How old is the wife of Kirill from Ivanushki. Kirill Andreev: biography and personal life

In the biography of Kirill Andreev, the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International”, there were many interesting events. In addition to music, he was able to find himself in the modeling business, cinema and television. Interesting facts, information about personal life and creative path are presented in this publication.


Andreev Kirill Alexandrovich was born in a Moscow maternity hospital on April 6, 1971. His childhood was spent in the most ordinary family: his father was a builder, his mother was a printer. At a young age, our hero was seriously involved in dancing and swimming. Then no one could have imagined that very soon the boy would become a star of Russian show business.

Kirill’s serene childhood was overshadowed by his father’s departure from the family. The young man experienced this situation very painfully. What can I say, any child wants to grow up in a complete family.

Now all the burdens of raising him fall on the shoulders of Kirill’s mother. Realizing how difficult it was for her, the future artist decided that after school he would master a working profession and would help his mother in every possible way.

Early adulthood and modeling

After completing 11 classes, Kirill Andreev entered the radio-mechanical technical school. Afterwards the army was waiting for him. By the way, our hero served in Vladimir, in the artillery troops. Returning home after the army, Kirill began to think about what he should do next and how to make a living.

The further fate of the future artist was determined by the school of models of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. It was she who gave him the first impetus on the path to the star Olympus. So, some time after the army, Kirill accidentally finds out that he is being recruited into a modeling school under the leadership of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev. Andreev decides to take part in the casting. Kirill, who appeared before the commission members, immediately charmed them with his smile, incredible charisma, and charm, and was accepted.

The young man himself was skeptical about a modeling career for some time. However, after his potential was fully revealed and his first success appeared, he changed his attitude towards this profession. Now he wanted to further grow and develop in the modeling business. There were rumors that our hero even had surgery on his nose to become even closer to his ideal appearance. By the way, in order to improve his professional skills, Kirill was trained at a modeling school in the United States of America.

Show business and Ivanushki International

It is no secret that it was the career of a model that brought our hero into the world of Russian show business. More on how this happened in the material below.

Working at the Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion Theater, Andreev, thanks to his external data, did not go unnoticed. They started talking about the future artist as a bright representative of his profession. They began to invite him to film commercials and music videos with the participation of Russian show business stars.

After some time, Kirill Andreev meets Natalya Vetlitskaya (Soviet and Russian singer, former member of the Mirage group), who introduces him to Igor Matvienko. The producer immediately noticed artistic abilities in the young guy and invited him to take part in the selection of solo performers for the group “Ivanushki International”. In the biography of Kirill Andreev, this event became the most significant. Having successfully passed the casting, our hero joined Igor Sorin and Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov. Now the Ivanushki International group has been fully formed.

The popularity of the musical group was gaining momentum at an incredible pace: “Ivanushki” gathered huge stadiums, their hits were heard on all Russian radio stations. Over the 23 years of its existence, the Ivanushki International group has undergone composition changes several times. However, Kirill Andreev never left the team and still remains its permanent member. The only thing the artist allowed himself was to try himself as a solo performer. He wanted to create something new. So, in 2009, Andreev released a solo album called “I Continue to Live.” He traveled halfway across the country and gave many concerts. Moreover, this did not harm “Ivanushki” at all. Andrey continued to actively participate in the life of the group.


The biography of singer Kirill Andreev, as we see, is very interesting. In addition to the fact that our hero has a wonderful voice, he is also a good actor. Films with his participation are clear proof of this: “1 Fast”, “Election Day”, “Mixed Feelings” and others.


Kirill Andreev also appeared on television, participating in such projects as “Circus with the Stars” and “Star + Star”. He also worked for some time at Music Box as a TV presenter.

Personal life

Personal life occupies a special place in the biography of Kirill Andreev. Without a doubt, this topic is of interest to many of his fans. And what to hide, almost every woman would like to become the wife of such a handsome man as Kirill Andreev. However, the heart of our hero has belonged to one and only woman for almost twenty years - Lolita Alikulova.

The lovers got married in 2000. A few months later, they had a beautiful son, whom the couple also named Kirill.

Talking about his wedding, our hero notes that there was no wedding as such: the young couple came together to register at the registry office. No one was invited to the festive celebration, not even relatives.


Kirill Andreev and his family are deeply religious people. They pray before every meal and ask God for forgiveness for their sins, and when there is time, the whole family attends church.

It is obvious that the wife of Kirill Andreev from “Ivanushki” played an important role in the biography of her husband, otherwise the artist’s life would not have been so happy. Lolita always supports her husband in everything. Even while pregnant, she accompanied her husband when he was on tour.

According to the latest data, it is known that the son of Kirill Andreev graduated from school in 2018 and is going to apply to three universities at once.

In the biography of Kirill Andreev from “Ivanushki” there are many interesting facts about him. Here are some of them:

  • In 2001, the hero of this publication suffered a serious injury. While celebrating his thirtieth birthday, the artist had an argument with one of the guests. The showdown continued on the street. The bodyguard of the “conflict” guest joined the ensuing fight and hit Andreev in the face. The blow was so strong that Kirill could not stand on his feet. He fell and hit his head on an iron post. All this led to our hero developing a huge hematoma. A complex operation was required. There were no guarantees that the artist would return to a full life. Fortunately, the operation was successful. Within six months, the artist returned to his favorite work.
  • There is another remarkable fact in the biography of Kirill Andreev. Since early childhood, the Russian singer has led a healthy lifestyle; he does not smoke or drink. Moreover, Kirill is also a candidate for master of sports in swimming.
  • In addition to swimming, Andreev was involved in bodybuilding for several years.
  • In his early years, Kirill starred in American commercials.
  • There are rumors that our today's hero may become a father for the second time in the near future. However, this information has not yet been confirmed.
  • What other interesting facts are there in the biography of Kirill Andreev? It turns out that just recently the Russian show business artist found out that his father grew up in a foster family, and his real parents were Spaniards. As the singer himself says, he was always surprised why dad was a burning brunette and didn’t look a bit like his parents.

Kirill Andreev is a Russian singer, TV presenter, catwalk model, who became famous as the permanent lead singer of a pop group.

Kirill was born and raised in Moscow, in an area called “Kuzminki”. The parents were simple workers. Father Alexander worked at a construction site, and mother Nina Mikhailovna held the position of technologist at the First Model Printing House. Kirill is not the first artist in his family: Andreeva’s grandmother sang in Pyatnitsky’s choir, and his great-uncle performed in a dance group. Kirill also had Spaniards in his family.

When the boy was not yet 11 years old, father Alexander Andreev abandoned his family. Nina Mikhailovna raised the child alone and tried to be both mother and father to her son. The task was complicated by the fact that my teenage years fell on a difficult time for the country - Perestroika. People's concepts, principles, and goals changed.

Sport saved Kirill Street from the influence. At the age of 12, the boy was one of ten children who, out of a thousand, were selected by coaches for the swimming section. Andreev went to the pool until the end of school and was able to become a candidate for master of sports. In the early 80s, the artist became interested in bodybuilding.

The young man did not pursue higher education. Instead, he graduated from the Moscow Radio Mechanical College under a special accelerated program, and then served for two years in the artillery troops in the Vladimir region. Having been demobilized from the army, Kirill Andreev began to look for something to do, and then an advertisement for recruiting models for a school caught his eye. Thanks to his tall stature and athletic build, the young man easily passed the casting and worked for several years in the fashion house of the famous couturier. The young man made a special trip to the USA, where he took one of the most prestigious courses at the American School of Advertising and Fashion Models.

While working as a model, Kirill Andreev met famous people from show business, including the singer. The artist recommended the spectacular guy to the producer and composer, who had already become famous as the creator of the Lyube group. Igor was then organizing a new project that did not yet have a name.


Kirill was the very first to be enrolled in the new boy band. Then they joined him. The producer assumed that the group would consist of five people. It was necessary to find two more girls. One singer agreed to participate in the project, but then refused. We settled on a male trio.

The first concerts of the musical group were held free of charge at school and student evenings. At first, the group did not have a name, and at every performance in clubs, the guys asked visitors to propose their own options. During the year of performances, the guys tried the names “Soyuz-Apollonov”, “Pencils”, “Third Internatanceval”, “Don Hip-Hop and Sancha Dancer”, “Dream”, “Sunflowers”. But an accidentally spoken phrase by Herman Witke, who called the young artists Ivanushki, determined the name of the ensemble.

The very first song “Ivanushek International”, which turned out to be a cover version of the hit of the rock group “Rondo” called “Universe”, became popular. But then there was some kind of stupor in creativity, and the guys couldn’t fly higher. Igor Matvienko decided to go all-in. The new song “Clouds” was written in a trip-hop style unusual for Russian pop music, and when releasing the composition on air, the producer took an almost desperate step, as he was already thinking about closing the project. But the song not only became famous, but created a real sensation. “Clouds” thundered from every apartment, from every passing car. The success was colossal. New fans began to take an interest in the biographies of the singers and their lives. Crowds of fans chased the singers.

In 1996, “Ivanushki” released their debut album “Of course, he”, two compositions from which were included in the “Song of the Year” show. The collection also includes the tracks “Floors”, “Universe”, “Raspberry”, “Ring”, “Sunflower”, “Somewhere” and others. A year later, a disc appeared with remixes of the first hits.

In November 1997, the musical group’s second disc, “Your Letters,” was released, which included 11 compositions, including “Letters of Summer,” “Doll,” “Natasha from Semashko Street,” as well as cover versions of the songs “Girl-Girl.” ", "Alyoshka's Love", "Little Sister".

The most famous hits from later albums were “Sky”, “Boat”, “Golden Clouds”, “Bouquet of Lilacs” and “Ticket to the Cinema”. In 1998, “Poplar Down” took first place in the Russian Radio ratings. In the same year, the artists presented fans with their third album, “I’ll Scream About This All Night,” and then followed with the works “Wait for Me” and “Andrey Kirill.” In 2002, the group took part in a group concert in the Kremlin Palace, then the artists performed at the Olimpiysky sports complex at the opening of the International Youth Sports Games.

In the mid-2000s, “Ivanushki” released a collection to mark the tenth anniversary of their creative activity, which included new songs “Bouquet of Lilacs”, “Ticket to the Movies”, “I Love”, “Beyond the Horizon”. After 2005, new products from the guys rarely come out. But from now on, artists begin to appear in various television shows. The trio, together with the producer, is present on the filming of the first episode of “Big Difference”; in 2010, they participate in the program “Property of the Republic”, dedicated to Igor Matvienko, in the creation of an episode of the “Army Store” program.

The composition of the team changed twice, but, notably, always only in one position: instead of Igor Sorin in 1998, Oleg Yakovlev came, whom he replaced 15 years later. But Kirill Andreev remains the permanent soloist of Ivanushki International.

Recently, the singer, while remaining a member of the pop group, has also been pursuing a solo career. Kirill often gives independent concerts, and in 2009 he even released the album “I Continue to Live” without the participation of his colleagues. In 2014, Andreev was among the torch-bearing stars of the Sochi Olympics. Kirill took part in the relay race in Saratov.

Television and cinema

Even before his singing career, Kirill Andreev began to appear on TV screens in music videos - in the singer’s video for the song “My Boy,” as well as in the video for the English-language hit “I’m Lost Without You.”

Already as one of the “Ivanushki” Andreev starred in the musicals “Old Songs about the Main Thing - 3” and “First Ambulance”, as well as in the comedies “Election Day” and “Mixed Feelings”.

The artist also tried himself as a TV presenter, when for some time he was the main character in the entertainment program “News” on the “Music Box” channel.

In addition, fans regularly watch their favorite in various television projects and talent shows. Together with a parodist, Andreev sang a duet in the Ukrainian show “Zirka + Zirka”, together with dancer Marina Kopylova he performed in the rating program “Dancing with the Stars”, and in “Circus with the Stars” he became a favorite, but in one of the numbers he fell, broke his arm and was forced to leave the project.

Personal life

The artist met his future wife Lolita Alikulova, an aerobics and fitness trainer, on the eve of 1999. Kirill introduced himself to the girl under a different name, hiding his involvement in music. Soon enough, the young people got married, and in October 2000 the couple had a son, who was named after his father - Kirill Andreev Jr.

The singer’s acquaintances note that Kirill Andreev is an excellent family man and husband, who even on tour thinks about his wife and child. Andreev was often credited with having affairs on the side, but Lolita, as well as Kirill himself, each time categorically denied the rumors. The couple of Kirill and Lolita Andreev is considered one of the strongest on the Russian stage.

In the mid-2000s, the singer’s wife joined an organization involved in holotropic breathing. The girl began to live from session to session; the family was saved by the fact that the Andreevs visited the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. After a trip to Kyiv, Lolita stopped visiting the group of sectarians.

Kirill Sr. retained his childhood attachment to a healthy lifestyle. The artist does not smoke and does not drink alcohol at all, and goes in for sports. In addition to his favorite swimming, the singer went to kickboxing, but doctors banned martial arts due to possible visual impairment. Recently, Andreev began playing hockey as part of the Zvezda club, which consists of musicians and other show business representatives.

Kirill Andreev has an official page in “ Instagram", where the artist posts personal photos, pictures with other pop stars, as well as announcements of performances.

Kirill Andreev now

Now Kirill Andreev, in addition to concerts with Ivanushki, continues to develop his solo career. At the end of 2016, the musical composition “First Words” was released on Russian Radio, and then in the program the artist performed a song about his mother without accompaniment. He spends his free time with his family in Turkey, where he recently purchased his own apartment.


  • 1996 - “Of course he is”
  • 1997 - “Your Letters”
  • 1999 - “I’ll scream about this all night”
  • 2000 - “Wait for me”
  • 2001 - “Ivanushki in Moscow”
  • 2002 - “Oleg Andrey Kirill”
  • 2005 - “10 years in the universe”
  • 2009 – “I continue to live”
  • 2015 - “The best of our lives”

Until some time, the public believed that the marriage of a former participant in the country’s main television show called Dom-2, and now TV presenter Nelly Ermolaeva, and composer Kirill Andreev was pure PR. However, the public underestimated the feelings of young people. They recently tied the knot of Hymenia.

Eligible groom

For those who are not yet in the know, we inform you that Kirill is the son of a far from poor businessman, and besides, the guy himself makes good money. He owns a chain of restaurants and writes songs that become hits in a short time. For example, the well-known “Why are the birches in Russia so noisy” performed by the group “Lyube” is the work of the talented Andreev. From this material, according to rumors, he earned about a million dollars. An enviable groom! However, in fact, the young man is completely unpretentious. He spends most of his time not in the noisy capital, but in his native Tomsk. In addition, recently Kirill began to try himself as an artist. He wrote a song for himself and even shot a video for it. A caring wife helps him in everything.

We must give the guy his due: he is not only handsome and rich, but also never ceases to improve himself and believes that it is never too late to learn. Not long ago, Andreev received his third higher education.

Wedding worth 20 million rubles

Nellie did not fail to admire her husband. In her profile on one of the social networks, she wrote that she was immensely proud of her lover and wished him further achievements and new victories.

We should also talk about the wedding of young people, which took place in June 2016. There is information in the press that about 20 million rubles were spent on the celebration! The famous Tatyana Tereshina, Cornelia Mango, Alena Vodonaeva and even the golden voice of Russia Nikolai Baskov did not miss the opportunity to miss this joyful event.

20 million rubles - that’s how much the wedding of Nelly and Kirill cost

Before Kirill, Nellie was already married to a good guy, Nikita Kuznetsov, but their marriage was not destined to last long. The young people separated, indicating the reason for the divorce - a mismatch of characters.

Everyone has at least once heard the songs of the popular trio of cheerful guys “Ivanushki International”. They were especially loved by young girls who sang the band's songs, wrote them love letters and kept their photographs under their pillows. The most attractive, according to the girls, the lead singer of the group was a tall, dark-haired, muscular guy - Andreev Kirill. The biography of the artist described in this article will certainly be of interest to his fans. How did he get into the group and what did he do before that?

Andreev Kirill. Biography: childhood

The future “Ivanushka” was born on April 6, 1971 in Moscow. His parents immediately noticed the makings of an artist in the boy, when at the age of five he changed into different costumes several times in half an hour, performing in front of his family and friends. When the boy was given a choice: ballroom dancing or swimming, he chose the second, considering dancing a shameful activity for a man. And in swimming, the boy achieved some success and even began to read Kirill a lot, loved to go to the cinema, collected cars and candy wrappers.

Biography of Kirill Andreev: modeling career

After graduating from school, the guy was called up to serve in the Russian Armed Forces. During his time in the army, Kirill lost as much as 20 kg, which allowed him to successfully start a career in the modeling business. It came as a surprise to everyone that the guy decided to enroll in V. Zaitsev’s school of fashion models. After graduation, he studied modeling in New York, USA. He starred in advertisements for Alfa Bank and video clips for Laima Vaikule. That his dream of becoming a real professional singer would soon come true, young 22-year-old Andreev Kirill did not yet know...

Biography of the group “Ivanushki International”

When Igor Matvienko created a new band, Natalya Vetlitskaya advised him to take Kirill as a soloist. The guy made a good impression on the producer - good physical shape combined with a pleasant voice - what is needed for show business. In 1994, “Ivanushki” was born, but announced itself only in 1996. The first album with a controversial combination of romantic lyrics and rock music immediately appealed to listeners.

In 1998, Igor Sorin left the team, who decided to pursue a solo career, but died tragically in the fall of that year. Oleg Yakovlev took his place. The guys perform the song “Poplar Down,” which immediately became a real hit for several years.

Kirill’s athletic figure often appeared in the frame in the group’s videos, but he only sang small excerpts of songs, which did not suit him at all, and he decided to talk to the producer. Then Igor Matvienko wrote several songs, which were performed almost entirely by Kirill Andreev himself.

Biography of a star: personal life

The lead singer of “Ivanushki” married Lolita Nikolaevna Alikulova in 2000 (she worked as a fitness instructor at that time). The couple met on the eve of the New Year 1998 at the house of mutual friends. Since then they have been together all the time. They live in Moscow, raise their son Kirill, born in 2000, and dream of a daughter.

Andreev’s biography as part of “Ivanushki” continues, but since 2003 he has also been simultaneously developing a solo career (in which producer Ilya Zudin helps him) and performing at corporate events.

Known to many fans more as one of the performers of the trio “Ivanushki International”, Kirill Andreev fully deserves the title of a popular Russian singer. Moreover, Andreev’s career developed not only in the world of music, but also in the modeling business, cinema, and television. Such a variety of interests of the singer made his life quite interesting - there are many bright moments in his creative life that are worth paying attention to. Moreover, Andreev was and is being helped to achieve fame by his wife, who supports him and is always by his side.

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Kirill Aleksandrovich Andreev was born in 1971 in the capital of our homeland. The future celebrity spent his childhood in the Kuzminka area, where Andreev is remembered and treated with respect. The boy was born into an ordinary family, where his father was a builder and his mother was a printing engineer. After graduating from school No. 468 in Moscow, Kirill entered the radio-mechanical technical school. After receiving his diploma, he served in the army in the artillery troops.

Arriving again in his native capital, he did not make grandiose plans, but his fate and activities were determined by the opportunity that presented itself: one day the guy saw an advertisement that models were needed for Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s school. Andreev decided to test himself and went to the casting, which went well, demonstrating special potential to the judges. Within the walls of Zaitsev’s school, he began to prepare for work as a fashion model, at first not taking this type of activity particularly seriously. But when his potential was fully revealed and his first success appeared, he liked this kind of work, and the future singer even began to make plans for his career in this direction.

For several years, Kirill Andreev was a model, working at the Zaitsev Fashion Theater. At the same time, he participated in the filming of advertising, music videos and made acquaintances with many show business stars. Andreev also managed to undergo training at a modeling school in the USA. The young man devoted himself fully to his profession, there were even rumors that he specially corrected the shape of his nose. Indefatigable zeal and talent opened the way for him from the world of modeling to the sphere of show business.

Having made acquaintances with many celebrities, including Natalya Vetlitskaya, he became surrounded by Igor Matvienko, who highly noted Andreev’s artistic abilities and bright appearance. The producer invited Kirill to participate in the selection of soloists for the trio “Ivanushki,” to which the future singer readily agreed and successfully passed the casting, becoming a member of the famous group on a par with Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov and Igor Sorin. The popularity of “Ivanushki” was truly fantastic - the group gathered huge stadiums, its musical hits were heard on all radio stations. And today, after 20 years, Kirill Andreev remains the soul and leader of the group, despite the fact that significant changes have occurred within it during this time. But still, in 2009, the singer started thinking about a solo career, released an album of his own songs and gave several solo concerts.

Andreev also tested his strength as a TV presenter and actor. As a film actor, he played roles in “Election Day”, “First Soon”, “Old Songs about the Main Thing - 3”. He appears as a TV presenter on Music Box - on this channel you can see his news programs. He also appeared on television in the projects “Circus with the Stars” and “Zirka + Zirka”. Today he devotes a lot of time to writing solo songs and creativity in “Ivanushki”. He also does not shy away from political activities - he is a member of United Russia.

Personal life

Andreev’s personal life can be called ideal, since the non-smoking and non-drinking singer (and it’s rare to meet a person with a healthy lifestyle in show business) got married in 2000 and still lives well with his wife Lola and son, who was born in the year of the wedding couples. Kirill Andreev admits to the press that his family is very religious - they read prayers before eating, attend church and ask the Lord for forgiveness for some sins.

Talking about his wedding, Kirill notes that there was no wedding as such: there was only registration at the registry office, where he and Lola came together. They did not invite anyone to this solemn day - neither witnesses, nor relatives, for which the singer was ashamed in front of his mother and mother-in-law. But he said that his future wife was pregnant, so they wanted to legalize the relationship as quickly as possible. After the wedding, Andreev’s wife followed him everywhere on tour, supporting her talented husband.

Today, family values ​​come first for the singer; he strives to give his son a good upbringing and education. The performer does not want to let Kirill Jr. into the world of show business, knowing how hard the work on stage is. Andreev dreams that his son will receive an education that would be equally valued in our country and abroad.
