Photos, meanings of icons of all saints in Orthodoxy and their descriptions. Icon of all the saints who shone in the Russian land Icon of all the saints

For everyone who sees the icon of all saints for the first time, it makes a great impression. The significance of this kind of universal image for offering prayers is extremely great, for here the entire Army of the Lord is represented, about which in the “Revelation of John the Theologian” (Apocalypse) it is said that when all the saints (both canonized by the church and those whose feats in the name of faith remained unknown) will worship the Lamb of God (the symbol of Jesus Christ), then the seventh seal will be opened, and the Last Judgment will come.

Most believers are well familiar with the individual icons of all the saints, to each of which we offer prayers, but here you can pray to all of them at once. Moreover, the icon depicts the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, as well as the Mother of God, archangels, biblical patriarchs, holy passion-bearers and teachers of the church. Each of them is the patron of the person who bears his name, so the prayer to the icon of all the saints will be simultaneously addressed to the Lord, to the Mother of God, and to one’s own heavenly patron.

From the history of the icon of all saints

In Orthodoxy, a special holiday has been established - All Saints' Day, which is celebrated a week after Trinity, and the holiday of Trinity, as is known, is associated with the establishment of the Church. All Saints' Day is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost and serves as a kind of milestone, the completion of the annual liturgical circle, when the period of chants of the Colored Triodion ends, and the period of Octoechos begins instead.

All Saints Day is also the day of celebration of the icon of all saints

The earliest known icon on this topic dates back to the 10th century. According to the Apostle Paul, the Church of God honors all who have been granted the gift of the Holy Spirit by their life or death for the glory of the Lord. This means that we need to glorify not only the saints we know, but also the unknown ascetics and passion-bearers who remained faithful to Christ even in the face of death.

Christians have venerated saints since the dawn of time early period dissemination of the Teachings of Christ: apostles, martyrs for the faith, saints, ascetics, rulers who contributed to its establishment.

There is evidence that the Feast of All Saints was celebrated already at the end of the 4th - beginning of the 5th centuries

Apparently, this is connected with the sermon of John Chrysostom in memory of “all the saints who suffered throughout the world.” It is characteristic that the day of celebration was also established by this sermon.

Over the long centuries of Christianity, the number of saints has constantly grown; it also grew in Rus', where its Orthodox saints appeared. Therefore, in the mid-16th century, the celebration of the Council of All Saints who shone in the Russian land was established, timed to coincide with the second week after Pentecost. During the synodal period it was forgotten and restored only in 1918, when the period of persecution of the church began. Since 1946, it has been solemnly celebrated again, as is the icon dedicated to the saints of the Russian Land.

How does the icon of all saints help?

In each Orthodox family there are icons of saints along with images of the Savior and the Mother of God. Often they exist in places where they have not yet come to the Orthodox faith, but “just in case” they keep icons of saints as their heavenly intercessors. People pray in front of such icons in difficult life situations, turning their prayers to the Lord through them.

Imagine what power the icon of all saints must have!

But before you make your requests, begin your prayer with glorification, because here are collected images of all the martyrs who suffered for the Faith of Christ, but did not renounce it

Prayer to the icon of all saints helps strengthen faith, gain perseverance in the face of enemies and during periods of difficult life trials.

If you do not have an icon of the saint whose name you bear, you can turn to him in front of the icon of all saints, since he is among them, tell him your needs for healing, family problems associated with the birth and raising of children.

All Saints' Day is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost

Prayer to the icon

Holy God and rest in the saints, glorified by the angels with a thrice-holy voice in heaven, praised on earth by man in His saints, giving grace to each by Your Holy Spirit according to the bestowal of Christ, and by that ordaining to the Church of Your Holy Ones apostles, prophets, and evangelists , you are the shepherds and teachers, whose word of preaching, to You who acts all in all, has been accomplished in many ways, saints in every generation and generation, having pleased You with various benefactors, and to You, having left us the image of your good deeds, in the joy that has passed, prepare, in He himself was tempted, and he helped us those who were attacked. All these saints and (the name of the saint) remembering and praising their godly lives, I praise You, who acted in them, and believing in Your goodness, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant that I, a sinner, follow their teaching, life, love, faith, longsuffering, and their prayerful help, and moreover Your all-effective grace, the heavenly ones with them will be honored with glory, praising Your Most Holy Name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

In a difficult life situation, a person goes to church for help. Depending on the person's request and marital status It is worth praying to a certain Saint.

Read how the seven-arrow icon and the holy family help, as well as their names and the meaning of the images.

Every pious Christian attends church on Sundays. Depending on the purpose of his stay, he can pray with gratitude for all the good things or ask for help in his own endeavors.

Important! You can pray to the seven-arrow icon of the Mother of God in any situation. She will help fulfill any request.

Ask for help to set up family relations You can go to the painting of the Holy Family. It depicts Joseph and Mary, and little Jesus.

However, such an image is rarely seen in an ordinary temple. The icon is most revered in Jerusalem.

You can turn to the Holy Trinity to improve relationships between relatives.

You can also turn to the Holy Father and Son, the Holy Spirit with gratitude or a request for help in any matter.

With small prayers you can appear before the following faces:

  • Archangel Michael. The most important commander over the heavenly angels. People turn to him when moving, so that he can protect the new home from harm.
  • John the Baptist. Can make garden lands more fertile. You need to turn to him so that there is no need in life.
  • Alexander Nevsky. Great commander has long belonged to the ranks of the Saints. It will help protect the weak from attack.
  • Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. Able to protect weak and small children. You can even ask for health for your pet.
  • Holy martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv. They will help maintain friendly relations between relatives and close family members. They maintain peace in the house.
  • Holy Martyr Boniface. Ask your relative or husband to free themselves from habitual habits such as alcoholism, smoking and even overeating.
  • John of Kronstadt. It will heal sick children and adults, help a little person cope with the workload at school and better assimilate knowledge.
  • God's prophet Elijah. It will change the weather not only in the house, but also outside. In times of drought they ask him for rain, in times of flood and flood - clear skies.
  • Holy blessed Xenia of Petersburg. It will help women in difficult situations to establish relationships with their spouses. A man can also contact her.
  • Saint Nicholas. Will help in any matter. He works miracles in all areas of life.
  • Venerable Sergius of Radonezh. A great teacher will help young schoolchildren master a large amount of new knowledge and take their rightful place in life.
  • Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker. A repentant prisoner can turn to her and ask for early release from a state house.
  • Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and Seraphim of Sarov. Those who turn to these faces can hope for healing from serious illnesses. You can make a similar request to the Great Martyr Doctor Panteleimon.
  • Holy Great Martyr Barbara. Her face will help get rid of mental instability and depression. It is worth asking for peace and harmony in the soul.
  • Apostles Peter and Paul. They will help in troubles associated with the lack of “production” at work and for sick people to get back on their feet.

    With such requests for help in solving worldly affairs, you can pray to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

Advice! It is better to pray not at home, but in a Holy place. Bow down to the tomb of the Saint and kiss the holy cross.

The more often you ask for help, the more likely you are to receive it sooner. The most important and omnipotent is God.

The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, therefore His help is invaluable in the life of a mere mortal.

What does an icon help with?

An icon is just a window into another world. The Great Apostles will help you find peace and harmony in your soul in your life on Earth, cure you of illnesses, and improve your financial situation. Ask for what you really need.

Advice! Never turn to the ranks of the great martyrs with a request to do evil for another.

Such a call can have a bad effect on the purity of the soul of an Orthodox person.

The meaning of the guardian angel icon

Zodiac sign Date of birth Icon by date of birth
Aries March 21 – April 20 Kazan Mother of God
Taurus April 21 – May 21 Helper of sinners, Iveron Mother of God
Twins May 22 – June 21 Vladimir Mother of God
Cancer June 22 – July 23 Our Lady of Kazan, Saint Cyril
Lion July 24 – August 23 Prophet Elijah, Nikolai Ugodnik
Virgo August 24 – September 23 Passionate, Burning Bush
Scales September 24 – October 23 Pochaevskaya Mother of God, Burning Bush
Scorpion October 24 – November 22 Our Lady of Jerusalem, Quick to Hear
Sagittarius November 23 – December 21 Nicholas the Wonderworker, Tikhvin Mother of God
Capricorn December 22 – January 20 Sovereign icon
Aquarius January 21 – February 19 Burning Bush, Mother of God of Vladimir
Fish February 20 – March 20 Iveron Mother of God

Advice! In any difficult situation, you can turn to God himself or the icon of All Saints for help.

It is important to pray correctly to the faces of the great martyrs so that your words are heard. The Lord is omnipresent, words can come from your home or temple.

Light the candles, cross yourself and read a specific prayer addressed to your patron.

It is important to believe and wait for a miracle. The fulfillment of desires is impossible without your attempts to realize your plans.

You shouldn't sit still and wait for diamonds to fall from the sky. Try to create wealth with your own hands, and God will only show you the right path.

Advice! The more often you ask for help, the more likely you are to receive it. Pray to your Patron or icon in the morning and evening every day.

May the Lord protect you and your children on the path of life.

Useful video

The icon “The Council of All Saints” tells us about one of the greatest Orthodox holidays. The Revelation of John the Evangelist describes that the Council of All Saints means the worship of all saints without exception (without taking into account the actual canonization) of the Lamb of God. After this, the seventh seal will be opened. Thus, All Saints Sunday is a Christian holiday on which the Church honors all known and unknown righteous people. The Orthodox Church honors all saints on the first Sunday after Pentecost, that is, it is a moving holiday falling at the end of the eighth week after the celebration of Easter.

The history of the holiday and the icon of the Council of All Saints goes back to the 4th-5th centuries AD, and is associated with the name of John Chrysostom and Ephraim the Syrian. In particular, Saint John Chrysostom spoke about the holiday in his sermons, indicating the exact date of the celebration, coinciding with the present one. As for Saint Ephraim the Syrian, he pointed to the holiday in his chants, naming the date May 13th. Many other sources also indicate that the feast of All Saints is celebrated on the first week after Pentecost. Orthodox theologians indicate that all the saints, although they lived in different times, and became famous for various exploits, but all their grace is poured out on the Orthodox Church precisely during this period.

All Saints' Day is considered the boundary of the annual circle of services. In particular, on this day the period of chants of the Colored Triodion ends, with the transition to the period of Octoechos. On the day after the holiday, Peter's fast begins.

As for the “Cathedral of All Saints” icon, it tells us about the Day of the Last Judgment, depicting all the righteous triumphant in Paradise. Many icon painters tried to depict their vision of Heaven through this icon. Moreover, the earliest image is an icon from the 10th century, which depicts angels and saints worshiping Jesus Christ, seated in the center. Saints, as a rule, kneel and extend their crowns towards Jesus Christ. Very often, next to the Son of God, the icon depicts John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary, who are in the same sphere with Jesus Christ. There is also a second sphere where the choir of saints is located, arranged according to the faces of holiness. Sometimes you can see saints who are depicted in separate arched openings, as well as figures of the prophets Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel and Solomon.

Celebration date

The celebration takes place on the first Sunday of Peter's Lent.

Prayer to a saint or miracle worker helps in various needs, provides effective help and protection. But recently I found out that there is an icon of all saints. I decided to ask my confessor about the meaning of this icon. It turns out that this is a universal icon, which depicts the entire heavenly army. If you do not have an image of your heavenly patron, you can directly turn to this icon.

I prayed about the money issue to several saints at once who help in this area. Literally a week later, my situation was resolved in the most miraculous way. Let’s look at what the Icon of All Saints looks like with a photo and analyze its meaning. I will tell you who is depicted there and what you can pray for.

Description of the icon

This list should be in every Orthodox home. This is a universal image to which you can offer any prayer for help. The icon depicts the entire army of the Lord, the strength and power of which cannot be described in words. This icon also evokes reverent fear, since the Council of All Saints is mentioned in the Revelation of John the Theologian. The saint foreshadowed the approach of the Last Judgment, when all the saints would worship the Lamb of God.

Who is depicted in the icon:

  • Holy Trinity;
  • Our Lady;
  • archangels, angels;
  • patriarchs;
  • holy martyrs;
  • church teachers.

On this icon you will find all the images of the saints, and your heavenly patron too. When you offer prayers to an icon of all the saints, you are addressing everyone at once. IN Orthodox tradition They honor everyone who, through their holy life or death, has been awarded the gift of the Holy Spirit. These are canonized saints and passion-bearers of God, as well as little-known Christian ascetics.

The Orthodox Church has established a special day for the veneration of all saints; it falls on the 7th day after the holiday of Trinity, on the first Sunday.

The tradition of venerating saints and passion-bearers was established by the first Christians, when they offered prayers on the tombs of martyrs who died for the faith. From that time on, the practice of lighting lamps was introduced, since it was dark in the catacombs and tombs. Orthodox Church preserved the traditions of the first Christians and did not retreat one step from the covenants of the apostles.

On the second week after Trinity, the Council of All Saints who died for Orthodox faith and glorified Christ with their lives. In honor of this day, an icon of the saints of the Russian Land was created.

What does it help with?

There are Orthodox icons even in those houses whose residents have not been baptized. They are there just in case, because a person’s subconscious constantly calls him to faith. Even an unbeliever needs the protection and patronage that the holy saints of God can give.

On the icon of saints you can see Archangel Michael. According to the teachings of the church, the archangel will intercede at the Last Judgment for the souls of the righteous, so they pray to him for themselves and their deceased relatives. Praying to an intercessor will help you pray out sins and find mercy in the eyes of God, because he helps you overcome sinful thoughts and keep your soul pure. People turn to Mikhail when they are obsessed with wine drinking and drug addiction, as well as other sinful thoughts and addictions.

The icon depicts Saint Matrona of Moscow, intercessor of women and patroness of the family hearth. They also turn to Matronushka to clarify life situation, the exit from which seems impossible. During her lifetime, the saint possessed a prophetic gift and after her death she helps people learn the truth. Many people received healing when turning to Matrona, and she also contributes to a successful marriage.

Among the faces of saints one can distinguish John the Baptist. The Baptist helps with physical and mental illnesses, strengthens faith and frees from the sin of drinking wine. You can pray to the saint during mental turmoil and in difficult life situations.

Holy saints of God, known and unknown. Looking at the icon of “All Saints” and the faces of those depicted on it, you begin to understand what conciliar power is inherent in the Christian path. More than one holy generation of Christians is manifested in this icon. Each of them preached the faith of Christ with his life; it was a living Gospel for God and before people. Orthodox online store Saints (icon of all saints).

Holy saints of God, known and unknown

All Saints Day is set one week after the Feast of the Holy Trinity. Saints, as fruits of the Church of Christ, adorn the Orthodox faith with their exploits. There is more than one list of the “All Saints” icon, and their meaning for a believer is conveyed by the photo.

This list is a convincing fact of fidelity, the correctness of the Christian path

It would seem, why depict all the saints on one icon, because the figures are small and without knowledge of iconography it is not easy to recognize the face of a saint. Why don’t even the photo of the “All Saints” icon and the small, barely perceptible details on it reduce their significance? The answer is the icon itself.

All Saints Day is set a week after the Feast of the Holy Trinity

This list is a convincing fact of fidelity, the correctness of the Christian path, because only true faith can give such a number of saints. After all, they were ordinary people, like us, they only had human nature, and not how Jesus Christ combined the divine and human principles.

The meaning of the icon of “All Saints”

The Lord himself showed the choice of a person who wants to become a saint by sacrificing His Only Begotten Son for the salvation of each and every one. The icon of “All Saints” as a favorite memorable photo from the holy world, about the holy world, a world where every soul is welcomed with pure love. The saints acquired (acquired) the Holy Spirit during their lifetime, so we can say that this is an icon that embodied the image of the Holy Spirit in the faces of the saints.

With his sermon, John Chrysostom established the day of celebration of all saints, and already at the beginning of the 5th century this holiday was celebrated solemnly. The Russian land has given such ascetics, such saints, whose glory shines for the whole world and all religions. The day of celebration is set two weeks after the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

The history of the formation of the day of “All Saints of the Russian Land Who Shine” was not simple. During the formation of the Russian Church from 1700 to 1917, this holiday was forgotten. An interesting fact is that its restoration took place at the beginning of the atheistic period, in 1918. It’s as if Russian saints were called to help to preserve the faith, the Orthodox light in these difficult times for Christians.

All Saints Day triumphed again in churches and the hearts of believers

But then the revolution prevented the completion of the restoration of the holiday. Only in 1946, after the terrible Great Patriotic War, the day of “All Saints” triumphed again in churches and the hearts of believers. These historical facts only confirm the importance and necessity of this holiday and the significance of the All Saints icon for a Christian.

How does the icon of “All Saints” help?

The icon of “All Saints who have shone forth in the Russian land” is a symbol of Orthodox conciliarity. Knowing what divine power each holy saint possesses individually, just imagine its power when they are together. Getting acquainted with the lives of the saints, imbued with their deeds, I want their faces to be in the home iconostasis.

But there are so many saints that there may not be enough walls, so by purchasing the “All Saints” icon you will be able to address your favorite saint personally. Prayer before this image helps strengthen faith, overcome difficult circumstances, and teaches conciliar prayer. This image is unique in that no matter what difficulty you address, you will be heard.

The whole palette of human circumstances serves for the good and salvation of the soul

Don’t forget, you need to not only ask for support and help, but also thank God, Holy Mother of God, heavenly hierarchs for everything that life brings. Sorrows and joys, success and disappointments, illness and health. The whole range of human circumstances serves for the good and salvation of the soul, if only a Christian makes an effort to do so.
