Symbols for attracting love runes. Rune for love and marriage: a runescript that attracts love

If a person cannot find a life partner, it is worth resorting to a method that has been proven over the years, which is the rune of love. This ancient magical sign, when used correctly, can create happy and harmonious relationships.


Rune signs are a universal way to get anything. Each of the symbols contains power and is intended for a specific direction. The main difficulty in using such magic is considered to be the creation of a ready-made formula that will perform a specific task.

Runes for love and love affairs are capable of producing the following visual actions:

  1. Love spell. It is not recommended to use runes for these purposes. This type of magic will create a strong negative impact on the energy of the bearer of the runes and the chosen one.
  2. Increase your chances of attracting a worthy candidate for marriage into your life. Suitable for those people who have been looking for a candidate who fits the image for a long time ideal husband or wife.
  3. Increase your level of attractiveness. Due to the lack of feminine or masculine energy, even with good external data, the opposite sex may not pay attention. Formulas for attractiveness will strengthen it and correct the problem.
  4. Bring back the former ardor and passion to relationships. For those cases when the fire of love has begun to fade and needs to be rekindled with renewed vigor.

Anyone can use rune magic. It does not contradict any of the religions and their foundations. At the same time, you should not create love rune formulas to attract the love of a specific person. This is a deliberate interference in his will and desires, for which retribution will come over time.

Effective runes for love

In order to correctly compose a rune pattern, a person must know the meaning of the basic signs that can attract love and harmony into life.

  1. Kenaz.
  1. Soulu.
  1. The attractiveness of this symbol lies not only in its external impact, but also in the conveyance of confidence. The sign acts on this character trait and is capable of turning even the most modest person into a confident person. This is the ideal rune for love.
  1. Laguz and Inguz.
  1. The first symbol is responsible for the feminine, and the second for the masculine. They are suitable for singles who are looking for a couple. These signs can increase the energy of the wearer, as well as his sexuality. It is worth remembering that they are not suitable for those people who already have a long-term relationship with someone.


A symbol of strong relationships between partners. It will help attract sincere love. And this does not always apply to the opposite sex. Sometimes the rune encourages you to love yourself first.

Odal (Otala).

  1. This rune can correct problems in marriage, improve relationships, help with pregnancy, and bring prosperity to the house.
  2. Important! Odal will only work if the alliance is officially concluded.

Runes to attract the love of a specific person

  1. To attract a certain person into your personal life, the following formulas and rates are drawn up:
  2. Otala+Evaz. This connection should be used when there is already a relationship, but it is hanging by a thread. To do this, you should apply runes to a joint photo with your significant other. Such a ritual will allow you to return your former passion and love. This formula will help bring your lover back, but it will only work if he still has warm feelings. and open up wider horizons.

Runic staves and formulas for love

Each of the runes for love and marriage is already endowed with its own power. The use of two, three or more symbols at the same time will significantly strengthen it and direct it in a certain direction. In order to create the correct formula, you need to have specific knowledge and understand the situation. Also, do not forget that formulas that have been working and tested by many generations have existed for a long time. Here are some of them:

  1. Kano+Gebo+Laguz.
  2. Perfect for single women. In this combination, runes are obtained to attract the love of a man. A girl who uses them will definitely meet the partner of her dreams.
  3. Kano+Gebo+Inguz. The operating principle is identical to the previous option only for men. This is a working rune to attract girls.
  4. Kano+Laguz or Inguz+Soulo. According to the principle of action, the formulas for love and relationships are identical, or rather for strengthening them in an already established couple.


  1. One of the most powerful bets that causes an incredible attractive effect. Thanks to him, you can quickly find your soulmate. Important! The resulting relationship may soon fall apart.

  1. Uruz+Berkana+Inguz. Runic composition for the sexual fusion of two people. It will completely destroy any problems of a couple of an intimate nature and significantly increase the level of pleasure from the process.


This composition is perfect for reconciling a couple after a quarrel. The first rune is able to remove obstacles that hinder reconciliation, the second creates a more comfortable relationship, and the third is a fixer and amplifier for the first two.

  1. The principle of using runes
  2. You need to approach working with signs wisely. Using them incorrectly will lead to disastrous results. Therefore, you should know the basic rules that will help you avoid unpleasant situations. To work effectively with runes, you need to have special knowledge. You should also have an idea of ​​the operating principles of each symbol that will be used in a particular formula. Do not forget that there are runes that can complement and enhance each other’s properties. At the same time, some signs, on the contrary, may contradict others and interfere
  3. proper operation

. If you use them in one formula, then instead of the expected result, only harm will be obtained.

To create a rune amulet, two principles are mainly used. First of all, these are runescripts. This word should be understood as the application of symbols in a certain order to an object. The number of runes can vary from 1 to 10. The most widely used are scripts of 3-5 runes. This quantity provides fine tuning of their action to perform a specific task.

Another equally effective principle is the creation of a runestav. These are several runes that are written in combination. To form such an amulet, you should know all the decodings and principles of writing combinations. If you have this knowledge, you can get a very powerful and effective artifact, which will be charged with a certain principle of action.

Single runes are best used as a temporary amulet. They are applied to any objects, including your own body. You can also use a ready-made amulet with a rune applied.

In general, there are no specific guidelines for creating such artifacts, although there are certain limits to their use. Each runic amulet must have a specific validity period, after which it should be destroyed. But this rule does not apply to single signs that are printed on dies; their validity periods have no limits.

Runes can affect absolutely any area of ​​life. Their use can change the fate of every person and even help to get married for mutual love.


There are many opinions regarding the charging of such amulets. Some say that the rune is a powerful activator and does not need an additional charge of energy. Others offer multi-level reservations that are accompanied by various ritual actions.

At the same time, there are quite simple and effective ways, activating the rune and charging the carrier. One of them is offered by the famous magician and shaman Kenneth Meadows. You can activate any amulet, regardless of whether it was purchased or made yourself. To do this, you need to put it in left hand, use your right fingers to form something like a tube and blow forcefully onto the amulet. You need to repeat this action three times. Before exhaling, you need to hold your breath a little and focus on the names of the signs.

Inscriptions for happiness

In rune catalogs there are signs that can bring good luck. This will help in the search for love and happiness, because finding a real relationship is a kind of luck. The most popular formula for good luck in love is Ansuz + Laguz + Gebo. She is able to find a fan who will fully meet all the desires of the wearer.


Scandinavian runes of love are a great way to find a life partner, bring harmony to the family, or strengthen newly established relationships. In addition, they do not conflict with any religion, so everyone can use them.

22.09.2014 Fortuna

How to become desirable? How to find joy in love? This is what we dream about, this is what we are created for. Happiness, love, family are the goals of any woman. But the struggle for our happiness can sometimes be very difficult and intense: rivals, ill-wishers, and simply failures disrupt all our plans.

What can be done in this case? Runes for the sphere of love and marriage - help and support for those who believe in the power of these magical signs.

What are runes?

Contrary to popular belief, runes are not just letters of the Scandinavian alphabet. They mean mystery or secret. The action of runic signs is based on changing life events with the help of a symbolic sign and voice. This occult action sets in motion the universal mystery of existence, turning events in the direction you need. Each symbol consists of three indivisible aspects:

  • sound;
  • sign (symbol);
  • hidden law.

Sound manifests its power in the vibration of space, a sign (or form) manifests itself in the visible demonstration of space, a hidden law is a manifestation of higher magic. It is the highest magic that brings into action the inner meaning, the power of sound and sign. It is thanks to her that it is possible to transform events in the direction you need.

The magical runic tradition is based on the following principles:

  • the order of inscription of rune symbols in numerological order;
  • division of the rune row into three attas;
  • the shape and phonetic sound of each sign;
  • poetic traditions for each rune.

Where to apply rune marks?

Beginners often cannot understand where exactly to apply runic signs, and what should they be used to draw them with? There is nothing complicated here. Runic formulas are applied:

  • on your body;
  • on the body of another person;
  • to a photograph;
  • for food, water, bath, cosmetics and any items;
  • just on a piece of paper.

What can you draw with?

  • with a regular pen;
  • pencil;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • paint;
  • embroider;
  • scratch with a nail.

How does the process of applying runic signs take place:

  • Apply to media (body, photo, etc.)
  • Say the purpose of the rune stave (what it is intended for).
  • Specify the duration of the formula (start and end of action).
  • Activate the runes (you can breathe).
  • Burn the symbols or otherwise destroy them after they are completed.
  • Thank the runes for their help in your own words.

Symbols for love

Among the runic alphabet (futarch) there are a number of runes responsible for love and marriage. Attracting the desired man, mutual feelings and happiness is quite achievable with the help of the runes: Inguz, Yera, Gebo, Ansuz and Soulu.

You can draw rune symbols for love in red or with your own blood. There is nothing wrong with this - blood symbolizes your vital interest in this event (attracting love), and in order to draw runes with blood, you do not need to take it from a vein! Blood is taken from the finger of the left hand. Let's look at a few runic signs of love.

The meaning of the sign is power, strength. It symbolizes prosperity and fertility. The Inguz rune for love and a happy marriage is of the most fundamental importance: it is directly related to the svadhisthana chakra, which is responsible for reproductive capabilities and connection with the earth.

But the Inguz rune also interacts with other chakras responsible for other aspects of love - spirituality (anahata) and passion (manipura). The insuz rune carries a powerful positive charge; it gives strength to complete any task started.

In this case, it simply cannot fail! In runic formulas, this symbol stands at the very end as a sign of a successful outcome and completion. This symbol also increases libido in women and men. If there are any problems in the intimate area, they are solved with the help of inguz applied to the body or other physical medium. When compiling runic formulas, do not forget that Inguz is the main one for love magic and family magic. Insuz will help:

  • strengthen self-confidence;
  • self-realization;
  • expand the boundaries of perception.

Helps events come true, gives hope for successful completion and “harvest.” The yera rune for love is in the hands of Providence itself, and will certainly help events line up in desired row and come to a successful conclusion. Any love formula or runic script for marriage and love with the Yera rune will lead you to success.

Yera is a successful conception for those who were unable to give birth to a child from their loved one. Yera is a seed sown into the fertile soil of success.

Even if events do not develop as quickly as you would like, then patience will be the key to complete success! In order for the fruits to ripen, you need to wait. But the wait will not be in vain - you will definitely get your dream! The action of this symbol gives soft but steady progress, without jerks or haste. If you are overcome by doubts, haunted by failures, everything seems gray - you need to draw the Yera rune. The symbol will help:

  • implement all ideas and plans;
  • Enjoying life;
  • become patient and persistent;
  • live in harmony with nature.

A special feature of using the Gebo rune for love formulas is reciprocity. If there is no reciprocity in your relationship, then using the Gebo rune to attract a man’s love is not advisable: it will have the opposite effect and destroy any undertaking. Gebo harmonizes relationships well, removes misunderstandings between people, and ennobles feelings.

Gebo brings joy and pleasure to communication between partners, the happiness of mutual giving, prudent sacrifice in the name of a loved one, and evens out the balance of interests as the basis of trust.

Gebo is interesting for attracting a partner: you can count on mutual feelings and marriage with your loved one, because that’s who you’ll meet! But do not forget that this is a symbol of balance and mutual bestowal. If you rely on a one-sided relationship - “I just take, let him give” - then you will not achieve success in such an alliance. At least Gebo won't help you with this. A sign of fair exchange, generous sacrifice, sympathy and empathy. Helps:

  • strengthen relationships;
  • keep love;
  • receive more by giving;
  • establish contact with your subconscious.

Brings joy and happiness in love! Helps to establish communication with a partner in case of a disagreement. Ansuz increases the potential of personal vital energy, makes a person energetic and attractive, reveals new personality traits, removes all barriers and obstacles on the way to his ideal.

This rune is collective, that is, it is aimed specifically at partnerships, and not individual interests. Ansuz awakens the desire to understand another, awakens sensitivity and attentiveness to a partner.

The Ansuz rune for love opens up new horizons in old relationships and gives a chance to develop new ones. Love and a happy marriage are not achievable without mutual understanding and mutual care - Ansuz will help you with this! A pleasant surprise is the emergence of an artistic gift of words - you and your partner can easily express your feelings in beautiful words. If shyness previously prevented you from expressing your feelings beautifully, now it will be very easy to do! But poetry and love are a gift from the gods. Helps:

  • eliminate shyness, timidity;
  • strengthen relationships;
  • normalize energy processes in the body;
  • find inspiration;
  • build a new life.

This is one of the runes of victory, and everyone needs victory in matters of the heart! Soul also has powerful potential to bring about necessary changes in your life. Soulu is so strong that she can! If you draw just one soul rune on your body, it will give self-confidence to even the most modest person.

Another surprise of this amazing sign is the rejuvenation of the body and the toning of every cell of the body. Isn’t it simply an irreplaceable rune for love relationships?

Also, along with body tone, you will receive the necessary attractiveness and charm. If you are in search of your loved one, then you will have a chance to find him - you will simply be the center of everyone’s attention, they will not be able to help but notice you. Filling yourself with literally solar energy will attract the eyes of people around you to you. The bright energy of love contained in this symbol will fill not only your life with happiness, but will give a feeling of happiness to everyone who is near you. Helps:

  • to accomplish the impossible;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • see things in their true light;
  • increase energy potential;
  • gain inner vision.

However, remember that runic symbols must be used with great care.

Runes for love will help you build strong relationships, increase passion, or even make a specific person fall in love with you. However, we should not forget that any impact on a person’s feelings is a binding, that is, a love spell. If you do something wrong or incorrectly draw up a reservation, you can seriously suffer energetically and physically. Therefore, the most powerful staves should be used by knowledgeable runologists, and for beginners it is better to make a love amulet, which will also help fulfill a desire.

What are they?

In a love relationship, especially if it is not possible to accurately understand whether the object loves or does not love, they often resort to magic, using Tarot cards, various fortune-telling and runic symbols. Runes to attract love and marriage are used for different purposes. There are these types of them:

  • Runic love spells. They force a person to fall in love with the operator even against his own will. Attachments are very strong, but at the same time dangerous. Therefore, if the user feels that he does not have enough strength to carry out his plans, it is better not to use this type of love magic, otherwise a strong backlash will return to the operator, the consequences of which are difficult to remove.
  • Formulas. Correctly composed runic staves, intended as a slander, contribute to the creation of new situations in the life of the operator, in which the likelihood of meeting the desired person and building strong relationships increases.
  • Rune combinations. They kindle the fire of past feelings, and can also cause an outbreak of passion in an existing relationship. The formula will help if your loved one has lost interest in your significant other, and the crisis in the relationship negatively affects your emotional and physical state.

Effective runes of love

The symbol is used to find new acquaintances that can lead to strong relationships.

Before you start using the selected runic, stand on love relationship and attracting the attention of your favorite object, it is important to carefully study each magical symbol, analyze its meaning and interpretation.

  • When the meaning of each sign becomes clear, you can try to compose runescripts and the accompanying disclaimers yourself. The following runes will help you attract love into your life, the attention of the opposite sex, and connect your future with this object:
  • Gebo. Promotes the development of new acquaintances, in which the user will be able to find a soul mate with whom they will be able to create equal, harmonious relationships built on mutual respect, fidelity, and love.
  • Odal. Suitable for married couples who want to improve their relationship and solve minor and major problems in the family. In addition to its love meaning, this rune is considered a symbol of good luck, financial well-being and prosperity. Using a runic stave that includes Otal, it will be possible to achieve joint goals that strengthen relationships. Laguz and Inguz. Used for men and women respectively. The main purpose is to increase attention and attraction from the opposite sex. Runes are suitable for singles who want to quickly meet, if a person is already in a relationship, it is better to use other signs.
  • Kano and Soulu. They kindle passion in existing relationships, direct thoughts in the right direction, and contribute to filling them with new emotions.

Effective rune staves

For an ideal relationship

This formula contains the Mannaz symbol twice.

For these purposes, the proven “Idyll” is suitable, which supports fidelity between partners, understanding and love. Elm is not a love spell; it is applied to a joint photo. Runic becoming The love between a man and a woman looks like this:

  • double rune Mannaz;
  • Gebo;
  • Ansuz;
  • Laguz;
  • Vunyo;
  • Kano;
  • Soulo;
  • Ingvaz;
  • Berkana;
  • Turisaz;
  • Otal;
  • Ansuz.

Some women and men prefer to tell fortunes about relationships, to see the near future and prospects for relationships. For these purposes, it is recommended to use true Brisingamen runes. Fortune telling using this symbol and its correct interpretation helps to find solutions in matters of love, develops intuition, reveals inner potential, and promotes harmony.

"Same-sex sucker"

The Dagaz symbol will help to bewitch a partner of the same sex.

Betting on same-sex love is recommended to be applied to a joint photo, and activated with saliva and blood. The following runes are used: Becoming the “Flower of Love” will help to ignite the feeling of love, maintain passion and desire in relationships for life, for the composition of which the following runic symbols are used:

  • Gebo;
  • Teyvaz;
  • Soulo;
  • Kenaz (4);
  • paired Dagaz and Turisaz;
  • Evaz (4);
  • Algiz (4).

Sometimes closed channels of personal life prevent you from achieving male or female favor. The “Kiss of Happiness” will help correct the situation.

Runes serve not only as a tool for fortune telling for the future, but also for attracting fleeting romantic relationships or, conversely, great love for life. To do this, you need to study special rates that in a short time can change the sphere of relationships for the better.

What danger can runes for love pose?

Runes are a universal magical tool of Scandinavian magic. In this regard, you need to understand that any magic can be used both for good and for harm. So it is with runes to attract love - you can simply draw the attention of the person you are interested in to your person or cast a heavy love spell.

For the second act, you must have extensive experience and seriously engage in Scandinavian magic.

Before using love runes for women to attract a man, you should carefully study the formula you found or become. If you mistakenly use a link that was created for divination, it can turn into disaster. It is recommended to listen to this advice, especially for women, because... They are the ones who are more trusting and ready to practice little-studied staves.

Love runes and purposes of their use

Having enough experience, you can create individual formulas that solve any life problems and fulfill any desires. They are created by studying each sign for a long time, making your own set of runes, and activating them. Ready-made runescripts for love will help you gain experience interacting with this Scandinavian magical instrument.

If a person uses runes that attract love for a one-time effect, then it is recommended to study the minimum rules for working with them, as well as activation by reservation. It is also useful to know that the strongest bets are used to:

  • attract the attention of the person of interest for a short but passionate relationship;
  • attract attention to develop serious relationships;
  • strengthen shaky relationships, save marriages;
  • bring back your former passion.

Combined stakes are practiced, which can perform several actions at once, for example, save a marriage and return the former passion to it.

The meaning of runes to attract love and happiness

Sometimes it happens that just one rune is enough to achieve the desired result.

The main runes for attracting love with which a person will interact:

  1. Gebo. One of its actions is a strong partnership, attraction of the opposite sex, new acquaintances or renewal of old connections. Can work independently to attract the attention of a specific person or to make a new acquaintance. It all depends on the reservation.
  2. Odal. This symbol is used only in conjunction. Its independent action is to obtain a stable financial flow or purchase housing. When it comes into contact with other signs, it slightly changes its meaning.
  3. Vunyo means joy, happiness, achievement of the desired result, positive completion of the plan. In combination with Gebo or Evaz means a happy relationship.
  4. Laguz. The feminine principle carries this symbol. If a woman works with her, then feminine power enhances the effect of this sign and its purpose will make it easy to achieve your goal. If a man is working with her, it indicates the presence (or imminent appearance) of a woman.
  5. Teyvaz is the rune of a fighter, masculine. If a man works with it, then masculine strength increases, if a woman, the rune is used to attract into life a man who is strong in both body and spirit.

Along with the above names, other signs are used that enhance or support the desired effect.

Runic formulas of love

Before using ready-made runic formulas, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules for their compilation and stipulation.

Staves and runescripts must be applied to a surface that corresponds to their expiration date; you should also know how to deactivate a formula that has expired. Only by strictly following the instructions can you get quick and high-quality results. If the rules are learned and followed, you can begin applying runograms.

The rune formula for a guy’s love in order to draw his attention to your person, interest him and arouse deep sympathy - Anzus - Gebo - Vunyo,

  • Anzus - makes a reservation about attracting a specific person and means that everything will develop according to the scenario conceived by the girl;
  • Gebo - attraction, the beginning of interaction;
  • Vunyo - achieving what was said in the clause.

You can use runes to attract love, or you can create a passionate, non-binding relationship for yourself. In this case, the validity period must be stated in the agreement (usually no more than three months). After this period, the link must be updated. If this is not done, the runogram will weaken and completely lose its power.

In order for a woman to involve a man in a sexual relationship, the formula Teyvaz - Uruz - Gebo is used,

  • Teyvaz - masculine principle;
  • Uruz - passion that one cannot contain, strong sexual desire;
  • Gebo - connection with the opposite sex.

And vice versa, if a man uses runes to attract girls, then he should apply the runogram Laguz - Uruz - Gebo.

This formula is similar to the previous one, only the masculine principle in it changes to the feminine.

If you need to return former passion to a long-term but weakened relationship, then the formula looks like this: Odal - Yera - Gebo - Uruz - Raido,

  • Gebo - opposites;
  • Uruz - sexual passion;
  • Raido - eliminates stagnation;
  • Odal - acquisition and retention;
  • Yera - in this formula this rune must be specified as “cyclical”. Thus, Yera will put the formula into effect without additional supporting rituals and will stop its cyclicity at the moment the runogram is deactivated.

Anyone who is in a hurry to get married can influence their partner with the help of a strong connection.

For women it is Soulu – Teyvaz – Gebo – Raido – Berkana;

for men - Soulu - Laguz - Gebo - Raido - Berkana.

Teyvaz - will help a woman instill determination in her man, who cannot offer his hand and heart;

Laguz - will help a man fill his woman with desired thoughts about marriage, comfort and children;

Raido - will relieve stagnation in this situation;

Berkana - will open a new stage of life;

Gebo - will support the couple;

Soulou is the final symbol of unconditionally achieving a goal and reaching a new level.

These are just some examples of ready-made formulas for attracting love, renewing your current relationship or getting married. You can create individual runograms - it all depends on the person’s goals and desires. To do this, you need to understand magic symbols more thoroughly, because it happens that one symbol located next to another cancels the effect of the third sign or completely resets the entire formula.

Personal life can be improved with the help of runes. Runic staves and formulas will help attract love and strengthen relationships.

Since ancient times, runes have helped people attract the right events and avoid troubles. Experts on the site suggest using runic formulas that will help attract love and also improve relationships. Each formula has been tested many times in action and compiled by professionals, so you should not change the runes yourself.

Attracting love is a delicate job that involves more than just... correct selection rune For those who want to get rid of loneliness, it is important to sincerely believe that their personal life will undergo changes for the better, and also not to forget that the Universe always responds to sincere requests. Runes are carried with you, drawn or carved on any material. Before this, their effectiveness can be enhanced with the help of a conspiracy.

Becoming "Passion in Relationships"

The combination of Soulu and Kano runes will help rekindle the fire of passion in a relationship and once again become one with your partner. These runes will help you get rid of misunderstandings and once again enjoy each other’s company. The runic form is spoken as follows:

“With runes I kindle love and passion, I change life for the better.”

Becoming “Attracting Love”

The combination of the runes Gebo, Perth, Kano, Gebo, Vunyo, Dzhera will help attract love and quickly find a life partner. These runes are carried with them, charming them to quickly find a soul mate:

“The paths will converge, passion will flare up, love will burst into life and will not evaporate.”

Formula “Search for a satellite”

For this formula, two runes are taken: Gebo and Otal. They help you quickly find mutual love and not experience loneliness. They are spoken with the following words:

“The road of life is straight, paths flow into it. The next one is my companion. He will step onto my path and take me by the hand.”

Becoming “Preservation of mutual love”

The runes Isa and Gebo will return harmony and happiness to relationships, even if the partners quarreled or a serious conflict occurred between them. They are spoken to:

“I keep my love, I lock it away from everyone. Only passion burns between us, only happiness promises us.”

Formula “Strengthening Relationships”

The runes Ansuz, Gebo and Otal will help restore mutual understanding and harmony to loved ones. The runes are spoken as follows:

“There are no quarrels with a loved one, there are no barriers to love. The runes will protect us, love will be returned to us.”

Formula “Attracting Relationships”

These runes will help you meet your soulmate and start serious relationship. For this, the runes Perth, Mannaz, and Gebo are used. A variation may be the formula Kano, Yero, Otal. The runic formula is also carried with them as a talisman and is enchanted as follows:

“I’m looking for love, I’m waiting for a serious relationship. I don’t have time to give my feelings to everyone - I’ll give all my love to the only one.”

Runic formulas can be compiled not only for love, but also for gaining wealth and good luck. Practice shows that the use of various combinations of runes and the right attitude help to quickly attract necessary events into life. We wish you good luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

26.06.2019 02:47

To protect against various negative programs, people have been using runic formulas and stakes. ...
