Small upper lip. Determining character by mouth shape

Women's lips - how many times have artists and poets sung their beauty and sensuality. Psychologists also claimed “their rights” to this part of a woman’s face, having learned to determine character by lips. So, now even a closed mouth can tell a lot of useful information about its owner.

Learning to reveal a woman's character by the shape of her lips

The lower lip is larger than the upper - a mysterious stranger

By her nature, she is simply obliged to stand out from the crowd, attracting the attention of coveted men and envious women. All her actions and behavior are subordinated to the satisfaction of the most important need - the expression of her own individuality. The stranger woman is the one and only; this credo influences manners, clothing style, and choice of interests. Such a girl will never buy something that many fashionistas already own, even if it is a super fashionable and branded item.

In her personal life, there is a strict rule of selectivity: her chosen one is an extraordinary, special person with pronounced character traits. The mysterious stranger is not left out male attention, she loves to conquer and get those who do not succumb to her feminine charms at first sight.

The upper lip is larger than the lower - a leader who loves to command

The owner of this lip shape is a strong, integral, and determined person. Her leadership qualities in tandem with high self-esteem, sometimes bordering on vanity, completely determine the life credo - “All or nothing.” He approaches any task thoroughly and enthusiastically, bringing what he starts to the end. She prefers to carefully weigh all important decisions, starting to implement them, being 100% confident that she is right. She is not used to stopping halfway, and failures and obstacles only push her to action.

Leadership character also manifests itself in personal life. A young lady with incredible charisma and a full range of ambitions, as a rule, sets the tone for any relationship, be it friendly or romantic. Her desire to always be the best in everything often leads to tension between partners. The man she chooses must be able to find compromises (it wouldn’t hurt for her to master this science either) and be no less ambitious in order to support her friend in conquering new heights.

Wide, full lips – the character of a gambling “freedom lover”

Energetic and proactive, she moves through life with ease and ease. Unable to wait, such a girl strives to get what she wants here and now, be it a new dress or a guy she likes. She does not know the word “boredom”; her everyday life is always filled with interesting events, emotions, and plans for the future.

Excitement drives the “freedom-loving” woman in love, often forcing her to take the first step towards dating or continuing a relationship. But even the most passionate and intimate love ties will not force the owner of such a character to give up her personal space: freedom and independence are her main values. Mama's boys and indecisive guys are not her type at all. Her chosen one is a delightful lover with a strong shoulder and an unshakable will.

Small full lips - a romantic person

Oh, those bow-shaped lips! I just want to add lace and curls fluttering in the wind to my look. You simply cannot find a more romantic person: emotions, and only emotions, there is no place for cold calculations here. The life of a romantic person is like a swing: the rise is followed by the fall and back again. She is attractive to most of those around her, as she is always ready to listen, sympathize, and give an opportunity to cry. However, with all this, the “romantic” is unlikely to be imbued with what she hears to the depths of her soul. She is also flighty about her problems, preferring not to see the seriousness of the situation.

The image of the ideal man “anemone” mixes courageous screen heroes, romantic book lovers and beautiful glossy pictures. Men themselves often see such girls as submissive prudes, ready to meekly follow their advice and recognize their male superiority. But this deceptive impression turns against the hero-lovers themselves, forcing them to admit their mistakes.

Narrow wide lips - a practical realist

Having such a woman among your acquaintances, you do not have to determine her character by the shape of her lips, nose or anything else; everything becomes clear without such psychological delights. The owner of this smile is practical to the core, she demonstrates her realistic vision of life always and in everything. Unpredictability, surprises and rash actions are not her strong point. The life of a realist is carefully planned and laid out on shelves. She prefers to buy New Year's gifts in the fall, and pack your vacation suitcase a month before the trip. Probably only realists folded their school bag the evening before without mother’s reminder, receiving genuine pleasure from the process.

In life, such ladies acquire the reputation of an “iron lady”, since they are not used to, and cannot bear, feelings and experiences on display. Apparent arrogance actually has nothing to do with her true character. From a man, a realist, first of all, requires iron reliability and stability, and she can do without unnecessary romance and sensuality.

Small narrow lips - a reckless adventurer

She is simply an inexhaustible source of natural optimism, the excess of which pushes the adventurer to grab onto everything global and difficult to accomplish, simple projects and tasks for her are devoid of interest and meaning. The adventurer is 100% or 200% confident in her strengths and abilities, which is why she takes more risks than others.

She never sits still, preferring active recreation lethargic “wallowing” on the beach. Skydiving, conquering mountain peaks, an African safari - this is exactly what will paint her everyday life with new bright colors. To be completely happy, she would like to fly into space...

Her independence, self-confidence and strong-willed character often scare off men. For the role of a life partner, “Lara Croft” selects a man with the same character as herself, and henpecked people and mumblers have no place next to her.

Have you ever heard that a person’s character and personality can literally be “read” by certain facial features? Indeed, there is even a special science - physiognomy, the purpose of which is to establish the personal qualities of a certain person by his appearance.

Secrets of physiognomy

If we speak spatially and go into ancient teachings, it is believed that a person’s face completely identifies his three worlds.

  1. The forehead marks the divine sphere of existence;
  2. Eyes and eyebrows - mythical;
  3. The nasolabial triangle is material.

Roughly speaking, determining character by the shape of the lips is the most appropriate and preferable. They are the ones who speak about the personal qualities of their owner, and help to accurately determine how kind, generous or altruistic a person is, how pure his thoughts are regarding those around him, how much he is a loyal friend and an unsophisticated partner.

If you want to determine in advance the character of a new person you know, and understand how productive and cloudless the relationship with him will be, just look at his mouth. What is its shape, fullness and width? So, how can you correctly determine a person’s character by his lips?

Large lips and wide mouth

Small mouth

"Special Lips"

You can also determine your character by the individual characteristics of your lips:

Men's lips, as you already understand, can say a lot about their owner. However, you must understand that it is important to take into account every little detail before drawing any global conclusions.

Women's lips and character

The shape of a woman's lips and character are rarely analyzed. For men, this part of the face is simply an attractive and sexy addition to the rest of the features of the beloved.

It is believed that the eyes are the mirror of the human soul. But the mouth and lips are no less eloquent than the eyes. Their shape, thickness, mouth size and skin brightness openly reveal the perseverance and weakness, sensuality and hardness, stupidity and vanity of a person.

An ancient Chinese proverb says: people with narrow mouths are ruled by their heads, while people with wide mouths are ruled by their hearts. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle pointed out the relationship between the shape of the lips and the internal energy of a person. Many grandmothers can tell at first glance whether the groom is suitable for their granddaughter or whether it is better not to bring such a person into the family.

People inherit facial features from their parents, as well as many character traits. By learning to “read” people’s faces, you can make your life safer and your communication more enjoyable. Restraint in emotions sometimes masks kindness and devotion, and behind a sweet smile anger and meanness can be hidden. Before getting to know a person, it is useful to look at him from the outside, when he is relaxed and does not think that he is being looked at. The mouth and lips can reveal a lot.

The main thing that people pay attention to is the clarity of the lines and the tension of the mouth muscles. A slightly open mouth and relaxed lips often indicate weakness of character, but this is also characteristic of many creative people, romantic people and trusting good-natured people. A clear pattern of the lip line, compressed corners, and tension in the paralabial muscles are characteristic of people with a strong character, capable of taking responsibility, but sometimes showing excessive rigidity and intolerance in relationships.

Mouth size and character

Mouths vary in size. Regardless of the shape, the mouth can be small, large or medium. Differences also depend on belonging to a particular nation.

A large mouth is a sign of a rash person, prone to rash actions. But they are also independent and courageous, generous, open in communication and capable of going against everyone, defending their principles or defending the weak. People with big mouths tend to be very talkative and like to talk without listening to others. They often have poor relationships with parents and older people because they do not like to follow directions and do not tolerate teaching.

A small mouth is more common in reserved people, who are inclined to first think and consult with everyone, and then make a decision. Sometimes they are stingy, but often this is ordinary prudence, which does not allow them to waste money recklessly. Men with small mouths are often talkative, emotional, annoying, but behind this masquerade they hide a sober mind and logic, their real actions are in no way connected with what they show to the public. Women with tiny mouths seem naive and helpless, weak-willed and submissive. Some, indeed, are like that in reality, but most are able to firmly grab unwary prey with their beaks.

A medium-sized mouth indicates a harmonious relationship between character traits and the absence of extremes.

Lip thickness and character properties

Ideal lips are when the upper and lower lips are approximately the same size, not too thick and not too thin. The color is even, light red. The thickest (swollen) lips are characteristic of the equatorial (Negro-Australoid) race. The thinnest lips are found among some peoples in Northern Europe and Asia. National characteristics should be taken into account when determining personality type.

Physiognomy teaches that full, round lips mean that a person is caring and sensitive. The thicker the lips, the more passionate the person. Full, convex lips with a beautiful, clear shape are found in successful, lucky people, full of energy and optimism. Thick lips indeterminate form occur in good-natured, sensitive and sympathetic, but weak-willed people.

People with thin lips are more careful in their feelings and relationships. They are distinguished by perseverance, determination, and are not so easily deceived by flattery. They do not like to be teased and ridiculed, and can hold a grudge for a long time. People with thin lips are more serious, hardworking and responsible. However, people with very thin lips can be emotionally cold and have difficulty finding a mate. Sometimes excessive scrupulousness and prudence prevent them from building harmonious relationships.

According to ancient Chinese ideas about the correspondence between facial features and character, the upper lip represents the “feminine” side (yin) while the lower lip represents the “masculine” side (yang). A person's upper lip can show his sensuality and ability to love, while his lower lip indicates how much love he needs to receive from other people.

A thick lower lip combined with a thin upper lip is a sign of greed and selfishness. Such people love pleasure, but only their own; what their partners feel and what they desire does not interest them at all. But they can be witty and funny, bursting with energy, entertaining and captivating. They know how to get joy from life and this is worth learning from them.

If the upper lip is full and the lower lip is narrow, then such people are often indecisive, unable to stand up for themselves. They willingly take care of someone, help and save. At the same time, they often like to manipulate others, are vain, strive to set the tone, make plans and captivate others with their ideas. Surprisingly, they usually succeed.

Where are the corners of the lips directed?

People with raised corners of their lips are considered optimistic and cheerful, they are sociable and greet every day with a smile. People with downturned lips are often pessimistic, very shy and tend to be alone. However, you can count on them to be honest and fair.

With age, the facial muscles weaken and the corners of the lips droop in almost all people. However, for some they form a rigid line, while for others they give the face an unhappy expression of bitter disappointment.

Which lip protrudes more?

If you look at a person in profile, you will notice that one lip almost always protrudes more forward than the other.

The upper lip protruding above the lower lip indicates the owner’s indecisiveness. Such people are kind, understand others well, and are sincere and honest. They do not like confrontation, it is difficult for them to prove that they are right and defend their desires, they are prone to compromise. It’s easier for them to give in than to offend someone.

If the lower lip protrudes forward, then the owner of such a mouth has a tenacious and decisive character. They are assertive and fast-moving. People with a protruding lower lip can fight for their interests and prove that they are right, even if they have already realized that they are wrong. They have their own ideas about honor and pride, sometimes they are too demanding of both themselves and others.

How to check the accuracy of a lip characteristic?

The answer is very simple: take a closer look and observe people with whom you are familiar and whose character is no secret to you. Start with yourself and those people who clearly have certain structural features of their mouth and lips.

It's not always convenient to look closely at a person, so start with photographs. Choose those where your friends and relatives are not posing, but accidentally got into the frame. Characterize a person based on his lips and check whether your personal opinion matches what the lips indicate. And don’t forget to look at photographs of your elderly relatives in which they were taken in their youth. Old photographs will reveal a lot to you.

P.S. The character of men is easier to determine; for girls it changes depending on their makeup.

Based on site materials

Middle lips

You are an example of balance and a sound approach to solving any problems. It’s hard to make you angry, but it’s easy to make you laugh: you look at the world with optimism. You are confident in yourself, but you are always sensitive to criticism, because you know that from the outside you can often see better. Your strength is your ability to listen to other people.

The upper lip is larger than the lower lip

You're a drama queen. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary that you react so sharply to everything around you. You just like to be the center of attention, and even a little reason to exclaim: “Oh my God! What to do, what to do!” - you won't miss it for anything. This is funny! At the same time, in really difficult situations, you pull yourself together and quickly resolve all the problems. You’re just a born actress who can pull off almost any image.

The lower lip is larger than the upper lip

Your true passion is pleasure, entertainment, fun! Routine kills you, and personal hell is work on an assembly line. You need energy recharge, new people, new experiences, without this you waste away. You can never sit still, because the world is so big, and you haven’t seen so much yet! You are inquisitive, open to everything new, and it’s always interesting to be with you.

Plump lips

You were created to take care of someone. As a child, you carried food to homeless kittens, fed your neighbor Tuzik, and at school you were responsible for the living corner. If you were lucky, you had a living corner at home. People like you become the happiest mothers, not at all burdened by everyday worries. After all, what could be better than giving peace to your child and hearing “Mommy, I love you!”

Thin lips

You are absolutely self-sufficient - this is how you can describe your character from your lips. You don’t understand what “boring” is, because you always find something to do with yourself. You will be happy to go on vacation even without company, because you can admire the views or enjoy art museums without an accompaniment. You are by no means a beech, you are comfortable in company, but if communication does not work out, you will be the last one to be upset because of it.

Upper lip with a sharp hollow

You react with lightning speed to everything that happens, constantly maintain contact with everyone you know and are always aware of all matters and events. You will never confuse Denis Antonov with Anton Denisov, Bibirevo with Biryulyovo, and Chertanovo with Cherkizovo, because you are a topographical genius and navigate your hometown blindfolded. You are a real storehouse of information, you have an excellent memory and a very developed brain. “And how do you remember all this?” - friends are surprised. No way, it’s just it!

Upper lip with a rounded hollow

You are very sensitive. You take any misfortune to heart and sincerely empathize with everyone who is feeling bad right now. You can always turn to you for help, and you will do everything that depends on you. If you could, you would force every country in the world to get rid of guns and donate money to hospitals, shelters and wildlife conservation. It’s probably thanks to people like you that our world holds on.

Upper lip without hollow

You are very responsible. If you are entrusted with something, you will hurt yourself, but you will do it. The word “impossible” does not exist for you. Even if the deadline is “yesterday,” you will get the job done on time. Just think, you'll need a time machine. You'll do it, businesslike.

Lips plump in the center

You are a thing in itself. You can seem sweet and open, you can be reserved and serious, you can be the life of the party or a gray mouse: it all depends on your mood and goals. Your face never reveals your true feelings, you never share your secrets if you are not 300% sure of the person. Only your closest circle knows your real self, and strangers don’t need this at all.

Doll lips

You will never do anything to your detriment. Your shirt is closer to your body; if you don’t take care of yourself, then who will? Many may think you are selfish, but they are wrong. You don’t put your interests above others, you don’t go over your head and you don’t strive to be the very first in everything. It’s just that your main priority is your own comfort. This is why everything in your life is going so well.

Do you want to know how easy it will be to communicate with a guy you just met? Take a closer look at his lips: they will help you find out what type your new friend is. Let's talk about it!



The mouth is large, the lips are clearly defined, wide in the center and tapering towards the edges, the corners are raised.

He is open, confident, loves to be the center of attention. He needs an uninhibited partner, capable of any experiments in bed. Sex for him is a performance in which he plays the main role. He will publicly make tender confessions to you, but prepare for the fact that this may be followed by a public scandal.


Full, large, not very clearly defined lips.

He: vulnerable, emotional, indecisive. If you fall in love, then head over heels. Loves stability and comfort in relationships. In sex, he prefers classic positions, but loves long kisses and oral sex. Its potency directly depends on the mood and situation.


The lips are “bow-shaped”, plump, rounded.

He: loves comfort, pleasure and attention to his person. He is demanding of his companion: at any time of the day she must look stunning and be ready for love. Loves sex without frills and frequent changes of positions.


The lips are thin, pale, pursed.

He: leader. It lights up like a match, but cools down just as quickly. If he breaks off the relationship, it’s forever. Often the strength of his feelings at a particular moment is determined by the depth of the neckline of your dress. He prefers active sex to flirting.


The lips are clearly defined. The hollow in the center of the upper lip has slightly pointed edges.

He is: relaxed, easy-going and always ready for adventure, but not too emotional. Making him fall passionately in love is not that easy. He can take the initiative in relationships, but will not insist on his leadership.

The main role for him is played by trust and similarity of thinking. Can't stand boundaries, restrictions, or obligations regarding sex. Values ​​freedom and spontaneity. She loves sex in the most inappropriate places: in a fitting room, a dark corner of the park, on an airplane.


The lips are medium-sized or rather large, clearly defined. The upper lip is shaped like a hunting bow.

He is passionate, ambitious, loves to joke effectively and turn attention to himself. Such a guy is the soul of any company. In love, he often pursues a sporting interest, loves to turn someone's head at the first opportunity. When it comes to sex, he doesn’t like long foreplay and is ready to experiment.


The lips are medium-sized, smooth, leaf-shaped. The upper lip is equal in width to the lower or slightly wider, with almost no bend in the center.

He: will rule in love. Such men strive to completely own the object of their desires, to keep everything under control. He is jealous, touchy, hot-tempered and vindictive. As a rule, tender feelings are associated in his life with stormy experiences and fatal turns. In sex, he adheres to two extremes: either he is prone to extremes, or he is very conservative.


The lips are medium-sized, clearly defined. The lower lip is smooth, straight, narrowing at the very edges, the upper lip rises towards the center.

He: loves to flirt, flirt, make eyes, make hints. Does not reject a counter initiative, but can be passive. In sex, the main thing for him is aesthetics; he enjoys the beauty of the body. And physical satisfaction appears as if by the way


The lips are thin, not very defined, the mouth is large.

He: considers himself an extremely romantic guy, but his intellect prevails over his emotions. He is reserved in his feelings and does not like displays of increased attention to his person.

An intellectual's priority for love relationships is somewhere between attending corporate events and cleaning the apartment. But sex as a health procedure is rated very highly. Great value he gives the technical side of the issue. Loves new poses, experiments and all sorts of surprises.

Plump lips - a recognized symbol of sexuality and sensuality. Is this why we try in every possible way to attract the attention of the stronger sex to this part of our face, highlighting and emphasizing the mouth with lipstick, pencil, lip gloss, silicone injections and other methods?

Narrow mouth speaks of the difficult and gloomy character of their owner. Such lips are most often found in people who are withdrawn and gloomy. Even if your lips are not the same, it is quite possible that your mouth becomes tense and narrow in cases where you find yourself in a conflict or simply uncomfortable situation. Watch your facial expressions so as not to create a “buggy” impression of yourself.

Protruding or simply plump lower lip - a sign of selfishness and intransigence of its owner. It is difficult to communicate on equal terms with a person whose lower lip is much larger than his upper lip; he will always try to gain the upper hand over you. And, again, such a lip can appear in a person with a normal mouth if he has disrespect for you or simply shows dislike and disagreement with your position. Persuading someone whose lower lip is too protruding is a lost cause; you don’t even have to try.

Protruding upper lip - a sign of persistent, purposeful people. These people know their worth, are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to listen to the other side. However, if you hook such a person, you risk losing his favor forever. Your opinion will no longer mean anything to him. Such people, although very tolerant, still deep down in their souls are completely sincerely confident that they are right.

Protruding mouth with well-defined lips - traits inherent in “earthly” people who do not have unnecessary illusions about themselves, are unpretentious and undemanding. They do not build castles on the sand and do not have their heads in the clouds; their destiny is ordinary affairs. A distinctive feature of people with clear lip contour is low self-esteem and a tendency to depression. But they have a strong enough character to cope with themselves and improve their lives, no matter what.
