The icon of all saints helps in some ways. Danilov Monastery - Verbal Icon of Holy Rus'

The image of the “Cathedral of All Saints of the Russian Land” is deeply revered by believers. The icon depicts the entire Army of God, our defenders, to whom we pray daily for help.

“The Cathedral of All Saints of the Russian Land” is a truly universal icon. Each of us has a patron saint since birth. Throughout our lives, he protects us, and we turn to him for help in difficult times. On this icon we can see the images of all the saints, and at the very top, of course, the Lord is depicted. Say a prayer in front of the “Cathedral of All Saints of the Russian Land” icon and be sure that any of your requests will not go unanswered.

History of the icon “The Council of All Saints of the Russian Land”

Very few facts are known about the history of the “Cathedral of All Saints” icon. It is believed that it depicts the moment of the Last Judgment, which both believers and atheists will undergo. At the head of the court will be the Holy Trinity: the Father - the Lord God, the Son - Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, depicted in the form of a dove.

Description of the icon

At the very top is the Holy Trinity. The Heavenly King is depicted in the center. In this way, icon painters clearly show its greatness. To his right is the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a Dove hovers above them.

In the second row is the Mother of God. The icon also contains images of martyrs. Once upon a time, they not only openly declared their faith, but also suffered for it. At the very bottom you can see the People of Christ. During their lifetime, they distinguished themselves by deeds pleasing to God, so they deserved a place among the Saints no less than others.

How does the “Cathedral of All Saints” icon help?

On the icon you can see images of many Saints, so you can turn to their image with any request. Most often they pray for blessings, cure for serious illnesses, improvement of financial situation and deliverance from problems and difficulties.

You can pray for family well-being or marriage. Whatever you turn to the Saints with, the most important thing is that your prayer requests are sincere and come from the heart.

Where is the icon “The Council of All Saints of the Russian Land” located?

At the moment, icons of the “Cathedral of All Saints” are located in many churches in our country. One of the most famous is located in the Nikolsky Church in the village of Nikolskoye, Belgorod region.

Prayer before the icon

“Lord God, hear my prayers. May Your strength be with me. Help me in difficult moments. Ask your assistants to become my protection. Let them also hear my prayer requests and not refuse me help. I ask you for blessings and forgiveness of my actions that are not pleasing to God. Protect me from incurable diseases and protect me from evil and envious people. May God's will be done for everything! And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Date of celebration of the icon “The Council of All Saints of the Russian Land”

Previously, the celebration of the “Cathedral of All Saints” icon took place on May 13. However, at the moment, this holiday is celebrated on the same day as another great event - Trinity Day, which is celebrated annually on the fiftieth day after Easter.

There are difficulties in every person's life, and they are often related to their financial situation. Turn to the Saints with effective prayer, and you will forever get rid of debts and money problems. We wish you happiness and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.12.2017 05:34

Every person has his own guardian angels who protect him throughout his life. Knowing them, you...

As in every Orthodox Church, in Church in Victory Park To the right of the Royal Doors there is a temple icon. This image of “All Saints who shone in the Russian Land”. The name of the holiday was recently changed to All Saints in the Land Russian shone,” but the inscription on the icon remained the same, this is allowed by tradition. Sacred meaning the icon has only the signature of the saint's name next to each image. The name of the event to which the icon is dedicated does not have to be formulated exactly according to the church calendar: the main thing is that it corresponds to the true meaning of what is depicted.

The temple icon “All Saints Who Shined in the Land of Russia” was painted in the tradition of the Moscow school of icon painting of the late 15th-16th centuries. The author of this wonderful image is the famous St. Petersburg icon painter Khristina Prokhorova. The icon came to the temple on January 27, 2012, on the memorable Day of lifting the siege of Leningrad. The icon seems too big for our church. And this is no coincidence. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and by order of President V.V. Putin, a memorial temple should be built in Victory Park, which will adequately perpetuate the memory of the people burned and buried in it and will replace the current small temple-chapel.

Icon of “All Saints Who Shined in the Land of Russia,” painted by nun Juliania (Sokolova)

The iconographic concept of the image of all Russian saints was developed by St. Afanasy Kovrovsky, who corrected and edited the text of the service “To all the saints in the Russian Land who have shone forth” by decision of the Local Council of 1917-1918. According to his description, two different icons were initially painted, but only one, created by the nun Juliania (Sokolova), became the canonical example. The icon of Mother Juliana formed the basis of the iconography created in the Russian Church Abroad, where it was supplemented by the image of the holy royal passion-bearers and new martyrs of Russia. After the canonization of the holy new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000, the image of their cathedral was added to icons painted in Russia.

Next to the temple icon there are shrines that make our church a place of deep prayer for the Russian Land, which is so necessary for the Fatherland in these turbulent times. This is (for now only in the form of a reproduction) an image of St. blgv. book Alexander Nevsky, defender of the Russian Land, and the ark with the relics of the saints resting in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. The very first Russian saints, standing at the origins of our spiritual history, mystically came to the site of the new Russian Golgotha ​​of the 20th century. Here, among the thousands who were burned and buried in the park pond, lie the ashes of many innocently murdered passion-bearers. They are new branches of the tree of Russian holiness, which sent out its first shoots more than a thousand years ago in the caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

The icon of “All Saints who have shone forth in the Russian Land” is unusual. There are no other similar images depicting saints, where the earth occupies the entire iconographic space, rising vertically upward. Usually saints are depicted standing on a conventional strip - ground - and their figures are surrounded on all sides by a gold or ocher background. This background symbolically indicates that God’s chosen ones appear only figuratively in our sinful world, but in reality they eternally reside in the Kingdom of Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, in Heavenly Jerusalem. The earth takes the place of a symbolic background only when the icon tells about God’s presence on earth: about His Nativity, Baptism, Second Coming for the Last Judgment - after all, where God is, there is Heaven. The icon of “All the Saints Who Shined in the Russian Land” with its unusual composition testifies: God is with us! Our land, inhabited by saints, ascends directly to the Divine Throne. The saints did not leave the Russian Land. With their presence, with their prayers, they fill it with the grace of the Holy Spirit, making it “Holy Russia,” which is alive and inseparable from the Holy Trinity. The icon of “All Saints Who Shined in the Russian Land” is an icon of our holy Russian Land.

The abundance of the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are poured out onto our land by the prayerful standing of Russian saints, is metaphorically represented in the icon as a stream of a deep river that flows from the throne of the Most Holy Trinity. This metaphor is taken from the Gospel, where Jesus Christ several times compares the gifts of the Holy Spirit to living water: “ TOthen he thirsts, come to Me and drink"(John 7:37). In a conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, the Lord calls to Himself all those “thirst” for truth as a new, true source: “... Everyone who drinks this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never thirst. but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life(John 4:10,13-14).

The Russian land, filled with the living water of grace, seems to bloom on the icon with hundreds of images of saints. “They are innumerable in the entire history of Rus',” said the Pskov-Pechersk Elder John (Krestyankin), “manifested and unmanifested, many holy men, wives, saints, wonderworkers, princes, monks... They show different properties of Russian religiosity, but what they have in common is “that they are all filled with one spirit - the spirit of holy faith and church piety, the Spirit of Christ.” The images of saints are interconnected into groups that merge into a single stream. The symbolic river of Russian holiness on the icon flows upward, rising towards the river, symbolizing the descent of the Holy Spirit onto the Russian land. The stream of saints in the center of the icon is divided into two sleeves that go around the white walls of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Before his throne, overshadowed by the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, stand the Moscow saints. First Peter and Alexy, followed by Theognostus, Jonah, Hermogenes, Philip, Job, Photius, Macarius... Next to them are the saints, the holy fools, the holy believers... The names of each are written in a halo around the face. The liturgical service of the Moscow saints at the main altar of the country reveals the main theme of the icon: the communion of the Russian land with God.

Drawings of Nun Juliania (Sokolova)

“The river of Russian folk life, giving birth to saints, flowed in a given direction, but sometimes quickly and fruitfully, sometimes slowly, sometimes so quietly that it was difficult to determine whether it was flowing forward or backward,” said John (Krestyankin). The Pskov-Pechersk elder divided Russian religious history into seven periods from Saint Prince Vladimir to the present day, comparing them with the Seven Sacraments. “The first period - Vladimir - corresponds to the Mystery of Holy Baptism. It is short, but unusually significant, due to a radical revolution in the life and consciousness of the people, due to the striving for a new goal. Birth of water and Spirit. Then the first saints appear - mentors of the true faith and our intercessors to the Master.” In the icon, Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir, together with his family - his holy grandmother, Princess Olga, his passion-bearing sons Boris and Gleb and other Kyiv saints - is depicted at the very bottom in the center, as if inside the oldest Russian temple - the Kyiv Sophia. This place corresponds to the place of the symbolic root of the spiritual tree of Russian holiness. On both sides of him in the dark caves are the Kiev-Pechersk monks. In the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, the relics of the holy monks rest in two cave complexes - the Near and Far caves. On the left are the saints of the Near Caves, and in front of everyone is St. Anthony of Pechersk, founder of Russian hermit monasticism. On the right are the saints of the Far Caves. The first among them is St. Theodosius of Pechersk is the founder of Russian cenobitic monasticism. The saints of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, together with the Kyiv saints and Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir, represent the foundation of the symbolic temple of Russian holiness, mark the beginning of the house-building of the Holy Spirit on the Russian Land.

Above the Kyiv saints, exactly along the axis of the domes of the Kyiv Sophia and the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, the Tsar-Passion-Bearer Nicholas II is depicted on a dais, surrounded by his family. On both sides of the royal martyrs stands a host of new martyrs: saints who gave their lives for their Christian beliefs during the years of godless persecution of the 20th century. Despite the fact that the holy new martyrs only recently entered the ranks of Russian saints, their place is at the bottom of the icon. With their blood they strengthen the foundation of the temple of Russian holiness.

It is no coincidence that the image of Nicholas II becomes the symbolic center of the holy new martyrs. He is not just a martyr - he is the murdered Anointed of God, and his royal throne, like the liturgical throne in the church, symbolizes the throne of the King of Kings and the Great Bishop Jesus Christ. The king is the image of Christ the Pantocrator, and his earthly kingdom is the image of the Kingdom of Heaven. " The king is similar in nature to all man, but in power he is similar to the Most High God“,” wrote the great Russian elder, Rev. Joseph of Volotsky (†1515) Therefore, in the icon of Russian Holiness, Nicholas II is the only one standing on a dais, dressed in red and gold clothes, like the covers of the throne of the Assumption Cathedral above his head.

St. Afanasy (Sakharov), Bishop of Kovrov, confessor.

When St. Afanasy (Sakharov) developed the composition of the icon of the Council of Russian Saints, the royal family and the council of new martyrs were not included in the ranks of saints and the majority depicted on the icon had yet to ascend to their Golgotha. The Bishop did not know that four years later he himself would take the path of confession, and would celebrate the celebration of All Russian Saints according to the service he had corrected for the first time on November 10, 1922 in cell 172 of the Vladimir prison. On the icon painted by nun Juliania (Sokolova), which has become an iconographic model, a number of new martyrs are not yet present. He appeared later. On the icons painted after 2000 there is also an image of St. himself. Athanasius - he is depicted third in the second row to the left of the family of royal passion-bearers.

Saint Athanasius conceived a circular composition of the icon, where groups of saints were to be located in the direction of the sun, successively displaying the south, west, north and east of Russia. The circular composition of the icon, replenished with a new row, became more complex, but it retained the image of perfect unity, the symbol of which is the circle. We see how the branches of Russian holiness rise on both sides of the center: on the left are hosts of ascetics sanctifying the western borders of the Russian land, on the right are the eastern ones.

To the left of the cathedral of Kiev-Pechersk saints are depicted the saints of southern Rus', the Chernigov prince-martyrs Michael and Theodore, the Pereyaslav and Volyn miracle workers with the Monk Job of Pochaev. To the right of Moscow is the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra with St. Sergius of Radonezh and his closest disciples. Above are the saints who established Orthodoxy in Smolensk, Brest, Bialystok, and Lithuania. The Novgorod and Pskov dioceses became famous for the abundance of saints in the north-west of the Fatherland. The crown of the great Russian tree is formed by the Northern Thebaid, which is how the monasteries of the northern Russian lands are figuratively called. From left to right in the upper part of the icon are depicted Petrograd, Olonets, Belozersk, Arkhangelsk, Solovetsky, Vologda and Perm saints of God.

In the lower right corner, the branch of saints of the Russian Orthodox East begins to grow. At the very bottom we see an image of the saints of the ancient Churches of the Caucasus: Iberia, Georgia and Armenia. Above, a host of Tambov, Siberian and Kazan miracle workers stand in prayer to Christ. Kazan revealed miraculous icon The Mother of God overshadows the east of Holy Rus'. Above them are all the saints of the Central Russian lands: saints of Rostov and Yaroslavl, Uglich and Suzdal, Murom and Kostroma, Tver and Ryazan, ancient Vladimir and Pereslavl Zalessky. “In Holy Rus' “there is no difference between Jew and Greek, because there is one Lord for all, rich for all who call on him” (Rom. 10: 12). Russians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Ukrainians, Moldovans, Germans, Karelians, Hungarians, Tatars, Aleuts, etc. - different peoples who lived on Russian soil and professed Orthodox faith, regardless of nationality, entered Holy Rus', sanctified it with their spiritual feat” (V. Lepakhin).

The Russian land, inhabited by saints, rises to the very clouds, to the Heavenly Jerusalem, where, sanctified by the golden light of Divine Glory, the Most Pure Theotokos and Saint John the Baptist, the holy archangels Michael and Gabriel, the apostles Bartholomew and Andrew, Saints Photius and the seven of Kherson stand before the Throne of the Holy Trinity. Hieromartyrs, Great Martyrs George and Demetrius of Thessalonica, Saint Nicholas of Myra and the Slovenian enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, as well as many other saints, one way or another historically connected with the Russian Church. They pray together with the saints of the Russian Land for everyone living on it, for everyone, righteous and sinner, believer and non-believer, for every person who walks on our consecrated blood of martyrs, prayed to the Lord and filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit of the Russian Land.

O.V. Gubareva.

Archimandrite John (Peasant). Word for the Week of All saints in the earth The Russian ones beamed.
Gubareva O.V. Questions of the iconography of the holy royal martyrs. (To the All-Russian glorification of Emperor Nicholas II and His Family). St. Petersburg, 1999.
The life of Saint Athanasius, Bishop of Kovrov, confessor and hymnographer. M.: “Father's House”, 2000. P. 3-21.
Lepakhin V.V. The iconic image of holiness: spatial, temporal, religious and historiosophical categories of Holy Rus'. In 2 parts.
Chinyakova G.P. Holy Rus', preserve the Orthodox faith! "Danilovsky evangelist". Vol. 9, 1998. pp. 71-77.

In a difficult life situation, a person goes to church for help. Depending on the person's request and marital status It is worth praying to a certain Saint.

Read how the seven-arrow icon and the holy family help, as well as their names and the meaning of the images.

Every pious Christian attends church on Sundays. Depending on the purpose of his stay, he can pray with gratitude for all the good things or ask for help in his own endeavors.

Important! You can pray to the seven-arrow icon of the Mother of God in any situation. She will help any request come true.

Ask for help to set up family relations You can go to the painting of the Holy Family. It depicts Joseph and Mary, and little Jesus.

However, such an image is rarely seen in an ordinary temple. The icon is most revered in Jerusalem.

You can turn to the Holy Trinity to improve relationships between relatives.

You can also turn to the Holy Father and Son, the Holy Spirit with gratitude or a request for help in any matter.

With small prayers you can appear before the following faces:

  • Archangel Michael. The most important commander over the heavenly angels. People turn to him when moving, so that he can protect the new home from harm.
  • John the Baptist. It can make garden or vegetable garden lands more fertile. You need to turn to him so that there is no need in life.
  • Alexander Nevskiy. The great commander has long been a member of the Saints. It will help protect the weak from attack.
  • Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. Able to protect weak and small children. You can even ask for health for your pet.
  • Holy martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv. They will help maintain friendly relations between relatives and close family members. They maintain peace in the house.
  • Holy Martyr Boniface. Ask your relative or husband to free themselves from habitual habits such as alcoholism, smoking and even overeating.
  • John of Kronstadt. It will heal sick children and adults, help a little person cope with the workload at school and better assimilate knowledge.
  • God's prophet Elijah. It will change the weather not only in the house, but also outside. In times of drought they ask him for rain, in times of flood and flood - clear skies.
  • Holy blessed Xenia of Petersburg. It will help women in difficult situations to establish relationships with their spouses. A man can also contact her.
  • St Nicholas. Will help in any matter. He works miracles in all areas of life.
  • Venerable Sergius of Radonezh. A great teacher will help young schoolchildren master a large amount of new knowledge and take their rightful place in life.
  • Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker. A repentant prisoner can turn to her and ask for early release from a state house.
  • Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and Seraphim of Sarov. Those who turn to these faces can hope for healing from serious illnesses. You can make a similar request to the Great Martyr Doctor Panteleimon.
  • Holy Great Martyr Barbara. Her face will help get rid of mental instability and depression. It is worth asking for peace and harmony in the soul.
  • Apostles Peter and Paul. They will help in troubles associated with the lack of “production” at work and for sick people to get back on their feet.

    With such requests for help in solving worldly affairs, you can pray to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

Advice! It is better to pray not at home, but in a Holy place. Venerate at the tomb of the Saint and kiss the holy cross.

The more often you ask for help, the more likely you are to receive it sooner. The most important and omnipotent is God.

The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, therefore His help is invaluable in the life of a mere mortal.

What does an icon help with?

An icon is just a window into another world. The Great Apostles will help you find peace and harmony in your soul in your life on Earth, cure you of illnesses, and improve your financial situation. Ask for what you really need.

Advice! Never turn to the ranks of the great martyrs with a request to do evil for another.

Such a call can have a bad effect on the purity of the soul of an Orthodox person.

The meaning of the guardian angel icon

Zodiac sign Date of Birth Icon by date of birth
Aries March 21 – April 20 Kazan Mother of God
Taurus April 21 – May 21 Helper of sinners, Iveron Mother of God
Twins May 22 – June 21 Vladimir Mother of God
Cancer June 22 – July 23 Our Lady of Kazan, Saint Cyril
a lion July 24 – August 23 Prophet Elijah, Nikolai Ugodnik
Virgo August 24 – September 23 Passionate, Burning Bush
Scales September 24 – October 23 Pochaevskaya Mother of God, Burning Bush
Scorpion October 24 – November 22 Our Lady of Jerusalem, Quick to Hear
Sagittarius November 23 – December 21 Nicholas the Wonderworker, Tikhvin Mother of God
Capricorn December 22 – January 20 Sovereign icon
Aquarius January 21 – February 19 Burning Bush, Mother of God of Vladimir
Fish February 20 – March 20 Iveron Mother of God

Advice! In any difficult situation, you can turn to God himself or the icon of All Saints for help.

It is important to pray correctly to the faces of the great martyrs so that your words are heard. The Lord is omnipresent, words can come from your home or temple.

Light the candles, cross yourself and read a specific prayer addressed to your patron.

It is important to believe and wait for a miracle. The fulfillment of desires is impossible without your attempts to realize your plans.

You shouldn't sit still and wait for diamonds to fall from the sky. Try to create wealth with your own hands, and God will only show you the right path.

Advice! The more often you ask for help, the more likely you are to receive it. Pray to your Patron or icon morning and evening every day.

May the Lord protect you and your children on the path of life.

Useful video

Every person, with his appearance in the world, is called to glorify his God, the one who created him, the world, the earth, animals, people and everything else. But have you ever wondered how much you know about your faith, its traditions and saints, and the significance of the Orthodox Church in the world today? Orthodoxy is the name given to true, real knowledge of God.


Traditionally, all Orthodox believe in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But, besides this, in any Orthodox Church you can find icons of saints. When faced with various life difficulties, believers turn for help not only to the Almighty, but also to the saints, through their and certain prayers. Everyone has their own guardian angel and saint, in whom a person believes more than in others. But in order to life situation resolved for the better, and the person asking was heard; it is necessary to know all the icons and their meaning.

Icons of all saints photos and their meaning.

To begin with, let's look at the question of what icons are. An icon is a sacred image of the faces of saints, as well as events of church history presented in the Bible. In other words, an icon is a path and a way of communication and unification with God. Different icons help in different situations.

Nicholas the Wonderworker will help you in any need. They say that his icon, located in your home, will protect you and your loved ones from poverty and want. You can ask the saint for prosperity and prosperity in your home. Nicholas the Pleasant is worshiped by everyone: travelers, pilots, drivers, sailors, and everyone who simply believes in him.

Orthodox Christians celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker twice a year - on May 22 and December 19. These two dates are fixed, unlike some others church holidays.

2. Mother of God

The Mother of God is one of the most revered iconographic images among Orthodox believers. The image of the Mother of God has always been and is still considered a symbol of the guardian and intercessor of the Russian people. One of the proofs is the victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War under the protection of the Mother of God. It was from that time that it became customary in Rus' that the image of the Mother of God helps and protects the Russian land.

Despite general meaning, in Orthodoxy there are different icons of the Virgin Mary. Each type has its own special meaning for believers. We will give, for example, five types of images of the Virgin Mary:

  • Guidebook -

According to biblical data, it was she who was first written by the Evangelist Luke. The Virgin Mary is depicted here from the waist up, less often to the shoulders. There is also a slight tilt of the head towards Jesus Christ, and right hand points to him. This type means a mutual relationship between mother and son.

  • Tenderness - Eleusa

In this case, the Mother of God presses her baby to her cheek, there is no distance between them, and this is a symbol of boundless love and tenderness between son and mother. Tenderness conveys the boundless love of God for all people; the image reminds us of his great sacrifice for the salvation of the entire human people.

  • Praying - Oranta, Panagia, Sign

The Mother of God is depicted from the waist up or at full height with her hands raised up, her son Jesus is depicted in the center, at the level of his mother’s chest. The meaning here is the foreshadowing of the Nativity of Christ.

  • All-Merciful - Panahranta,

The Virgin Mary sitting on the throne and Jesus sitting on her lap, this all just shows her greatness as an earthly intercessor.

  • Intercessor - Agiosoritissa

Here the Virgin is depicted alone, without the son of God. Her hands are directed towards God, which means a prayer for the protection of humanity by the Blessed Virgin Mary before Jesus Christ.

John the Baptist is the last prophet Old Testament, who presented the people of Israel as a savior - Jesus Christ. He is also called by another name - John the Baptist - emphasizing his specific role as the forerunner and predecessor of Jesus. It was John who baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. People turn to the icon for help in soil fertility and a rich harvest.

The feast of John the Baptist is celebrated several times and is associated with various episodes from his life and veneration. July 7 - Nativity of John the Baptist; September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist; January 20 - Synapsis of John the Baptist.

4. St. George the Victorious

- Orthodox saint. He is depicted sitting on a horse and holding a dragon sword in his hands. It is he who will help you in dealing with your children, as well as in protecting your pets. The Feast of St. George the Victorious is celebrated on May 6th.

5. John of Kronstadt

Father John of Kronstadt, one of the most famous saints of recent history, had evangelical zeal and, above all, was Orthodox tradition and the faith and life of the Orthodox Church. Father John, one might say the family saint, was an expressive and impressive preacher, a man who moved the hearts of rejected sinners to repentance, a man of great depth of love and a spiritual healer. Huge crowds flocked to him from all parts of Orthodox Russia to hear him and be healed by him (in body and soul). Until now, people turn to his icon with requests for healing from serious illnesses. January 2 is considered the day of remembrance of St. John of Kronstadt.

6. Holy Martyr Boniface

If the problem of alcoholism has settled in your home, your advice would be to turn to Boniface for help. In addition, it will help you cope with gluttony.

7. Blessed Matrona of Moscow

Matrona was endowed with a special feeling, spiritual insight, miraculous and healing powers. Even at an early age, her family, as well as neighbors, noticed that she knew absolutely everything not only about human sins, but also about their thoughts. In addition to everything, she could easily see approaching dangers and social disasters.

The icon of the Blessed Matrona is one of those to which you can come to worship and ask for absolutely everything, especially healing. It is also worth remembering that believers should know the icons and prayers to them. The holiday in honor of Matrona of Moscow is considered to be November 22 of each year.

8. Ksenia Petersburgskaya

Everyone should know which icons are needed for what, for example, the icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg will help everyone with family problems. You can turn to her icon not only with requests for a happy marriage, but also in times of grief. The day of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg is considered to be February 6.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov is one of the most beloved and famous Orthodox saints of recent times. He spent 1000 days and nights on the stone, praying to God for forgiveness. He was a hermit, spiritual guide and priest. He led many Christian souls on the path of apostolic Christianity in Russia during the 19th century.

There are different icons, for example, family icons, including . Pray to Seraphim of Sarov for healing from pain in the joints, arms, legs and spine. The feast of the discovery of the relics of Seraphim of Sarov in Orthodoxy is celebrated on August 1.

10. Saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

The martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia believed in God and proved that people, strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, have no obstacles to the manifestation of strength of spirit and courage. You, too, can ask for the intercession of the saints on the day of their prayer service - September 17 - and on any other day.

A few words about how to pray

Regardless of whether you are a woman or a man, before going to the Temple you need to cleanse yourself both physically and mentally. Only then will he go to the temple with good intentions. A woman must wear a skirt, preferably one that covers her knees. Men come in ordinary clothes, but without a headdress. All women must cover their heads with a scarf.

Before entering the temple and praying, you must cross yourself before entering the church. After which, you can approach the icon. Our list will help you choose an icon. In front of the icon you need to be baptized, read a prayer and be baptized again three times. Each icon requires its own prayer, usually prayer can be found near the icon. After finishing your prayer in the temple, you need to cross yourself three times on the way out, and only then go about your business with a pure soul.

One of the most interesting icons with an unclear meaning is the icon of All Saints. There are many images in Orthodoxy and, according to tradition, on different occasions people turn to different saints in front of different icons. Let us note that the image of All Saints is still generally accepted as universal.


This is the so-called icon of the Cathedral - the meeting of saints.

The Old Russian word “cathedral”, translated “assembly”, still refers to congresses of the episcopate and lay Christians to this day (for example, the Ecumenical Council is a meeting of representatives of all Orthodox regional Churches, the Local Council is a meeting of one Church).

The icon of the Cathedral of Saints is, one might say, a collective image. It depicts the Army of God - the Heavenly Church. A visibly identified saint may not be visible on it or simply not depicted, but symbolically he is present there. Therefore, you can safely pray to any saint in front of it.

It may turn out that you are wearing rare name and you cannot find the icon of your heavenly patron in church shops. Then purchase and place in your home iconostasis an icon of All Saints, where absolutely all Orthodox saints are symbolically depicted.


This image is very ancient. According to researchers, the oldest icons of this type date back to the 5th-7th centuries. Many such icons were painted on Holy Mount Athos, in the domain of the Mother of God, one of the most prayerful places on Earth.

The Icon of All Saints is easy to recognize: there are, indeed, a lot of figures of saints on it. In the center or at the top is the Holy Trinity (in the iconography of the Trinity by Andrei Rublev, that is, in the form of Three Angels). Below is the image of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child, the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John and the ranks of saints in hierarchy.


All Saints' Week is a holiday on the day of which and the day before the image of All Saints is placed on a lectern in the center of each Orthodox church worldwide. It is celebrated a week after the holiday of Trinity - Pentecost, being carried over with Easter, that is, without having a fixed calendar date.


This is an image that depicts everyone's patron saint. We should remember the saint in whose honor we are named and who patronizes us not only on name day. In daily morning and evening prayer rule there is a short general prayer to the namesake praying saint.

People should turn to their patron saints for all their needs. It is known that for saints there are no unimportant prayers: it seems to us that the loss of some things is not worth prayer, but if this plunges you into despair, it is better to pray to your saint and calm down, she will not refuse help.

A prayer to any saint in front of the icon of All Saints and at any time can be read online using the text below:

“Pray to God for me, holy saint of God (holy saint of God) (name), because I diligently ask for your intercession, helper (tsy) in everything and prayer book (tsy) for my soul.”

Icons are placed in your home iconostasis. On a special shelf, which can be bought in shops at churches, the image of the Lord Jesus Christ is placed in the center, on the left - Holy Mother of God, and on the right - a revered saint, usually the namesake of you or your loved ones. The image of All Saints can stand in this place.


In Orthodoxy, many saints are glorified, each in his own face, that is, the rank in which a person is canonized: these are martyrs and passion-bearers, saints, righteous people, saints, holy fools, saints and equals of the apostles - usually rulers, princes. We will tell you about the most revered ranks of saints.


Christianity spread throughout the earth through the great labors of Christ's disciples - the apostles. They traveled around countries and continents, accepted martyrdom, giving their lives for Christ, Whom they even renounced out of cowardice during their lifetime. Among them, the twelve apostles, the closest disciples of Christ, stand out. Many holy apostles became famous for the grace of help in a large number of matters, because their lives were varied, full of spiritual deeds and travels

EQUAL OF THE Apostles AND Blessed

In Russia, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and Princess Olga are very famous. The Baptism of Rus' is a process that can be called active missionary work in Rus' and the personal preaching of Prince Vladimir, who was baptized independently and baptized Rus'. Also as a result of Baptism Orthodox Church became state institute Kievan Rus. The main transformation and enlightenment was the soul of the prince himself, who realized the lack of spirituality and cruelty of paganism.
And the life of Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga is an amazing historical evidence of how the life of one person according to the commandments of God can enlighten an entire state. Despite their great role in history, the saints equal to the apostles also help everyone who comes with prayer.

Faithful saints are those who have worked in spiritual life for the good of the state and their rulers: for example, such is the revered saint Prince Alexander Nevsky.


Already in early Christian times, the first martyrs appeared - people who gave their lives for the faith of Christ, refusing to betray the Lord and renounce Christianity. Over time, a division emerged into martyrs and passion-bearers - those who suffered torment from those of other faiths and from fellow believers. After all, Christianity became the official religion in many countries, and people who professed Christianity in words turned out to be villains in practice.


This is the rank of saints who performed many ascetic deeds for the sake of Christ: these are monks who left for the sake of prayer in silence and solitude for the whole world: they died for the world in order to be resurrected for Christ, to grow in spiritual life. And surprisingly, the Lord God glorified many of them during their lifetime: even in impenetrable thickets, people found righteous people, and when they healed them with their prayers, helped them in all their needs, they told others. Thus, princes and noble people gathered around the saints, who were enlightened by their wisdom. The saints blessed feats of arms and reconciled those at war, helped people and themselves grew in abstinence, fasting and prayer.


Righteous saints are those who lived in the world, but were glorified by the Lord after death - for example, Saints Peter and Fevronia, the parents of Sergius of Radonezh, Cyril and Mary - or even during life, like Saint John of Kronstadt. Few of these people are glorified - apparently, it is difficult to find holiness in the world, or maybe they go to the Lord unknown and gain glory only from Him, remaining hidden from others.


The feat of foolishness or blessedness is one of the most difficult spiritual paths in Christianity. People follow it for the sake of God, but under the secret spiritual guidance of experienced monastic mentors, spiritual fathers. Fools began to be called “Blessed” - this is a spiritual feat of voluntary, for the purpose of salvation and pleasing Christ, renunciation of the world, pleasures and pleasures, but not in monasticism , but being “in the world”, but without adhering to generally accepted social norms. The holy fool takes on the appearance of an insane or unreasonable, naive person. Many people swear and mock such fools - but the blessed always endure hardships and mockery humbly.
 The goal of foolishness is to achieve inner humility, defeat the main sin, pride.

However, over time, the holy fools, having reached a certain spiritual level, denounced sins in the world in an allegorical form (verbally or in action). This served as a means of humbling oneself and humbling the world, improving other people.

May the Lord protect you with the prayers of all saints!
