Jörmungandr is the world serpent in Scandinavian mythology. The story of the serpent Jormungandr

Trebeleva's underground passage

The inventor Peter Rasskazov first thought of an underground boat at the beginning of the 20th century. But he published his thoughts and ideas in one of the English magazines. What happened to Rasskazov after the revolution is unknown. He disappeared along with his developments.

The idea of ​​​​creating a device that moves underground was returned to before the start of the Second World War. In the USSR, engineer and designer Alexander Trebelev began work on creating an underground tunnel. He borrowed the operating principle of this device from moles. Moreover, the inventor approached the matter very thoroughly. Before starting to create the boat, he used X-rays to study the behavior of the animal when it dug holes. The designer paid special attention to the movements of the animal’s paws and head. And only then began to embody the mole in metal.

Trebelev borrowed the movement of the subterrine from the mole

Trebelev's underground boat resembled a capsule in shape, on the bow of which the inventor placed a drill. She also had an auger and two pairs of stern jacks. These jacks acted as mole paws. According to the creator's plan, the subterritory could be controlled both from the inside and from the outside. That is, from the surface using a special cable. The car received power through it.

Trebelev's creation turned out to be quite viable (it moved at a speed of 10 meters per hour), but needed many improvements. Eliminating them required a lot of money, so the designer still abandoned his brainchild.

There is a version that shortly before the collision with Germany, Ustinov set the designer Strakhov the task of finalizing Trebelev’s project. And the emphasis should be placed specifically on the military component of the subterrine. But the war began, and there was no time for fantastic combat vehicles.

German response

In parallel with the USSR, Germany also became interested in creating underground boats. For example, von Wern (or von Werner) patented an underwater-underground vehicle, which he gave the name Subterrine. The car could move underground at a speed of 7 km/h, transport 5 people and several hundred kilograms of explosives.

Subterrine wanted to be involved in Operation Sea Lion

The military became seriously interested in these projects. In their opinion, he was suitable for the role of “punisher of Britain.” In the special operation "Sea Lion" they had to swim to England and then continue their journey underground. Then deliver an unexpected blow to some important object.

But for some reason, underground boats were abandoned. The military leadership decided that Britain would be defeated in the air. And everything else is trifles. Therefore, the potential of von Wern’s creation remained unrevealed. Fortunately for those same Englishmen.

But von Wern is not the only German who wanted to create an underground tunnel. Designer Ritter took on the task of turning a more ambitious project into reality - “Midgard Schlange”. The underground boat was named “Midgard Serpent” in honor of the mythical creature. According to legend, this serpent encircled the entire earth.

Ritter's brainchild was distinguished by its amazing versatility. It just couldn't fly. And so, according to the creator’s plan, the car was supposed to move on land and water, underground and under water. It was assumed that the device could move in hard ground at a speed of about 2 km/h. If there was soft soil on the way, its speed increased to 10 km/h. On the ground, the “Snake” could even accelerate to 30 km/h. And under water its speed would be about 3 km/h.

They also suggested the size of the car. Ritter dreamed of creating not just an apparatus, but a real underground train with carriages on caterpillar tracks. The estimated length of the assembled equipment is from 500 meters. Actually, that’s why the project was called “Midgard Schlange”. According to calculations made by Ritter, the weight of the colossus was several tens of thousands of tons. In theory, a crew of thirty people could cope with the control of the Snake. The movement of the machine underground was ensured by 4 main drills of one and a half meters each, as well as 3 additional ones.

The Midgard Schlange project remained on paper

Since the “Snake” was conceived as a military vehicle, its armament was appropriate: a couple of thousand mines, more than a dozen coaxial machine guns, as well as torpedoes. It was planned that the subterrine would be involved in hostilities against France, Belgium and Great Britain. But they did not implement the project. He, like his “relatives” Subterrine, remained on paper.

Soviet "Mole"

After the war, the USSR returned to subterrines. The most active work in this direction began under Khrushchev. The fact is that he really liked the idea of ​​“getting the imperialists out of the ground.” Nikita Sergeevich took the project under his patronage and publicly announced the development of an underground tunnel. A secret plant for the production of subterrine was quickly erected on the territory of Ukraine. And already in 1964 the first boat with a nuclear reactor was ready. It received a telling name - “Battle Mole”.

There is no exact information about the boat left. According to various sources, its diameter ranged from 3 to 4 meters. And the length varied from 25 to 35 meters. As for the speed, depending on the ground it varied from 7 to 15 km/h. The Mole's crew consisted of 5 people. In addition to them, the boat could transport another 15 soldiers and about a ton of various cargo.

They counted on the “mole” in case of war with the United States

According to the creators' plan, the "Combat Mole" was supposed to destroy underground bunkers, missile launchers in mines and enemy command posts. Great hopes were placed on the subterritories in the event of aggravation of relations with the United States.

"Battle mole" was actively tested in different conditions. He demonstrated his capabilities especially well in the Urals, biting into rock with ease. But repeated tests put an end to the project. "Mole" exploded underground for unknown reasons. The crew could not be saved. After the disaster, they decided to abandon the creation of subterrines.

"The Midgard Serpent"

In 1934, engineer Ritter developed a design for an underground ship! The device was called the “Midgard Serpent” - in honor of the mythological huge serpent surrounding the world of Midgard inhabited by people.

It was assumed that the “Snake” would be able to move on the ground, underground and under water, and it was needed to deliver demolition charges to enemy long-term fortifications, defense lines and port facilities. The “ship” was assembled from hinged compartments 6 m long, 6.8 and 3.5 m wide and high, respectively.

Depending on the task, its length could vary from 399 to 524 m by replacing or adding sections. The structure was supposed to weigh about 60,000 tons. They presented an underground “worm” as tall as two-storey house and half a kilometer long? Under the ground, the “Midgard Serpent” would make its way with the help of four powerful drills, each one and a half meters in diameter, and they would be rotated by nine electric motors of 1000 hp each. With.

The drill bits on the drill head can be changed depending on the type of soil, for which the “ship” would carry spare sets for rock, sand and medium-density soil.

Forward movement would be provided by tracks with 14 electric motors with a total power of 19,800 hp. With. The electric motors would be powered by four 10,000 hp diesel generators. s., for which it was supposed to carry 960,000 liters of diesel fuel.

Underwater, the “ship” would be controlled by 12 pairs of rudders and move at speeds of up to 3 km/h with the help of 12 additional engines with a capacity of 3000 “horses”.

According to the project, the “Snake” could travel on the ground at a speed of 30 km/h (let’s imagine once again: a train on tracks, happily rushing across a field), underground in rocky soil - 2 km/h, and in soft soil - up to 10 km/h

The Serpent would have been operated by 30 people, who would have had an on-board electric kitchen, a recreation area with 20 beds, and repair shops. To breathe and power diesel engines, it was planned to take 580 compressed air cylinders on the road, and it would be possible to communicate with the world using a radio transmitter.

The ship, according to Ritter, would carry a thousand 250-kilogram mines and the same number of 10-kilogram mines. For self-defense on the ground, the crew would have 12 coaxial 7.92 mm machine guns. But all this seemed not enough to the designer, so he planned to capture the imagination of the military with special underground weapons, which were supposed to operate on certain secret principles. The dragon Fafnir gave his name to an underground six-meter torpedo, “Thor’s Hammer” was intended to undermine particularly hard rocks, the gnome Alberich, who stores the gold of the Nibelungs, became the reconnaissance torpedo of the same name with microphones and a periscope, and the king of the miniatures, Laurin, who loved his rose garden more than anything in the world, donated its name to the rescue capsule for the “Snake” crew to exit to the surface of the earth in the event of any emergency.

Each “Snake” was supposed to cost modestly: 30 million Reichsmarks. This project was seriously considered, and following a discussion on February 28, 1935, it was returned to Ritter for revision. And after the end of World War II, adits and the remains of a certain structure that resembled this underground ship were even found in the Konigsberg area. Apparently, the Germans even tried to conduct experimental work.

The body is a frame, a container. The soul is an electrical ethereal discharge located in the body and reflected between the body’s memory cells. all this together is like a magnet containing an electric discharge. The general electro-etheric field of the universe, its flow, is absolute energy, a storehouse of information of the entire universe in which there is everything at the same time and information about what was, what is, what will happen next. all cells, all of this is arranged similarly computer program , where memory cells act as memory capacity. Everything has a connection with each other, like the connection of the Internet. We are all like antennas and this connection is in our DNA, like Wi-Fi. telepathic thought is transmitted over distance and time via electro-etheric communication, biocommunication. Nothing has gone anywhere. All information takes place in its time coordinates. When a person is conceived, he has three components, sperm, egg and spirit. Spirit is that piece of information that is sent to the connection point approximately on the seventh day after the union of the egg with the sperm. This information is a clot of memory impulse taken simultaneously from the frequencies of the mother and father. And between all this there is information about the whole. This impulse is what people call the soul. This is an electro-etheric discharge, like electricity in a magnet. This is the same corpuscle of light particles that multiply fractally around us. but we’ll get to that ahead. The soul as such does not exist outside the body; just like electricity, it needs a container. Therefore, when a magnet is demagnetized, this electricity goes into a common capacity, into the ground. so is the soul, it cannot be outside the body and be a ghost. This is false. But what people see is not a ghost, but now I’ll explain.... At birth, and at conception itself, the body itself, when it unites in the trinity, mother, father, spirit, then they form all forms of material connection, which makes up 64 basic forms of dimensions, or 64 codons in other words. We can go deeper into this so that mom don’t worry, but in simplification we will focus on this. This is enough to understand, like at a child’s level in a sandbox, if you don’t become a scientist geneticist. Let's just say this is the basic understanding that is necessary for an initiate to have a picture of the universe of the biological component with the entire universe as an inseparable but continuation of the tail of the whole organism. Thus, the body reflects 12 aspects, 12 rays, 12 starting points. They are the spiritual framework, the body of the spirit, which from the point of the corpuscle is developed into a connection with the whole body, as a form of the spirit of the whole, which has the functions of connections of the whole organism with all its parts, the liver, lungs, microbes, the general state. Thus, the original spirit has not 12 but 13 parts of the spirit, the essences of the whole. Where there are 12 parts, these are your guardian angels. They are yours, not strangers. And the 13th, this is you, the center, we call it the throne. central, This throne one makes a choice. These 12 parts, animal forces, are angels, they receive information. They want to eat. We feed this animal force. Well, you know about that. What kind of food you give, what kind of wolf you feed, what you feed on is what you are. So.... Information supplied from another point, from another person, is an irritant. your 12 aspects take that information and present it to you in images. And central nervous system processing it, he connects it and submits it to the center of the throne so that he makes a choice, accept it or spit it out. When a person sees a ghost, in fact there is no ghost, but the information that comes from space is processed in such a way that it seems that you are seeing. But this image is given based on the treatment of the pineal gland. The same thing happens in a dream. We are receiving signals. 12 aspects receive them, the pineal gland processes and transmits to the center a picture, an image that in a dream we take for reality, although it is clear that this is a dream, this cannot be in reality, but our brain in dreams does not realize this. after all, in reality we cannot fly or walk through walls, but in a dream this is normal and ordinary for us. This is how people confuse the astral plane. But everything in the universe has its own coordinates, place, information, which is confused and passed off as reality. Know that the soul cannot exist without a body. She needs clothes, container. when a person dies, the body and soul disintegrate into all their components and the spirit, like electricity, instantly goes into common ocean either into the ground or into the sky, into the ionosphere. Therefore, the cross shows either down to the center of the earth, or up to the ionosphere. In any case, this is disintegration, melting down. To die means to burn. The only difference is where you go to the ionosphere or to the center of the earth. Refining into one hundred percent light of love, this is the energy of God. Electricity, electroether, is living energy. Frequency difference. In the center of the earth low frequencies, and in the ionosphere are high. This is the resonance of frequencies. Those who have been at low vibrations throughout life will go down accordingly. he gets pulled in there like into a pipe. As information came, an impulse through a conductor, like a signal, an impulse, so it goes away. If a person was more in love, was positive, then he was charged, recharged to high frequency vibrations. He will of course go into the ionosphere. Communication between planets goes through the ionosphere. This is that bridge, that connection, that pipe, that wire through which energy flows, keeps in touch with the whole world. if you look at it, it will look like a spider's web. all rays are connected. The soul connects with the whole. A single field of the absolute, where all the information from all times, like in a computer, lies in its place in its folders and files. Divine order, because all the particles, all the souls of the whole, are one single organism. which is called God the Absolute. But this is a single field of the supreme mind of the Creator. In fact, we are all parts of it. All of this is us, He is. And all those ghosts that are visible are the perception of information that is produced to us the best way at the frequency at which it is published, by one or another subject of that reality or the reality of time coordinates. So information can come both from the past to the present and from the future to the present. when people do not know the truth and it is not given to them, because a person cannot be immediately initiated, then this information was encrypted in religion in order to completely simplify it, they say, angels, souls, ghosts. But the point is that absolute energy strives for perfection and preservation. Therefore, the science of eternal life and youth has been achieved, but this is not for everyone. There are diseases in this world. And religion is this disease, because it strives not for eternal life, but for death. We are people, this is the limit of perfection of the body and the capabilities of this body. we have gone through a lot to create this body and stay in it forever. And therefore it is necessary to value them, to value this life. And we only collect those who are on high level consciousness, in absolute love and pure, without the dogmas of religions. Religions are given at certain coordinates and act like a sieve. But this information is further on. That is why it is said that initiations are not for everyone. People will not accept this information, and those who are not initiated are not ready to recognize the universe and accept it without distortion. People on earth live in ignorance of reality. They do not know reality and until they rise to the level of God awareness, they will never know. And of course. we live once. The second time after remelting, zeroing occurs. And it is impossible to be born a second time. But when people say that they remember a past life, this information goes through the information network of general consciousness, like through a phone connection from a file basket. Also, through ancestral memory cells. DNA memory tree of mother and father. And no more. People don’t know reality, they don’t know the universe and they grab pieces, interpret them in their own way and pass them off as reality, and that is a delusion. Therefore, those who carry viruses with them will not be taken into eternity. He is dangerous for all living things, because he strives for self-destruction in order to know death, and his whole life from birth prepares not for eternal life in love, but prepares in blind separation for death. Low level of consciousness. Whoever grows in love, who strives for eternal life, who is reasonable, he will never divide into his own and others, seeing other civilizations, and he realizes that this is God, like me, who has reached, the one who has risen to this level of love, he is not thinks evil, he loves you, just as you love him, as God but not as something unknown and dangerous. That's the whole point. We are not alone, there are many of us and we are LOVE. Those who have not recognized this, those who close their eyes, those who do not want to accept reality, those who divide, those who do not catch up, time passes, the limit has been exhausted. This limit is given to everyone equally. 100 years. And no matter who manages this limit, that’s how it goes. someone burns this time by accelerating the process and, without realizing it, dies. Burns out. And whoever realizes who has passed, who has made it, is accepted home. He is taken from this purgatory, the place of harvest. But the time has come for the end of times. That’s why we’re openly talking about this.

The vehicle was armed with machine guns and a torpedo and covered 10 meters in the ground in an hour.

Everyone has heard about submarines, and everyone knows them well. But not everyone knows about underground boats. But similar projects existed in real life. And they may return to them in the future, although this is not a fact. A tunneling machine used in the construction of the Xinyi Line of the Taipei Subway in Taiwan. From the site ru.wikipedia.org

Tunnel rats with pistols
The concept of an underground boat may seem strange. But if you think about it, there is nothing fundamentally new in it. Underground warfare as such has been known to us since antiquity. In order to bring down enemy walls, the ancient Romans and Greeks actively used tunnels. And the Persian king Darius I, in 520 BC, penetrated into Greek Chalcedonia, bringing a tunnel to the market square. But these were flowers: the real start to life for the underground war was the appearance of gunpowder. One of the most striking examples is the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. According to sources, 48 ​​powder barrels were used for the explosion under the fortress walls.
The so-called underground warriors became. “Tunnel Rats” - American, Australian and New Zealand units used to operate in tunnels dug by the Vietnamese. The soldiers did not have any underground vehicles then. Their equipment was most often limited to a pistol, a flashlight, a portable radio and a gas mask. The work was very difficult and dangerous: it is worth saying that, in addition to the darkness and confined space, the fighters were awaited by ingenious traps left by the partisans.
German project "Midgard Serpent". From the site naked-science.ru

What prevents you from creating an underground machine that can conduct combat operations? That is, like a submarine, hiding in the depths and striking from unexpected places. The main obstacle on this path is the need for gigantic power, because it is very difficult to destroy rocks. Found a power source? Fine. What about speed? It won't be possible to move quickly underground in any case, and the enemy won't wait. What about safety? There may be an underground lake and many other unpleasant surprises on the way.
Metro builders solve such issues in a comprehensive manner: the devices not only dig, but also strengthen the tunnel with blocks using a mechanical arm (this is partly due to the low speed of passage). When the block is installed, the jacks rest on it, and the huge machine moves on. Well, if you have to work at great depths and the soil is very dense, they are often content with only manual labor: jackhammers and other simple tools are used. The speed of passage in this case is measured in only tens of meters per month.
And if any important mechanism of the underground combat boat fails, no one will be able to help it. There will be no reinforced tunnel behind and no workers with jackhammers. This means that the crew will have no chance of survival at all. Unless the car will be at an extremely shallow depth and it can literally be pulled out of the ground.
There are many problems, so to speak, fundamental ones. Especially if we talk about a long autonomous hike. How, for example, does one supply an underground boat with breathing air? On a nuclear submarine it is produced by electrolysis of sea water. It is used to cool the reactor. In the case of a “subterrine”, this is simply impossible to do: you will have to look for some original methods.
Underground by A. Trebleva. From the site naked-science.ru

The designer watched the mole
It’s even strange that underground combat vehicles have finally begun to be created. People often remember the underground passage designed by A. Treblev, A. Kirilov and A. Baskin. Alexander Trebelev borrowed the principle of operation of this device from moles. Before starting to create the boat, he used X-rays to study the behavior of the animal when it dug holes. The designer paid special attention to the movements of the animal’s paws and head. And only then began to embody the mole in metal.
Trebelev's underground boat resembled a capsule in shape, on the bow of which the inventor placed a drill. She also had an auger and two pairs of stern jacks. These jacks acted as mole paws. According to the creator’s plan, the “subterrine” could be controlled both from the inside and from the outside. That is, from the surface using a special cable. The car received power through it. The underground tunnel turned out to be quite viable, it moved at a speed of 10 meters per hour, but it needed many improvements. Eliminating them required a lot of money, so the device was never used
But the underground tunnel is an industrial machine for searching for minerals. The Germans can be considered pioneers in the creation of underground combat boats. A patent for such an invention was registered in 1933 by the German inventor Horner von Werner. The underground vehicle was supposed to have a speed of up to 7 kilometers per hour and a crew of five people. It could carry a warhead of 300 kilograms. At the same time, the device could move both underground and under water. All this could be useful when carrying out sabotage actions. At the same time, a full-scale underground attack on a powerful power, of course, was not possible in principle.
We remembered von Werner's idea in 1940. As we know, Great Britain and France are separated by the English Channel. Without supremacy at sea, the Nazis could not even think about landing troops in Great Britain, but they also did not want to leave such a dangerous enemy at hand. And here an underground boat could be useful for sabotage.
Perhaps Horner von Werner’s project would have been given a start in life, but German Reich Minister of Aviation Hermann Goering intervened in the matter. It was he who convinced the leadership that military pilots would be able to defeat the British Air Force, which would allow the Germans to ultimately establish complete control over the English Channel. This, as we know, did not happen, but they did not resurrect the project either: soon the Nazis had other, more important reasons for concern.
The idea of ​​mechanizing underground warfare is not new. A tunneling shield is the name given to a movable prefabricated metal structure that ensures the safe conduct of a mine opening and the construction of a permanent lining in it. It is believed that the first to use such a mechanism was in 1825 during the construction of a tunnel under the Thames by Marc Brunel. Nowadays, tunneling shields are actively used in metro construction. The length of one “worm” can be 80 meters, and its weight can be more than 300 tons. The speed of the machine reaches 10 centimeters per minute, so in one month it can travel up to 300 meters.
"Mole" with a nuclear reactor. From diletant.media

“Midgard Serpent” – “miracle weapon”
In the 30s, another interesting German project appeared. The underground boat was named “Midgard Serpent” in honor of the mythical creature. According to legend, this serpent encircled the entire earth. The father of the project is an inventor named Ritter. As in the first case, the device had to move both underground and under water: in the latter case, the immersion depth could reach 100 meters.
The boat consisted of cells and was somewhat similar to a train. Its length could be 524 meters, and its weight was 60 thousand tons. For comparison, the largest nuclear submarines - Project 941 Akula submarines - are just over 170 meters long. In other words, the Midgard Serpent could go down in history not only as the largest underground submarine, but also as the longest submarine in the world.
The design of the device was more than interesting. In front they wanted to install a drilling head with four drills with a diameter of one and a half meters. They were driven by nine electric motors. The vehicle also had tracks driven by fourteen electric motors to travel on the ground. The electric current required to operate the engines was generated by four diesel electric generators. Underwater, the car had to move with the help of twelve pairs of rudders and twelve additional engines.
The “Snake” could carry substantial weapons: 250-kilogram and 10-kilogram mines and 12 coaxial machine guns. In addition, the underground 6-meter torpedo Fafnir, shells for blasting rocks Mjolnir, reconnaissance torpedo with microphones and a periscope Alberich, as well as a rescue vehicle for the crew to reach the surface Layrin were developed. In total, 30 crew members were supposed to serve on board the boat.
It was planned to place on board electric kitchen, a 20-bed bedroom, three repair shops and more. According to the project, on land the boat could move at speeds of up to 30 kilometers per hour. Underground, of course, the speed was less: 10 kilometers per hour in soft soil and two in rocky soil. Underwater, the speed was also low - three kilometers per hour.
According to the ideologists of the project, the boat itself could decide the outcome of the war by hitting vital enemy targets (for example, ports). In total, by the way, they wanted to build 20 “Snakes”. Given the complexity of the design, they could be more expensive than the notorious German battleships. As you might guess, many experts considered the project unfeasible and in the mid-30s it was sent to Ritter for revision. What happened next is not known for certain. After World War II, they found adits and the remains of an exploded structure that could be related to Ritter’s project.
Now it is not possible to confirm or deny this. The fact is that by the end of the war, the most incredible ideas were wandering in the minds of the leaders of the Third Reich, overwhelmed by military-technical escapism. Perhaps one of the “wunderwaffe”, or “miracle weapons”, could be a mechanical snake. Judging by the facts, none of the above-mentioned German projects ever got off the ground. There were a great many reasons for this, in addition to those already stated above. Starting from the successes at the beginning of the war (which is why they didn’t want to spend money on such things) to the lack of resources in the years when Germany suffered defeats.

The supersonic jet destroyed the soil
One of the most realistic prototypes of underground boats was the British Nellie. It was created to dig deep trenches on the front line during World War II. Through these trenches, infantry and light tanks could, it was hoped, safely cross no-man's land and penetrate enemy positions. The fall of France in 1940 slowed down the program. The new experience of the military suggested that there would no longer be a positional war in the spirit of the First World War, and in 1943 the project was closed.
In addition, it is known that engineers of the 20th century created an underground rocket - a device for high-speed drilling of wells in soils and rocks at a speed of up to 1 meter per second using jet streams. The missile did not carry troops or nuclear weapons. It was developed in the late 40s and built in 1968. It was a cylinder filled with solid fuel: in the bow there were nozzles located in several tiers.
The underground rocket was installed with its nose down. A supersonic jet of hot gases, escaping from downward-directed nozzles under a pressure of up to two thousand atmospheres, destroyed the soil under the cylinder, and due to the middle-tier nozzles directed sideways, the well expanded. By the end of the 60s, engineers already had successful tests behind them: they began to talk about a revolution in the field of well drilling. There were, however, some disadvantages: it turned out to be difficult to control the projectile, so later several new, more advanced versions were created.
And here’s another fantastic device that we can’t help but talk about – the “Battle Mole”. An underground boat with a nuclear reactor, created in 1964, received this telling name. There is no exact information about the boat left. According to various sources, its diameter ranged from three to four meters, and its length was 25-35 meters. The speed varied, depending on the ground - from 7 to 15 kilometers per hour. The crew of "Mole" is five people. In addition to them, the boat could transport 15 more soldiers and about a ton of cargo. The “Combat Mole” was supposed to destroy underground bunkers, missile launchers in mines and enemy command posts. But during testing, “Mole” exploded underground for unknown reasons. The crew could not be saved. After the disaster, this project was abandoned.
IN modern world the concept of an underground combat boat never became popular. Both the United States and a number of other countries give priority to the creation of tactical weapons, and the underground boat is, rather, a strategic weapon, relevant in the Cold War era, when it was assumed that nuclear weapons would be quietly delivered to the enemy. In modern local conflicts it could hardly be useful, except perhaps in the fight against partisans - to destroy tunnels. But there are also cheaper ways that do not require the creation of a bulky colossus.

Since ancient times, the world serpent has encircled Midgard. It is wrapped around in a tight ring and cannot be seen, because it lies at the bottom of the sea.

Hello Friend. glad to see you here, my name is Gavrilov Kirill and this is my Northern diary. You can read about me and my passion for medieval Scandinavia on the page.

Like many people who are interested in this field, I love Norse mythology. In this post I will tell you about the world serpent Jormungandr. Everyone has heard about him, but not everyone knows that Jormungandr is the son of the god of cunning Loki and his main opponent.

The story of the serpent Jormungandr

In addition to his wife Sigyn, Loki, a drunkard and libertine, often spent time with the old giantess Angrboda. Often he left Asgard and went to the Iron Forest on the outskirts of Jotunheim - the country of giants. After three long nights spent with Loki, Angrboda gave birth to three unusual children. The girl Hel, the snake Jormungandr and the little wolf cub named Fenrir.

The Supreme God Odin knew that Loki's children would bring with them only evil and destruction. Odin ordered all the Aesir, led by Thor, to deliver the offspring from the Iron Forest to Asgard in order to decide their fate himself.

I have already told you about the fates of the wolf and the girl in other posts. Let's continue to get acquainted with the history of Jormungand.

The Aesir take Jormungandr

The Aesir came to Jotunheim and took Loki's children with them to Asgard. The baby Jormungandr wriggled so much and did not want to be separated from his mother that Thor forcibly wrapped him around his elbow and clamped his head in his huge fist.

The gods took a long time to reach Asgard. Jormungandr grew into a large snake and even Thor could not carry it alone. Jormungand began to resist even more, wriggles and spits poison. Frey barely dodged the poisonous jet. The gods found a long log, wound the kite around and tied it. And they pushed a huge fir cone into his mouth so that he wouldn’t bite and spit poison. So they carried him all together, all the way to Valhalla.

One decides the fate of the snake

The gods gathered on a large field in front of Valhalla, placed Loki's offspring in the center and began to wait for Odin. The all-father was the wisest, and everyone was waiting for his decision.

The king of the gods came out of the high doors and the aces began to consult what should be done and with whom. It was Jörmungandr's turn. “The son of the god Loki is poisonous and dangerous,” Odin said thoughtfully, addressing the meeting, “we need to hide him where he cannot harm anyone.”

The Aesir consulted and threw the serpent into the great ocean that surrounds Midgard on all sides. Over the years, the world serpent grew so large that many coastal villages were flooded and people had to move higher. So Jormungandr lies, encircling Midgard, and the one who wants to swim far will not be happy at all.

Jormungandr in Scandinavian mythology

In the stories of Scandinavian mythology described in the Younger and Elder Edda, the world serpent Jormungandr appears four times.

  1. The story of Loki's children, part of which I told you in this entry.
  2. The legend of how Thor and Loki competed with the giants in Jotunheim.
  3. Thor's famous fishing trip, when the Thunderer caught Jormungandr instead of fish.
  4. The Battle of Ragnarok during which the serpent Jormungandr will act as an opponent of Thor.

Death of Jormungandr

Sooner or later, everything in this world ends. During Ragnarok - the great battle of light and darkness. The world serpent will crawl onto land, poisoning rivers and lakes, killing with poison all living things on its way to the Vigridr plain. Jormungand will meet in battle and both will die from mortal wounds. Thor will crush the snake's head, but after taking nine steps, he himself will drown in the rivers of poison that will flow from the dying monster.
