Sweet pea flowers growing. Ideal plant: growing sweet peas

The fragrant, clustered flowers of sweet peas add a whimsical touch to any garden. Sweet peas develop curly tendrils that allow them to climb fences and trellises, creating a magical atmosphere. They grow easily in many climate zones with proper preparation for the growing season. See Step 1 to learn how to grow these stunning flowers.


Part 1

Planting sweet peas with seeds

    Buy sweet pea seeds. Sweet peas are usually grown from seeds. You can either start it in seed trays indoors and later transplant it outdoors. garden bed, or immediately plant it outside. Seeds can be purchased at any garden store. Look for rare varieties in online stores.

    • "Old-fashioned" sweet peas will produce very fragrant flowers.
    • Spencer varieties have bright colors but are less fragrant. You will find them in pink, purple, blue, white and red.
  1. Determine when to start planting seeds. Sweet peas can be grown in any zone, but it is important to know right time to get them ready. They should be planted as early as possible to form a strong root system and survive the summer. Therefore, starting to plant seeds at the beginning of the year is usually the best decision.

    • If you live in a temperate zone where the ground doesn't freeze in the winter, you can plant your seeds directly in the ground as early as November, although planting in January or February is also fine. Water it throughout the winter and sweet peas will emerge in the spring.
    • If you live in an area where winters are cold, plant the seeds indoors. This way, the seedlings will be ready for planting as soon as the first frost passes. If you wait too long to plant the seeds, they won't have time to take root in the soil until summer when the weather gets hot.
  2. Soak or cut the seeds. Sweet pea seeds have the best chance of germinating if you break the seed coat before planting. You can do this either by soaking them in a pan of water overnight, or using a tiny knife or nail scissors to cut the surface of each seed.

    • If you soaked seeds, plant only those that swelled during the overnight soak. Discard those that have not changed in size.
  3. Sow the seeds in seed growing medium. About 5 weeks before the last frost (usually mid-February or so), prepare small seed trays or peat containers with seed starting mixture. Sow the seeds 3 cm deep and 8 cm apart, or in separate compartments.

    Keep them warm and moist. Water the seed trays and cover them lightly with plastic wrap for the first week to regulate the temperature. Keep them in a greenhouse or in a sunny window in a room where the temperature will not drop below 20°C. Once the seedlings have sprouted, remove the film and keep them moist and warm until it is time to plant them just after the last frost.

    • If you are using seed trays, thin out the seedlings to 14cm apart as soon as they sprout leaves.
    • Pick flowers and buds before transplanting so that the seedlings' energy is directed into the new growing roots.

    Part 2

    Planting sweet peas
    1. Choose a sunny spot in your yard or garden. Sweet peas of all varieties grow well in sunny areas, making them an excellent choice for exposed areas of fences and walls. In the heat of summer, sweet peas grow well in partial shade, but it's best to find somewhere sunny on the safe side. Since sweet peas climb, find a place where they can grow towards the sky. It produces small tendrils that will cover any type of post if you plant it nearby.

      • Sweet peas make great natural decorations for fences. If you have a wood or chain link fence that you want to decorate, plant sweet peas there.
      • Sweet peas are often grown on trellises or arches. This is another great choice and will also give your garden a country cottage look.
      • If you don't have a suitable place for sweet peas, place some bamboo stakes in the garden and plant the sweet peas there. This will add some height and beauty to your garden. Alternatively, you can create a tower of posts in a pot or small gazebo.
      • You can plant sweet peas among other plants such as shrubs or vegetables.
    2. Enrich the soil. Sweet peas grow best in fertile, well-drained soil. Prepare the soil for planting by tilling it to a depth of 15 cm and fertilizing it with compost or manure. This is especially important if your soil is heavy and clayey; you will need to put down extra compost to make sure the soil absorbs water well enough for the sweet pea roots.

      • To determine whether the soil is draining well enough, observe it after heavy rain. If water collects and puddles take a long time to dry out, the soil there is not well-drained. If the water is absorbed immediately, it is good for the seedlings.
      • Using raised beds - good option if you think your soil is too clayey and heavy for growing seedlings. They will also come in handy for other plants you want to grow.
    3. Plant sweet peas in early spring. Whether you'll be starting seeds inside and transplanting seedlings, or you want to plant seeds directly into your garden bed, early spring is the time to do so. If you live in a warm place where the ground never freezes, you can plant them in January or February. If you live in an area where the ground freezes, wait until the first frost has passed and plant in early to mid-April.

      Dig holes for the sweet peas. If you are transplanting seedlings, dig holes 6 inches apart and deep enough to plant the seedlings with their root ball in the ground. Lightly pat the fresh soil around the stems of the seedlings. For seeds that you plant directly into the ground, dig holes 3 cm deep and 8 cm apart. Once they have sprouted, you need to thin them out so that they are 6 inches apart so that each plant has enough room to grow.

      Water the sweet peas. Finish by giving the plants a good dose of fresh water. Sweet peas will begin to grow quickly as soon as warm weather arrives.

    Part 3

    Caring for sweet peas

      Water it frequently during hot months. Sweet peas should be nice and hydrated all summer long. Water it lightly every day if there is no rain. Check the soil surrounding the sweet pea stems frequently to make sure it has not dried out.

      Fertilize once a month. Sweet peas are quite prolific, and monthly application of lung fertilizer will keep it blooming for many weeks. This is not necessary, but is useful if you want it to produce more flowers. Use compost, manure or a fertilizer high in potassium.

Sweet peas, as sweet peas are more often called, are grown on garden plots for vertical gardening, for decorating summer gazebos and terraces and just for fun. This article tells you what rules you should follow when planning to start growing a flower.

Description of the flower with photo

For the first time, it was in 1696 in Italy, sweet peas were discovered by the botanist Kupani. From there it was brought to England, and over 300 years of breeding, specialists managed to develop more than 1,000 varieties of fragrant china.

A special feature of peas is that their strong shoots can reach two or more meters. Cleverly clinging to the supports with their tendrils, the stems stretch upward, creating a picturesque vertical carpet. Pea flowers are collected in inflorescences that bloom one after another, and this makes flowering constant.

The flower itself is very similar to a sailing boat with oars. By the way, individual parts of the flower are called exactly that: sail, oars, boat.

However, the liana-like plant has a dwarf form, the height of which is about 30 cm. Such a flower does not need support.

Sweet peas bloom two months after germination and continue to delight the gardener with the brightness of the inflorescences throughout the warm season.

After the petals wither, a fruit is formed, which is a bivalve bean. It contains up to 10 peas of beige or dark brown color. If you leave the first pods on the plant, they will have time to ripen, and this will make it possible to get your own seeds.

IN garden culture Sweet peas come in two varieties; they can be grown as annual crops, and there are perennial varieties. Both species are grown from seed and produce strong, ribbed shoots. The ability to cling to everything that comes your way requires mandatory support. Therefore, flower planting should be done:

  • next to walls that you want to give a decorative look.
  • along fences that will look like hedges.
  • The open gazebo will be hidden from the hot rays of the sun by tall shoots of fragrant chin.

Perennial sweet peas are not rich in color. More often these are pink or purple flowers collected in a brush. Many strong vines reach two meters and require strong mesh support so that the plant can grow and develop freely.

The annual tree has a much more interesting color palette. The flowers of this species can be white and blue, pink red, burgundy and blue. Annuals exude a more delicate aroma compared to perennials.

Sweet peas bloom from June until the onset of cold weather. Prefers open sunny places with fertile soil and a neutral reaction to acidity.

The stems should not be allowed to lie down as this will lead to disease and rotting.

Group of varieties "Spencer"

Variety "Sir Charles"

All types of fragrant chyna are divided, in turn, into groups. Among the tall varieties, the Spencer group can be distinguished. This is a multi-stemmed plant with a shoot length close to 2.5 m. Peduncles are strong and consist of 3-5 flowers. The petal itself, or as it is called, the sail, has a wavy upper edge.

  • The Aristocrat variety has a deep sweetish aroma exuded by charming white and pink flowers.
  • "Sir Arthur" will decorate the garden with soft lilac sails
  • "Sir Charles" - scarlet.


The varieties included in the "Kazburston" group are distinguished by their multi-flowered nature. There are up to 8 pieces in a brush. The stems of the plant are long, which makes it popular in garden design. Plus, it looks amazing when cut.

Just a note. It should be remembered that bouquets of sweet peas are best formed after all the buds in the cluster have bloomed. This is due to the property of the flower “not to spread its sails” when cut.


The Royal group consists of varieties early date flowering. They have large flowers, and the color of the upper petal can be delicate (white, pink) or rich (bright red, lavender blue).

Low-growing varieties, also known as dwarf varieties, are also divided into groups.

Group "Bijou"


"Bijou." Plants of this group are distinguished by large flowers and bright colors. The height of the bush is about 30 cm, the flowering is abundant.

Group "Pink Cupid"

"Pink Cupid"

Peas from the Pink Cupid group are characterized by a wavy edge of the upper petal. Its color can be white or soft pastel colors, blue-lilac or pale blue, pink or red. The height of the flower does not exceed 30 cm.

Flowers from both groups described above can be used for flower beds, borders and cut flowers.


“Fantasy” is a group of varieties that have a miniature height. Growing no more than 20 cm, they serve as an ideal border edging and are used as ground cover.

Low flowers create bright colorful mats on the site and fill the air with a subtle aroma of beauty.

They grow fragrant china by sowing seeds in open ground or seedling method.
For open ground we can sow both in spring and before winter. Due to their cold resistance, the seeds overwinter safely in the ground, and with the onset of warmth they begin to germinate.

Sowing before winter

Pre-winter sowing has a number of advantages compared to growing a flower through seedlings. First of all, this lies in their resilience:

  • seedlings from autumn sowings are not afraid of spring temperature changes
  • they are more adapted to the stress of transplantation
  • are distinguished by lush flowering throughout the entire summer season

Autumn sowing is carried out with the onset of frost, but the soil must be ready at least 2 weeks before. It is loosened well, weed roots are removed and leveled. In the finished bed, grooves are cut up to 5 cm deep. Seeds are placed in them at a distance of 3-5 cm, covered with dry soil and compacted well. In spring, seedlings will appear with the onset of stable warmth.

At the same time, seeds sown in the ground at the end of April or beginning of May will germinate. The sowing principle is the same, only the depth of seeding is reduced (to 2-3 cm).

However, spring sowings require more attention: it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and in no case allow it to dry out. It is best to cover the bed with film, this will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface and create a greenhouse effect.

Soil moisture and temperature within 20°C are the main components of the friendly germination of sweet pea seeds.


To obtain early flowers of China fragrant, many summer residents resort to the seedling method of growing. The difficulty is that the plant has a long tap root and does not really like to be disturbed.

Therefore, it is preferable to sow in cups, be they peat or plastic. Then transplantation into open ground will take place with less trauma to the root system.

In the first case, the plant will practically not feel the moment of transplantation. And from a plastic container, a sweet pea bush is transferred into a hole along with a lump of native soil.

Before sowing, the seeds must go through a processing stage. First, they are calibrated and damaged ones are removed.

To determine the fullness, the seeds are immersed in a saline solution. It is prepared from 1 liter of water and 30 g of salt. The part that ended up on the surface is removed, and the remaining ones will be used for sowing. But first they need to be rinsed from salt and soaked. Soaking is carried out in hot water and lasts a day. This helps soften the dense shell of the grain.

Next, to obtain a 100% result, the seeds are germinated, wrapped in soft cloth. It should always be kept moist and in a warm place. At this stage, it is important not to miss the appearance of sprouts.

The hatched peas are distributed into cups and covered with film. After waiting for germination, the container is moved to a bright windowsill. A sufficient amount of sunlight will prevent the seedlings from stretching. For greater bushiness, pinch the sprouts at 3-5 leaves.

All the activities described above also apply to perennial varieties of fragrant china.

Planting sweet peas: video

On the 20th of May, the grown fragrant bushes can be transferred to the site. If the weather is hot, then the plantings should be shaded - this will protect the delicate leaves of the flower from burns.

When preparing the bed for sweet peas, add mineral fertilizers and embedded in the soil. The soil should be loose and moisture-permeable, since the root system of the flower goes deep into long distance. This requires abundant but infrequent watering.

The location of the fragrant tree is selected taking into account lighting and protection from the wind.

  1. The light-loving plant does not tolerate drafts, but can grow in light partial shade.
  2. When choosing a site, you should consider the possibility of installing supports for tall varieties.
  3. As the stems grow, they should be directed in the desired direction to create the intended composition.

Loosening and hilling are also necessary measures in caring for flowers. Hilling stimulates the regrowth of adventitious roots. This leads to the appearance of new shoots, and therefore to more luxuriant flowering.

Timely removal of faded flowers will help to achieve continuous blooming of buds. Otherwise, the fruit will set in the form of a pod, and the plant will switch to ripening seeds. If there are a lot of such fruits, the plant will stop setting new buds. In this case, flowering will end within one month.

But if the gardener needs to get his seeds, then a few pods should be left. During this period, it is necessary to remember that only 5-10 peas are formed in the flaps. Therefore, based on your needs, it is easy to calculate the required amount of seed material.

The seed pod is formed at the point where the flower meets the stem. This happens after the flower withers and the petals fall off. At the initial stage, it looks almost flat and has a green color. As the peas inside the valves increase, the pod will thicken and change color. At first it will turn yellow-green, and by the time it ripens, it will turn light brown.

This is the best time to collect seeds. The pods are picked or cut from the plant and left to dry for several days in a dry place with sufficient air. Next, they are carefully opened and the contents are poured onto a plate with sides. In this form they should stand for another 2-3 days.

The finished seed material is packaged in paper bags and stored in a dry place. Pea seeds can remain viable for 7-8 years.

Among the plant diseases, the most common are powdery mildew (downy and true), black leg and brown spot.

To eliminate signs of damage powdery mildew The drug "Topaz" is used. 4 ml of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water and used on 8 m2 before and after flowering.

Black leg and brown spotting are treated with the drug “Hom” (10 liters of water +40 g of product).

Maintaining crop rotation, maintaining cleanliness in the area with flowers, removing and destroying plant debris play a big role in the prevention and control of diseases. You can return the flower to its original place no earlier than after 3-4 years.

When infested by pests (aphids and root weevils), use the drug “Fitoverm”. Add 2 ml of the product to a liter of water and spray the sweet pea plantings. This amount should be enough for 10 m2.

With the onset of cold weather, the planting of perennial peas should be put in order. The stems are removed from the supports and cut at ground level. The ground is mulched with sawdust or humus. The cold-resistant plant easily tolerates the winter period, and begins to germinate in the spring as soon as the soil thaws.

Undoubtedly, the fragrant china requires attention and care. But when it blooms and fills the air with a delicate aroma, all the worries seem insignificant. And the gardener, admiring his creativity, determines places to plant flowers in the next summer season.

415 03/19/2019 5 min.

Sweet pea is a herbaceous climbing plant with beautiful flowers. It belongs to the China genus, legume family. It is actively grown as an ornamental garden plant thanks to its bright colors and delicate aroma. It grows almost everywhere and is unpretentious to growing conditions. Sweet pea patio or gazebo decorations are easy to grow from seed.

Description of the plant

Sweet pea is an annual or perennial climbing plant. The stems are climbing, most often weakly branched. If there is suitable support, it can grow up to 1 – 2 meters in height. The root system is weakly branched and deep. The leaves are dark green, pinnate. They are collected in 2 - 3 pairs, each shoot ends with a tendril. It is the tendrils that help sweet peas cling to other plants or other suitable supports.

Flowering lasts from May to September. The inflorescences are multi-colored bunches. The flowers are irregular in shape, in the wild they are lilac in color.. Garden varieties can have any plants from soft pink to purple, white or purple. They have a pleasant and strong smell, which is why the plant is called fragrant. The fruit is a bean that opens into two halves when ripe. Ripe beans can produce round, brownish-colored seeds.

Sweet peas grow quickly, twining green vines around any vertical surface.

Types and varieties

Sweet peas can be annual or perennial. The most popular varieties of sweet peas:

  • Lel. A low-growing plant up to 1 meter high. The flowers are corrugated, 3–5 centimeters in size, light pink;

  • Neptune. Plant up to 1.5 meters high. Branched stems with beautiful purple-white flowers. The base is white, the flowers themselves are purple.
  • White Perry. A climbing plant up to 1 meter high. Large flowers of bright white color with a delicate aroma.
  • Cuthbertson Floribunda. A plant with branched, leafy stems up to 2 meters high. The flowers are purple in color, corrugated, up to 4.5 centimeters in size;
  • Ramona. Plant up to 1.3 meters high with medium-leafed branches. The flowers are bright carmine in color, up to 5 centimeters in size.

Different varieties are suitable for growing in gardens or decorating gazebos.

Perennial varieties of sweet peas with proper care can grow without transplantation for up to 7 years.

Growing from seeds

The simplest and effective way Growing sweet peas in open ground is propagation by seeds. After the beans have ripened, the seeds are harvested at the end of summer. Only fully ripened seeds are suitable for propagation. Preparations begin in March, maximum in early April. Preliminary preparation seeds includes:

  1. Soak. Sweet pea seeds have a thick skin. They must be soaked in a container with hot water for 1 day. The water temperature is approximately 50 C;
  2. Sorting. The floating seeds are removed; they are not suitable for germination.

After this, you can begin the germination process. For this you will need:

  • soup plate;
  • white cotton fabric;
  • wet, pre-calcined sand.

The plate is covered with a cloth, and wet sand is laid out on it. The seeds are placed in sand and left to germinate in a warm place. The container with seeds is checked regularly, the sand is moistened as it dries out.

The process of growing perennial sweet peas should begin as early as possible. This will allow the plant to form a strong root system before the first autumn frosts.


Pre-sprouted seeds are planted in prepared pots with a nutritious soil mixture. A peat mixture or special soil for climbing plants is best suited for this. To do this:

  1. Seeds are sown in pots with soil to a depth of 3 centimeters;
  2. The pots are placed in trays and covered with transparent film;
  3. The pallets are placed in a warm place.

Such a greenhouse will be needed for the first 5 - 7 days. After this, the pallets are moved to the windowsill on the sunny side.

Seedling care

The soil is regularly moistened and condensation is removed at the same time. After the seedlings grow 5–10 centimeters, the film is removed. Caring for young seedlings includes:

Seedling material

  1. Watering. The soil must be moistened regularly, preventing it from drying out;
  2. Temperature conditions. In order for the seedlings to grow strong, the room temperature must be no lower than 20 C;
  3. Topping. After 2–3 true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be pinched;
  4. Feeding. After pinching, the plants must be fed. To do this, add Kemira Universal at the rate of 2 grams per 1 liter of water.

Sweet peas love sunlight. It grows best on the south side of the site.

If there is not enough sunlight in the room, the plants need additional lighting. To do this, the trays are placed under a lamp for 2-3 hours every day.

Planting in open ground

To plant sweet peas, it is best to choose a windless, but as bright as possible place on the site. It can grow successfully in semi-shaded or shaded areas. But it will reduce decorative qualities plants because they bloom worse. Peas grow best in soil that is neutral in acidity. It should be as well drained as possible.

Application of manure

To do this, the planting area is first dug up to a depth of 15 centimeters. It is further enriched by adding manure or humus. After this, the soil is dug well and moistened. When planting in open ground, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Peas do not tolerate transplantation well; planting in a permanent place must be extremely careful. It is best to plant young plants in open ground using the transshipment method. Plants are pulled out of the pots carefully so as not to damage the earthen ball;
  2. A lattice is installed nearby on which the plant will climb;
  3. The seedlings are lowered into pre-dug holes and covered with soil.

After this, the seedlings are watered abundantly.

Do not overestimate or deepen the plant when planting. The hole should follow the shape of the pot.


Sweet peas grow quickly, covering the support with a fluffy “carpet”. He is quite undemanding in terms of care. It includes the following operations:

  • watering. Lack of moisture causes buds and flowers to fall off;
  • hilling. To stimulate root growth, you need to regularly hill up the plant, while simultaneously adding fertile soil to the hole.

Dried flowers should be removed regularly. This will extend the flowering time.

It is advisable to leave 2–3 faded inflorescences to obtain seeds from them.

Diseases and pests

Main diseases of sweet pea:

  • mealy leg;
  • blackleg;
  • gray mold;
  • root rot

The most common pests:

  • nodule weevil;
  • spider mite;

In the case of annual sweet peas, the most effective prevention is to replant them in a new place every year.


This video talks about planting and growing sweet peas.


Sweet pea is a beautiful climbing plant from the Legume family. It grows quickly and does not require complex care. It grows quickly, clinging to any vertical surface. It blooms all summer, helping to decorate the area.

perennial, which can please the eye for a long time, is unpretentious in planting and care. Various varieties of sweet peas will display bright colors of all colors of the rainbow.

Sweet peas in the garden will be fragrant and decorate until the onset of hard frost. If you have unattractive areas of your hedge, polka dots can help close that gap quickly.

Looks great when decorating houses, gazebos, green corridors. Planting a plant and achieving results is not so difficult. Peas are not at all picky about the climate, but there are some points that are worth paying attention to, which are discussed below in the article.

Planting sweet peas for seedlings

Like many other plants cultivated in front gardens, sweet peas too better to plant seedlings. To get started, purchase the seeds of a plant that you like.

Planting time plays an important role. When choosing the time to plant seeds for seedlings, the climate in which you live plays a role.

If the soil in your region does not freeze, you can plant the seeds directly into the ground. A harsh winter can destroy young shoots, which is why it is used seedling method. Planting sweet pea seedlings requires a little attention and patience.

When to sow seeds for seedlings

One of important points When planting sweet pea seeds for seedlings, it’s all about timing. As a rule, almost all varieties are planted at the very beginning of the year. This is due to the fact that the seeds must harden with proper temperature and care. Peas planted in January will strengthen their roots by spring and will be able to survive the hot summer.

Important! Do not delay planting seedlings under any circumstances. If you plant peas late, their roots will not form and they will simply wither in the front garden.

How to prepare seeds before planting

Before planting, pea seeds need to be properly prepare. First you need to immerse them in hot water and leave overnight. We recommend using only those seeds that have swollen after a night of soaking, and not sowing those that have floated in the morning.

You can avoid soaking the seeds, but achieve good germination in another, more complex way. You need to carefully trim off a small part of the seed. For this activity, use nail clippers or a small stationery knife. When to plant sweet peas, the instructions on the package can tell you.

Soil for growing seedlings

After purchasing and preparing seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil for their growth. To prepare special soil, take turf soil, peat and sand. Make the mixture in the following proportions: for two kilograms of soil you need one kilogram of peat and half a kilogram of sand. Mix everything thoroughly and you can scatter the soil into pre-prepared containers. If you don’t want to bother with preparation, you can buy a starting mixture for planting at your local garden store.

Did you know? There are more than a thousand varieties of sweet peas.

Sowing pattern and depth

Having prepared the soil, you should proceed directly to planting. For planting, you can use a variety of containers. This can be either an oblong wooden box, or individual pots or even plastic glasses. When planting in containers, follow some guidelines.
Plant seeds no deeper than three centimeters, no closer than 10 cm from each other. After planting the peas, water the soil generously, cover it with film and place it in a sunny place. Thanks to the film, a kind of greenhouse is formed, with which you can control the temperature. It will also help retain moisture in the soil longer.

How to care for seedlings

Now you are at the finish line before planting sweet peas in the garden. All that remains is to care for the seedlings until spring comes. Do not forget that the seed tray must be constantly moist and warm. About a week after planting, the first shoots begin to appear. After this, you can remove the film.

Keep containers of peas in warm places and out of sunlight. For sweet peas, it is important not to lower the temperature during this period. below 20 degrees. When active growth begins, thinning should be carried out so that there is a distance of approximately 15 cm between the seedlings.

Shortly before planting, if the plant begins to bloom, carefully remove the flower and bud. This is done so that the peas direct all their forces into root growth. Planted in open ground in mid-May, when the risk of night frosts has passed. Do not forget that until planting in open ground you need to maintain soil moisture and optimal temperature.

Planting seedlings in open ground

When the warm season has finally arrived, it’s time to think about how and where to plant sweet peas. Mid to late May is the best time to plant sweet peas. You should know that the plant loves sunlight, and it is recommended to plant it in areas open to the sun. Peas can exist calmly in light partial shade.

Despite its love for the sun, sweet peas do not tolerate heat well, and you need to worry about covering them on such days. The soil for the plant must be dug up and enriched with compost or humus. If the soil is heavy and clayey, take care in advance of good drainage, as peas do not like stagnant moisture in the soil.

Plant the plants at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other. For each sprout, make a deep hole so that the roots can take root and not interfere with each other's growth. After planting, water the seedlings well.

Important! Don't fertilize the soil fresh manure, this can lead to various plant diseases.

Features of caring for sweet peas

Caring for sweet peas is not difficult. Timely watering, fertilizing and various supports for the plant- these are the basic rules for the beauty of your garden. If you want the flower to be saturated with colors, then feed it about once a month.

For best growth, remove wilted buds. Also practiced Regular pruning of the plant. This will promote faster growth and make the plant stronger. Add different supports for tall height as needed.

How to water

Sweet peas are not very picky about watering. It will do very well during the rainy season. At normal summer temperatures, the plant should be watered once a day. Carefully monitor the condition of the soil in which the peas grow. Do not allow it to dry out, but also avoid stagnation of water. Do not forget about regular watering in the first month after planting, when the roots begin to adapt to the new soil.

Weeding and loosening the soil

Weeding and loosening the soil on which sweet peas grow must be done with great care. A slight exposure of the roots can cause the entire plant to wilt. If you don't want to use a hoe, wait until it rains. It will be much easier to remove weeds on damp soil.

Periodically, the soil needs to be loosened, as the roots need a good flow of fresh air. Sometimes used for planting on heavy soils inflated row method. You can also lightly mulch the soil. This will help you stop weeds from growing and retain moisture in the soil during dry periods.

How to fertilize

You can use fertilizer for sweet peas twice a month. For the growth of adventitious roots, you can add a small layer of substrate along the base of the plant stem.

It is not necessary to feed your peas, but if you want maximum growth, flavor and color, you can feed them with organic fertilizers.

You need to use a variety of composts or fertilizers with a high potassium content.

Important! Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer to sweet pea soil. It draws this mineral from the atmosphere.

Liana support

As soon as the plant begins to develop tendrils, supports can be placed to guide growth. You can use plastic grilles or posts. Twine is excellent for these purposes. The antennae cling to it well and actively crawl upward. It is recommended to place supports immediately after planting and, when tendrils appear, carefully attach them to the support. Fences, gazebos, house walls and other yard elements serve as excellent supports for sweet peas.

Pruning inflorescences

Pay special attention to pruning the inflorescences. By cutting off the fruits that have set, you not only make life easier for the plant, but also prolong the flowering of peas until frost. Try to do this pruning regularly. But remove the flowers only after they are fully ripe. Also remove flowers that have faded to make way for new shoots.

Sweet pea is an annual plant revered by many gardeners for its unusual and bright flowering and delicate aroma. In addition, buds on sweet peas appear almost all summer, and therefore the lawn will delight the eye during all three warm months. And the flowers of the plant have a great variety of shades, and therefore, among the varieties of the fragrant town, everyone can choose to suit their taste. In addition, the advantages of the plant include relative frost resistance (up to - 5⁰ C). Regarding how to grow sweet peas, the most the best option is considered to be planting seeds. This is exactly what we will talk about.

Growing sweet peas from seeds: preparation

You need to prepare seed material in the spring: at the end of March - at the beginning of April. Since the seed skin is quite dense, they should first be placed in a glass, filled with hot water at a temperature of approximately 50-60 degrees and left for a day. Any floating seeds must be removed immediately. After this, before planting sweet peas, the seeds must be washed with water at room temperature and placed in a moist environment for germination. This could be a scarf, sawdust or sand, which should always be wet.

When the seed germinates, it should be planted in a separate container. These can be small pots or paper cups, where good nutritious soil is first placed. The seeds need to be deepened only two to three centimeters. You can plant one or several pieces. To effectively grow sweet peas from seeds, containers with seeds should be placed in a well-lit, warm place and systematically, not forgetting to water carefully. The first shoots can be expected in 1.5 - 2 weeks. We recommend pinching the top to stimulate the growth of side shoots when the seedlings have their first three leaves.

Sweet peas: planting and care

Sweet pea seedlings can be planted in open ground as early as May. It is advisable to harden the seedlings before planting, taking them to an open balcony first for one hour, and then gradually increasing the time spent.

Sweet peas grow well in draft-free areas exposed to sunlight. However, it tolerates slight shading quite calmly. The soil for the plant is neutral, fertile, with good drainage properties. Plant the plants together with a ball of earth at a distance of 25 cm from each other. When the sweet peas reach 20 cm in height, they need to be tied to a support. This is necessary so that the climbing stems do not spread along the ground and do not get tangled with each other. With the help of support, the plants will begin to curl upward and subsequently form a beautiful one. However, for dwarf varieties sweet peas, which grow up to 30 cm, do not need this.

In general, growing sweet peas cannot be called easy. process. The plant requires careful care and attention. It is important to water the flower systematically and in sufficient quantities - every 1.5-2 weeks. Otherwise, if there is a lack of moisture, the buds become smaller or are dropped altogether, and flowering stops. Sweet peas need liquid feeding twice - in mid-June and mid-July.

For long and abundant flowering of sweet peas experienced gardeners use some tricks. Firstly, you need to carry out pinching, and secondly, cut off the faded branches, leaving a few pods with seeds. If these conditions are met, sweet peas will bloom until frost.
