Department of artistic modeling, design and technology of garments (KhMK and TShI). Sewing workshop for a fashion brand Sewing production technologist training

Light industry is an industry engaged in the production of fabric, leather, and fur products. The main products are all types of clothing (from underwear to coats and fur coats) and shoes. Training of specialists includes the study of disciplines of various directions, and in particular: materials science - future technologists become familiar with the properties of materials and learn to process them correctly; they will learn for which products they are best used, etc., the basics of management and marketing of light industry enterprises: how to increase the economic efficiency of production, how to track consumer demand for a product and how to promote it, etc., designing light industry products: how to build patterns, how correctly cut and sew products, etc., technical equipment of enterprises: what equipment is best to use, standardization and metrology: finished products must meet certain quality criteria, generally accepted dimensional grids, etc. It is the technologist who is responsible for finished product it was high quality, modern and easy to use. *

* A set of academic disciplines and the focus of training

  1. Management of a modern sewing enterprise. Construction of organizational, production and financial structure. Optimization of business processes of a clothing enterprise. Principles of interaction between departments and the procedure for forming centers of financial responsibility and financial accounting. KPI management system for financial and economic processes.
  2. Organization of production at a sewing enterprise. Contents of the production process. Forms of organization of production. Calculation of the duration of the production and operating cycle and assessment of their impact on the economic efficiency of the business. Calculation of standards for serial production. Indicators for assessing the activities of sewing workshops.
  3. Calculation of production capacity and equipment load in clothing production. Stages and methods of analyzing the use of production capacity.
  4. Sewing production throughput management. Techniques, the introduction of which into production will reduce the lead time of orders, the share of work in progress, and increase the profit of the enterprise.
  5. Technical preparation of production. Contents of design, technological and organizational preparation of clothing production. Indicators of production manufacturability and their impact on the technological cost of garments. Development technological maps and division of labor patterns.
  6. Methods of organizing, rationing and remuneration of labor in clothing production. Types of norms and tasks regulating the level wages in tariff and non-tariff wage systems. Analysis of the mutual influence of changes in organizational and technical conditions, economic factors and indicators of labor standards for performers. Modern practice of labor regulation.
  7. Planning and analytical activities of a sewing enterprise. Methods of planning, accounting and analysis of current costs of a clothing enterprise. Types of product costs, composition and classification of costs in various costing systems. Composition of costs by stages of the production process and life cycle products. Analysis of the impact of changes in the composition and structure of product costs on changes in prices, sales revenue and financial results. Planning the need for working capital enterprises. Scheduling and volume production planning. Operational and production planning at a sewing enterprise. Operational, functional and financial budgets for clothing production.
  8. Economic indicators necessary to assess the efficiency of clothing production. Profitability, business activity and investment attractiveness of a clothing enterprise.
  9. Product labeling for light industry products. Introduction of mandatory labeling.
  10. Automation of sewing production. New standards in automation, implemented at leading Russian and Western clothing factories.
  11. Modern equipment for sewing production. Features of the use of industrial sewing equipment. Providing quality sewing. Practical recommendations for selecting sewing needles and shuttles.
  12. Quality assurance system tools in clothing production. Development and implementation of a QMS in accordance with ISO 9001:2015. ISO 9001:2015 requirements for the quality management system at the enterprise, functions and document flow.
  13. Staff motivation. Increased labor productivity. Ensuring labor discipline. Material liability of employees for damage caused. Personnel management. Psychological aspects management. Ways to prevent conflicts. Effective employee motivation. Leader mistakes that demotivate subordinates. Effective use of working time and equipment.
  14. Change management in production. Development of management and technical procedures for the implementation of solutions at production sites. Structure and sequence of solution implementation. Resistance to change and ways to overcome it, modern approaches to personnel motivation.
  15. Legal support for the activities of a sewing enterprise. Practice of application of labor and administrative legislation taking into account changes in the regulatory framework. Preparation for inspections of an enterprise by regulatory and supervisory authorities: current issues and judicial practice. Grounds for conducting inspections. Rights and responsibilities of inspection organizations during inspections. Controversial issues of committing administrative offenses and bringing to administrative responsibility.
  16. Manager's responsibility. Subsidiary liability of the manager and owner. Persons who control the economic activities of the enterprise. Briefly about taxes and tax regimes. What a manager needs to know. Intent to evade tax payment. What will the inspectors look for and what does this mean for the manager?
  17. Training for managers responsible for the effective operation of a sewing enterprise. Techniques for effective behavior in professionally significant situations. Features of anti-stress behavior in difficult negotiations. Resistance to manipulation of the professional environment. Time management.

Sewing is, first of all, connecting pieces of material to each other, so you should know what kind of seams you need to fasten the parts of future clothing.

It is important to become familiar with the properties of different fabrics in order to avoid problems with the finished product.

It is also necessary to be able to process the edges of the flaps to give the item neatness and prevent tears.

Our professional sewing school is suitable for almost everyone.

The first thing you will learn is professional sewing terms and learn basic skills. necessary equipment used in tailoring.

This cannot be neglected, since without learning the basic concepts, it will be difficult to understand patterns and descriptions of the process of creating a thing.

You will learn to take and record measurements, which will help you adjust standard patterns to fit the body shape of the product.

Course teacher

Basic course - 72 hours

  • Safety instructions for working on sewing equipment
  • Technical conditions for performing manual, machine and ironing work
  • Classification of stitches and seams in accordance with GOST 12807-88 “Sewing Products”
  • Hand stitches and stitches with sample making
  • Wet-heat treatment of garments
  • Adhesive connection of product cut parts
  • Processing product cuts
  • Duplicating product parts
  • Assortment of lightweight women's clothing
  • Manufacturing technology for lightweight women's clothing
  • Names of models and cut details
  • Unit processing of waist garments with sample production
  • The procedure for taking measurements from a figure
  • Design of belt products
  • Features of changing patterns to different shapes
  • Types of fabrics and methods of care. Preparing fabric for cutting
  • Skirt processing sequence
  • Processing sequence for trousers
  • Finishing work

Advanced course - 72 hours

  • Technology for manufacturing shoulder garments
  • Nodal processing of shoulder garments with sample production
  • The procedure for taking measurements from a figure
  • Shoulder design
  • Features of changing shoulder patterns for different shapes
  • Cut and sew the product yourself
  • Blouse processing sequence
  • Dress processing sequence
  • Finishing work

During the main classes, you will be able to receive any necessary advice on product manufacturing technology.

The lesson program can be adjusted during the course of study depending on the wishes of the students.

Small groups combined with detailed and clear explanations from the teacher will allow you to achieve the best results.

All exercises demonstrated by the teacher in the process of explaining the task, students are allowed to photograph or film.

For classes you need

Why do you need to know how to sew?

If you have patience and diligence, you can learn to sew and cut yourself. But practice shows that only professional sewing training gives real results, allowing the student to work independently in the future and be a truly in-demand specialist.

Our qualified teachers will clearly and competently explain all the features of the technology of sewing and fitting clothes, teach all the necessary subtleties and techniques for making clothes by hand and on a sewing machine. They will teach you to understand modern fabrics and materials, and much more.

We offer you the most best option training - courses where you master practical tailoring of a product according to your measurements in the classroom and at home, with the theoretical material being consolidated in practice.

In our courses you will learn the techniques of sewing, learn professional processing various types seams and details of clothing.

During the training process, you will create several clothing models according to your own measurements with a perfect fit and professional quality of workmanship.

We are always up to date with all the latest Russian and world technologies. The training programs of our center are constantly updated and supplemented as new theoretical knowledge and acquired experience emerge.
You will see the results after the first lesson. The skills and technologies taught in the course are the result of many years of practice and successful work of our teachers. If, after completing the courses, you still experience some difficulties in your work, you will always receive free help by calling or visiting our teacher at the department.


BASIC COURSE 72 hours (18 lessons) 35,000 rub.
IN-DEPTH COURSE 72 hours (18 lessons) 35,000 rub.


