The son of Evgeny Kiselev and Masha Shakhova. Evgeny Kiselev: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Marina Gelievna Shakhova, better known as Masha Shakhova born in Moscow in 1956.

Her father is a journalist Geliy Alekseevich Shakhov, was one of the leaders of the USSR State Television and Radio, worked as a correspondent in Kenya and editor-in-chief of Foreign Broadcasting for the USA and Great Britain. Mother Erna Yakovlevna Shakhova worked as a translator and then as a leading editor of the foreign literature editorial office at the Khudozhestvennaya Literatura publishing house.

Masha Shakhova in an interview for MK: “In fact, my name is Marina. But if someone calls me that, I won’t even turn around, because I’m not used to this name. I want to be called Masha all my life. Marina Gelievna is very official and about a serious lady. But I’m not serious at all and I’m not even a lady, even though I’m a grandmother.”

After graduating from school, Masha entered the journalism department of Moscow State University. From 1993 to 2000, Shakhova headed the press service of the NTV channel.

The creative path of Masha Shakhova

When Mashin’s husband, Evgeny Kiselev, became the general director of NTV, Masha Shakhova secretly came up with a project dedicated to interior design. Together with the editor-in-chief of the Mezzanine magazine, Natalya Barbier, they called the program “Housing Question”. After Shakhova and Kiselev left the channel, Natalya Maltseva became the head of the program.

Masha Shakhova: “When we left, the program remained the property of NTV. They gave me a chief editor Natasha Maltseva, they filmed the pilot, and our general producer told Zhenya: “I have an interesting program with a new presenter.” “Who’s the presenter?” - Zhenya asked. "Your wife." Zhenya was angry that I didn’t warn him. Then famous events began, and we switched to TV-6. idea "Dachnikov" invented by Zhenya and Sasha Levin. There were a lot of people who didn’t want me to host this program.”

When the TV-6 channel was closed, Masha Shakhova worked on the radio for some time « Echo of Moscow”, where she wrote texts for programs.

From 2001 to 2004 she hosted the program "Summer Residents" on TVS. In 2002 for "Dachnikov" Shakhova received the TEFI award.

By the way, few people know, but it was Masha Shakhova who was the author of the very word that is now called “TEFI” - the most prestigious television award in Russia: it was formed from the phrase “television broadcast”.

Since May 21, 2006, Masha has been the author and producer of the project “” on Channel One, which is dedicated to country life and how to make it better. At different times, a program about the redevelopment of country houses and landscaping of plots was hosted by Sergey Kolesnikov, Andrey Tumanov and Roman Budnikov.

In 2011, Masha Shakhova became the host of the “Family House” program on the “Domashny” channel, in which the characters discussed eternal values: home, family, love. Guests "Family Home"- Tatyana Tarasova, Natalya Varley, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Veniamin Smekhov, Zurab Tsereteli - told Masha about family legends and things that became involuntary witnesses to the events of past years and very recent ones.

Masha Shakhova: “I am very interested in the process of filming and editing, but whether I am in the frame or not is not very important to me. When I came to the producers with the idea of ​​the “Family Home” program, I immediately asked who they would suggest for the role of host. They said they wanted to see me.”

Masha Shakhova, producer: “Eleven years is a long time. During this time, trends and human preferences have changed, our whole life has changed. People have changed, but their desire for comfort has not changed. Comfort as a feeling has not changed - only the means by which it is created change: materials, colors, textures - there are much more of them.”

“I spent my entire childhood in the house of my great-grandmother and great-grandfather in Zagoryanka, near Moscow. They had a decorative lamp - a fairy-tale house made of marble. It is large, about half a meter tall. The house stands among snowdrifts, a path leads through them to the door, the windows are made of ice, the roof is covered with snow. A light bulb is inserted inside, which illuminates both the house and the snowdrifts. And then there’s the pipe that I keep losing, finding, putting in, and losing again. When I was little, I loved to look at the house and dream, but now for me it is a symbol of my happy childhood, a small reminder of the kindness, warmth and comfort that reigned in our home. For many years I have been moving him from apartment to apartment, from house to house.”

The TV presenter has been involved in interior design and photography for many years. Masha wrote several books about home and garden design, in which she took many of the photographs for illustrations herself.
- Masha exhibited her original projects of country life many times at Decor Week and Garden Week of the magazine“Mezzanine”, the editor-in-chief of which is the host of the “Ideal Repair” program on Channel One, Natalya Barbier.
- Exhibited as a designer in the New Manege; created her own clothing collection.
- She likes to design and make jewelry and bracelets herself. She planned to create a home crafts school at the Trekhgornaya Manufactory in Moscow.

Personal life of Masha Shakhova

Masha Shakhova met and began dating Russian journalist and TV presenter Evgeny Kiselyov at school. The couple married in November 1974, and in 1983 the couple had a son, Alexei.

Alexey Kiselev- creative director at the Nebo film company Rezo Gigineishvili, director of special projects at L "Officiel magazine (whose editor-in-chief is Ksenia Sobchak) and restaurateur. Together with Gigineishvili, he opened two restaurants in the center of Moscow - PATARA and DIDI.

From his first marriage with Maya Tarkhan-Mouravi Alexey has a son Georgiy(born 2001), who has lived and studied in London since childhood.

Maya Tarkhan-Mouravi works at the media agency for promoting content for TV and Internet “AMSH”, which she opened together with Masha Shakhova.

For several years, Alexey Kiselev was married to socialite Ida Lolo, but in 2015 they divorced.

The host of the “Summer Residents” program, popular several years ago, Masha Shakhova and her husband, the famous journalist Evgeny Kiselev, celebrated their 33rd anniversary of marriage in November. For the last two years, Shakhova has been producing the Channel One project “Fazenda”. Masha told Galina CHERMENSKAYA about professional changes and life values.

- Masha, why did they close the “Summer Residents” program? After all, the program has not exhausted its potential...

We just agreed to film in France, in America... And in Russia there are so many suitable stories for “Dachniki” that the program could be made for another hundred years. But on NTV, where it was broadcast recently, they told me: “Why haven’t you found a single corpse under the porch in four years? No real corpses? So we have to come up with something!” But I didn’t want to invent it. In “Dachniki” there was a principle: do not air dirty laundry - scandalous divorces, abandoned children... In general, the program was closed. But I still often hear warm words addressed to her.

Have you ever thought about changing your profession or quitting your job altogether?

Not working is very boring. There was an attempt to create a design bureau. But I soon realized that I was not interested in fulfilling the whims of clients that categorically did not correspond to my tastes. The point is not how to place a table with a chair. From the table you quickly move on to what is important to you in life. And I’m not interested in thinking about clients’ life priorities. So all that was left was television - a job that I had time to learn. I started making documentaries. For example, the two-part “Things of War” - for the 60th anniversary of the Victory, then a funny film about New Year's gifts, then “To Die for Beauty” - about plastic surgery. Well, then I tried to combine design with television in the “Hacienda” program.

It was possible to make “Hacienda” glamorous, talk about luxurious mansions and gardens. We would finally fall into the fashionable trend on TV. And you narrowed the program area to six acres.

I don't think glamor is great. On the contrary - sad. What can you say when looking at a woman dressed from head to toe in Burberry and Prada? “So: a thousand dollars, plus five thousand, one and a half, five hundred... Total...” Glamor has become a symbol of the standard. Any fool with money can buy an expensive thing. And the price of beauty - clothes, a house or a garden - is not in the number of zeros. It is in the manifestation of individuality. It is much more interesting to decorate the house with something that you have made yourself from improvised means, using imagination, imagination... This increases self-esteem, life becomes more joyful and sweeter. People can do so much, and it’s a shame when they don’t have time to realize themselves!

They say repairs are tantamount to fire. And in “Fazenda” everything happens so fun...

Yes, you can’t take the renovation or design of a house or dacha seriously! It's all a game. We deliberately simplify our approach to repairs. From the very beginning I wanted to make “Hazenda” like a kind of vaudeville - joyful, funny. And I ask you not to cut out any funny extras during filming during editing: it’s genuine, it’s alive. Our presenter (actor Sergei Kolesnikov - TN note) is so entertaining and charming. He really is a handy guy, he can do everything - he saws, he paints, he builds. They love him, they recognize him on the streets...

How did you find him?

I happened to be visiting theater artist Masha Velikanova, saw a photo of a man and gasped: “God, who is this?” Masha answers: “My husband.” - “Introduce me to him immediately!” I immediately realized that Sergei would be perfect for us. And then we became friends with Masha: we have similar tastes, we both value simplicity, severity, elegance. Recently, together we came up with a collection of clothes, which were immediately sold out. Now we are creating a new one - black, white, gray linen items, all trimmed with silk and velvet ribbons. And also hemstitching.

Something in Russian style?

Yes, I generally love everything Russian. Porcelain, wonderful Dulevo sets - I give them to someone all the time. Zhostovo trays - I have a lot of them at my dacha. And Russian linen is beautiful... And we also sew dresses from silk and chiffon. They are finished with hand embroidery in an antique style. The plans include lampshades, funny aprons, unusual tablecloths based on paintings by Kazimir Malevich.

How do you manage everything?

Just not everything. I will never finish a book based on materials from “Dachnikov”.

It seems you are also a gardening expert...

No, what are you talking about! It’s just that when I see a beautiful plant from someone, I always ask for a cutting for myself. And outside the city I can dig up a wildflower I like. For many years I bought daylilies and hostas, I wanted all the paths to be overgrown with them, like in old dachas. Classics of the Russian garden. And every autumn I dream of replanting all the flowers so that they grow as if by chance. This requires two free days, but I haven’t found them yet.

You are also a young grandmother. How old is grandson George now?

Six and a half. Unfortunately, I rarely see him. Egorushka (that’s what my husband and I call our grandson) lives with his parents in England. I call him almost every evening.

Often people try to correct mistakes made in raising children when communicating with their grandchildren...

I was shocked when the English nanny said to George (he was two years old at the time): “I don’t advise you to do this.” That is, I don’t forbid it, you must make a decision yourself. And I raised my son according to the Soviet system: Alyosha heard “no” and “impossible” from me too often. This was my biggest mistake.

Is it difficult because your son and his family live separately from you?

No, Zhenya and I also immediately separated from our parents - maybe that’s why we’re still together.

Do you not interfere with your children’s relationships at all?

My mother-in-law once asked if I liked my daughter-in-law. And I said that I would love the woman that Alyosha loves. So if sometimes I want to interfere in their lives, I forbid myself to do so.

Masha, what or who helps you survive life’s disasters?

A husband who is always there. Zhenya sometimes says that I have become cynical. But in my opinion, cynicism helps a lot. After all, it also comes with a plus sign. Not in everyday meaning. I put another meaning into this word: no matter what happens, you have to survive.

Evgeny Alekseevich Kiselev is a Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian journalist and TV presenter. He was one of the founders of the NTV company, and also headed the TV channels TV-6 Moscow, TVS and the Moscow News newspaper. For 7 years, the TV presenter collaborated with the Ukrainian channel “Inter”, on which he hosted the programs “Big Politics” and “Black Mirror”.

Evgeniy was born in Moscow into the family of a metallurgist and Stalin Prize laureate. The boy did well at school with in-depth study of the English language. Interests in sciences were so disparate that for a long time he could not decide on the choice of one direction. The boy was equally attracted to geography, history, foreign languages, literature, economics and politics.

Realizing that his son was interested in the humanities, his father suggested that Evgeny, in parallel with his high school years, study at the “School of Young Orientalists” at Moscow State University. This circle fascinated Kiselev so much that after school the young man entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University, from which he graduated with honors.

Evgeniy traveled around Asian countries during his studies, when he completed an internship in Iran. And after graduating from high school, he was called up for military service and sent to Afghanistan as a translator in the Group of Soviet Military Advisors. After the army, Evgeny Kiselev became a teacher of Persian at the KGB Higher School and taught lectures until 1984.

Then Evgeniy became interested in journalism, and the young man plunged headlong into the world of television, which predetermined the further development of his biography.

At this time, another journalist was also starting a career. Many viewers assumed that the TV presenters were brothers. But, despite significant external similarities, as can be seen from the photo, the journalists are connected only by profession, not kinship. The two reporters have a difference in their views. Evgeny supports the actions of Europe and the United States, and Dmitry, who holds the post of general director of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency, advocates the policies of the Russian leadership.


Evgeny Kiselev appeared on television in 1984. But at first the journalist was not the presenter. The first responsibility was editing texts intended for broadcasting to the countries of the Near and Middle East.

The man got into the leading chair with the beginning of Perestroika. At first, Evgeniy was the main character of the “90 Minutes” program, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union he became the announcer of the news programs “Vremya” and “Vesti”. In 1992, Evgeniy organized the information and analytical program “Itogi”, which brought him widespread fame.

The journalist's original documentaries about,. 30 such films were released.

When a change in management began at NTV, a number of employees left the channel in protest. Kiselev turned out to be one of them. First of all, Evgeniy moved to the TNT and TV-6 television channels, and in 2002 he became the editor-in-chief of Channel Six (TVS).

Soon Evgeny Kiselev was invited to the position of editor-in-chief of the Moscow News newspaper, where the journalist worked until 2005. Evgeniy devoted four years to the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, where he initially took up the position of presenter of the program “Debriefing”, and then the program “Power with Evgeniy Kiselyov” and the project “Our Everything”.

In 2008, the journalist moved to Kyiv to work as a consulting editor for the Ukrainian TV channel. A year later, Kiselev began hosting the socio-political show “Big Politics with Evgeny Kiselev” on the central channel “Inter”. Then the journalist replaced the host Oleg Panyuta in the Sunday program “Details of the Week” and managed to turn a weak rating program into the most popular political television project. As a result, instead of the original 30 minutes, the program began to be broadcast for an hour and a half.

Evgeniy Alekseevich hosted “Black Mirror” for more than two years. In the latest issue dated April 15, 2016, the TV presenter announced his resignation, as he planned to create a completely new project, which requires complete journalistic independence.

Personal life

In September 1973, Evgeny Kiselev married former classmate Marina Shakhova. The wife is also a journalist, known as the presenter under the pseudonym Masha Shakhova of the educational program “Summer Residents,” for which she received the prestigious “Tefi” award in 2002.

Kiselev and Shakhova had a son, Alexey, in 1983. The young man did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, but together with his wife founded a fashion brand. Evgeny is already a grandfather; his son gave his father a little grandson, George.

Evgeny Kiselev is a workaholic. The TV journalist rarely rests, but if this happens, he prefers walking or watching a match of his favorite sport - tennis. The TV presenter is also considered a gourmet and connoisseur of world cuisines.

Evgeny Kiselev now

In addition to collaborating with Ukrainian television channels, Evgeniy Kiselev remains a columnist for the Russian publications GQ, Forbes, The New Times and The Moscow Times, and continues to work on the Ekho Moskvy radio. The journalist also publishes in the online publication Gazeta.Ru. Thanks to his passion for collecting expensive alcohol, Evgeny Kiselev acts as an expert in the magazine “Wine Mania”.

In mid-summer 2016, Kiselev officially became an employee of the News One television channel, where he began creating his own program “Big Interview”; three months later, the reporter released the talk show “Big Counterview”.

At the same time, the television journalist made an official request to the Ukrainian presidential administration for political asylum, since in Russia a case was opened against Kiselev under Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Evgeniy expressed public support for actions that amount to a call for terrorism. promised to consider the TV journalist’s application in relation to all oppositionists to the Russian government.

At the beginning of 2017, Kiselev teamed up with producer Alexey Semenov and TV presenter Matvey Ganapolsky to create a new media resource. The plan was realized only at the end of the summer, when the information channel “Direct” launched, where Evgeny Kiselev took the place of the presenter.

Now Evgeny Kiselev continues to closely monitor the political and social life of Russia. The journalist’s statements appear in the Obozrevatel newspaper and in the journalist’s personal blog on the Ekho Moskvy website.


  • 1987 - “90 Minutes”
  • 1990 - “Time”
  • 1992 - “Results”
  • 1995 - “Hero of the Day”
  • 1999 - talk show “Voice of the People”
  • 2005 - “Debriefing”
  • 2006 - “Power with Evgeny Kiselyov”
  • 2009 - “Upstairs”
  • 2009 - “Big Politics with Evgeny Kiselyov”
  • 2013 - “Details of the week with Evgeny Kiselev”
  • 2016 - “Big counterview”

Evgeny Kiselev is a famous Russian and Ukrainian journalist, political analyst, creator of the commercial independent television company NTV. In addition, he has received many awards and honors. The most significant of them: 1996, 2000 - “TEFI”, 1995 - “For Freedom of the Press”, 1999 - “Telegrand”.

Evgeny Kiselev. Biography

The famous journalist was born in Moscow on June 15, 1956, into a family of engineers. He studied at the Institute of African and Asian Countries at Moscow State University and successfully mastered the specialty of “historian-orientalist”. His classmates were the famous writer Boris Grigory) and his brother Alexey.

In 1977-78, Kiselev was on an internship in Tehran. There he worked as a translator and was satisfied with his work. The outbreak of the Islamic revolution forced the young man to return to his homeland. Everything that happened left an indelible impression. According to the journalist himself, if not for the war, he would still be working on Iran today. After graduating from the institute, Evgeniy Kiselev went to There he served as an officer-translator from 1979 to 1981. He was an eyewitness to the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan. He finished his service with the rank of captain. Returning to his homeland, he went to work as a Persian language teacher at the prestigious Red Banner Institute of the KGB Higher School.


Today Evgeniy Alekseevich Kiselev is better known as an outstanding journalist and political figure.

In 1984, he began working for the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and in 1987 he went to the international department of the TV program “Vremya”. His special reports began to appear in the “International Program”, the programs “Before and After Midnight”, and “Vglyad”. He became the first journalist to show viewers Israel from a completely new, unknown side. Kiselev became the host of the Morning and 90 Minutes programs in 1990. In addition, he was one of the first to become the host of the popular Vesti program.

Own projects

Together with Oleg Drobyshev in 1992, Kiselev created the analytical program “Itogi”. It was the first program in the style of a political show. In 1993, together with Alexey Tsyvarev and Igor Malashenko, he created the commercial independent television company NTV. The co-founder is the Most Group, under the management of the NTV television company, quickly gaining a worthy place and becoming one of the most popular on Russian television. In 1997, journalist Evgeny Kiselev was appointed to the post of chairman of the board of directors of OJSC NTV Television Company. After Dobrodeev, who held the position of general director, left in 2000, Kiselev took his place.

Leaving NTV

In 2001, Kiselev had to leave his post and part with his favorite channel. Everything happened due to the reorganization of the TV channel. A large number of journalists and workers quit along with him. At the same time, the general director of the TV-6 channel appointed Kiselev as the general director of MNVK TV-6 Moscow. Journalists from NTV also came to work here with him. In September of the same year, the city Arbitration Court made a decision to liquidate the television company according to a claim by one of the shareholders. “Team Kiselyov,” led by the journalist himself, created Channel Six CJSC in March 2002. The TV channel began operating in 2002. It was given the name TVS. But in June 2003, the TV channel was taken off the air by order of the Ministry of Press.

"Moscow News"

Evgeny Kiselev, whose biography is so interesting, was not left idle. Within three months, he took the place of editor-in-chief of the popular newspaper Moscow News. Soon a conflict began between him and the newspaper journalists. The reason was the team's disagreement with its editorial policy. A letter was sent to the General Director. It outlined all the complaints, as well as a proposal to resign.

However, it was not possible to remove Kiselev. Moreover, he soon became the general director of the Moscow News publishing house, and decisively fired all those who disagreed. In 2005, all shares of the Moscow News company were purchased. By this time, Evgeny Kiselev had already lost his post. These events did not break the active and purposeful person. He began working on the Ekho Moskvy radio. In addition, he frequently gave interviews as a political analyst. At the beginning of 2004, Kiselev began vigorous activity directed against President Putin. He organized the group "Committee 2008". In June 2008, the journalist headed the Ukrainian television channel TVI. In the same year, he became the host of the program “Big Politics with Evgeny Kiselev.” In October 2009, completely unexpectedly for everyone, he resigned from his post and closed the program.


In 1998, Evgeny Kiselev, according to Kommersant, became one of the richest and most famous people in Russia. In 2009, he published the book “Without Putin.” Its co-author was the former prime minister. The journalist is known not only as a presenter, but also as the author of documentaries: “Afghan Trap”, “Tehran-99”, “The Mysterious Secretary General”, “The Mystery of the Death of K-129”, “President of All Rus'”, “Spartak”, “The Most a humane person”, “Knight of the Oval Office”, “The Pope”, “Taganka with and without the Master”.

Kiselyov is reluctant to talk about his personal life. According to him, he rarely has free time. He likes to spend it watching TV shows, reading memoirs, or walking to his favorite places. The journalist loves delicious food. He is always eager to try something new and different. In addition, Kiselev loves to play tennis. However, there is often not enough time for this. He is married and has an adult son, Alexei. His wife, Maria Shakhova, was his classmate and first love. She is also far from the last figure in Moscow. Shakhova is the producer of the TV show “Fazenda” on Channel One. In the recent past, she served as press secretary for NTV and hosted the popular program “Summer Residents.” For her merits she received several exhibitions as a designer at the Small Manege. Their son runs a business with his wife. They created their own clothing line and their own ready-to-wear brand. Kiselev has a beloved grandson, Georgy.

30 July 2017, 18:16

Well, of course, inspired by a post about Tchaikovskaya’s son.

It’s been a long time since I read this material on Peopletalk. I was also amazed that Kisa’s son was so big, and pushed it into the distant attic of my consciousness.

And then one time, and suddenly it jumped out.

In general, meet another handsome guy, back and forth and so on...

It might be interesting. Look, we were rocking them in our arms just yesterday, and they are already trying to get married and tumbling with the bride under the dome.

A shameful repost, I just googled his mom on Instagram

New generation: Alexey Kiselev’s son George about his relationship with his father, his parents’ divorce and meeting his girlfriend

For a guy who was born and raised in London, moved to Moscow at the age of 10 and immediately began to hang out in social circles, GEORGE KISELEV(16) – too well-mannered.

Yes, not Georgy, not Gosha, not Zhora, but George - that’s what they called him from childhood not only at school, but also at home. Even today he only speaks English with his parents, so if you hear him say to someone on the phone: “I’m out with friends,” it means his dad is calling, Alexey Kiselev (33) (to friends - just Kisa) .

Everyone really knows his father. He is not just the son of the outstanding Russian journalist Evgeny Kiselev (61), a close friend of Carine Roitfeld (62) and a regular at the most fun parties in the capital, Alexey also makes films with Rezo Gigineishvili (35) - at school they sat at the same desk, and now they are together work at Rezo's film company "Sky". Kiselev is the creative director there. Moreover, on the map of Moscow there are two establishments that they also opened in tandem: restaurants PATARA (translated from Georgian as “small”) and DIDI (respectively, “big”). Well, the icing on the cake: at the beginning of May of this year, Alexey joined the Aizel team - now he is also a special projects manager.

Mom of Kisa Jr., Maya Tarkhan-Mouravi (34)....

(this, by the way, is a noble Georgian surname), appears in society chronicles much less often than her ex-husband.

At least for the last ten years. When George was 9, his parents split up, but that didn't change anything: "They remained very good friends."

At the beginning of the 2000s, Maya and Alexei had their own clothing brand, Kisa, which they developed in London, and George, of course, went to all the shows. “True, already at 11 o’clock I was lying at home, and my Russian nannies were reading books to me before going to bed,” Kiselev laughs. Now Maya works in a media agency promoting content for TV and the Internet “AMSH”, they opened it with George’s paternal grandmother Masha Shakhova (61), producer of the “Fazenda” program on Channel One and TEFI laureate - (by the way, the name of this It was Masha who came up with the awards).

“We moved to Moscow because my grandparents lived here and there were more favorable working conditions,” recalls George. “I entered the second grade at MASH (International English Language School on Nikolina Gora), which has nothing to do with English at all - they only taught me Russian.”

Two years later, Kisa moved to the Pirogov school, and a year later to the International School of Moscow (“Also international, but according to the right principles - you can’t speak Russian there at all”), where he is now finishing the eleventh grade.

And until George passed all the exams, his father did not allow him to hang out: “And in general, I don’t have such a thing: go wherever you want and do whatever you want. I absolutely have to call my dad and tell him where I am and what time I’ll be home. And even after that, he may not let me go anywhere.”

parties, women, everything...

But even despite the fact that Kiselev Sr. limits his son’s desire for social life, they have almost no conflicts: “My parents are young people, they have their own personal life, and this is their personal business, I always support them choice, and it doesn’t affect my relationship with them in any way.”

But George, by the way, is no longer a bachelor (the wedding is still far away, but his heart is already taken), and he also owes this to his father’s “Patara”, where he goes every day (may “Simachev” forgive him) - it’s across the street from Mom's house on Patricks.

Kisa regularly brings all her friends there and treats them in the best traditions of the Georgian people. In fact, it was there that he met Taya Rumyantseva (14), a rising star of the social scene: “I once came to Patara to have breakfast with friends, I saw her and thought: “A familiar face!” And how beautiful!”, and then I took out her number, and it started spinning...” Now they are inseparable.

yeah, that's right, I checked it

True, they haven’t been nominated for “Couple of the Year” yet: “They say they’re still young.”

But we are sure: George will have many awards, achievements and broken women’s hearts ahead - from his mother he got brown eyes and dark skin, and from his father - a charming smile and the ability to behave with dignity in high society, so Kisa is a real handsome man. And you will definitely hear about him again.

Something like that.

Well, how do you like it, son?
