The prayer service is usually carried out in the form of something. Water-blessing and supplication prayer - what is it?

The Gospel tells of Jesus healing ten lepers, of whom only one returned to thank Him; for which he was acquitted, and they were convicted. So that we do not find ourselves among those reproached by God, the Church proposes to follow the example of the tenth leper through participation in thanksgiving prayers. These are short services performed on behalf of the entire community of believers or privately from each of them for any good deed of God.

Thus, every year on May 9 we serve a prayer of thanks for the granting of victory in the Great Patriotic War, and in Kyiv, traditionally at the end of each year, the Metropolitan performs a service of thanks at the monument to the Baptist of Rus' - these are examples of mass prayer services. But every individual person in life will have cases of God’s mercy personally shown to him: only for him or for a limited circle of close people. Then, to perform a prayer of thanks, one should submit a special (special) petition in the church.

The procedure for submitting requests for a thanksgiving prayer service is common to all prayer services.

  1. You need to come to the temple and give your order in the form of a note to the candlemaker (a worker who sells books and service supplies in the church shop), paying a certain donation amount. It would also be good to specially buy a candle, which you would light in front of the image of the Savior immediately before the prayer service.
  2. You can write a note in advance at home on plain paper the size of a quarter of an A4 sheet or half a notebook. Or you can do it right in the temple. Now, in almost all of them, in a specially designated place, there are printed blank forms for every need and a whole arsenal of fountain pens (but just in case, have one more with you). If for some reason you cannot write a note yourself, ask the same candle maker or any of the parishioners to do it for you.
  3. In the title write “Thankful Prayer.” If the finished form already contains the word “prayer service,” simply sign “thanksgiving” under it. Unlike other prayers, it is addressed only to the Lord Jesus Christ.
  4. List below in genitive case names of those from whom gratitude is offered: (from) Olga, Irina, Nikolai, etc. (no need to write a preposition). It can be several or one person, the main thing is that the gratitude of each of them is conscious. The names are indicated, given at Baptism, for example, Svetlana should be written as Fotinya, and are written in a column: one line - one name.
  5. If the list contains clergy (monks, priests), it is customary to write them first and indicate their rank, possibly in an abbreviated form. Instead of “priest” it is written “priest”, for example: priest. Alexia, deacon Evgeniya, archbishop. Ambrose, Hierom. Nectaria and so on.
  6. It is allowed, but not obligatory, to add worldly “statuses” to names: neg. (youth), bol. (sick), not idle. (not idle, pregnant), approx. (lost), warrior (soldier). But the popular postscript of R. B. (servant of God), which is already obvious, is superfluous; it is not necessary to write it at all.
  7. Under no circumstances should you indicate the names of animals! Unfortunately, this also happens.
Why can you order a thanksgiving prayer?
For everything that does not contradict Christian commandments. But there is no need to describe in detail the reason for gratitude in the note.

What is the most important thing in a thanksgiving prayer?

  1. Awareness, voluntariness and personal presence of those giving thanks at the prayer service. Remember: the healed leper himself came and fell at the feet of the Savior, and did not hope that someone would do this for him. However, for example, a bedridden person can ask someone to order a thanksgiving prayer service in a church in absentia on his behalf or, in extreme cases, invite a priest to his home for a fee.
  2. Don't be late. Usually thanksgiving prayers are performed after the morning service (liturgy). But since the order of service may differ in different churches, when submitting a note at the shop, specify the time of the prayer service.
  3. Do not stand at the service as indifferent “candlesticks” - this is your appeal to God! – listen to the words of the prayers, delve into the meaning, mentally pronounce them together with the priest. If the Church Slavonic language is completely unfamiliar to you, take the trouble to first familiarize yourself with the flow and text of the prayer service. Now it is quite possible to do this by turning to the Internet for help.
Be prepared for the fact that thanksgiving prayers will be read along with the others (petitions, water blessings, and so on), since churches usually serve a general prayer service, combining everything ordered that day. However, there is no need to worry: the “quality” of prayer will not suffer from this.

Who can order a thanksgiving prayer service?
So, any person who feels such a need can order a thanksgiving prayer service (unlike the Sacraments).

The Orthodox Church can be compared to a living, complex organism. Every day, services and rituals are held there, prayers and psalms are read. Meanwhile, church rules and canons have been developed over many centuries, and their language can be difficult to understand for people who are just beginning their introduction to the sacraments of the Faith. For example, a church prayer service - what is it? For those who are not strong in this matter, we suggest that you read this article to the end in order to fill the gap in your knowledge.

When and why prayers are read in church

Every morning at Orthodox church starts with committing Divine Liturgy, after which comes the time of petition from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Pure Virgin Mary and the Holy Saints for the daily needs of the parishioners. Such petitionary prayer chants can be performed on a variety of occasions.

A prayer for health is ordered when we want to receive God's help in overcoming an illness, a blessing for some important matter. This could be a request for help in studying or a special prayer to a saint on his name day.

In addition to such “private” petitions, in Orthodox churches it is customary to offer general prayers and chants to the Lord on behalf of all parishioners. They are: water-blessing and New Year's; read during some natural disaster (severe drought, flood, etc.) to get rid of it; about those suffering from drunkenness and unclean spirits; solemn rites on and on the first Sunday of Great Lent, etc.

Prayer requests for health

A prayer for health is read in churches every day. Any Christian can submit a note before the start of the service, in which will be written the names of people for whose health he asks the priests of the temple and all parishioners present to pray for. Church officials submit notes to the priest and no matter how many names there are in them, they will all be mentioned in the petitionary prayer for health.

It is believed that such general church prayer has enormous healing power and through it a person can receive real help from heavenly forces. Moreover, a prayer for health is not necessarily ordered for a sick person; usually the notes mention everyone and friends whom one would like to wish health and well-being.

Prayers for repose

People often ask: “Funeral prayer service - what is it?” There are also prayers for the repose of the deceased. In separate notes, which are also given to the priest conducting the church service, the names of deceased people are indicated. In this case, the church and all parishioners fervently pray for the repose of souls and the granting of the Kingdom of Heaven to them.

During prayers for health and repose, the serving priest, when pronouncing each name, takes out a small piece from the holy prosphora and places it on the paten. At the end of the prayer services, all the removed particles are immersed in a special vessel with “holy gifts”, from which believers will partake of “the blood and body of Christ.”


A special prayer for health or repose, read for 40 days, is called Sorokoust. This is the strengthening of a seriously ill person or the repose of a deceased child of the Church of Christ. It is believed that if Sorokoust is read in three churches at the same time, the effect of the prayer service is further enhanced.

Sometimes this prayer service is called “church magic.” Orthodox believe that this type of prayer best helps cope with various misfortunes. Sorokoust also helps against the evil eye and damage. If there is any person who wishes you harm, then if you order a 40-day prayer for his health, then the evil will definitely return back to him without harming you at all. Only the priests warn that you definitely need to forgive this person.

Prayer service addressed to the Mother of God

In all sorrows and sorrows, you can turn to the great intercessor of all Orthodox Christians - the Most Pure Mother of God the Virgin Mary. A prayer service to the Mother of God can be performed in front of different icons. In some churches, special prayer services are held in front of the icon depicting the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus. It is believed that prayer in front of this icon for a person suffering from the vice of drunkenness can cure him of this trouble.

Women expecting the birth of a child can pray in front of the Fedorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Such a prayer, said with faith and hope, helps to endure pregnancy and easily give birth to a healthy baby. It is best to order water-blessing prayers, after which you can take holy water home.

Water Blessing Prayer - what is it?

Every believer can always come to any Orthodox church and take a certain amount there for their needs. They say its power is so great that if you add just one drop of it to a vessel with plain water, it will instantly acquire healing properties. To ensure that churches always have enough holy water, priests regularly hold special small prayer services for the blessing of water. A large water prayer service is read once a year, on the feast of Epiphany.

In churches, schedules of services are usually posted, so you can find out in advance when the next ceremony of minor blessing of water will be held and submit a note with names in advance. During the prayer service, the priest will pray for those indicated in it. It is possible to order so-called personalized prayer services (in honor of your saint on his name day or guardian angel on his birthday) with the blessing of water.

Prayer service addressed to the holy saint

The Church teaches that in certain life circumstances it is best to pray to different saints. For example, a prayer service to the holy prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth should be ordered if a child does not appear in the family for a long time. The same request for the gift of a child can be addressed to the righteous saints Joachim and Anna.

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg helps in many everyday troubles: from troubles at work to organizing your personal life and getting rid of illness and poverty. This saint, revered in Rus', helps girls find a groom, arrange the lives of their children and loved ones, etc.

Prayer service to the saint Saint Alexander Svirsky helps the spouses conceive an heir - a male child. But it is recommended to order a prayer service to the Holy Great Martyr Nikita, the patron saint of infants, if you are ill small child. helps to heal from the most severe and protracted illnesses.

A particularly revered saint is Nicholas the Pleasant. Those who go on a long journey, especially by water, or people who are desperate and have lost all hope of any other help resort to his help. It is customary for saints to order water-blessing prayers, after which holy, prayed water is brought home; it can be sprinkled on the house, added to food, and given to everyone in the family to drink a little at a time.

Thanksgiving prayers

The prayer of thanksgiving is always addressed to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church gives everyone the opportunity to thank God for the help provided to them on their own behalf, as well as on behalf of other people, for example, their children and other relatives and friends.

The Gospel tells how Jesus Christ once healed 10 lepers and of those ten, only one returned to thank him. And only he was justified before God, while everyone else was condemned. It is in order not to become like those ungrateful people in the Gospel that people are given the opportunity to offer words of thanksgiving to the Lord.

In addition to personal thanksgiving prayers, large general thanksgiving chants are also held in the church every year. Thus, every year on May 9, a prayer service is held for granting Russia victory in the Great Patriotic War.

How to order a prayer service

Every Orthodox church has a candle shop. Usually orders for prayer services are taken by a candle maker - a woman serving in this shop. If you already know exactly what kind of prayer service you want to order, then you can write a note in advance at home or ask for a ready-made form at the store. There, in the candle shop, you can get detailed advice on how and what to do, but you shouldn’t ask the employee such a broad question: “A prayer service will distract her from work and create a queue. It’s better to ask the same shop to sell you a book or brochure on this topic .

You cannot include in the notes the names of people who have not been baptized, or who have committed the grave sin of suicide. Also, you cannot enter non-Orthodox names. For example, such a common name now as Alice is not Orthodox, and when a child with that name is baptized, he is given another name - Orthodox, so it must be indicated in the submitted note.

How to behave in church during a prayer service

If a person has ordered a prayer service, this does not mean at all that he can stand indifferently during a church service and wait for the priest to fulfill the mission entrusted to him. His fervent prayer words, spoken with all his heart and with faith, are needed. Such prayer always pleases God.

There is no need to be late for service, talk loudly, jostle, or disturb other parishioners. In general, you need to behave in the temple as politely and humbly as possible. You need to cross yourself and bow after the priest, try to understand the prayer service. The text may be incomprehensible and unusual for the ear, but gradually understanding will come.

Previously, our ancestors knew all the church rules and led a God-fearing life in faith. Today, few people know what a prayer service is and how to order it. When my mother fell ill, I was advised to order a prayer service for health. I went to church and submitted a special note in the church shop, paying for the clergy’s service. Mom recovered very quickly, after which I ordered a thanksgiving prayer service in the same church. In the article I will tell you what kinds of prayer services there are, and which saints and archangels you can order them for.

Church prayer services

First of all, you need to know that prayer services are ordered for living people, and memorial services and magpies are ordered for the deceased. It is important to distinguish prayer services from magpies, mass and proskomedia: they are held during liturgies. A prayer service is a special service (treba), a request for the sending of God's grace. A prayer service is ordered for the Mother of God, the Savior, the holy saints and the archangels. Prayer services are divided into petitionary and thanksgiving. There are also akathist, water-blessing, simple and thanksgiving prayers.

Types of prayers:

  • about health;
  • about travelers;
  • about students;
  • for the consecration of an apartment and car;
  • for the consecration of icons and Orthodox symbols;
  • thanksgiving;
  • about receiving benefits;
  • water sanctified

Previously, prayers were served during the invasion of foreigners, during drought and crop failure, during epidemics and loss of livestock, during natural disasters and various public troubles. Nowadays, private prayer services asking for the needs of individuals are practiced, but public prayer services are also sometimes held.

Public prayer services include:

  • Great Blessing of Water for Epiphany;
  • on the first Sunday of Great Lent;
  • apple, honey, nut saved;
  • the beginning of the youths' teaching;
  • New Year (civil new year);
  • Christmas thanksgiving.

Simple prayer services are held on the day of veneration of the saints, at which the petitions submitted by the parishioners are pronounced. Simple prayer services are ordered for the sick or on the day of veneration of the patron saint. Akathist prayers are held before miraculous icons or on the days of honoring saints. You can find out about the time of akathist prayers in the church or in the monastery.

At what time can I order a prayer service? It depends on the request: from one day to a year. For example, a prayer service for travelers can be ordered for the entire duration of the trip.

How is a church prayer service different from home prayer? Christ said that where two or three gather in his name, there he also dwells. Therefore, joint (congregational) prayers are much more effective than individual prayers. The Lord and the saints also hear home prayer, but it has much less power.

Where can you hold a prayer service? It is carried out in a church or at a place that needs to be consecrated - laying the foundation of a house, consecrating an office or other place.

Water-blessing prayers

This is a separate rite during which water is blessed. The water-blessing prayer service can be small or large (on the feast of Epiphany). The Small Blessing of Water is held on any day and under any circumstances.

During the water-blessing prayer, the water that is on the table is baptized. After blessing the water with prayers, a Christian can take it home. Sometimes quite a lot of water is blessed, so other believers can take it home.

At water-blessing prayers, crosses and icons can be blessed. Blessed water is drunk at home on an empty stomach and sprinkled on an apartment or property.

How and to whom to order a prayer service

What is a prayer service and how to order it correctly? To do this, they submit a church note in which they indicate the peculiarity of the prayer service: thanksgiving or petition. They also indicate who should order a prayer service - the Mother of God, saints, Lord or archangels. Below are the names of those asking in the genitive case (Vera, Lyubov, Vladimir).

You cannot order a prayer service for unbaptized people and people of other faiths.

You can also indicate in the note the status of a Christian: sick Sergei, baby Daniel. However, it is unacceptable to indicate such characteristics of a person as lost, blessed, etc.

Why can’t you order prayer services for unbaptized people? Because they are not members of the church. You can pray fervently for them at home, and also put candles in front of the icons. But at church memorials their names are not accepted.

Examples of prayers to the saints and the Mother of God:

  • Our Lady of Vladimir - in difficult life circumstances, with heaviness in the soul;
  • Our Lady “Healer” - for bodily ailments;
  • Our Lady " Unexpected joy» - for hearing diseases;
  • Our Lady “Inexhaustible Chalice” - for problems with drug addiction and alcoholism;
  • Our Lady “Helper of Sinners” - for neurological ailments;
  • Our Lady of All Queens prays for the healing of cancer;
  • Our Lady “Hodegetria” is prayed for when there is sadness and depression;
  • Our Lady of Unfading Flower orders prayers for family well-being and marriage;
  • they pray to the icon of the noble princes Boris and Gleb for problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • they pray to the blessed Matrona of Moscow in case of family troubles;
  • A prayer service is ordered for the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justinia against witchcraft and corruption.

This is not a complete list of possible prayers to the Mother of God and the saints. To find out more precisely about the prayer services being held, you need to make this request to a monastery or temple. You can also order a prayer service online by submitting an application to a monastery or church. Currently, you can order prayer services at the monastery on Mount Athos through their website on the Internet.

A prayer service is a short prayer that is included in the Lord's service. When the church worships the Lord, the reverend father reads prayer books that correspond to the order of appeals. Before you faithfully submit a prayer of thanks in the temple, first decide to whom exactly you want to submit your request. When ordering this prayer service, you can submit a petition directly to the Almighty, to the Mother of God, or to the Saints.

What types of prayer books exist

There are the following types:

  • Demand for help - this service is held with a clearly defined purpose (prayer for the health of loved ones, for the repose of the deceased, for the successful start of studies, etc.);
  • Appreciative - this type is allowed to be read only to reverend fathers. This prayer service is intended as an appeal specifically to the Almighty;
  • with water lighting;
  • with the reading of akathists - this type of address is intended to praise the Holy Face of the Mother of God and the Lord's Messenger or a major Christian holiday.

More famous prayers:

  • about health;
  • about recovery (ill);
  • about the beginning of studies;
  • grateful;
  • about the message of posterity;
  • to various life troubles and needs.

How to properly submit a note about holding a prayer service

In any cathedral or church there is a box that is designed to store candles and notes. On the piece of paper it is necessary to indicate the names of those people who need the help of the Almighty and for whom the priest appeals in return; in this letter the name from which the demand will be submitted must also be indicated. It should be noted that you can also write your name in these letters.

However, remember once and for all that each prayer service can be intended for different Saints:

  • to the Moscow Saint Matrona;
  • to the Great Martyrs Cyprian and Ustinya;
  • to Our Lady;
  • to Spyridon of Trimifutsky;
  • to the Lord God;
  • to Saint Nicholas;
  • to Panteleimon the healer.

To whom is a thanksgiving prayer ordered?

This type of prayer is intended specifically for Jesus Christ. What usually happens at this service? First, the reverend father begins to read a prayer about the Liturgy, at the end of which it is announced in front of the Altar that a prayer service will be read. First, the angelic prayer is read. Then the Gospel is read and grateful prayer intended for the Almighty. And then the chant is read.

Before submitting a prayer for travelers or for the release of the family evil eye, you must submit a petition to a specific Messenger of Heaven. Based on Christian canons and customs, a certain heavenly patron stronger in certain situations. A thanksgiving prayer service is ordered to the Almighty.

Let's give examples :

  1. If you want to submit a petition to get rid of the evil eye in your family, then it is best to order a request for the Great Martyrs Cyprian and Ustinya.
  2. If you need to heal a sick person or improve your health, then it is better to turn to Saint Panteleimon.
  3. Either Saints Methodius and Cyril can help you pass exams well or simply help you with your studies.
  4. If you want to get rid of harmful habits such as drunkenness and smoking of your loved ones, turn to the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” or the Most Holy Boniface for help;
  5. A prayer to Spyridon of Trimyfutsky can help with difficulties with money and financial problems.

Prayer for health

Most often ask what exactly to write and who needs to be mentioned in a petition for health. Answering this question, the priests explain everything simply. In such a petition, you write the names of all the people around you, to whom you want wish you health, prosperity and heavenly protection. It is worth clarifying that the word “health” in this prayer does not only mean the health of people. This concept also includes a person’s bodily sensation, state of mind and well-being. The most effective way to pray for health is to Saint Panteleimon.

Remember that you need to pray for the health of not only your dear and close people, but also the person whom you insulted or treated badly. If you do this, it indicates that the Almighty has changed his thoughts, the enemy has already repented through prayer to the Lord God and wants to live in peace and harmony with those around him. Remember that such a prayer for enemies or conflicting people can stop military conflicts that have begun.

The concept of a water-blessing prayer service

A water-blessing prayer service is a prayer book during which the rite of baptism of water is performed. During the reading of such a prayer service, a table is placed in the center of the temple, on which there is a basin filled with water, a cross and the Bible. Then they light candles and begin to read the psalms and sing troparia. After which the blessed water is intended for the person who ordered this service. It also happens that consecrated water remains for the rest of the people who were at this service.

When to order a prayer service for health

A prayer for health is held at the request of people for their loved ones who need help to overcome illness, psychological trauma, or repentance of sins. It is noteworthy that this type of requirement can be ordered for different periods: for one day, forty days, six and twelve months.

About the cost of the prayer service

For those who are interested in how much it costs to order a prayer service, we answer that the church does not have a fixed price for any services. However, you will need to make a certain amount of donation, which will go towards the needs of the temple.

For a long time, the Orthodox people held a prayer service for various reasons: to give thanks for the harvest, before building a house, before a celebration, to remember and pray for the spiritual life of deceased relatives.

Currently, religious services are an integral part of daily worship.


Prayer service - special service

During the morning service, a prayer service is held in every church. This is a prayer addressed to the Lord, the Mother of God or the Saints, during which they ask or thank.

In the church world, prayer services are called required, from the word need. After all, each person who prays does this experiencing an individual need.

Usually the service takes place after the main Liturgy and takes a little time.

Types of prayer services

Unlike what a person says at home, church services have enormous power, since God’s grace is enhanced.

Requirements are divided into:

  • Nationwide.
  • Private.

In turn, these types church prayer may be:

  • Water-sanctified.
  • About health.
  • About repose.
  • Sorokoust.
  • Thankful.
  • Petition.

Water Blessing Prayer Service

Many people ask: “Water Blessing Prayer - what is it?”

This is a church prayer (requirement) during which the blessing of water. It happens that a person needs to receive holy water, and then such a ritual is performed.

But one should not confuse the usual holy water requirement with the blessing of water on the great feast of Epiphany.

Most often in churches, areas are reserved for the blessing of water. certain days, when everyone can attend the service, and later take holy water for themselves or loved ones.

During the water-blessing service, crosses and icons of all willing parishioners are usually consecrated.

How does the water-blessing prayer go? A special bowl of water is placed on the table, which is located in the middle of the church. First, excerpts from the Gospel are read, a series of prayers intended for the blessing of water. And the final stage is the prayer of blessing of water and the immersion of the Holy Crucifix in this water.

Prayer for health

Church prayer, which is performed for health, has miraculous power. If someone in your family or acquaintance falls ill, or you simply wish health to your loved ones, be sure to contact the temple minister and order I demand health.

Most often, such requests are performed to the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker or Holy Matrona.

For the prayer to really help, the person who orders it must be present at the prayer service until the very end and, along with other parishioners, pray for health.

To order a prayer service for health, you need to submit a note before the service, listing the names of people who need your prayer.

You can pray not only for sick loved ones, but also for people whom you wish health, the main thing is that this person is baptized.

Prayer for repose

Along with other types of prayers, a demand for repose is often ordered - Memorial service.

This church prayer is that all Orthodox parishioners pray for the soul of the deceased. So that she finds peace after death, and the Heavenly Father forgives the sins that the deceased person committed during his lifetime.

To order such a request, you must submit a note prior to the service. In this note you should write those deceased relatives or loved ones for whom you want to pray. The names mentioned in the note must be written in legible handwriting and written in the genitive case.

It is important to remember that the more often relatives pray for the deceased, the easier his stay in the other world.


Sorokoust is a requirement that is held 40 days in a row. Such church prayers can be both about and about repose.

This type of prayer service differs from the previous ones in that it is more significant and is ordered for relatives or loved ones who need special help from the Heavenly Father.

After death, it is important to order Sorokoust for repose, since it is believed that before the fortieth day you can pray for the unrighteous life of the deceased. On the 40th day, a judgment occurs on the soul, and if the relatives managed to pray, the punishment for a sinful worldly life may be mitigated.

Sorokoust is ordered for loved ones who suffer from illness or mental suffering. Due to the fact that collective prayer occurs, its influence and help will be greater.

Thanksgiving Request

In addition to asking the Lord for health, intercession and other needs, there is a need to bow your head in prayer of thanks.

An example of gratitude is the speedy recovery of a person, the return of an unharmed warrior from the battlefield, etc.

The difference from other prayers is that read only to the Lord. All lay people in the church read a series of prayers of thanks, after which the archpriest blesses those present with consecrated water.

How to order a prayer service of this kind? Just like the rest. It is necessary to write down the type of desired request and list the names of those from whom gratitude comes. You can add your name to this list.

It is important, during a prayer service of thanks, to understand its significance and from the bottom of your heart to turn to the Almighty in prayer with sincere gratitude.


The need for such church prayer may arise when a person cannot make a choice, or ask for intercession, various kinds of help, in various problems of an everyday and spiritual nature.

Such prayer should only be performed while standing. During prayer, it is important to clearly define the petition that you want to address to the Lord, Our Lady or Patron Saints. The prayer may mention the names of people who are related to this request.

Features of ordering a prayer service

As mentioned earlier, you need to write a note with the names of loved ones, which should be placed in a special box called candle.

And also on the note, in addition to names, it is necessary to indicate type of prayer service and mention to whom the request will be addressed.

We should not forget that the person submitting the note and everyone who is mentioned in it must be in the Orthodox faith.

During church prayer, you can turn not only to the Heavenly Father and the Most Holy Mary. They also often pray during prayers:

  • Saint Nicholas the Pleasant.
  • St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.
  • To the holy healers and apostles.
  • The patron whose name you bear.

You can order the required service in any temple, or even in several. But do not forget that the one who orders the prayer service must be present at the entire service and pray reverently.

As for the price of the prayer service, it is not customary in the church to set a fixed amount for one or another requirement. But you must make some kind of donation for the needs of the temple, which is different in each church.

Remember that only sincere faith and reverent prayer can help in illness, mental suffering and unpleasant situations.
