The secret mission of Galina Zolina at the Timiryazev Academy. Positive image of the Krasnodar region How to write a letter to Zolina Galina Dmitrievna

The political struggle around the administration of the Krasnodar region is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what is happening inside...
The administration itself is divided into two opposing camps: City and Regional.
The edge, in turn, is also divided into two parts. Each regional official, according to his duty, oversees a certain area of ​​activity. Each area of ​​activity, if properly milked, provides good finances. Thus, the positions of Regional officials become tasty, a serious struggle develops around them, and then all methods and resources are used, from undercover games to criminal contracting, as was the case with Akhidzhak (first deputy governor of Tkachev).

The struggle within the Regional Administration can be compared to a chess composition, the goal of which is to checkmate in a specified number of moves. A coolly calculated game where each game can drag on for years, and after the end a new one immediately begins, and so on ad infinitum. A game in which the absolute value of the pieces is inferior to the relative value.

The first player (favorite) is Zolina, a woman trying to control all areas of activity that fall under the influence of the region. Having given birth to a child from the father of the Governor of the Territory, Galina Dmitrievna received an unbeatable place and unlimited rights. Alexander Nikolaevich (the governor) himself does not provide significant support to Galina Dmitrievna and takes a neutral position, this gives the second player a chance to remain on the chessboard.

The second player is a number of officials from the Regional Administration (Myshak, Svezhenets, Kostenko and others)
Playing on the Regional Administration board is complicated by the appearance of a third player. The third player is the Center for Combating Extremism.

This structure pursues completely different goals. The player strives to control (or at least be present) in each of the spheres of influence in order to collect the information he needs. Any castlings and actions on the board must be recorded, and the information must be immediately sent to the highest federal authorities. The whole game revolves around the first two players, the third often remains neutral. But sometimes he interferes in the process, introducing an imbalance that negatively affects the course of the game. During the game, in order to keep information hidden, the second player periodically carries out internal purges and kicks the third player off the board (in the fall of 2012, an employee of the Regional Administration, Roman Vereshchagin, “left his post”). Regional conflict. The first victim of Galina Dmitrievna Zolina was Akhidzhak.

Akhidzhak himself had enormous authority among the political elite and was immovable. The three circles of trust of the Governor he invented allowed him to receive immunity. At the time of Ahijak, there were three circles of trust - as a rule, people who had their own business. Third - everyone included in the circle is obliged to contribute a monthly amount of 100 thousand rubles, in return receiving small concessions from the administration. Secondly, everyone entering the circle must give 300 thousand rubles to the common fund, and as gratitude - various types of permits and assistance in solving problems. Akhidzhak personally selected the people who made it to the first round. The person who entered made a monthly contribution of 1,000,000 rubles, for which he received the personal patronage of the governor (also, incriminating evidence was recorded on the person who entered the first circle, which lay in Akhidzhak’s desk - just in case). Occupying a large sphere of influence, Akhidzhak interfered with Zolina, for which he was checkmated. One of the Regional officials said: “Akhedzhak died because he had to die.” For ordinary citizens, deputy. The governor is remembered for facilitating the construction of a multi-storey building on the shore of Karasuny (a house that was built in violation of construction technologies, and is now slowly sliding into the lake), for which he received an entire entrance of apartments for personal use. Murat Kazbekovich also noted that he periodically beat the heads of rural settlements for failure to comply with administrative duties. plan.

The second victim was Myshak (Head of the Department for Interaction with Public Associations). Sergei Valentinovich was lucky; he was allowed to simply leave. Galina Dmitrievna replaced him with a certain Svetlana Rubashkina. But Myshak’s team still remained in their places and had no intention of leaving. To solve this problem, a number of people were nominated in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Region, including Andrei Buldin (not the last person in the administration, a person from Myshak’s team). By taking 95 out of 100 parliamentary seats in the elections, Zolina solved the problem once and for all. Andrey Buldin became a deputy of the ZSK and left his previous post.

Having won a crushing victory in two games, Galina Dmitrievna faced the threat of flying off the chessboard.
A certain Kostenko, a man working for Svezhenets (Minister of Internal Policy), has already moved to Endgame and hit Rubashkina. She, in turn, decided to “turn the arrows” to Mikhail Savva (a man who needs no introduction). Now Savva is under arrest; FSB officers arrested him on April 12 at 6:00 Moscow time. But this does not save Rubashkina from the threat hanging over her. The presumptive initiation of a criminal case against Svetlana Alexandrovna will occur in three months. As a result, Galina Dmitrievna risks being left without a queen. The second player checks...

P.S. Mice and rats are both rodents, but they will not survive together...

Galina Dmitrievna Zolina comes from the village of Novomalorossiyskaya, located in the Vyselkovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. Date of birth: June 3, 1961. According to media reports, since childhood she knew Alexander Tkachev (Governor of the Krasnodar Territory since 2000).

In 1976 She graduated from junior high school No. 25, after which she entered the Ust-Labinsk Pedagogical School.

After receiving her diploma, she got a job as a teacher at her native school.

Then she studied at the correspondence department of the Maikop Pedagogical Institute and taught Russian language and literature.

After Galina Zolina became the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the Rossiya collective farm and for several years headed the regional branch of Sberbank.

In 1999 she took the post of Deputy General Director for Social Issues of the Vyselkovsky Agrocomplex, co-owned by the father and brother of Alexander Tkachev.

Afterwards she was appointed advisor to the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Tkachev on media. In this position, she personally coordinated the work of the regional media regarding coverage of the activities of the Kuban Administration.

In January 2005 Galina Zolina took up the post of Deputy Governor for Social Development.

The official also studied at the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in “State and Municipal Administration” and at the Kuban State University with a degree in “Publishing.”

In 2007 She defended her PhD thesis at the Faculty of Journalism of KubSU and received the academic degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences. Her scientific work was devoted to the problem of forming a positive image of the Krasnodar region in the media.

As Deputy Governor for Social Affairs, she oversees the activities of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, as well as the Departments of Education and Science, Culture, the Civil Registry Office, and the Department of Juvenile Affairs. The media have repeatedly emphasized that many of these structures closely cooperate with the Kuban Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Galina Dmitrievna Zolina is a member of the United Russia party. He is a member of the presidium of the regional party council, is the deputy secretary of the regional political council and a member of the regional executive committee.

She was awarded a number of awards, in particular, the Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, II degree (awarded in 2011).

She is married and has two sons.

Publications with mentions on

KRASNODAR, January 19, RIA FederalPress. In the Krasnodar Territory, due to the growing number of foster families, the number of orphanages and boarding schools is rapidly decreasing. About this...

KRASNODAR, January 22, RIA FederalPress. Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev visited the Kubanpharmacia pharmacy warehouse, which supplies medical institutions...

KRASNODAR, January 23, RIA FederalPress. Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev held a meeting with chief doctors and representatives of the pharmacy department. About this...

KRASNODAR, February 5, RIA FederalPress. The press service of the Krasnodar Territory administration denied information about the resignation letter of the region's vice-governor Galina Zolina.

KRASNODAR, March 11, RIA FederalPress. A new minister of social development and family policy has been appointed in the Krasnodar region. According to the regional press service...

STAVROPOL, April 21, RIA FederalPress. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory controls the correctness of the execution of documents for the execution of work on...

KRASNODAR, April 28, RIA FederalPress. Acting Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratyev relieved three deputies from their positions. This is reported...

KRASNODAR, April 28, RIA FederalPress. Vice-Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Galina Zolina, dismissed today, will work in the Ministry of Culture...

KRASNODAR, April 29, RIA FederalPress. The Vice-Governor - Minister of Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory said that he does not know the reasons why he was dismissed.

Dear Galina Dmitreevna!
I want to tell you about how heads and directors of schools who do not have protection work in our country. We, the leaders, are constantly humiliated and spoken to in raised and disparaging tones. Without fail, I force them, almost to walk with their hands outstretched, asking for money for the needs of preschool institutions and schools. Heads of educational institutions go with outstretched hands to deputies and parents. And if the manager does not do this, then he is not doing his job. But, if a complaint about extortion comes against the head of an educational institution, then he is also to blame. And the authorities of Novorossiysk, which give such verbal instructions to look for money, remain on the sidelines and deny their instructions.
Heads of educational institutions were turned into businessmen. But, if the head of a kindergarten or the director of a school asks the authorities themselves for money for the needs of the institution, then such a leader falls out of favor.
School directors and heads of preschool institutions should be engaged in education, not commerce. For this, we have a functioning centralized accounting department, which should be primarily responsible for financing. Almost everything was blamed on the leaders. We are not a private shop, but government institutions. Until now, in Novorossiysk we have very low wages in preschool educational institutions.

I am the former head of kindergarten No. 52 in Novorossiysk. And why the ex? Because I worked hard and carefully monitored what was happening at the construction site of the kindergarten, which was being restored from 08/05/2008 to 12/07/2009. I had to quit because pressure was put on me after I started writing memos. Here is one of them, which I will give below.
Head of MU Department
education administration
Novorossiysk G.I. Aleynikova

Service note.
Dear Galina Ivanovna.

I would like to bring to your attention that in MDOU No. 52, where major repairs are underway. In the right wing of the second floor of the kindergarten, a crack appeared in the load-bearing wall, which was repaired. Recently, the same crack was discovered in the left wing of the building, which is currently being repaired.
In this regard, I ask you to give instructions to create a competent commission to identify and eliminate the causes of the appearance of cracks in load-bearing structures in the building of MDOU No. 52. There are fears that new appearances of the same cracks in load-bearing structures could lead to the emergency condition of the building of MDOU No. 52.

Head of the preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 52 I.I. Lobachev.

After that, such pressure began on me from the deputy. Head of the city of Novorossiysk N.V. Mayorova and the head of GORONO G.I. Aleynikova, there are simply no words. The kindergarten was made the payer for all repairs and the payer for all the equipment that should be in the children's institution, despite the fact that the newly formed kindergarten has no funds in its account.
But they didn’t stop there. Deputy Head of the city of Novorossiysk N.V. Mayorova and the head of GORONO G.I. Aleinikov forced me, under threat of dismissal, to sign a fictitious invoice for the purchase of catering equipment - 1 million 64 thousand; laundry equipment - amount 860 thousand 593 rubles. 64 kopecks I refused to sign these invoices because I did not have the equipment.
I had to turn to the head of the city of Novorossiysk V.I. Sinyagovsky through the office. But, apparently, the memo did not reach him, since about 3 months have already passed. I did not receive a response within the period established by law.

To the head of the hero city of Novorossiysk
From the head of the children's preschool educational institution
Garden No. 52 I.I. Lobacheva

Dear Vladimir Ilyich!

I am informing you that illegal actions have been taken against me, as the head of the pre-school educational institution kindergarten No. 52, by the head of the Municipal Educational Institution of the Novorossiysk Administration G.I. Aleinikova, director of the MU Centralized Accounting Department of Novorossiysk S.V. Kalinina, Deputy Head of the Hero City of Novorossiysk for Social Issues N.V. Mayorova, on financial policy issues. By verbal order and threats that I allegedly missed all deadlines for the completion of the kindergarten, I was forced to enter into an agreement, making MDOU kindergarten No. 52 the main payer with Belkomstroy LLC for general construction work in the amount of 19 million 208 thousand 152 rubles. 65 kopecks; for improvement in the amount of 17 million 314 thousand 957 rubles; as well as with Sukharevka-Yug LLC for the purchase of catering equipment - 1 million 64 thousand rubles. and laundry equipment - the amount is 860 thousand 593 rubles. 64 kopecks
Considering that the MU "Centralized Accounting" MU "Administration of Education of the City of Novorossiysk" is the main manager of loans in the education industry, which is reflected in detail in the Charter of the Centralized Accounting, in particular in paragraph 1.4., it follows that MDOU kindergarten No. 52 is not may be the payer and manager of loans, since it has not yet been put into operation, and there are no financial resources in the kindergarten account.
I took measures and sent memos to the head of the MU Department of Education G.I. Aleynikova and Director of the MU Centralized Accounting Department S.V. Kalinina, that I be provided with the relevant documents, on the basis of which MDOU kindergarten No. 52 is the payer. There is still no answer or relevant documents.
Today, the head of the Municipal Education Department of the Novorossiysk Administration G.I. Aleinikova, Director of the MU Centralized Accounting Department of Novorossiysk S.V. Kalinin is forcing me to sign a fictitious invoice from Sukharevka-Yug LLC, in the amount of 1 million 924 thousand 593 rubles. 64 kopecks I refuse to sign this invoice because I do not have this equipment in stock. And also the director of the MU Centralized Accounting Department of Novorossiysk, S.V. Kalinina, without my knowledge, without informing me, gave a power of attorney to receive the goods on behalf of the head of the MDOU kindergarten No. 52, Sukharevka-Yug LLC.
My demands to work in accordance with the law are met with “open pressure” from the head of the Municipal Education Department of the Novorossiysk Administration G.I. Aleinikova, director of the MU Centralized Accounting Department of Novorossiysk S.V. Kalinina, Deputy Head of the Hero City of Novorossiysk for Social Issues N.V. Mayorova!

Head of the preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 52 I.I. Lobachev.

It turns out that we were like mosquitoes buzzing in our ears and that was all. And what remains for highly qualified specialists who know their business - to go and work on the market? How can this happen in our state of law?

Krasnodar. 27 Nov - New Kuban. As NK wrote earlier, employees, students and graduates of the Timiryazev Academy planned on November 26 with a demand to return direct elections of the rector to the oldest agricultural university in the country. Participants in the action call for an objective assessment of Galina Zolina’s work. According to current colleagues of the former vice-governor of Kuban, ally Alexander Tkachev fired more than 150 people from Timiryazevka in a year.

As the organizers of the rally said in a group on the social network Vkontakte, the Moscow administration refused to hold the rally.

Prefecture of the Northern Administrative District, represented by Deputy G.I. Izutdinova REFUSED approval for the holding of the rally on November 23, 2017 with a violation of filing a response (within 3 days - in accordance with Federal Law of June 19, 2004 N 54-FZ) and the lack of approval from the balance holder of the territory of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education RGAU-MSHA named after K. A. Timiryazev. In connection with existing violations of the law on rallies, we are preparing a lawsuit. At the same time, a new notice to hold the rally will be submitted. The date, time and place will be announced later, - (spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved - note “NK”).

So why did Galina Zolina not please the teaching staff of the Timiryazev Academy?

A fellow countrywoman and closest ally of the ex-governor of the Krasnodar Territory and the current Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev, went to work in Moscow almost following her boss: under Veniamin Kondratyev, Zolina did not find a place in the Kuban administration. First Galina Dmitrievna, and then, at the Timiryazev Academy. Even then, the appointment raised many questions, because Zolina had neither specialized education nor a corresponding academic degree.

According to Timiryazevka employees, Zolina brought along with her many specialists from Krasnodar - for example, the former dean of the KubSU journalism department, Nadezhda Kravchenko. And for experienced teachers, Alexander Tkachev’s protégé created unbearable working conditions, reducing wages to ridiculous amounts.

Dozens of people, even those who had worked at the university for 20–30 years, left their jobs. Instead, new ones were hired, many came from Krasnodar. From there, dance and vocal ensembles are drawn up and perform at university festivals. Products are now being transported from Kuban to Timiryazevka - from CJSC Agrokompleks (the enterprise belongs to the family of Alexander Tkachev - approx. NK). Of course, the path is not short, but who’s counting, writes

At the same time, the interior of the academy began to change in the favorite style of the new rector.

Artificial flowers, artificial cows, a 30-pound peacock or a rooster. This is all in an agricultural university, where all this living creatures and plants are in their natural form! - Professor Alexander Solovyov does not hide his indignation.

However, behind these albeit tasteless, but essentially innocent transformations lies perhaps a more serious purpose. As we wrote earlier, last year Timiryazevka, with the support of President Vladimir Putin, managed to defend 100 hectares in the Moscow region. However, the media write that the Ministry of Agriculture has not given up hope of winning back expensive lands from the academy. Allegedly because of this, Galina Zolina was appointed rector.

This is too tasty a morsel. We know that after the scandal, Minister Tkachev had a conversation with Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov behind closed doors. Whether they abandoned the original idea or decided to act differently is unknown, but it was at this time that Zolina’s candidacy arose, quotes its source.

Opponents of the former vice-governor of Kuban believe that after the dismissal of dozens of experienced employees, there will be no one to monitor the huge plots and hectares of land will fall into disrepair. Then, perhaps, the issue of transferring land for housing construction will again become relevant.

NK will continue to monitor developments.

Born on June 3, 1961 in the village of Novomalorossiyskaya, Vyselkovsky district, Krasnodar region. In 1976 she graduated from junior high school No. 25. Then she entered the Ust-Labinsk Pedagogical School, after graduating from which she came to work as a teacher at her native school. She studied in absentia at the Maikop Pedagogical Institute and taught Russian language and literature. Then she worked as secretary of the Komsomol organization of the Rossiya collective farm. For several years she was the head of the regional branch of Sberbank.

Since 1999 - Deputy General Director for Social Issues of the Vyselkovsky Agrocomplex. Then - Media Advisor to the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev.

In January 2005, she was appointed Deputy Governor for Social Development.

On December 27, 2016, she was appointed acting rector of the Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev. In July of the following year, she headed the Department of Education in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

In January 2018, she was approved as rector of RGAU.

Married. Has two sons.


She has a higher pedagogical education, graduated from the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation (state and municipal administration) and the Faculty of Journalism of Kuban State University (specialty - Publishing).

Candidate of Philological Sciences - in 2007, at the Faculty of Journalism of KubSU, she defended her dissertation on the topic “Formation of a positive image of the Krasnodar region in the media.”
