Will there be an increase in pay for military personnel? Authorities have revealed the costs of the first increase in military payments in six years

Since the moment the Russian army began to take an active part in the Syrian military operation, its prestige has grown significantly. Now the time has come to receive financial incentives for their own work: for the first time since 2012, the military is promised to raise salaries by unfreezing indexing, which will ultimately have a positive impact on military pensioners and persons equivalent to them - pension payments for them are tied to military salaries. However, given the low inflation based on the results current year, we cannot count on a significant increase in payments to the army. In addition, there are many recipients: indexation in total will affect about 3 million people, of which only 35% are military.

How much will the allowance for army personnel increase and how burdensome will it be for the Russian budget? And why, despite the increase, may the military be dissatisfied with the increased salaries they received in January? Karerist.ru tried to understand the features of the new defense budget.

For the first time in 5 years

The Ministry of Finance has lifted the veil of secrecy regarding expenses for the next three-year period. In total, it is planned to spend almost 7 trillion rubles on national defense, national security and law enforcement. Of this, the army will receive a very modest 62 billion rubles, of which it will have to pay salaries, provide transportation costs, and even maintain the army infrastructure. Another 23 billion is allocated for food needs, the purchase of fuels and lubricants, payment of utilities, and so on. However, the most “socially oriented” article of the new military budget, which should please the military, was the return to indexation, which should affect both military salaries and pensions.

You shouldn't expect any sensations: the increase will be only 4%, which corresponds to the inflationary rise in prices recorded by Rosstat. However, even such growth, which only compensates for inflationary losses (which, by the way, is also very doubtful), should also be considered an achievement, because nothing like this has happened since 2012. The last significant increase in military salaries took place five years ago, and then officials promised to increase them annually by at least 4-5%. However, since then the country has suffered many changes, including a serious crisis that forced the Russian leadership to abandon indexation. Now, when the economy is showing stabilization of the situation, a decision has been made to return to past practices.

The fact is that in the current situation in Russia, the military, like law enforcement officers, is the pillar of power, both in the external and internal arena. The authorities need support and trust from the army, which can only be achieved through caring. And even though 4% indexation is a stretch and looks like a catalyst for trust (especially since indexation is the direct responsibility of the state), before the presidential elections it can become a good reason for further laudatory comments and declarations of the authorities’ achievements.

They plan to return to indexing from the beginning of next year. For this purpose, 53 billion rubles have been included in the budget for the next three years. They plan to spend significantly more on this in 2019-20 – 65 and 120 billion, respectively. As a result, expenses for indexing alone will amount to 238 billion rubles over three years. The corresponding orders have already been sent to the regions and military districts - in accordance with them, as Vzglyad reports, the military leadership must report at the beginning of October on the preparation of documents for the payment of indexed pensions and salaries in January. That is, the issue of indexation has already been finally resolved and it is expected that this will continue to be the case in future years.

To whom and how much will they raise

Monetary allowances, as has already become clear, will be indexed not only for military personnel. Law enforcement agencies, members of the National Guard, employees Federal service execution of punishments, fire service, security service and state protection, intelligence and so on. Naturally, all pensioners who have retired from these bodies are also equal to military pensioners and will also receive indexed pensions. If we talk about specific numbers, this is 1 million military personnel, almost 2 million equivalent employees and about 1 million more civilian personnel working in the army. Roughly speaking, there are about 4 million people alone. Plus, all those who are considered military pensioners - there are about 1.4 million more of them. Is there enough money for everyone?

The growth of salaries of all these persons will occur at the same pace as that of state employees who are not affected by presidential decrees, federal civil servants, employees of the prosecutor's office, investigators and the judiciary. All of them, by law, claim to have their salaries indexed to the level of inflation, and all of them, like the military, have not received any over the past few years. However, not everyone supports such a decision, especially in the current economic situation, when the authorities are looking for ways to optimize.

Experts say that in 2012, military pay was significantly increased; a similar increase in salaries was not observed in other government agencies, and even less so in budgetary sphere. Given this, military salaries cannot be considered as in need of adjustment for inflation, even if there has been none over the past few years. In the end, the military, along with high salaries, have a lot of other benefits that state employees have no right to count on. Therefore, indexation by the same coefficient can hardly be considered fair.

How much will wages increase? Of course, the salary increase will not exceed 700-800 rubles for ordinary non-commissioned soldiers - in the end their salary will be about 20 thousand rubles. Members of the senior officer corps, for example, generals, will receive a salary of 2-3 thousand rubles and in the end it will amount to 50-55 thousand rubles. Of course, military salaries are not limited to salaries: the financial incentive system involves multiple bonuses for length of service, for physical training, for skydiving and so on. As a result, the allowance of a junior sergeant with several allowances can be up to 50 thousand rubles.

Maybe not enough

Nevertheless, according to information published by RBC, the Ministry of Defense lobbied for a more significant increase in salaries. Representatives of the parliamentary committee on defense expressed the same position about the inadequacy of wage growth when publishing their conclusion on the state budget. The main argument of officials: while salaries in the army have not increased for 5 years, prices, unlike salaries, have not stood still and increased by 45%. Moreover, the minimum food set and in general increased in price by 61%.

The most interesting thing is that the notorious “May decrees” concerned not only state employees, but also army personnel. According to the documents signed by the president, military salaries should be at the level fixed in the central economic spheres. These include the fuel, energy and financial sectors. In order to maintain the average salary of military personnel at the specified level, parliamentarians even prepared relevant bills with amendments to the state budget. However, they were rejected, and the coefficient of the proposed increase was never announced.

It is unknown how the presidential instructions will be implemented now. Understanding the situation is also complicated by the fact that over the past 2 years, no information about average army salaries has been published in open sources. In 2015, according to information announced by the Ministry of Defense, the average allowance was about 60 thousand rubles. How they have changed over the past 2 years is unknown. At the same time, according to the results of 2016, salaries in the fuel and energy complex amounted to 78 thousand rubles, and in the financial sector they generally exceeded 80 thousand rubles.

In any case, taking into account the available data, we can safely say that the “May decrees” are under threat of non-implementation not only in relation to public sector employees, but also the military. Their salaries are still far from reaching the average of 80 thousand rubles, and a 4 percent increase will only help them get a little closer to the desired indicators.

However, this will seem fair to many: the military already received a significant increase 6 years ago; before that, the average salary in the army was lower than the national average. And now, even despite several years without indexation, their salaries still retain enough high level purchasing power, especially when compared with the salaries of ordinary Russians. An increase in salaries for the military above the inflation rate could become a negative factor for the rest of the population, who earn significantly less and do not receive increased indexation. There is no consensus on this matter yet, but it is already obvious that the state is in no hurry to seriously increase military salaries. Whether the army team will like this arrangement is a big question. But how this will affect electoral views will become known very soon.

The issue regarding military salaries is planned to be reviewed in 2018. The question remains whether the salaries of military personnel will be raised.

Criteria for the formation of military pay

The prospect of employment in the army on a contract basis allows you to have a stable, high monthly income. Naturally, at the initial stages the salary will be minimal, however, with the acquisition of experience and length of service, the salary will increase significantly. The calculation of salaries for employees directly depends on several circumstances, which include:

  • the salary is determined by the rank of the serviceman, as well as the position held in the army;
  • location of a military unit on the ground;
  • features of the official position in a designated place or a number of troops associated with secrecy add about 65% to the entire salary;
  • successful completion of qualification exams (possibility of an increase of up to 30%);
  • increase in case of unsafe service conditions (up to 100%);
  • bonuses for special merits (100% of salary);
  • accruals in the form of bonuses for good official activities(about 25%);
  • accrual of increases for extremely difficult working conditions (applies to regions of the northern part of the country);
  • compensation for housing costs;
  • one-time minor allowances to prepare living conditions in a new place.

Important! The last paragraph provides for an amount equivalent to 100% of the salary; family members of military personnel also fall into the category: also 25% of the same amount.

In any case, the salary of employees in law enforcement agencies primarily depends on rank and service conditions.

Salary of military personnel at the present time

The material side of the military structure was limited in December last year. At that time public administration adopted a law that abolished the indexation of wages for the military, which significantly affected their financial situation. External economic factors also contribute to this, since a significant increase in inflation and prices is noticeable.

These circumstances made it possible to devalue the work of law enforcement agencies by up to 48%, which is almost half of the salary. The deferment noted in the 2016 law is extended until January 2018. This can negatively affect employee morale and lead to grievances on their part.

In connection with the current situation, the question arises about returning to the use of indexation of wages for military personnel. This will not be marked by too intense indicators, however, there is a chance to resolve the issue in favor of the employees. A possible increase in military salaries in 2018 is planned, however, its exact figures have not yet been announced. The only forecast in in this case is the possibility of rising in line with inflation.

What is the situation with the salaries of civilian employees?

The circumstances of the civilian staff of law enforcement agencies largely correspond to the situation of law enforcement officials. Even before the abolition of indexations, the financial situation was not at a high level.

The aforementioned 2016 law also contained information regarding this category of employees. The new three-year budget for 2017-2019 confirmed the lack of government intentions to index or increase military salaries, including in 2018.

Should we expect an increase in salary?

Experts predict progress in solving the issue of military salaries in 2018. This is supported by several factors, the first of which indicates the possibility of wages depreciating to a critical level. The second is the formation of a high rate of dissatisfaction in a social group; this factor in the case of employees in law enforcement agencies acquires dangerous tendencies. Similar cases have already been noted in history, which the state government took into account. However, even based on this circumstance, the answer to the question of whether military salaries will be raised in 2018 is not known with certainty.

Experts have no doubt that an increase should be expected, but what limits this rise will affect still remains open. According to experts in the field of economics, sociology and political science, consideration of the issue of abolishing indexation is necessary. Otherwise, the government risks encountering indignation on the part of the military, and this threatens mass unrest.

Government agencies have already raised the issue of increasing military salaries for 2018. The result was the adopted bill, which provides for the return of indexation and an increase in salaries for employees. This bill also addresses issues regarding workers' compensation. law enforcement agencies and federal employees. We also considered the possibility of returning the indexation of judges' salaries.

At the beginning of 2018, based on the specified points in the bill, the resumption of wage indexation for the military is predicted. At the same time, the mechanism and percentage of indexation will most likely be subject to changes. It is reliably known that the indexing position will now directly depend on the balancing and approval of the budget, and not on the percentage of inflation, as was previously accepted.

Due to the fact that discontent is already beginning to grow, officials allow themselves to make encouraging forecasts regarding the growth of military salaries in 2018. At the same time, today the situation remains within the same boundaries, and the economic part is in greater decline.

Salary forecasts for law enforcement agencies for 2018

Both independent experts and government representatives expressed their opinions regarding the expected increase. In this case, opinions agreed, the minimum salary should be 50 thousand rubles. This applies only to the salary itself, not counting the various plans for increases and bonuses.

For the period from 2017 to 2018, the government intends to allocate about 400 billion rubles for material compensation for the work of military personnel. This number takes into account the possibility of curbing inflation, however, even with this taken into account, it cannot cover the needs of the largest army. The Department of Military Affairs is already focusing government attention on considering the suspension of indexing. The indexing moratorium is scheduled to be lifted in January next year. The state leadership predicts that the depreciation of military salaries will stop in 2018, and an increase of 5.5% is expected. The data is based on the arguments of government experts. Such measures are planned to be taken in order to prevent outbreaks of discontent.

There is another possible way out of the situation, as experts note. If a financial opportunity arises to increase, such measures will be immediately applied. However, this will be marked by a completely insignificant increase, amounting to 3-4% of the current salary, which is now called compensation. So the question of whether there will be an increase in military salaries in 2018 remains open.

From the latest news: the salary increase for military personnel in 2017 is planned by 5.5-9%. The amount of salary and the amount of additional allowances depend on the type of service: contract or conscription.

Salaries of military personnel under contract

In 2017, the total salary is based on the salary:

  • by military rank (from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles);
  • by position (from 10,000 to 42,000 rubles);
  • additional payments.

The current salary for a certain position or military rank can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the “Money” section.

Salary table by military rank and position
Military rank, positionSalary according to military positionSalary according to military rankAverage monthly accrual including all additional payments
Lieutenant (platoon commander) 7000 12 442 50 000
Captain (company commander) 7 900 13 970 52 000
Major (deputy battalion commander) 8 490 14 760 55 600
Lieutenant Colonel (battalion commander) 9 100 15 529 60 281
Colonel (regiment commander) 9670 17 500 70 320
Major General (Brigade Commander) 10 896 18 630 74 000
Lieutenant General (Army Commander) 11 500 29 354 117 000

Additional payments under the contract calculated as a share percentage of earnings by position.

The size and grounds are described in Articles 12 and 13 of Federal Law No. 76 “On the status of military personnel” and Federal Law No. 306 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them”, can be adjusted through legislative documents signed by the President of the Russian Federation, the government or local authorities authorities.

Receive for:

  • qualification level;
  • length of military service;
  • special working conditions;
  • gaining access to state secrets;
  • execution of orders involving danger to life and health in non-war times.
  • outstanding achievements

Let's decipher each point.

Skill level determines a premium of 5, 10, 20 or 30% depending on the class - third, second, first or master, respectively.

For length of military service paid only after 2 years of service. If the experience is less than 5 years, its size is 10%. Every additional 5 years raises this figure by another 10%, up to a maximum of 40%.

Special working conditions– the largest regular payment. It is calculated specifically based on working conditions. The maximum can be equal to the full official salary.

Gaining access to state secrets- measured based on the access level, the maximum set size is 65%.

Execution of orders involving danger to life and health in non-war times. Let us conditionally divide such orders into 5 groups according to the amount of payments.

Orders paid from 2% for each day, but not more than 60% per month in total:

  • investigation of criminal cases during a state of emergency, armed conflict or peacekeeping operations;
  • personal participation in ship voyages; ;
  • procedural actions in criminal cases in the field; ;
  • personal participation in events outside the point of permanent deployment Investigative Committee Russian Federation according to Appendix No. 2 of Order No. 80. ;

20% of current salary for investigations With:

  • fires;
  • disasters;
  • explosions;
  • accidents;
  • other natural disasters;
  • detection, inspection and removal of nuclear fuel elements, waste and other radioactive materials.

30% of salary by military position:

  • for service in the regions ecological crisis in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Baikonur and at the Baikonur complex;
  • for the period of investigation of criminal cases related to the examination of corpses, as well as the examination and removal of the remains of corpses or cadaveric material.

40% for working with suspects accused during the investigation criminal cases.

60% for procedural control in criminal cases with organized criminal groups and communities.

In addition to the above, a serviceman receives annual cash assistance equal to his salary.

By call

Military personnel receive a salary according to their military position and a monthly additional allowance of 2,000 rubles. Depending on the region, a fixed amount of reimbursement for transport costs is formed: from 70 to 200 rubles.

Irregular service-related surcharges

In addition to the regular ones described above, there are more rare payments due to the current situation:

  • to cover expenses associated with business trips: general and daily allowances;
  • when moving to a new place of work;
  • upon dismissal: with less than 20 years of experience - 3 salaries, more than 20 years - 7 salaries;
  • upon dismissal due to injury: upon conscription - 1 million rubles, upon contract - 2 million rubles.

This and the past years have tested Russia and its citizens for strength. Deterioration in living standards and economic indicators primarily affected those who receive income (salary, pension, allowance, etc.) from the state and local budget. Such representatives include doctors, teachers, military personnel, civil servants and other categories. Citizens of these professions are wondering whether their salaries will increase in the new year.

The pay for military personnel in 2017 will change upward; this can already be said with one hundred percent certainty.

The profession of a military man is one of the most prestigious in Russia, respected by both the state and citizens of the Russian Federation. A very large number of people serve and work in this area and their number continues to increase. But, in order for “quantity to develop into quality,” all employed people in the military sphere must have decent conditions of service and material support.

How is military pay calculated?

Contract servicemen do not receive wages; for them there is such a thing as monetary allowance. Federal law, which regulates this process has the number 306-F3 and is called “ On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them " It consists of three main components:

1. Military salary, the amount of which directly depends on the position and rank of the serviceman:

  • sergeant;
  • lieutenant;
  • major;
  • general

2. Monthly bonus in the case of a military man, it is considered an incentive for well-performed service when there are no complaints against the serviceman during his performance (by average standards, it fluctuates around 25 percent of the total salary);

3. An additional allowance for a serviceman is nothing more than a reward for services to the Motherland and encouragement for hazardous conditions service (its amount ranges from 10% to 40% of the full military salary). The table of such allowances includes:

  • cash bonus for length of service;
  • financial assistance provided to the military every year;
  • additional allowance for serving in hot spots;
  • premium for severe and difficult climatic conditions (Sevastopol, Yakutsk and Vladivostok are very different in the severity of the climate) and so on.

A special calculator is used to calculate a serviceman's allowance.

Indexation of pay for the military

Due to the crisis in the country's economy, the authorities in 2016 were unable to index wages for military personnel. Salaries for the military are financed only from the national budget, in contrast to other categories of public sector employees, whose salaries can increase due to regional budget revenues.

For the new year 2017, the authorities have set a goal to index the amounts of pay and benefits for all military personnel. The latest news suggests that the increase in monetary support for the military will most likely take place at the level of inflation.

Other privileges entitled to military personnel

In addition to high pay, the military has additional benefits that are not available to other categories of the population. Military personnel are provided with food, clothing and housing. Also, the military has the opportunity to retire earlier than other categories of workers and employees, and at the same time continue to serve, receiving both a pension and salary.

Growth of military pensions for length of service in Russia from 2012 to 2023

Year Pension amount
Ensign who served twenty years as a platoon commander
2012 RUB 10,050;
2015 RUB 11,130;
2018 RUB 12,400;
2021 RUB 13,400;
2023 RUB 14,100;
Lieutenant Colonel, served twenty-five years, position of battalion commander
2012 RUB 17,700;
2015 RUB 19,700;
2018 RUB 21,650;
2021 RUB 23,590;
2023 RUB 24,900;
Colonel, served 33 years, position of regiment commander
2012 RUB 25,400;
2015 RUB 28,225;
2018 RUB 31,050;
2021 RUB 33,900;
2023 RUB 35,770

Thus, the profession of a military man is very prestigious and financially profitable at the present time in Russia. And most importantly, stable, which cannot but attract young defenders of the fatherland.

The state is in dire need of a strong army. For this reason, today we are actively recruiting contract soldiers. They are capable of successfully replacing conscripts. In order to attract as many new contract employees as possible, it is planned to increase the salaries of military personnel this and next year.

Russia has a huge amount of weapons of mass and local destruction. Against this background, there is a need for specialists capable of providing proper maintenance.

Approximately 1/3 of the state budget is spent on servicing the military forces. Part of it is spent on developing the latest weapons. The second part goes to payments to the military.

The total salary of military personnel consists of:

  1. Salary.
  2. Additional payments.
  3. Premium.

What influences

The salaries of Russian military personnel are affected by the following:

  • length of service;
  • personal merits;
  • time of service;
  • rank.

A military man receives a salary depending on his length of service. Persons serving beyond the Arctic Pole receive bonuses.

12 months of service count as 24 months.

Personal merits are understood as accomplished feats. It also matters where the soldier served. Persons serving in hot spots are paid more.

Pros and cons of contract service. Watch the video.

Other allowances

There are also other allowances. They contact:

  • speaking several languages;
  • presence of VO;
  • excellent physical preparation.

The extent to which a person is able to make a decision in a critical situation is also taken into account.


The amount of monthly salary allowances in the Russian Federation looks like this:

  • length of service - 11-39%;
  • high qualifications - 6-29%;
  • secrecy - 66%;
  • specific conditions - 100%;
  • fulfillment of special tasks - 100%;
  • special achievements - 100%.

Gunner's salary

A rifleman means a private with two years of service. You can find out how much he earns from the sign.

Squad commander salary

A squad commander is understood to be a junior sergeant of the 3rd class, whose length of service varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary of a squad commander, who is a 2nd class sergeant and has 5 to 10 years of service, looks like this:

Deputy platoon commander salary

A deputy platoon commander is a senior sergeant 1st class with 10 to 15 years of service. The sign shows how much he receives:

Platoon commander salary

A platoon commander is understood to be a foreman, a foreman, whose length of service is 15-20 years. The sign shows how much he earns.

How much a sergeant major, a master with 20-25 years of service, earns is shown in the table:

Officers' salaries

This position requires having higher education. With bonuses, the salaries of officers look quite impressive. Without them wages military officers with an officer rank looks like this:

  1. Platoon commander - 20.0 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy company commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22.0 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy battalion commander - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Battalion commander - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy com. shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Command regiment - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy com. brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. Brigade commander - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy com. divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.
  11. Command division - 30.5 thousand rubles.
  12. Deputy com. housing - 31.0 thousand rubles.