Hearthstone arena program. A detailed guide to the Arena in Hearthstone Program for the Arena deck

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You will have to spend a little time and learn important information on the topic. First you need to download Dec Tracker - an indispensable program for Harstone. It is needed to control your deck. Then, once you understand a little about its interface, the time will come when you come across the concept Arena helper Hearthstone. This is where the most exciting games take place (from my own experience, I can say that it’s really cool here).

One of the most important and noticeable features of this arena is tantamount to one piece of advice from a wise and experienced player. You will be able not only to see how to play professionally, but in a short time you yourself will show the same, or maybe much better, results. And choosing cards for decks will no longer be such a problem.

Arena Helper Hearthstone

Experienced players will immediately say that you can download Dec Tracker only on the official website https://github.com/. But we still spent literally a couple of minutes of our time and uploaded the necessary archive to our page. So that you don’t worry, don’t search and don’t do many other things. The previous material already contains this link. But for greater comfort, we will leave the necessary archive below in this article.

But oh well, you’ll quickly figure it out on your own. Download, open (no need to install) and immediately start using this program.

But they are still waiting for the most important question - and this Arena Helper Hearthstone, which allows you to discover a game without boundaries.

You can talk about this parameter a lot and for a long time. But we will specifically leave all the most interesting things for you.

The only thing is organizational issues. The Helper Arena will be shaped like a window. Where you will first select the desired hero. And then do a lot of useful things.

Hearthstone- a unique computer collectible card game, created based on the universe Warcraft, the developers of which are Blizzard, and the distribution format is based on the f2p model. There are 9 unique classes in the game, with their own class abilities, a huge number of different cards from which different decks are made. When playing in free or ranked mode, you use your set of cards that you have, but when playing in the Arena, which is another game mode, you collect cards from those randomly given to you, which brings some kind of balance when playing this mode. Experienced players do not experience problems when collecting cards into their deck in the arena, but beginners collect various cards that are very weak and irrelevant in the arena, so today I will teach you how to build your deck in the arena.

So, how to collect cards in the arena:
1) We choose the hero we need, it is best to choose exactly the class that does not need absolute synergy of its units, for example, a hunter will be a bad class in the arena, but a paladin or mage is not bad at all.
2) After choosing a hero, we have to collect 30 cards into our deck. The main principle is to choose a card that is stronger than the other two in terms of its characteristics and features. The rating of game cards in the arena will help us with this. There are many sites with ratings, but we will consider the most convenient one.
So how does it work? For example, we play as a Druid and we get the cards: Mark of the Wild, Wild Roar and Elven Archer.

3) We go to the site and select our class, that is, the druid.

4) Next, alphabetically, we drive in the 3 cards that we were dealt, it will turn out like this:

5) Now, using LMB, select the card that has the most points, in our case it is the Sign of the Wild.

6) It hits our deck, now we can repeat the process further. The peculiarity of the service is that it will evaluate the second and subsequent cards not only by characteristics but also by synergy, which it will inform you about and highlight the card in green.

7) After you have assembled your deck, you can evaluate it by looking at its characteristics below. Basically, with the help of this service we have put together a good deck with good rating, decent synergy and independence from the race of creatures, which is quite good for the arena.

8) That’s basically all, using this method you can easily assemble a good deck for the arena and make 12 victories to get the coveted prizes and legendaries. I wish everyone good luck in conquering this card game!

Stop living the dream of twelve victories in the arena and be content with another three or five! It's time to act! In this article we will describe the secrets of building effective decks, as well as the basics of fighting in the arena.

Surely, for you, the arena is one of the most interesting aspects of the game. It is in the arena that you are ready to bite your teeth into victory and do everything in your power for the sake of it. Every time I reach 7 wins, I breathe a sigh of relief because my arena has paid off and that means I can go there again.

But sometimes it can be very difficult to make even 7 wins. Hearthstone is a card game, there is always a random factor. It also happens that you simply have few strong cards, and while building a deck, every now and then you come across only useless ones. And sometimes, your victory is predetermined when your opponent finds himself in such a situation with bad cards. However, you should always strive to make 7 wins and this is realistic for absolutely any player.

As I said, 7 wins pays for the gold you spent on the arena. This means that next time you have the opportunity to build a stronger deck, which you can use to achieve the coveted 12 wins. The search for players in the arena occurs in such a way that you will be thrown towards opponents with a similar win/loss ratio. Therefore, if you have 11 victories, then you should not relax, you will fall for the same opponent with the same number of victories. This is where you really need to be sure that your deck is good.

Here are the four most important lessons for building a powerful Arena deck.

Lesson One: Ensuring a Stable Mana Curve

The biggest difference between building regular decks and arena decks is the quality of the cards. Decks that you have built in advance ( constructed) determine your play style. You can play a certain combo, distribute the mana curve yourself the way you need and bring the changes you need to the deck. A consistent mana curve will allow you to get the most out of your deck. For example, on the first turn you have something to spend, on the second turn you spent 2 mana, on the third 3, and so on. By doing this, you will unlock the maximum potential of your creatures and spells.

Arena decks especially rely on mana efficiency, since you can't predict what cards you'll get in advance. For example, of all the removal spells, you only have 5 “Wave of Fire”, but no ice arrows or fireballs. Obviously, you will have problems controlling the table as a mage. This is a very unstable mana curve.

Strong players know that sometimes it's worth giving up a strong card in favor of stabilizing the mana curve. But don’t forget that there are cards that are definitely worth taking (swipe, fireball, wolf spirits, etc.). You should avoid cards that are marginally better than weaker ones, but hit the mana curve hard.

Let's look at a simple example. You have chosen a druid for the arena, you are trying to correctly follow the mana curve and your choice is “Sinister Blacksmith” for 5 mana. Not the best card for a druid, but you have no cards for 5 mana at all, and 27 cards out of 30 have already been selected. In this case, you need to take this one.

If you can't take control of the table for a long time, then most likely you disrespected the mana curve. And remember, a weak card on a stable curve is almost always better than nothing at all.

Lesson two: Deck building isn't always about choosing strong cards. Choosing a deck style.

When building an arena deck, you need to figure out a game plan after about 15 card picks. This will help you select the next 15 more efficiently.

For example, you chose creatures with low mana cost for the first 10 cards and this has already affected the character of your deck. Let's say that at the next peak you come across "Squire of the Vanguard" and "Servant of Pain". Here it is worth thinking carefully about what game plan you have chosen. Will you continue to build an aggressive deck with low mana minions and take Squire, or will you try to build a midrange deck and take Servant of Pain.

In these cases, indecision reduces the deck's effectiveness, while conscious decision strengthens it. Your choice, of course, depends entirely on your preferences, but it’s still worth thinking twice about. Once the choice has been made, stick to it until the end! If you choose a Squire, then continue to build an aggressive deck, if you choose a Servant of Pain, then try to make a deck that will be effective in the mid game.

Fortunately, in Hearthstone there is no time limit for choosing cards. So take your time and choose cards wisely, constantly evaluate the playstyle of your deck and stick to it. Arena deckbuilding doesn't always focus on choosing strong cards, it all depends on your chosen playstyle.

Lesson Three: The Best Arena Decks Don't Rely on Synergy

It may seem strange, but wisely choosing cards that don't need another card to be effective is an important factor in building a strong Arena deck.

Let's look at the example of a card like "Magic Teacher". Obviously the card encourages play through spells and can be tempting for the first ten picks in hopes of getting spells later.

But what if you aren't given any spells to choose from? By choosing a magic teacher so early, you have created a situation in which you really need spells to justify your choice. However, you cannot guarantee that they will come. If by the end of the draft you only have two spells, then you should think about it. Did I need the pick of this particular card? After all, Magic Teacher is a rare card and the other two were also rare, and perhaps it was worth considering some of them?

A careless drafter when constructing an arena deck can create several of these situations. For example, he can type “Ancient Watcher”, “Nerubian Egg”, “Berserker Gurabashi”, creatures that become stronger from secrets or spells. Try to avoid this. But on the other hand, a card that doesn't need synergy to be good isn't always better. This is the case when the other two cards are absolutely useless when chosen.

Let's return to the magic teacher. It is worth taking only if the peak is coming to an end and you have already taken, for example, 8-9 spells. In this case, you can say that you were lucky and you received a strong synergy.

Lesson four: do not take several identical cards

Even the most best cards any hero can become harmful to your deck if their number exceeds the norm. This does not apply to Ice Arrow or SI:7. These cards are so good that I would put eight or nine of them in a deck.

However, waving fire is a completely different matter. Yes, this card is very good. Possibly the strongest AoE damage in certain cases. When building a deck, the mage who received the first wave of fire will most likely breathe a sigh of relief. There will be similar emotions when choosing the second one, but when choosing the third one, you should think carefully. The first wave of fire will allow you to relieve pressure from your opponent, the second should completely clear the table (remember the death rattles, thick taunts, etc.), and the third? Not effective. Instead, it's better to play some creature or a cheaper spell. This will be much wiser on your part.


These lessons are just the tip of the iceberg of what you need to know about arena deckbuilding, but if you take them into account, it will increase your chances of winning. Everything comes with experience. If you quickly lose 3 games in the arena, do not despair. Try to get the most out of this, analyze your deck, your decisions, try to understand what exactly you did wrong. With enough persistence, you can become the God of the Arena! :)

And if all else fails, then take 3 pyroblasts and 27 rings of cold. :)

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Below we will offer you a wonderful video in which the author will tell you in detail everything about this universal program. But in short, this program for Hearthstone arenas created in order to track the state of the deck during the game. it's very convenient. Because with this thoughtful development, you will always have your deck in front of your eyes and will be able to see what else is there, which decks are already gone, which ones you will operate on, and much more.

Many players are interested in the question of where to download and how to set up Hearthstone Deck Tracker? So, on our website we will already provide everyone with a link to this program. And with the help of the video you can easily and quickly set everything up.

Program for selecting cards in the Hearthstone arena

Those who have already tried it from their own experience know that this new product is useful. But the fact that this program for selecting cards in the Hearthstone arena in certain situations is able to predict your further actions will probably be a huge surprise for many.

A huge advantage of this program is its ability to provide general statistics for both you and your opponent.

Once you download this program and unzip it (no need to install anything additional), its interface will already have a list of decks and much more useful information, which you will definitely need later.

Setting up this program is very simple and if, for example, it is difficult for someone to reinstall the language (English first), this can all be easily and quickly resolved.

Welcome site readers! If you're tired of playing Ranked, fan in Casual, look into Free, That Hearthstone Arena- this is something that should interest you. Many players dream of playing eternal arena, getting 7+ arena wins, getting "free" boosters and some extra gold, but the biggest dream of players is getting 12 arena wins. And they can be understood, because they will receive the maximum reward. Therefore, in this article we will talk about: “ How to get 12 wins in the Hearthstone arena?»

What will make your deck 12-0 in Arena?

All cards can be divided into 5 main categories:

  • Removals(such as Master Hunter, Fireball)
  • AoE/strong cards that can turn the game around(Swing cards) (Destructive Elements, Fire Wave, Mental Technician)
  • Adding cards(Cult Leader, Sacred Vigil)
  • Treatment(Earth Servant, Ancient Healer)
  • Legendary cards(Enemy-4000, Ragnaros)

Let's start with removal. The average 12-win deck has more than 3 removal cards. Considering how difficult it is to get removal in the arena and how easy it is to get a normal minion, we can definitely see the fact that getting them early in the draft is good idea. Most removal spells can serve a variety of purposes. For example, Starfire can be used to destroy a creature, damage a creature, and draw an extra card.

The average number of AoE spells or strong cards that turn the game (Swing cards) is 1.61. This category is very variable. Some decks have no AoE at all, and some have as many as 5 of them.

Analyzing 12 winning decks, the average number of cards to draw is somewhere around 2 (2.21), but there is an interesting trend that we will talk about below.

The number of treatment cards is not surprising. Equal to 1.24, we can summarize that the number of healing cards in decks is between 1 and 3.

Legendary card stats may be surprising to some players. Less than 30% of decks have any kind of legendary card. Which means that in order to create a strong winning deck, it doesn't mean it has legendary cards.

Decks with a lot of cards in one category usually have a lot less cards in other categories, which makes sense. If you have three Fire Waves, two Polymorphs, two Frost Bolts and a Fireball, then you don't even worry about how much draw or healing you have.

But on the other hand, if you have a lot of healing and AoE, then you won't worry about removal and draw.

Types of winning decks

Knowing all these points, decks can be divided into main categories:

  1. Synergy based decks.

This category is based on powerful card combinations that will be difficult for the enemy to defend against. For example, once such a combination was Force of Nature + Wild roar. Or, for example, decks based on murlocs.

But it's worth noting that such decks make up only 4% of the 12-win decks analyzed.

2. "Powerful" decks

The most obvious item on this list. When people show their impressive set of cards, you can notice that at least 1 good legendary card and a smart deck core help with this list. This type of deck benefits from constant pressure with its threats on the board and on the opponent, which are simply impossible for the enemy to cope with. Strong “carcasses” with no less powerful effects will help you win in the arena if you have the opportunity to play them.

22% of all winning decks can be described as "Power" decks, but what's most interesting is that only 11% of 12-0 decks fall into this category!

3. Well built deck

Finally the last category, which includes decks that are simply well made in their own right. They make up the majority of these winning decks (74%). Well-built decks always have a little bit of everything. This does not mean that a deck must include cards from all 5 important categories in order to be considered well constructed. The most important thing is what will be played on Turns 2, 3 and 4. The path to victory is good exchanges and strengthening the board. Remember this!

Frequently appearing cards

Most of the decks we see have cards that appear all the time. again and again. A whole galaxy of Vanguard Defenders, Dagger Jugglers, Flame Juggler and cheap weapons like the Storm Axe. Their strength is what they have
the ability to destroy an enemy creature without your own death and all this for a low mana cost. Once you and your opponent have both placed your 2-mana creatures, the “activate free trades” stage begins. or Sin'dorei Priest- are perfect for this role. They not only save you from death during a trade, but can also strengthen your creature to destroy a stronger threat.

Among the cheap weapons that appear in winning decks, Brash Raider often appears.

The next time you're building an arena deck, look for early-game/midgame creatures that will help you make trades without losing the creatures themselves. This is essential for getting a good score in the arena.

12-0 vs 12-x

The most interesting thing that could be noticed during the study is how different 12-0 decks are from other 12-win decks. Take a look at the infographic below and compare how many cards there are in each category.

So it turns out that all the “goodies” of the deck: more legendaries, more removal, more healing, AoE and strong cards - do not have such a good effect on the final result. How did this happen?

We think that you noticed the fact that one of the categories was not included in the infographic, namely the average number of cards that provide additional cards in the deck.

The difference is obvious. A 12-0 deck has almost 2 times more cards that provide draw, which means that if you have less removal, AoE, healing, you can get all this thanks to the accelerated rebuilding of the deck. This makes the deck more solid and flexible. And if you have great cards in your deck, you might not even see them because you're not drawing extra cards. If you have enough cards to draw, you will get your strong cards faster and reduce the number of “bad” cards in your hand. Your opponent with a weaker deck will have a hard time dealing with your threats, your hand will be exhausted and you will steal the victory.

Best mana curve

Another area where decks differ is the mana curve. It is worth noting that both types of decks are practically the same in mana cost, but 12-0 has a slightly lower mana cost.

Your mana curve should be built around cards that cost 3 mana and 4 mana, because... It is these moves that show how much you win this game. Keep this in mind when building your next deck!

What did we learn from the article?

Our eyes are focused precisely on which deck you have adopted.
Try to build a deck that focuses on early game and board control. The most important moves are move 3 and move 4 .

Give your preference AoE cards and removal. When you get the key cards/strong cards of your deck, then focus on drawing. If you end up with a slow deck, then healing and AoE cards will save you.

Take cards that will allow you "for free" exchange with other creatures. (Vanguard Defender or Sin'dorei Priest).

Cheap weapons and early removal are much more effective than big threats, because if you lose the table in early game and in the mid game, you'll die before your big creatures get on the board or do anything at all.

Designed Lillyfloria
