Shelf life of various types of cheese according to GOST. Shelf life of different types of cheese and storage features

Cheese is one of the most revered and beloved dairy products. It is hardly possible to find another product that would be at the same time extremely tasty, nutritious and very beneficial to the body. It has an excellent balance of minerals and vitamins, and is a source of calcium and phosphorus. The nutrients contained in cheese are absorbed by the body almost completely (98-99%). Cheeses contain vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B12, PP, C, pantothenic acid...

All you need to do is wrap the cheese in a napkin, place it in a plastic container, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator.

In this case, it is not at all necessary to set a special temperature in the refrigerator or look for a special shelf. You don’t even need to wrap it, but simply put the napkin in the container with the cheese.

Every time you take out cheese to eat - wipe the container dry or replace it with a clean one, and be sure to change the napkin for a new one. H If you do this more often, the better - cheese is a living product and you need to walk it, let it breathe. Well, of course, there should be a napkin white, no dyes.
To be fair, it must be said that it is better to use paper instead linen napkin, but special efforts must be made to this: buy it somewhere, and more than one, and send it to the wash every time. And who would want to do this in our time, even with washing machines? That's right, no one. That's why a white disposable paper napkin is the most practical and sure way to preserve cheese. Moreover, they are made from environmentally friendly raw materials (100% cellulose is used) with strict quality control at all stages of production, which I would like to believe.

This method is only suitable for hard and semi-hard cheeses., which are most often used in Russian kitchens. Soft brine cheeses such as suluguni, feta cheese and feta require special storage conditions, and generally cannot be stored for a long time.

Shelf life of cheeses

Hard cheeses Parmesan and Pecorino can be stored in vacuum packaging for quite a long time - up to 4 months, and sometimes more. Use opened packaging within 10-15 days.

Semi-hard cheeses Russian type - have a shelf life of 7 to 15 days. They can last much longer whole than cut into pieces.

Young pickled cheeses Cheese cheese, Mozzarella, Suluguni - stored in the refrigerator for several months in a closed container, completely covered with brine (200 grams of salt per liter of boiled water). If you regularly change the brine, you can significantly extend the life of the product.
If you bought young cheese, the taste of which you are not entirely satisfied with, this can be corrected. To achieve a softer, creamier taste, soak the cheese in milk for a few days. To give the cheese a more piquant salty taste, dilute 400 grams of salt in a liter of boiled water and pour the resulting brine over it for a day. Check the taste and either leave it for a few more days, or change the brine to a softer one, diluted in the proportion of 200 grams of salt per liter of boiled water. You should store cheese previously soaked in milk in the same brine.

Blue cheeses Camembert, Roquefort, Dor Blue, Gorgonzola, Brie - must be wrapped tightly, otherwise mold may spread to neighboring products. A tightly sealed container will also help us. You can put a paper napkin in it, but so that it does not come into contact with the cheese. These cheeses can be stored in the refrigerator for 15 days from the date of opening the package.

What to do with spoiled cheese

If mold appears on hard cheese, it can be cut off. The remaining piece is suitable for eating. If the cheese is dry, it needs to be placed in a container with milk for several hours. Such spoiled cheese is best used for food after heat treatment, for example, to bake vegetables or meat, make hot sandwiches,

Who among us doesn't love cheese? This natural product with a salty and very piquant taste leaves no one indifferent. It is eaten at home, in restaurants, at parties. Appetizers, salads, main courses and desserts are prepared with it. It is fed to babies from a very early age, as the delicate soft cheese brings many benefits to the growing body.

Due to the fact that cheese is a “living” product, it is very important to carefully observe all its storage conditions. If cheese is stored incorrectly, it quickly deteriorates, dries out, loses its appearance and becomes unfit for consumption. The main cause of spoilage is the incorrect storage temperature of cheese, as well as its sharp fluctuations. If the temperature is too low, the beneficial bacteria in the cheese begin to die, and if the temperature is too high, the structure of the cheese deteriorates. The humidity at which the cheese is stored is equally important. If the air is not humid enough, the cheese dries out and becomes deformed. And if the humidity is too high, it begins to deteriorate.

How to store cheese so that it remains fresh and tasty for as long as possible? Ideal conditions for storing cheese are at a constant temperature of about 6-7°C. It is also recommended to store cheese at a constant air humidity level of about 90%. The room in which the cheese is located must be well ventilated. In France, Germany and Switzerland, large cheese producers store it in special cellars with a special microclimate. We store cheese in the refrigerator, where conditions are not as ideal as we would like. Therefore, the first piece of advice is not to buy too much cheese so that you don’t have to think about how to store it later.

How to store cheese in the refrigerator

When placing cheese in the refrigerator, you need to choose the shelves furthest from the freezer. The compartments for vegetables and fruits are best suited in this regard. It is not worth keeping cheese on the door due to constant temperature changes every time it is opened. Before storing cheese in the refrigerator, it must be properly packaged. We would like to immediately refute the erroneous belief that the best packaging for cheese is store-bought. This is far from true. Cheese can be left in store packaging only if it is a closed vacuum bag. If the packaging has already been cut, the cheese must be removed and repacked in cling film, foil or parchment, so that the piece of cheese is covered on all sides.

Often, even in the most expensive stores, cheese is wrapped in paper. If such packaging does not have a layer of cling film on the back side, it will not be suitable for further storage of cheese. In paper, the cheese will quickly dry out, become stale and lose its shape. The humidity in the refrigerator is not very high, so it will be just ideal if you additionally place the wrapped cheese in a plastic bag or in a cheese pan made of glass, ceramics or even plastic. The main thing is that it closes hermetically.

How long can cheese be stored? It all depends on the type of cheese and storage conditions. If all rules are carefully observed, moldy cheeses are stored in manufacturers' warehouses for about a month, pickled cheeses - 2 months, and hard cheeses can be stored for up to 10 months. But at home, when the cheese is cut, brought home, put in the refrigerator and periodically taken out from there to cut off a piece, it quickly loses its quality. Therefore, it is not recommended to store the hardest types of cheese for more than 7-8 days, while soft cheese and cottage cheese are best eaten within 2-3 days.

How to properly store cheese

Despite the wide variety of cheese in stores, figuring out how to properly store cheese at home is not that difficult. To do this, you need to distinguish between the main types of cheese, according to which the conditions for their storage are determined.

  • how to store hard cheese

Hard and semi-hard cheeses last the longest. The most suitable temperature for storing it is considered to be from -4 to 0°C. If French cheese is carefully wrapped in cling film, then, for example, less aromatic Swiss cheese can be stored simply in a well-closed enamel or glass container, putting a sugar cube there, which will absorb excess moisture. If you need to store cheese without a refrigerator, wrap it in a cloth soaked in salt water and put it in a cool place so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

  • how to store blue cheese
  • how to store homemade cheese

Homemade homemade cheese and cottage cheese are stored for only a few days. At the same time, you cannot keep cheese in a plastic bag, in which it is often sold. Be sure to transfer it to a glass or enamel container with a lid. It will also be useful for you to know that cottage cheese, just like hard cheese, can be frozen. In this case, it is best to place it in a wooden bowl. Frozen cheese can be stored for months and, according to experts, does not lose its properties at all.

  • how to store pickled cheese

Brynza, suluguni and other pickled cheeses are, of course, best stored in brine or whey. And before use, to remove salt, they can be cut and soaked in boiled water or milk for about 8-10 hours. It is important to remember that if salted cheese is stored for a long time, then everyone’s favorite suluguni cheese spoils very quickly. That’s why you need to eat it right away.

If you have stored the cheese incorrectly and it has dried out, try soaking it in milk. This will return the cheese to its appetizing shape and taste. If mold appears on a piece of cheese, there is no need to throw it away; the mold can be cut off and the cheese used for other hot dishes. Store cheese correctly and enjoy the wonderful taste of this healthy natural product.

Cheeses have been a part of the human diet for a long time. place of honor, and the culinary potential of this product cannot be exhausted.

It is widespread everywhere, and from the abundance of assortment on the counter you can be confused - what variety or type? give preference.

Any buyer strives to buy fresh, high-quality and tasty cheese.

To find one, you need to “get acquainted” with the desired product and it is advisable to do this at the selection stage so as not to make a mistake with the purchase.

When choosing cheese on the counter, first of all, you should pay attention to how fresh it is and how much time it has left to “live”, i.e. on the timing of it.

What does the legislation say?

Large enterprises of modern industry and private cheese factories are working at full capacity to satisfy customer demand and saturate this market segment with its products.

The state is on guard consumer interests and controls production, thus acting as a guarantor of high-quality products entering the market.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the production process of cheeses regulated by Federal Law No. 88-FZ, which established technical regulations for the production, storage, transportation and sale of cheese and others.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” for producers (manufacturers) of cheeses duty imposed establish the suitability of a given type of product and place this information for the buyer accordingly.

By expiration date, the legislator understands the period after which the product considered unsuitable for intended use (clause 4 of article 5 of the Law).

Article 5 of the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights. Rights and obligations of the manufacturer (performer, seller) in the field of establishing the service life, shelf life of the product (work), as well as the warranty period for the product (work)

  1. For a product (work) intended for long-term use, the manufacturer (performer) has the right to set a service life - the period during which the manufacturer (performer) undertakes to provide the consumer with the opportunity to use the product (work) for its intended purpose and bear responsibility for significant deficiencies arising from it. guilt.
  2. The manufacturer (performer) is obliged to establish the service life of durable goods (work), including components (parts, assemblies, assemblies), which after a certain period may pose a danger to the life and health of the consumer, cause harm to his property or the environment. The list of such goods (works) is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  3. The service life of a product (work) can be calculated in units of time, as well as other units of measurement (kilometers, meters and other units of measurement based on the functional purpose of the product (result of work)). (as amended by Federal Law No. 212-FZ of December 17, 1999)
  4. For food products, perfumery and cosmetic products, medicines, household chemicals and other similar goods (work), the manufacturer (performer) is obliged to set an expiration date - the period after which the product (work) is considered unsuitable for its intended use. The list of such goods (works) is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  5. The sale of goods (performance of work) after the expiration of the established expiration date, as well as goods (performance of work) for which an expiration date should be established, but is not established, is prohibited. (as amended by Federal Law No. 212-FZ of December 17, 1999)
  6. The manufacturer (performer) has the right to establish a warranty period for the product (work) - a period during which, if a defect is detected in the product (work), the manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to satisfy the consumer requirements established by Articles 18 and 29 of this Law.
  7. The seller has the right to establish a warranty period for the product if it is not established by the manufacturer. If the warranty period is established by the manufacturer, the seller has the right to establish a warranty period longer than the warranty period established by the manufacturer. (Clause 7 as amended by Federal Law dated December 17, 1999 N 212-FZ)

If for any reason the buyer nevertheless purchased a product with expired expiration date, or the purchased cheese turned out to be poor quality, you can demand from the store at your discretion:

  • expired cheese for goods with normal expiration date;
  • replace the defective product with analogue another manufacturer, and, if necessary, recalculate the amount paid for it;
  • money for purchase;
  • do discount.

The seller is obliged accept the buyer's claim with the corresponding requirements, regardless of whether the purchased goods are retained. To avoid unpleasant surprises with expired cheese, can be determined its expiration date:

  • according to factory label, which contains relevant information;
  • on plastic or casein numbers, pressed into the body of the cheese;
  • according to information stamped on a head of cheese with indelible ink or laser and other methods marking.

This information is provided on bulk products.

Expiration dates packaged cheese are mainly placed on stickers attached to the product. In addition to the date of manufacture and expiration date, such cheeses must also indicate date of their packaging.

Often on the cheese label you can find an indication not of the expiration date, but of the shelf life. For this type of food product, the expiration date and shelf life match.

It is necessary to sell the product from the moment it is packaged no later than 20 days, storage should occur at t not higher than +10 °С and the limiting indicator of relative humidity 80%.

How to save?

Cheese is a unique, living product; it is constantly undergoing a process of development, but it reaches the sales counter already ripe, and sometimes even overripe.

This, first of all, affects his taste qualities– the cheese becomes overly spicy and sometimes acquires a rancid taste.

In addition, this delicacy “loves” to absorb foreign odors, so it is better to store it separately, wrapped in foil or, in extreme cases, in cling film.

Terms and conditions of storage for different types of cheese differ, but absolutely all of them suffer from temperature fluctuations and changes in relative humidity.

Storage temperature

The optimal temperature for storing most varieties and types of cheese varies within 4-8°C.

At lower temperatures and during frost the cheese loses its shape or begins to crumble and separate. In addition, its specific taste properties are distorted.

At temperature above 10-15°С the consistency (structure) and taste of the dairy product changes and progressive growth begins pathogenic microorganisms.

Humidity indicators

For cheeses, it is recommended to maintain humidity in the holding areas at the level of 85-92%. Extremes of indicators negatively affect the quality of cheese. Thus, very low humidity leads to drying out, and high levels contribute to a deterioration in taste, rotting and damage.

Deadlines by type

The following factors influence the determination of the shelf life of cheese: factors:

  • product composition;
  • humidity of the product itself;
  • the amount of salt it contains;
  • the presence or absence of a shell on it.

Solid and semi-solid

Most popular among the cheeses there are hard and semi-hard types: Parmesan, Cheddar, Dutch, Gouda, Russian, Kostromskoy, Poshekhonsky, Latvian, Maasdam, Oltermani, King Arthur, Dor Blue, etc.

In the retail trade network, sales of packaged hard and semi-hard cheeses amount to 15 days. They should be at home in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf at a temperature from +4 to +8 ºС and humidity 90% .

However, each type of cheese has its own individual storage features. Maasdam and Russian, for example, at t from +2 to +6 ºС with humidity 85% may lie up to 120 days, and Parmesan even more - up to six months(well made – in general, up to 10 years).

Dutch cheese loves temperature from +6 to +8 ºС and air humidity 90% . Under such conditions, he lives in a package up to 120 days.

Dor Blue is also stored around three months, however, it likes lower temperatures - from 0 to +2ºС and you need to keep it wrapped away from other products so that the noble mold of this delicacy does not spread to them. As for other types of hard cheeses, their shelf life varies and can reach six months.

It is not recommended to store hard/semi-hard cheeses at home in plastic packaging, since this packaging blocks their ability to breathe and they spoil: various types of mold, putrefactive bacteria, and yeast appear on the surface.

The presence of yeast in cheese is indicated by the appearance pink spots, and the presence white inclusions indicates the emergence of putrefactive microflora in the product. Therefore, it is better to use for storage parchment or foil.

In addition, hard/semi-hard types of cheeses, as well as well preserved in a closed enameled or glass bowl with a piece of sugar, which will absorb excess moisture.

IN open form These cheeses cannot be left for a long time, as this will cause them to spoil faster.

The maximum shelf life in the refrigerator for packaged hard/semi-hard cheese brought from the store is: 8 days. In the absence of a refrigerator, cheese wrapped in a cloth soaked in salt water can be stored up to 5 days in a cool place, preferably dark.

Hard/semi-hard cheeses in paraffin coating have a shelf life of 1 month longer than their counterparts wrapped in polymer materials. With the latter, the packaging often does not adhere tightly to the cheese, which contributes to the formation of mold. The shelf life of cheeses of this type is reduced by another month if they are placed in refrigeration chambers, where t from 0 to +4 ºС.


No less popular among people pickled cheeses - Suluguni, Brynza, Feta, Mozzarella, Chanakh, Adygei Tushinsky, Lori, Chechil, etc. The shelf life of these cheeses varies, and often the reason for the differences in establishing expiration dates is played by package(container) into which the finished product falls.

The container can be made of polymer materials, in this case the shelf life will be 30 days. IN glass In dishes filled with brine (marinade), cheeses last longer – 75 days. At home, it is better to remove brine cheeses from polymer containers and store them in cold conditions.

Suluguni, for example, after purchase, it is advisable to immediately put it in a container or glass jar and store it in brine at t no more than +6 ºС. Lifespan of this product can be extended, if you place it fresh for a while, and then fill it with the prepared solution and salt (400 grams of salt per 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature), leave it for a day and replace it with more gentle solution(200 grams of salt per 1 liter of water).

One of the varieties of Suluguni is Chechil cheese, or in common parlance cheese "pigtail". It is braided at the final stage of industrial production. Factory packaging allows this cheese to be stored about two months. In loose form it can only be month. The smoked version of the braid retains its properties for 3 months. It is recommended to store Chechil in the refrigerator.

Adyghe, as well as Suluguni, is best stored in glass containers in cold conditions (at temperatures from +2 to +6 ºС), freezing is contraindicated for him, as well as a long stay at room temperature.

It can stay in the refrigerator a couple of weeks, but its beneficial properties will disappear after a few days.

In a vacuum, Adyghe cheese will be able to live longer - about a month. Smoked Adyghe cheese has a much longer shelf life. Provided that the manufacturing technology is followed, “exemplary” smoked the cheese does not lose its qualities up to two years.

Brine Cheeses, however, like all others, are best purchased in such quantities as to be consumed in 1-2 days, and it is preferable to store them in a humid environment familiar to them - whey, brine or in sealed industrial packaging, preferably in a dark shelter at t not higher than +6 ºС. Cheeses do not last long in whey, but in salt solution - up to several months.


Processed cheeses are no less in demand among consumers. The new milk regulation defines them as dairy product, produced by the method of “thermo-mechanical processing of one or more types of cheese and/or cottage cheese.”

The raw materials for the processed product are fast-ripening or mature hard/semi-hard cheeses with expiring dates, defective packaging, as well as cheeses intended for melting, pickled products, milk, cottage cheese with different fat contents, dietary supplements, etc.

The shelf life of processed cheese directly depends on the quality of its constituents, but, as a rule, they are all stored long enough.

Processed cheeses are not divided into varieties, but there are many types of this dairy product. To fused lomtiev cheeses include: Nevsky, Sovetsky, Rossiysky, Gollandsky, Kostromskoy, Creamy, Stolovoy, Baltiysky, etc. The name of the cheese, as a rule, is explained by the presence of the corresponding element included in it original cheese.

At home, store them at a temperature from 0 to +4 ºС and humidity 85% no more three months from the date of packaging, and sliced ​​cheese with smoked meats 30 days.

Another type of processed cheese is processed sausage cheeses.

Representatives of this type are: Smoked sausage, Tourist, Special, etc.

The shelf life of this dairy product depends on shell, in which they are placed.

It can be paraffin and polymer.

Paraffin- the most environmentally friendly, but its shelf life is not long - no more than two months. IN polymer In film, cheese is stored twice as long, since this material has strength and high protective insulating properties.

Sausage cheeses should only be stored in the refrigerator at a low temperature - no more than +4 ºС.

Another type of fused - pasty cheese. On the counter you can find them with the following names: Hochland (creamy or assorted), Viola, President, Friendship, Yantar, Volna, Moscow, etc.

They are stored at t up to +4 ºС and humidity is not higher 85 % to 30 days, and after opening the package - no more 5 days. Hochland cream cheese lasts longer - 6 months at t from +2 to +8 ºС.

Melted for lunch- another type of processed cheese. In retail chains they are presented under the names: “With onions for soup”; “With mushrooms for soup”; “With porcini mushrooms for soup.” Their expiration dates are unified - up to 4 months. Conditions of detention: temperature – from 0 to +4 ºС with humidity 85% .

Fused canning cheeses are cheeses with a fat content of 50%:

  • sterilized;
  • pasteurized;
  • pasteurized with ham;
  • in powder.

A distinctive feature of this dairy product is its long shelf life (unopened) - up to two years. The storage temperature range is quite large - from 0 to +20 ºС.

Curd cheeses (Ricotta, Mascarpone, Philadelphia, Almette, Bonjour, etc.), packaged in polymer containers, are stored up to three months at temperature from +2 to +4ºС. Opened packaging guarantees the freshness of the delicacy only for three days.


To get maximum satisfaction from your purchase, you need to be careful and always choose only high-quality, fresh products.

To do this, at a minimum, the product must be inspected, and sometimes smelled, and carefully examined label.

Expiry date information posted on the product extremely important for the consumer and helps him navigate the choice of one or another.

The absence or presence on the shelf of expired products indicates violation of trade rules by the seller, which entails corresponding legal consequences.

Factory packaging allows this cheese to be stored for about two months. It can only be in loose form for a month. The smoked version of the braid retains its properties for 3 months. It is recommended to store Chechil in the refrigerator. Adygei, like Suluguni, is best stored in glass containers in cold conditions (at temperatures from +2 to +6 ºС); freezing is contraindicated for it, as is long stay at room temperature. It can stay in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, but its beneficial properties will disappear after just a few days. In a vacuum, Adyghe cheese will be able to live longer - about a month. Smoked Adyghe cheese has a much longer shelf life. Provided that the manufacturing technology is followed, “exemplary” smoked cheese does not lose its qualities for up to two years.

Shelf life and storage of sliced ​​Russian cheese in the refrigerator

In order for hard cheese to last longer, the following conditions are needed:

  • high air humidity - about 90%, so it is better to store it in plastic film rather than paper;
  • the air temperature should be from 3 to 10 degrees, cheese does not like extreme cold;
  • The storage area should be well ventilated; the proximity of strong-smelling products is undesirable.

Sometimes it is recommended to preserve hard cheese longer by placing a piece of refined sugar or a few pasta in the package next to it. Semi-hard cheese has a slightly shorter shelf life. It is better suited for sandwiches than for preparing hot dishes.

Therefore, it is important to take into account, for example, the shelf life of Lambert cheese, a very popular variety. Storing soft cheeses This product is best preserved in its original packaging.

You can also place it in a sealable container, such as an enamel pan.

Rospotrebnadzor: sliced ​​cheese should be sold within no more than 12 hours

Such a product can only be stored in the freezer for six months, after which it will dry out. back to contents How to determine delay? Is it possible to determine that the shelf life has expired? When a product sits on a shelf, unscrupulous sellers try to disguise the expired product. If you have any suspicions, it would be a good idea to carefully examine both the packaging and the product itself:

  • There should be only one label on the package with the expiration date.
    If there are several of them, and they are pasted one on top of the other, then you have an expired product;
  • carefully examine the cheese: there should be no white coating or mold on it;
  • You can press your finger on a piece of cheese.

Shelf life of different types of cheese and storage features

If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please contact the online consultant form on the right or call the free consultation numbers: You can learn about liability for the lack of a book of complaints and suggestions under the consumer protection law from our article. to contents Legislation and GOST In the Russian Federation, GOST was developed for cheese products and cheeses. Its principles were established by the Federal Law in 2002, and it was put into effect by an order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology in 2006.

GOST must ensure the safety of cheeses. Its sections provide a classification of cheeses, indicate requirements for quality, labeling, safety, transportation and storage of the product.

Shelf life of various types of cheese according to GOST

Processed cheeses can be stored at temperatures from 0 to + 4 for three months.

  • Pasty processed cheeses can be stored for up to 30 days.
  • Sausage (processed) cheeses in a paraffin shell are stored for 2 months, in a polymer film - 4 months.
  • Homemade (homemade) cheese is stored for only a few days.
  • Chechil cheese (“pigtail”) is stored for about two months, the smoked version – about three months.
  • Curd cheeses in polymer containers can last up to three months; opening the shell will reduce this period to three days.
  • Solid and semi-solid (packaged) are stored for 15 days at a temperature from +2 to +8 and at a humidity of 90%, but there are exceptions:
  • Maasdam, Russian, Gouda, Lambert – up to 120 days;
  • Parmesan – up to 6 months;
  • Dutch – up to 120 days.

The paraffin coating preserves hard cheeses for up to a month longer than the polymer coating.

Shelf life of cheese

Cheese is one of the most common and beloved food products by many housewives. It is used as food on its own or as part of a wide variety of dishes.

And some housewives do not think about the fact that this fermented milk product requires special storage conditions. After all, if you do not take into account the expiration date of cheese, this will not only spoil its taste, but can also lead to poisoning.


To avoid this, you need to understand how to properly store this product, how long it can remain fresh and whether it is possible to increase the period of its safe use. Types of cheeses This product is made from milk. Moreover, cow’s milk, as well as sheep’s or goat’s milk, can be used for this.

What do you need to know about the shelf life and storage of different types of cheese?

Many stores violate SanPiN and indicate the deadlines incorrectly, thereby breaking the law. Read more about the deadlines inside. During the raids, I began to notice that in stores they indicate that cut cheese and packaged cheese have a shelf life of 1-6 months.
Which is not right. According to SanPiN, the shelf life of packaged cheese is no more than 12 hours. If the cheese is not in its original packaging. As soon as it is cut off from the head, the timing changes.

From SanPiN: According to clause 8.12 SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the circulation of food raw materials and food products in them.” Sales of products from opened consumer packages are carried out within one business day, but no more than 12 hours from the moment the package is opened, subject to storage conditions (temperature, humidity) and by virtue of paragraph.

About the shelf life of packaged cheese

Brine cheeses, however, like all others, are best purchased in such quantities that they can be consumed within 1-2 days, and it is preferable to store them in their usual humid environment - whey, brine or in sealed industrial packaging, preferably in a dark shelter at t no higher than +6 ºС. Cheeses do not last long in whey, but in salt solution – up to several months.
Processed Processed cheeses are no less in demand among consumers. The new dairy regulation defines them as a dairy product produced by “thermo-mechanical processing of one or more types of cheese and/or cottage cheese.”

These are cheeses such as Adyghe, mascarpone, ricotta, mozzarella and others.

  • Brine varieties are ripened and stored in brine. They can have different densities, but are usually very salty.

    The most famous pickled cheeses are feta cheese, suluguni, and chechil.

  • Processed ones contain, in addition to cottage cheese and butter, various other components. This can be cream, vegetable fats, flavorings.
    To give this cheese a soft consistency, special melting salts are used. There are a lot of processed cheeses, for example: “Druzhba”, “Yantar”, “Viola”, “Hochland” and others.

What determines the shelf life of cheese? This dairy product has special storage conditions. They largely depend on the type of cheese. But there are other factors that allow you to keep it fresh and not eat moldy or spoiled product.
Before buying it in a store, you need to know the characteristics of this type of cheese. It is undesirable to eat a product whose shelf life is coming to an end.

To preserve cheese at home, it is very important to observe certain conditions of temperature, humidity and other parameters. Low temperatures are detrimental to this product. After all, cheese is “living”.


And at high temperatures it can deteriorate. High humidity leads to mold, and low humidity causes it to dry out. The shelf life of packaged cheese is especially short: if it is cut into pieces, it is edible for no more than 3 days.

Basic conditions for storing cheese You should not make large stocks of this product. After all, the shelf life of cheese even in undamaged packaging is 2 months, and a cut piece can be stored for even less time. It is worth knowing that different varieties need to be placed separately.

Shelf life of sliced ​​cheese 2018

The list of such goods (works) is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

  • The service life of a product (work) can be calculated in units of time, as well as other units of measurement (kilometers, meters and other units of measurement based on the functional purpose of the product (result of work)). (as amended by Federal Law No. 212-FZ of December 17, 1999)
  • For food products, perfumery and cosmetic products, medicines, household chemicals and other similar goods (work), the manufacturer (performer) is obliged to set an expiration date - the period after which the product (work) is considered unsuitable for its intended use.

How to store it correctly? But such conditions are impossible in city apartments, and therefore the cheese can get too cold, overheat, dry out or “suffocate”:

  1. To prevent packaged cheese from drying out, it is best to keep it wrapped in a damp cloth or cling film. You can place it on a wooden board and cover with a lid.
  2. When storing in the refrigerator, you need to choose the bottom shelf or even the shelf for fruit (usually it is the lowest), the temperature there is maintained from about +4 to +8 degrees.

    A lower temperature will simply ruin the taste of the cheese.

  3. Only dry cheeses can withstand high temperatures. Cheeses with a high percentage of humidity will spoil very quickly.
  4. Cheese is a ready-to-eat product, but the ripening process continues all the time, so there is no need to store the product in an airtight container.

Although previously this dairy product was created exclusively for selected and privileged people who enjoyed the unique taste of cheese. Over time, many types of cheeses began to appear, significantly different from each other. Many people love to eat sandwiches with cheese in the morning, as it is not only very tasty, but also high in calories and nutritious. In addition, cheese is used in many dishes around the world.

Cheese is very popular all over the world. This delicacy appeared more than seven thousand years ago in the countries of the Middle East and won respect from the ancient Greeks and Romans. A little later, the product gained popularity in Europe and subsequently spread throughout the world.

Cheese is a food that is quite easily digestible by the human body. Thanks to rennet, milk coagulates and thus becomes cheese. In its composition, it is very similar to cottage cheese, but cheese has a little more vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.

Types of cheeses

Over time, technologies for the production of cheese products improved and newer varieties of cheese appeared. Thanks to the monks who produced cheeses in holy places, blue cheeses, sharp, smoked and salted cheeses appeared. It was the monks who created a solid foundation for cheese gourmets, who gradually developed new types of cheeses.

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Hard cheeses are fermented milk products with a very dense consistency, covered with a natural crust on top. This product matures for quite a long time, from three months to three years. Cheeses in this category are distinguished by a special and pronounced taste, as well as a strong aroma. These varieties have relatively low humidity - it does not even reach 55%.

  • Naturally ripened cheeses;
  • Cheeses with red rind;

    Other well-known varieties are Swiss (50% fat content with a spicy taste) and Dutch (45% fat content and spicy taste) cheeses, Parmesan (32% fat content).

    Characteristics of cheeses

    Based on GOST R6 “Cheese. General technical conditions" cheeses are classified into groups and have technical requirements for their production:

    1. Depending on the mass fraction of moisture in the fat-free substance:

    2. Depending on the mass fraction of fat (MFA) in dry matter:

    Cheese composition

    Cheese is very rich in nutrients beneficial to the body. This dairy product contains methionine, tryptophan, lysine and other amino acids. It also contains protein in large quantities. Some specimens made from high-fat milk contain huge amounts of lipids. These cheeses have a higher calorie content, unlike other types.

    Hard cheeses contain many minerals and vitamins, such as C, A, D, E and B vitamins. This dairy product is also rich in macro- and microelements. The most common of these are: phosphorus (550 mg), calcium (1010 mg), iron, potassium, sodium (870 mg), magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese.

    Useful properties of cheese

    Cheese products are famous not only for their taste, but also for their enormous benefits for human health. This is due to the composition of the treat.

    Eating cheese treats helps normalize metabolism. With their help, you can significantly lose weight by consuming only low-fat varieties. Cheese is good to give to children, as it helps them grow faster. For those suffering from low blood pressure, this dairy product will be very useful, as it helps to increase blood pressure, as well as increase hemoglobin in the blood.

    Frequently eating cheese will help relieve depression and restore restful sleep, since this product has a positive effect on the nervous system.

    In general, cheese is a storehouse of substances beneficial to the human body. And, remember that the higher the fat content of the cheese, the greater the benefits of consuming this product.

    Harm of cheese

    Sometimes cheeses pose serious dangers to our health. Fans of high-fat cheeses are at risk of hypertension and high cholesterol, as well as problems with obesity. You need to be careful when consuming cheese, as excessive consumption can cause headaches and even nightmares.

    Pregnant women should consume cheese products with caution, since some types of cheese, especially those with mold, contain harmful organisms that cause miscarriages and pregnancy loss.

    Spicy types of cheese delicacies are contraindicated for those with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis and pancreatitis.

    Cheese storage

    Since cheese is a product made from milk, storage must be approached with full responsibility. The shelf life of cheese largely depends on air temperature and humidity.

    At the same time, temperature fluctuations are extremely undesirable. As for air humidity, it should be around 90%. All this will help the cheese not to spoil before it should.

    If the cheese has somehow dried out, then there is no need to rush to throw it in the trash. This dried cheese can be grated and eaten. Especially grated cheese is suitable for seasoning pasta dishes, as well as many other culinary masterpieces.

    Like most dairy products, it is recommended to store cheese in the refrigerator, where good temperature conditions are created. In this case, a whole wheel of hard cheese can be stored at home for 2 months. A soft wheel of cheese can be stored for much less time – 15 days. But the shelf life of cheese (hard) in pieces is 1 month. However, before placing the cheese in the refrigerator, you need to properly wrap it in a bag or cling film.

    Types of cheese such as feta cheese and suluguni have a shelf life of 25 to 75 days, and they should be placed in the warmest place of the refrigerator. The refrigerator is perfect for storing processed cheese. The shelf life of sausage and slice cheese in the refrigerator is about 3 months. Cheeses such as pasty and sweet have a shelf life of 1 month.

    When choosing a place to store cheese in the refrigerator, remember the following:

  • It is not recommended to store cheese in the refrigerator door, as due to temperature changes the cheese will lose its freshness faster;
  • The optimal place for storing cheese is the bottom drawer for vegetables and fruits;
  • To extend the shelf life of cheese, it is necessary to wrap it in parchment paper before storing;
  • Before serving, let the cheese stand at room temperature so it can regain its original taste.

    Shelf life of cheese in the freezer

    If you plan to use the cheese in its original form in the future, do not freeze it. When frozen, the product loses its basic characteristics.

    The dairy product can be frozen if it is used as a dressing for main dishes. You can store cheese in the freezer for no more than 2-3 months.

    To store cheese without a refrigerator, you must first wrap it in a linen napkin soaked in a salted solution. A cool and dark place is ideal for storage.

    You can store cheese in such conditions for no more than 7 days.

    Shelf life of cheese in the refrigerator

    Shelf life of cheese in the freezer

    Shelf life of cheese at room temperature

    Same shelf life:

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    Beet shelf life

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    How are these products stored?

    • Shelf life of cheese
    • shelf life of cheese in the refrigerator
    • shelf life of cheese
    • how long does cheese last?
    • shelf life of hard cheese
    • shelf life of Russian cheese
    • How long can cheese be stored in the refrigerator?
    • How long does cheese last in the refrigerator?
    • shelf life of cheese

    Why does the grocery store check for loose cheeses say 72 hours?

    Roman, that's right! 72 hours. Because the above deadlines are prescribed for cheeses that have integrity! those uncut, stored in the manufacturer's packaging. cut cheese is stored for no more than 72 hours. If the store has a marking on when it was cut, that’s great, as long as they don’t repackage it again and change the date to a fresh one.

    I bought Goya cheese at Pyaterochka. Made in Argentina on 7/15/15. Packed in Russia 05/17/16. Valid until 08/15/16. By the time it expires it will be over a year old.

    Your comments are welcome!

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    Latest comments

    Cognac shelf life

    Malinka, yes, indeed, you are right! good cognac only gets better with time =)

    not true, Hello! The calorie content of olive oil, however, is slightly lower: 898 kcal, while the calorie content of sunflower oil is 899 kcal.

    Cognac shelf life

    Saule, cognac doesn’t spoil :)

    Shelf life of olive oil

    They said strange things about calories. sunflower oil and olive oil both have the same amount of 884 calories.

    Shelf life of honey

    Andrey, good afternoon! Thank you for your attention! We will correct the mistakes.

    Shelf life of various types of cheese according to GOST

    Cheese has been known to people since the time of Homer. But despite its venerable age, it still remains a favorite delicacy of people all over the world.

    There are a huge number of varieties of cheese, and its production has long been put on an industrial basis. The state, caring for the health of its citizens, controls the activities of dairies and private cheese factories. We’ll talk about the shelf life of different types of cheese below.

    You can learn about liability for the absence of a book of complaints and suggestions under the consumer protection law from our article.

    Legislation and GOST

    In the Russian Federation, GOST was developed for cheese products and cheeses.

    Its principles were established by the Federal Law in 2002, and it was put into effect by an order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology in 2006.

    GOST must ensure the safety of cheeses. Its sections provide a classification of cheeses, indicate requirements for quality, labeling, safety, transportation and storage of the product.

    The ninth paragraph (“Transportation and storage”) states:

    1. Cheeses and cheese products should be stored at a temperature from -4 to 0 degrees and air humidity from 85% to 90% or at a temperature from 0 to +6 degrees and air humidity from 80% to 85%.
    2. The shelf life of any type of cheese is established and agreed upon by the manufacturer.

    What does it depend on?

    It is brought to the retail chain ready for consumption, but the ripening process does not stop for a minute.

    The taste and safety for customers ultimately depends on the conditions under which and for how long the cheese will be stored.

    To determine the expiration date, some important factors are taken into account:

    • the presence of a shell on the head of cheese;
    • compound;
    • amount of salt in the product;
    • humidity percentage.

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    By type

    Different types of cheese have different shelf life:

    1. Processed cheeses can be stored at temperatures from 0 to + 4 for three months.
    2. Pasty processed cheeses can be stored for up to 30 days.
    3. Sausage (processed) cheeses in a paraffin shell are stored for 2 months, in a polymer film - 4 months.
    4. Homemade (homemade) cheese is stored for only a few days.
    5. Chechil cheese (“pigtail”) is stored for about two months, the smoked version – about three months.
    6. Curd cheeses in polymer containers can last up to three months; opening the shell will reduce this period to three days.

    Solid and semi-solid (packaged) are stored for 15 days at a temperature from +2 to +8 and at a humidity of 90%, but there are exceptions:

    • Maasdam, Russian, Gouda, Lambert – up to 120 days;
    • Parmesan – up to 6 months;
    • Dutch – up to 120 days.

    The paraffin coating preserves hard cheeses for up to a month longer than the polymer coating.

    Brine cheeses are stored from 30 days to 75 days:

    The shelf life depends on the product packaging:

    • in polymer packaging – 30 days;
    • in glass (in brine) – 75 days.

    Soft moldy cheeses can be stored for no more than one month at temperatures below 0 degrees; at temperatures from 0 to +10, such cheese will be suitable for eating for only a week:

    Read about the expiration dates of different types of champagne here.

    Optimal mode

    If we talk about ideal conditions for storing cheese, the following factors should be taken into account:

    A cellar could be such a place: the air temperature there is constant - from 6 to 10 degrees, the humidity is constant - 85-95%, there is ventilation.

    How to store it correctly?

    But such conditions are impossible in city apartments, and therefore the cheese can get too cold, overheat, dry out or “suffocate”:

    1. To prevent packaged cheese from drying out, it is best to keep it wrapped in a damp cloth or cling film. You can place it on a wooden board and cover with a lid.
    2. When storing in the refrigerator, you need to choose the bottom shelf or even the shelf for fruit (usually it is the lowest), the temperature there is maintained from about +4 to +8 degrees. A lower temperature will simply ruin the taste of the cheese.
    3. Only dry cheeses can withstand high temperatures. Cheeses with a high percentage of humidity will spoil very quickly.
    4. Cheese is a ready-to-eat product, but the ripening process continues all the time, so there is no need to store the product in an airtight container. Wooden or ceramic dishes are suitable for storage.
    5. It is better to store the cheese in a large piece, this way it will be better preserved. But if the sliced ​​cheese is not eaten, it should be left covered on the plate and, of course, consumed as quickly as possible.
    6. If you have opened the sealed package, it is better to transfer the cheese to foil. This way the product will not dry out, become weathered, or absorb foreign odors.

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    How long can you keep in the refrigerator?

    If you follow the optimal storage regime for the product and store it correctly, then cheese in the refrigerator can retain its taste and quality for quite a long time:

    • hard and semi-hard varieties will last 10 days;
    • brined, soft and moldy ones will “live” for about three to four days;
    • There are cheeses (Brie, Roquefort) that need to be taken out of the refrigerator for a short time every two or three days to “breathe.” Then they will keep for a week.

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    Can it be frozen?

    It happens that there is a lot of cheese, and you simply cannot eat it within the 10 days allowed for storage. It can be frozen in the freezer in several ways:

    1. Can be frozen in large pieces. To do this, you need to wrap it in foil.
    2. You can grate the cheese and then use it for casseroles and pizza. To prevent the crumbs from sticking together, they need to be sprinkled with flour and shaken several times during the freezing process.
    3. If you plan to use frozen cheese for hot sandwiches, then the cheese slices (each separately) must be wrapped in foil.

    Only hard and semi-hard cheeses can be frozen. Such a product can only be stored in the freezer for six months, after which it will dry out.

    How to determine delay?

    Is it possible to determine that the shelf life has expired?

    When a product sits on a shelf, unscrupulous sellers try to disguise the expired product.

    If you have any suspicions, it would be a good idea to carefully examine both the packaging and the product itself:

    • There should be only one label on the package with the expiration date. If there are several of them, and they are pasted one on top of the other, then you have an expired product;
    • carefully examine the cheese: there should be no white coating or mold on it;
    • You can press your finger on a piece of cheese. If water appears, the product is expired.

    The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” states that cheese must have an expiration date or shelf life (this is the same thing); after this period, the sale of the product is impossible.

    But if you nevertheless bought a damaged product, the seller is obliged to compensate you for the loss.

    You can learn how to choose quality cheese in a store from the video:

    How to choose cheese in a store and what is its shelf life?

    The shelf life of cheese is an important indicator, because we are talking about a very delicate product, the storage of which requires special conditions. So, in order to avoid spoilage, it must be stored at a stable temperature around 7°C +/-1°C.

    If the temperature is too low, it will “kill” all the beneficial substances, and if the temperature is too high, it will spoil it. Relative humidity should not rise above 90%.


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    There are 4 possible classifications:

    1. According to the method of preparation. Here cheeses can be made from milk, processed, or with the addition of other components.
    2. By technology. In this case, they are divided into: soft, pickled, hard, and also curd.
    3. Based on the type of milk. So, cheeses can be made from cow's, goat's, and also sheep's milk. In addition, there are combined options when several types of milk are used at once.
    4. According to the method of ripening. Here they can be divided into options to which acid, mold, and also red culture are added.

    How to choose quality products

    A high-quality dairy product does not contain any dyes or additives

    First of all, high-quality cheese must be made exclusively from milk, sourdough and a certain amount of salt.

    This composition is extremely rare. It is almost impossible to find a good product today that does not have food additives.

    However, you can strive to acquire the best. It is important to avoid the following additives:

    • carrageenine (spelled K-407);
    • arboxymethylcellulose (may be designated K-466 on the packaging);
    • carotenes (most often written as E-160a,b);
    • dye E-110.

    Storage conditions by type of cheese

    First of all, the shelf life of dairy products is affected by their composition and type. Therefore, it is worth examining each separately:

    Solid and semi-solid

    The most common are hard cheeses. Most often these are varieties such as:

    The period for the sale of these products from the moment of packaging in retail chains is no more than 15 days in accordance with current legislation, subject to storage rules.

    Such dairy products should be stored on average at a temperature of no less than 2 ºС and no more than 6 ºС. In this case, the humidity level cannot exceed 85%. Under such conditions, the shelf life will be 4 months, that is, 120 days. And if we talk about Parmesan, its shelf life is about 6 months.


    Popular pickled cheeses are Brynza, Feta, and Chechil.

    The shelf life of these dairy products varies.

    Moreover, most often the reason for these differences is precisely the container where the final product is ultimately located.


    Processed cheeses are a popular dessert product today.

    Modern dairy regulations describe them as a product that was created through thermomechanical processing.

    The main raw materials for creating this dairy product are quickly ripening cheeses, whose shelf life is already coming to an end.

    At home, such cheeses must be stored at a temperature of no less than 0 and no higher than 4ºC. On average, it can be kept open for no more than a week.

    Shelf life in store

    Read the label carefully

    After opening the manufacturer's packaging at a retail outlet, the shelf life of such a product should not exceed that specified by the manufacturer.

    In other words, the shelf life of sliced ​​cheese is indicated on its label.

    If there were no such markings on the packaging, then the cut and packaged cheese cannot be stored for more than 12 hours after the container has been opened.

    Often this is the period indicated by retail stores on various packaged products. However, if special equipment and good packaging materials are available, retail chains can, after conducting special laboratory tests, justify the increased shelf life of cut pieces of cheese and sliced ​​cheese.

    Shelf life in the refrigerator

    The refrigerator is the best place to store cheese.

    Just like any other dairy products, cheeses should also be stored in the refrigerator.

    The fact is that the best temperature conditions are created there. This will allow you to keep a wheel of cheese at home for almost 2 months without harming the quality, and a soft one for 15 days.

    When hard cheese options are cut into pieces, their shelf life will be no more than 1 month. But to do this, it will need to be tightly wrapped in any plastic bag.

    If we talk about feta cheese or suluguni, their storage time in refrigerators varies from 25 days and sometimes up to 75 days under ideal conditions. Sausage and sliced ​​versions can be stored for up to 3 months, and pasty or sweet versions for no more than 1 month.

    Signs of product spoilage

    To determine that the cheese is spoiled, you need to know certain subtleties of testing.

    So, this may indicate:

    1. A crust that has a white coating, or if the crust swells or the subcortex appears.
    2. The appearance of defects that will indicate the old age of the product. These include: cracks, unevenness, loose consistency, and wrinkles.
    3. The appearance of uneven coloring is a sign that a bad dye has been added to the product.
    4. Signs of spoilage include rancidity and moldiness.

    If you bought an expired product

    When purchasing, be sure to take the receipt and keep it.

    First of all, it is important not to throw away the receipt after purchase. You may need this document in the future to prove that you made a purchase in this store. Therefore, having a receipt and a damaged product in hand, you need to contact the store administration directly.

    You should immediately threaten to contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station regarding the sale of low-quality products. Stores are usually very afraid of their inspections.

    When the administration does not make contact, it is necessary to fulfill its threat and contact the appropriate supervisory structure with documents and spoiled cheese. There you will need to write a statement describing everything exactly. The purchase receipt and the product itself are also attached to it. After this, wait for the scan results.

    Choose a quality product, trust trusted retail outlets and manufacturers, follow storage conditions, carefully study the label, monitor the condition of the product and its shelf life in the refrigerator, and then your health and the health of your family will be safe.

    Watch the video that explains how to choose quality cheese:

    What do you need to know about the shelf life and storage of different types of cheese?

    Cheeses have long held a place of honor in the human diet, and the culinary potential of this product cannot be exhausted.

    It is widespread everywhere, and from the abundance of assortment on the counter, you can be confused as to which variety or type to give preference to.

    Any buyer strives to buy fresh, high-quality and tasty cheese.

    To find one, you need to “get acquainted” with the desired product, and it is advisable to do this at the selection stage, so as not to make a mistake with the purchase.

    When choosing cheese on the counter, first of all, you should pay attention to how fresh it is and how much time it has left to “live”, i.e. for its expiration dates.

    What does the legislation say?

    Large enterprises of the modern dairy industry and private cheese factories are working at full capacity to satisfy consumer demand and saturate this market segment with their products.

    The state guards the interests of the consumer and controls the production of dairy products, thus acting as a guarantor of quality products entering the market.

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the production process of cheeses is regulated by Federal Law No. 88-FZ, which established technical regulations for the production, storage, transportation and sale of cheese and other dairy products.

    The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” imposes an obligation on cheese producers (manufacturers) to set the expiration date for this type of product and place this information for the buyer accordingly.

    1. For a product (work) intended for long-term use, the manufacturer (performer) has the right to set a service life - the period during which the manufacturer (performer) undertakes to provide the consumer with the opportunity to use the product (work) for its intended purpose and bear responsibility for significant deficiencies arising from it. guilt.
    2. The manufacturer (performer) is obliged to establish the service life of durable goods (work), including components (parts, assemblies, assemblies), which after a certain period may pose a danger to the life and health of the consumer, cause harm to his property or the environment. The list of such goods (works) is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
    3. The service life of a product (work) can be calculated in units of time, as well as other units of measurement (kilometers, meters and other units of measurement based on the functional purpose of the product (result of work)). (as amended by Federal Law No. 212-FZ of December 17, 1999)
    4. For food products, perfumery and cosmetic products, medicines, household chemicals and other similar goods (work), the manufacturer (performer) is obliged to set an expiration date - the period after which the product (work) is considered unsuitable for its intended use. The list of such goods (works) is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
    5. The sale of goods (performance of work) after the expiration of the established expiration date, as well as goods (performance of work) for which an expiration date should be established, but is not established, is prohibited. (as amended by Federal Law No. 212-FZ of December 17, 1999)
    6. The manufacturer (performer) has the right to establish a warranty period for the product (work) - the period during which, if a defect is detected in the product (work), the manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to satisfy the consumer requirements established by Articles 18 and 29 of this Law.
    7. The seller has the right to establish a warranty period for the product if it is not established by the manufacturer. If the warranty period is established by the manufacturer, the seller has the right to establish a warranty period longer than the warranty period established by the manufacturer. (Clause 7 as amended by Federal Law dated December 17, 1999 N 212-FZ)

    If for any reason the buyer nevertheless purchased an expired product in the store, or the purchased cheese turned out to be of poor quality, you can demand from the store, at your own discretion:

    • exchange expired cheese for goods with a normal expiration date;
    • replace the low-quality product with an analogue from another manufacturer, and, if necessary, recalculate the amount paid for it;
    • return money for purchase;
    • make a discount.

    The seller is obliged to accept the buyer's claim with the corresponding requirements, regardless of whether the receipt for the purchased goods has been saved. To avoid unpleasant surprises with expired cheese, you can determine its expiration date:

    • according to the factory label, which contains the relevant information;
    • by plastic or casein numbers pressed into the body of the cheese;
    • according to information applied to the head of cheese with a stamp with indelible paint or laser and other marking methods.

    This information is indicated on bulk products.

    Often on the cheese label you can find an indication not of the expiration date, but of the shelf life. For this type of food product, the expiration date and shelf life are the same.

    It is necessary to sell the product from the moment it is packaged no later than 20 days; storage should take place at a temperature no higher than +10 ° C and a maximum relative humidity of 80%.

    How to save?

    Cheese is a unique, living product; it is constantly undergoing a process of development, but it reaches the sales counter already ripe, and sometimes even overripe.

    This, first of all, affects its taste - the cheese becomes overly spicy, and sometimes acquires a rancid taste.

    In addition, this delicacy “loves” to absorb foreign odors, so it is better to store it separately, wrapped in foil or, in extreme cases, in cling film.

    The storage periods and conditions for different types of cheese differ, but absolutely all of them suffer from temperature fluctuations and changes in relative humidity.

    Storage temperature

    At lower temperatures and during freezing, the cheese loses its shape or begins to crumble and separate. In addition, its specific taste properties are distorted.

    At temperatures above 10-15°C, the consistency (structure) and taste of the dairy product changes and the progressive growth of pathogenic microorganisms begins.

    Humidity indicators

    For cheeses, it is recommended to maintain humidity in storage areas at 85-92%. Extremes of indicators negatively affect the quality of cheese. Thus, very low humidity leads to drying, and high humidity contributes to deterioration in taste, rotting and spoilage.

    Deadlines by type

    The following factors influence the determination of the shelf life of cheese:

    • product composition;
    • humidity of the product itself;
    • the amount of salt it contains;
    • the presence or absence of a shell on it.

    Solid and semi-solid

    The most popular among cheeses are hard and semi-hard types: Parmesan, Cheddar, Dutch, Gouda, Russian, Kostromskoy, Poshekhonsky, Latvian, Maasdam, Oltermani, King Arthur, Dor Blue, etc.

    However, each type of cheese has its own individual storage features. Maasdam and Rossiysky, for example, at temperatures from +2 to +6 ºС and a humidity of 85% can last up to 120 days, and Parmesan even longer - up to six months (well-made - in general, up to 10 years).

    Dutch cheese loves temperatures from +6 to +8 ºС and air humidity of 90%. Under such conditions, it lives in packaging for up to 120 days.

    Dor Blue can also be stored for about three months, but it likes low temperatures - from 0 to +2ºС and it must be kept wrapped away from other products so that the noble mold of this delicacy does not spread to them. As for other types of hard cheeses, their shelf life varies and can reach six months.

    At home, hard/semi-hard types of cheeses are not recommended to be stored in plastic packaging, since this packaging blocks their ability to breathe and this causes them to deteriorate: various types of mold, putrefactive bacteria, and yeast appear on the surface.

    The presence of yeast in the cheese is indicated by the appearance of pink spots, and the presence of white inclusions indicates the emergence of putrefactive microflora in the product. Therefore, it is better to use parchment or foil for storage.

    In addition, hard/semi-hard cheeses, as well as cottage cheese, will be perfectly preserved in a closed enamel or glass container with a piece of sugar, which will absorb excess moisture.

    These cheeses cannot be left open for a long time, as this will cause them to spoil faster.

    The maximum shelf life in the refrigerator for packaged hard/semi-hard cheese brought from the store is 8 days. In the absence of a refrigerator, cheese wrapped in a cloth moistened with salt water can be stored for up to 5 days in a cool place, preferably dark.

    Hard/semi-hard cheeses coated in paraffin have a shelf life of 1 month longer than their counterparts wrapped in polymer materials. In the latter, the packaging often does not adhere tightly to the cheese, which contributes to the formation of mold on its surface. The shelf life of cheeses of this type is reduced by another month if they are placed in refrigeration chambers, where the temperature is from 0 to +4 ºС.


    No less popular among the people are pickled cheeses - Suluguni, Brynza, Feta, Mozzarella, Chanakh, Adygei Tushinsky, Lori, Chechil, etc. The shelf life of these cheeses varies, and often the reason for the differences in establishing expiration dates is the packaging (container) in which finished product.

    Suluguni, for example, after purchase, it is advisable to immediately put it in a container or glass jar and store it in brine at a temperature not exceeding +6 ºС. The lifespan of this product can be extended if you place it in fresh milk for a while, and then pour it with a prepared solution of water and salt (400 grams of salt per 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature), leave it for a day and replace it with a more gentle solution (200 gr. salt per 1 liter of water).

    One of the varieties of Suluguni is Chechil cheese, or in common parlance “pigtail” cheese. It is braided at the final stage of industrial production. Factory packaging allows this cheese to be stored for about two months. It can only be in loose form for a month. The smoked version of the braid retains its properties for 3 months. It is recommended to store Chechil in the refrigerator.

    Adygei, like Suluguni, is best stored in glass containers in cold conditions (at temperatures from +2 to +6 ºС); freezing is contraindicated for it, as is long stay at room temperature.

    It can stay in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, but its beneficial properties will disappear after just a few days.

    In a vacuum, Adyghe cheese will be able to live longer - about a month. Smoked Adyghe cheese has a much longer shelf life. Provided that the manufacturing technology is followed, “exemplary” smoked cheese does not lose its qualities for up to two years.

    Brine cheeses, however, like all others, are best purchased in such quantities that they can be consumed within 1-2 days, and it is preferable to store them in their usual humid environment - whey, brine or in sealed industrial packaging, preferably in a dark shelter at t no higher than +6 ºС. Cheeses do not last long in whey, but in salt solution – up to several months.


    Processed cheeses are no less in demand among consumers. The new dairy regulation defines them as a dairy product produced by “thermo-mechanical processing of one or more types of cheese and/or cottage cheese.”

    The raw materials for the processed product are quickly ripening or mature hard/semi-hard cheeses with expiring expiration dates, defective packaging, as well as cheeses intended for melting, brine products, milk, cottage cheese with different fat contents, dietary supplements, etc.

    Processed cheeses are not divided into varieties, but there are many types of this dairy product. Processed slice cheeses include: Nevsky, Sovetsky, Rossiysky, Gollandsky, Kostromskoy, Slivochny, Stolovoy, Baltiysky, etc. The name of the cheese, as a rule, is explained by the presence of the corresponding original cheese added to it.

    At home, they are stored at temperatures from 0 to +4 ºС and humidity 85% for no more than three months from the date of packaging, and sliced ​​cheese with smoked meats for 30 days.

    Another type of processed cheese is processed sausage cheese.

    Representatives of this type are: Smoked sausage, Tourist, Special, etc.

    The shelf life of a given dairy product depends on the shell in which it is placed.

    It can be paraffin and polymer.

    Paraffin is the most environmentally friendly, but its shelf life is not long - no more than two months. Cheese is stored twice as long in polymer film, since this material has strength and high protective insulating properties.

    It is necessary to store sausage cheeses only in the refrigerator at a low temperature - no more than +4 ºС.

    Another type of processed cheese is pasty cheese. On the counter you can find them with the following names: Hochland (creamy or assorted), Viola, President, Friendship, Yantar, Volna, Moscow, etc.

    They are stored at temperatures up to +4 ºС and humidity not higher than 85% for up to 30 days, and after opening the package for no more than 5 days. Hochland cream cheese can be stored longer – 6 months at temperatures from +2 to +8 ºС.

    Processed for lunch - another type of processed cheese. In retail chains they are presented under the names: “With onions for soup”; “With mushrooms for soup”; “With porcini mushrooms for soup.” Their shelf life is standardized - up to 4 months. Conditions: temperature – from 0 to +4 ºС with humidity 85%.

    Processed canned cheeses are cheeses with a fat content of 50%:

    • sterilized;
    • pasteurized;
    • pasteurized with ham;
    • in powder.

    Curd cheeses (Ricotta, Mascarpone, Philadelphia, Almette, Bonjour, etc.), packaged in polymer containers, are stored for up to three months at temperatures from +2 to +4ºС. Opened packaging guarantees the freshness of the delicacy only for three days.


    To get maximum satisfaction from your purchase, you need to be careful and always choose only high-quality, fresh products.

    To do this, at a minimum, the product must be inspected, and sometimes smelled, and its label carefully studied.

    Information about expiration dates posted on the product is extremely important for the consumer and helps him navigate the choice of a particular product.

    The absence of such information or the presence of expired products on the shelf indicate a violation by the seller of trade rules, which entails corresponding legal consequences.

    (Saint Petersburg)

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