Eclipses. Eclipses Lunar eclipse August 7 influence

The first of a series of August eclipses will be a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius and the South Node on August 7th.

The events that will occur in our affairs under the influence of this Lunar Eclipse, firstly, will be associated with the disclosure and culmination in the development of past situations, and secondly, will be related to the processes of involution - that is, to the processes of materialization of ideas and plans, their embodiment into material reality.

The sign of the Lunar Eclipse in the South Node, Aquarius, means that the implementation of past ideas and plans may involve sudden and revolutionary changes in our practical affairs. Perhaps, also under the influence of the Lunar Eclipse, in the circumstances of our realities, the principles of freedom, independence, and some innovative, unusual and non-standard ideas will be embodied in one form or another.

The eclipse point forms a harmonious aspect to Jupiter in Libra and a tense aspect to Mars in Leo. In fact, the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius accentuates the beginning of the Solar-Martian cycle - a new two-year cycle of self-realization in active external activities.

On the one hand, this means that sharp turns and transformations in the development of our past affairs can be associated with new directions in self-realization, external activities, as well as with new prospects and horizons. On the other hand, a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius and in the South Node, accentuated by Mars, may indicate that breaking ties with the past and liberation from past circumstances can occur against our will, under the influence of external factors, as a result of conflicts and stressful changes.

At this time, changes will in any case come to our realities, but in some cases, as a result of the fact that we translate new ideas and plans into reality, we are freed from previous conditions on our own initiative, in others - against our will, spontaneously and as a result of action external factors.

For those who are involved in their work with new technologies, symbolic systems, artificial intelligence, society, and unusual areas of activity, this is a great time to bring their developments and projects into reality. But also in all other types of activities, the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius brings excellent opportunities for development through renewal, the introduction of innovations and advanced ideas.

In the development of previously started business and life stories, issues of cooperation, social activities, and associations with those who share our ideas come to the fore. Our past affairs reach a stage at which their development directly depends on interaction with other people and requires new, non-standard solutions and approaches. Therefore, under the influence of the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, we can decide to make changes in life plans and rebuild their connections with other people, groups of people and communities depending on commonality in ideas, goals, position in the world and society.

The periods of Lunar Eclipses in general, and the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius especially, are an excellent time to clarify any situations and obtain all the necessary information for making decisions. In the affairs and situations that have developed so far, all previously hidden aspects are revealed, previous illusions are dispelled, and all possibilities and limitations are clearly identified. At this time, based on the full picture that becomes clear to us, we make pivotal decisions about whether we are ready to move in the same direction or whether something urgently needs to be changed.

Under the influence of the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, there may be a growing need for liberation from old frameworks, obligations, previous conditions and problems, and increased needs for independence and freedom can lead to a rebellion against the past, to sharp breaks in relationships and ties with the past. The South Node in which the eclipse occurs indicates that all this may have to do with family ties, practical activities, or irreversibly change our material reality.

In negative options, transition conflict situations in a new stage can cause ruptures, distance and cooling in close and family relationships. In addition, transformations in existing connections (including family relationships) can become the result of sudden crises and emergency situations.

Transformations in our practical affairs, activities and work can also occur against our will, and liberation from the past in all this can be the result of sudden turns in the development of external circumstances. As a result, we may be forced to redefine our goals and areas of activity in response to changing external conditions. Therefore, a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius can bring forced changes in work and our business plans, accompanied by crises and tense situations.

The negative impact of the Lunar Eclipse on health can manifest itself in disorders affecting the cardiovascular system, cerebral vessels, nervous system and vision. Near the eclipse, there will be an increased likelihood of problems with blood pressure, strokes, spasmodic phenomena, as well as injuries to the legs, tendons, and especially ankle joints.

And, of course, as always during periods of Lunar eclipses, nervous and emotional tension increases, and the ability to control one’s reactions and adequately assess both opportunities and risks decreases. All this causes an increased likelihood of traumatic situations, emergency situations and destructive conflicts. In addition, near the Lunar Eclipse, the danger of man-made accidents, problems with equipment, electricity, fire, communication and transport systems increases.

And especially dangerous from all points of view will be the days immediately near the eclipse - August 6-8, as well as the days August 10-14, when Mars will pass through the point of the Lunar Eclipse. These days we will need maximum caution, restraint and self-control, since the likelihood of unpredictable developments in matters important to us, sudden violations of plans, accidents, crises and tense situations will be very high.

In addition, on August 10-14, on the days when Mars will pass through the point of the Lunar Eclipse, any of our actions can acquire special power - both destructive and creative. Where and how our energy is directed these days can have a fateful significance in the development of life situations that are important to us.

IN I wrote about eclipses and gave recommendations for this period. Now I want to dwell on what was not included in . So, in August 2017 we will see two eclipses:

The August 2017 eclipses will be on the axis at . Over the next year and a half, eclipses occur on this axis, bringing the themes of Leo and Aquarius to the fore.

The lion is a symbol of imperative will and personal power; it is a leader, monarch, president. Aquarius is the demos (Greek for “people”), free citizens with civil rights. From this root comes the word and concept - democracy - the power of the people. This is parliament public organizations, civil movements. During the period when eclipses occur in the signs of Leo and Aquarius (until February 2019), new trends in society are determined, new trends in international relations, in the relationship between the authorities and the people, the “social contract”, the type of interaction, changes, is changing global political situation,subsequently becoming a stable trend for a long period. These are also the themes of persons in power, their destinies and their influence on world processes.

The eclipse begins at 15:46 GMT

Maximum phase at 18:21 GMT

The eclipse ends at 21:04 GMT

For Kyiv and Moscow +3.

Full blackout phase 2 minutes, 41 seconds.

August 21, 2017 will be on the North Node. The astrological community is calling it the “Great American Eclipse,” and for good reason. The shadow of an eclipse, passing through certain areas, indicates the countries that will be most affected by this eclipse. The path of the August 21, 2017 eclipse covers the entire United States. The United States will be the area of ​​greatest visibility for this eclipse.This will be the first time since 1918 that the eclipse's shadow will cross the entire continent, and it will be the first eclipse since 1776 to have its total shadow pass exclusively across the United States.

Another reason this eclipse is considered significant for the United States is that it occurs at 28°53" Leo - conjunct the natal ascendant and Mars of President Donald Trump, who was born on the lunar eclipse. In traditional astrology, the fate of the country is connected with the card of its ruler, and significant transits to the card of the country’s leader can indicate not only important events in his destiny, but also important events in the country as a whole.Given the growing tension around the Donald Trump administration, the coming period could be a time of serious testing for him.or important initiatives, and will become decisive.

August 21 will be in an exact trine with Uranus. This eclipse is more constructive than the previous one. If August 7 poses problems, then August 21 makes it possible to solve them. This period gives events an impetus that can be felt in our personal affairs for several years. “Absorption of light” makes this period unpredictable, causing a feeling of uncertainty that will be revealed later.

Leo's theme is creativity, love relationship, children, business related to art, the show industry and entertainment, the stock exchange and speculation, these are topics of receiving money from parents and real estate.This eclipse will also activate topics risky adventures, gambling, stock speculation.If this eclipse falls on a significant point natal chart, it can bring changes in our careers and leadership. At this time our creativity creative projects can get a result that will determine our future plans and tasks. Previous creative efforts can develop into more meaningful activities; we can decide to turn our hobby into a profession or source of income. Situations of this period may encourage you to take responsibility and manage what is happening.This period provides the opportunity to solve old problems in new ways, the opportunity to find a way out of difficulties using non-standard approaches. But for this we need to move away from previous stereotypes.

So, how to get through this period without creating additional problems for yourself?

The first thing to remember - Eclipses add significance to everything that happens at this time. I quote from my article: “At this time, especially near eclipses, you should carefully monitor all current situations, meetings and new ideas. We must remember that every event that occurs during an eclipse is more important than we might initially assume. Ideas, proposals, projects and people who enter our lives during the “season” of eclipses become part of our lives for a long period.”

But mistakes, delusions, miscalculations and misdeeds also become more significant than at other times, and their consequences will be long-lasting. Therefore, we do not follow the lead of emotions and illusions, rely on reason and prudence, and do not succumb to provocations and temptations. Important decisions should not be made during eclipses, and especially on the day of the eclipse. Rely on proven connections and prepare new steps. But new beginnings and projects need to be postponed to the period after September 6

Second thing to remember - eclipses of this are associated with our awareness of our originality, our “I” that is different from others, our personal and creative tasks in a collective context. This is the topic: “I” and the team, the ability not to dissolve in the interests of others, but to be able to build relationships so that cooperation or personal relationships do not interfere with our need to be ourselves. Do not follow the lead of others, do not engage in dubious benefits and relationships of dependence, do not compromise principles and be true to yourself, even if this means parting with someone or something, or losing something. in Leo calls for finding a balance between our individual tasks and what other people expect or want from us, between personal and social life, between the demands that others place on us and our need to be ourselves. An important psychological side of this period will be the ability not to forget about one’s interests and goals for the sake of someone or in the name of something, and not to follow the opinion of the crowd. This position will be the key to solving problems that will arise in relationships during this period. If we make ourselves dependent on the approval of a reference group or collective, we may lose personal initiative, and with it new opportunities and the respect of the group on which we are accustomed to depend. This is a psychological emphasis on a long period that needs to be given attention. I wrote more about this in the material

Universal time (August 7):
Beginning of the penumbral eclipse: 15h48m UT
Beginning of partial eclipse: 17h 22m UT
Maximum phase (0.254): 18h 20m UT
End of partial eclipse: 19h 19m UT
End of penumbral eclipse: 20h53m UT

Irkutsk time (August 7-8):
Beginning of the penumbral eclipse: 23h 49m
Beginning of partial eclipse: 1h 23m
Maximum phase (0.254): 2h 22m
End of partial eclipse: 3h 20m
End of penumbral eclipse: 4h 54m

The initial and final moments of the penumbral stage of the eclipse are invisible to the human eye. Depending on the visual acuity of the observer and meteorological conditions to the naked eye, the darkening will only become noticeable when the Moon is more than 80% penumbral.

Scheme of a partial lunar eclipse on August 7/8, 2017
Umbra - region of the earth's shadow, penumbra - region of the earth's penumbra

(on the world map: the light area is the visibility zone, the dark shaded area is the Moon below the horizon)
Image: © HM Nautical Almanac Office

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon (in its full moon phase) enters the cone of the shadow cast by the Earth. The diameter of the Earth's shadow spot at a distance of 363,000 km (the minimum distance of the Moon from the Earth) is about 2.5 times the diameter of the Moon, so the entire Moon may be obscured. If the Moon falls into the total shadow of the Earth only partially, it is observed partial eclipse. With it, part of the Moon is dark, and part, even in its maximum phase, remains in partial shade and is illuminated by the sun's rays.

A lunar eclipse is observed over half of the Earth's territory (where the Moon is above the horizon at the time of the eclipse). The view of the shadowed Moon from any observation point is the same.

The next lunar eclipse will be total and will occur on January 31, 2018, with a depth of 1.32 lunar diameters in the southern part of the earth's shadow. The eclipse will be observed over most of Russia. Best conditions visibility will develop in Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Materials used:

On the evening of August 7, from approximately 20.24 to 22.19 Moscow time, almost all residents of Russia (except for residents of Chukotka and Kamchatka) will be able to observe a partial lunar eclipse. The shadow from the Earth will cover the Moon for some time. This is a fairly frequent show in the celestial “shadow theater” - from 2 to 5 such astronomical events occur per year. This year, a similar phenomenon (partial eclipse) could already be observed on February 11th. Many myths and fables are born around lunar eclipses. Let's try to sort out the most interesting of them.


During eclipses, our celestial companion changes its usual yellow color to blood-red tones. This happens because the Moon, even during a total eclipse, continues to be illuminated by the sun's rays that pass through the Earth's atmosphere. In this case, sunlight is scattered in the atmosphere, but even in such a scattered form it still partially reaches the surface of the Moon. The atmosphere acts as a kind of filter: rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum pass through it best. And it is the rays of this range that, when reaching the Moon, paint its surface in crimson-red tones. By the way, thanks to this effect of the light filter of our atmosphere, we can enjoy the scarlet dawn in the mornings or the orange-red sunset in the evenings.


The red moon really looks ominous. But this illumination does not have any real impact on nature. Apart from the impact on fragile minds. Christopher Columbus took advantage of the properties of a lunar eclipse to terrify savages ignorant of astronomy during his fourth expedition to America. The Spaniards spent a year in Jamaica, where local Indians supplied them with food and water. Over time, relations with the natives deteriorated and the expedition faced the threat of starvation.

Then Columbus came up with an ingenious way to solve the problem. Having learned from the tables of the German astronomer Johann Muller that there would be a lunar eclipse on February 29, 1504, he invited Indian leaders for negotiations on that day. When the natives again refused to help, Christopher said that he would ask the gods to punish the Indians. In response to incredulous grins, the navigator assured that the leaders would now be presented with unequivocal proof of the impending heavenly punishment. As soon as the Moon began to turn red, Columbus retired to the cabin and listened with pleasure to the screams of the frightened caciques, who were on their knees begging for forgiveness. After waiting for the end of the eclipse (it lasted 45 minutes), Columbus came out to the public and canceled the “end of the world.” From the next day, the Spaniards did not refuse anything from the local aborigines. They became convinced that the pale-faced bearded men knew how to control the will of the gods.


Various kinds of astronomical events are indeed very often mentioned in historical sources. For example, the Novgorod Chronicles record 44 descriptions of celestial phenomena (in particular, 7 lunar eclipses are mentioned) in 104 different messages. This difference in numbers is explained by the fact that the same event (for example, the appearance of Halley's comet in 1066) was recorded in all four Novgorod chronicles. It must be said that unusual natural phenomena were of great interest to chroniclers. This is the second most common group of topics that chronicles describe. Military and political events, of course, had priority - 56.8 percent of all entries concerned precisely these subjects. But the thematic group “Signs, unusual natural phenomena, disasters” consistently ranked second in mention. On the one hand, these events were chronological markers; it was convenient to count time from them. On the other hand, people in those days attached special importance to such signs. So from the monument of ancient Russian literature “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” we know that the solar eclipse on May 1, 1185 was regarded by Prince Igor as a harbinger of great trouble. The bad omen came true, the Polovtsy defeated the Russian army, and the prince himself was captured.

Residents of Russia will see the "Bloody Moon" on August 7 Photo: Nail VALIULIN

A lunar eclipse was also perceived as a fatal signal. A typical episode is described by the ancient Greek historian Thucydides, the author of chronicles about the Peloponnesian War. The lunar eclipse occurred during the Sicilian expedition, during which the Athenians tried to capture Syracuse, the birthplace of Archimedes. The Athenians, after an unsuccessful campaign, were planning to evacuate the island. However, a lunar eclipse and the appearance of a blood moon forced them to change their plans. The Athenian commander named Nicias, being a superstitious man, decided that the gods were against their retreat. The army was slow to set sail and as a result was defeated, and Nicias himself was executed. So a “D” in your diary is not the worst punishment for poor knowledge of astronomy. And historians, thanks to the special attention of chroniclers to lunar and solar eclipses, the appearance of comets and other astronomical phenomena, can accurately determine the date of certain historical incidents.


How and where to watch the Blood Moon in Moscow

This coming Monday evening, the moon will resemble a burgundy disk. This was reported to “KP” at the Moscow Planetarium. And this is connected with a partial eclipse, which will occur at 20.24 and last until 22.19 (maximum phase at 21.20). A quarter of the celestial disk will be in the northern part of the earth's shadow. You can see this in a professional telescope at the Moscow Planetarium at the Barrikadnaya metro station. And at the same time ask astronomers about the nature of the phenomenon

The moon will go into shadow on August 7th. As you know, the Earth's satellite shines not with its own light, but with reflected light. When our planet blocks the sun's rays, a shadow falls on the surface of the moon. This time it will cover only part of the satellite, which is why such eclipses are called partial.

Even our ancient ancestors looked at the Moon with respect and caution. At the same time, not only the moment of the eclipse itself was considered important, but also the three days preceding it, as well as the three days after the event itself.


One of the ancient signs calls for avoiding financial transactions at this time: do not give or borrow. This rule probably applies to loans as well. However, it is unclear whether, for example, it is possible to pay for purchases in stores with a credit card. It’s probably better to hold off on this too.

Modern astrologers are no less categorical. During these six days, people will become more irritable and vulnerable. The slightest dissatisfaction or reproach can lead to a serious, painful quarrel. Scandals are fraught with nervous breakdowns. The boss will be more picky, and the children will be even more capricious than usual. The moon will provoke disputes, but the truth is unlikely to be born in them. A week from now, you're unlikely to remember why standing up for your reasons against all odds seemed so important a few days ago. But by that time, the relationship with another person may already be irrevocably damaged. So restraint in the coming days will definitely not hurt.


At risk are people prone to emotional instability and mental disorders. Communication with them should be avoided if possible. But if these are family and friends from whom you can’t hide, then you shouldn’t turn on newscasts or thrillers for them at night.


A few more tips concern potentially dangerous situations. For example, if possible, you should avoid driving a car, yacht, airplane or manned spaceship. It has long been known that stress provokes road accidents. So, if you really have to get behind the wheel, you need to try to calm down and turn on relaxing music.

Particular caution should be exercised by pregnant women and people with hypertension.

Representatives of alternative medicine are confident that meditation and contrast showers will help cope with negative factors. Moreover, men need to start and end with cold water, and for women - with hot. The exact temperature is usually not indicated.


And many are also sure that it is during the lunar eclipse that you can forever change your life for the better. It is recommended to postpone new beginnings, but there is a good chance to part with old bad habits. Alcoholics, drug addicts and gambling addicts will suddenly have additional internal resources to fight. You can also put an end to harmful psychological dependencies and unhealthy attachments.

In general, doctors and scientists are not inclined to exaggerate the impact of lunar eclipses on humans. So the vast majority of people most likely will not even notice that anything unusual was happening in the sky. However, vigilance certainly won't hurt.

Alexander Sablin
