Meal times in the UK topic. Topic "British cuisine"

Topic: Traditional British Cuisine

Theme: Traditional British cuisine

Traditional British cuisine is usually described as plain, conservative and unvaried. There exists a popular joke that it’s the worst cuisine in the world, moreover, the British themselves often say so. Indeed, classic British dishes are not too, but they are nourishing, natural and attention here is paid to the food quality. Residents of Great Britain prefer local food to imported products, so, nearly all fish, milk and meat products are produced within the country, and vegetables are grown by local farmers.

Traditional British cuisine is usually characterized as simple, conservative and monotonous. There is a popular joke that this is the worst cuisine in the world, in fact, even the British themselves sometimes say so. Indeed, classic British dishes are not particularly sophisticated, but they are nutritious, natural and delicious. Residents of the UK prefer local products to imported ones, so almost all fish, dairy and meat products are produced domestically, and vegetables are grown by local farmers.

Meals during a day in Britain traditionally include breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Both lunch and supper sometimes can be replaced by dinner, which is the main meal of the day and can take place either in the afternoon, or in the evening. “Tea” is usually a separate ceremony, which has traditionally been held at 5 p.m. Nowadays this tradition is not strictly observed, so, tea can be had at any time of the day, sometimes even late at night.

Meals throughout Britain traditionally include breakfast, lunch, dinner and dinner. Both lunch and dinner are sometimes replaced by lunch, which is the main meal and can take place both during the day and in the evening. "Tea" is usually a separate ceremony, traditionally held at five o'clock in the afternoon. Nowadays, this tradition is not strictly observed, so tea is drunk at any time of the day, sometimes even late in the evening.

So, let's begin with breakfast. As you have probably guessed, it’s the first morning meal. Classic British breakfast is rather substantial, and it includes not only porridge. Of course, cereals play an important role in the national menu, so they are often cooked for breakfast. But apart from them, in the morning the British often cook omelets and scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon or sausages, toasts, pastries, orange juice, black or white coffee. Sometimes eggs are served with kidney bean, mushrooms and tomatoes. As you see, in Britain you won’t stay hungry in the morning!

So let's start with breakfast. As you probably guessed, this is the first meal of the morning. The classic British breakfast is quite filling and includes more than just oatmeal. Of course, cereals play an important role in the national menu and are often prepared for breakfast. But besides them, in the morning the British often prepare an omelet or scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon or sausages, toast, pastries, orange juice, coffee with milk or black. Sometimes eggs are served with beans, mushrooms or tomatoes. As you can see, you won't go hungry in the morning in Britain!

As for lunch, it usually includes light refreshments, such as sandwiches, chips and fish, fruit or chocolate bars. As a rule, lunchtime is 12 a.m. It is worth mentioning that sandwiches with different fillings are a traditional British snack. The most popular fillings are cheese, bacon, chicken, cucumber, tuna and others.

As for lunch, it usually includes light snacks such as sandwiches, chips and fish, fruit or chocolate bars. Typically, lunch time is noon. It is worth noting that sandwiches with with different fillings are a traditional British snack. The most popular fillings are cheese, ham, chicken, cucumber, tuna and others.

Dinner is always the most substantial meal during the day. For dinner the British often have soup and the main course, such as meat, poultry or fish with vegetables or mashed potatoes. It is followed with a dessert, for example an apple pie. Soups are not very popular in Britain. However meat dishes are presented in British cuisine in a large variety. Probably, the most well-known of them is roast beef, which is often served with grilled vegetables, roast potatoes or Yorkshire pudding. Apart from beef, the British cook steaks of pork, lamb and sometimes turkey or chicken.

Lunch is always the largest meal of the day. For lunch, the British often eat soup and a main course such as meat, poultry or fish with vegetables or mashed potatoes. This is followed by dessert, such as apple pie. Soups are not very popular in Britain. However, meat dishes are presented in a huge assortment in British cuisine. Perhaps the most famous of these is roast beef (a whole piece of baked beef), often served with grilled vegetables, baked potatoes or Yorkshire pudding. In addition to beef, the British cook steaks from beef, lamb and sometimes turkey or chicken.

Supper in Britain is the last meal of the day, and usually it consists of something light, for example, a bowl of cream soup, or just a cup of tea and bread with butter. Often supper is simply skipped.

Dinner in Britain is the last meal of the day and usually consists of something light, such as a cup of cream of soup or just a cup of tea and a slice of bread and butter. Often dinner is skipped altogether.

Some dishes of British cuisine deserve special mention. This is, for instance, the famous shepherd’s pie – a potato casserole with minced beef. Cornish pasty is also considered a typical English food. It is a layered pie with meat, onion, potatoes, carrots and spices. Finally, one more well-known British (or Scottish, to be more exact), dish is Scotch eggs, which are also called picnic eggs. They are common boiled eggs that are wrapped in minced sausages and breading, and then fried or baked.

15 Sep

English Topic: Traditional British Cuisine

Topic in English: Traditional British cuisine (British food). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Staples in Britain

British cuisine is traditionally based on beef, lamb and fish, served with potatoes or other vegetables. The most common and typical food in Britain includes sandwiches, fish and fried potatoes, pies, biscuits and roast dinners. The main products in Britain are meat, fish, potatoes, flour, butter and eggs.

Main courses

The main dishes of the British are often roast beef, meat and potato casserole, sausages and mash, Yorkshire pudding, fish and fried potatoes, cabbage and potato roasts, black pudding, roly-poly bacon and many others.


The British love puddings - dessert after main courses. However, not all of them are sweet and can be served as a main dish. There are hundreds of varieties of sweet pudding in Britain, but each starts with the basic ingredients: milk, sugar, eggs, flour and butter, and many include fresh fruit such as raspberries or strawberries and sweet cream.


There are three main meals: breakfast, between 7 and 9, lunch, between 12 and 1.30 and lunch, between 6.30 and 8. Lunch is also called dinner or tea.

English breakfast

A traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, baked beans and mushrooms. However, nowadays, people prefer to eat a plate of cereal with milk, a piece of toast, a glass of orange juice or a cup of coffee for breakfast.

Typical British lunch

A typical British lunch is "meat and two vegetables". One of them is almost always potato. This previously traditional meal rarely takes place nowadays except on Sundays. Nowadays the British prefer rice or pasta dishes.

Traditional four o'clock tea

A traditional four o'clock tea is a small meal consisting of tea or coffee served with freshly baked scones, sandwiches or pastries.


The British usually spend a lot of time on good table manners. They eat most meals with cutlery. Foods that can be eaten without utensils include sandwiches, chips, corn on the cob and fruit.

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British food

Traditionally British food

British food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish and generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable. The most common and typical foods eaten in Britain include the sandwich, fish and chips, pies, trifle and roasts dinners. The staple foods of Britain are meat, fish, potatoes, flour, butter and eggs.

Main meal dishes

As main meat dishes British people often have Roast Beef, Cottage Pie, Bangers and Mash, Yorkshire Pudding, Fish and Chips, Bubble and Squeak, Black Pudding, Bacon Roly-Poly and many others.


The British are fond of puddings – the dessert course of a meal. However, not of them are sweet and can be eaten during the main course. There are hundreds of variations of sweet puddings in Britain, but each pudding begins with the same basic ingredients of milk, sugar, eggs, flour and butter and many involve fresh fruit such as raspberries or strawberries, custard and cream.

Meals a day

There are three main meals a day: breakfast, between 7 and 9; lunch, between 12 and 1.30 p.m. and dinner, the main meal eaten anytime between 6.30 and 8 p.m. The dinner is also called supper or tea.

English breakfast

The traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms. However, nowadays, people prefer to have a bowl of cereals, a slice of toast, orange juice or a cup of coffee for breakfast.

Typical British meal

A typical British meal for dinner is “meat and two veg”. One of the vegetables is almost always potatoes. The traditional meal is rarely eaten nowadays, apart from on Sundays. Rice or pasta dishes are now favored as the “British Dinner”.

4 o'clock tea

The traditional 4 o’clock tea is a small meal, which consists of tea or coffee served with freshly baked scones, sandwiches or pastries.


The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners. They eat most of their food with cutlery. The foods that are not eaten with cutlery include sandwiches, crisps, corn on the cob and fruit.

Traditionally British cuisine is considered to be rather primitive and unvaried. Some people even say that there is no any specific cuisine in Britain. However, many well-known and World’s best chefs are of British origin. Consequently, there must be something about eating habits and traditions that characterize the country.

It is true that traditional British meals are rather plain and easy to cook, but they have a good and natural taste at the same time. Much attention is paid to the food quality that is why people in Great Britain choose it accurately. In addition, they prefer local products that are produced within the country or grown naturally by farmers.

As for the meals, the British usually have breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. There is also used to be a tradition of drinking tea at 5 o’clock, however it is not respected much today. A day in Great Britain as in many other countries begins with breakfast. It is thougt that English breakfast consists only of porridge, but it can obviously include other food, such as: omelet, bacon, sausages, toasts, pastries, coffee and juice.

As for lunchtime, British people usually have something light at this time. They prefer sandwiches, fruit or chocolate. Dinner, on the other hand, is very substantial. For dinner they normally have soup, main course and dessert.

All in all, the British do have food traditions and many specific dishes that should be tasted. Among which you find the famous shepherd’s pie, picnic eggs, beefsteak, trifle and many others.


Typically, British cuisine is considered rather primitive and monotonous. Some people say that there is no special British cuisine at all. However, many famous and best chefs in the world are British by origin. Therefore, there must be something in food habits and traditions that characterizes this country.

Traditional British dishes are indeed quite common and simple to prepare, but at the same time they have a good and natural taste. Much attention is paid to the quality of food, so people in the UK choose it responsibly. Moreover, they prefer local products, produced within the country or naturally grown by farmers.

When it comes to meals during the day, Britons usually divide them into breakfast, lunch, dinner and dinner. Previously, there was also a tradition of drinking tea at 5 pm, but today it is no longer so revered. The day in Great Britain, as in many other countries, begins with breakfast. It is believed that the English breakfast consists only of oatmeal, but it also includes other foods: scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, confectionery, coffee and juice.

During lunch, the British usually snack on something light. They prefer sandwiches, fruit and chocolate. Lunch, on the other hand, is a significant meal. For lunch they usually eat soup, main course and dessert.

To sum it up, the British have food traditions and many special dishes that are worth trying. Among them you will find the famous shepherd's pie, Scotch egg, steak, trifle and many others.

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Since the 1970's eating habits in Britain have undergone a change. People have been encouraged by doctors, health experts and government advertisements to eat less fat and more fiber. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. Forty per cent of adults in Britain are overweight and Britain has one of the highest death rates due to cardiovascular disease in the world. Britons have also become more aware of calories, the energy value of food. Some people count the number of calories they eat. every day, so that they can try to take in fewer calories and lose weight. Food manufactures have started to help the general public to make more informed choices about what they eat.

So the traditional British breakfast is bacon, eggs or sausages, preceded by fruit and followed by toasts. Britons may eat this breakfast at weekends or on special occasions but prefer a smaller and healthier meal to start a day. Lunch is a light meal and is eaten at school or work. Lunch takes 40 minutes. Dinner is usually the main meal of the day and consists of two courses.

In recent years, foreign foods have become a regular part of the British diet. Indian and Chinese dishes are particularly popular for evening meals. Take-aways became extremely popular in the 1980's. The traditional British take-away is fish and chips eaten with salt and vinegar and served in an old newspaper. The British are famous for their love of sweet things and afternoon tea with sandwiches; scones, jam and several kinds of cake, was once a traditional custom. Most working people don"t have tea as an afternoon "meal", but they do have a short break in the middle of the afternoon for a cup of tea. Tea is often also drink with lunch and dinner.

Text translation: Meals in Britain - Food in Britain (1)

Since the 1970s there has been a change in British food tastes. People have been informed by doctors, health experts and government advertisements to eat less fat and more roughage. Fat is considered one of the biggest causes of obesity and heart disease. 40% of British adults are overweight, and Britain has one of the world's highest death rates due to cardiovascular disease. Britons have become more calorie conscious and energy value food. Some people count the number of calories they eat in a day, allowing them to eat fewer calories and lose weight. Food businesses have begun to help the public become more aware of what they eat.

A traditional English breakfast consists of bacon, eggs and sausages, preceded by fruit, followed by toast. But the British eat this breakfast on weekends or on special occasions; they still prefer to start the day with smaller, healthier foods. Lunch is usually a light meal and is eaten at school or at work. Lunch takes 30-40 minutes. Lunch is usually the main meal of the day and consists of two courses - meat or fish with vegetables, followed by dessert or pudding.

In recent years, foreign cuisine has become an integral part of the British table. Indian, Italian and Chinese dishes are especially popular for dinner. Take-home food became very common in the 1980s. A traditional English takeaway is fish and chips, eaten with salt and vinegar on old newspaper. The British are famous for their love of sweets and afternoon tea and sandwiches; scones, jam and several types of cakes were previously traditional. For most working people, tea does not replace lunch, but they do have a short break in the middle of the day for a cup of tea. Tea is also commonly drunk with lunch and dinner.

Used literature:
1. 100 topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Zhidkikh N.) 2002
2. English language for schoolchildren and those entering universities. Oral examination. Topics. Texts for reading. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)
