What year will it be according to the horoscope? What should be on the table on New Year's Eve

About what is the sign of 2014 we learn from the Chinese astrological horoscope compiled by the ancient sages. Horse, in Chinese Ma. it is one of the twelve symbolic animals involved in the astrological cycle of times. The Wood element is selected based on a long 60-year cycle, taking into account the cosmic element, the color is Blue, the sign is Leo, and the accompanying element is Fire. All this is complex and multifaceted, there are special scientific sources for this, but you and I are wondering what awaits us in the New Year 2014.

The Blue Wooden Horse will smile at everyone if desired. If you follow certain rules, then almost everyone will be able to achieve well-being financially, romantically, and also in terms of health. And all you need to do is work hard, believe in success and own strength, do not deviate from your plan. If you decide to raise your life bar, then it is best to do this in the year of the Horse.

Zodiac sign of 2014 is Leo. Leo sympathizes with everyone who likes to take risks. This once again proves how much can be achieved in the year of Leo and Horse. But this concerns business, business life, health, by the way, it’s time to travel. But in love everything is a little different. Leo and Horse are temperamental and ambitious, but if, during the inevitable love friction, Leo withdraws into his feelings, then the Horse may simply gallop off to the side. Again, both are bossy and like to do things their own way. This year is predicted to be the year of sexual outbursts. Anyone who wants to find their soul mate will definitely have luck, but keeping it will not always be easy.

The coming year promises something good for everyone. Aries - profit, and already at the beginning of the new year. True, provided that they worked a lot in 2013.

Taurus will find financial well-being a little later, closer to the middle of the year, if only they can overcome their excessive conservatism.

Gemini will finally be able to realize their deepest plans, because this year financial luck will turn to them more than to anyone else.

Cancers will live by the principle: drive more quietly, sleep more peacefully. Although strong financial surges are not expected, money will flow evenly, little by little. But in love he will lead as never before.

Leos, the happy representatives of the new year, will attract money like a magnet. But they should be extremely careful: money that comes easily can just as easily leave.

Virgos will increase their wealth with each passing quarter. But not only that. Growing wealth will increase needs, which in turn will lead to the conquest of new heights.

Libra's luck will change if they find the courage to finally do their own thing. Even if they have to change the job they have been in for at least a decade. Open up new horizons for yourself!

Scorpios will receive their income soon. But for this they will need life and professional struggle and ingenuity.

Sagittarius will receive their profit, however, by the end of the year. Only if they get rid of their hibernation will they pull themselves together and move to the envy of the Horses.

Capricorns will be rich and successful, the world around them will be filled with wealth and success if they reconsider their life positions and priorities.

Knowing which sign of 2014 you can make predictions, determine the character born this year, avoid many mistakes, and plan your future actions. You should not treat horoscopes as a clear guide to action. It is more of a hint, a psychological basis that makes you think, compare, and analyze.

We can add that all material well-being for all signs depends solely on themselves, and will influence all other areas of life. According to astrological forecasts, financial changes and even a crisis are expected next year. So, get ready to work hard. Happy New Year!

The Chinese believe that every year has its own patron - a certain real or mythical animal. So, for example, 2013 was the year of the snake. According to the horoscope, whose year will 2014 be? We answer - this is the year of such a beautiful animal as a horse and not an ordinary one, but a wooden blue horse. Read on to find out what the new year promises us.

What does 2014 promise to be like? He will be similar in temperament to his patron - the horse. There will be sober calculation and jealousy, passion, and love. As always, some will be lucky, while others will be much less lucky. In any case, the horse is not very fond of spending, so you need to be thoughtful about your finances. But this does not mean that you have to save on everything; the horse appreciates creativity and creativity.

2014 promises to be a successful year for travel lovers, this great year, to get off the ground and finally fulfill your old dreams. Love adventures this year will be passionate and ardent.

The horse appreciates home comfort and family relationships, therefore, if you want to please the New Year's horse, then the horoscope recommends celebrating the New Year 2014 in your home circle.

When it's getting closer New Year, many people are worried about one question. 2014 is the year of which animal? eastern calendar? You can already reveal a little secret, and safely say that the symbol of the whole next year will be.

There is an eastern one ancient legend that Buddha decided to go to his palace. And he invited all the animals to his farewell. But the next day only 12 animals came to say goodbye to him. To thank them for their respect, and to punish others, Buddha named 12 years in their honor. And the countdown began with the Rat, since she was the first to come running to say goodbye to the deity. And since then, twelve living beings have taken turns ruling for a whole year. But this is just a legend. In fact, it was the Eastern sages and great scientists who calculated that it would take 12 years for all the planets to circle the Sun.

Also, five main elements have their own cycle in the eastern calendar, which follow each other in turn. These include: Wood and Fire, Earth and Metal, and Water. Still in the East great value have colors, there are also 5 of them. These are blue, red, yellow, white and black. So it turns out that next year will be the Year of the Horse. It will become wooden for a year, and this animal will be painted blue.

In the year 2014, the Horse animal can bring people a lot of trouble, as it is quite willful and at the same time uncontrollable. So, we are preparing to meet this not at all mystical animal - the symbol of 2014. Before the holiday, on December 30 or 31, you need to thoroughly clean the entire apartment, since the Horse does not like mess. This animal likes a lot of space and the company of people, so it is advisable to last days old year to visit exhibitions or theaters. But at the same time, a horse is a pet, so the New Year itself should be celebrated with your family and in a cheerful company. The most important thing is not to forget to congratulate all your relatives and friends over the phone.

You don't need to dress up as usual this New Year. Firstly, you should not wear bright clothes, yellow or orange color, since Horses are scared of such flowers. But gray or blue will suit a festive outfit. Good choice- green clothes, because the Horse is wooden. And, as you know, a tree symbolizes nature. The outfit can be complemented with a rich pearl necklace, although simple wooden beads will also suit the lady.

During a festive dinner, there must be greens on the table. For the Horse, it is appropriate to place a plate of oats and decorate it with homemade bracelets or beads. Or place an English dish - oatmeal - in the center of the table. For dessert you can serve apple pie or oatmeal cookies. But you can’t get a Horse drunk, because it has an uncontrollable character. What happens if she gets drunk? Therefore, you need to drink more mineral or sparkling water, but champagne is not forbidden. And the luckiest person in the New Year will be the one who puts real kumiss on the table.

It is recommended to decorate the apartment and rooms with wooden souvenirs. You can safely place wooden dishes on the table. It will be good if there are paintings with horses on the walls. A horse figurine made of any material will look beautiful under the Christmas tree. You can hang a horseshoe on the door, which is a symbol of the Year of the Horse 2014. And children will also have fun with bells or bells.

On January 31, 2014, on the second new moon after the winter solstice, according to the Eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar, the Year of the Blue Wooden Horse begins.

Every little thing that happens in our lives this year will invariably be the reason for a much more significant event. This is both a warning and advice to everyone. Enterprising people will be able to benefit from this. In the year of the Horse you can be very lucky.

You can live the whole year quite calmly, but 2014 is energetically powerful. It is quite possible to achieve any goal, regardless of its complexity and scale.

In personal relationships, it should be noted that many moments that seem stable to us will actually turn out to be illusions. In 2014, Horses, all feelings will be intensified many times over, which means that difficult moments will be much more difficult to survive.

In this situation, it is necessary to clearly control your emotions and not allow others to throw you off balance. You need to conserve your energy.

For those who have not yet found their soulmate, the mistress of the year, the Horse, will provide a real chance for real happiness.

RAT (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032...)

The Rat tries to make long-term plans and think everything through in advance. In the year of the Horse, events will change quickly, changing circumstances. You need to quickly rebuild your plans and quickly invest your savings. This will be very difficult for the rat. Many misfortunes and catastrophes will occur. You cannot make thoughtless purchases, expenses and capital investments. So, financial difficulties may arise. This year may bring the Rat debts and lawsuits, disappointment in love. Love is dormant this year for Rats, with only minor pleasures in social life.

BULL (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033…)

The Ox is always determined to work hard. This year you need to calculate your strength and not take on many obligations that will undermine your health. Fatigue can cause irritability and depression. We need to think through everything so that financial troubles and unhappy love do not arise. But you still can’t give up, you need to work hard. Only consistency can help the Bulls out. Most of the setbacks will happen in the first half of the year, and by the end of the year the situation will improve.

TIGER (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034…)

This is a happy year for the Tigers, they are out of danger. Tigers need active action and no rest. All things will be done with great ease, you can safely take risks. Promotion and good money are possible. Life will be full of both dramatic events and great victories and achievements.

RABBIT (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035…)

This year will bring happiness and new meetings to Rabbits. The Rabbit is known for its professional qualities and ability to show talents. In the year of the Horse, the Rabbit will be able to demonstrate its ability to quickly respond to change and deception. You will have to devote yourself to social life to increase your popularity. No major difficulties or illnesses are expected. They will have time to recover some of the losses that occurred earlier. This year, Rabbits will experience more travel than usual.

DRAGON (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036…)

The dragon always dreams of grandiose plans for the future, boldly starts any business and enters into battle for it. In the Year of the Horse, it will be difficult for him to change his “Napoleonic” plans almost every month. The Year of the Horse will be moderately good for the Dragon. There will be some bad news and unpleasant circumstances. If the Dragon is persistent and active, the problems will be resolved. The dragon will be troubled by real and imaginary troubles. But, overall, this year is not considered bad.

SNAKE (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037…)

This year will bring many changes and events to the Snake, just don’t give in to emotions. Problems and worries can affect your health. Any undertaking must be carefully planned. In the year of the Horse, the Snake gets the opportunity to begin implementing plans. Difficulties and problems will be short-lived. Friends will come to the rescue. A love affair is possible.

HORSE (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038…)

This is a successful year for the Horse. Only representatives of the sign Fire Horse Tragic events may await. Recognition and joy await the rest. All plans will come true without much effort. It is worth paying more attention to new acquaintances. Happiness, promotion and recognition will come to the Horse. Therefore, you need to show self-confidence and do not break ties with any of your partners and allies.

SHEEP (1931, 1943, 1955, 1067, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039…)

This year there will be no serious problems either at home or at work. In the year of the Horse, the Sheep can quickly and successfully adapt to the rhythm of life. . Infections and minor diseases are possible. There will be no major misfortunes. Luck comes with business. Everyone around will try to entertain the gloomy Sheep.

MONKEY (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040…)

This is a good year, but there are still some concerns that remain. You can find a profitable job, but you shouldn’t spread yourself too thin. It will be required from the Monkey serious attitude to affairs and responsibilities. She will have to be diplomatic when getting out of difficult situations, otherwise she may become entangled in them by the end of the year. Overall, this is a good year. All troubles will disappear. This year it is necessary to show maximum conservatism and observation in order to succeed.

ROOSTER (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041…)

For the Rooster, the Year of the Horse is a period of testing. There will be many obstacles on the way. Roosters will be able to overcome them if they are not deluded by previous successes. The Rooster brings the spirit of competition into any process. His actions are driven by the desire to receive a prize, reward and recognition. In the year of the Horse, the streak of luck will end if the Rooster listens to empty praise. This is a time of obstacles and conflicts. We need to be diplomats and make compromises. Quarrels with loved ones and co-workers are possible. You need to be careful so that everything ends well.

DOG (1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042…)

For the Dog, this is a year of development and progress, promotion and big profits. In the year of the Horse, the Dog has the opportunity to expand its scope of activity and continue a favorable period for itself. Progress is being seen in everything. This is perhaps the best year for the Dog in the entire twelve-year cycle. Try to use it completely. The dog can expect a successful marriage. But there may be trouble with relatives or minor loss of property. A lot of travel and meeting guests awaits.

BOAR (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043…)

The year may be favorable. The Pig can persistently achieve its goal. And defend the interests of your family to the end. In the year of the Horse, the Pig's luck will be excellent. Although he will not have any luck in gambling, he will not have problems with business and finances. 2014 is a happy year for family life.

What does 2014 promise to bring to all zodiac signs?


The self-confidence and cold calculation that characterize people born under this sign will remain this year, but arrogance and commercialism will be added to them. This will be noted with dissatisfaction by Aries’s relatives and friends. The year promises to be specific and not easy, especially for those with a quick temper. Aries' partners and loved ones should be patient in order to cope with such an quarrelsome person. Warming relations towards the end of the year.


This year has a lot to teach Taurus. The main quality that these people will need is caution. There will be many provocative situations. And the representative of this zodiac sign needs to clearly distinguish between each of them, so as not to be afraid of provocateurs or scammers, and then not to reproach himself for carelessness. This year will force Taurus to prove their worth both as individuals and as a professional worker. From the beginning of the year, you should be patient and overcome obstacle after obstacle. The main thing is to do this consistently, otherwise, torn between work, family and your own hobbies, you can lose everything.


The year for Gemini, who clearly knows what they want to achieve at this time, will be successful in their professional activities. It will be a year of prospects, activity and determination. Throughout the year, Gemini's past will remind itself of itself, which can interfere with a person of this sign. Problems will arise that prevent you from getting a prestigious job or fully understanding your relationship with your loved one. It's all about Gemini's reluctance to part with the illusion and attempt to regain a long-lost relationship.


The New Year 2014 will give Cancers peace of mind and self-confidence. We must learn to understand people, learn to say “no” if circumstances require it. In addition, you need to learn to separate your personal life and work, without confusing these two concepts. The coming year is good for renewal, for Cancer to meet a person who can not only ignite a storm of emotions in Cancer, but also become a real mentor for him, guide him and push him to development, which is what people of this zodiac sign need from time to time.


Leos in 2014 will be active and incredibly enterprising. However, they will lack the cunning that characterizes the Year of the Horse. Leos, especially in the middle of the year, will have to show all the fortitude of which they are capable, since very often Leo will be seduced, flirting with this person, which on the one hand will be very attractive to Leo, and on the other hand will stop him and remind him of honor and family foundations. Shown weakness can cost Leo his loved one and peace of mind for the rest of the year.


Dev has a very difficult year ahead of him. By completely trusting a person, Virgos will relax, for which they may pay. Temperance is also dangerous, because of which Virgos will often conflict with others. But they will do all this while protecting themselves and their family. No one will dare to doubt that Virgo loves and cares about her loved ones. The year can be a time of change. The important thing is that any change in the life of representatives of this sign will only benefit them.


Good luck awaits them in 2014. Such qualities of the wooden Horse as nobility, cunning, sparklingness and the desire not to stop halfway are very suitable for Libra. These people will be able to achieve the highest position in their career. 2014 will be full of intimate adventures and travel.


A very busy and productive year. The dedication and risk shown by Scorpio will give exactly the result that he expects. People of this zodiac sign will be incredibly lucky in 2014 if they do not hesitate for fear of losing what little they have. The first half of the year will be chaotic and incredibly active, and in the second half there will be calm, because Scorpio will be able to achieve much of what he strived for.


The year of the wooden Horse is far from ambiguous for Sagittarius. There will be many prospects and tempting offers throughout 2014, but not every Sagittarius will decide to take this chance and change their life, due to natural indecision and uncertainty in the future. These people will miss the chance to be happy for fear of losing what they have. Due to self-doubt, Sagittarius may not have a successful professional career.


It will be a very promising and useful year, which will bring these people many new acquaintances, sensations and completely new activities. The Horse is similar to Capricorn in its cautious, secretive character, and this will not allow people of the Capricorn sign to sit idly by and not develop. Good luck will accompany representatives of the Capricorn sign in their personal lives.


The beginning of 2014 will not be very successful: Aquarians will be devastated, this will be affected by poor health and deteriorating relationships with loved ones. Aquarius will feel the misunderstanding of others. This is especially true for talented people who will have a creative crisis. The absence of a loved one nearby will also affect your state of mind. This mood will dissolve by mid-spring, when Aquarius falls in love, and their life will again shine with the most colorful colors. From this period new discoveries will begin.


The Year of the Wooden Horse will be marked in the life of Pisces by gaining a new status. Pisces will meet their love, and maybe a child will appear in their family. The year for representatives of this zodiac sign will be oversaturated with such events. Pisces will easily change their place of work to another place, or quit altogether. This year will be marked by Pisces’ unprecedented success with the opposite sex and travel.

What year is 2014, who - what animal....

| 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 | 2031 |

Horse- Cheerful, popular, quick-witted, changeable, down-to-earth, receptive, talkative, lively, magnetic, intelligent, insightful, flexible, open. Can be fickle, arrogant, childish, restless, rude, gullible and stubborn.

Work for everyone!.. Think about yourself. Get involved in politics, sports, participate in meetings, rallies. Whatever happens, diplomacy will prevail. The behind-the-scenes side of politics: unrest, possible resignations, scandals... But, in the end, everything will work out. A year favorable for performances. It is better for a Horse to be born in winter.

RAT - A year of disasters for the Rat from all points of view. She will be in debt.
BULL - Everything will work out for him. His work will bring profit. Let him take advantage of this year.
TIGER - Let him do something. He needs to be busy. He's not in danger.
CAT - This year is generally calm for him.
DRAGON - He will take the opportunity to move forward.
SNAKE - Be careful, love troubles. This year is very turbulent for her, she will need all the wisdom to overcome everything.
HORSE - Unlike other signs, this is not a good year for the Horse. As for the year of the Fire Horse, it can generally be tragic.
GOAT - Good year. Everything is entertaining, I like it, it fits.
MONKEY - Although he does not like performances, he can find a profitable job for himself.
ROOSTER - Everything is fine. These troubles and twists and turns entertain him until they affect his personal interests.
DOG - Irritation... She would like to break into the epicenter of events, but does not really believe in success.
PIG - She organizes herself. In the area of ​​feelings there is nothing but trouble. Unfavorable period

People born in the year of the Horse are considered by many to be selfish. There is no great exaggeration in this: after communicating with a Horse, everyone will notice that such a person is looking for the best for himself in everything. Tireless concern for one's own comfort takes up a lot of time from the average Horse and does not leave a single free minute to think about others.

For the Horse, like no one else, all life is a game. A game of self-confidence, prudence, composure and courage; While pretending to have all these qualities, the Horse at heart remains shy, trusting, emotional and very cautious.

The Horse's tendency to fool others is manifested even in its manner of dressing: being a conservative to the core, such a person willingly wears extravagant outfits and is usually considered the first of the fashionistas.

The Horse is quite materialistic and usually places more importance on money than on love or family, but its value system turns upside down around the age of 32-37. During this period, the Horse experiences a dizzying romance, passion captures it completely and makes it forget about everything. Few people have this story ending with a happy ending; Having become disillusioned with love, the Horse plunges headlong into work and stops paying attention to the world around it.

The family life of a Horse is rarely happy. A Tiger or a Sheep will make a good match for her - if they are not embarrassed by the prospect of spending life with a mercantile egoist.
