Heating installation for a private house. How to heat a private house or apartment

In words, drawing up and discussing a heating system is a simple matter. However, in order for it to function correctly, be effective and economical, each element and node must be planned and calculated in detail. Heating distribution from a boiler in a private house is laid not only with beauty and comfort in mind. It is important to consider the type of system, the characteristics of the materials that will be used, and adhere to general requirements.

Primary requirements

The main task is to connect the boiler and all radiators in the most efficient way. It is important to take into account a number of requirements:

  • The routing should be laid along the route with the shortest length.
  • The hydraulic resistance of pipes, valves and fittings should be reduced whenever possible.
  • It is necessary to think through and arrange all functional units on the line with a minimum number of elbows, tees and valves. This refers to the safety group, expansion tank, circulation pump, fittings for draining and filling the system, etc.
  • Pipes are selected based on the performance characteristics of the material and the heating system.
  • The diameter of the pipes is calculated to minimize pressure losses on the one hand and reduce the volume of the pipeline on the other.

Pipe diameter

Theoretically, calculating the optimal pipe diameter for a heating system in a house is quite difficult. The required pressure, static and dynamic pressure, pipeline resistance are taken into account, taking into account the laying route, the roughness of the inner surface of the pipes and many additional parameters. In practice, you will still have to choose from a fairly limited list of pipe diameters from one material or another. The standard sizes and main characteristics of the pipes have long been standardized, as well as all the additional elements necessary to assemble the heating circuit from the boiler to the radiators.

The main idea is to provide:

  • the speed of movement of the coolant in the pipes is at the level of 0.4-0.6 m/s;
  • the resistance of the entire heating circuit is lower than the pressure created by the pump or gravity in a system with natural circulation;
  • minimum volume of coolant in the pipes. Not to be confused with the total volume, including the boiler and, if necessary, storage tank.

Reducing the resistance of pipes and circuits

With any wiring diagram or coolant circulation method, it is necessary to reduce the pipeline resistance and ensure optimal fluid movement through the pipes, avoiding both laminar movement and completely turbulent movement.

For systems with natural circulation:

  • Any turns and bends along the route are carried out taking into account the minimum permissible turning radius for the type of pipe used.
  • Transitions between pipes with different diameters and insertion of risers into the distribution manifold are carried out without narrowing the smaller diameter and, if possible, with a gradual expansion/constriction of the channel.
  • In front of shut-off, control valves, radiators or other equipment, a smooth section of pipe should be formed at least 5-6 pipe diameters in order to eliminate unnecessary turbulence and turbulence in the liquid flow.

For a system with forced circulation, the previous tips are not mandatory; it is important that the circuit resistance is less than the pressure created by the pump. However, if all requirements are met, the load on the pump will decrease and its operating life will accordingly increase. Due to the forced pumping of the coolant, you can use metal-plastic pipes with a small cross-section, a lower two-pipe or one-pipe connection scheme, including packing the pipes into a screed or walls.

Wiring diagrams

In practice, a large number of possible connection types are used. You can single out four main ones, and on their basis you can choose either a ready-made solution or a combined one.

  1. Single-pipe wiring with or without accelerating manifold. From the boiler the pipe goes to the first radiator. The radiators are connected in series, and from the last one in the heat exchanger circuit there is a return pipe to the cold inlet of the boiler. By way of wiring orientation:

For any switching method, a set of control equipment from the safety and diagnostics group must be selected. The composition of the equipment varies depending on the presence of a pump or the use of a gravity system.

For natural circulation everything is extremely simple:

  1. You need a line from the boiler to the expansion tank, located as high as possible.
  2. A pipe for connecting radiators is led from the expansion tank or from the manifold directly next to the tank. In the case of an accelerating manifold and a lower single-pipe distribution, the pipe descends with a gradual slope towards the first radiator.
  3. Next, the wiring to the radiators is carried out according to the selected connection method, with a mandatory slope of at least 2-3 degrees.
  4. From the last radiator there is a return line to the boiler with a connection to the lower cold inlet. On the return line, directly next to the boiler, a tee with a shut-off valve and a fitting for draining the coolant is inserted.

It is more important to correctly route the pipes. Connection points and fittings should not narrow the channel cross-section. The pipe turn or elbow is selected with a turning radius of at least 1.5 times the pipe diameter. If the pipe descends to the radiator from above or rises, then an elbow is first formed, and then the bypass and radiator are cut in.

For forced circulation, the composition of the equipment has been significantly expanded:

  • Expansion tank, membrane type. Installation is allowed at the hot and cold outlet of the boiler, the main thing is as close as possible to the heat exchanger or heat accumulator. For solid fuel (SF) boilers, due to the impossibility of accurately regulating the outlet water temperature, first a direct outlet with a length of at least a meter is installed with a steel pipe, and only after that the equipment is connected. The expansion tank for TT boilers is installed on the return, cold line.
  • Security group(air vent, safety valve, pressure gauge). The safety group is located at the hot outlet of the boiler. From the boiler safety group there must be a short section of pipe with the maximum permissible diameter and without any shut-off valves that can narrow the channel (ball valves are allowed). The safety group is installed at the top point of the circuit.
  • Coarse filter. A mandatory element, even taking into account the preparation of the coolant. Installed in front of the circulation pump on the return line.
  • Circulation pump. By default it is installed on the return line, where the coolant temperature is lower. If the system wiring is at least theoretically suitable for natural circulation, then the pump is connected in parallel to a common pipe with a bypass. Shut-off valves are installed on both sides of the pump and on the bypass. In other cases, the pump can be installed in direct flow into the return gap with shut-off valves on both sides.
  • Additional pressure gauges for diagnostics. To diagnose and check the performance of the heating, it is important to know the pressure on both boiler outlets, on both sides of the circulation pump and the coarse filter, in addition to the pressure gauge installed with the safety group. Depending on the sequence in which the equipment is connected, the points may overlap and ultimately you will need to install 2-3 pressure gauges using three-way valves or tees.
  • Three-way valve for bypass to the boiler.
  • Tee bend with shut-off valves for filling the system with coolant and draining.

Before choosing the entire list of equipment, you should find out what is already in the heating boiler itself; often wall-mounted gas or electric boilers have an expansion tank and a safety group at a minimum.

Regardless of the wiring method and coolant circulation option, it is advisable to provide a bypass for each radiator. This will avoid stopping the movement of liquid due to air locks and will make it possible to regulate the thermal power of each radiator individually when installing a three-way valve with a thermostat.

All equipment should be located as close as possible to the boiler, with access for inspection and maintenance. An exception is the manifold wiring, in which part of the equipment remains near the boiler (general circulation pump, expansion tank, safety group), and part - at the point of installation of the manifold (shut-off and control valves, additional pumps for circuits, air vents, etc.)

Price for 1m2 of work

It is difficult to independently take into account all the nuances and correctly install the heating network around the house. It is much better to entrust this work to specialists who will offer the best option and a set of additional equipment. Based on experience, designers and installers are able to correctly place emphasis depending on the customer’s wishes: to provide heating with maximum efficiency and ease of use, or to strive to save money on work and installation.

The cost of the work includes separate installation of the boiler, connection of additional equipment, pipe routing and installation of radiators. Each item has its own price list, according to which the cost of all work on equipping the heating system in the house is calculated.

Type of work units Cost, rub.
Installation of a heating boiler with a power of up to 50 kW PC. 12000-20000
Installation of a boiler with a power of over 50 kW PC. 25000-50000
Security group installation PC. from 1500
Expansion tank PC. from 2000
Circulation pump PC. from 2000
Installation and connection of the comb (collector) PC. from 1500
Pipe routing D16-25 linear meters 60-85
Pipe routing D32-40 linear meters 75-90
Pipe routing D55-63 linear meters 90-120
Pipe routing D75-110 linear meters 100-150
Installation and connection of the radiator PC. 2000-5000
Installing a thermostat PC. 500
Pressure testing according to the requirements of the boiler equipment manufacturer from 4500
Commissioning works from 3500

Routing pipes from the boiler to the radiators can average 300-500 rubles per linear meter, taking into account laying, connection, passage and wall grooves. Prices are indicative for Moscow and the region.

Autonomous heating systems in private houses perform one of the main functions in their arrangement. Not only the comfort of living depends on the correct distribution of heat in the premises. Heating also carries a structural load: it prevents the occurrence and spread of dampness, mildew and mold. With the constant rise in prices and the expensive cost of connection, the question of which heating is better in a private home is becoming increasingly relevant.

Autonomous heating has a number of advantages, but you still need to choose the right system Source 999.md

Heating systems: their selection and requirements applied to them

Today, various heating system design diagrams and equipment models for them are presented. There is no ideal option when choosing them. But there are basic rules that need to be followed - to achieve proper regulation, distribution and transfer of heat throughout all rooms of the building.

Video description

In our video we’ll talk about heating in a private country house. Our guest is the author and presenter of the Teplo-Voda channel Vladimir Sukhorukov:

Main criteria when choosing heating systems:

    Minimum expenses with high heat transfer. Providing housing with the required amount of heat and low installation, operation and maintenance costs.

    Maximum automation. To ensure safety, heating systems must be operated with the least possible human intervention in their operation.

    High wear resistance of all elements. The necessary equipment must be selected taking into account its operational reliability.

In some cases, you can use the formula: “the simpler, the more reliable” Source promogaz.ru

Types of autonomous heating systems

All heating systems without exception are classified according to the type of fuel needed for their operation. If you need to constantly save on system energy consumption, and it is possible to use several types of fuel for heating, then the best solution would be to purchase combined equipment. These models have all the advantages of standard types of heating boilers and can operate on several types of fuel. For the purpose of familiarization, different types of installation are presented so that the developer can choose for himself which heating is best for a private home.

The boiler for the heating system can operate from any type of fuel Source nehomesdeaf.org

Water heating

One of the most recognized devices for individual heating systems in your home. The coolant here is a closed circuit pipeline with wiring, with water heated from the boiler circulating through it. Heating is installed in several ways: single or two-pipe, with batteries (cast iron, steel, bimetallic) or convector-type radiators. The heating boiler model is set taking into account the type of fuel.

Schemes of an autonomous water heating system

There are several options for installing such systems. When designing a private house, you need to carefully consider their choice.

For the purpose of familiarization, different types of installation are presented so that the developer can choose for himself which heating is best for a private home.

Wiring with separation according to the type of circulation system

    assembly with natural circulation due to pressure difference;

    installation with forced type of circulation.

Source remdominfo.ru
At the location where the supply line is laid

    installation with top wiring;

    installation with bottom wiring.

It makes sense to consider such schemes only when building a two or three-story house Source pinterest.com

By number of risers

    single-pipe installation diagram;

    two-pipe scheme.

Source suk.evesine.ru.net
By location of risers

    vertical connection diagram;

    horizontal connection diagram.

Source otoplenie-help.ru
According to the highway laying diagram

    decoupling diagram with incidental highways;

    decoupling diagram with dead-end highways.

A dead-end circuit is used with a small number of radiators Source dvamolotka.ru

Heating scheme "Leningradka"

The Leningradka scheme simplifies the process of adjusting the temperature for each individual room in the house.


    constant volume liquids in coolants;

    saving on fuel;

    noiselessness at work;

    simplicity in installation, maintenance and repair;

    big term operation.


    slow heating;

    frequent cleaning radiators to increase heat transfer;

    high possibility of leakage pipes in case of metal corrosion;

    required mandatory deletion fluids from the system before its conservation;

    need for permanent job, to prevent liquid freezing during the cold season;

    labor intensity during assembly.

Diagram of the Leningradka heating system Source promogaz.ru

Air heating

Heating of the home is carried out directly with air, which is heated by a gas air heater, water heat exchanger or electric heater and is distributed through the supply air ducts through the fan into the heated rooms of the house. Cooled air is taken from the premises through return air ducts, fresh air from the street is mixed with it, this mixture is cleaned of dust by a filter, and again supplied to the air heater for heating. And so on in a “circle” until the temperature in the house reaches the value set on the thermostat and the system turns off. When the temperature in the house drops by 1 degree, the thermostat will turn the system on again and so on.

Video description

In this video we will discuss whether it is possible to install air heating yourself:

Instead of heating the air in winter, in summer the air in such a system can be cooled by installing an air conditioner evaporator or a water cooler in the duct next to the air heater. The evaporator can be used to heat the air if the external unit of the air conditioner has a heat pump function.

If necessary, you can add a humidifier, air sterilizer, or additional HEPA filter to the channel.

Manufacturer of air heating systems - ATM Climate company Source smu-37.ru


  • High levels of comfort due to a combination of heating, ventilation and air filtration in the basic version.
  • Energy savings of up to 30% compared to other types of heating due to controlled ventilation.
  • High reliability, long service life and no threat of system defrosting.
  • Possibility of adjusting temperature conditions using a thermostat according to the program and via the Internet.
  • Opportunity to work in air conditioner and heat pump mode.
  • All types of air treatment in the house at “one point” (humidification, sterilization, additional filtration).
  • Ease of maintenance (replacement of filters and other replaceable system elements).
  • Air ducts occupy some part of the internal volume of the house.
  • Air ducts must be integrated into the structure and interior of the house at the design stage.

Steam heating

Heating installations with steam systems still remain in demand. The system works normally with various types of fuel - wood, gas, coal, electricity. When installing it, priority is given to combined heating methods (gas + electricity, solid fuel). The correct choice of fuel combination will significantly reduce the cost of heating a home.

Installation diagram of an autonomous steam heating system Source kevuza.recalobip.ru.net

Operating principle

In a steam boiler, the liquid is heated to the boiling point, and the resulting steam enters radiators or pipes. Gradually cooling, it condenses and flows back into the boiler. Operational reliability directly depends on the model of the steam boiler. It must be selected taking into account the area and engineering features of the building.

Pros of the system:

    environmental purity;

    fast heating houses regardless of their area;


    good heat transfer;

    low probability b freezing of the system.

In general, the steam heating scheme does not differ from conventional water heating Source promogaz.ru


    heat inside the coolant negatively affects the operational capabilities of the system;

    availability required permitting documentation for commissioning;

    there is no way to support a certain temperature regime inside the building;

    noise when filling with steam;

    need for constant monitoring due to the explosion hazard of steam boilers;

    big price equipment;

    complexity installation

Gas heating

If in the area where a private house is located there is no main line with gas, a system with liquefied gas heating is assembled. For this purpose, a gas holder is installed on a personal plot - a sealed container, which is periodically filled with propane butane.

A gas holder is essentially a large gas cylinder that is buried next to the house Source shumcity.ru


    ecologically pure heat source;

    increase service life equipment;

    full autonomy.


    labor intensity installation;

    inconvenience refueling;

    problems with receiving permitting documents;

    high cost installations;

    constant control from service departments;

    if there is no connection to the gas main, then it is necessary availability of special installations for fuel storage.

design of country houses and turnkey heating and insulation systems for houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Heating with electric installations

Rising energy prices have significantly affected the popularity of installing heating systems using electricity. This approach is economically justified only in the absence of other alternative options. Electric fireplaces, convectors, infrared heaters, and heated floors act as coolants in electrical systems.

Source promogaz.ru

Source ua.all.biz

Advantages of heating with energy carriers:

    relatively small cost of equipment for installation;

    it is possible to use electric boilers to obtain hot water supply;

    environmental friendliness;

    possibility of automation to maintain optimal temperature conditions in the building;

    not necessary in expensive maintenance;

    possibility of rearrangement heating device from one room to another.


    high power consumption (up to 24 kW/hour) and considerable cost of electronic media;

    need to install additional multiphase distributors;

    if possible power outages the entire circuit fails.

Geothermal installation to create a heating circuit

Choose to heat a private home, using the earth's energy resources for this purpose - to obtain an environmentally friendly and economical source of heat for heating a private home. 98% of the sun's energy is accumulated in the soil layers, which is the basis for fuel production. Regardless of the time of year and temperature on the surface, heat is retained in the deep layers of the soil.

Scheme of arrangement of a geothermal heating system Source promogaz.ru

A geothermal installation consists of external and internal circuits. The external circuit (heat exchanger) is located below ground level. The internal circuit is a conventional system located in the house and assembled from pipes and heating radiators. The coolant is water or other liquid containing antifreeze.


    possibility of setting up and starting the system in different climatic conditions;

    environmental safety;

    permanent obtaining the required amount of thermal energy;

    small expenses for operation.

Video description


    high cost purchasing the necessary equipment;

    payback installation is possible only after 7-8 years;

    labor intensity installation;

    need for construction collector.

Heating with solar panels

An alternative and environmentally friendly way to obtain heat is to install heating using solar collectors. In regions with low solar activity, this method is used as a backup or additional option.

For the greatest efficiency of the system, it is necessary to correctly position the batteries on the roof Source finetodesign.com


    big service life;

    fast payback;

    availability installation equipment;

    the best option for heat generation from electric heaters and when installing heated floors;

    environmental safety;

    simplicity in operation;

    no costs for the purchase of fuel.

Video description


    need for constant sunlight;

    necessity in complex calculations for correct installation of photocells;

    roof installation at a 30 degree angle;

    preferably have a spare source of heat available.

Stove heating

The use of fireplaces and stoves is advisable only as a source of additional or temporary heat energy when installing heating systems in individual construction. Mainly used for heating country houses. In private houses with a large area, with permanent residence of people, they have no efficiency, since they are not able to ensure uniformity in the supply of heat throughout all rooms. Or you will have to additionally install a water heating system, and use the stove itself as a beautiful wood-burning boiler

The stove is more suitable for a small house Source chrome-effect.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey installation of stoves and fireplaces. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


In order to decide on the optimal option for arranging autonomous heating systems and finally figure out which heating system to choose for a private home, it is advisable, first of all, to analyze which type of fuel is most available in a given area. The decision in favor of installing a suitable heating system depends on this.

Long gone are the days when only a stove could heat a private house. The lack of hot water in sufficient quantities and the need to light the stove and keep it burning did little to facilitate life outside the city. That is why many sought to move to comfortable multi-storey buildings, where heating and hot water supply were centralized.

Today, a lot has changed - the abundance and range of modern heating equipment allows you to do heating in the house yourself, even without the involvement of specialists. Now, on the contrary, the priority is to live in country houses, since hot water is available all year round, and heating can be turned on at any time, without waiting for a decision from utility services.

In total, there are 3 main energy sources - gas, solid fuel and electricity. We will talk about each of them, as well as how to properly wire the boiler and ensure heat supply to different components, in this article.

You will not be able to purchase the entire heating system in any store. You can select individual elements and assemble them into a system, you can purchase materials and make the boiler and piping entirely with your own hands. Regardless of which path you decide to go, you must first decide on the following parameters:

  • what type of fuel is planned to be used;
  • which fuel is more economically feasible.

What home heating systems are there?

The most famous means of heating since time immemorial has been the Russian stove. Among the main disadvantages of such structures today are their large size, which is not always convenient, and uneven heating of the air in the room. It’s very hot near the stove, warm two meters away, cold in the next room. Modern fireplaces, although they have changed over time, generally act as an analogue of a stove and therefore can be used exclusively as an auxiliary heat source.

The most popular and effective is a water heating system, where heated coolant circulates through pipes and thereby heats the premises.

Air heating, based on the operation of air heat collectors, is considered no less effective, but practically unknown.

Electric heating can be called a relatively new type, which works by converting electricity into thermal energy without using any coolant.

Types of boilers

The main task when organizing heating with your own hands is to create an effective system, mostly automatic, with minimal human participation in its operation. Based on the availability of the type of fuel and the appropriateness of its choice, you should purchase a specific type of boiler.

The main classification of boilers depends on the type of fuel:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • solid fuel;
  • combined.

Modern industrial boilers are economical, relatively silent and easy to operate. The main disadvantage of such equipment is its energy dependence, since at the heart of each there is a fan that forces air into the chamber or ensures the movement of the coolant.

The exception applies only to those boilers where it is used. This pump belongs to the category of emergency equipment and runs on a battery. In the absence of electricity, the pump ensures the movement of coolant through the pipes, preventing them from freezing and subsequent rupture.

Heating scheme for a private house


No matter how often the price of gas is indexed in our country, it still remains the cheapest type of fuel.

Modern gas boilers are silent, easy to operate, and differ in the number of circuits:

  • single-circuit - designed only for heating the house

  • double-circuit - for heating and hot water supply.


The safest type of equipment. Capable of heating a room of any size (power 4-300 kW). The only disadvantage of such equipment is the cost of fuel. Electricity is traditionally the most expensive type of heating compared to gas and solid fuel.

Key benefits include the following:

  • large power range of boilers capable of heating up to 350 sq.m. premises on different levels and consisting of several rooms;
  • there is no need to organize a chimney or exhaust ventilation - heating occurs by converting electricity into heat, so no combustion products are released;
  • environmentally friendly equipment that does not emit any pollutants into the atmosphere;
  • compact size and the ability to install in any room without restrictions on square footage and distance;
  • there is no need to obtain permits to put equipment into operation.

Even a small house can be heated with electricity only if 3 phases are supplied and the network voltage is absolutely stable.

Boilers also differ in the number of circuits:

  • single-circuit - for heating only;
  • double-circuit - for heating and water heating.

Solid fuel

This is an improved "hello" from the past, modernized to such an extent that it can be left for a week and the temperature in the house will be comfortable. All solid fuel boilers are based on the Kolpakov principle, when the boiler is first heated, and then the temperature is maintained at a certain level to ensure stability of heating of the coolant.

Such boilers are characterized by a fairly high efficiency, but at the same time they require regular (at least 1-2 times a week) cleaning of combustion products, installation of a chimney, organization of exhaust ventilation and the presence of a separate room.

Advantages of solid fuel equipment:

  • a wide range of fuels (firewood, coal, pellets, braces, waste from the woodworking and agricultural industries, etc.);
  • high efficiency, in some cases reaching 92%;
  • possibility of process automation for long-term combustion units.

To ensure that the heating season does not cause difficulties, it is necessary to prepare in advance a certain amount of fuel sufficient to heat a private home for 2-3 months.


This type of equipment allows you to rationalize heating costs and ensure constant operation of the boiler, depending on the availability of a particular fuel.

The fundamental difference lies in the combination of solid fuel with other sources - electricity, liquid fuel or gas. Depending on the pair, electric, solid fuel and universal combo boilers are distinguished. The choice depends on what fuel is available in the region.

The transition between alternative sources is carried out by changing burners, which is quite difficult and does not always work out the first time.

Burners are always purchased separately!

When choosing a boiler for a private home, you should understand that this is only a small part of the entire heating system. certainly very important, on which its functioning and maintaining heat in the house will depend, but also a lot depends on the boiler piping, on the organization of the heating and hot water supply system.

Types of heating systems

Depending on what coolant circulates in the system, the following types of heating are practiced:

  • water, where ordinary water acts as the coolant (in some cases, antifreeze can be added);
  • air - coolant - air heated to a certain temperature;
  • steam - pipes heat steam;
  • electrical - electrical appliances (heating elements, infrared emitters, etc.) are placed around the perimeter;
  • combined - organizing heating in such a way that the source is not only the coolant, but also other options;
  • "warm floor" system.

Each of the listed methods has certain characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in relation to each other.

This is the simplest type of heating for a private home, which is easy to do with your own hands. There are no special requirements for operating the system; the main task is to correctly calculate the number of batteries and select the appropriate boiler power.

How to calculate power

There is a universal formula for calculating power:

1 kW of power = 10 m 2 heated area

However, it only works in ideal, one might say, laboratory conditions, which are very far from reality. When determining the parameter, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular house - the year of construction, what building materials are used, the presence of thermal insulation, the type of windows and doors, etc.

So, for example, if a house was built more than 30 years ago, but is insulated, doors and windows are replaced with modern sealed structures, the power should be increased by 1.5 times, that is, by 10 sq.m. take 1.5 kW of area. If the building was recently built, but not properly insulated, the doors and windows are wooden and draughty, the power should be increased by 2 times.

Power calculation factors

  • 2 or more windows on the north side - 1.3;
  • 2 or more windows on the south, east and southeast sides - 1.1;
  • 2 or more windows on the west side - 1.2.

When organizing water heating, purified water acts as a coolant, which does not need to be drained at the end of the heating season. This is a closed system where water circulates under the influence of a pump or by gravity.

Forced coolant circulation

In order to ensure the movement of heated water through the pipes, centrifugal force is needed. As a rule, a circulation pump is used for these purposes, but an ordinary centrifugal pump, only of low power, is quite suitable.

The main task of the pump is to supply cooled water to the boiler to heat it and distribute the already heated coolant throughout the system. Since we are talking about a vicious circle, a constant volume of water circulates through the pipes.

Installation of a circulation pump in the heating system of a private house

The use of pumping equipment, although it makes the system energy-dependent, completely eliminates the need for human participation in the operation of the boiler. The temperature sensor monitors the heating limit, the pump moves water progressively from the boiler to the pipes and back. If we are talking about an electric or gas boiler, all participation comes down to only one thing - set a comfortable temperature and forget about the boiler for the whole season.

In order to ensure the operation of the boiler in the absence of electricity, you can purchase a 12 volt circulation pump powered by a battery.

Coolant circulation by gravity

Today, such a system is extremely rare and only in one-story houses. Here, the coolant moves through the system by gravity, when water of different temperatures moves under the influence of differences in specific gravity.

A prerequisite for proper water circulation in a gravity system is the installation of pipes at a slight angle - up to 150.

DIY installation of a water heating system

In order to make the house comfortable and warm, you should correctly calculate the number of radiators through which the coolant will circulate. Please note that all boilers must be equipped with an exhaust ventilation system and a chimney. The only exception applies to an electric boiler.

How to calculate the required number of radiators

The most correct way is to calculate the area of ​​the heated room (in each room separately). According to SNiP, each square meter requires 100 W of heat. Find out the area of ​​the room and multiply by the required amount of heat. So, for example, for a room of 20 sq.m. you will need 2000 W of heat (20 x 100), which corresponds to 2 kW.

Now we determine the number of radiators by the number of sections or units. Each manufacturer indicates the heat transfer of one section of a radiator or monolithic product. Divide the resulting heat volume by the heat transfer coefficient and get the number of sections that you convert into radiators, or immediately the number of radiators.

  1. Single-pipe, where only hot water leaves the boiler

In this case, the coolant moves from the first to the last radiator, gradually losing heat. When choosing such a system, you should keep in mind that in the farthest room the battery will be almost cold.

It is difficult to adjust the temperature of radiators with such a system, since by shutting off one radiator, you stop the flow of coolant to all subsequent ones.

  1. Two-pipe - supply of hot water from the boiler and return of water to the boiler (return).

This is the most optimal system for heating a private house, where 2 pipes are connected in parallel to each device - primary and return. In this case, the temperature of all radiators in all rooms will be approximately the same. You can increase or decrease the temperature in each room as needed.

This method of wiring is also called radial, when a pipe with direct supply is supplied from the boiler to each device and discharged with a cold one.

The collector in such a heating system performs the task of storing coolant.

This is a universal system that is suitable for organizing heating in any room, while it is possible to make hidden wiring to each device separately.

Depending on the chosen wiring system, the number of pipes and the total cost are determined. Single-pipe wiring is the cheapest option.

After the number of radiators has been calculated and the system has been selected, the pipes should be installed.

Previously, metal pipes were used for this purpose. Today, such a solution is not profitable due to cost and susceptibility to corrosion, so you should choose polypropylene.

Polypropylene pipes in the heating system

Pipes are laid in all rooms that will be heated, moving from one room to another. The pipes are connected to each other with a special soldering iron for plastic pipes.

You can assemble a water heating system for a private house with your own hands, but this will require precise calculations and a boiler piping diagram. The main drawback of such a system is the need for regular prevention. And please note that if you use antifreeze, it must be changed every 5 years.

A fairly popular method of heating residential and office premises, based on the principle of gravity and forced ventilation. The gravitational system involves the movement of air at a temperature difference due to its natural circulation. Different temperatures mean different air densities, which is why warm and cold layers move.

When heating with air, a heater is installed in the room or ventilation ducts are installed through which warm air enters. Each such heat source can be installed anywhere in the room - on the wall, ceiling or floor. This has no effect on the principle of convection.

There are 2 main types of air heating:

  • local (localized);
  • central.


This method is suitable for heating only one room in the room. The heat source can be:

  • air heaters;
  • heat guns;
  • thermal curtains.

The optimal heat supply is a heater that distributes heat several meters around. The power of such equipment is 1-1.2 kW per hour.

A heat gun is a more powerful equipment, which also instantly dries the air in the room. Used only for heating warehouse and industrial premises where people stay for a short time. Power 2-2.5 kW per hour.

A thermal curtain is an analogue of an air conditioner that supplies hot air to a point. Most often, a curtain is placed at the entrance to simultaneously prevent cold air from entering the room. Power 1.5-2 kW per hour.

Central heating

This is an example of a centralized hot air supply, which operates on the principle:

  • direct-flow or partial recirculation;
  • complete circulation of hot air.

Most often, such a system is chosen in rooms with suspended or suspended ceilings, where ventilation ducts can be installed above them. Through such ventilation holes, hot air enters the room and circulates in it.

It is not advisable to install ventilation ducts in the walls, since part of it will be needed to mask the ventilation shafts.

The cost of air heating is more expensive both in terms of installation and the cost of equipment. The source of coolant supply is a gas or electric boiler.


  • filtering the air entering the room;
  • fresh air due to the fact that the intake is carried out from the street;
  • possibility of organizing drip irrigation and air ionization.


  • such a system can only be created in a house under construction (with the exception of a water gun and a heat curtain);
  • expensive installation.

Electric heating

The most affordable way to heat any room, since electricity is everywhere.

The operating principle is based on the operation of an electric convector that converts electrical energy into heat. Modern models are equipped with a large number of functions that completely eliminate the need for human participation in monitoring work.

It could be:

  • temperature controller depending on the time of day;
  • regulator for increasing the temperature at night and decreasing it during the day (day-night mode);
  • maintaining system pressure and minimum temperature in the event of absence of people for a long time;
  • compliance with the regime even during a short-term power outage, etc.


  • very simple and easy installation that anyone can do;
  • extremely simple operation;
  • mobility of the system, when convectors can be moved from room to room if necessary.


  • the high cost of energy is the most expensive of all existing heating methods.

When choosing an electric heating method, there must be 3 phases and a stable voltage in the network.

Steam heating

In this case, the operating principle is completely identical to the water one, with the only difference that instead of water, steam circulates in the pipe system. Installation of pipes, selection of boiler power and organization of piping are completely identical to the water heating system.

For steam heating, special boilers are used that generate hot steam. It is mandatory to have a “Through the Gauntlet” filter system, which purifies water from all kinds of impurities before it is converted into a vapor state.

There is only one advantage of a steam heating system - savings, since heating occurs almost instantly. The efficiency is 95%.

There are incomparably more disadvantages:

  • peculiarity of the equipment - it is extremely difficult to find a steam boiler on the open market;
  • high installation cost, which includes the installation of special pipes and the presence of a filter system;
  • dangerous operation because the steam temperature exceeds 100 degrees.

Warm floor

The huge advantage of this heating system is the large heat-transferring surface area. This is an ideal option for common areas - kitchen, bathroom, hallway, as well as in the living room or children's room.

It is optimal to lay a heated floor under ceramic tiles - in this case it acts as an excellent conductor. Laminate and parquet are much less often used for heated floors, since when the temperature rises, warping of the material and its subsequent dismantling are possible.

A prerequisite for installing a heated floor is a foil layer. It is neither an insulator nor a reflector, as is commonly believed. Foil is used to distribute heat evenly across the floor surface. If you do not use such a layer, the tactile sensations of the floor will resemble a zebra - the stripe is warm, the stripe is cold.

Warm floors can be water-based, where hot water circulates through pipes, or electric - a system of wires where electrical energy is converted into heat.

Water heated floor

A branch of a water heating system in the form of small-diameter pipes laid on a flat floor surface. A prerequisite is the use of a substrate that will prevent heat loss from contact with the floor.

The difficulty of installing a water heated floor lies in the need to lay pipes and connect them correctly to the existing heating system.

Electric heated floor

A type of heating that is elementary in installation and operation. The only difficulty that may arise is preliminary preparation of the surface for laying wires or mats using a concrete screed, and laying the floor covering on top of the heated floor

Even simpler is to use electric mats on the existing surface. Such mats are absolutely safe to use and are easy to set up. To avoid mechanical damage, it is recommended to use an overhead electric floor under a carpet or rug.

In most cases, a heated floor is an auxiliary element of the heating system in the house.

How to choose heating for your home

The most correct thing when choosing a heating system and, accordingly, a boiler is to focus on the available type of fuel. If there is no gas pipeline in some area yet, but its installation is already underway, it is advisable to use combined boilers - solid fuel and gas. Where gas is not available and is not planned, but electricity is expensive, you can connect an electric boiler.

Each system has both its advantages and disadvantages. Even if you heat the house yourself, be sure to consult with the designers regarding the type and method. Any of the selected heating systems is quite expensive so that errors in calculations can be made.

For example, when developing a fireplace, stove or solid fuel boiler with your own hands, there is a risk of carbon dioxide concentration in the room, which will lead to accidents.

The best option would be to purchase ready-made certified equipment, and you can do the installation and wiring yourself.

In order to accurately understand which type of heating to prefer, you should take into account the cost of each type of fuel and its consumption per unit of time.

As of March 2016, fuel prices are as follows:

  • 1 liter of diesel - $0.5. The cost of 1 kWh of energy is $0.05.
  • 1 m 3 of natural gas for individuals - $0.05. The cost of 1 kW/h is $0.006.
  • 1 liter of bottled gas - $0.3. The cost of 1 kW/h is $0.020.
  • 1 kW/h of electricity for an individual - $0.03.
  • 1 kg of coal averages $0.3. The cost of 1 kW/h is $0.05.

Living in your own home on the ground provides a number of advantages, including the possibility of installing a heating system that operates autonomously. Properly selected and installed heating wiring in a private house allows you to organize fast, uniform heating of all rooms. Controlling fuel consumption, calculated according to weather conditions, reduces heating costs.

In practice, several proven heating schemes are used, differing in the type of circulation of the coolant (most often water), as well as in the method of routing the main pipes. In most residential buildings, a single-pipe, two-pipe, radiant or “Leningrad” heating system is installed. Each heating wiring diagram for a private house has its own characteristics, which are taken into account when designing utilities.

Methods of water circulation in heating systems

The movement of liquid along a closed circuit (circuits) can occur in a natural or forced mode. Water heated by the heating boiler rushes to the radiators. This part of the heating circuit is called forward stroke (current). Once in the batteries, the coolant cools down and is sent back to the boiler for heating. This period of the closed route is called the return stroke (current). To speed up the circulation of the coolant along the circuit, special circulation pumps are used, embedded in the pipeline at the “return”. Models of heating boilers are produced, the design of which provides for the presence of such a pump.

Natural coolant circulation

The movement of water in the system occurs by gravity. This is possible due to the physical effect that appears when the density of water changes. Hot water has a lower density. The liquid flowing in the reverse direction has a high density, and therefore easily displaces the water that has already heated up in the boiler. The hot coolant rushes up the riser, and is then distributed along horizontal lines laid at a slight slope of no more than 3-5 degrees. The presence of a slope allows liquid to move through the pipes by gravity.

The heating scheme, based on the natural circulation of the coolant, is the simplest and therefore easy to implement in practice. In addition, in this case, no other communications are required. However, this option is only suitable for small private houses, since the length of the contour is limited to 30 meters. Disadvantages include the need to install larger diameter pipes, as well as low pressure in the system.

Scheme of an autonomous heating system for a house with natural circulation of water (coolant). The pipeline is laid at a slope of no more than 5 degrees

Forced coolant circulation

In autonomous heating systems (coolant) in a closed circuit there is necessarily a circulation pump, which provides an accelerated flow of heated water to the batteries, and cooled water to the heating device. The movement of water is possible due to the pressure difference that occurs between the forward and reverse flow of the coolant.

When installing this system, it is not necessary to observe the slope of the pipeline. This is an advantage, but a significant disadvantage lies in the energy dependence of such a heating system. Therefore, in case of a power outage, a private home must have a generator (mini-power plant), which will ensure the functioning of the heating system in an extreme situation.

A diagram of the organization of a home heating system, in which circulation of the coolant is ensured by a circulation pump embedded in the return flow pipeline

A circuit with forced circulation of water as a coolant can be used when installing heating in a house of any size. In this case, a pump of suitable power is selected and its uninterrupted power supply is ensured.

Single-pipe wiring diagram

In a heating system of this type, the heated coolant flows sequentially through all radiators, releasing part of the thermal energy to the devices. They prefer to choose this scheme if a small budget has been allocated for installing a room heating system. After all, for installation you will need a minimum number of pipes, as well as related consumables.

It is impossible not to point out a number of disadvantages characteristic of a single-pipe heating system with overhead wiring, namely:

  • the inability to separately regulate the level of heat transfer for each individual radiator;
  • reducing the amount of heat emitted by the batteries into the room as they move away from the heating boiler.

The "" heating circuit is designed to solve the problem of independently adjusting the heat transfer level of each individual battery. In a single-pipe system, water flows through all installed radiators in series. Installing shut-off valves on each battery and installing a bypass (bypass pipe) allows for coolant circulation when a heating device is cut off.

Single-pipe wiring of the Leningradka heating system allows you to turn off individual radiators using shut-off valves, while the coolant continues to flow through the bypass pipe

Options for a two-pipe system

The main difference between heating a private house is the connection of each battery to both direct and reverse current mains, which doubles the pipe flow. But the home owner has the opportunity to regulate the level of heat transfer of each individual heating device. As a result, it is possible to provide different temperature microclimates in the rooms.

When installing a vertical two-pipe heating system, the lower as well as the upper heating distribution diagram from the boiler is applicable. Now in more detail about each of them.

Vertical system with bottom wiring

Set it up as follows:

  • From the heating boiler, a supply main pipeline is run along the floor of the lower floor of the house or through the basement.
  • Next, risers are launched upward from the main pipe, which ensure that the coolant enters the batteries.
  • A return flow pipe departs from each battery, which carries the cooled coolant back to the boiler.

When designing the lower wiring of an autonomous heating system, the need to constantly remove air from the pipeline is taken into account. This requirement is met by installing an air pipe, as well as installing an expansion tank, and using Mayevsky taps on all radiators located on the top floor of the house.

Scheme of a two-pipe autonomous water heating system for a house with bottom wiring. The coolant will rise up the vertical risers from the central pipe

Vertical system with top wiring

In this scheme, the coolant from the boiler is supplied to the attic through the main pipeline or to the very ceiling of the upper floor. Then the water (coolant) goes down several risers, passes through all the batteries, and returns back to the heating boiler through the main pipeline.

To periodically remove air bubbles in this system, install. This version of the heating device is much more effective than the previous method with lower pipe routing, since higher pressure is created in the risers and radiators.

Scheme of a two-pipe autonomous heating system for a house with overhead wiring. The coolant moves up the central riser and then falls down, passing through all installed radiators

Horizontal heating system - three main types

The installation of a horizontal two-pipe autonomous heating system with forced circulation is the most common option for heating a private home. In this case, one of three schemes is used:

  • Dead-end circuit (A). The advantage is the low pipe consumption. The disadvantage lies in the large length of the circulation circuit of the radiator farthest from the boiler. This makes it very difficult to adjust the system.
  • Scheme with associated movement of water (B). Due to the equal length of all circulation circuits, it is easier to adjust the system. During implementation, a large number of pipes will be required, which increase the cost of work and also spoil the interior of the house with their appearance.
  • Scheme with collector (beam) distribution (B). Since each radiator is connected separately to the central collector, it is very easy to ensure uniform distribution of all rooms. In practice, heating installation according to this scheme is the most expensive due to the high consumption of materials. The pipes are hidden in a concrete screed, which greatly increases the attractiveness of the interior. The radial (collector) floor heating distribution scheme is becoming increasingly popular among individual developers.

This is what it looks like:

Three schemes for constructing a horizontal two-pipe autonomous heating system, which are most often used in the construction of low-rise buildings and private cottages

Which heating circuit wiring diagram is better?

It is impossible to say unequivocally about the superiority of any one wiring scheme over others - it all depends on the number of floors, the presence of basements and the roof structure. One of the most common cases is a one-story house with a steep hip or gable roof. Regardless of whether there is a basement under the building, the best option is to arrange heating using a two-pipe scheme with vertical risers. In this case, the wiring can be either lower or upper. The latter is preferable to use if the boiler is installed on the ground floor, which is typical for buildings that do not have a basement.

Now consider the previous example of a house, but replace the steep roof with a flat one. The wiring is best done horizontally, placing the boiler in the basement. By the way, statistics show that flat roofs are used relatively rarely for one-story buildings, while almost all of them are equipped with basements.

For two-story and multi-story buildings, both single-pipe and two-pipe heating circuits with vertical risers are allowed. In this case, you can use the upper or lower wiring. Only horizontal installation of supply branches is not allowed. In general, almost any option, regardless of the type and design of the roof.

When choosing a standard wiring diagram, it is necessary to take into account many factors, ranging from the area of ​​the house to the materials used in its construction. It is better to resolve such issues with specialists to eliminate the possibility of error. After all, we are talking about heating the house, the main condition for comfortable living in private housing.

In our country, it’s unlikely to survive without heating - the winters are too harsh. If apartment owners do not have to choose - they heat themselves with whatever they have, then the heating system of a private house is a personal matter for its owner. Choose the option that suits you best.

Types of heating systems

In a private house, you can implement almost any heating system, as well as their combinations. To choose the right type of heating, you need to know all their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Stove heating

Just a century ago, this is how most houses, large and small, were heated. This is just a stove without any additional elements. One or more - depended on the size of the house and the capabilities of the owners. The huts usually had a large Russian stove, while the houses of the intelligentsia and nobility had more sophisticated Dutch or Swedish stoves.

Stove heating is still used today, but mostly in dachas, as a temporary solution to raise the temperature in the room or as an alternative source of heat. You can also find stove heating in village houses, but this is already a rarity.

Stove heating is losing popularity, as it is cyclical: if it floods, it’s hot, if it burns out, it’s cold. It is very uncomfortable. The second serious disadvantage is the inability to regulate the temperature. The intensity of combustion can be changed within certain limits using views, but not radically: if wood burns, it releases a certain amount of heat. Its release can be “stretched” a little by limiting the air flow, but only a little.

The third drawback is the uneven distribution of heat. Those rooms into which the sides of the stove open are heated, and even then, the floor remains cold. In addition, even in heated rooms near the stove it is warm, at the far end of the room it can even be cold. The fourth drawback is the need for constant maintenance - you can’t leave it for long. You have to constantly (or almost) be near the stove: keep it burning, clean it and re-light it. All these reasons have led to the fact that a stove in a private home usually appears as one of the possible sources of heat and is rarely the main one.


The most common heating system in our country is water, and if they say that they want to heat a private house with their own hands, 98% of them mean just such a system. And this despite the fact that it is expensive to install. This is perhaps the most expensive system to install. But it has a decent number of advantages, which explains its popularity.

It consists of a hot water boiler, a pipeline and heating devices - heating radiators - through which the coolant circulates. Most often this is water, but it can also be a special non-freezing liquid. The whole difficulty is in creating this very pipeline system - it is necessary to ensure the transfer of heat in the required quantity.

Water heating is the most expensive in the device

The first positive point is that the system can operate in both cyclic and continuous mode. It depends on the choice of boiler. If the heat source for such a system is a conventional solid fuel boiler (wood or coal), then cyclicity is present. To practically reduce it to nothing, a heat accumulator is added to the system - a large reservoir with a coolant in which heat accumulates during periods of intense heating. And at night, when the boiler burns out, the accumulated heat maintains a comfortable temperature in the house.

If there is any other boiler in the system - gas, liquid fuel, pellet - there is no cyclicity. Once the system has reached operating temperature, it is maintained with a fairly small difference (with proper power calculation and design).

The second positive point: most modern heating boilers are equipped with automation, which controls their operation and monitors safety. Such systems can operate for quite a long time without human intervention (except for solid fuel ones). The third advantage is that rare maintenance is required.

Therefore, in most cases, heating in a private house is done with water. Sometimes owners don’t even think about the possibility of installing some other system.


The center of an air heating system is also a heat source, and usually it is a boiler, but it does not heat water, as in a water system, but air. The heat source can be a powerful convector running on gas, electricity or liquid fuel.

In order for the heated air to reach other rooms, a system of air ducts is led from the heat source. The movement of air through them can be natural (gravitational systems) and forced (with fans).

Compared to water heating, much less money is required. In small houses - one or two rooms (usually dachas) - one heat generator without air ducts is generally sufficient. In this case, warm air enters another room through open doors, warming it too.

The disadvantages here are obvious: while the heat generator is working, it’s warm, but when it stops, it immediately becomes cold. No thermal inertia, as in a water system (until the water cools down, the house is warm). The second point is drying air. It also dries out with other types of heating, but air heating of a private house is perhaps the leader in this regard.


Heating a private home with electricity is one of the simplest things to do. Just buy convectors and hang them in key places. It can be under the windows, it can be under the ceiling. Both systems work. The disadvantage of these systems is the significant costs of maintaining a stable temperature.

The system consists of a number of convectors that are able to compensate for heat loss. In this case, there are no difficulties at all, except for electrical wiring of a suitable cross-section and the allocation of power required for heating. The convector has a heating element through which air flows. Passing along the heated element, the air heats up, spreading heat throughout the room.

The movement of air in a convector is organized in two ways: with or without a fan, due to natural processes. More efficient heating with forced air movement. But such power is not always needed (and fans create noise), so many models have two operating modes - with and without a fan.

This type of heating is quite comfortable - modern convectors can maintain the set temperature with an accuracy of two degrees. Their work is controlled by automation, which turns them on and off as needed. If there is a power supply, they do not require any maintenance.

Disadvantage - active convection (air movement) carries a large amount of dust. The second disadvantage is drying out the air, but this is a disadvantage of all heating systems. If a regular coil is used as a heating element, it burns out the oxygen in the air (heats up to a red glow). But such elements are now used only in the cheapest small floor-standing models. More serious equipment heats the air with ceramic heaters, which do not burn oxygen (almost).

There is also such a system as heated floors, but this is a separate topic and is described, and electric ones are described.

Which system to choose

The actual type of heating in a private home depends on the climate and mode of use of the premises. Most countries with mild winters use electric or air heating. In our country, water heating is used in most of the territories. It makes sense to build such a complex system in houses with permanent residence. THEN such material investments are justified.

If you are choosing a heating system for a dacha, where you will only visit in winter and do not plan to maintain above-zero temperatures, then the best option is air heating. With or without air ducts - it depends on the size of the dacha. Why not electric? Because in winter the electricity supply in rural areas is extremely unstable. So a stove like Buleryan is better.

Types of water heating systems

Since water heating of a private house is installed in most cases, let’s look at what types it comes in. There are quite significant differences.

According to the method of coolant circulation

There are two types of water heating: with natural and forced circulation. Natural circulation systems use a well-known physical phenomenon: warmer fluids rise to the top, colder fluids sink to the bottom. Since the system is closed, a cycle is formed.

The advantages of such a system are that it is non-volatile, that is, it does not require electricity to operate. This is important in many rural areas where power outages are the norm rather than the exception in winter.

More cons:

  • Pipes must be used with a larger diameter - the speed of movement of the coolant is low, therefore a larger volume of coolant is required to transfer a sufficient amount of heat. they must be laid with a constant rather large slope (about 3%), which does not add aesthetics to the room.
  • During natural circulation, the pipes are located at a height of about a meter, which does not add color to the room. The second option is an acceleration loop, which is also not very attractive. The situation is better with two-story houses. In them, the second floor is a kind of acceleration loop.
  • The boiler is also required to be non-volatile, and this is a solid fuel boiler using wood or coal. All others require power supply.
  • The middle of the radiators should be higher than the middle of the boiler (to ensure circulation). If the house does not have a basement, you have to either lift up the radiators or make a recess for the boiler. Not the most fun task either.
  • Inability to regulate the speed of movement of the coolant and the thermal conditions in the room.

Forced circulation systems have a built-in circulation pump. It does not create excess pressure, it simply drives water through the pipes at a given speed. Such a pump can be built into the boiler (gas heating units) or installed separately on the return pipeline before entering the boiler.

The circulation pump is the main difference between the heating system of a private house with forced circulation

The advantages of this solution:

  • The pipes are laid below - on the floor or under the floor.
  • The speed of the coolant can be adjusted (multi-speed pump), thereby regulating the temperature in the room.
  • The diameter of the pipes is small. For an average sized private home this is usually 20mm or so.
  • Any boiler can be installed, with any automation. Automation provides a higher level of comfort and the ability to accurately maintain the desired temperature.

The disadvantage is the need for electricity. And the point is not that a lot of it is required, on the contrary, the system consumes 100-250 W/hour like a regular light bulb. The fact is that without electricity it is inoperable. For rare cases of outages, a power stabilizer with a battery is suitable, and if the power does turn off frequently, a backup source is needed - a generator.

By type of wiring

There are two types of systems:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

Single pipe systems

In single-pipe systems, a pipe comes out of the boiler, sequentially runs around all the heating radiators, and from the exit of the latter enters the boiler inlet. The main advantage is the minimum number of pipes. There are more disadvantages of such a heating device for a private house:

A better improved system in this regard is Leningradka. In it, each radiator has a bypass - a piece of pipe connected in parallel to the heating device. In this option, ball valves can be installed at the inlet and outlet of the radiators, with the help of which you can turn off the radiators. In this case, the coolant will move through the bypass.

Two-pipe wiring

This system has two pipes to which heating radiators are connected in parallel. Hot coolant is supplied through one pipe, and cooled coolant is discharged through the other.

Disadvantages - high pipe consumption, but water of the same temperature is supplied to the input of each radiator; it is possible to install a regulator on each heating device, thanks to which the system can be balanced (set the required heat transfer for each radiator).

There are several types of two-pipe heating systems:

According to the method of coolant supply

There are systems with top and bottom coolant supply. All the schemes above are with lower distribution. Top feed systems are rare. They are mainly sold in two (or more) storey buildings for a more economical system construction.

By type of system: open and closed

Since the temperature of the coolant in the system changes, its volume also changes. To have somewhere to dispose of the excess, expansion tanks are installed in the system. These tanks are open (regular tank) and closed (membrane). Accordingly, systems are called open and closed.

They are usually placed in an open expansion tank in the attic of a private house. It is, of course, cheap, but in such a system the coolant gradually evaporates. Therefore, you need to monitor the amount of liquid or make an automatic device that will respond to a decrease in the level. Usually this is a float mechanism (like in a toilet) that opens/closes the water supply. The system is simple and quite reliable, but only water can circulate in it. Antifreeze cannot be poured in, since a change in their concentration is not allowed (and this is what happens during evaporation). In addition, most antifreezes are toxic and their vapors are also not therapeutic.

Where such tanks can be used is in systems with natural circulation - a membrane tank simply will not work at such a low pressure.

The expansion tank is a closed type and is divided into two halves by an elastic membrane. If there is a lack of coolant, it displaces it from the tank; if there is excess (pressure increases), the coolant stretches the membrane, occupying a larger volume.

With membrane tank

These systems work well with forced circulation, maintaining stable pressure.
