How to forget a loved one forever quickly ritual. Powerful prayer to forget a loved one

It will help to stop loving a person after a breakup white magic and a simple spell over water . It happens that people break up and it doesn’t matter who the reason for the separation was, a man - a husband or a woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help relieve the severity of the separation and fall out of love someday loved one and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you just need to change the words in it from slave to slave. To stop loving a person forever you need a flow cold water . This could be tap water, a river or stream. Say it seven times near running water words of a conspiracy that cools the feeling of love and helps you stop loving a person :

Cool me, mother water, servant of God (name).
How pure, cold and free you are,
So that my heart cools down
To the servant of God (name).
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Having said the text of the plot, wash your face three times with running water, saying: the water has gone, love has taken away. Now you can very quickly stop loving a person and your feelings for him will forever and completely cool down and you will be able to stop loving him.

© Copyright: Magician

  • Love drying made using this method is very strong and has a long-lasting effect. The following dryness for love is equated to the effect of a light love spell, but it is very convenient that the magic words of the spell - dryness are spoken when meeting a person and do not require special training except for memorizing a short text of a love letter. If you decide to attach your loved one to you so that he will “pine for you”, yearn for you and fall head over heels in love, use this particular love attachment after which your loved one will begin to dry out and miss you on the same day, experiencing a craving for communication and meeting. To make a love drying yourself when meeting a person, tell him the text of the love drying, it’s better, of course, if it happens outside so that there is wind:

  • This is perhaps the strongest and fastest active conspiracy on love which you can read on your own at home. For reading love plot you need to have a photo of your loved one, which will be rendered unusable during the love spell ritual, so take this into account when choosing a photo for a love spell. Rituals using a person’s photo are very common and you can read a variety of love conspiracies, but the one that the conspiracies tell today does not have the strongest and fastest impact on your loved one - a man or a woman. This particular love plot is suitable for all occasions, because it can be read any day and at any time of the day while at home, yes, the love plot in the photo should be read at home.

  • Casting a love spell on a loved one with prayers is a very common ritual of white magic for love. Magic words to make your loved one fall in love with you without consequences for yourself and him are read in the temple. Conspiracies to open for you magic words on how to make a loved one fall in love with you or meet your soul mate who will marry you. To do this, you need to read the most powerful spell yourself - a prayer for love and quick marriage. This must be done in church after reading all the most powerful prayers for marriage. To cast a love spell in a church using prayer, you need to buy 5 candles - 4 for prayers to the saints for marriage and love, and the fifth for your health from the icon of Pantelemon. Before you beg the saints for a successful marriage and read strong prayers, you need to enter the church and say magic words so that future husband loved you more than life itself and never changed: Lord, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Nikolai Ugodnik, Kazan Mother of God, help me (name your request) - this is the fastest and most powerful way to get married successfully and out of mutual love.

  • How to get your beloved girl or woman back if she left you? A strong and proven conspiracy will help in order to return your beloved after separation and again awaken her love and interest in herself. After breaking up, go to church and perform a white magic ritual to return love from your loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave the change to the farmer (telling them to put it on a common candle). Within 3 - 7 days after the spell to return, your beloved will return to you and your relationship and love feelings will be completely restored. A conspiracy to bring back your beloved that needs to be read in church:

  • The effect of the conspiracy to return and enlighten is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever your loved one is, even in another city, he will have a strong desire to see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love, like in war, all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. What if your loved one left for a rival? Here the best weapon is to read it yourself strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is a very strong and sure means that a loved one will not be able to resist. This ancient spell ritual in ancient times helped to bring back a person who had left home after a quarrel between a husband and his wife, or was done to return and awaken in a person a feeling of love for the one who cast the return love spell. But still, before resorting to the help of magic, think ten times whether you really love a person so much and want to be with him until the end of your days or whether you can still live without him.

  • Love spells that you can read yourself can be done both during the day and at night. At night, the most powerful love plot should be read on the full moon; this time is considered the most suitable for performing magical rituals of love magic. If you need to quickly bewitch a person and read a strong love spell on him, you can perform a ritual on eternal love using his photo and a red church candle, doing everything yourself. Another very good and quick love spell is made with candles and needles and belongs to black magic. As you can see, there are a lot of love spells that need to be read on candles. You can read them all for reference, but use the one that speaks to your heart.

  • A cemetery plot made for love lasts a lifetime. You can read a love plot on cemetery land both during the day in white light and on a black night under the light of the moon. All strong love spells that need to be read in a cemetery are called cemetery spells love spell for eternal love and refers to black magic. In order to independently perform a love ritual on cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy, you need to be a very brave person and deeply love the one for whom you are ready to perform the ritual ceremony. The conspiracies will reveal the great secret of the black wedding and you will learn the best love conspiracies that should be read in the cemetery. By choosing and performing any of the rituals, you will unite your souls forever and will love each other deeply for the rest of your life. After the love spell you read in the cemetery, you will have to accept your loved one as he is, with all his “cockroaches” and oddities. Therefore, you need to get to know him better so that disappointment does not set in after the conspiracy. Also, all conspiracies and love spells committed on cemetery land have their consequences, about which we will not remain silent.

  • Many people are interested in how to make a love spell on their own using a photograph of a loved one. In itself, this is a very easy love ritual with reading the words of the magic spell of the caller strong feelings love in a person. You can read a love spell yourself, either at home or by choosing a faster black love spell using a photo and perform a love ritual in a cemetery. In any case, if you have a photograph of the person you are bewitching, his presence when you read the love spell is not required. You should also know that a love spell drawn from a photo cannot be removed; it is performed only once in a lifetime. To bewitch a person from a photo, you need any printed photograph; it carries all the energy of a person to which the magical forces of a love spell are directed. Below are several ways to make your own love spell using a photo and greatly bewitch your loved one.

  • This magical ritual love magic allows you to quickly find your love and get married successfully, you just need to perform a simple ritual with reading a love plot to meet your loved one. Immediately after reading this plot, fate will send you your betrothed who is destined to become your husband. For the ritual, take any small roadside stone that will fit in your hand and take it home. At home seven times under running water wash this stone by reading a special love spell:

When you can’t forget a person for a long time, longing and sadness sets in

To the photo

To forget a person you only need his photograph

A strong conspiracy to forget a person will help. To implement it, you will need a photograph of someone you need to forget and stop loving. Both men and women can perform such magical actions. Light a candle and turn the photograph upside down next to it. Place a piece of black bread near the image. This magical procedure is performed daily for a week. After reading the spell, give the bread to any animal to eat. In your soul, let him go, mentally imagine the moment of the break. The text is as follows:

“The way your photo stands, doesn’t move, doesn’t turn over. Just as bread lies motionless and does not move, so my passions pass, love passes forever. I’ll let you go, I won’t suffer anymore. I forgot you, like the first feeling, the first failure is forgotten. So let me also forget about you forever. Amen".

Such conspiracies will help even if you love a person very much.

On the water

How to forget a boyfriend or husband? A conspiracy to forget a loved one will help; it is carried out using water. To forget the one who abandoned you, you should wash your face with the charmed water for seven days. You should first speak to the water:

Before washing, you should speak water

“I’m going to wash my face with clean water. Take away, little water, my melancholy, sadness and sorrow, take it with you to a distant place. Hide all your feelings in the depths of the sea, help you forget what will never come true again. Amen".

It is better to use spring, spring or well water to forget the person you love, but he doesn’t love you.

You can use another method to forget a person. To carry out the ceremony, you will need to collect water from a natural reservoir before sunrise. Bring it home and don’t talk to anyone on the way. And when you come home, read on the water:

“Crystal water, you are drawn from the spring. Help us break up, help us forget the person after breaking up. Help those who have abandoned and those who have been abandoned. Help for wives and husbands, sons and daughters. Take away all the troubles and troubles, cool down strong feelings. Tell me how to stop thinking about a person, how to forever forget someone who was once loved and desired. Direct your strength to throw unrequited love out of my heart, out of my soul.”

The collected water should be poured out after sunset

Wait until the sun sets, pour the spell under a bush or tree, while saying the text to kill your beloved man:

“Just as water came from the earth, so it goes into the earth. And so love will go away forever.”

This ritual will help you quickly throw someone who no longer loves out of your heart.

With a candle to release feelings

To perform the next ritual in the church you will need to purchase 13 candles. When leaving the temple, turn around and whisper:

“I will give my melancholy, sadness and sadness to this place, all my mental wounds go away, all melancholy and unrequited love. Amen".

When you get home, light all the candles. Looking at the flame, say these magic words:

Light three candles and read the words

“I will get lightness in my soul and heart. Unrequited love, passion and suffering will no longer torment me. No more suffering will remain, no troubles and misfortunes will come. Let all the bad things go away, let your memory be cleared of bad thoughts. Everything is coming true as I said in a good hour on a bright journey. I'm starting a new life with a clean slate. A new day will bring new happiness. I’m starting a new path.”

Repeat the spells three times. Put out the candles and throw away the cinders. After two weeks, repeat the magical procedure again.

Ritual with blue candles

To quickly get rid of unrequited feelings and cool your heart, you can use the following version of the ritual. Buy three thick blue candles. Scribble on one:

Buy three blue candles

“Pain and suffering, leave me (name).”

Scratch on the surface of the second:

“Mental anguish, burn with a bright flame.”

On the third write:

“Heartfelt, leave me (name).”

Every day you will need to burn one candle and throw the cinders into any body of water. After three days, passion and love should subside.

With poppy seeds

Take a handful of poppy seeds

How to stop loving married man the conspiracy will help in such a situation. To prevent people from suffering from unrequited love, you can charm poppy seeds at home. Take a handful of poppy seeds, throw that poppy on a saucer, pour hot water, reading:

“Forget me and I will forget you. How hot this water is, so are my feelings now. But as the water cools, so will the feelings. When the water gets cold, my feelings will get cold along with it. Amen"

Pour poppy seeds under an old tree, while reading the prayer:

“Sincere feelings burned strongly for you (name). Melancholy has tormented me, it has eaten me up, there is no peace or joy from it. As the mixture cools on the dish, so do I. My passion and love will shatter, like a poppy growing cold. From now on I will only be happy, there will be no more unrequited affections, and the melancholy will go away forever.”

Such rituals are allowed to be used once. You cannot repeat it, otherwise higher powers may punish you.

Other ritual options

Help yourself get rid of longing for a person

How to forget a loved one, a conspiracy will help you get rid of the problem. To make a guy stop loving a girl, the plot is carried out after sunset. A conspiracy to forget a loved one is carried out using the following attributes:

  • candle;
  • scissors;
  • matches.

When it gets dark, light a candle and take scissors. Moving them along the flame, as if cutting off its edges, say:

“I don’t cut off the flame of a candle, but I drive away frantic love. Help, healing fire, to get rid of heartache and unbearable melancholy. Stop thoughts swirling around unbridled feelings. Stop, my heart, from suffering from severe melancholy. Let the feelings go to a place from which they do not return. Help me, healing candle, to forget the person forever. Whoever does not love, let him lag behind, will forever remain in the past. I curb the desire to meet, the desire for love and passion. When I blow out the candle, I’ll forget (name). May the spoken word come true.”

Throw away the cinder and hide the scissors. Such magical actions should be carried out during the waning moon.

Throw a handful of seeds to the pigeons

Another effective conspiracy In order to stop loving a person, let him go and not suffer anymore, it is carried out with the help of seeds. Take a handful of seeds and sprinkle them on the pigeons, while reading the text of the conspiracy to stop loving a person:

“Birds are free and free. Take your melancholy and sadness with you. Let them fly away forever to distant lands. Strong feelings are gone, love is gone, let it never return. May what has been said come true.”

To make a man stop loving a woman or to forget her husband, repeat such manipulations for 9 days in a row.

Another effective conspiracy to forget a person is carried out during the waning moon. Take a piece of bread, put it on the windowsill, leave it overnight, reading these words:

“Bread, absorb all the power of the bright moon, fill yourself up and take my sadness and melancholy with you.”

Bread will help get rid of melancholy

In the morning, crumble the bread and give the crumbs to any birds. If the spell does not bring the desired result, repeat it

If you left your spouse so that your husband would stop loving her and stop suffering, there is a sure way. Say the words out loud three times:

“Go to sleep, love, don’t wake up. Heart, calm down, free yourself from pain. To stop loving your wife, let him separate without pain and suffering. She was nice, now she will be forgotten. My words are strong."

Another effective version of the ritual is the ritual using lemon balm. Tear fresh leaves and put in a bag. Go to the pond, let each leaf float into the water, reading the words of the spell:

“The water floats far, there is no reverse current, fast water, help my feelings evaporate. Let them go completely, to the last drop. Together with the leaves, all my troubles, melancholy, suffering and problems go away. May the spoken word come true.”

Collect water from the pond for washing

Collect some water from the reservoir, every day you will need to wash your face and sprinkle the area of ​​your heart. Carry out such magical actions for three days in a row.

How to stop thinking about a man who doesn't need you? To quickly forget a person who does not reciprocate, you can perform a ritual using a knife. You need to collect spring, well or spring water. Place several silver objects in a container of water. So it will turn silver. Place a knife in a container of water. Let it sit overnight, then remove the knife in the morning. Read magic speeches about him:

“As this knife is cleansed, so let my heart be cleansed of unrequited love. So my soul is cleansed from bottomless melancholy. So my body will be cleansed from strong suffering. The mind will become clear and pure, a new path will open for me, they will now be able to live in a new way. Our paths will diverge, and my path is now only illuminated by light.”

After such a ritual, unrequited love will go away very soon. You will be able to get rid of thoughts about the person who was once loved.

Love is the most beautiful feeling, especially when it is mutual. But what to do when this feeling is unrequited? How to come to terms with this and cool your feelings? How to forget someone you loved so much? A conspiracy to forget a person will help in solving these issues. Today we will tell you how such sacraments are performed at home.

Effective and effective conspiracy

How to forget a loved one - effective conspiracy will help you get rid of these torments:

  1. Pick fresh lemon balm leaves.
  2. Place one part of the foliage in a bowl and leave it on the table, and put the second in a bag.
  3. Go to a body of water, preferably one that has healing powers. This could be a spring, always with clean water that is allowed to drink.
  4. Sit down on the shore and concentrate all your thoughts on how hard it is for you now, how your soul and heart are suffering. Mentally imagine that your tears are lemon balm leaves.
  5. Release each leaf into the water, imagining that your feelings are leaving with them. Wash the chest and heart area with this water.
  6. As soon as you feel that your soul has become easier, all the grievances have gone away after the breakup, take water from the source into any container and go home. When you come home, pour spring water into a vessel, throw the rest of the leaves into it and place it next to your bed on the floor.
  7. Every morning you will need to wash your face and heart area with this water and drink one sip. On the fourth day, take the remaining healing liquid and take it to the spring where you collected it.

Pour out the water and read the words of the conspiracy:

“As this water goes down the river quickly and quickly, so my feelings evaporate to the last drop. I will free my heart and soul from suffering. Amen".

If you feel that this strong conspiracy to forget a loved one did not work, the ritual must be repeated.

Conspiracy to forget a man

If you want to fall out of love, forget the man you love or the guy who abandoned you, offended you or found a mistress, you will need to carry out exactly this powerful conspiracy to forget the person.

Take a handful of poppy seeds, pour them onto a saucer and pour hot water over them, while saying the words of the spell:

“My hot and burning love for you, servant of God (name of beloved), how hot this water is. They are only hot now. The water will cool and along with it my feelings for you will cool. Amen"

Place the plate with the contents on the windowsill. As soon as the poppy has cooled, you need to pour it under an old tree and read the plot to forget your loved one:

“My feelings for you (boyfriend’s name) were burning. Melancholy tormented me greatly. I had neither peace nor joy. I have grown cold towards you, just as this poppy has cooled. My feelings are breaking like these grains are scattering. Now I live, I rejoice, I do not feel attachment to you and do not miss you.”

This is a powerful ritual that will help you forget the past and stop loving someone who doesn’t love you. Such a plot to forget a loved one can be read only once.

A conspiracy to stop loving someone

There is another way to cool your love feelings. To forget a loved one - an effective conspiracy will help you quickly and effectively resolve this painful problem for you. For a woman, such a ritual is suitable if a man abandoned her, stopped loving her, and much worse if she suspected infidelity. A man can also use this magic to stop loving a woman who does not love him back.

To perform this ceremony you will need a photo of your loved one. Bring your hands together and aim your gaze at the photo of the person you need to forget. In this case, the photo must be placed upside down. Place a slice of black bread next to the photograph. Such a plot to forget a loved one must be read for seven days in a row. After the ceremony, the bread can be given to poultry and animals to eat.

“Servant of God (the name of your beloved), as you stand motionless, as this piece of bread lies motionless, so my love for you has already passed. I forgot you, like the first words from my lips in childhood, like my first tooth grew, like my first steps. So let me also forget about you forever. Amen".

An effective ritual to forget a person

How to forget a loved one, a conspiracy against this craving and torment will help you. You need to read this ritual for the person you still love at Easter. It is this church day that is considered the most effective and powerful for performing magical rituals.

A mother can perform such a strong ritual so that her son or daughter does not suffer from love torment after parting with their beloved. This magic is also suitable if you want to forget a loved one or ex-husband, wife forever. Such a sacrament will help anyone stop loving and become a free person.

“Lord God, you are our lord, accept my sincere and desperate prayer. I went out early in the morning at dawn and reached a high mountain. A river with clean, clear water flows near the mountain. The Blessed Virgin Mary stands by the river. He washes his hands in this river. The servant of God (her name) looks at me and drives away my melancholy and sadness. Holy water, deliver me from this torment. I want to become free. I forgive all insults. I will neither be bored, nor grieve, nor kill myself for my beloved. I let him go and heal myself. Amen".

This very powerful conspiracy on how to forget the person you love and free yourself from your feelings for him will work quickly if you read the prayer sincerely and believe in its action. Within a few days you will completely forget about this person.

Ritual for the waning month

This conspiracy to forget a loved one, to whom one is very strongly attracted, is carried out during the waning moon phase. At midnight, take a slice of black bread and place it on the window so that the moon illuminates it. Next you need to read a conspiracy to help you forget your ex:

“As this bread is filled with the strength and energy of the queen of the night, so my exhausting and unrequited love leaves. The person I love will instantly fall out of love. Queen of the Night, take a knife and cut this love thread between us forever. I will become free and strong. Amen".

Early in the morning, take some bread, break it into crumbs and give it to the birds. If after this ritual you could not forget the one who abandoned you or stopped loving you. You are still thinking about this person, then the necessary ritual must be repeated on this person.

How to forget a girl - the most powerful rite

If you decide to stop loving a woman or girl, you should perform a very strong magical sacrament.

To do this, you need to retire and make sure that there is nothing in the room that will interfere with the performance of your sacrament. Read the words of the conspiracy:

“May my love for you fall asleep forever, may my heart be freed from torment and pain. Affections, tenderness and mercy - I will forget everything. May my words be stronger than iron. They will come true quickly and heal me forever. Amen".

To forget a loved one, an effective conspiracy must be read three times clearly and distinctly. After this, you need to go to bed without talking to anyone.

How to forget a lover, mistress

If you love another person and have a family, this effective spell to forget your loved one will help you get rid of your feelings for your lover or mistress.

You need to wash your face with the enchanted water every morning for seven days, while reading the words of the spell:

“I came early in the morning at dawn in silence and solitude. I want to wash my face with clean, mirror-like water. I want to wash away my sadness, sadness and melancholy from myself. So that I don’t remember you anymore, don’t see you and don’t regret our parting. Let our love sink to the bottom of the sea. Amen".

Such an effective conspiracy helps not only you to forget about the person with whom you had a relationship on the side. After such a sacrament, your lover or mistress will shun you and leave you alone.

Conspiracy on the water

Do you still love someone who left you, hurt you or stopped loving you? You need to perform a very effective ritual using water, which will help you stop loving your loved one and forget about this person forever.

Go to a source where spring water flows. Fill the vessel with water until the sun rises. Bring water home. Don't talk to anyone along the way and try not to spill a drop of water.

Read the words:

“The water is clean, spring water, can you take away all my sorrows and sorrows. I will become free from the torment of love. May my soul cool down, may my heart calm down. I will have joy from healing. Amen".

After the sun sets on the same day, take the water and pour it far from your home under a tree or bush.

After this say:

“I was able to stop loving you, which means now I can live peacefully without you. There is no love or feelings for you - just indifference. Now my life is easy and calm.”

“Fire and water are the strongest elements, you have great strength. Give me your strength to forget my love, all the insults and sorrows. Let it burn and wash away all my past. My beloved did not suffer for me, and I will not suffer for him. Scatter my feelings to the wind. My words will come true. Amen".


All these conspiracies to forget a person are very strong and long-lasting. They will help you put your state of mind in order. But do not forget that any magic has consequences that can harm all participants in the sacrament. Therefore, before engaging in such actions, think carefully, perhaps this problem can be solved without magical rituals.

Now we will learn conspiracies that allow us to forget a person once and for all, saving the mind, heart and soul from longing, love, passion for another person. These rituals will help you get rid of irrelevant feelings that prevent you from living and developing, thinking about the future, not about the past. All of the following conspiracies will be useful to anyone who resolutely intends to forget their husband, wife, loved one and/or ex-boyfriend, the one who betrayed, changed and other unpleasant situations.

A conspiracy to forget forever the one who left you

This conspiracy is invaluable for those who cannot calm down and forget a dear deceased person or the one who left you for another. In general, the conspiracy will help you forget any person who torments your thoughts.

To help yourself

  • go outside after sunset so that there is at least one star in the sky,
  • cross yourself and say:

The dawn calmed down and left,

That way I would calm down, God's servant(Name),

I didn’t grieve for (such and such)

Didn't cry, didn't grieve

Neither at night nor in the morning,

Not this day, not this evening.

My tears wouldn't flow

My torment would subside.

My soul would not suffer,

The zealous heart did not flutter.

A star rose to the sky,

The longing for (such and such) would subside.

Lord, help, Lord, bless.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

If it doesn’t help the first time, do this two more times, and your soul will be freed from melancholy.

A spell to not think about a person and forget him forever

From the letter:

“When I was forty-five years old, I was very prominent and stately; due to the nature of my work, I often traveled abroad and had the opportunity to have very beautiful outfits. I always had French perfume, elegant things, and men constantly looked at me. I didn’t have a husband, since I devoted all my time first to study, then to work. In general, I had everything except female happiness. And so it appeared in the form of a very young man, he was only twenty-three years old, and I was already forty-five years old. True, I looked very young, and our age difference was not noticeable. You would know how he courted me, how he blushed when I appeared, what letters he wrote and tried to catch everyone’s eye everywhere. You are a wise person, and I know that you will not judge me and will understand. I couldn’t resist the thirst for happiness and threw myself into our love with him. We met him, and our joy knew no bounds. Then he became terribly jealous of me, and I of him. We quarreled and tormented each other every day. I was jealous of him for young girls, and he was jealous of me for everyone without exception.

Finally, one day, during our next quarrel, he burst into tears and said in despair that he did not want to live, because I would leave him anyway and marry some official. The first serious conversation took place. I explained to him that I could not marry him, since I had no right to ruin his young life. She said that he could very well marry a seventeen-eighteen-year-old girl, and I’m old enough to be his mother, although I still look great, time will still take its toll. I will grow old, and he will just grow up, and his mother is unlikely to allow him to marry me. Suddenly he stood up silently and, having dressed, left without saying another word. I suddenly felt such emptiness and such hopelessness that I fell on the bed and sobbed as if at a funeral. About an hour later the doorbell rang. Swollen from tears, with a red nose, I opened the door and saw my beloved with a huge bouquet of roses. There was a woman standing next to him, and it was his mother. I don’t know what he said to his mother at home, what words he used to defend his decision, but she came with him to me so that he could ask for my hand. I still remember every word he said: “If there is love on earth, it is you, and I will never need another. No matter how much time passes, I will always love you, I will always be grateful to you for your choice. Every hour I will be happy that you are my wife. I will never offend you or betray you. I will never let you regret your decision. Be my wife, that alone will make me all my happiness!”

Of course, I agreed. I could see in his mother's eyes how relieved she was when I didn't reject her son. We got married. I gave birth to his son, and we were really very happy all the years we lived. But time is merciless. No matter how much I take care of my face and body, time has taken its toll. He is now forty-five years old, as I once was, and I involuntarily notice his glances at younger women. The living always strives for the living, and what could sex be like with a woman who will soon be seventy years old? We sleep in different rooms. On the one hand, I feel some relief from this, because he cannot see my decrepit body. On the other hand, I see that he is burdened by living in an apartment with an old woman, who, alas, does not always smell pleasant, even if I wash myself thoroughly every day. I have dentures, but I can’t even walk around without them, because then he will see me without teeth, and not removing the denture is very harmful. I began to experience age-related illnesses, aching bones, shortness of breath, watery eyes, etc. He looks like a cucumber. One day I went to the pharmacy and a woman of about thirty approached me, I immediately realized that she was waiting for me. The woman was very pretty, fresh and beautifully dressed, but she was clearly worried and afraid of me. We sat down on a bench, and from her words I learned that their relationship had been going on for five years. She cried bitterly and added: “He will be angry if he finds out that I approached you, but understand, nothing can be changed. We love each other, and he pities and respects you like a mother. Let him go, give him freedom, doesn’t he have the right to happiness, after all, you will soon be seventy years old, and he is still young!” I listened to her without interrupting, and what could I say. I loved him and understood that my time was up and there was nothing I could do.

When I got home, I told him that I wanted to talk to him. He was wary, but I calmed him down and began with the fact that at my age a young man is an irritant for me. Desire appears just by looking at it, and sex is already harmful to me. She added that my doctor categorically advises me to take care of myself. I suggest he break up, he can get married and will definitely still be happy, but I need peace, which cannot be with him. In general, if he really wishes me well and health, then we need to separate. My husband didn’t particularly resist; apparently, my conversation freed his hands, and we went to different apartments. Our son lives in America, and I am left alone. My husband came to see me a couple of times, but I persuaded him not to do this, and he stopped coming and calling. If only you knew how much I miss him! My heart is breaking and there is not enough air. I am jealous of him, I am tormented, I am dying. Help me, give me a prayer so that I calm down and forget him completely.”

Of course I will help you. To quickly and forever forget a loved one, read this plot in a strong wind.

  • Go outside, face the wind and read the spell for a headwind.
  • After the word “Amen,” turn your back to the wind and read the plot again from beginning to end.
  • When you say “Amen,” immediately go to your home, without going anywhere along the way.
  • You can’t talk to anyone, look around and stammer.
  • Soon you will feel that the heartbreaking melancholy leaves you and you feel better.
  • They do not make a conspiracy during fasting and holy holidays.
  • Don’t tell anyone that you feel better, otherwise everything will come back.
  • Remove from your home all items left by your loved one who left you or died.
  • You don't need to look at his photos, it will only fuel sadness in your heart.
  • Avoid talking about him, after which you may develop a depressive state.
  • Take care of yours nervous system, remember, illnesses such as schizophrenia, oncology, insomnia, etc. can arise and develop from experiences and stress.
  • You should not curse your husband who left you, especially if you have children together. Remember that your curse will definitely fall through the blood on his and your children. One day, when a woman whose husband had left her came to me, I heard such words and curses addressed to him that it gave me chills. After interrupting her, I asked her whether she loved her children. And she answered: “More than your life!” Then I told her: understand one thing, your children are his children too. If you had married another man, these children would never have existed! There would be others, better or worse than those you have now, but you definitely wouldn’t have these ones, whom you said you love more than life itself! So is it really, at least for the sake of this, for the sake of the fact that these particular children were born, that you are not able to give him your forgiveness? Do not curse him, your curses will fall on your children, and sooner or later this will destroy them. I am captivated by the letter of a woman who, loving a man, found the strength to let him go to the one he loved. God forbid anyone to remain in an absolutely empty apartment in their old age; this is such a great sacrifice for the sake of the happiness of another that there are no words or definition for this extraordinary act. One word - the feat of an earthly woman, earthly love. And here the whispers behind her, which probably exist and existed, fade away, about the fact that, supposedly, it was her own fault, she should have thought with her head when she married a young guy. No one ever dares to judge love, for this is a feeling about which it is written on all icons: “Love each other.”

You are my Zorya, Zoryushka,

Take my grief away from me.

Rise high, dawn,

Look, dawn, far away.

When you see the old grave,

Do me a small favor,

Illuminate her cross with your wondrous light,

Raise the dead from their places,

Tell them that I am (so-and-so)

God's miserable servant,

I ask them and I pray

Take melancholy to the grave

By the one I love.

Let my heart not groan,

The soul will calm down, it won’t hurt,

The mind does not burn with fire.

And how I forgave him

May the Lord have mercy and forgive him.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

A quick turnaround plot to forget a guy

And one more quick-acting plot against lovesickness in order to forget a boyfriend or husband.

  • Get up early, well before sunrise, and go to the crossroads of three roads.
  • Stand in the middle and say three times lapel spell:

Lord Jesus Christ, sun in the sky,

The bear is in the den, my feet are on this road.

And when these three brotherhoods come together,

Live together, eat bread, sip water,

Then only I will remember the slave (such and such).

My words are strong, molded,

Do not knock down or interrupt.

Help me, God, to forget Your servant (name).

Now, forever, forever and ever.


Lapel spell-conspiracy: How to forget a person

  • At dawn, wash your face with river water, which you collect goes against the flow.
  • At the same time, read this good plot to forget a person:

Oh, you yellow sand, fast river,

Take away my longing for God's servant (name),

So that I don't grieve anymore

And I didn't miss you anymore

Not during the day in the sun,

Not at night under the moon,

Under a high bright star.

How she doesn’t yearn for anyone,

Never grieves for anyone,

So that I don’t suffer either,

I quickly forgot the servant of God (name).

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

A very good lapel to forget a person forever

Sitting “big”, say the lapel like this:

How my shit leaves me

so that the servant of God (name) leaves my memory.

How my shit goes away

so that he leaves my heart

Servant of God (name).

How my shit goes away

so that the servant of God (name) leaves my head.


Soon, you will forever forget the person on whom the conspiracy ritual was performed.

Spell on a photograph to forget and stop loving a loved one

  • With your hands clasped over your chest, look at the photograph of the person you need to quickly forget.
  • The card must stand upside down. Before the photo put piece of black bread.
  • Do this seven days.
  • Give the bread to the birds every time.

The lapel plot is read like this:

Servant of God (name), stand as you stand.

Bread, lie as you lie.

I will remember you not with love, but with cold blood.

How I, God's servant, forgot

how I took my first steps as a child,

As my first tooth grew, so from now on forever

forget this man

servant of God (name).


Many people speak highly of this conspiracy. It is noted that it is possible to forget a loved one, boyfriend or husband within 2-6 weeks after the end of the last day.

How to forget your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend: A very strong lapel plot!

From the letter:

“I am the father of two children. My wife is kind and good, I have been caring for her since the ninth grade. When I was in the army, I was very worried that my Olya would meet someone else. When I was demobilized, I ran from the station not home, but to her. Then we got married, and she gave birth to my son and daughter. My daughter is the spitting image of Olya, and my son is just like me - at least, that’s what my mother says.

I am writing to you because for some time now something incredible has been happening in our family. It all started last New Year.

A girl came to our enterprise. After some time, she began to show me signs of attention and, in the end, made it clear that she was not indifferent to me. I will not hide the fact that I was pleased with this, and I did not try to dissuade her from anything. Soon her advances turned into declarations of love over the phone.

One day she asked me to give her a ride home. When we arrived, she pretended to remember that her kettle had burned out, and persuaded me to go up to the apartment. I understood that all this was a lie, but I had never had another woman other than my wife, and I was curious, and what to hide - the girl was pretty. Basically, this is the first time I've cheated on my wife.

We started dating occasionally, but I gradually began to feel burdened by our relationship. I began to invent all sorts of excuses so as not to see my mistress again, but she, on the contrary, seemed to have broken free from a chain - she would not give me a pass: she pestered me at work, lay in wait at my house... I literally began to run from her, She, having decided to separate me from my wife, called Olya, introduced herself as a well-wisher and told everything about our meetings with her.

Of course, then there were tears and an unpleasant conversation, but I repented of everything and swore to my wife that I loved only her and the children and would never leave them. The next day I decisively told Lena (that was my mistress’s name) that I didn’t love her and would never stay with her.

To this Lena answered me: “Today you don’t love, but tomorrow you won’t be able to live without me.” Less than a week had passed since I began to go on my own ex-lover crazy I couldn’t work, I couldn’t be at home, in my sleep I dreamed of her hugs and kisses. I became furiously jealous of her and even climbed a tree that grew next to her entrance at night to make sure that there was no stranger in her room.

I couldn’t sleep with my wife anymore—it just didn’t work out with her. I lied to her that I was going on duty, and I ran to Lena. My wife pretended to believe me, and this was the most unpleasant thing of all.

I am writing to you because I want to stop loving Elena. Is there a strong way that would allow me to forget this woman once and for all? After all, the matter here is unclean and because of her whim, several people are already suffering. With all respect, Andrew".

To ensure that you stop loving someone forever, you need to go to someone’s funeral.

  • Place it on the route of the funeral procession spruce branch.
  • When people walk along it and carry the coffin (a hearse passes), pick up this branch and take it to the house where the person who bewitched you lives.
  • Throwing a spruce branch there, say a strong turn like this:

How the deceased moved this spruce for the last time,

That's how I came here for the last time.

Like a dead man's body has grown cold,

So I too, so that I can cool off towards God’s servant (name)

And I forgot her name forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


If you need to forget your boyfriend or husband, simply replace “servant of God” with “servant of God” in the spell.

Depending on your experience and energy capabilities, try different methods from simple to more complex. Now you will never get hung up on one person from the past, waste your life force on him, or deprive yourself of the joy of life and freedom. You can also always help your loved ones and friends avoid negative consequences in love relationships.

Everything happens as if in preparation for the Last Judgment. All human actions on earth are “registered.” “All your deeds are written in a book” (“Sayings of the Fathers”, 2, 1). Sometimes things happen in such a way that it is impossible to be with your loved one, and the best thing you can do is forget as quickly as possible. Christian prayer to forget a loved one helps to calm the aching heart and start new life.

A strong prayer to quickly forget a loved one

In the evening or morning, wash your face over running water, reading the following spell-prayer: “I approached a fast river to wash away the melancholy. Spring water, queen water, take it from me, from the servant of God (name), wash away my sadness and sadness into the blue sea. Amen".

The most powerful prayer to forget a man refers to white magic. Christians do not recognize such prayers. All human relationships will be subject to judgment, both important and insignificant. God will judge both the righteous and the wicked.

Prayer to forget a boyfriend, prayer to forget an ex-husband, and prayer to forget the past provide the opportunity to start a new life, move forward freely, without being bound by a former relationship or unrequited love.

Eat 100% white way to attract true love into your life and restore family relationships! Action strong amulet of love Many women and men have already tested it on themselves. With its help, you will not only find your soul mate, but also be able to remove quarrels and negativity in the family, for this you need...

There is no Orthodox prayer to forget the girl you love.

However, you can help yourself. They relieve stress well, calm the heart, dull the mental pain from the loss of a loved one or girlfriend, special white conspiracies. Here, for example, is one of them:

“Love, go to sleep and don’t wake up again. Heart, close and don’t open again. Just as this poppy can’t get together again, so I, the good fellow (name) and the red maiden (name) won’t have mercy. Key and lock, word and seal. Amen".

When a person leaves this world, all his actions are read to him: “You did such and such, in such and such a place, on such and such a day,” they tell him. He agrees, is ordered to sign this “protocol” and signs. Moreover, he recognizes the justice of the sentence and confirms: “You judged me fairly” (Taanit, 11 a).

Thus, in relation to the Day of Judgment, all living things are divided into three categories:

- completely righteous,

- completely evil

- average category.

Those who belong to the first class are immediately registered and sealed for eternal life. Those belonging to the second category will “serve their punishment,” as it is said: “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken, some to eternal life, others to everlasting contempt and disgrace” (Dan. 12:2). Those belonging to the third category will descend into the underworld and cry out (suffering punishment), and then rise again, as it is written: “And I will bring this third part into the fire, and will melt them as one refines them, and will purify them as gold is refined: they will call on the name Mine, and I will hear them” (Zech. 13:9).

About these latter it is said: “The Lord kills and gives life, brings down to the grave and raises up” (1 Sam. 2:6). The school of Hillel, which is known for its tolerance and positive attitude towards man, quoted Exodus 34:6 on this matter: “The Lord God, gracious and merciful, long-suffering and abounding in mercy,” and believed that God was inclined to compassion.

It was on this occasion that David said: “I rejoice that the Lord has heard my voice, my prayer” (Ps. 114:1). David dedicated this psalm to the trials that befell him: “I was faint, and He helped me” (Ps. 114:6). All the texts quoted show us that God
