A conspiracy if a child is bullied at school. A conspiracy to protect a child from bullies at school

Parents of all children want their child’s visit to school to be truly joyful, and no one will offend him there. Therefore, it is necessary for parents to take care of their peace of mind and the serenity of the child. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for children to be bullied at school, both by children and by teachers. Today our topic is dedicated to protecting our beloved children.

Those whose children went to school for the first time are truly overwhelmed with concern for their kids. Parents are constantly worried about whether their children will be offended by their classmates, whether older schoolchildren will pester them, and how teachers will treat them. And I want to protect my baby from everything in the world. In order to protect your child from all the negativity at school, you need to say next plot:

There is an apostolic church, a small icon hangs in it, there is great holy power in it. I would ask for that icon: just as people do not take fire with their hands, so let not the servant of God (name) be scolded or beaten, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday and nor on Thursday , neither on Friday nor on Saturday, neither in the morning nor in the afternoon. Not one, and not two, and not three, and not from any date. God's icon the power is given. Save, Holy power of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Armed with all the methods to keep children safe during these difficult school years, parents will have peace of mind as they watch their children attend school, kindergarten, school clubs and are not afraid that someone will offend them.

Your child has just as many problems as you. The period of carefree childhood can be very unpleasant for a child, especially if he is often sick, is bullied at school, and cannot make friends. Then all your efforts will not be crowned with success, and his life will be full of unpleasant surprises. You can help solve all problems and cope with troubles.

Petition to the Mother of God for a child

For the conspiracy, you will need to take your child to school and when the child walks through the door, you must say the following conspiracy:

Mother of God, O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, save and preserve under your roof, and send my child (child’s name) an Angel to protect my child (name) from malicious laughter and evil tongues, from heavy fists and from the eyes of envious enemies, keep him from all idolatry and false teaching, protect him from all danger. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

While reading the plot, look at the door and imagine how an angel went to protect your child.

There is a proven conspiracy so that a child is not offended. He will help drive away offenders and bullies, and friends will reach out themselves. If the baby is often sick, then use a spell for the child’s health. It boosts immunity and you can forget about diseases. So that he studies well, sleeps without problems, develops quickly, and demonstrates obedience. There is magical help for all occasions. These conspiracies are harmless; they will only guide your son or daughter on the right path to life.

So that the child is not offended

Children's problems are no less significant than adults'. You may have difficulties with work, personal life, colleagues, loans. These are all important adult matters that the child does not yet know anything about. Don’t think that the time of carefree childhood is so easy and pleasant. They also have their own problems, no less significant than yours:

  • academic performance, authority at school;
  • communication with friends, quarrels, disputes;
  • dissatisfaction with one's appearance;
  • first love;
  • shyness;
  • bullies, offenders, ridicule.

None of this sounds serious to an adult who is busy with his own life. Well, it happens, it will pass, it will change. The biggest thing a parent can do is change schools. But this is not a solution, because everything can continue there.

Conspiracy for friendship

Use the following ritual to help you make new friends. It should be performed during the waxing phase of the moon. To start, take a small metal container and place some sunflower seeds in it. Then the church candle is lit and the following words are said nine times in a row:

I pour the seeds into a bowl and attract new friends to the servant of God (name)!

The following ritual will help correct the situation; as a result of its implementation, a person will be able to acquire new connections, and stiffness and constraint in communication will go away. It will allow you to communicate with many people with pleasure and ease, and not run after one after another, trying to keep them at any cost.

At night, three times in a row, you need to carefully read these words:

Like the stars in the sky, so the eyes of friends sparkle from the presence of the servant of God (name)! (name)'s soul rejoices! Their soul rejoices and their communication develops!

The result is the acquisition of harmonious friendships. At the same time, and importantly, bad people will not bother you. And in the very near future an invitation for friendship will arrive.

Conspiracy against beatings and insults

It’s a very sad, scary situation when a child is bullied at school. Do not start this, as soon as the child begins to complain about this behavior of classmates, take action immediately. Talking with teachers doesn’t always help; after that, all the nagging and grievances will be secret, but will not end. Maternal protection can help. You need to tell the child on the top of his head in a whisper, or write this amulet to him on a piece of paper on both sides, and let him walk around with the amulet.

Explain to your child that you can’t show it to anyone:

My baby's angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Say each new month once. Then all this will quickly end, and the child will have new ones. good friends, who will definitely not give offense.

If a child is bullied at school

To prevent your child from being bullied at school, you need to perform a special ritual during the waning moon. But it must be done so that the child does not see - secretly. In the eastern part of your house you need to light three church candles and place them in the form of an isosceles triangle. Place a photo of the child in the very center. Next, focus your gaze on the candle and mentally concentrate. Say this plot three times:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! For my long prayers, good efforts, good deeds, the Lord God gave me the desired child, a slave (the name of the child). He will be my support and help in difficult times, an irreplaceable support. In the meantime, I will protect him and not give offense. Neither an evil eye, nor a heavy hand, nor a zealous heart will comprehend him, they will bypass him. My word is strong, and on it is the seal of the Holy Archangel Michael, the hand of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Amen.

Extinguish the candles, but under no circumstances blow them out and hide them away, and put the child’s photograph in the Bible where your inner voice tells you. On the second day of the ceremony, early in the morning, bury the remains of the candles at the base of the tree trunk. Three remains, therefore three different trees. And say this conspiracy:

I separate with earth, I close with wax the evil lips. I beat off the heavy hand forever and ever. With maternal love I protect and protect. So be it.

The next step should be to attend church. It is necessary to light church candles for the health of the child at the following icons: the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael and the Holy Trinity.

If you find out that your child was bullied at school, but he did not say so, then you should use the following ritual. You need to come to school on one of the even days and, looking at the school threshold, say out loud or to yourself, if the situation does not allow:

How Mother carried the Lord in her arms, How She took care of and loved Her Son. So everyone would love my child, and the saints would bless him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

This plot will help even if you feel that your child is uneasy at school.

This is another good ritual that is carried out so that hooligans do not offend a child at school. It is necessary to collect water in an iron bucket. It should be clean, if possible from a spring. Next, place the bucket between your legs, in right hand take a sharp knife, with the tip facing down. In the left you need to take a handful of salt. Stir the water counterclockwise with a knife, saying the following spell, add salt little by little:

Just as this water goes into the ground, so the evil deed of the enemy passes by my son (child’s name). My maternal word is strong, like a lead seal. Amen.

This spell must be read three times, without ceasing to stir the water counterclockwise with a knife. Then you need to pour a bucket of water at the intersection.

It happens that the child is not only bullied by the children, but also by the teachers who do not treat him very well. After all, children often experience fear of the teacher, although they know the subject perfectly well, but find it difficult to answer. Therefore, the next ritual is aimed at making teachers love. You need to write this spell to your child so that he can learn it. You need to read mentally, looking straight into the teacher’s eyes three times:

Whatever I think, whatever I do, the truth is mine. An angel is protecting me.

With the help of such a conspiracy, the child will not be afraid of the machinations of the teachers. He will simply stop noticing them. He will go to school with pleasure.

You can also teach one conspiracy that will not be superfluous to your child. Before entering the school, say the following words of the conspiracy:

The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.

A conspiracy to make teachers love you and not find fault

Now teachers will not find fault with either you or your child. You will become the favorites, receiving inflated grades in all subjects. Read rare conspiracies.

My dears, please do not forget that you will still have to study valiantly. Well, you must admit that if you come to class unprepared, they won’t give you an A. Our task is to make sure that you fall into the teacher’s favorite category. When this happens, there will be much less nagging. Instead of a two, the teacher will give a point or three points.

This time you will have to go to Orthodox Temple and buy 3 candles. At the most appropriate time, retire to a locked room. By the way, the phase of the moon does not matter. Light all the candles. Mentally imagine a strict teacher and how he becomes softer.

Allegedly, you are sitting at your desk (in the classroom), confidently answering the question posed. The teacher looks at you with love, not at all finding fault with your shortcomings. Proceed to repeatedly and confidently repeat special magic spells that will help you achieve the designated goals.

A teacher who strictly reads the subject will accept my correct answer as truth. If I falter, he will lovingly suggest the words, praise will flow from his lips. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!

So that the teacher does not find fault with me, I will answer that I tried really hard. He won’t give me a bad mark at the board, he’ll instruct me to learn the topic again. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!

I send a conspiracy to the teacher, I tell him to love me soon. I will finish the year and quarter without classes, because studying is no longer a nightmare. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!

You wrap the candle stubs in a sheet with a magical spell, keeping the bundle as a talisman.

Do this spell late at night. Take a blank sheet of paper and write spell words on it and read them 31 times:

Just as the sun warms our land, so let my child (child’s name) warm and cherish, not say a bad word, not bother or scold, but love with a mother’s love and be protected from misfortune by God’s servant (Name) Teacher's patronymic). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Conspiracy for a good teacher attitude

This conspiracy is guaranteed to save your child from the teacher’s biased attitude towards him. You will immediately notice the effect of the conspiracy - the child will become calmer and will receive good grades.

To carry out the conspiracy, take a raw chicken egg and when the child is sleeping, go up to him, place the egg on his forehead and quietly say:

Just as the egg came before the hen, so the student is more important than the teacher. Shut the mouth of my son’s teacher (name of the teacher) with rotten eggs, so that he does not disturb my son in vain. Amen.

After this, you need to fry the egg for your son in the morning (make scrambled eggs). In three days the teacher will be replaced - he will treat your child like a human being.

A conspiracy to prevent teachers from being scolded

A child can do this spell on his own. In the morning, when he enters school and crosses the school threshold, he must say to himself three times:

I came to learn, not to listen to nagging. Let the teachers be kind and fair to me. Amen.

And his studies will take place peacefully, without conflict with teachers.

For good relationships with teachers and classmates

If a student is unable to establish relationships with classmates or one of the teachers, then I cross the threshold educational institution you need to say these words:

Everyone who crosses this threshold sees me and wants to be friends with me. I will be interesting and sweet to everyone, only praise awaits me from all sides. I will find many new friends at school, and my life will become much more fun. Amen.

To prevent the child from being bullied by peers

Say the following words to the water:

I speak to my child from terrible troubles, from wasted tears, from bruises, from pain and various ailments. I speak with my words, I protect with my deeds. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This water should be used to wash (or let the child wash) in the morning before leaving the house.

To avoid harming the child

Do whatever you think is necessary, but always think ahead. Spells and talismans help those who know their true meaning. If you decide that these conspiracies are not strong enough, you want to use others, always pay attention:

  • who do you contact during a conspiracy? If it is to Angels, Saints, Guardians, then this is a light conspiracy. It can be used even for a small child. If the appeal goes to evil spirits, it is better to immediately forget them;
  • in the conspiracy there should be no hints of coercion or suppression of will. If you want your child to sleep well, then this is your good wish, not compulsion;
  • do not promise the soul or body of a child in exchange for completing your plan. Such conspiracies carry a lot of negative energy.
  • Conspiracies are not a universal answer to all questions, but in a difficult situation they help well.

“I ask for your advice. I have a son - such a kind boy, he protects everyone, judges everything fairly. Only at school does he constantly receive blows from his peers for his kindness and fairness. And he’s afraid to give back. Please recommend a plot to make the child bolder. And so that his peers don’t offend him.”

In this case, you should rewrite the words of the protective spell on a piece of paper and ask the child to always carry it with him and not show it to anyone. The spell words are:

My baby's angel

Most luminous, kind,

I release my child to you.

Guard him, protect him

From the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists,

From malicious laughter,

Send him your success.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To prevent children from being bullied at school

From the letter:

“My son is in school. Recently, he has started having serious problems there: he does not get along with his peers, which is why he cannot fully concentrate on his studies. When I ask him what’s the matter, he replies: “I’m an outcast.” I beg you, tell me how to help the child!”

From the letter:

“My son is constantly teased and his classmates try in every possible way to humiliate him. He’s a strong boy, he doesn’t let anyone hurt him, but he’s already tired of fighting back against numerous offenders. Nobody accepts him into the company, everyone avoids him. I know that the guys cling to my son in vain: he is growing up as a kind and fair person, protects the weak. Why is my son so unlucky?! He is very worried and no longer wants to go to school, does not go out for walks - he is ready to sit at home all day long, just so as not to meet anyone.”

To all mothers, before taking their child to first grade, I advise you to read a protective spell over your child on the eve of September 1, which will protect him from offenders. The words of the conspiracy are:

There is an apostolic church,

There is a small icon hanging in it,

She has great holy power.

I would ask for that icon:

How do people not take fire with their hands?

So let the servant of God (name)

They don’t scold or hit:

Not today, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow,

Neither on Monday nor on Tuesday

Neither on Wednesday nor on Thursday,

Neither Friday nor Saturday

Neither in the morning nor in the afternoon,

Not one, not two, not three

And not from any date.

God's icon has been given power.

Save, holy power,

Servant of God (name). Amen.

If your child is being bullied at school

From the letter:

“My son studies at a boarding school in another city. Recently he was severely beaten by a high school student. At first I understood nothing

I couldn’t: when my son talked to me on the phone, he had a lisp. When I came to visit him at the weekend, I found that he was covered in bruises and his front tooth was knocked out! I unraveled this case, went to the director and turned to the relevant authorities for help. The culprit was punished, but since then my son has become an outcast. Both students and teachers harass him. The first - for weakness, and the second - for damaging the reputation of the school! Natalya Ivanovna, help me protect my son from bullying, I beg you!”

Miraculous words: prayer for children who are offended in full description from all the sources we found.


Write this amulet to him on a piece of paper on both sides, and let him wear the amulet for three days.

Explain to your child that you can’t show it to anyone:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

During the waning moon, light three wax candles in the eastern part of your home. Place them in the center of the table, covered with a white tablecloth, in the shape of an isosceles triangle. Place a photo of your child in the center of this triangle. The photo must be taken no more than 10 weeks ago and the eyes must be clearly visible.

Concentrate your gaze on the flame of the top candle and say three times:

“In the name of Dazhbog and for the glory of the Ancestors! For my long efforts, for my heartfelt prayers, for my sincere thoughts, the Lord gave me the child I desired - (name of the child). He will be my support, support in a difficult moment, a terrible time, and until that moment I will protect my only begotten child, my flesh and the flesh of my Ancestors, and not give offense. No evil eye, no zealous heart, no slander will touch him, it will sweep by. My word is strong and molded, tested time after time, and the Sacred seal is on it. Truly!

When the candles burn out halfway, they must be extinguished, but without blowing them out, using your fingers or a metal object (not a knife). Place the child’s photo in a family album, preferably between the pages where there are photos of living relatives, and if there are none, then between the pages where there is not a single photograph.

The next morning, before sunrise, all three cinders must be buried in the ground under the roots of different trees (one cinder per tree root), while repeating:

“I seal with earth, I seal the lips of evil with wax. I beat off a heavy hand for all eternity and eternity. With parental love I assign a bad share, a crooked will. So be it!”

On the same day, before lunch, you need to spend at least 30 minutes in prayer for your child. You can pray at home. I warn all Christians: do not pray for someone close to you before the crucifixion. If you do everything correctly, the child’s problems will go away “on their own” within about 3 weeks.

We apply the runic amulet from left to right on the child’s chest (in the center) with a RED marker, ink, ink or gel pen.

We update in the morning, every day.

Attention! This is very important, don’t confuse anything!

We depict the runes as we see them in this picture. Where the top of the runes is the child’s head, and the bottom is the legs.

We apply the runes from left to right (as we write in a notebook: the beginning is the child’s right hand, the end is the left).

Under no circumstances should runes be depicted upside down, otherwise you will get the opposite of the expected result.

Amulet for children: Algiz-Bercana-Uruz-Perth-Gebo

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer for those who hate and offend us

“Save, Lord!” Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also add to the YouTube channel Prayers and Icons. “God bless you!”

Human injustice and meanness, unfortunately, are an unchangeable part of earthly existence. And no matter how hard anyone tries, it is impossible to eradicate them completely. They kindle pain and despondency in a righteous person, which he is sometimes unable to overcome. And then the time comes for the word of God - a prayer for those who hate and offend us. It contains not just an appeal to God, it provides the knowledge necessary for forgiveness and repentance.

Prayer for those who hate and offend us “Forgive, Lord Lover of Mankind”

This prayer is valid only if the person who turns to the Lord is filled with the firm intention to forgive his enemies and offenders. The path to it is long and thorny, because you must first overcome yourself and answer the following questions for yourself:

  • How to bear grievances?
  • How to treat those who offend and hate?
  • How to overcome angry thoughts?
  • Why is it so difficult to ask for forgiveness, and how to do it correctly?
  • How to behave with those who do not want reconciliation?
  • Is it possible to take revenge for an insult?

Resentment is a complex concept, and each person puts his own meaning into it, but, of course, there are others that are quite difficult to forgive and understand. Then, having turned to God and learned his words, you need to make every effort to:

  • understand and forgive the offender;
  • answer him with kind words and deeds;
  • prays for him;
  • don't take revenge.

And the most important thing is to try to convert the offender into faith, so that he understands everything, realizes and repents. It should be remembered that only the Almighty has the power to repay what is deserved, for turning to evil makes the offended one an equally hated enemy.

The Lord himself knew what evil, resentment and hatred are, and he also revealed to the whole world the great gift of forgiveness and repentance, which lead everyone to eternal faith and righteous life.

The ability to forgive is a rather rare quality, but so necessary for every person. They can only do this for real strong people, those who have managed to find spiritual harmony and try, without disturbing it, to give goodness to their neighbors. Forgiveness gives confidence in one’s abilities, saturates the mind and soul with God’s grace and faith, makes a person kinder, better, more sincere. This is a difficult road to understanding oneself and the world around us, to finding meaning and harmony. And, having stood on it, you don’t need to turn around, because the Lord is always nearby, and the greatest miracle awaits ahead - eternal life.

Orthodox prayer for those who hate and offend us is a word that pacifies the soul and gives peace. To understand it means to know the meaning of man’s true purpose on earth, because good is always righteous, and this is a path that has no end.

Prayer for those who hate and offend us, text:

Have mercy, Lord, on those who hate me and envy me! Have mercy, Lord, on those who slander me and cause me offense! Do not do anything evil to them for Your unworthy servant; but according to Their ineffable mercy and according to Their immeasurable goodness, neither in this life nor in the next century, may they not tolerate evil for me, a sinner! Sanctify them with Your mercy and autumn with Your grace, O All-Good One, because before all, blessed are You forever and ever. Amen.

May the Lord protect you!

From this video you will learn how to pray for those who have offended us:

Prayer to protect a child from troubles and misfortunes

For every mother, the life and health of children is the most important. And how a mother’s heart hurts when she is far from her child! The reality around us can hardly be called calm, everywhere there are forces far from goodness and light: we are in danger on the roads, on vacation, in society, from the forces of nature, its cataclysms: thunder, rain, earthquake, wave, we are wounded by negative forces-moments. That is why it is so important to make a talisman for your children, so that a guardian angel will take care of your child if you are not around.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the protection of children

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your roof my child (name), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of the mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy maternal gaze, for Thou art the Divine Cover of Thy servants. Mother of God, bring me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood, heal the mental and physical wounds of my child (name), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

Another prayer for the protection of children to the Virgin Mary:

Mother of God, take your son Jesus Christ by the right hand, and my son (name) by the left and lead her from beginning to end, protected, preserved and unharmed among all troubles, fire, water, the machinations of the devil, from death on the way, with your hand take her away . Cover it with your canopy, your holy amulet. Save and preserve the slave (name) Amen. Mother Theotokos and Christ are with me.

Charms for children

A lucky charm for a newborn baby

You need to buy a new shirt (if in the maternity hospital, just a film or sheet and wrap the newly born baby in it. If you can’t do this, then do it in the ward and take this diaper with you.

Next Easter, before sunrise, read the plot over this shirt or sheet

“Whoever meets the servant of God (name), everyone will greet him with joy, seat him at an expensive table, feed him, give him something to drink, and the Lord Himself (name) will bless him. Happiness, joy, wrap yourself in a ring, cling to the servant of God (name). He doesn’t have to worry about living and making a fortune in gold and silver.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

After reading the words, tie it in a knot and hide it away from prying eyes. As long as this shirt is intact, your child will be happy and lucky.

Important: this shirt should never be washed, only aired and dried.

If your child is already an adult and walks on the street himself, you can make such a conspiracy

Conspiracy for a grown child

The following words should be said every time you let your child walk alone in the yard, or on errands, even to school. The words of the amulets prayer are simple, easy to learn and say when crossing your son or daughter, or any child:

Go for a walk, child, and don’t lose yourself. May the Lord save you and bring you back to me. Ashe go away, my God. Amen.

Another charm charm. Place the child on a chair, give him an icon, any icon, maybe his name, stand behind him, bite his hair 3 times and read:

Great misfortune, strange hands, human enemies, evil tongues from a born baptized slave (child’s name). Your hands will go numb, your enemies will turn to stone, your tongue will be lost, you won’t know any trouble. Amen.

Amulet for grandchildren

Prayer “Angel of my child”, protecting a child on the street and at school

If your child complains that he is bullied at school or bullied in the yard by his peers, he does not find common language in society - it’s time to figure out why this is happening. Where are the roots of this phenomenon? Maybe you didn't pay attention to him physical training, because they usually don’t like the weak. Maybe he is conflictual by nature, does not respect people himself, treats other children poorly. Then you need to try to correct the situation by changing your child’s behavior.

However, there are often cases when the surrounding reality is such that sometimes bad companies do not accept calm and kind children, realizing that such children are better in development - they strive to take revenge on them, spreading rot and humiliating them in every possible way. It will be more difficult here. Think for yourself how you can influence the situation.

A prayer to your child’s guardian angel to help you:

My baby's angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you, protect him, hProtect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter and send him success!

Write the words of the spell on a piece of paper, read it yourself, and put the piece of paper in your child’s clothes or another secluded place so that he always carries it with him. This plot will protect your teenager from troubles with peers.

In general, you need to turn to your angel more often, thank him for his vigilant eye, for his love and eternal service to us.

Be healthy and may these simple prayers and conspiracies help you!

Read how to help your child study well, prayers for successful studies.

The miraculous power of mother's prayer

“A mother’s prayer will reach you from the bottom of the sea” - this proverb has long become a byword. It was not said for the sake of a catchphrase. This is a truth that is relevant at all times, confirmed by countless examples of the amazing power and effectiveness of the prayers of millions of mothers. Holy maternal love is capable of overcoming any obstacles, achieving the impossible and creating real miracles.

Therefore, the Lord gave parents special power over their children:

Children, be obedient to your parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord.(Col. 3:20).

The commandment to honor parents is not only a prescription, non-observance of which is a sin. The Lord connected our longevity on earth with its fulfillment: Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.(Ex. 20:12).

The Holy Apostle Paul says that this is the first commandment with a promise(Eph. 6:2). A sad fate awaits a son or daughter who offends parents and openly disregards their authority and power. The eye that mocks the father and neglects obedience to the mother will be pecked out by the ravens and the eagle chicks will be devoured!(Prov. 30:17).

The special power of maternal prayer is associated with the power that the Lord God gave to the mother over her children. One of the most edifying examples of great maternal love and prayer for a spiritually perishing son is the prayerful feat of Monica, the mother of Blessed Augustine, who was ten years in captivity of the disastrous false teaching of the Manichaean sect. The son she begged for not only escaped hell, but also became a saint.

In his "Confession" St. Augustine dedicated the most touching words to his mother: “You stretched out Your hand from on high and “drew my soul” from this deep darkness, when my mother, Your faithful servant, mourned me before You more than the mothers of dead children mourn. She saw my death by virtue of her faith and the spirit that she possessed from You - and You heard her, Lord; You heard her and did not despise the tears that streamed the earth in every place where she prayed; You heard her"(Confession. Book III. 11.19).

Mother's prayers for children

If prayer doesn't help

Sometimes the help expected from God never comes, as if He does not hear prayers. But in any case, there is no need to despair. From the point of view of the Christian meaning of life, it is better for some people to die in time and be saved for Eternal Life than to survive, but then destroy their soul. Nothing happens by chance with God, and He takes a person to Himself at the moment of his best spiritual state and greatest readiness for salvation in Eternity. Or when the spiritual decline becomes irreversible.

A mother's prayer for her child

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, hear me, Thy sinful and unworthy servant (name).

Lord, in the mercy of Your power, my child (name), have mercy and save him for Your name’s sake.

Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that he committed before You.

Lord, guide him on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

Lord, bless him in the house, around the house, in the field, at work and on the road and in every place of Your possession.

Lord, protect him under the protection of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer and from vain death.

Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes.

Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.

Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life, health, and chastity.

Lord, give him Your blessing for pious family life and godly childbearing.

Lord, grant me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights, for Thy name’s sake, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.

Lord, have mercy. (12 times.)

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your Commandments and teach them. Savior, do Your will, for You are our God.

Daily prayer for a child:

Lord Jesus Christ, awaken Your mercy on my child (name), keep him under Your roof, cover him from all evil lust, drive away every enemy and adversary from them, open his ears and the eyes of his heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my child (name) and turn him to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my child (name), and enlighten his mind with the light of the mind of Your Gospel, and guide him on the path of Your commandments, and teach him, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for children

Holy Guardian Angel of my child (name), cover her with your protection from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep her heart in angelic purity. Amen.

There is also a parental prayer “For the blessing of children”

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child with the power of Your Life-giving Cross. Amen.

There is also a special maternal prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy maternal gaze, for Thou art the Divine Cover of Thy servants. Mother of God, introduce me to the image of Your heavenly Motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord, Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

Prayers for a child's health

Prayer to Jesus Christ for children (Prayer for protection)

Prayer to the Trinity for children

O Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Undivided Trinity, look upon Thy servant (her) (name of the child) who is obsessed with illness; forgive him (her) all his (her) sins;

In this article:

Your child has just as many problems as you. The period of carefree childhood can be very unpleasant for a child, especially if he is often sick, is bullied at school, and cannot make friends. Then all your efforts will not be crowned with success, and his life will be full of unpleasant surprises. You can help solve all problems and cope with troubles.

There is a proven conspiracy so that a child is not offended. He will help drive away offenders and bullies, and friends will reach out themselves. If the baby is often sick, then use a spell for the child’s health. It boosts immunity and you can forget about diseases. So that he studies well, sleeps without problems, develops quickly, and demonstrates obedience. There is magical help for all occasions. These conspiracies are harmless; they will only guide your son or daughter on the right path to life.

Children have childhood problems

Children's problems are no less significant than adults'. You may have difficulties with work, personal life, colleagues, loans. These are all important adult matters that the child does not yet know anything about. Don’t think that the time of carefree childhood is so easy and pleasant. They also have their own problems, no less significant than yours:

  • academic performance, authority at school;
  • communication with friends, quarrels, disputes;
  • dissatisfaction with one's appearance;
  • first love;
  • shyness;
  • bullies, offenders, ridicule.

None of this sounds serious to an adult who is busy with his own life. Well, it happens, it will pass, it will change. The biggest thing a parent can do is change schools. But this is not a solution, because everything can continue there.
Besides, that's not all. If there are no problems with communication, but on the contrary, the parents themselves suffer. Obedience, study and communication with loved ones suffers. The young man just wants to walk, have fun, and play on the computer. He will give up on studies and respect. This is a problem, because every parent wants their child to study well.
This is just part of what can happen to a child before he enters adulthood. The parent's job is to protect him from problems. This can be done quietly using good spells. They will not harm, but only help.

It’s the parents’ job to help the child.

Mom and Dad can do more than they think. Only they have this unique connection with their child. As a child, my mother rocks me to sleep and helps me sleep well at night. Then, she can give advice, scold and scold.
In any case, these conspiracies should be done by parents. Moms usually take these things more seriously, so don't be surprised if your husband doesn't take it to heart. It is best to carry out all the rituals yourself. They are made at home.

Every mother can help her child, for this she has her own strength.

Don't ignore his problems, always listen. It costs you nothing to listen to him, even if the problem seems stupid and far-fetched to you. You shouldn’t brush it off if your daughter complains about her appearance. You are the only person who can restore a child's faith in himself.
If you have problems with your studies, quickly use proven conspiracies. They will help you concentrate and fall in love with the subjects that were most difficult for you. Spells for a child always work, because you use the best forces of your soul.

For all occasions

There are a variety of difficult situations in the life of parents. You need to help the child first. There are many interesting and simple spells that can be used without harm.
To study well, sleep without problems, be able to make friends and study excellently. Give it a try. This help will be accepted with pleasure. Your child does not have to know that you performed the ritual, and the result will surprise him very much. Help your child believe in himself, his strengths, and his skills.

Conspiracy to study well

If your son or daughter does not want to study, this is not unusual.

A little help in the form of a conspiracy or a whisper never hurts

Well, who at 10 or 15 years old wants to sit behind books while friends are walking, there are interesting programs on TV, or you can just play on the computer? Especially if after school the child is left to his own devices and the parents are at work. This is the same complete freedom. For a child to start learning, he thinks about everything else only after school, if it’s a good remedy. Simple spell:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
How the constellations of the Lord's sky do not leave their place
without the knowledge of the Almighty, so is the mind of the servant of God (name)
won't leave common sense and may the strength of his mind be replenished.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Pure Virgin Mary, so be it.

You need to read it in the place where the child is doing his homework. Stay there alone, without prying eyes. Light a church candle if the child is baptized. You only need to say it once, but put all your soul, love and forgiveness into this text. From this day forward, do not be angry with your child, do not scold him for bad grades.
Your patience will help you, because you are a parent. This conspiracy has been known for many years to those who want to help children. It is pronounced, helps and guides the child in learning.

A spell to make a child sleep all night

Helps both small children and adults.

Conspiracy on good sleep- a common practice that has been used throughout time

In order for a child to sleep well and not suffer from insomnia, you need to cast a spell on his pillow and blanket for three days in a row:

“I roll the bread and drive away trouble from God’s servant (name). I roll out, lure, drive out all fears, admonitions, lessons, evil eyes, invitations, envy, insincere praise, secret malice. I expel it dashingly from the arms, from the legs, from the head, from the cheeks, from the veins, from the veins, from the white curls, from the clear eyes. Fright, fear, go away! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Place a blanket and a pillow on it. Speak in a measured, quiet voice. Let it sound like the lullaby you sang to him as a child. This can help you fall asleep on time.
If the child is still very small, has had trouble sleeping for several nights, and is exhausted, then read directly above him in the crib. Helps very quickly. The enchanted bed linen will become truly magical, because as soon as the child puts his head on the pillow, he will immediately want to sleep.

From diseases

If your child is often sick, then you need to help him. Cook compote from berries, apples or other fruits, even dry ones. Tell:

“Boiling water so that my child can grow! Just as water does not last on the elbow, so illness does not last on the baby of God (name). Redeem, cross over! Lord, save my child (name) from illness! Amen."

You need to speak over a still warm pan. You need to repeat the plot 3 times, cross. Now give this drink to him alone, don’t drink it yourself. It helps a lot, and the taste is pleasant. Your child will be happy to drink it. You can do it several times a year, and especially in winter, when you need vitamins and good immunity.

Whispering while drinking is a useful and simple practice

This spell came from village magic. Previously, there were no medicines, vitamins, or syrups that could be used to treat. Then they took everything good from nature, and so women learned to cook this aromatic, tasty medicine for their babies. If you dry plums, apricots, and cranberries yourself in the summer, then in winter you can cook your own dried fruits. They contain not only the power of summer, but also your love. This medicine is 100 times stronger and better.

For childhood insomnia

Insomnia occurs not only in adults, but also in children. They are also prevented from sleeping by heavy thoughts and their experiences. This exhausts the child, and then he cannot wake up, go to school, or concentrate on classes.

“In an open field, the morning dawn rises, the evening dawn sets. I will stand facing east and my back to the west. I look to the east - 3 doves are flying, carrying 3 gold castles. They locked the waters with locks: rivers and streams, blue seas and springs, downpours and rains. They locked and locked bladder. Just as the earth is dry without rain, so let (name)’s bed be dry both at night and in the moonlight. My words are strong and strong now and forever. Amen."

It must be recited 12 times on the first day of each month. Then the child’s sleep will normalize and the problems will go away. You need to talk in his bedroom in a whisper.

So that the child eats well

When your son or daughter doesn’t want to eat, refuses food and is capricious, then you can correct this situation very simply. Prepare your child's favorite food. It doesn't matter what it is. I need to give it to him for lunch.

Talking about food can be very useful not only for children

And before you put it on the plate of food, say this text:

“This water is for washing, wiping, bathing and lamenting. So that the baby of God (name) grows strong and sculpted. He ate, grew up, and didn’t know any troubles. So that he doesn’t get capricious, doesn’t get sick, gets healthier day by day. I call this water healthy, I call on the child of perception to convey its power. As soon as this water touches a child, all good things will spill over him. Amen."

When a child eats his favorite dish with appetite, the spell will take effect. Now he will eat everything with the same pleasure, and even ask for more. This is a good help for any mother.

Conspiracy against insults and beatings

It’s a very sad, scary situation when a child is bullied at school. Do not start this, as soon as the child begins to complain about this behavior of classmates, take action immediately. Talking with teachers doesn’t always help; after that, all the nagging and grievances will be secret, but will not end. Maternal protection can help. You need to say to the child in a whisper:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Say each new month once. Then all this will quickly end, and the child will have new good friends who will definitely not give offense.

To avoid harming the child

Do whatever you think is necessary, but always think ahead. Spells and talismans help those who know their true meaning. If you decide that these conspiracies are not strong enough, you want to use others, always pay attention:

  • who do you contact during a conspiracy? If it is to Angels, Saints, Guardians, then this is a light conspiracy. It can be used even for a small child. If the appeal goes to evil spirits, it is better to immediately forget them;
  • in the conspiracy there should be no hints of coercion or suppression of will. If you want your child to sleep well, then this is your good wish, not compulsion;
  • do not promise the soul or body of a child in exchange for completing your plan. Such conspiracies carry a lot of negative energy.

It is best not to resort to magic when you yourself can help solve the problem. If you see that the child has begun to turn onto the “crooked path”, no one can tell him anymore, then solve the problem quickly. Conspiracies are not a universal answer to all questions, but in a difficult situation they help well.

The world of a child is a crystal temple, the walls of which are very fragile and vulnerable. And school is a small battlefield on which he has to fight every day with visible and invisible enemies.

It often happens that at school your child faces various troubles: classmates who are hooligans, bullies or envious people, as well as picky and unfriendly teachers. If your child encounters one of these problems at school, try first to find out the reasons and talk to the teacher.

But if a conversation with the teacher does not bring any changes, and the situation only gets worse, you can help the child immediately by resorting to the protection of conspiracies and spells.

Today, there are many texts endowed with magical powers that have been passed down to us from older generations and have been repeatedly tested in practice. The effect of a conspiracy carried out with a calm heart and faith will not take long to occur. The offenders will fall behind, and the environment around the child will become much more benevolent and good-natured.

Proven protective spells and incantations

A conspiracy to protect a child from fights and insults (said to a child in a dream):

« Guardian angel (name of the child), I appeal to you, I trust in you and entrust my child to you for protection. Take care of him from enemies and evil tongues, from cruel hearts and quick fists. May his will and spirit be strengthened, as will his sleep. So be it. Amen.»

This conspiracy carries positive energy, it will help even small children.

Prayer against evil intentions:

« Our Almighty God, protect my child (child’s name) from the evil intentions of enemies and the unkind hearts of people. I pray you, give the servant of God (name of the child) your bright strength and wisdom, protect him from enemy intent and bad words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

It is best to write down the prayer on a piece of paper and put it in the child’s briefcase or clothing pocket so that he always has it with him.

Spell for successful studies:

« The sun in the Lord’s sky is clear, bright, like the head of God’s servant (child’s name). Just as the sun shines in the sky, so does the servant of God (the name of the child) have success in learning. Just as the sun warms the earth with its rays, so the servant of God (the name of the child) pleases his parents with his successes in learning. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

This spell has a beneficial effect on the child’s academic performance and will help not only in studies, but also in making friends. The spell must be recited regularly at the beginning of each academic month.

Amulets from all misfortunes

It is popularly believed that a talisman is an extraordinary object endowed with magical powers. In fact, anything can act as a talisman - be it precious or semi-precious stones, figurines carved from wood, hand-sewn dolls or coins. Any item can be charged with miraculous power if you read spells or prayers into it.

To protect your child from ill-wishers and failures in the new school year, take any small object and read a spell over it for successful studies or a spell so that the child is not beaten or offended at school. Place the amulet charged with magic words in the place where the child’s things are stored or hide it in the lining of his school clothes.

Such cunning methods will help protect your child from unwanted worries and worries at school, from fears and threats from the outside world outside the home. Use magical powers carefully, only with good intentions and an open heart, only for the benefit of your child. And then they will work in the best way.
