Unusual planting of onions in egg cells. The nuances of growing onions for greens in egg cells

As far as I remember, in my parents’ house we grew onions on the windowsill all year round. In winter, fresh onions seemed especially fragrant and healthy. And his thin green feathers against the backdrop of the snowy landscape outside the window reminded him of spring. In the summer, there was no need to wait for the onions to be brought from the dacha - fresh herbs were always at hand.

Moreover, only dad was involved in mini-farming. He put together the boxes himself and selected planting material and stuck the seedlings into the ground in even rows. Now dad is no longer there. But the onions are growing on the windowsill. Under mom's supervision.

Having moved away from my parents, I also decided to continue the tradition. But I didn’t have any land, nor any boxes. I only had onions and the desire to garden. I thought that there must be some clever way to grow onions and do without soil and bulky containers. And I was surprised to learn that there are several such methods.

Setting up an onion plantation on your own windowsill is really easy. For the future harvest, you should choose varieties intended specifically for growing green feathers, and not onions:

  • Arzamas;
  • Bessonovsky - I have just this one;
  • Pozharsky;
  • Rostov;
  • Spassky;
  • Chernigovsky 4.

Onion greens grows well at +18–20 °C. At higher temperatures, growth stops. Therefore, there is no need to place a home bed with onions near heating devices and under direct sunlight. It is advisable to regularly spray the greens with water. The impromptu rain makes the onion feathers juicier. Just try not to wet the head itself.

How to prepare onions for planting without soil

  1. Sort out the selected litter of onion sets, separating good onions from rotten and sprouted ones.
  2. Remove a layer of peel from each onion head, which can be easily removed. If you overdo it, the onions may rot.
  3. Cut off the neck of the bulbs to speed up the growth of greenery.
  4. Immerse the seeds in water at a temperature of up to 40 °C for a couple of hours. This way the onion heads will be saturated with moisture.

Unprepared onions, of course, will also release their green beaks. But processed bulbs will give more quality harvest.

Method 1: onions from a bag

So, to grow green onions at home, bypassing the search for pallets and soil-stained hands, you will need:

  • onion sets prepared in the manner described above;
  • strong plastic bags;
  • sawdust;
  • boiling water.

Further manipulations are very easy to remember and carry out independently.

  1. Place the sawdust in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and leave to cool. Then drain the water and let the sawdust dry. They should be moist, not wet.
  2. Compact sawdust into a plastic bag with a layer of 2 cm.
  3. Place the prepared onions tightly together, pressing them shallowly into the sawdust.
  4. Now the bag should be inflated and tied.
  5. Place the bag in a warm (+20°C) dark place for 2 days. At this time, the roots will begin to actively grow.
  6. On the third day, put the tied bag in the light.
  7. You can open the bag when you think the onion feathers are long enough.


  • Craftsmen and gardeners assure that sawdust can be replace with newspaper or even toilet paper. Several layers of paper are poured with water until a homogeneous paste is obtained. And professionals advise using sphagnum moss. It can be found, for example, in a swamp. Or you can buy it in a specialized store. This moss is a kind of natural sponge that absorbs a lot of moisture. Moss branches constantly grow upward, and its lower part dies off all the time, turning into peat. These properties make it easier to care for green onions. And not only with onions. Sphagnum moss is soaked before use. Sevok is planted in damp moss, from which water does not flow.
  • Onions grown in a bag does not need watering and fertilizers. In a closed bag, due to the temperature difference, enough moisture is formed to irrigate the plants, and carbon dioxide is necessary for the growth of greenery.
  • Green onions are a light-loving plant. Therefore, in autumn and winter, when we have instant daylight, onions are used to form juicy green feathers need additional lighting. It is installed exclusively on top of the bulbs at a distance of 30 cm. In this case, the onion greens will grow upward without bending or breaking.
  • The bag can be replaced with the usual pallet and grow onions almost traditional way, only on sawdust, not in the ground.

Method 2: onions from a bottle

This is a very democratic way of growing onions with virtually nothing. We will need:

  • prepared onion sets;
  • five-liter plastic bottle;
  • paper or newspapers;
  • water.

Such consumables found in every kitchen. Let's start planting onions.

  1. Cut off the neck plastic bottle. Cut round holes of a suitable diameter for the bulbs in the bottle itself in a checkerboard pattern.
  2. Apply a layer of paper to the bottom of the bottle and insert the onions into the round holes with the tops facing out. Then lay the paper tightly again and reinsert the bow. So alternate until the very top.
  3. Place a bottle with paper and onions planted in it in the light. Water regularly and often. Well, wait for the harvest.


  • Green onions in a bottle with newspaper need to be watered really often, because the paper dries out quickly.
  • You can fill the bottle not with paper, but with soil, and grow onions that way. It’s just that your pallet will not be horizontal, but vertical and very unusual.

Method 3: Onions in Egg Cartons

You can grow green onions at home in egg cartons. Moreover Both cardboard and plastic containers are suitable. The technology for planting egg trays made of different materials differs slightly.

Onions in a cardboard egg tray

For this economical way of growing greens for the table you will need:

  • high-quality onions without signs of rot and disease, the size of an egg that will fit completely in the cell;
  • egg carton;
  • a baking tray or plastic tray of a suitable size;
  • warm water.

Before planting, prepare the onions using a technique already known to us. And we begin to garden.

  1. Pour water into a container or baking tray. Place cardboard egg trays here.
  2. Distribute the processed onion heads among the cells.
  3. Regularly add water to the container or baking tray.


Every 20 days, the egg and onion plantation must be completely renewed.

Onions in a plastic egg tray

If the sight of soggy cardboard offends your aesthetic taste, choose plastic egg cartons for growing your crops. Before planting, prepare:

  • a fairly large onion that will fit in the cells;
  • plastic egg packaging;
  • a couple of sticks or pencils;
  • toothpicks;
  • knife or scissors;
  • water.

You need to prepare onions for planting in plastic more carefully.

  1. Remove excess skins from the bulbs.
  2. Cut off the neck of the onion. If there are already green beaks of young onions, do not touch them.
  3. Make punctures with a toothpick in the root area.
  4. Soak the onion heads for 1-2 days. Change the water twice a day to prevent odor.
  5. Remove the onion from the water. When the remaining husks become dry, you can begin planting.

While the planting onions are drying, prepare a plastic container.

  1. Cut the plastic egg tray into two parts, separating the lid and the bottom with cells.
  2. Cut out the bottom of each cell.
  3. Place a pencil or stick across the edges of the lid. Thus, the former lid became a tray into which water will be poured. The pencils are equipped with a packaging part with cells without a bottom.

Now that the preparatory stages have been completed, let's start gardening.

  1. Wipe the part with the cells with hydrogen peroxide and let dry.
  2. Insert an onion into each compartment so that the roots come completely out of the hole in the cell.
  3. Pour enough water into the lid pan so that only the onion roots touch it. The bulb itself should not be in water. otherwise it will rot.

Bottom line

At home, you can easily and environmentally grow green young onions all the time.

  • without material investments;
  • without land;
  • without constant reminders to my husband: “Make me a box!”;
  • without bulky pallets for the entire window sill.

Well, I went to plant onions!

In the winter months, the lack of vitamins has a particularly strong effect. They can be replenished by eating onions. This vegetable is rich in a whole bunch of useful vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, PP, E, as well as micro and macroelements: zinc, copper, fluorine, phosphorus, silicon and many others. Onions strengthen the immune system, fight viruses and colds, and also have a positive effect on your digestion.

Onions are more expensive in the winter months. Therefore, to save money, you can grow it yourself on the windowsill. With the help of cardboard trays for chicken eggs, it is very convenient to grow onions at home.

Sprouted planting material can be bought in almost any vegetable department of the supermarket. If there are no sprouts, then cut the onion head to the shoulders. This will help the bulbs grow faster.

Place a baking sheet or plastic spacer under the cardboard cells. Pour water into it. Cut off the bottom of the cells. This will provide the roots of the bulb with the necessary access to moisture. Use cardboard that is as rough as possible. It will serve you longer.

To disinfect the cells, wipe them with hydrogen peroxide. Leave the bulbs in warm water(approximate temperature forty to forty two degrees) for the whole day. This will ensure rapid growth of onion feathers. After this procedure, dry the bulbs. As soon as the planting material becomes dry, you can plant the bulbs in cells.

Don't forget to change the water in the pan or tray regularly. Lighting is also important. In winter, the sun does not heat as much, so the seedlings will need additional lighting. An ordinary lamp is suitable for this. Just place it over the seedlings.

If you are afraid that cardboard trays will quickly get wet, then take plastic ones. And don't throw away the lid. We will also need it as a pallet. Make holes in the container cells. Monitor the amount of water in the container. If the water rises above the roots, the onions may rot.

It is recommended to add one or two tablets of activated carbon to the water. This is another remedy for rapid water decay. To separate the top “tier” of your hydroponic structure from the bottom, place two skewers or toothpicks along the edges.

At proper care After twenty days, the vegetable will acquire green tendrils that can be eaten.

This method gives a person the opportunity to plant onions right at home. This method is perfect for people who do not have a garden.

This is why it is recommended to plant onions in egg cells. You also won’t need to spend a lot of money to purchase the equipment necessary for planting. In addition, the onion will sprout in a few days. You just need to put it on the windowsill.

As practice shows, almost every person in the house has an empty egg carton. However, many people choose to throw it away. They don’t even suspect that such a thing is perfect for planting onions.

Rules for planting onions

Most people want to plant onions themselves in packaging intended for storing eggs. To carry out this procedure, you must perform a number of steps. For example:

1) Please note that any egg carton is divided into upper and lower parts.

2) In all cells located at the bottom of the package, it is necessary to cut out the bottom. This is necessary in order to root system got access to water.

3) Material for planting is placed in each mold. Next, you need to mark it on the pallet. However, it is necessary to ensure that the roots can fit into the cut holes.

4) Then you will need to pour a little water into the pan, which can cover all the roots.

Preparing bulbs for cultivation deserves special human attention. To carry out this procedure, it is recommended to follow several rules:

1) First, you need to clean the outer husk from the onion.

3) And most importantly, before planting the bulbs in egg molds, you will need to immerse them in water for some time. This will take no more than 24 hours.

However, it often happens that after planting, a not entirely pleasant smell begins to emanate from the bulbs. It usually occurs due to the fact that the roots of the bulbs are completely immersed in water. This should not be done to avoid further problems.

How to install a form

It is not prohibited to use paper forms for planting onions. However, such products have one significant drawback. The fact is that such molds quickly get wet.

Over time, they will lose their shape and will no longer be usable for planting onions. By the way, mold often forms in such packages due to high humidity. This circumstance can negatively affect the health of a person.

The main thing in this matter is to constantly care for the onions. It is necessary to water it regularly and also expose it to sunlight. You can even sow the entire windowsill with it.

This will make a small vegetable garden. In addition, onions planted in egg cells can all year round grow, thereby delighting people with their appearance.

This method of planting onions is very convenient. After all, this does not require a whole garden, which you will need to constantly think about.

A great option for many onion lovers. In addition, onions grown in this way will turn out almost as good as garden ones.

After reading this article, anyone can learn all the benefits of planting onions in molds that were originally intended for storing eggs.

In addition, absolutely anyone can do this kind of work. It just takes desire and a little time.

If there is not enough information about planting onions in this article, then you can use the Internet without any problems. Detailed instructions will also be provided there.

The environmental situation in the world requires solving the problem of recycling and recycling of various containers. Such a seemingly useless thing as egg containers can become a good tray for growing onions on a windowsill. This method eliminates fuss with the land and at the same time allows you to indirectly influence the ecological state of the planet.

Pros and cons of growing onions at home in egg containers

This method of growing onions “by feather” at home in winter and at other times of the year has both its pros and cons. The advantages of home hydroponics include the following:

  • simplicity of the method;
  • minimum cost;
  • no smell of rot if planting techniques are followed;
  • recycling of poorly degradable material;
  • high yield of greens;
  • stability of onion feather production;
  • the possibility of using the bulbs for food after processing them “for greens”.

There are much fewer negative aspects of growing onions in cells:

  • when grown in plastic containers, sooner or later the container becomes unusable;
  • rapid consumption of material when planting in cardboard cells;
  • the need to monitor the amount of water in the pan.

How to select and prepare trays for planting?

To create home hydroponics, any containers are suitable - cardboard, plastic or foam. The difference in their preparation is relatively small and lies only in the choice of pallet. Plastic and foam containers are prepared as follows:

  1. The packaging is divided into two parts, separating the bottom part and the lid.
  2. The bottom is cut out in the compartments of the lower part.
  3. The latches and holders, if any, are cut off on the lid.
  4. Two wooden skewers, roll sticks or any other imitation crossbars are placed across the lid.
  5. The crossbars are secured with double-sided tape or glue.
  6. The former bottom of the container is placed on top of the pallet.

The preparation of cardboard egg cartons is carried out according to a slightly different algorithm:

  1. Cardboard containers are first wiped with hydrogen peroxide to disinfect.
  2. For treated containers, cut out the bottom of each cell.
  3. The cells are placed on top of each other so that their grooves meet.
  4. Stacks of cells are placed in a suitable sized baking sheet or plastic tray.

To grow 30 bulbs you need to take 4-5 pallets.

How to plant seedlings in a corrugated frame for germination?

Planting onions in prepared hydroponics does not differ from what kind of germination trays were used - plastic or cardboard.

  1. To grow vegetables in an egg tray, choose small onions 2-3 cm in diameter. You can take larger specimens according to the size of the container cells.
  2. Planting material is inspected for dents, softening and rot. Only healthy whole specimens are suitable for cultivation.
  3. The top dry layer of scales is removed from the bulbs.
  4. The top of the bulbs is cut off by 1-2 cm, the sprouted onions are not touched.
  5. The root area is pierced 2-3 times with a toothpick.
  6. The onions prepared in this way are soaked for 1-2 days in warm water, changing the water every 12 hours.
  7. The processed onion is dried; as soon as the scales are dry, the onion is ready for planting.
  8. The bulbs are inserted into the cells of the egg packaging so that the roots pass through the holes.
  9. Water is poured into the trays so that it only touches the roots.

How to care for herbs in cardboard packaging on the windowsill?

Caring for onions in a tray is not particularly difficult. Even children can cope with it. It is important to monitor the water level in the trays - it should not touch the bulbs, and the growing roots should always be immersed. To prevent the water from blooming, you can dilute several tablets of activated carbon in it - 1-2 in a small tray or 5-6 in a large one.

The water in the pan is changed regularly - at least once a week.

In winter, it is important to maintain the level of illumination of the bulbs. In September and October there will be enough natural daylight, but by the end of October the days become shorter and the onions need additional lighting. To provide this, an ordinary table lamp will be sufficient. You just need to make sure that the growing green feather did not touch the hot light bulb.

Cardboard pallets can get wet quickly, but this is both an advantage and a disadvantage - less water is required, and it has to be changed less often, but the lower tiers of the pallets have to be replaced more often. Plastic containers are more durable in this regard and are suitable for use several times.

The feather is cut off as soon as it reaches a size of 15-20 cm. Usually a small bulb is enough for 3-4 harvests of greenery. Larger ones are enough for 5-6 times.

One standard container with a dozen cells is enough to provide a family with fresh herbs. Larger cardboard hydroponics systems require space and additional effort to control cardboard that gets wet and replace lower tiers promptly. However, the large scale is enough for a large family, and some people sell such grown onions for sale.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about the features of growing onions in egg trays:

We know one of the options for using egg trays that can be used when growing seedlings.

How often do you buy eggs in a special paper tray at the store? We are sure that often. Don't rush to throw away your egg containers! Let us tell you how you can use egg containers to grow vegetables and seedlings. This option is popular among summer residents today and deserves attention.

So, spring is approaching, and with it the “hot” season in the garden beds. It's time to get ready to plant vegetables and grow seedlings. The time is approaching to get supplies of seed and plant them. And this time we will use paper egg trays as containers.

What are the advantages of this method of growing vegetables:

  • You get the container for free, along with the purchased eggs.
  • The container is very light, you won’t be able to lift wooden boxes.
  • Each seed can be planted in its own cell, there is no need to break through the seedlings, and the plants will not interfere with each other.
  • No need to replant plants! When the time comes and it gets warmer outside, you simply bury the cardboard tray in the ground, where it will safely dissolve and rot. Imagine how much time you will save.

Of course, you can also use plastic egg containers. But in this case, you will have to replant the plants later, because plastic does not dissolve in the ground. True, plastic cells are quite suitable for growing green onions on a windowsill. You won’t be replanting it anywhere, using it directly in your kitchen.

The process of planting seeds is simple:

  1. In the cells of your tray, cut off the conical part to make holes. They are needed to drain excess water and ventilation. And the roots of the plants will have room to grow. Well, you say, we made the holes, now we also need a stand for the tray! It's simple - take two trays stacked on top of each other. Do not make holes in the cells in the lower container.
  2. You have already taken out the seeds and prepared them in advance. We touched on this issue in an article on growing seedlings.
  3. Pour the prepared soil into the cells. Many summer residents leave two or three buckets of local soil, for example, in a basement or barn, even before the start of winter. We recommend using turf soil and adding a little wood ash- half a liter jar per bucket, a teaspoon each of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. All this is thoroughly mixed and loosened. Haven't prepared the soil since the fall? It doesn’t matter, you can always buy a special substrate in a store that sells everything for the garden, dacha, and vegetable garden.
  4. Make holes in the ground for seeds carefully using a toothpick. As we remember, best option- one seed in each cell. If you are afraid of low germination, then you can use two or three seeds, but if they sprout together, you will have to break through them.

Important! If landing occurs immediately at open garden bed, cardboard trays, even with soil, can be blown away by the wind. Secure them with metal staples or wooden pegs.

Some site owners advise pouring boiling water over the cardboard tray before use to destroy all harmful bacteria and soften the packaging a little. But you can’t overdo it, the paper will quickly swell and the tray will be damaged.

By the way, some summer residents use egg containers as a stencil when planting seeds in a greenhouse or in an open garden bed. Simply press the tray into the prepared, loosened soil. There will be ready-made holes for seeds in strict order! Really convenient.

Cardboard trays are also sometimes used as a path between rows. They will last the season. Or for filling warm rows, as the lowest layer.

Most often, radishes, carrots, onions, greens, and beets are grown in egg trays. However, it is quite possible to grow a pumpkin; summer residents have such experience. As well as seedlings of cucumbers and other crops.

Of course, seedlings in egg trays also need to be looked after - watered on time, monitor the condition of the plants. In garden beds, such disposable containers will protect young plants from weeds, and you will have to water them less often, because cardboard will not allow moisture from below to quickly evaporate.published

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