Small apples in syrup. Transparent jam from whole paradise apples with tails in syrup - a simple grandmother’s recipe with the secrets of cooking for the winter at home

Good day or night, my reader!

Hooray! I made jam from small apples, just like my grandmother once made during her life! The variety of apple tree from which I prepared this miracle is called “Ural bulk”.

As a child, I loved to enjoy translucent apples in syrup. My grandmother made them perfectly. And this taste of childhood is simply unforgettable!

But due to the fact that I was a child in those days, I naturally did not need a recipe for making this. The main thing is that everything was very tasty. Real heavenly apples!

As an adult, I haven’t tried any number of ways to make this jam. The apples fell apart and that’s it, it turned out to be porridge - malasha. As a result, I threw all my attempts at preparing this deliciousness and beauty into the far corner. I must say that I rarely make jam at all. Instead, I intensively freeze vegetables and fruits. But you can’t freeze apples, so we store winter varieties, right up until the end of March, in a pit. Fortunately, this year’s harvest allows us to do this.

Just recently, my wonderful friend “discovered” on the Internet one simple recipe for making heavenly apples in syrup, prepared it herself, she succeeded, and as a result, she shared it with me. I listened, but was not eager to take on an undertaking that was useless to me again. I decided to simply type the query I needed into the search engine, to which, of course, the desired answer came.

I dared... And I got apples in syrup exactly like my grandmother did! And in appearance, and in taste, and in quality! Transparent, amber, melting in your mouth. The joy knew no bounds! Finally, I didn’t explain to my family about the taste of this, one might say, royal dessert, which I enjoyed as a child, but gave it a try and prepared this pleasure for the winter.

Would you like me to share it with you, my reader? Then write down or memorize the recipe and act!

Paradise apples, recipe like grandma's


  • Apples(Ural liquid or Golden Chinese) – 5 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 2 kg 700g
  • Water – approximately 1.5 liter

My cooking method:

1. Wash the apples thoroughly, do not remove the stems.
2. Prick each apple with a fork or a toothpick in several places and place it in an enamel basin.

3. Cook the syrup - add sugar to the water, bring to a boil and the sugar is completely dissolved

5. Turn off the heat and leave the apples for a day (shorter if possible) for soaking
6. Bring to a boil and turn off again, leave for a day
7. Bring to a boil again and simmer for about 3 - 4 minutes

Thus, we cook for about three days.

All! Heavenly apples, like my grandmother's, are ready!

Required utensils

An enamel or brass basin, commensurate with the weight of the products used in cooking (3 liter basin = 1 kg of apples + 1.3 kg of sand + 1 tbsp. water + space for the foam formed during cooking) or a wide, voluminous saucepan.

Preparation procedure:

The fruits of paradise apples are usually boiled whole, with the stalk cut to half. In everyday life, the stalk is called differently: these are the so-called tails, petioles, stems, etc. If there is a fear that children may choke on the tail, then you can remove it completely, but keep in mind that with the removal of the stalk, the jam will lose its exquisite charm and exotic view.

For jam, you can take paradise apples of any variety. They usually differ from each other in the color of the fruit, which varies from light green and yellow to dark burgundy. Raw apples of paradise taste equally unpalatable. Although, it is possible that there are lovers who like the astringent taste and hardness of these fruits. Traditionally, it is customary to make jam from bright yellow fruits. It is this variety that allows you to make bright orange jam.

First of all, the apples need to be prepared. To do this, they are sorted, clearing each apple from the sepals. You also need to cut the stalk in half, leaving a tail 2-2.5 cm long. Next, the apples are washed and placed in a colander to drain the water.

Using a fork or toothpick, prick the apples, making several holes in the skin of each apple. If this is not done, then heat treatment The skin of the apples will burst and the inside will boil ahead of time. The fruits will lose their shape and attractiveness. The jam will turn into porridge.

At the next stage, the apples are blanched in boiling water (100˚ C). To do this, pour 2-2.5 liters of water into a wide saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then the prepared apples are poured into the water. After 3-5 minutes, drain the water and allow the fruits to cool.

Now you need to prepare the syrup.

To do this, pour prepared granulated sugar into a container intended for making jam. Add water at the rate of 1 kg. granulated sugar for 1 glass of water and vanilla sugar. The mixture is stirred and placed on low heat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in the water.

As soon as the syrup boils, remove it from the heat and allow to cool slightly. Then blanched paradise apples are added to it and put back on the fire. After 5-7 minutes, turn off the fire and leave the apples and syrup for 3-4 hours until completely cooled.

Then the jam is brought to a boil again over low heat, after which it is boiled for 5-7 minutes and cooled again. The jam cools and soaks in syrup for 6-8 hours. The abundant foam that forms during cooking will disappear on its own when it cools, so there is no need to collect it right away.

You just need to periodically gently shake the container with jam. If at the end of cooking there is still foam left on the surface of the jam, it must be carefully removed with a slotted spoon. As they cook and soak in syrup, the fruits become transparent to such an extent that the seeds inside the fruit are visible. The last time the jam is cooked until fully cooked, about 10-15 minutes.

At the last stage, practically no foam is formed. The finished jam has a bright orange. It is very important not to overcook the jam as the color may become dark and unattractive. The readiness of the jam can be determined by the transparency of the fruit and the syrup. To do this, drop a spoonful of syrup onto a saucer. If the cooled drop does not spread when the saucer is slightly tilted, then the jam is ready.

Before putting the jam into jars, it must cool down.

They store jars of jam in a cool place, although it probably won’t last until winter - it will be eaten earlier. Paradise apple jam looks very beautiful on the table. When serving tea, it is usually laid out in rosettes. Despite this, it is customary to eat it not with a spoon, but simply by grabbing it by the tail.

Our apples of paradise ripen in the second half of July. The harvest from the trees goes on sale until mid-September. So, if you want to make jam from paradise apples and it’s already August, then you need to hurry.

Paradise apple jam is made from whole fruits - you can remove the stems before cooking, or you can leave them and then decorate cakes and pastries with cute little apples. This preparation will perfectly replenish your supplies for the winter, especially since it is no more difficult to make than any other. You will find the recipes and technology for preparing it from heavenly apples in our article. The only thing is to carefully select ripe, not wrinkled and not wormy fruits, sort them by color and size, and then proceed directly to the process, which, although it takes a lot of time, is quite simple.

Paradise apple jam: classic recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • a kilogram of heavenly apples;
  • 1.3, or a little more than a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of filtered water.

Sort and wash the fruits; the stems can be removed or left as is. Prick each apple with a toothpick or thick needle in several places. Then prepare syrup from the specified amount of water and sugar. In order for you to end up with delicious and perfect jam from paradise apples, the recipe (technology) involves cooking in several stages, so be patient. First you need to pour sugar syrup over the fruit and leave it to stand for a day. Then drain the liquid, boil, add back to the apples while hot and leave for another 24 hours. And only on the third day can you put the pan with all the contents on the stove and bring the jam to readiness. You can check it like this: take a drop of liquid, pour it onto a plate and observe. If it spreads, cook for some more time; if not, then feel free to pour the fragrant jam into jars, roll up the lids and store in a dark place until winter.

Paradise apple jam: a recipe for amber winter preparation

Although this cooking option is similar to the previous one in terms of the number of ingredients, the cooking technology itself is somewhat different. But it is she who will help you get something tasty and very beautiful, amber jam from heavenly apples. To prepare, take:

  • 1.5 kg of fruit;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • a glass of plain filtered water or apple juice.

Wash the apples, sort them, remove the stem. Prick it in several places with a match or toothpick, and then blanch (boil) in boiling water for several minutes. Remove the fruit with a slotted spoon and place it in cold water, in which they should be soaked for a day. After the specified time, pour syrup cooked from the specified amount of sugar and water over the apples. By the way, it will be very tasty if you replace the water apple juice: You can squeeze it yourself, or you can buy it ready-made. After the fruit in the syrup has cooled, place the pan on the stove and boil the jam for a quarter of an hour. The apples will become transparent and the color of the liquid will resemble amber. Now you know how to make paradise apple jam. The recipe for cooking it is no more complicated than any other preparation, and in winter you can use the most aromatic supply to decorate baked goods, and also simply as an excellent addition to tea.

1 Serving 15 minutes


Paradise apple jam- a truly heavenly transparent delicacy, the taste of which is much more interesting and pleasant than usual apple jam. Thanks to the miniature size of the fruit, it is possible to make heavenly jam at home from whole apples for the winter. In this case, the fruits do not have to be chopped to prepare a tasty treat. Due to this, a rather interesting winter preparation is obtained, containing small pearlescent fruits, and even with tails, which float entirely in a transparent sweet syrup.

Cook heavenly jam from ranetki with tails for the winter according to this step by step photo A recipe with detailed technological instructions is a pleasure! Firstly, there are no difficulties during the process, because the recipe is really very simple. Secondly, apples of paradise do not require such special preparation as, for example, ordinary large apple fruits. In this recipe, apples of paradise are prepared for the winter whole and with the stalks, but with the stalk, of course, not everything is so simple. Each apple tail must be shortened, and this procedure is, in fact, tedious. However, for the sake of such a magnificent homemade delicacy, it’s not a sin to work hard.

Let's start preparing heavenly jam for the winter according to my grandmother's recipe, proven over the years! In it, by the way, you will learn several important secrets about cooking such a delicacy.

July 24, 2015

Among the variety of apple varieties, heavenly apples are distinguished by their small size, density of pulp and tart taste. Eating the fruits of paradise apples in their natural form is not very comfortable, but in the format of jam or as a decorative element for decoration confectionery, and also as an effective side dish (after appropriate processing) for meat, poultry, and game dishes - it’s just a godsend.

Thanks to the bright aroma and special taste of the fruit, jam from paradise apples is convincingly superior to jam from other varieties of apples, and besides, it’s so fun to enjoy, removing the apples one by one by the tails :)

When starting to make jam, and wanting the apples in it to become translucent, become pleasantly soft and at the same time retain their shape, you need to know and follow some nuances.

  • It will turn out: from 1 kg apples

How we do it

1 We sort out the apples of paradise, leaving only the fruits without damage and correct form. Trim the tails of the apples by about half.

2 Wash the apples and make 5-6 punctures on each with a toothpick or a thick needle.

3 Blanch the apples in hot water(in slightly cooled boiling water), to slightly soften their dense pulp and skin, place the apples in a colander and lower them into boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then cool quickly. For this purpose, it is a good idea to immerse the apples in cold water after blanching.

4 Then let the water drain and transfer the apples to the pan for cooking. It is advisable that the pan be wider and have a thick bottom. Ideally, we cook in a copper basin, if you have one in your arsenal :)

5 Make syrup from water and sugar. Bring to a boil, cook with stirring until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and skim off the foam.

6 Cool the syrup to 50-60 degrees and pour it over the apples.

7 Leave the apples in the syrup for 8-10 hours (usually overnight) so that they begin to be saturated with syrup.

8 Then cook the jam slowly, in 3-4 batches, with prolonged standing in the cooling syrup. Each time, over medium heat, bring the jam to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes without boiling, and leave for 10-12 hours. Do not interfere, you can only gently shake the pan.

9 During the process of standing, the apples are gradually saturated with syrup, and the syrup thickens. The pulp of our special fruits, although it is quite dense, even hard, but, nevertheless, if you heat the apples for a longer time, trying to cook the jam at one time, the apples will most likely crack, and among the apple pulp that has spread into the jam you will watch sadly floating apple tails 🙂 So rush in this case is not welcome.

10 During the last cooking, which can be slightly lengthened in time (up to 15 minutes), taste the jam; if you want, add a little citric acid. We usually add it so that the jam does not seem cloying and its color becomes brighter. Citric acid In addition, it contributes to better preservation of jam during storage.

11 We judge the readiness of the jam by a number of signs - the apples have clearly become heavier and do not float on top, but are evenly distributed in the syrup, and they have become translucent. The syrup has noticeably thickened - if you take it into a spoon, cool it to room temperature and drop it on a saucer, the drop takes a convex shape and does not spread even when the saucer is rocked.

12 If you are making jam for the winter, then prepare two half-liter jars in advance - wash them thoroughly, rinse and sterilize them by dousing them with boiling water or steam, or dry them in a hot oven, and boil the lids in boiling water.

13 Place the jam in dry jars and roll up the lids. Can be laid out immediately after the last cooking, while still hot. But if you let the jam cool slightly before packaging, the apples will be more evenly distributed throughout the volume of the jars.

14 There will be some jam left for testing :)

Done, help yourself :)
