turned over, hung upside down, there is no need to christen it “successful or unsuccessful” - every time it comes to its intersection on a characteristic field in order to provide all possible assistance to the questioner.

Every witchcraft crossroads is composed of a quantitative series, a qualitative vertical, as well as a general sphere of reflection. Both the position on one side of the inner sphere and on its outer surface are reflected.

There is no need to keep such a model in some strictly controlled state; Your head may crack from stereometric balancing act. After all, there are more than three "everyday" dimensions of gravity represented here. This gradually appears as one's experience in one's imagination. If you have interest, experience will come, everything will become easy and natural.

Each of us sometimes wants to get into the head of another person to find out what feelings he has for us.

Tarot spread for relationships 7 cards is easy way get answers to pressing questions in the field of love and personal relationships. A full deck is used for fortune telling.

Features of fortune telling in a 7 card layout

This Tarot layout for the attitude of another person has a limited validity period. Predictions obtained with its help remain relevant for three months, and closer to the end of the period they weaken.

Many beginners believe that they can repeat the layout once a week, changing the very wording of the question. However, you can't fool a magic deck. And if you perform fortune telling on the same person, subsequent answers, except those received in the first scenario, will definitely be erroneous. Remember this!

How to lay out cards

Think about the person you are interested in, mentally or out loud ask a clear question, and then, after shuffling and removing the deck, lay out the cards in the following pattern:

Tarot card meanings in positions

  1. The unit is very important in this scenario. It shows the situation in the relationship between you and the person of interest that exists now.
  2. The left column relates only to you, the right column relates only to your partner.
  3. Top row cards, i.e. five and two will talk about thoughts. Yours will be on the left, and the hidden person’s on the right.
  4. The middle cards are deciphered in a similar way, only instead of thoughts they indicate feelings. Six are your own, three are your chosen one or chosen one.
  5. The bottom row represents the façade, i.e. external manifestations. Seven will tell you about how you behave and what you show to the person you are thinking about. Four is the same, only in relation to him.

How to interpret a chart on the attitude of another person

The interpretation of the layout is carried out according to the standard meanings of the cards.

  • If you initially decided not to use reversed cards at all (many tarot readers do this), the meaning of the symbols that appear will be the same, regardless of the position in which they appear.
  • If you use inverted positions in your practice, read the layout using their meanings.

When deciphering the layout, pay special attention to the court cards. In love fortune telling, they most often refer to men and women.

If in the right column (your partner's column) cards appear that symbolize a person of the opposite sex, this may mean that your chosen one or chosen one is in a relationship with someone else.

Symbols of the opposite sex on your side can be interpreted as your own concern that the exciting person may be interested in someone else.

In general, the Tarot layout for the relationship of 7 cards provides the fortuneteller not only with an unambiguous answer to the question “loves or does not love,” but also provides ample opportunities for analyzing the current situation.

Carmen please comment on the layout, very important. 1 eight of swords, 2 four of wands, 3 two of wands, 4 king of cups, 5 three of cups, 6 seven of swords, 7 hanged man

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Good evening, dear tarot readers!

Please help me understand the schedule. What feelings and intentions does the young man have towards me? And is there development and prospects for more serious, close relationships.
Ilya (Scorpio), Olga (Aquarius)

1 Five Denarii
2 Denariev Horseman
3 Ace of Denariev
4 Five of Cups
5 Three Denarii
6 Valet Denariev
7 Six Denarii

Thank you

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Good evening, I really need your advice. He is a Gemini 1986 married and I am a Gemini 1981 recently divorced. We met 10 months ago. He says that everything is bad with his wife and she supposedly knows about me, it seems that she left according to his words. I can’t understand what’s going on, he says that he loves but doesn’t do anything, and now he’s completely blocked it, would I understand if this is the end or he’s making a decision regarding us, station layout for two: 1 ace of wands, 2 jester, 3 hermit, 4 six of cups, 5 king of cups, 6 emperor, 7 eight of swords. I feel very good with him, but we are constantly figuring things out, conflicting, very hot-tempered, doesn’t make the first contact, I’m tired, but I miss him. Who is he and what does he feel for me? I’m confused whether he and his wife separated, they have a little daughter, and I have two. Believe wait? Forget? Will it work? Whether it is necessary? Akhtung, am I going crazy, confused? Should you believe him or is it all lies...

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Good afternoon, dear Tarlogs! please help me understand the schedule. Complete misunderstanding in relations with a young man. She doesn’t agree to talk, she didn’t offer to remain friends either. What he really wants, feels. What is it going to?
1 Queen of Wands
2 Mage
3 Sun
4 Horseman of Wands
5 King of Cups
6 Star
7 Jack of Swords
Thank you

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Olga, you didn’t write what element you are. Between you is the Queen of Wands, some kind of homewrecker, if it’s not you. At the same time, the MCH is very passionate about you, the desire to conquer you. You also have romantic feelings. So someone is bothering you .

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Carmen, thank you. I am Volodya, this, if I am not mistaken, is the element of air.

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Good afternoon, dear Tarologists!
Please help me understand the situation. After a long quarrel, I recently made peace with a young man. But his behavior is more likely aimed at completely destroying the relationship than at restoring it. I tried to talk frankly.... What does he want? Should I put an end to the relationship or wait for time?

1 Strength
2 Priest
3 Five of Cups
4 Four of Swords
5 Ace of Swords
6 Jack of Cups
7 Five of Wands

Thank you

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Hello! Please help! A man has been living with another woman in a civil marriage for 3 years.. He doesn’t hide the fact that there is no love, there is gratitude to her.. she is 20 years younger than him and wants to marry him.. she hasn’t given birth to children. He drinks sometimes. He says that he loves me.. and that he needs me.. but he is afraid that I won’t stand life with him and will leave.. so he doesn’t leave her.. it’s convenient for him.. He doesn’t break off relations with me. I really want to be with him. I'm patiently waiting for a decision. Will he accept it? Will we be together? If so, how soon? Our relationship lasts one and a half years. Thank you!! 6.LOVERS 7.4DENARIUS

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Russian Tarot is one of the classic fortune-telling card decks. It is believed that only those who know Slavic legends can understand what the deck is talking about, in order to be able to see the world through the eyes of the Slavs and understand the deck the way they understood it. This deck of cards is specific and can only serve those who are interested in Russian occultism.

With cards, just like with people, you need to be able to handle and communicate correctly. If the fortuneteller is gentle in his approach to the deck, then the cards will be talkative and will tell about many interesting secrets that will be quite easy to read.

Tarot cards consist of 4 suits, which correspond to 4 elements (earth, water, fire and air). The meaning of the suits is divided into four steps, at the highest are the suits of wands, which imply human experience, understanding, power, and also circumstances. At the very bottom there are swords that are responsible for powers.

The seven tarot card layout will come to the aid of any person who cannot deal with his emotions and mind. This alignment can help determine future actions, as well as make a choice between a person’s desires.

The layout takes into account several factors. The first card in the layout helps to reveal the essence of the situation and find a solution to existing problems. The second describes the situation and events that currently surround the fortuneteller. The third card serves as an explanation of a person’s mental data, his intellect and reason. The fourth card helps to interpret the inner world of the fortuneteller and his emotions. The fifth card talks about desires, fears, hobbies, as well as passion for anything. The sixth reveals hidden events surrounding the fortuneteller. The seventh card, as it were, sums up all the past cards and predicts the future, based on the current situation according to the layout.

Fortune telling occurs as follows. A fortuneteller can remove the major arcana from the deck and shuffle the entire deck. Then you need to take seven cards from the deck (completely randomly). It is best to resort to this type of layout not very often, for example, no more than once a day, or, for example, when the need arises - there is a problem, you can make a layout.

This is a fairly simple type of layout, where the fortuneteller can get answers to questions regarding the past, present or future. This layout is also suitable for solving relationships with people; for example, you can use the layout to find out what to expect from a new acquaintance. A 7 tarot card layout is also good if a person wants to get a definite answer - yes or no. In this case, the layout is deciphered by the presence of straight and inverted lassos in it. If there are more direct lassos, then the question receives a positive answer; otherwise, the answer will be negative.

At its core, this layout is similar to a three-card layout, only fortune telling with seven cards allows you to find out not only the relationship to you on the part of the person for whom the fortune-telling is being carried out, but also to find out the relationship with the fortuneteller. To do this, you need to mentally tune in to a fortune-telling mood and ask a question, for example, how are things going with this person.

You need to concentrate fully on the question, and only then draw cards (7 pieces) from the deck. The choice of the first card must be made from the lava arcana, all the rest must be chosen from the deck of the lower arcana.

Cards during fortune telling 7 cards are laid out in front of the fortuneteller in the following form - the first card should be placed in the middle, to the right of it in a column (top to bottom) three cards should be laid out, then to the left of the central card (bottom to top) three more cards should be laid out. Each of the cards laid out has its own characteristics.

The left row, which contains 7, 6 and 5 cards, are the cards of the fortuneteller himself. It is these cards that will help reveal the fortuneteller’s attitude towards the other person (whom they are telling fortunes about). The cards on the right - 2, 3 and 4 - are the cards of the person being told fortunes.

These cards will help reveal his feelings, thoughts and attitude towards the fortuneteller. The first (lying in the center) card characterizes the entire current situation at the present moment. This characteristic describes cards in a vertical position.

If you look at the cards horizontally, the positions of the cards will have a different meaning. The first row contains cards 7 and 2. These cards symbolize the thoughts and feelings of the partners towards each other. The seventh card symbolizes the relationship of the fortuneteller himself, and the second - the relationship of the one who is being told fortunes to the fortuneteller.

The second line (6 and 3 cards) shows the relationship between the partners, revealing emotions and feelings (both secret and obvious) towards each other. On the third line there are 5 and 4 cards that reveal the external side of the relationship, showing what partners need to demonstrate to each other.

Of course, it is very difficult to check the accuracy of fortune-telling, which reveals the emotions of the person for whom the fortune-telling was performed, but still, armed with information, you can begin to take some action. It is better to know and act in accordance with the information received, gradually becoming convinced of the veracity of the fortune-telling, than to know nothing at all and do nothing.

Each fortuneteller is accustomed to adhering to his own rules of fortune telling, but there are also general ones that should be followed when using tarot cards. Every experienced fortune teller tries to adhere to these rules and should be followed by any person who wants to conduct fortune telling and wants to receive more reliable information.

Firstly, before fortune telling you need to conduct a meditation session; it will be enough to meditate for about 10 minutes. It is believed that this allows you to tune in to the desired mood or vibration. It is also necessary that nothing interferes with the prediction; for this, the fortuneteller needs to cleanse himself of any extraneous energy, for example, before the session, you can take a shower or at least wash your face.

You should also cleanse the deck of cards to rid it of the energy of the previous fortune telling. To do this, you need to carry each card over lit candles. Of course, we must not forget about the atmosphere itself, it should be quiet and cozy.
