The leader of the cheerful guys is Pavel Slobodkin. Pugacheva’s beloved man was hiding a fatal illness

National artist Russian Federation(1993). Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Creativity and the International Academy of Sciences.

Biography and creativity


Pavel Slobodkin was born on May 9, 1945 into a musical family; he began studying music at the age of three.

In 1962-1964, Pavel Slobodkin was the musical director of the Moscow State University variety studio “Our House”. In 1964, he began working at the All-Russian Guest and Concert Association, which was transformed into Mosconcert in January 1965, as a conductor and musical director of an orchestra with such artists as G. Velikanova and M. Bernes.

In March 1966, he created one of the first vocal and instrumental ensembles in the USSR, “Jolly Fellows”. In 1968, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” became the first in the USSR to become a laureate of the All-Union Competition for the best performance of a youth song and the 1st prize. In 1969, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” was a laureate of the All-Union competition for the best performance of a Soviet song (I-prize). In December 1969, the ensemble recorded its first solo EP, but censorship did not release it for a long time. Only in July 1970 did it go on sale. Only 4 songs were recorded on the disc: two from the Beatles’ repertoire, and two songs were written by amateur authors: S. Dyachkov and O. Ivanov. The arrangements of all the songs were made by Pavel Slobodkin, and the lyrics of two songs were written by Onegin Gadzhikasimov. The record sold a huge circulation of 15,795,000 copies (annotation from the Melodiya company for the CD “When we are silent together” - 2007), and the song “Aleshkina Love” became the first mega-hit in the pop music genre in the USSR. In 1970, “Jolly Guys” recorded new songs “People Meet”, “Portrait of Pablo Picasso”, “You Don’t Care”, “Easy to Fall in Love”, “Holding Hands”, which gained all-Union popularity. In 1972, the ensemble recorded the song “How beautiful this world is.” In 1973, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” was a laureate of the international recording competition in Liverpool. This is our country's first major success on the international stage. In 1974, the first long-playing record, “Love is a Huge Country,” was released, which sold 11,685,000 copies and was highly praised by experts. In 1976 at international competition Recording in Prague, the ensemble was awarded the 1st prize and the title of laureate for the songs: “I won’t come to you”, “When we are silent together”.

In the fall of 1974, Pavel Slobodkin invited the young singer Alla Pugacheva to the ensemble. The result of this creative collaboration was the victory (Grand Prix) of Alla Pugacheva at the international pop song competition “Golden Orpheus” (Bulgaria) in 1975 with the song “Harlequin”, which was processed and arranged by Pavel Slobodkin and brilliantly performed by Alla Pugacheva and brought her all-Union popularity . In 1975, the ensemble “Merry Fellows” recorded Pugacheva’s first solo record (minion). In 1976, there were tours in Germany (honored guests of the international pop song competition "Dresden Hit Festival"), Czechoslavakia, Bulgaria, as well as performances at the international pop song competition "Golden Orpheus" (Bulgaria) as honored guests. (LP Balkanton Alla Pugacheva and the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”). In 1979, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” was an honored guest of the international competition “Bratislava Lyre”, toured in Germany, and also recorded a new LP disc “Musical Globe”, which was released by Melodiya in September 1979 (circulation - 10,985,000 copies ). In 1980, the ensemble took part in the cultural program of the XX Olympic Games in Moscow.

In 1981, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” performed at the All-Union Festival for the best performance of pop music “Yerevan-81” and was awarded the main prize of the festival. In 1983, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” recorded in their studio a magnetic album by the ensemble’s musician Yu. Chernavskoto and the young author V. Matetsky - “Banana Islands”. This experimental and innovative album in 1983 was recognized as the best “Sound Track” by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper and was included in the 100 best albums of Russian rock music, and the song “Hello, Banana Boy!” was included in the film “Assa” directed by S. Solovyov. In 1984, the ensemble took part in the Moscow Culture Days program in Finland. In 1985, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” took part in the international pop song competition “Bratislava Lyre”, becoming a laureate and winner of the “Grand Prix” for the song “Wandering Artists” (L. Vardanyan - I. Shaferan), arranged by P. Slobodkin. In 1985, he took part in the cultural program of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. In 1985, the ensemble toured in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Cuba.

In 1988, for great merits in the field of musical art, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR approved the status of a musical theater for the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”, touring in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. In 1991, the ensemble became a laureate of the All-Union Song Festival “Song of the Year” for the sixth time and celebrated its 25th anniversary with a series of concerts in Moscow, Kyiv, and Leningrad. In 1995 he created the musical play “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”. The premiere took place at the theatre. E. Vakhtangov. For this work, Pavel Slobodkin was awarded the Moscow City Prize in the field of literature and music in 1996.

In 2001, he completed the construction of the Pavel Slobodkin Moscow Theater and Concert Center with a chamber hall for 600 seats. The opening ceremony of the center took place on February 1, 2002.

In 2003, Pavel Slobodkin created the Moscow Chamber Orchestra of the Center.

In 2006, he completed work on the musical “Aladdin's Magic Lamp”; the premiere took place in November at the Theatre. R.Simonova.

From 2007 to 2010, he released 4 CDs with recordings of the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” and 9 CDs with recordings of 27 concerts by W. A. ​​Mozart performed by the People’s Artist of Russia - M. Voskresensky and the Moscow Chamber Orchestra of the Pavel Slobodkin Center.

In 1981-1996, Pavel Slobodkin taught at GITIS, musical director of acting and directing courses, creator of the course of lectures “Musical genres on the stage” and “Fundamentals of sound engineering and recording.”

Among his students:

  • People's Artists of Russia: E. Kamburova, K. Novikova, E. Petrosyan, L. Ryumina, A. Buynov, V. Garkalin, V. Mishchevsky, V. Osipov; artistic director of the folklore center “Russian Song” - N. Babkina; artistic director of the National Art Theater - V. Nazarov; artistic director of the choir. M. Pyatnitsky - A. Permyakova;
  • People's Artist of Moldova, Honored Artist of Russia - M. Codreanu;
  • Honored Artists of Russia: artistic director of the Benefit Theater - A. Nerovnaya; M. Evdokimov, A. Vasiliev, Y. Grigoriev, P. Demeter, E. Golovin, V. Kirsanov, V. Mulerman, S. Rezanova, E. Shebagutdinov, V. Zavorotniy; Honored Artist of Russia - V. Pasynkov;
  • Honored Artists of Belarus - soloists of the ensemble "Pesnyary": L. Bortkevich, A. Kasheparov;
  • artists and directors of pop and cinema - A. Garnizov, general director of the Bibigon channel - A. Gurevich, N. Duksin, L. Vaikule, soloists of the Opus ensemble - M. Zivere, I. Vanzovich, N. Kiryushkina, O. Kiryushkin, S. Lazareva, A. Stolyarov, director of the ensemble “Masks-show” - G. Deliev, B. Barsky, V. Kruglova;
  • leaders of groups - the ensemble "Singing Hearts" - V. Vekshtein, the group "Cruise" - M. Anichkin, the ensembles: "Leisya Song", "Nadezhda" - M. Plotkin, the ensemble "Bim-Bom" - V. Levushkin.

Awards and titles

  • In 1993, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Pavel Slobodkin was awarded the honorary title “People’s Artist of Russia.”
  • In 2002, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation awarded the order"Friendship" and the honorary prize of the Russian Authors' Society (RAS) "For contribution to the development of science, culture and art."
  • In 2005, he was awarded the honorary badge of the city of Moscow “For impeccable service of XXX years to the city of Moscow” and a public award of Russia - the Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree.
  • In 2006, for his great contribution to the development of national musical culture and many years creative activity By decree of the President of the Russian Federation he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.
  • Recipient of the honorary prize of the Russian Authors' Society (RAO) "For contribution to the development of science, culture and art" (2002).
  • For his great achievements in the field of musical art, he was awarded a gold medal and the title of laureate of the Irina Arkhipova Foundation (2003).
  • Vice-president of the International Union of Musical Workers, vice-president of the Russian Authors' Society, member of the Board of the Moscow Department of Culture.
  • Member of the Union of Composers of Russia, member of the Board of the Moscow Union of Composers, member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia.

The personal life of the founder of one of the most popular musical groups Soviet Union“Jolly Fellows” was bright and eventful, he had many novels, but, having ended his bachelor life, he was faithful to only one woman. Pavel Slobodkin's wife Lolita Kravtsova became for him not only a loving wife, but also a guardian angel who surrounded her husband with love and care, protected him from troubles, worries and troubles, and monitored his health. Everyone who knew this couple said that there was great mutual love between Lola and Pavel Yakovlevich, and Slobodkin idolized his wife.

Before meeting Slobodkin, Lolita Lvovna already had experience family life- for two years she was married to the popular performer Valery Obodzinsky, but her affair with Pavel Slobodkin made her forget about everything that had happened before in her personal life.

In the photo - Pavel Slobodkin with his wife

After they got married, the wife completely devoted her life to Pavel Yakovlevich, and when the Pavel Slobodkin Moscow Theater and Concert Center with a chamber hall for six hundred seats was built in 2001, she became its director. This position was associated with routine work related to resolving all kinds of problems and conflicts, and Lolita Yakovlevna freed her husband from additional worries, thanks to which he could calmly engage in creative work.

Pavel Slobodkin's wife helped him in everything and was his like-minded person. They tried not to talk about their problems, so when Pavel Yakovlevich fell ill, few people knew about his illness. The wife did everything to prolong her husband’s life, went with him to specialists, and was by his side when he underwent treatment in Germany.

The couple devoted a lot of time to charity, helping orphans. Lolita Lvovna and Pavel Yakovlevich tried to stay away from secular tinsel and led a modest lifestyle. Slobodkin did not want to return to show business and decided to devote himself to teaching young people.

They did not have their own children, therefore, when Pavel Yakovlevich died, his wife was left completely alone, although Slobodkin still had a daughter from his first marriage. His first wife was a ballerina named Tatyana, but he did not communicate with his former family. They say that the first wife was terribly jealous of Slobodkin, created scandals about this, and perhaps this was one of the reasons for their divorce.

Brief biography of Pavel Slobodkin

He was born on May 9, 1945 into a Moscow musical family. His father Yakov Pavlovich was a cellist, dear uncle Yuliy Slobodkin - pop singer. Pavel got involved in music early - from the age of three he was taught to play musical instruments, and when he turned seventeen, Slobodkin was already heading the variety studio of Moscow University “Our House”.

Then he became the conductor of the pop orchestra at the Mosconcert. One of the very first vocal and instrumental ensembles in the Soviet Union was created by Pavel Slobodkin in 1966, and in 1974 Alla Pugacheva joined “Jolly Fellows”, and Slobodkin became her first producer.

In the photo - Pavel Slobodkin and Alla Pugacheva

With his ensemble, he received many different awards, visited international festivals, and recorded many discs. During the twentieth Moscow Olympic Games, Pavel Yakovlevich was part of the creative team of directors of concert programs.

After creating his own theater and concert center, Slobodkin organized the Moscow chamber orchestra, which successfully performed in Russia and toured abroad.

Pavel Yakovlevich was also involved in teaching - from 1981 to 1996 he lectured at GITIS, led acting and directing courses.

(2017-08-08 ) (72 years old)

Pavel Yakovlevich Slobodkin (9th May (1945-05-09 ) , Moscow) - composer, pianist, director, teacher, public figure. People's artist of the Russian Federation (). Professor, academician of the International Academy of Creativity and the International Academy of Sciences.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Pavel Slobodkin was born in Moscow into a musical family on the historical Victory Day - May 9, 1945. He began studying music at the age of three.

    In 2003, Pavel Slobodkin created the Moscow Chamber Orchestra of the Center. In 2003, together with the ensemble, he was awarded the “Golden Disc” by the management of the Melodiya company. At the end of 2003, the Center's chamber orchestra performed successfully in Spain and Algeria.

    In 2006, he completed work on the musical “Aladdin's Magic Lamp”; the premiere took place in November at the Theatre. R. Simonova. Together with the ensemble “Merry Fellows”, he was awarded by the management of the Melodiya company the highest award: “Platinum Disc No. I” for the absolute record of the USSR and Russia in record sales - 179,850,000 copies and not only in neighboring countries, but also in Eastern Europe. From 2010 to 2010, he released 9 CDs with recordings of the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” and 9 CDs with recordings of 27 concerts by W. A. ​​Mozart performed by the People’s Artist of Russia - M. Voskresensky and the Moscow Chamber Orchestra of the Pavel Slobodkin Center. Since 2007, Pavel Slobodkin begins to release archival recordings of the Merry Fellows ensemble. In December he took part in the Song of 2007 program and became a laureate for the seventh time. In 2011, he successfully performed at the 20th anniversary festival “Slavic Bazaar”, and in December he released a new CD album “Chershe la...”. In October 2012, Pavel Slobodkin was elected academician of the International Theater Academy. The academician's diploma was presented to Pavel Slobodkin at the Romen Theater by the theater's oldest actor - National artist USSR Vladimir Zeldin. In 2013, they released a new album by the ensemble Merry Guys CD “How beautiful this world is.” In December 2013, P. Slobodkin was awarded the Bulgarian award “Samara Cross”. In 2014 he was awarded the Moscow Government Prize. In April 2015, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Honor. In December 2015, he released the new 14th album of the ensemble CD “Crossroads of Fate”.

    Teaching activities

    In -1996, Pavel Slobodkin taught at GITIS as the musical director of acting and directing courses, the creator of the course of lectures “Musical genres on the stage” and “Fundamentals of sound engineering and recording.”

    Among his students

    • People's Artists of Russia - E. Kamburova, K. Novikova, E. Petrosyan, L. Ryumina, A. Buynov, V. Garkalin, V. Mishchevsky, V. Osipov, N. Babkina, V. Nazarov (artistic director of the National Art Theater) , A. Permyakova (artistic director of the M. Pyatnitsky choir, professor);
    • People's Artist of Moldova, Honored Artist of Russia - M. Codreanu;
    • Honored Artists of Russia - A. Nerovnaya (artistic director of the Benefit Theater); M. Evdokimov, A. Vasiliev, A. Garnizov, Y. Grigoriev, P. Demeter, E. Golovin, V. Kirsanov, V. Mulerman, S. Rezanova, E. Shebagutdinov, V. Zavorotniy, V. Pasynkov (Honored Worker arts of Russia);
    • Honored Artists of the Republic of Belarus - soloists of the ensemble "

    Pavel Yakovlevich Slobodkin(May 9, 1945, Moscow) - composer, pianist, director, teacher, public figure. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1993). Professor, academician of the International Academy of Creativity and the International Academy of Sciences.

    Biography and creativity


    Pavel Slobodkin was born in Moscow into a musical family on the historical Victory Day - May 9, 1945. He began studying music at the age of three.

    In 1962-1964, Pavel Slobodkin was the musical director of the Moscow State University variety studio “Our House”. In 1964, he began working at the All-Russian Touring and Concert Association (VGKO), reorganized in January 1965 into the Mosconcert, as a conductor and musical director of an orchestra with outstanding pop artists, People's Artists of the RSFSR: G. Velikanova and M. Bernes.

    In March 1966, he created one of the first vocal and instrumental ensembles in the USSR, “Jolly Fellows”. In 1968, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” became the first in the USSR to become a laureate of the All-Union competition “For the best performance of a youth song” and the 1st prize. In 1969, the ensemble “Merry Fellows” was the winner of the All-Union competition “For the best performance of a Soviet song”, 1st prize. In December 1969, the ensemble recorded its first solo EP, but censorship did not release it for a long time. Only in July 1970 did it go on sale. Only 4 songs were recorded on the disc: two from the Beatles’ repertoire, and two songs were written by young authors: S. Dyachkov and O. Ivanov. The arrangements of all the songs were made by Pavel Slobodkin, and the lyrics of two songs were written by Onegin Gadzhikasimov. The record sold a huge circulation of 15,795,000 copies (annotation from the Melodiya company for the CD “When we are silent together” - 2007), and the song “Aleshkina Love” became the first mega-hit in the pop music genre in the USSR. In 1970, “Merry Guys” recorded new songs: “People Meet”, “Portrait of Pablo Picasso”, “You Don’t Care”, “Easy to Fall in Love”, “Holding Hands”, which gained all-Union popularity. In 1972, the ensemble recorded the song “How beautiful this world is.” In 1973, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” became a laureate of the international recording competition in Liverpool. This was the first major success of the USSR in the international arena. In 1974, the first long-playing LP “Love is a Huge Country” was released, which sold 11,685,000 copies and was highly praised by experts. In 1976, at the international recording competition in Prague, the ensemble was awarded the title of laureate and 1st prize for the songs: “I won’t come to you” D. Tukhmanov-L. Derbenev, I. Shaferan, “When we are silent together” P. Slobodkin-L. Derbenev .

    In the fall of 1974, Pavel Slobodkin invited the young singer Alla Pugacheva to the ensemble. The result of this creative collaboration was the victory (Grand Prix) of Alla Pugacheva at the international pop song competition “Golden Orpheus” Bulgaria in 1975 with the song “Harlequin”, which was arranged and arranged by Pavel Slobodkin and brilliantly performed by Alla Pugacheva. This song brought her all-Union popularity. In 1975, the ensemble “Merry Fellows” recorded Pugacheva’s first solo record (minion). In 1976, they toured twice in Germany (honored guests of the international pop song competition “Dresden Hit Festival”), Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, as well as performed at the international pop song competition “Golden Orpheus” (Bulgaria) as guests of honor. (LP Balkanton Alla Pugacheva and the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”). In 1979, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” was an honored guest of the international competition “Bratislava Lyre”, toured in Germany, and also recorded a new LP disc “Musical Globe”, which was released by Melodiya in September 1979 (circulation - 10,985,000 copies ). In 1980, the ensemble took part in the cultural program of the XX Olympic Games in Moscow, and P. Slobodkin was one of the directors of the cultural concert programs of the Olympic Games.

    In 1981, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” performed at the All-Union Festival for the best performance of pop music “Yerevan-81” and was awarded the main prize of the festival. In 1983, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” recorded in their studio a magnetic album by the ensemble’s musician Yu. Chernavsky and the young author V. Matetsky - “Banana Islands”. This experimental and innovative album in 1983 was recognized as the best “Sound Track” by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper and was included in the 100 best albums of Russian rock music, and the song “Hello, Banana Boy!” was included in the film “Assa” directed by S. Solovyov. In 1984, the ensemble took part in the Moscow Culture Days program in Finland. In 1985, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” took part in the international pop song competition “Bratislava Lyre”, becoming a laureate and winner of the “Grand Prix” for the song “Wandering Artists” (L. Vardanyan - I. Shaferan), arranged by P. Slobodkin. In 1985, he took part in the cultural program of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. In 1985, the ensemble toured in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Cuba.

    In Moscow, at the age of 73, Pavel Slobodkin, People's Artist of Russia, composer, teacher, founder and director of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Veselye Rebyaty” and a music center named after him, died.

    This was reported by the Moscow Department of Culture.

    Pavel Yakovlevich Slobodkin was born on May 9, 1945 in Moscow into a musical family. From the age of three he studied music.

    In 1962-1964, Pavel Slobodkin was the musical director of the Moscow State University variety studio “Our House”.

    In 1964, he began working at the All-Russian Touring and Concert Association (VGKO), reorganized in January 1965 into the Mosconcert, as a conductor and musical director of an orchestra with outstanding pop artists, People's Artists of the RSFSR - G. Velikanova and M. Bernes.

    In March 1966, he created one of the first vocal and instrumental ensembles in the USSR, “Jolly Fellows”.

    In 1968, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” became the first in the USSR to become a laureate of the All-Union competition “For the best performance of a youth song” and the 1st prize.

    In 1969, the ensemble “Merry Fellows” was the winner of the All-Union competition “For the best performance of a Soviet song”, 1st prize. In December 1969, the ensemble recorded its first solo EP, but censorship did not release it for a long time.

    Only in July 1970 did it go on sale. Only 4 songs were recorded on the disc: two from the Beatles’ repertoire, and two songs were written by young authors: S. Dyachkov and O. Ivanov. The arrangements of all the songs were made by Pavel Slobodkin, and the lyrics of two songs were written by Onegin Gadzhikasimov. The record sold a huge circulation of 15,795,000 copies (annotation from the Melodiya company for the CD “When we are silent together” - 2007), and the song “Aleshkina Love” became the first mega-hit in the pop music genre in the USSR. In 1970, “Merry Guys” recorded new songs: “People Meet”, “Portrait of Pablo Picasso”, “You Don’t Care”, “Easy to Fall in Love”, “Holding Hands”, which gained all-Union popularity.

    In 1972, the ensemble recorded the song “How beautiful this world is.”

    In 1973, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” became a laureate of the international recording competition in Liverpool. This was the first major success of the USSR in the international arena.

    In 1974, the first long-playing LP “Love is a Huge Country” was released, which sold 11,685,000 copies and was highly praised by experts. In 1976, at the international recording competition in Prague, the ensemble was awarded the title of laureate and 1st prize for the songs: “I won’t come to you” D. Tukhmanov-L. Derbenev, I. Shaferan, “When we are silent together” P. Slobodkin-L. Derbenev . In the fall of 1974, Pavel Slobodkin invited the young singer Alla Pugacheva to the ensemble. The result of this creative collaboration was the victory (Grand Prix) of Alla Pugacheva at the international pop song competition “Golden Orpheus” Bulgaria in 1975 with the song “Harlequin”, which was arranged and arranged by Pavel Slobodkin and brilliantly performed by Alla Pugacheva. This song brought her all-Union popularity.

    In 1975, the ensemble “Merry Fellows” recorded Pugacheva’s first solo record (minion).

    In 1979, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” was an honored guest of the international competition “Bratislava Lyre”, toured in Germany, and also recorded a new LP disc “Musical Globe”, which was released by Melodiya in September 1979 (circulation - 10,985,000 copies ).

    In 1980, the ensemble took part in the cultural program of the XX Olympic Games in Moscow, and P. Slobodkin was one of the directors of the cultural concert programs of the Olympic Games.

    In 1981, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” performed at the All-Union Festival for the best performance of pop music “Yerevan-81” and was awarded the main prize of the festival.

    In 1983, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” recorded in their studio a magnetic album by the ensemble’s musician Yu. Chernavsky and the young author V. Matetsky - “Banana Islands”. This experimental and innovative album in 1983 was recognized as the best “Sound Track” by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper and was included in the 100 best albums of Russian rock music, and the song “Hello, Banana Boy!” was included in the film “Assa” directed by S. Solovyov.

    In 1984, the ensemble took part in the Moscow Culture Days program in Finland. In 1985, the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” took part in the international pop song competition “Bratislava Lyre”, becoming a laureate and winner of the “Grand Prix” for the song “Wandering Artists” (L. Vardanyan - I. Shaferan), arranged by P. Slobodkin.

    In 1985, he took part in the cultural program of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

    In 1985, the ensemble toured in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Cuba.

    In 1988, for great achievements in the field of musical art, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR approved the status of a musical theater for the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”, touring in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Together with the ensemble “Merry Fellows”, he was awarded by the management of the Melodiya company the highest award: “Platinum Disc No. I” for the absolute record of the USSR and Russia in record sales - 179,850,000 copies and not only in neighboring countries, but also in Eastern Europe.

    In 1991, the ensemble became a laureate of the All-Union Song Festival “Song of the Year” for the sixth time and celebrated its 25th anniversary with a series of concerts in Moscow, Kyiv, and Leningrad.

    In 1995 he created the musical play “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”. The premiere took place at the theatre. E. Vakhtangov in November. For this work, composer Pavel Slobodkin was awarded the Moscow Prize in the field of literature and music in 1996. In 2001, he completed the construction of the Pavel Slobodkin Moscow Theater and Concert Center with a chamber hall for 600 seats. The opening ceremony of the Center took place on February 1, 2002.

    In 2003, Pavel Slobodkin created the Moscow Chamber Orchestra of the Center. In 2003, together with the ensemble, he was awarded the “Golden Disc” by the management of the Melodiya company. At the end of 2003, the Center's chamber orchestra performed successfully in Spain and Algeria. In 2006, he completed work on the musical “Aladdin's Magic Lamp”; the premiere took place in November at the Theatre. R. Simonova.

    From 2007 to 2010, he released 9 CDs with recordings of the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” and 9 CDs with recordings of 27 concerts by W. A. ​​Mozart performed by the People’s Artist of Russia - M. Voskresensky and the Moscow Chamber Orchestra of the Pavel Slobodkin Center. Since 2007, Pavel Slobodkin begins to release archival recordings of the Merry Fellows ensemble. In December he took part in the Song of 2007 program and became a laureate for the seventh time.

    In 2011, he successfully performed at the 20th anniversary festival “Slavic Bazaar”, and in December he released a new CD album “Chershe la...”. In October 2012, Pavel Slobodkin was elected academician of the International Theater Academy. The academician's diploma was presented to Pavel Slobodkin at the Romen Theater by the theater's oldest actor, People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Zeldin.

    In 2013, they released a new album by the ensemble Merry Guys CD “How beautiful this world is.” In December 2013, P. Slobodkin was awarded the Bulgarian award “Samara Cross”.

    In 2014 he was awarded the Moscow Government Prize. In April 2015, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Honor. In December 2015, he released the new 14th album of the ensemble CD “Crossroads of Fate”.

    Pavel Slobodkin in the program “Born in the USSR”

    He gained fame as a teacher. In 1981-1996, Pavel Slobodkin taught at GITIS as the musical director of acting and directing courses, the creator of the course of lectures “Musical genres on the stage” and “Fundamentals of sound engineering and recording.”

    Among Pavel Slobodkin’s students:

    People's Artists of Russia - E. Kamburova, K. Novikova, E. Petrosyan, L. Ryumina, A. Buynov, V. Garkalin, V. Mishchevsky, V. Osipov, N. Babkina, V. Nazarov (artistic director of the National Art Theater) , A. Permyakova (artistic director of the M. Pyatnitsky choir, professor); People's Artist of Moldova, Honored Artist of Russia - M. Codreanu; Honored Artists of Russia - A. Nerovnaya (artistic director of the Benefit Theater); M. Evdokimov, A. Vasiliev, A. Garnizov, Y. Grigoriev, P. Demeter, E. Golovin, V. Kirsanov, V. Mulerman, S. Rezanova, E. Shebagutdinov, V. Zavorotniy, V. Pasynkov (Honored Worker arts of Russia); Honored Artists of the Republic of Belarus - soloists of the ensemble "Pesnyary" L. Bortkevich and A. Kasheparov; Artists and directors of pop and cinema - L. Belogurova, A. Gurevich (general director of the Bibigon channel), N. Duksin, L. Vaikule, M. Zivere, I. Vanzovich, N. Kiryushkina, O. Kiryushkin, S. Lazareva , A. Stolyarov, G. Deliev (leader of the “Masks Show” ensemble), B. Barsky, V. Kruglova; The leaders of the groups are V. Vekshtein (the ensemble “Singing Hearts”), M. Anichkin (the group “Cruise”), M. Plotkin (the ensembles “Leisya, Song” and “Nadezhda”), V. Levushkin (the ensemble “Bim-Bom” ). And many others.
