Horoscope year of the horse description 1966. Year of the Fire Horse - good or evil? What should you expect from representatives of this sign? The romantic side of life

A person born in the year of the Horse is an enthusiast and restless. It’s a burden for him to sit within four walls; he always rushes towards adventure. People born this year are very optimistic and are not afraid of difficulties. They are confident in themselves and do not depend on other people's opinions.

Those born in the year of Horses rarely listen to advice, but they are happy to give it out. They always trust their intuition and are not afraid of responsibility, which arouses admiration among others. From early childhood, Horses show miracles of independence and try to “gallop” out of their parent’s “stable” as quickly as possible.

Horses are very responsive and always ready to help, but you should not abuse this. If you make such a person angry, he will bring down all the anger he can on you. Those born in the year of the Horse dress well, have excellent taste and, as a rule, enjoy compliments.

People of this constellation are very fond of holidays, concerts, and sports competitions. They often play sports professionally and achieve considerable success thanks to their endurance. Representatives of this Chinese Zodiac sign have an unusually sharp mind; they absorb information like a sponge.

Their interests are very diverse; sometimes Horses grab onto a bunch of things at once and may not have time to complete everything on time. They are loyal friends and reliable partners. A characteristic feature of the representatives of this constellation is their sincere nature, utmost honesty, and inability to covet the things of others. The horse is everyone's favorite, its life is always filled with bright colors, the world seems amazing to it. People born this year love to chat and laugh.

There are so many thoughts in her head that sometimes they get mixed up in her head, and the Horse jumps from one topic to another.

Love and compatibility in marriage

A horse is the best candidate for the role of a life partner. She is constant in her feelings, responsible and faithful. Next to a Horse, any person feels safe; she will not betray, will not humiliate, she will always intercede and support. The horse feels the interlocutor very well, is always able to find the right words and defuse the situation.

Horse Man

As a rule, he is attractive and elegant. Knows how to give compliments, is eloquent and gallant. If a Horse man falls in love, the whole world will know about it. He does not know how to hide his feelings, he speaks about them openly. Such people are true romantics, they like to look after.

The candy-bouquet period gives them great pleasure. A Horse man in love loses his head and is ready to do anything for the sake of the object of his adoration. In return, he requires a lot of attention and affection. However, the Horse man does not tolerate routine; relationships should bring him joy and new experiences.

His partner should be easy-going, inquisitive and eager to explore the world. At the same time, an independent woman, prone to freedom and leadership, is not suitable for such a man. He likes a cozy woman who forgives the Horse man minor character flaws and recognizes him as the head of the family.

If you become pregnant by a Horse man, you can rest assured that he will marry you. Even in the event of a divorce, he will continue to take care of the children and will love them no matter what. Such a man prefers to teach children everything himself, to be a mentor and friend for them.

Horse Woman

Bright, attractive, has a reputation as a fashion guru. She is very friendly and knows how to win people over. Even the most timid and shy people open up with her and can have a heart-to-heart talk. The Horse Woman knows how to smile dazzlingly, support any conversation and amaze with her unconventional thinking. Although she is very charming, she has few friends, and the reason is that she loves to argue and prove that she is right.

The Horse Woman will give a lot of arguments in defense of her opinion, and the opponent will be disarmed. She quickly falls in love, but often her relationships end in failure because she expects too much from them. The Horse woman loves with all her soul and completely devotes herself to her chosen one. She loves when they look after her beautifully, give her flowers and arrange unforgettable romantic dates.

Horse Woman Attached great value appearance partner, or rather his neatness. She is attracted to men who are full of energy and passionate about their work. There is no place for slackers in her life. Being very hardworking, she demands the same from her partner.

For her beloved, the Horse woman will create a paradise, surround him with warmth and care, and will do everything for his benefit. However, it is often difficult for men with such a woman. Despite many advantages and ease at the beginning of the relationship, over time her strong character comes out and she begins to suppress her husband. The male leader is offended by this and leaves. Those who are comfortable with such a woman often turn out to be effeminate and weak-willed. The Horse woman herself gradually begins to dislike this type of man.

The Horse copes with the role of mother and housewife with an A plus. Her house always sparkles with cleanliness, her children study well and amaze with their development and upbringing.

Career, work, finances

The horse is very hardworking. People born this year may find themselves in politics, art or sports. Brings them the greatest satisfaction creative activity, where they can show their organizational and public speaking skills.

The Horse is a team player for whom it is important to be among like-minded people. Those born this year take care of their material well-being and are careful with money. To live well, a Horse man will have to work hard and hard. This is not a sign where money falls from the sky. The Horse should not hope for an inheritance or winning the lottery. Such people provide for themselves using their intelligence and determination. They never shirk from work and always do it conscientiously.

Stones and talismans

The most suitable talisman for a Horse is metal. An ordinary coin will do, but it must be found on the road. You need to rinse it with water to get rid of foreign energy and then just carry it with you in your wallet. If you wish, you can make a keychain or pendant out of it.

1966 is the year of the Fire Horse, which began on January 21, 1966 and ended on February 8, 1967. People born during this period are distinguished by energy, courage, determination and extraordinary attractiveness. They have a sharp analytical mind, a wonderful sense of humor, and the ability to impress others. Horses are constant in their pursuit of goals, obsessed with ideas, and ready to fight for justice. They always strive for spiritual growth and love variety.

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People of this sign love independence, persistently strive for the position of leader, and always take an active position in life. They often look arrogant and proud, but this is only the outer side. In fact, Horses are friendly and attentive, which does not prevent them from being principled and uncompromising in some matters.

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    Esoteric characteristics

    People born during this period are similar in character to the animal corresponding to the sign of the eastern calendar. The horse radiates inexhaustible energy, has a lively mind, is hyperactive and passionate. In order to conquer new heights, she embarks on travels, often leaving her family to see the world. People of this constellation are endowed with magical powers that help them maintain optimism and overcome life's obstacles.

    A great sense of humor and public speaking skills help to attract the right people, which constitute the necessary protection for advancement along career ladder. The horse craves independence and freedom, but is afraid of making a mistake. That is why she always seeks support from those around her. To feel safe, a person of this sign resorts to charm and reassurance. These methods allow him to rally his family and friends around him and enjoy their attention. The horse does not tolerate ignoring its personality.

    Impulsivity and impatience can cause failure both in your personal life and in your professional life.

    Influence of Fire

    The element of Fire is associated with summer, the south, and midday heat. Its main characteristics are joy, passion and eager desire. Fire can be creative and destructive; there are no halftones or middle ground in it.

    All signs that are under the protection of this element are distinguished by their brightness and several times increase the qualities that are characteristic of a particular animal. The 1966 Year of the Red Fire Horse is no exception. Its representatives are idealistic, generous, and sacrificial. They set big goals for themselves and achieve positive results.

    Along with this, people are aggressive, quick-tempered, and are not inclined to listen to arguments. They are too sensitive, impulsive, and in some cases uncompromising. Horses attract others with their magnetic brilliance. The fire made them mystical warriors who fight for justice and are not afraid of difficulties. Ardent and passionate, people are obsessed with conquering everything that prevents the world from living in harmony. At the same time, their vision of reality occurs through the prism of exaggeration.

    Fire Horses are incredibly intuitive, especially when it comes to lies and deception. Hypocrites and unscrupulous people should beware of them, since representatives of the sign can be vindictive. People live bright and eventful lives, in which grief and happiness alternate. There is no middle ground in their destinies.

    Representatives of the sign rise to the pinnacle of fame or slide down the social ladder to the very bottom, often changing partners and place of residence.

    Magic symbols and talismans

    TO magical talismans and symbols include:

    • Lucky colors - green, yellow.
    • Unlucky colors - white, blue.
    • Lucky numbers - 2, 3, 7.
    • Unlucky numbers - 1, 5, 6.
    • Flowers-mascots - jasmine, calla lilies.

    1980 - the year of the Metal Monkey: characteristics of men and women, compatibility

    General description

    In 1966, cheerful and optimistic people were born. They have a wonderful sense of humor and thanks to this skill they are able to defuse the most difficult situations. They are generous, will always come to the rescue, and will not leave loved ones in trouble.

    You can rely on Fire Horses because they never deviate from their principles and are not afraid of anything.

    These people are quite willful and do not tolerate restrictions, pressure and comments. If obstacles arise on their way, Horses demolish them without regret.

    Fire representatives do not make exceptions even for friends and relatives. They are capable of harming even close people who prevent them from reaching their intended goal. The horse is hardworking and resilient, but its wealth will not be stable. A person is too impatient, craves quick results, so he can often change his place of work and profession. Dynamics is the main condition for the comfort of a representative of the sign: he does not tolerate monotony and routine either in work, in everyday life, or in his personal life.

    The horse is a noble animal. In many cultures, it is considered a symbol of hard work, endurance, humility and willfulness at the same time. In Eastern philosophy, the Horse symbolizes the positive flow of natural energy, which has a positive effect on humans. Representatives of the sign draw it from relaxation and walks in nature, as well as from sports and moderate physical activity.

    The main character traits are:



    • Kindness;
    • honesty;
    • generosity;
    • justice;
    • courage;
    • determination;
    • endurance;
    • patience;
    • hard work;
    • talent;
    • originality of thinking;
    • love of freedom;
    • independence;
    • energy;
    • freedom of expression;
    • straightforwardness;
    • great sense of humor;
    • determination;
    • liveliness;
    • communication skills;
    • sociability;
    • masculinity
    • Selfishness;
    • impatience;
    • hot temper;
    • impulsiveness;
    • categoricalness;
    • lack of perseverance;
    • unpredictability;
    • riskiness;
    • restlessness;
    • uncompromisingness;
    • stubbornness;
    • arrogance;
    • egocentrism;
    • thoughtlessness in actions;
    • ambition;
    • boastfulness;
    • self-confidence

    Representatives of the Fire Horse sign cannot live without change. This applies to all aspects of life, but travel will be preferable for them. When traveling far and near, there is a chance to benefit from interesting and necessary acquaintances.


    A man born in the year of the Red Fire Horse is energetic and assertive. He takes on a new business without hesitation and gives his all to implement his plans. This guy is selfish, cares little about the feelings of others, personal gain will always be a priority for this type of man. But this does not mean that the Horse forgets about the problems of his loved ones. He will always come to the rescue, you can rely on him. A man is ready to answer for his actions at any moment.

    The man born in 1966 has no equal in his professional activities. He is a master of his craft, loves to work, never gets tired, and does not complain about the lack of suitable conditions. You can entrust a horse with any task, and it will definitely bring it to the end.

    Character weaknesses include impatience and unpredictability. As long as a guy likes the job, he will do it. As soon as he gets bored with her, he will leave everything without hesitation and go in search of new “pastures.” Inconsistency causes frequent changes in professions and places of work of the Horse.

    In his personal life, the Horse man is also fickle. His feelings are based on passion, which must be constantly maintained. He is capable of instantly burning with all-consuming love, then completely cooling down. Next to him he sees a woman with whom he will not be bored. He will be immensely generous and attentive, and will do any deed for the sake of his beloved. A girl should support her partner in everything and not distract him over trifles.

    The main condition for a happy life with a representative of the Fire Horse sign is to become his like-minded person. The companion must be prepared for sudden changes (change of place of work and residence), be in the same rhythm with the chosen one, never limit his freedom, not argue or make comments.


    The fiery Horse woman is not afraid of any obstacles; nothing can unsettle her. She always achieves her goals of any complexity and joyfully celebrates her victory. The girl is extremely energetic, she needs constant movement. These could be physical actions or simply spiritual growth. She is capable and talented, has a wonderful imagination and an original look at simple things. The horse becomes a master of his craft within a short time after the start of training.

    A woman is capable of achieving great heights in the professional field and strives for leadership work. Monotony and routine can lead her to melancholy and even depression. If she works as a subordinate, she will demand freedom of action. The bosses know the value of the Horse’s abilities and agree to its conditions, since labor productivity increases significantly.

    In her personal life, a woman also shows her fighting qualities. She is not modest and attracts the attention of the man she likes. Being passionate and temperamental, the girl does not hide her feelings and is happy to show them to her chosen one.

    Men are impressed by such a bright and sexy lady, they are always ready to connect their lives with her. But in the process of communication, the guys understand the severity of this relationship. The girl is too impulsive, willful and does not want to adapt to anyone. Often the beautiful and stylish Fire Horse is left alone.

    To live happily with a Horse woman, you need to get used to her behavior. Capriciousness and arrogance are only external manifestations; in the soul it is completely different. For the sake of her beloved, the girl is ready to do a lot. She will become a wonderful housewife in the family, faithful wife and a caring mother.

    Personal life

    1966 is considered a double fire year, since the main element of the Horse as an animal is also Fire. This leaves an imprint on all types of relationships. Conservatism and stagnation are not inherent in the representatives of the sign. These people are ready for new discoveries and exciting acquaintances. They find their chosen one through trial and error.

    Horses can marry a person who simply impressed them at a certain period. Without hesitation or doubt, they will break off an old relationship if the other half no longer understands them.

    Fire Horses are enchanted at first sight if a person has an extraordinary appearance and creative thinking. Their love is commensurate with excitement, an all-consuming desire to be close to their loved one. They do everything to achieve what they want. Moreover, there is not a drop of hypocrisy or meanness in the actions of Horses; they are always sincere and straightforward. Representatives of the sign are generous, romantic, and original. But once they achieve what they want, their passion fades and the relationship becomes a burden.

    The desire for new physical and emotional sensations makes Horses prone to cheating. The strength of their temperament and extraordinary sexuality make them look for new inspiration. But if on life path representative of the sign will have a like-minded person, they will have strong and long term relationship. Being on the same wavelength, people will be able to achieve great results in any field. The horse will become devoted, faithful and domestic and will never go off on its own in search of adventure.

    Western horoscope

    Characteristics of the connection of the Fire Horse with the Western horoscope will help to more accurately draw up a psychological portrait of the representative of the sign.


    This is an energetic Horse. The combination with fiery Aries makes a person almost tireless. He is fearless, persistent, unstoppable in achieving his goals, but they change so quickly that no one can keep up with the Horse’s thoughts and actions. At the same time, Aries manages everything and demonstrates excellent quality of work. They are valued in the team because people are distinguished by their hard work and endurance. Friendship is not an empty phrase for them - Horses know how to make friends and be faithful.

    Aries does not tolerate restrictions in freedom and will find happiness in a pair with a like-minded person who shares his interests.


    This is a conservative Horse. The connection with Taurus made the representative of the sign more calm and balanced. He does not strive to rush thoughtlessly towards new discoveries, but prefers to weigh his actions. On a professional level, this approach will be useful in politics or in high leadership positions.

    Taurus Horses are practical, do not create illusions, and are ready to take reasonable risks.

    In their personal life, they prefer to find a partner who will fully match their character. He must be reasonable, patient and moderately sociable.


    This is a fickle Horse. Connection with Gemini makes a person mobile, impulsive, striving to embrace everything at the same time. The horse is inquisitive and talented, any training is easy for her. There is no segment in the professional environment that would not submit to it. But Geminis must like what they do, otherwise they will run to look for a more exciting activity.

    In the personal life of the Gemini Horse, everything is built on respect and independence. If she finds a partner who will not infringe on her freedom, they will become an ideal couple.


    This is a secretive Horse. She knows how to hide her emotions under a mask of restraint and calm. At this time, completely different processes are taking place in her soul. Cancer worries about every little thing, is ready to bring himself to exhaustion, falling into bouts of melancholy.

    The authorities have no complaints about such a Horse. She is hardworking and diligent, approaches work with full responsibility, but sometimes she lacks the strength and desire to complete the task to the end.

    In his personal life, the Cancer Horse is distrustful and cautious. She will carefully look at her partner and only then make contact.


    This is an active Horse. Since Leo is a representative of the fire sign of the zodiac, the horoscope describes an even more fiery person. He lives and works with complete dedication in all directions, almost to the limit of his strength. Intelligence, hard work, generosity and emotionality help and hinder almost simultaneously.

    Leo Horses are capable of achieving great heights, but they are often hampered by their temper and the desire to defend their subjective point of view. This may cause problems at work. In their personal lives, Leos give a lot to their loved one, but demand even more in return.


    This is a stable Horse. The representative of the sign is practical and pragmatic, always ready to calculate his future several years in advance. Such a Horse is smart and hardworking, responsible and disciplined. With all the positive qualities, there is a significant drawback - the Virgo Horse is overly emotional. Her periodic outbursts of indignation make it very difficult to move up the career ladder. The bosses do not like this position, so Virgo remains in the group of subordinates.

    In his personal life, such a person looks more reliable and stable than representatives of other signs.


    This is a self-confident Horse. She is self-centered and enterprising, loves a beautiful life and compliments. Libras have a keen understanding of people and know how to manipulate them. They never publicly admit their guilt; they know how to get out of any situation with minimal losses. Often such a Horse turns out to be ungrateful towards those people who helped it achieve success.

    At the professional level, Libra is able to reach the top wherever diplomatic skills are required. A person will become a reliable partner if he feels personal benefit. In love he behaves in a similar way.


    This is an unconventional Horse. She is radically different from all other zodiac signs. Scorpio acts consistently, is in no hurry, and carefully thinks through all subsequent steps. Such people are impressed by loneliness - without strangers, the Horse feels no less comfortable than in the circle of loved ones and relatives.

    The professionalism of this sign is at high level: He is hardworking and original in his methods of doing work. Scorpio is sexy and passionate, but does not tolerate vicious relationships. In a relationship he becomes a loyal and caring family man.


    This is a wandering horse. The original combination of Fire Horse and Sagittarius gave rise to an interweaving of radically opposing character traits. Searches and aspirations for morality are often accompanied by its final loss; determination and courage border on caution and uncertainty, commercialism borders on immeasurable generosity and altruism.

    People are skilled in public speaking, have a wonderful sense of humor, and attract members of their own and the opposite sex. An overly active lifestyle sometimes leads them to exhaustion.


    This is a hardy Horse. In this combination, all the positive qualities of the eastern and western horoscope are harmoniously intertwined. The person is active and hardworking. Any goals are within his reach, since Capricorn approaches everything with maximum responsibility.

    Such a Horse can achieve positive results in the professional sphere, since it copes equally successfully with the functions of a superior and a subordinate. In her personal life she is demanding and selective, prone to leadership over her partner. She is faithful to her chosen one and attentive to children.


    This is a Horse that loves competition. The representative of this combination is distinguished by his desire to compete in all areas of life. He has many acquaintances, but very few real friends: Aquarius must be the first in everything, he does not agree with any other position.

    Such a Horse is distinguished by original thinking and a slightly strange approach to life. She does not notice living conditions and material objects, she is only interested in fantasies and illusory goals. He will be successful in business if he works freely. Treats love like just another competition.


    This is a searching horse. She loves to swim freely and often changes the current. The representative of the sign is sociable and has a wonderful sense of humor. Can devote himself completely to his favorite business or person. Such people are quite receptive, so they quickly become disappointed and lose the right direction for a while.

    It is extremely difficult for this person to make an independent decision on any issue. He will be lucky if a wise boss or a faithful partner appears on his way.

    Compatibility with other signs of the eastern horoscope

    To find your ideal partner, you need to consider options for compatibility with other signs.


    The compatibility of these signs from an astrological point of view is at a low level, but a harmonious union between representatives is quite possible. The Rat and the Horse have a lot in common: both are smart, active, energetic and enterprising.

    Partners are capable of falling in love, then breaking up and getting back together again. They are drawn to each other, although the tranquility of this union remains in question.


    This couple has prospects for a harmonious life. Partners are able to provide each other with positive qualities that the other half lacks.

    The calm Ox will spin in a whirlpool of events and passions, but will soon get used to the fact that life should be exciting. Thanks to this union, the horse will be able to stop at least for a while after vigorous racing.


    This is a harmonious union of two like-minded people. The Horse and the Tiger live in approximately the same rhythm of life, they have the same temperaments and priorities.

    People will enjoy spending time together, and the relationship will grow stronger every year.

    Rabbit (Cat)

    The union will be successful primarily for the Rabbit, since the Horse will allow him to enjoy freedom and feel self-confident. She herself will receive a gentle, caring and sensitive partner, with whom she will always feel comfortable and cozy.

    But there is one danger: the Rabbit will believe in itself so much that it can run away from the Horse.


    The compatibility of this couple is not the highest, but the union can be useful for both. A horse can intuitively identify emerging problems and fight them at the very source. The Dragon is impressed by such insight; he is ready to implement the Horse’s ideas, being confident in the success of the enterprise.

    People have excellent sexual compatibility and an exciting family life awaits them.

    This is a harmonious couple in which everyone learns what they are missing in life. The Goat is impressed by the partner’s love of life and energy, his desire for change and confidence in his actions. The Horse likes the Goat’s calmness and her extraordinary romanticism.

    Mutual respect and sincere friendship for lovers are guaranteed.


    In the initial stages of a relationship, partners will be delighted with the time they spend together. But the reality of life will force each of the people to look at their soulmate with different eyes. The Horse will seem too demanding, and the Monkey will seem frivolous.

    Mutual understanding between partners is almost impossible.


    The Horse and the Rooster are ruled by the same planet, so they have every chance of creating a harmonious union. But the realities of life are such that people with different views on life will have to carefully work on relationships.

    The Horse is too impulsive and energetic, the Rooster is more calm and collected, so it will be difficult for them to be together.


    This is one of the most harmonious unions. Both representatives of the signs have the same goals and life priorities. They are always interested in spending time together; those around them look at this couple with delight.

    If problems arise, one of the partners who is stronger in this matter takes full responsibility for solving them.

    Pig (Boar)

    A complex union. Representatives of the signs have different life positions, and their rhythms also do not coincide. The Pig is calm and a little lazy, the Horse is energetic and active. Even spending leisure time will cause a lot of disputes and conflicts.

    Everyday life and the resolution of important issues will be accompanied by a lack of understanding on both sides. The intimate sphere can also be problematic.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who will help in difficult life situation when it seems like your whole life is going downhill and passing you by. It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Vladimir Mayakovsky once said: “We are all a little bit of a horse...” And some, namely those who were born in the year of the Horse, are quite real! Who doesn’t know, let’s say - what years are the year of the horse: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014. In general, the Horse is the seventh sign Chinese horoscope, which repeats every 12 years.

In the brief century-long overview of horse years presented here, we will touch on the time and, in part, the people born in these years. C'est la vie: different times, different horses and different people...

Fire Horse: 1906 and 1966


A horse this year is as common a phenomenon in a person’s life as a dog or cat. In the village - in every yard, in the cities - on every corner, along with servants - coachmen and cab drivers.

As for people, here the Fire Horse appears in the form of a man of action. She is, however, somewhat rude and straightforward, and also hates orders and tips. But... humor! Humor of the highest standard - that’s why you can forgive her all her shortcomings!

Significant events

April 27. Start of operations in Russia I State Duma. Yes, then there was still the State Duma, because the people there gathered were truly smart and thinking, and not the State Duma..., as Posner recently presented it.

October 3. SOS becomes an international distress signal. Good, of course, but this, alas, did not save the Titanic...


April 8. Leonid Brezhnev is appointed General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. With his appointment, the hope for the early arrival of the dawn of communism in the USSR, which Nikita Khrushchev had promised before him, ended. Of course, Khrushchev was not a bad person on the whole - he didn’t send anyone to camps, he didn’t shoot anyone. But why do the parties need the chatterbox and the corn husk?

May 16. In China, Mao Zedong begins the full-blown Cultural Revolution - with imprisonments, executions, public repentance - in short, everything that is expected in such events. As a result, the country where balls for bearings began to be cast in rural stoves and polished by shaking them in bags is quickly returning to the Middle Ages. Moreover, it is surprising how China so quickly rose from the Middle Ages and advanced to the advanced countries of the world as soon as Mao died. In our country, Brezhnev also died a long time ago, and we are still there - we survive on oil...

Earth Horse: 1918 and 1978


In Russia, now Soviet, no matter where you throw a stick, you will still hit a horse. There are no factories, there is devastation, who will make cars with at least ten horsepower?
As a result, horse people are spinning around, trying to survive in difficult conditions or, at worst, escape abroad, where there is no surplus appropriation, the Bolsheviks do not rob churches and do not hang churchmen from roadside poles...

Significant events

July 17. The family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II dies. At night, in the basement of the house royal family, the Bolsheviks shot them all: from young to old...

July 26. But US President Woodrow Wilson openly stood up in defense of blacks on this day. As a result, we now in America have a full-fledged black Barack Obama as President - his great-grandfather was then left alive...


June 25. The day of the Blue Revolution with its attributes - the rainbow flag - a symbol of the world gay movement. And now these guys, with cosmetic bags full of Vaseline, are already getting married legally. In a word - sodom and hemorrhoids, damn it...

December 22. Andrei Chikatilo committed his first murder. This is how the era of maniacs began in the USSR.
Here's the Earth Horse for you!

Metal Horse: 1930,1990

This horse is not without a certain talent, but is sometimes stubborn and impulsive. However, she is very charming, which attracts many friends.

Significant events


August 2. For the first time, an airborne assault of 12 people was landed in the USSR. Now it's Day airborne troops. As they say, we jumped!

May 13. The last wild marsupial wolf has been killed. And soon they will kill the last tiger in Tigrovaya Balka near the Caspian Sea. When the hell will the last hunter be killed?


May 17. The World Health Organization has removed same-sex sexual attraction from its list of mental illnesses. Comrades! The long-awaited blue revolution has come true!

June 12. The Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted. Russia has become independent from Chechnya, Yakutia and other Altai republics!

Water Horse: 1942 and 2002

This horse is not without talents and often reaches shining heights in life. And the water horse woman devotes a lot of time to her appearance. Almost like a mermaid!

Significant events


April 8. The Bulgarian Tsar Boris III came to see the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, and she told him that on August 28, 1943, he should prepare to “fit into a nutshell” (that is, into a coffin). And so it happened, on the indicated date Tsar Boris died.
Thus began Vanga’s journey to Eternity in the aura of Glory.

11 July. Soviet General Vlasov surrendered to a patrol of the 28th Infantry Regiment of the 18th Army of the Wehrmacht and went over to the Germans. Thus began the Russian Liberation Army - ROA. Who were they, these fighters? Traitors to the Motherland? Not at all. All those who were not happy with the Soviet system and Pavlik Morozov poured into it: Cossacks, dispossessed peasants, hidden nobles, intelligentsia and, in general, all adherents of free Russia, who in the USSR were called bourgeois underdogs.


September 20. - In the Karmadon Gorge in North Ossetia, the Kolka glacier came down from the slope. A talented guy, Sergei Bodrov, died. It’s sad, of course, but this once again proves that a holy place is never empty, and Vanya Urgant has now taken this place in show business.

Wooden Horse: 1954, 2014

During these years, sociable workaholics, who are loved and appreciated in society, are especially lucky.

Significant events


March 31st. Soviet Union turned to NATO with a request to accept him as a member of the organization. The North Atlantic Alliance rejected this proposal. And I really wanted quiet friendship with the capitalists. Well, how could Russia now – then still the USSR – manage without the creation of the Warsaw Pact and the Cold War? It turns out that this is where the dog rummaged! So the Russians have nothing to do with creating an arms race, sorry...

July 5th. The steep rise of rock and roll on the wings of the sweet-voiced handsome Elvis Presley - on this day he recorded his first song, and on July 6, his first record. The first tears flowed from millions of his hysterical fans, burning in the flames of love for the new King of Rock...


What does the coming year have in store for us? New Year Wooden Horse, which will begin on January 31, 2014 and will last until February 19, 2015.
I believe that we should not expect anything too bad on a global scale. This is confirmed by the events of the last century, when in the Year of the Horse not a single war, not a single proletarian revolution began, and even the Muslims did not blow up skyscrapers and subways. Yes, there were troubles, but how could we get by without them? Events must always be in balance, as many bad as there are good.

But at least one good event is prepared for us this year: . And everything else depends on us: if we don’t board an old plane, junk from a quarter of a century ago, that means we won’t crash; We will be devoted to our loved ones, and they will not betray us. Just what to do with officials and deputies? They will still steal...
But why the hell did they all surrender to you? You just want to be happy. Well, buy a horseshoe or a decorative replica of it in a gift shop and hang it on front door apartments are an excellent talisman against misfortunes for this year.

Horse happiness to all of you in the coming year of the Metal Horse!

Years of birth of a person according to the Horse sign: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

The horse attracts political life, arenas and stands. She always wants to be in the center of events. The best reward for her is recognition and success, while indifference is very effective way punishments.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Horse

IN Chinese astrology The horse is a symbol of luck in life and achievement of the intended goal. The main distinguishing feature of people born in the year of the Horse is their unshakable confidence that the world was created exclusively for them. As a result of this position in life, the Horse rarely falls under the influence of others. On the contrary, it sets the tone in the family, in the work team, and among friends. The horse determines for everyone the roles that others should play. But, with those who agree to share its fate, the Horse will be friendly, flexible and generous, of course, provided that all its demands are met and they act as it wishes.

The whole point is that the Horse is deeply convinced of the correctness of its actions and considers itself the smartest and knowing everything better than anyone. She knows what each individual and the whole world needs.

People born in the year of the Horse love life, are smart, insightful and talented. As a rule, they have an easy-going character, they are cheerful, energetic and impetuous. For a happy and fulfilling life, they need large spaces, freedom of thought and movement. The horse loves and knows how to enjoy life. Her energy is always in full swing and she is always at the very center of events. For her, the world is so interesting that she tries not to miss anything, does not refuse anything new (be it the taste of an unusual dish or a new sport), and is always in a hurry somewhere: if she is at home, then she is in a hurry to meet her friends, if in the company - then on new meeting, to the theater or cinema. The horse is always in pursuit of new experiences and is ready to travel around the world. Life for her is a continuous adventure, in which only she is the main character and all the most interesting things await her ahead.

In a company, it is not difficult to identify a person born in the year of the Horse. The horse attracts increased attention. Almost always she is at the very epicenter of events, laughs a lot and contagiously, and brings excitement to any story. Also, a characteristic feature of the Horse is jumping from one thought to another, and if someone, God forbid, disagrees with her, she instantly loses her temper. Even if the Horse understands that he is wrong, he will still defend his point of view to the last and does it as if his life depends on it. But despite this, the Horse has few enemies. It’s simply impossible to be seriously offended by her. In addition, despite its ardor, it is the Horse who, in difficult times, is able to find the right words and take an active part in helping or defusing the situation.

The horse is hardworking, enterprising, efficient, independent, persistent in achieving its goals. Integrity, generosity, self-control, sociability - all this characteristic features a person born in the year of the Horse. But a Horse can also be tactless, selfish, greedy, stubborn, and sometimes even merciless.

Horses are hardworking and, as a rule, do not sit idle. They are always in search of new goals, pleasures and adventures. A horse will never stay where it is boring and where there is nothing worthy of its attention.

People born in the year of the Horse can achieve success in almost any field of activity. Their assertiveness and unshakable faith in own strength. The horse has a good command of words and can easily convince others of anything. This is probably why she is guaranteed success in the political sphere.

Of course, there are exceptions, Horses who are unlucky in life. This may be due to two reasons: inability to sense the situation and egocentrism.

In general, people born in the year of the Horse are welcoming, generous and sociable. And, in spite of everything, they really need praise, approval and dialogue with others. The horse loves social life, receptions, meetings, but it cannot indulge in idleness and fun for a long time. After all, the Horse is created for work, not only physical, but also mental. A horse can have any specialty that does not require solitude and contemplation. She always has a need to be surrounded, revered and hear praise addressed to her. The Horse is a good financier, she knows how to manage money, and easily finds profitable offers to improve her material well-being.

People born in the year of the Horse are personable and possessive good taste. They know how to dress beautifully and have a sense of style.

Having created a family, the Horse (regardless of gender) considers himself the head of it and everything should revolve around her. Even when she is doing normal household chores, such as ironing shirts, washing socks, etc. she is sure that if she disappears, everything will collapse like a house of cards.

In love, the Horse often fails. The passion of a Horse in love is so great that she can give up everything for the sake of the object of her love and becomes indifferent to everything else. If she manages to curb her passion, then she can become happy in family life.

The Year of the Horse corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Horse: 1930, 1990

The Metal Horse takes an active life position; she always has a lot of social work, friends and like-minded people. IN family relationships, this Horse is considered happier than other Horses.

The Metal Horse is charming and has a sharp, insightful mind. She is brave, decisive and straightforward. Characterized by strong ambition. Always and everywhere she makes her own choices and finds solutions to emerging problems. She needs freedom of action like air and does not tolerate outside interference. She really doesn't like being controlled.

Water Horse: 1942

People born in the year of the Earth Horse love to travel, play sports, and work outdoors. The Water Horse is rightfully considered a war horse. She is capable of achieving significant heights in her life. This Horse has a friendly character and a good sense of humor. The company loves her, because she is never bored, and she knows how to carry on conversations on almost any topic, and easily finds contact with new people.

Youth can be difficult, but having survived this period, the Water Horse in adulthood has a good image and is a very influential person.

In entrepreneurship, she senses the situation and can achieve good results, but she is hampered by the fact that she quite easily falls into despair and can change her decisions too often.

Wooden Horse: 1894, 1954

People born in the year of the Wooden Horse have a wonderful, friendly and flexible character. As a rule, they have many friends, and thanks to her developed imagination, she always has a lot in her arsenal original ideas. The Wood Horse is erudite, takes an active position in life, is generous and magnanimous. At work, she is valued as a hardworking and conscientious employee, and her opinions and views are almost always taken into account.

Fire Horse: 1906, 1966

In the East, the appearance of the Fire Horse (which happens once every 60 years) is considered both a blessing and a curse at the same time. Fire Horse is an exceptional person. All his many virtues appear in all their glory, and his life is far from ordinary. True, it is never known whether he will destroy or create.

People born in the year of the Fire Horse have the same character traits as other Horses, but their characters are significantly enhanced in both positive and negative ways. One might even say that they are presented in the most extreme terms.

The Fire Horse is more hardworking, more dexterous and capable, but at the same time it can also be more obsessively selfish, and its passionate temperament can push it to unpredictable extremes.

By its nature, the Fire Horse is always on the move and leads an active, eventful life. He loves adventure very much, and gladly accepts the challenge of fate. Therefore, her life is always in sight, full of surprises and surprises. The Fire Horse is unusually hardworking and has the ability to work in several places at the same time. This is a powerful personality, capable of arousing universal admiration for his sharp mind and decisive actions. She, however, can be somewhat rude, overly assertive and straightforward, with rage she perceives interference in personal affairs and hates orders and tips.

Earth Horse: 1918, 1978

The Earth Horse is the most attentive and respectable of all Horses. She is honest and wise, more careful and reserved compared to other representatives of this sign. She has remarkable abilities and talents, but because of her modesty she does not always show them to the fullest. She is very caring towards her friends and has an easy-going and friendly character. The Earth Horse is very picky and attentive to detail, so she will make a good manager or investor, since she predicts the outcome of the case already at the initial stage.

Year of the Horse - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Horse personality

People born in the years of the Horse have a cheerful, lively character and are very popular. They know their worth, dress beautifully, and attract attention with their flashy appearance and relaxed behavior. They are smart, insightful and know how to handle finances. In all matters they undertake, they invest maximum strength and passion (but this may not apply to official duties).

All Horses love to be the center of attention, prefer large gatherings and entertainment. They are very independent and rarely listen to advice, acting at their own discretion.

People born in the years of the Horse show dexterity and ability not only in mental, but also in physical work.

Negative aspects of the Horse personality

People born in the years of the Horse lose their temper very easily. And those who have ever witnessed their anger will never trust them again. A horse that loses its temper looks very childish. Therefore, in order to achieve something higher, you need to learn to manage your emotions.

Also, the negative traits of the Horse include talkativeness, tactlessness, the desire to play with the feelings of other people, and let them down. They are very dependent on society, as they need it for self-affirmation.

The horse is ambitious and selfish. She is capable of trampling everyone who gets in her way, and will do it without the slightest remorse. She is always interested only in her own problems, never listens to the advice of other people and does as she pleases.

Career and money of the Horse sign

People born in the year of the Horse prefer professions related to communication, since the Horse cannot stand loneliness. Great success awaits the Horse where it is required to work with clients, organize activities, and speak in front of a large audience. In this matter, the Horse has no equal. She becomes practically irreplaceable thanks to her irrepressible optimism, positive attitude and energy.

Money is of great importance to the Horse. She needs them primarily in order to be able to receive new impressions. The Horse also loves luxury, comfortable furniture, a cozy home, so he boldly invests money in all sorts of benefits. In general, she doesn’t need money; she constantly invests it in the most promising area in the world - in herself, her beloved. Why save for a rainy day and live without pleasure? Therefore, the Horse chooses life now, in the present moment. If you want to eat tasty and expensive food at the moment, then she will do it. Do you want to go on vacation to the Maldives? This means there will be a vacation in the Maldives. True, because of such extravagance, the Horse often ends up with loans, but thanks to his extensive acquaintances, he usually gets away with it. The Horse believes that if every person makes at least himself happy, then as a result the whole world will be happy.

Life periods of Horses

The first two periods of life for people born in the year of the Horse will be turbulent. Immediately after the Horse leaves the family, trouble is possible. Love can be stormy and passionate, but often unsuccessful if the Horse does not learn to control its feelings.

The third period of a Horse's life is usually peaceful and calm.

Separately, it is worth noting the Fire Horse. Her life will be more exceptional, full of surprises, than the life of other Horses. It carries with it the possibility of being famous, and it does not matter whether this is expressed through good or evil.

Stones: aquamarine, amethyst, hyacinth, garnet, ruby, topaz

Plants: orange tree, hawthorn, nasturtium, palm, peony.

Time of day: from 11 am to 1 pm.

Time of year: mid-summer.

Colors: fiery scarlet

People born in the year of the Horse are rarely under external influence; they are very confident in themselves and their opinions. Therefore, they often reach heights in society and achieve financial independence at the age of 20-25. They do not recognize any authorities, while they have many successful friends and acquaintances who have an impact on others. Such acquaintances help them benefit and become authoritative in society, because they like it when their opinions are taken into account. And their oratorical abilities help them in this, thanks to which they can convince any person that they are right.

It is also worth highlighting their ability to work, thanks to which they can achieve success in their careers.

They correspond to the zodiac sign Libra, which is masculine. This means that people born in the year of the Horse have masculine qualities, regardless of their gender. It is also worth taking into account the qualities inherent in the corresponding zodiac sign, including sociability, cheerfulness and love of aesthetics. These qualities are also manifested in the horse, because the horse man strives for comfortable living conditions, and this encourages him to show high activity in society.

For some people born this year, qualities manifest themselves in different ways, and this depends on the person’s date of birth. Knowing the year of birth, you can determine the element that corresponds to the person. Each element has its own character of manifestation, and thanks to this you can see how the qualities of people born in the year of the horse will manifest themselves.

Elements in the eastern horoscope and their influence on the Year of the Horse

Since ancient times, the Chinese have had five elements, rather than the traditional four. These include: fire, water, metal, wood and earth. They associated the elements with many things, including their horoscope. Therefore, knowing the year of birth, you can determine how a person will have qualities demonstrated animal ruler in conjunction with the elements.

The following years correspond to the Year of the Horse: 2038, 2026, 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954,1942, 1930, 1918, 1906, 1894, 1882. Each of them has the qualities of a certain element. Considering that the signs in eastern calendar 12, and there are 5 elements, then people born in this year with the same element appear every 60 years.

  • Horse with wood element: 1894, 1954, 2014 . This element belongs to morning and spring. In spring, nature begins to blossom and all the trees become beautiful. Like a tree, this element gives its owners the desire for growth and willpower. After all, even if the tree is not looked after, it will still grow thanks to the rain, that is, such people have high faith in their own strength and authoritative people who will help free of charge in difficult times. This element allows the qualities of the Horse to be manifested in full, thanks to this, people corresponding to the wooden Horse slowly but surely achieve heights in society.
  • Horse with metal element: 1870, 1930, 1990 . The metal corresponds to the white color and is distinguished by its durability, thanks to which the owners have a strong opinion about everything and can consistently carry out assigned tasks to implement plans. This element goes well with the qualities of the Horse, so people born this year have a strong position in society. And also, the year of the white Horse gives its owners a sense of justice and well-spoken speech, thanks to this you can become a famous lawyer or politician.
  • Horse with fire element: 1906, 1966, 2026. Fire corresponds to the color red and gives its owners activity, cheerfulness and a desire for happiness. In a negative manifestation, the owner may be prone to depression and cannot control his anger. They make excellent leaders, fighters and managers. The Fire Horse can also direct the team in the right direction. This element gives a more active manifestation of the Horse’s qualities, which means that the owners can take leadership in any team and perform a large amount of work, which will please their business partners. They are also more susceptible to overexertion than others, so they must learn to rest.
  • Horse with the element water: 1882,1942, 2002. Water corresponds to the dark blue color and gives its owners talents in art and developed intuition. When manifested poorly, a person tends to abuse bad habits, which is how he escapes reality. They rarely show emotions in society; they care about close people who listen to their stories with understanding and in whose presence they are not ashamed to cry. Water gives the Horse’s qualities depth; for example, a person will not actively try to do many things, he will take a long time to do one thing, but with high quality. Water Horses make excellent artists and sculptors, whose professions require a passion for art and perseverance. It is possible to successfully open a family business where a person needs a sense of the market, and orders will go to people whom the Water Horse trusts.
  • Horse with earth element: 1918, 1978, 2038. Earth corresponds to the color yellow and gives its owners honesty and seriousness. Owners of the earth element will think 7 times before doing something. They must be confident in their actions, because they are very responsible and are not inclined to let people down if they promised to do something to them. Earthly people look at the world realistically and are always ready for hard work, which often brings success in business. People born in the year of the Yellow Horse use their qualities thoughtfully and responsibly fulfill their promises. They do not tolerate people who have their head in the clouds and do not complete assignments on time. At the same time, they are non-aggressive and can tolerate a bad performer for a long time, but if the cup bursts, then such an employee will receive all he deserves and will rethink his professional activities for a long time.

Characteristics of men and women born in the year of the Horse

Considering the masculine qualities inherent in the Horse, we can say that men and women born this year are strong personalities . If this is normal for men, then women sometimes sacrifice their personal lives, because in a relationship with her it will not be easy for men.

Year of the Horse - characteristics of women

Women born this year are confident and practical, which often leads them to success in their careers or business. They are not inferior to men in terms of ability to work, so management often singles them out in the team and allows them to climb the career ladder.

They are honest and will tell a person directly about his shortcomings. More often they have more male friends, because they do not like women's gossip and empty talk. At the same time, they will always support a conversation that is truly interesting to them and can be beneficial. Horses do not tolerate lies and betrayal, so they usually have few friends, but many acquaintances, because it is difficult for her to trust people, and it will take a lot of effort to become her friend. But it's worth it, because she is true to her words and promises and will provide assistance at the right moment.

Such women are attractive and can please all the men in the area, but it is difficult to start a relationship with her, because she is picky about people and knows with whom to build her life. It is even more difficult to maintain a relationship with her, because she lives by her own rules, and therefore she will set her own rules in the family. I won't like this arrangement many men, and if a woman is already at the age of 27-40, then it will be impossible to change her opinion, so the family will sooner or later collapse if the man is disobedient.

At a young age, such women are just beginning to develop their own opinions, so they are more easily susceptible to external influence and can successfully get married and arrange their destiny. In this case, their companion will be the main one in the family, and she will not dispute this. If she did not enter into serious relationship at this age, then she should learn femininity and the ability to support loved ones, especially her husband. It is also advisable to give power in the family to your companion, or at least agree on equality.

Year of the Horse - characteristics of men

Such a man is very attractive and knows how to present himself in society. He actively shows his love in both words and actions. But sometimes it becomes difficult to keep his feelings, especially at a young age, when he has not decided what kind of life partner he needs.

With every new acquaintance with women, he is sure that she is the one with whom he will live for the rest of his life. He sincerely believes in this, and his new girlfriend even more so, because he will do everything to prove it to her. After winning the heart of the object of sympathy, a lot of time may pass, but the stronger the desire to win, the less he will want to be with her, and separation will ultimately be inevitable.

In his career and business, a man excels in the role of a leader and has excellent contact with his team. As a performer, he brings any task to a result, and always on time, because punctuality is his middle name. He will not tolerate colleagues who do not fulfill their obligations well, because this will interfere with their common task, i.e. management plan.

He is motivated to be active and work hard by his financial situation, which should bring him comfortable living conditions and the confidence that he will always be well fed. He also values ​​aesthetics, so he buys expensive things that will highlight his elegance. The Horse man is not a homebody, so he regularly travels and goes to public places, this helps him to be in a good mood.

Advantages and disadvantages of Horses

Having analyzed all the qualities and how such a person behaves in society, we can identify the main advantages and disadvantages. In this case, it is worth taking into account the year of birth, because the element is also of great importance and colors the qualities of the Horse in its own way. The advantages include:

  • Optimism.
  • Communication skills.
  • Striving for comfort.
  • Independence.
  • Hard work.

The Horse has fewer shortcomings, but they are present.

  • Coarseness.
  • Hot temper.
  • Excessive aggression.
  • Lack of patience for weaknesses.

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