Ilya Tsymbalist. Success story

Lives in Yekaterinburg. Finished English school, then Ural polytechnic institute- specialty "Physics of Kinetic Phenomena" or more simply: nuclear physicist.

I did not work in my specialty. I spent 2-3 years selling and installing software. Then two years of creating custom websites. (By the way, I studied completely independently according to the courses of Evgeniy Popov).

Ilya Tsymbalist has long been registered as an individual entrepreneur. But the first reason to formalize everything was not information Technology, and joining the ranks of distributors network company Amway.

For about 1.5-2 years, Ilya was involved in marketing (more precisely, he attended all events, including three international seminars). But upgrading his skills as a professional networker never took place.

In 2008 Ilya went to the Masterinfobiz conference in Moscow and that’s where his career began.

Ilya launched a free course on contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct (updated version).

At the beginning of 2010, a commercial product was released.

Ilya has also released a free video course, “Working Effectively with Email.” Seven step-by-step video lessons based on a real example, with a total duration of more than two hours!

You can familiarize yourself with the recording of Ilya’s online training and recordings of webinars “Organization of a profitable affiliate program”, “Organization of accepting payments on your website”, “Organization of your mailing list and effective work with subscribers”, “Secrets of creating selling sites in video format”, “Tricks” profitable traffic from Yandex Direct" and the video course "Professional selling page from scratch".

In fact, Ilya never worked for hire (only a little during his student years in a construction team). He couldn’t even imagine himself in the place of a hired employee with a fixed work schedule.

New free course on information business "How to earn the first 30,000 rubles online by selling your knowledge?" . The course is very high quality and comprehensive.
Contents of the video course:
- Choosing your topic.
- Checking the relevance of your topic.
- Recording an information product in one day.
- Writing selling text.
- Selling website and posting it on the Internet.
- Attracting targeted visitors to the selling website.
Link to course page

You can make money on the Internet without creating your own products or accompanying clients, only by masterfully using a tool such as Yandex.Direct.

Behind-the-scenes subtleties professional work in affiliate programs of information products using contextual advertising on the Yandex Direct service.

Do you want to know how to make money online?
Download the free book by Vladislav Chelpachenko
=>> “10 steps to the first million in the information business”

Immediately after the article about setting up Yandex Direct, I want to bring to your attention the success story of a young active information businessman from Yekaterinburg, who, thanks to Yandex Direct, became a famous information businessman on the Runet. We are talking about Ilya Tsymbalist.

Ilya Tsymbalist is our contemporary, living with the same tasks and concerns of entrepreneurs. Now Ilya Tsymbalist is probably the most famous specialist in creating advertising projects using Yandex Direct.

Working for pennies, from call to call, the idea that most of the money you earn personally goes not to you, but to your superiors, pushes you to look for new areas of income.

Ilya Tsymbalist’s choice fell on the Internet, and it’s not surprising, because the Internet is a huge field not only for building your own business, but also an area of ​​activity that gives you freedom. You can work at home, for yourself, and not depend on the mood of your boss.

Of course, this does not mean at all that everything is so easy and simple; in any field, including information business, reselling, sales of information products, you have to work a lot to achieve results, but this work is for yourself and for yourself.

You develop, first of all, yourself as an individual, that is, personal growth occurs, and you develop your Internet business.

This is how it turned out to be a lyrical digression! Leave comments about this. What do you think?

Does Internet business provide any personal development? Or does all this from the outside look like the activities of bloggers called Zombies, who sit around at night, trying in vain to sell air to someone?

On this occasion, I remembered the blogger Alexander Borisov, from a zombie blogger who turned into an information businessman. I’ll have to write about him too, so subscribe to this blog so as not to miss the stories of successful bloggers and information businessmen.

(Note: A blog post appeared about this).

Now everything is in order.

Biography of Ilya Tsymbalist

Ilya Tsymbalist was born in 1981 in the Ural city of Yekaterinburg, where he still lives. Having graduated from the lyceum where he studied foreign languages, entered the Ural Polytechnic University to the Faculty of Physics and Technology, from which he graduated.

In which, as Ilya himself says and laughs, they don’t teach you how to sell. Tsymbalist is a nuclear physicist by profession.

While studying at the university, Ilya works part-time at a construction site. After graduation, work in his specialty does not attract him and he is busy installing software on computers in various offices.

Infobusiness and MLM

Realizing that you can’t earn much by installing computer software, Ilya is looking for other ways to earn money.

Trying to start earning money from Amway. And again, many future information businessmen had network marketing experience. MLM still rules at first.

You gain good experience there. Again Borisov remembered something.

But, having attended many Amway conferences, Ilya understands that this company is not for him.

At this time, Ilya Tsymbalist comes across information about courses in which he learns to create websites. It is the creation of Internet sites that he is engaged in for the next 1.5 years.

However, this work also does not satisfy him. The clients were different and not always adequate, and the constant additions and alterations also did not inspire optimism. Many people have probably encountered this.

Such work cannot be characterized as passive income or multiple sources of income, as in turn, an Internet business can be called, of course, a well-organized Internet business.

Continuing to look for new opportunities in the Internet business, Ilya Tsymbalist comes across the mailing lists, and, from which he learns about the first Masterinfobiz conference.

Ilya gets excited about the idea of ​​going there. At that time, his financial possibilities are limited and, overcoming shame, he borrows money from his grandfather and still goes to Moscow.

At the conference, Tsymbalist realized that this was exactly what he was looking for and what he wanted to do.

Returning to Yekaterinburg, Ilya creates his own information business, which quickly begins to bring him income; he happily abandons the work of creating websites. In the first months his income is four hundred thousand rubles.

But not everything is so smooth; in the following months, income drops sharply; Ilya attributes this to the end of promotions with major partners and only his own sales remaining. He finds himself in a very difficult situation. A little one-year-old daughter, a non-working wife, a rented apartment and a bunch of loans.

I have to move in with my parents. Ilya Tsymbalist is signing up for the next training courses on information business. His new rise begins and by the end of the year, which was so unsuccessful, his income from his own strength and sales amount to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles per month. And Ilya’s income began to grow.

Ilya Tsymbalist and Yandex. Direct

Creates own lessons, video courses on this topic. He has a huge number of students, among whom, according to Ilya Tsymbalist himself, there are people who are currently better versed in the intricacies of Yandex Direct than he is.

The reviews from his students about his training programs contain only words of gratitude. Indeed, they work, because Ilya himself went through a difficult path from the very bottom to the pinnacle of success.

Courses and trainings by Ilya Tsymbalist

From Ilya Tsymbalist large number online training courses and webinars that are constantly updated. Among them we can note training in such an unusual format as automatic webinar on earning money in affiliate programs.

It has both paid and free courses. I can recommend a free PDF book on Yandex Direct, which I studied myself.

Yes, fellow bloggers and information businessmen, if you expect to make money on the Internet, you need to not just read, but study.

For serious development of your information business and sales of information products in affiliate programs, I recommend these video courses, fully developed, both for beginners and for Runet entrepreneurs who have encountered Yandex Direct.

Video with Ilya Tsymbalist

Here is an example of how a person rose from scratch to a serious information businessman, only thanks to Ilya Tsymbalist and his courses on Yandex Direct.

Of course, not only thanks to Tsymbalist, half, or even most of the success can be attributed to the will of Alexei Lysenko. Very interesting video which will give you a lot. powerful is guaranteed.

P.S. I am attaching a screenshot in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can do it, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from Internet business professionals.

Do you want to know what mistakes beginners make?

99% of beginners make these mistakes and fail in business and making money on the Internet! Make sure you don't repeat these mistakes - “3 + 1 ROOKIE MISTAKES THAT KILL RESULTS”.

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He graduated from the Institute of Physics and Technology with a degree in nuclear physics. Subsequently, instead of office work, I went to install and configure software in offices. I tried to do network business with Amway. For more than a year I went listening and applauding others. Thanks to Evgeniy Popov’s course on technical aspects of online business. I learned how to make websites, and spent a year and a half creating custom websites.

One day, Ilya Tsymbalist attended the “Masterinfobiz” conference, which changed his life radically! He saw completely new interesting and free people, different values ​​and different perspectives. Before the trip, he had great doubts, but still did it! Although it was very difficult. Six months later, he quit creating websites; during this time, the information business he created brought in more income. In the next 2 months, he earned 400,000 rubles.

Before coming to an understanding of which steps in the information business are effective and which are a waste of time, Ilya Tsymbalist invested a lot of time and a lot of money in his self-education. For a whole year I listened to audio castes, read blog posts, and bought video courses on Internet business. Then, at the end of the year, in emergency mode, in order to make it before the new year, I recorded my information product “Direct Traffic”. Next, Ilya participated in several group trainings for other information businessmen.

In the Internet era, the so-called information business is developing at a fantastic pace. A considerable number of self-confident entrepreneurs make money out of thin air. They just sell information for money. And the most interesting thing is that they are so skillful in convincing people that they are willing to pay. One of these information businessmen is Ilya Tsymbalist.

Who is this?

The specialist lives in Yekaterinburg. Born in 1981. He is known on the Runet as an information businessman who sells paid courses on contextual advertising. And more specifically, according to Yandex.Direct.

Ilya Tsymbalist is currently one of the most famous information businessmen-trainers in his field. That is, in training specialists in Yandex.Direct.


At one time, Ilya Tsymbalist received a diploma from a technical university. His profession is quite serious - nuclear physicist. However, Ilya Tsymbalist chose to take the easier path and sell information products rather than master science.

During my studies I had to work part-time at a construction site. After receiving the diploma, it was not possible to realize myself in the profession. That’s why Ilya Tsymbalist, whose biography interests Runet users, went to work in the office. The young specialist visited various companies and installed computer software for money.

The biography of Ilya Tsymbalist, whose training now costs a lot of money, also includes a period of training in network marketing. More specifically, the currently well-known information businessman previously collaborated with Amway. This brand is well known to women who buy cosmetics and household chemicals. But Tsymbalist did not achieve much success at Amway either. For a year, he was in the crowd of those who listened in surprise to other people's success stories and applauded from the audience.

New profession

The next stage in Tsymbalist’s biography was the purchase of an online course published under the authorship of Evgeny Popov. Thanks to his training, he mastered the features of online business. Over the next year and a half, Ilya Tsymbalist was engaged in providing paid services. He made custom websites according to the wishes of his clients.

However, Ilya Tsymbalist again did not like this activity. I had to please clients. But not all of them were adequate. I often had to make corrections to the completed work. Ilya Tsymbalist considered himself above all this. He was attracted by the possibility of passive income. That's why he was intensely looking for options on how to earn more money without making serious efforts. That's why the information business was chosen. There are many gullible people who want to make money on the Internet. Ilya Tsymbalist’s courses are aimed at them.

Success story

After numerous wanderings and failed attempts, Ilya Tsymbalist quite by accident became a participant in an event for information businessmen. It was here that he learned about those who sell “air”. That is, paid information. It seemed to him that these were free people who were overwhelmed by other values ​​and who managed to make money by coming to an agreement with their own conscience. He wanted to join the ranks of these people. After six or eight months, his own business became a source of serious income - about two hundred thousand monthly.

Ilya Tsymbalist mastered Yandex.Direct in practice. The specialist spent a lot of time on his own self-education. Over the course of a year, he studied various information and even bought other people’s paid courses teaching online business. Ilya Tsymbalist recorded the first course in the shortest possible time. His goal was to make it before the end of the year, not to provide people with a quality product. The first course was called "Direct Traffic". Subsequently, Ilya Tsymbalist became a participant in group events where other information businessmen gathered.

However, the unbridled rise was followed by a crash. Throughout next months Ilya Tsymbalist’s income became significantly less. The aspiring information businessman found himself in a difficult situation. With a newborn child and a wife on maternity leave, as well as a rented apartment, he was unable to provide the required level of income.

The forced decision was to move in with my parents. At the same time, Ilya Tsymbalist did not give up his attempt to conquer the information business. He chose the following training courses. And the tedious work over the next year led to results. Sales of information products began to bring in 250 thousand rubles monthly.


Given the popularity of contextual advertising and the lack of serious training courses, Ilya Tsymbalist quite successfully chose a niche for his Internet business. If you believe publicly available information, he mastered all the intricacies of working with this system on his own at personal experience.

Based on the results, educational video lessons were created, combined into paid courses, access to which costs a lot of money. Thanks to Ilya Tsymbalist, he attracts many students. Not all of them are successful. However, the information businessman assures that some have mastered Yandex.Direct better than Ilya Tsymbalist.
