Accounting for business processes. Accounting for the procurement process Accounting for business operations of the procurement process

To organize successful and continuous work, it is necessary to have production reserves that support the organization in the procurement process. The procurement process is a set of business operations to provide the objects of labor necessary for the production of products. Material assets are purchased from the supplier in accordance with concluded agreements. Information on the acquisition of material resources is generated on the basis of external primary documents from suppliers and transport organizations. Such documents include invoices, invoices, payment order, waybills. When an invoice is received from the supplier, the buyer accepts it (i.e., agrees not to pay).

The buyer pays the cost of materials at established prices, this cost is called the purchase price. In addition, when procuring materials, the purchasing organization bears all TZR (transportation and procurement costs), i.e. expenses for shipping, loading, transportation, as well as travel expenses of supply agents when purchasing material assets. The amount of TZR is not constant, because it consists of many types of costs. The share of materials and equipment in the total cost of purchased resources depends on the delivery distance, modes of transport, tariff size, etc. The actual cost of harvested material assets is determined by the following formula:

Actual cost = purchase price + TRP (acquired material assets)

The main tasks of accounting for the procurement process:

¾ accounting for the availability and receipt of MC

¾ calculation of the actual cost of purchased medical centers

¾ accounting and control of debt to suppliers

To solve these problems, the accounting system uses 3 groups of accounting accounts:

¾ accounts for MC accounting: 10, 19, in some organizations (except for agriculture) they use accounts 15, 16

¾ accounts for accounting of settlements 60, 76, 71

¾ of the accounting account cash 50, 51, 52, 55

When reflecting the procurement process in accounting, a certain relationship is observed between these accounts. The total volume of harvested MCs is recorded according to D-that account. 10 “Materials” either at actual cost or at fixed accounting prices accepted in the organization. The organization confirms the chosen option in the order on accounting policies.

In the 1st option: current accounting of the receipt of materials is carried out on analytical accounts opened to the synthetic account 10 Materials at purchase prices with separate accounting of the costs of their transportation, delivery, unloading, etc. (to account for these costs, a separate analytical account TZR is opened ). When determining the actual cost of each type of material, the share of fuel and equipment is identified, which separately accounts for each type of material. To do this, calculate % TZR using the formula:

% TZR = (amount of TZR: cost of purchased materials) * 100

Amounts are taken taking into account balances at the beginning of the reporting period. TZR are distributed in proportion to the purchase price of materials.

The procurement process is one of the main processes in the circulation of household assets. In this process, an agreement must be drawn up between suppliers and contractors, buyers and customers, i.e. the relationship between them is recognized as valid if the contract is properly executed. The contract specifies the contract price for the supply of materials, raw materials, work and services. In accounting, this contractual value is considered the actual cost of procured materials. Thus, with the 1st method of accounting for the procurement process, the accounting scheme is as follows:

1) D-th of the synthetic account 10 Materials reflects the cost of materials at purchase prices (D-t 10 K-t 60). Analytical accounts are opened for synthetic account 10, and for each type of purchased materials its own analytical account is opened. Accounting for them is carried out in quantitative and total terms. In addition, an analytical TKR account is opened. It keeps records only in total terms.

2) Transportation costs, loading and unloading operations are reflected in the following entries: Dt account 10 analytical. sch. TZR K-t sch. 60,70,76, etc.

3) Thus, on account. 10 Materials The actual cost of purchased materials is collected.

4) When releasing (consumption) of materials for production and other needs, an account is drawn up. wiring: D-t count.20,23, etc. Set count.10 Materials, specifically each type, i.e. analytical account. In addition, the corresponding share of fuel and equipment will be written off as expenses.

5) In general, the actual cost of procured materials will be written off from account 10 Materials. At the end of the reporting period, the balance of materials in the warehouse will be accounted for at actual cost.

Agricultural organizations mainly use the 1st method of accounting for the procurement process, but industrial organizations mainly use the 2nd method of accounting for operations in the procurement process.

In the 2nd option (according to accounting prices), the organization includes accounts 15 and 16 in its working chart of accounts. This method used in organizations where the number of material circulation operations is significant. The debit of account 15 reflects the purchase cost of materials according to received payment documents, and the credit in correspondence with account 10 “Materials” reflects the cost in fixed accounting prices of actually received and capitalized materials. The resulting difference between the actual cost of acquired assets and their firm estimate is written off to account 16. The balance at the end of the month on account 15 shows the availability of materials in transit.

Materials are released into production and for other needs at fixed accounting prices, and at the end of the month, deviations are calculated and written off from account 16 using the following formula:

% write-off of deviations = (sum of deviations (CH 16 + OD 16): (CH 10 + OD 10) cost of materials at accounting prices) * 100

In the balance sheet, materials will be reflected at the actual cost, which is determined as the sum of the insurance system for account 10 and account. 16.

When accounting for the receipt of materials, you should remember that VAT on them is recorded on a separate account 19 “VAT on received values”. Subject to the acceptance of materials for accounting, the availability of an invoice with the allocated amount of VAT, these tax amounts are subject to reimbursement (deduction): D-t account 68 K-t account 19

The procurement process is a set of operations to provide the enterprise with the objects of labor necessary for the production of products. He begins the first stage of the circulation of funds, which begins with the monetary form. At this stage economic activity money turns into means of production. The main task of accounting for the procurement and acquisition process is to determine the actual volume of procurement and calculate the actual cost of purchased means of production.

In accounting, this process is reflected in two ways:

Dt Cash Kt Dt Means of production Kt

The supply (procurement) process includes facts of economic life (operations):

1) Payments to suppliers

2) Operations for the delivery of products to suppliers

3) Receipt of raw materials and materials from the warehouse

4) Costs of storing material resources

Materials received by the enterprise are accounted for in material accounts. In this case, three options for accounting for material assets are possible: actual cost discount prices planned cost

The cost of purchased items includes:

Purchase price (invoice value)

Transport and procurement costs (TZR)

TZR is the cost of paying for delivery, delivery itself, loading and unloading operations, storage.

Depending on the method of evaluating materials at the time of writing them off as production costs, various systems of interaction between accounting accounts are used.

Option 1.

The “materials” account takes into account the purchase cost of materials and technical equipment. When purchasing materials, the buyer enterprise pays the supplier the purchase price of the materials and at the same time the enterprise bears the TRP. The actual cost of materials consists of the purchase price and technical requirements.


1. Materials received from suppliers 100 pcs. for the amount of 200 USD. e.

2. The markup on materials was 21 USD. e.

3. accrued wages workers delivering materials 10 USD e.

4. accrued to the transport organization for the delivery of materials 14 USD. e.

5. 50 materials were written off for production. according to actual s/s.

Let's show this in the accounting accounts:

Dr Calc. from supplier Kt Dt Materials Kt Dt Main production. Kt.

Received material from suppliers

200 200 Materials written off for production

Markup 122.5 122.5

Dr Calc. from persons CT

Wages accrued

Dt. Auxiliary prod. Kt.

Cost of transportation services

Actual s/s = 245 USD /100 = 2.45 USD

2. Option

With this option, raw materials and materials are written off as production costs at supplier prices. TZR is accounted for in a separate account. The “materials” account includes materials at supplier prices (or at purchase price) and is also written off as production costs.

TZR are written off to production costs in proportion to the cost of materials at supplier prices either once a month or once a quarter. For these purposes, the percentage of fuel and equipment to the cost of materials is determined. It is determined by the formula:

% TRP = (Sum balance at the beginning of the month. TRP + TRP for received materials)

/(Sum of remaining funds at the beginning of the month + Sum of the cost of receipt of funds for the month)

Let's reflect this on the accounts:

Dt. Payments from suppliers Kt. Dt. Materials Kt. Dt. Main production Kt.

Receipt of materials Written off for production of mat. (50 units)

At supplier prices (wholesale) 100 50*2 = 100 100

Dt. TZR Kt.

Dt. Calc. from Persian by payment Labor Kt.

Salary accrual 22.5 USD e.

Dt. Auxiliary Prod. Kt.

Cost of transportation services

The TZR account can have the value of an analytical account to the “Materials” account. The accounting chart of accounts provides for the “ZIP” account, which is usually used by enterprises that procure raw materials and materials for processing. The account is kept to record procurement costs for each type of procured raw materials and materials.

3. Option.

With this option, raw materials and supplies are accounted for in the “Materials” account according to the planned cost, which consists of the supplier’s wholesale prices and planned procurement costs.

IN in this case A “ZIP” account is opened to which all delivery costs and the cost of materials are charged at the supplier’s prices.

Calc. with suppliers Z&P Materials Main production.

Fast. Materials Receipt of materials Written off for production

200 200 240 100 units*2.54 240 240 240

Settlements with personnel Difference in cost of materials

10 10 Overexpenditure funds

Auxiliary prod.

245 – fact. Wed.

Dt. “Z and P” - actual s/s

Kt. “Z and P” - planned s/s

This assessment method is used by enterprises that consume materials daily for production. The difference appears in the “Purchase and Procurement” account:

If the amount on DT. (the actual amount of acquisition costs) exceeds the amount for CT. (planned assessment of materials), then the difference will show cost overruns - Dt. “Main production” Kt. "Materials".

If it’s the other way around, then the savings are written off using the “red reversal” method.

Dt. Z&P Kt. Dt. Materials Kt. Dt. Main production Kt.

250 250 250 250

Basic concepts of business processes

This question fully corresponds to question 4 (facts of economic life) from lecture 2.

At an enterprise, many different facts of economic life (business operations) occur every day. The content of each operation is the change from one form of funds or their sources to another. In this case, business transactions can affect only the property (funds) of the enterprise, only the sources of its formation, or simultaneously both the property and the sources of its formation. The sum of certain business transactions forms business processes. According to the circulation of capital by K. Marx, three types of economic processes are distinguished: procurement, production and sales (Figure 1).


Processes: procurement production sales

Main accounts: 08,10,11,15,16 20,23,25,26,29 90.91

Figure 1 – Circulation of capital by K. Marx

Procurement (supply) process– this is the acquisition of inventory items necessary for the production and sale of products, works, and services.

Production process – This is the fulfillment of the main task of the organization: production of products, performance of work and provision of services.

Implementation process (marketing, sales)– this is the implementation of contractual obligations to buyers and customers for the supply of products, performance of work and services.

Objectives of the procurement process and characteristics of accounts for its accounting

The production activity of the enterprise begins with the procurement process. The procurement process is the first stage of the circulation of economic assets (the first stage of the circulation of capital). During the procurement process, business transactions occur to acquire the following assets: fixed assets, intangible assets, inventories.

The objectives of accounting at this stage of capital circulation are:

1) accounting for receipt of valuables;

2) accounting for the presence of valuables;

3) accounting of debts to suppliers of valuables;

4) monitoring the status of settlements with suppliers;

5)calculation of the actual cost of acquired assets.

To account for the supply process, the chart of accounts provides four groups of accounting accounts:

1) according to accounting current assets– account 10 “Materials”, account 11 “Animals for growing and fattening”, account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”, account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets”, account 19 “Value added tax on acquired assets”;

2) for accounting for non-current assets – account 01 “Fixed assets”, account 04 “ Intangible assets", account 07 "Equipment for installation", account 08 "Investments in non-current assets", account 19 "Value added tax on acquired assets";

3) for accounting of settlements – account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”, account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”;

4) for cash accounting – account 50 “Cash”, account 51 “Settlement accounts”, account 52 “Currency accounts”, 55 “Special accounts in banks”.

The accounts of the first group, with the exception of account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets”, the accounts of the second and fourth groups are active. Therefore, the opening and closing balances are always in debit. The debit balance shows the amount of valuables on balance. The debit reflects the receipt of economic funds, and the credit reflects the disposal. The ending balance equals the sum of the opening balance and debit turnover minus credit turnover.

Account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets” is active-passive. Therefore, the balance can be in both debit and credit. A debit balance means the presence of unwritten deviations of the actual cost of material assets from accounting prices. Credit balance means the presence of rewritten deviations of the actual cost of material assets from accounting prices. A credit balance on this account is less common than a debit balance. And the account basically behaves like an active one. Therefore, the debit reflects the receipt of deviations in the actual cost of material assets from the accounting prices, and the credit reflects the write-off.

Accounts of the third group are active-passive. The balance on these accounts can be either debit or credit. A debit balance means the presence of accounts receivable, a credit balance means the presence of accounts payable. The debit reflects the increase in accounts receivable and the decrease in accounts payable. For a loan – a decrease in accounts receivable, an increase in accounts payable. The debit ending balance equals the sum of the debit beginning balance and business transactions to increase accounts receivable minus business transactions to reduce accounts receivable. The ending credit balance equals the sum of the opening credit balance and business transactions to increase accounts payable minus business transactions to reduce accounts payable.

A set of relevant facts of changes in the state of individual items of assets and/or liabilities characterizes the economic process.

The formation of expanded reproduction of the total social product involves the following economic processes:

  • procurement;
  • production;
  • appeals.

As is known, the determining phase in the process of expanded social reproduction is the production process, since it is at this stage that material goods are produced.

However, the production process cannot proceed normally if it is not preceded by a well-established process for procuring inventories.

This process consists of a series of economic events, including the acquisition by the enterprise from suppliers of raw materials and other resources that ensure a continuous production process.

The task of accounting at this stage is to correctly and timely calculate the volume of procurement, identify possible losses along the way of moving material assets from suppliers and make settlements with them. All these transactions are reflected in accounting in accordance with the conditions defined in the agreements concluded by their participants.

The actual cost of procurement of materials consists of their purchase price and transportation and procurement costs.

All information on the procurement of materials is generated on the basis of primary accounting documentation issued by suppliers and transport organizations (invoices, payment requests, freight and railway invoices, specifications, packing lists, etc.).

The amount of transportation and procurement costs can be significant, and in some industries reaches more than one third of the purchase cost of materials. This amount depends on the delivery distance, modes of transport, tariffs, etc.

In small businesses, the calculation of actual costs, as a rule, coincides with the actual processes of business operations for the procurement of materials. Therefore, current accounting of the process of their procurement is carried out immediately at actual cost.

At medium and large enterprises, this option is unacceptable due to the large number of business transactions and documents, untimely receipt of accompanying documents and irregular supply of materials. Therefore, here, current accounting for the procurement of production inventories is most often carried out at fixed accounting (contractual) prices or at planned costs.

In the Chart of Accounts, the presence and movement of inventories is reflected in accounts 10 “Materials”, 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”, 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets”, etc.

Account 10 “Materials” accumulates information about the availability and movement of inventory items assessed at the actual cost of their procurement or at fixed accounting prices.

The actual cost of procurement is formed based on the cost of materials at contractual and other prices and the costs of their delivery. In the case when the current accounting of materials is carried out at fixed accounting prices (planned cost, contractual and other prices), the resulting difference between the cost of inventories at the indicated prices and the calculated actual procurement costs is reflected in account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets.”

Current accounting of the procurement of materials can also be carried out using account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”.

By the debit of this account in correspondence with the credit of accounts: 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”, 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, etc., the purchase cost of inventory items is taken into account, which is indicated in supplier invoices. At the end of the procurement process, the purchase price of acquired inventories is brought to the actual cost.

Under the credit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”, information is generated in correspondence with account 10 “Materials”, etc., showing the cost of actually received and capitalized material assets at fixed accounting prices.

The amount of the difference between the actual cost and fixed accounting prices is written off from account 15 “Procurement of acquisition of material assets” to account 16 “Deviations in the cost of material assets”.

The balance at the end of the month on account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” means that part of the inventories has not been capitalized due to their being in transit.

The considered correspondence of accounts for the acquisition of inventories provides an answer to the question of how much materials were purchased and what is the actual cost of their physical volume. Managers need specific information showing the actual cost of individual items of materials. Only in this way can the technology for the production of certain types of products be ensured.

The accounting process provides for the organization of current accounting of the movement of materials in two estimates: at actual cost and at fixed accounting, for example, contractual prices. The amount of the difference between them represents deviations associated with the formation of transportation and procurement costs. This amount of these costs applies to the entire volume of materials procurement. To calculate the actual cost of procurement of individual items, you must first calculate the average percentage of transportation and procurement costs in relation to the accounting (contractual) price. Then multiply the value of this percentage by the amount of expenses related to the acquisition of specific types of materials presented on the analytical accounts to account 10 “Materials”. The resulting total is added to the contract price of the corresponding type of materials and the actual cost of procurement is obtained.

Let's consider the procedure for accounting for the procurement of inventories using accounts 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” and 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets.”

Example 1. In the accounting records of the outerwear sewing company “Snezhinka”, as of January 1, there were the following balances on synthetic accounts (rubles):

Account 10 “Materials” in the assessment at negotiated prices

suppliers........................................................ ........................... 120 980

For the sake of simplicity, the amount of VAT on procurement operations is not allocated.

Account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material

valuables" at actual cost.................................... 48,580

including transportation and procurement costs.................................... 5000

From the total amount of materials:

Coat fabric (210 m at 160 rubles per 1 m) ..................................... 33,600

Suit fabric (514 m at 170 rubles per 1 m).................................. 87 380

Account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material

values" .................................................... ........................................900

Account 51 “Current accounts”................................................. ............... 400,000

Account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” ............... 120,000

Account 23 “Auxiliary production”................................................. 2500

In January, the following business transactions took place at the enterprise:

First operation. The invoice of the weaving factory "Raduga" for the materials shipped to the company "Snezhinka" was accepted:

  • a) coat fabric 500 m for 160 rubles. for 1 m in the amount of 80,000 rubles.
  • b) suiting fabric 400 m for 170 rubles. for 1 m in the amount of 68,000 rubles.

Total 148,000 rub.

railway tariff paid by the supplier

1800 rub. RUB 149,800

at the expense of the purchasing company...................................

The accounting should reflect the acceptance of materials at a fixed accounting (contractual) price in the amount of 148,000 rubles. and the actual amount of transportation and procurement costs - 1800 rubles. pre-paid by the supplier to the railway and subject to repayment by the buyer on the debit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”. The outstanding amount of accounts payable in the amount of RUB 149,800. should be credited to account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, since in passive accounts, such as this account, the increase is shown on the credit of the account. The recording of the first transaction in accounting will be reflected as follows:

Credit to account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”- 149,800 rub.

Second operation. Costs for delivery of materials from the station railway to the warehouse of the buyer enterprise, produced by its vehicles, amounted to 1,200 rubles. For the enterprise, these costs also represent transportation and procurement costs. Therefore, they should be included in the debit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets,” where the actual cost of procuring inventories will ultimately be calculated. At the same time, from the debit of account 15 to the credit of account 23 “Auxiliary production”, it is necessary to write off the services of own vehicles, i.e., take into account the targeted nature of the services provided.

Recording the second operation:

Debit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”

Credit to account 23 “Auxiliary production” - 1200 rub.

Third operation. Materials received from the supplier at fixed accounting (negotiable) prices for RUB 148,000 were credited to the warehouse. The fact of their capitalization should be shown in the debit of account 10 “Materials”, since this account is active in relation to the balance sheet. To the credit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” the invoice value of the specified materials accepted for payment will be written off previously recorded in the debit of this account.

Record of the third operation:

Debit account 10 “Materials”

148,000 rub.

Fourth operation. The amount of deviations was calculated equal to the amount of transportation and procurement costs for this batch of materials received from the supplier 3000 rubles. (1800 rubles for the first operation + 1200 rubles for the second operation). This amount was determined as the result of comparing the total for the debit (151,000 rubles) and credit (148,000 rubles) of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”. When closing turnover on this account, the difference is 3,000 rubles. will be debited to account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets.”

Recording the fourth operation:

Debit of account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets”

Credit to account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” - 3000 rub.

Fifth operation. The amount to repay the accounts payable to the supplier was transferred from the current account in the amount of RUB 149,800. As you know, repayment (decrease) in passive accounts, which is account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors,” is shown in debit accounting. This amount must be shown as a debit from the current account. In active accounts, expenses (write-offs, reductions) are reflected on the loan. Therefore, the specified amount must be recorded as a credit to account 51 “Current accounts”.

In accounting, the fifth transaction will be reflected in the following correspondence of accounts:

Debit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”,

Credit account 51 “Current accounts” - RUB 149,800

The given list of business operations for accounting for the process of procurement of materials represents a specific model, which can be presented in the form of a diagram in Fig. 10.1.

So, after reflecting the procurement process in the accounting of business transactions, the debit of the “Materials” account will take into account the purchase (negotiable) price of the supplier in the amount of 148,000 rubles. In the debit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”, their actual cost was formed - 151,000 rubles, equal to the purchase (contractual) price of the supplier of 148,900 rubles. And

Rice. 10.1.

the amount of actually incurred transportation and procurement costs - 1200 rubles.

In accounting, analytical accounting of materials is carried out in monetary terms.

In the warehouse, analytical accounting is carried out in physical terms. If there is a large range of material assets, analytical accounting is provided not for each item, but for a group of homogeneous materials.

The schematically presented business transactions will be reflected in the synthetic accounting accounts (rub.):

15 “Procurement and acquisition 16 “Cost deviation

material assets" material assets"

Analytical accounts

Coat fabric Suit fabric

Price 160 rub. for 1 m Price 170 rub. for 1m

The actual cost of each item of materials is calculated based on the following calculation. As can be seen from the content of business transactions, the amount of transportation and procurement costs in the process of procuring materials amounted to 1,200 rubles. (see operation 2).

The fixed accounting (negotiable) price of these materials is 148,000

Hence, the share of transportation and procurement costs in the volume of materials procurement will be 0.81%:

  • 1200 rub. - X (%),
  • 148,000 rub. - 100%,

In absolute terms, transportation and procurement costs between individual types of materials will be distributed as follows. For coat fabric:

  • 0.81% - x (rub.),
  • 100% - 80,000 rub.,

x = 648 rub.

For costume fabric - 552 rubles. (1200 - 648).

The actual cost of purchased materials will be: coat fabric - 80,648 rubles. (80,000 + 648); suit fabric - 68,552 rub. (68,000 + 552).

Thus, the calculation of the cost of prepared materials will look like table. 10.1.

Table 10.1. Calculation of the cost of prepared materials

At Khleb LLC, as at other enterprises, there is a circulation of assets, which includes three stages: the procurement process, the production process and the sales process.

Part of the funds received from the sale of products is used to purchase inventories. It is with the acquisition of inventories that asset turnover begins.

Accounting for the process of acquiring and procuring material working capital is carried out in an assessment at the actual cost using account 10 “Materials”, with separate accounting on account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets” of the amounts of transportation and procurement costs.

Data for the formation of the actual cost of materials is received by the accounting department at a time. All costs associated with their acquisition are reflected directly in account 10 “Materials”.

Such costs include:

  • - amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the seller;
  • - costs of bringing materials to a state in which they are suitable for use;
  • - transportation and procurement costs;

Transportation and procurement costs associated with the purchase of materials include:

  • - costs of transportation and loading of materials into vehicles;
  • - costs of storing materials;
  • - costs of maintaining the procurement and warehouse apparatus;
  • - packaging costs;
  • - shortages and losses from damage to materials in transit within the limits of natural loss;
  • - other expenses associated with the purchase of materials.

The actual cost of inventories when manufactured by the organization is determined based on the actual costs associated with the production of these inventories.

Inventories owned by the organization, but in its use or disposal in accordance with the terms of the contract, are accepted for accounting to off-balance sheet accounts in the valuation provided for in the contract.

When releasing inventories into production or otherwise disposing of them, they are assessed using the average cost method (clause 16 of PBU 5/01).

This indicator is determined by the formula:

Average cost = (Cost of the balance of materials at the beginning of the reporting period + Cost of materials received in the reporting period) / (Quantity of materials at the beginning of the reporting period + Number of materials received in the reporting period).

And it is written off to account 20 “Main production”:

L-t 20 K-t 10

Write-off from account 16 to D-t 20 is calculated as follows:

(Remaining account 16 at the beginning of the reporting month + turnover according to Account 16 / Remaining raw materials at the beginning of the month + receipt of raw materials for the month) * for write-off of raw materials in the current period. months

Deviations in the cost of materials released into production are written off to cost accounts:

Lt 20 (23, 25, 26, 44) Kt 16

And the deviation in the cost of materials sold is written off to subaccount 91/2 “Other expenses”:

D-t 91/2 K-t 16.

Transportation and procurement costs are included in the actual cost of materials (i.e., these costs are taken into account in the same subaccount of account 10 as the materials themselves) and are written off to cost accounting accounts along with the cost of materials transferred to production:

D-t 10 K-t 60 - transport and procurement costs for capitalized materials are taken into account;

D-t 19 K-t 60 - VAT on transport and procurement costs is taken into account.

Based on the suppliers' payment documents received by the enterprise, an entry is made to the debit of account 10 and the credit of accounts 60, 71, 76, etc. depending on where certain values ​​came from, and on the nature of the costs of procurement and delivery. The entry D 10 K 60 is made regardless of when the materials arrived at the enterprise - before or after receiving the supplier’s settlement documents. The write-off of materials actually received for production is reflected in the debit of account 20 and the credit of account 10. When released into production or otherwise disposed of, they are assessed at actual cost. Account balance 10 at the end of the month shows the availability of material assets in the warehouse.

When materials are received, accountants make the following entries:

1) purchase of materials:

D 10/1 K 60 - materials received

  • 2) D-t 10 K-t 20.28 - recording of production waste, irreparable defect.
  • 3) upon receipt of materials from an accountable person.

D-t 10 K-t 71 - materials received

4) materials received free of charge:

D-t 10 K-t 98 - received (at market value),

D-t 98 K-t 91 - the cost is written off when released into production.
