When you see a dead person in a dream. You might be interested

Sometimes we all dream about people who are no longer there. The interpretation of such dreams is interesting to everyone. What are the dead trying to tell us in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If you dream of one of your deceased relatives as if they were alive, you should reconsider your life priorities. Your lifestyle probably requires changes, and in order to avoid wrong decisions that could harm you, you need to work hard on yourself.

If you see your relatives who have already died alive and they engage in conversation with you, you should not push them away. Try to listen to what they say. Your subconscious is trying to tell you the right way out of a difficult situation with the help of dear and close people.

Perhaps a deceased relative appeared in a dream because you recently remembered this person.

Why do dead people dream - something unexpected, if they are relatives - there will be good news, if they are friends - it’s worth waiting for important news.

Seeing a deceased distant acquaintance is an unfavorable sign for people involved in business; bad news awaits them. If a living acquaintance is seen as dead, in reality he can cause a lot of trouble.

Seeing a dead person in a dream means a sudden change in the weather.

If the one who dreamed died a long time ago, a big event awaits the family. It has been scientifically proven that it is worth listening to the advice of the dead - perhaps during a night's rest the brain uses its secret areas and connects the subconscious to solving pressing problems.

Seeing a deceased friend is a warning; perhaps you do not want to compromise and improve relationships with others. This can lead to a lot of trouble, so if you saw a dream where your deceased friend is unhappy, you should work on your relationships with people.

Why dream of seeing a dead person and hearing that he reports about someone’s death - this person is in danger; if a deceased friend or girlfriend asks for something, you need to fulfill their request. Hearing complaints from deceased friends is bad news.

If in your dream your friend is near death, this means an imminent quarrel with her.

If a good friend in your dream died, controversial situations at work will be resolved, but if she calls you with her, get ready for an unexpected conspiracy on the part of loved ones.

Why do you dream of a dead brother - soon one of your friends will need your help, they will probably ask you to borrow money. A hint on how to respond to such requests - your relationship with your brother during life, if they are good - can be taken. If you see a dead brother or sister alive, your financial situation will soon change for the better.

Seeing a person in a coffin in a dream means a change in the weather or an unexpected visit.

Making a coffin for the deceased means moving up the career ladder.

Love dream book

Seeing a deceased loved one in a dream is a sign of love betrayal.

Muslim dream book

According to the Muslim dream book, the deceased is resting or sleeping peacefully - a sign that the deceased is well in the other world. To follow the deceased and hear his voice is a bad sign, a harbinger of death. If you dreamed of a lot of killed people, your judgment about life may be wrong.


I dreamed of a dead person - to a change in the weather in an unexpected direction

Psychological dream book

According to psychologists, dreams with dead people should not be taken seriously. Most likely, they symbolize a strong longing for the deceased person and a desire to meet him. Perhaps such dreams provoke persistent memories. Seeing many dead or murdered people in dreams is an indicator that in real life a person is experiencing chronic stress.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream of a dead person - if in a dream you met a dead person and did not experience fear, it means that you have learned to cope with anxieties in real life. Hearing the voice of the deceased, following him, trying to find him by his voice - means illness and health problems. If the deceased shares his fears, this is a reason to go to church and pray for repose; to see a dead man naked, on the contrary, is a good sign - this means that the person’s soul has found peace.

Children's dream book

Why do people dream about the dead alive? Accepting something as a gift from the deceased is a favorable sign, promises good news, happiness.

English dream book

If you were visited by your dead friends or relatives in a dream, the interpretation of the dream depends on their mood. If they were sad, you need to wait for bad news, it speaks of imminent grief. If the deceased were in a good mood, difficult life situations will be resolved for the better. If you had a dream that the deceased died in it from illness, it means bad weather.

Symbolic dream book

According to the symbolic dream book, dreams in which you see dead people are a kind of signal. Why do people dream about the dead alive? If the deceased calls with him, tries to give away his thing - a signal of an imminent illness, possibly serious. Another option is also possible - the sleeper subconsciously cannot come to terms with the death of this person and continues to hope for a meeting. Such dreams are a reason to visit church, light candles for the health of living relatives and for the repose of the dead, and communicate with the rector.

If in a dream you see yourself dying, a difficult and important stage in your life will soon end, or some project you have planned will successfully come to an end.

Seeing dead parents in a dream means you need a sense of protection. If you saw dead grandparents in a dream, a critical moment has come in your life. Their advice should be heeded especially carefully.

Chinese dream book

This is what the dead people dream about according to the Chinese dream book: it is considered very auspicious to feed a deceased person if he asked for food. Such a dream promises good luck.


To see that you have died - you will be subject to severe accusations from loved ones.

Entering into a conversation with the deceased is good luck.

To see a dead person walking ahead of you means you will soon forget him.

Giving something to the deceased promises loss, but giving him a flower or an animal is a good sign for improving his financial situation. Inviting a deceased person into your home means financial well-being.

Why do people who are actually alive dream of being dead - they should pay attention to their health.

Dreams in which living dead people appear cause feelings of fear and apprehension. You should not set yourself up for negativity in advance, as often bad dreams carry positive information. To obtain the most accurate interpretation, it is necessary to remember the main details of the plot and the emotional load. It would be useful to compare the information received with the events of reality.

Why do you dream of dead people alive?

Most often, such a dream is a warning of impending troubles. In another dream book, a living dead person foreshadows the onset of a new stage in life, and this may affect work, outlook on life and love affairs. If a dead person bothers you, it means that in reality you are worried about the events of the past. A dream where a dead person rises from the coffin foreshadows the arrival of guests from afar. This could also be an omen of a heart-to-heart conversation. Let's figure out why the dead people dream of being alive and upset about something. In this case, the dream promises a quarrel, and it can happen either with a relative or with a stranger.

If you are a living dead person, this is a harbinger of happiness. The child turned out to be dead, which means expect a new addition to the family. A night vision where you kiss a living dead person indicates a feeling of guilt about unworthy behavior. It could also be a harbinger of impending changes in life. If you kissed a dead man on the forehead, it means that you will soon part with one of your close relatives. The dream book interprets why a dead man dreams of being alive and wants to hug him as a sign of good health. It could also be a harbinger of a change in weather. If a person you know turns out to be a living dead person, it means that in reality the relationship between you has deteriorated significantly. A night vision where a deceased person stretches out his hands to you from the grave means that in difficult times you should rely solely on your own strength. To see several living dead, but this does not scare you, means that the business you are doing will end successfully. Don't worry, all your efforts will be rewarded.

If you saw a revived mother or father, this is a warning about impending misfortune. Seeing your grandparents alive means you shouldn’t worry about little things. A dream in which a revived relative appears predicts the development of some kind of disease in one of the family members. If you see a revived mother, it means that the event that is planned in the near future will not be satisfactory. Other revived blood relatives are an omen of improvident spending. It is not recommended to carry out any monetary transactions in the near future.

Why do you dream of a dead man revived for 40 days?

Such a dream represents the care that you can receive from loved ones. If the deceased was in your house, this is a harbinger of minor troubles that will befall you in the near future.

Why do you dream that a dead person is laughing?

If the revived dead man is cheerful, this is a bad sign, which indicates that ill-wishers are making insidious plans against you. In the near future, you should not postpone everything, because, otherwise, everything will end unsuccessfully.

Why do you dream of a talking dead man?

If you are talking to a deceased person, this is a harbinger of misfortune that will happen in the near future. A dream where a dead person tells you that he is alive predicts the receipt of important news that will significantly affect your life. In addition, such night vision can be a harbinger. If you are talking to a deceased friend, this is a sign that you will be able to occupy a high social position and improve your financial situation.

Gustav Miller views dead people in dreams as a warning. In reality, a person needs to be very careful, because he is surrounded by scammers and envious people. And this is not paranoia at all. Due to your own stupidity, you can become a victim of some kind of deception or scam. You don't need to be an overly impressionable person. You just need to be attentive and careful and not succumb to various kinds of provocations. The famous Gustav Miller thinks so.

Why do dead people dream? Freud's Dream Book

Here Sigmund Freud gives an interpretation that is different from his characteristic “sexual” manner. If the deceased dreamed of a person who had long since died in real life, then you need to listen carefully to his words. The fact is that his speech and his actions towards the dreamer are a warning to the latter against rash actions, since in reality the dreamer runs the risk of being drawn into some major scandal.

If the person dreaming in reality is a healthy person, then the dreamer simply hates this person. He gets mad at the thought of its existence, he would like to see it. You shouldn’t dramatize everything so much, you shouldn’t be such an angry and unrestrained person. This will not lead to anything good. We need to forgive this person, God will be his judge. This is what Sigmund Freud advises.

Dead. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Evgeny Tsvetkov believes that such dreams are an unfavorable sign: the interpreter is sure that tragic events and subconscious fears brought to life await the dreamer in reality. If a deceased person is a living person in reality, you can run into major troubles associated with sorting out relations with this very person. And all because the dreamer in reality hates this person, subconsciously wishing him death. You shouldn't be so cruel.

Vanga's dream book: dead people in a dream

The famous Bulgarian soothsayer and clairvoyant Vangelia interprets this dream in her own way. She believes that you should try to ask the deceased in a dream what he needs. Perhaps this is a deceased friend or relative who wants to warn the dreamer about something. Don't be scared, because the coming changes won't necessarily be bad. But to see a huge number of wandering dead in a dream is a sign of global catastrophes on a federal or world scale. Epidemics, wars, disasters are coming.

Humanity has always been concerned with the question: why does a dead person dream? Such a dream can cause fear in someone. Someone will puzzle over the meaning and meaning of this dream. In any case, there is no need to be afraid of such a dream.

Like any other dream, it can reflect previous events (funeral, wake, visit to a cemetery). Otherwise, the dream in which the deceased had a dream is essentially a prediction.

To the question: “Why do dead people dream?” you can find the answer not only in the most popular dream books. The first thing that comes to mind for a person who has had a dream about a living dead person is ancient folk signs.

According to popular belief, seeing a “living” dead person in a dream is primarily a sign of a change in the weather. This is the most common explanation of a dream in which the dreamer dreamed of a dead person in one form or another.

This phenomenon is usually explained by the fact that when atmospheric pressure changes, the blood pressure of a living person changes. Perhaps invisible changes in the atmosphere have the same effect on the spirit of a deceased person. After all, it is during periods of sudden changes in weather that the deceased most often appear in dreams.

But be that as it may, to fully decipher the meaning of a dream, it is necessary to know all the details of this phenomenon. In order for the interpretation to be most accurate, the dreamer, after waking up, must try to remember all the details from the dream, trying not to forget anything.

To do this, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • on what day of the week did you have the dream?
  • in what place did the deceased dream (cemetery, house, apartment, street);
  • whether the deceased person was wearing any clothes or was naked;
  • whether there was a bed or some other bed in the night vision;
  • who the deceased was (male or female);
  • whether it was a familiar person to the dreamer or a complete stranger, a stranger;
  • how often do you have such a dream?
  • does the deceased speak in his sleep and what exactly does he say?

Dreams in which deceased people dream, as a rule, do not carry negativity. Such a vision should not disturb the dreamer. Usually, if you dream of dead people who are close to you, then they appear in your dream with a specific mission.

Occasionally, deceased relatives appear in dreams, thus reminding them of themselves. This means that you need to go to the cemetery and tidy up the grave of your loved one. You should definitely go to church and light a candle for the repose of the soul of a deceased person.

You can prepare a memorial dinner and remember the deceased among friends and relatives. Or do this by distributing buns and sweets at the cemetery or on the church porch. In the latter case, it is necessary to name the person who needs to be remembered.

There are cases when people dream of a dead person (or dead people) very often. This usually happens when the soul of a deceased person does not find peace. Perhaps the deceased has some unfinished business or relationship left on earth. To resolve these problems, he appears in the dreams of people close to him.

Sometimes the dead act as harbingers of certain events. They appear in the dreams of people close to them in order to protect them from a rash act. Or suggest the correct solution to any controversial issue. Thus, the spirit of the deceased, appearing in a dream, sometimes protects loved ones from major and minor troubles.

To remember the deceased, you can come to the temple and order a prayer service for the remembrance of the deceased on Parents' Saturday.

Why does a dead woman dream? Mother or grandmother? Such dreams usually don’t happen just like that. Deceased relatives come to us in dreams to warn us about something or protect us from some kind of trouble. Late relatives - mothers and grandmothers - always protect us.

In dreams, as a rule, they can appear in order to indicate to us some event that needs to be paid attention to. Girls dream about their deceased mother or grandmother before their wedding. Or when a young woman is pregnant and expecting a baby soon.

A deceased relative can “predict” in visions whether the marriage of a daughter (granddaughter) will be happy or whether for some reason it will not last long. A deceased mother who comes in a dream can indicate who will be born to a pregnant daughter - a son or a daughter. Will the baby be born healthy or will it be a stillborn fetus?

The late papatoe also serves as a protector and adviser. Such a dream should not always be alarming and disturbing. Sometimes dearly departed relatives appear to say goodbye. This is especially true in cases where one of the relatives was unable to attend the funeral.

Very often, young people dream of deceased parents and grandparents when some significant events occur in their lives:

  1. Graduation.
  2. Admission to the University.
  3. Marriage.
  4. The upcoming journey.

In any case, you just need to pay attention to whether the dream was joyful and bright or whether something in it seemed negative. Any deceased parent who loved and protected their children during their lifetime comes to them in dreams with the same function - to help, protect and protect.

It is not good to see deceased loved ones sick and infirm. Such a dream may foreshadow the imminent illness of one of the relatives.

What could the appearance of a deceased husband or wife in a dream mean? People who have lived side by side for many years are like family and understand each other. Sometimes living people unwittingly contribute to such a dream.

Let's say a woman was married to her late husband for quite a long time. Many events happened during this married life. Joyful events were replaced by some everyday problems and vice versa. And every time the woman turned to her husband for help or advice.

According to a habit formed over the years, the inconsolable widow continues to mentally communicate with her late husband. Therefore, it is not surprising that she sees her ex-husband in a dream. Whether this dream will be a warning or a kind of moral support depends on the details of the vision.

If the dream was serene, then there is no reason for concern or alarm.

Sometimes I dream about things like:

  • mirror;
  • money;
  • suicide;
  • mutilated corpse.

Such a dream can warn of something not very pleasant. For example, a widower may see his deceased wife looking in the mirror. This usually predicts the dreamer's illness. A dream can also be prophetic if a man sees himself in the mirror next to his deceased girlfriend.

Among the “visitors” from dreams there may be people both familiar to the dreamer and completely unfamiliar. It happens that, under the impression of the events experienced during the day, a person sees some celebrity in a dream. In principle, it doesn’t make much difference who had the dream. The main thing is that everything happens joyfully and positively.

Usually the events in a dream themselves warn the dreamer about what to expect. Regardless of who the dream is - brother, sister, uncle or father-in-law - it is considered a bad omen to see money. Such a dream usually symbolizes a big conversation, scandal or quarrel.

Suicides, especially hanged ones, always dream of bad weather. But it could be a hurricane, a rainstorm, or a terrible natural disaster. Therefore, when interpreting dreams, it is necessary to pay attention to even the most insignificant, at first glance, details.

Why might a dead person dream about a house? Why does a dead person dream of being dead or alive at night? Why do we see dead people in different situations that cannot always be easily interpreted?

Very often, dreamers see the dead alive. The deceased appears in a dream as an ordinary person. This appearance of the deceased does not frighten or bother anyone. Therefore, everything that happens in this dream most often has a positive connotation.

There is an opinion among people that if you see someone dead in a dream, then this person will live a long time, as they say, up to a hundred years. By analogy, a deceased person dreamed of as alive, by all signs, promises only good events. The longevity of the dreamer cannot be ruled out.

The dead person that the dreamer dreamed of in a coffin does not have a positive interpretation. That is, such a dream is usually interpreted in a negative way. If you dream of a white coffin with the deceased, then, as a rule, you can “bury” a favorable resolution of some pressing problems.

A black coffin with a deceased person is a harbinger of some big troubles.

It could be:

The coffin in a dream can be closed or open. There are many more nuances that need to be paid attention to. A dead man who is trying to rise from the coffin seems to be trying to draw attention to problems that require urgent resolution.

Dead people up to 40 days are dreamed of more often than others. There is an explanation for this. It is believed that the soul of a deceased person remains on earth for up to 40 days. A deceased person, whose soul lives somewhere near the living, comes into dreams more often than others. The living, mourning their dead, also further encourage them to do so with their grief. Sometimes newly assigned ones dream only for up to 40 days, sometimes this happens longer.

All requests that dreamers receive from the dead in dreams must certainly be fulfilled.

The deceased talking in their sleep is by no means a rare phenomenon. Sometimes dead people in dreams communicate in sign language. Or they perform some action that later has to be unraveled.

But there are also unique dialogues with the deceased. There is nothing surprising in this, because they come in order to convey to the living some important or simply necessary information.

If the dream is remembered completely and the dreamer can accurately reproduce the conversation with the deceased, then this will greatly simplify deciphering the dream. If the night vision is not completely preserved in memory, then it would be nice to remember some significant details.

As a rule, these dreams, like all others, are always interpreted from the point of view of the general feeling of the dream. It happens that relatives and friends come alive to simply remind you of themselves. Some dead people complain that they are cold. This means that the deceased was buried in the cold season in light clothing.

In order to respect the dead and so that he does not bother a living relative, you can simply distribute the warm clothes of the deceased. In this case, the soul of the deceased will calm down. Sometimes deceased people complain that they feel damp and wet. This means that the place for the grave was chosen poorly and groundwater is collecting there.

It is very unpleasant to see in a dream how a deceased person calls the dreamer with him. Very often close relatives appear in this image. A deceased spouse can come for their beloved “half.”

Such a dream always carries a negative perception. And it cannot be deciphered positively, especially if it is dreamed of by a young man who is too early to think about death. Older people view such dreams more calmly if they internally feel that their time is coming.

Conversations with the dead in a dream do not always hint at the dreamer’s imminent death.

This may be a warning in solving problems:

  • family;
  • industrial;
  • with health.

There is no need to be afraid of dead people coming in a dream. Because most often their appearance carries with it the desire to help living people. Such dreams are very rarely negative.

All appeals of the deceased, their requests and comments should not be ignored. This can be considered an unspoken code, according to which all the wishes of those who have left this world must be respected.

Any dream can be prophetic. You just need to know what this or that event or action in a dream means. And exactly what moments in a dream you need to pay close attention to. Anyone who knows how to correctly decipher dreams will not be in danger of any sudden trouble. Because, as they say: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

Here are some signs that may be useful for interpreting dreams:

In order to give the most accurate interpretation of sleep, it is advisable to be guided by different sources . The most popular dream books are those of Freud, Aesop, Veles, and Vanga.

When you dream of deceased relatives who come alive in a dream, this is always interpreted as a hint from the deceased person that he is rarely remembered. With this appearance he simply reminds of himself. Each relative has its own function or purpose in dreams.

The deceased father appears to protect his son or daughter from some kind of misfortune or trouble. In order to accurately solve such a dream, you need to try to remember everything in detail. If a deceased parent talked about something in a dream, then you need to remember all his words and carefully analyze them. An accurate deciphering of this dream will help protect you from big troubles or irreparable grief.

A dreaming deceased mother is also a kind of “amulet” for her children. Its appearance should always be taken very seriously and carefully. Like any mother who loves and protects her children, she is able through her actions to protect people close to her from a terrible disease.

The appearance of strangers in a dream, men or women, should not be discounted or taken lightly. They also warn living people and protect them from rash actions and suggest the correct solution to pressing problems.

A familiar man in a dream means good things. It symbolizes good luck and good fortune. A woman you know, on the contrary, foreshadows financial problems, bankruptcy in business, and lack of harmony in family life. Dreams in which living people hug or kiss their deceased relatives lead to illness.

Dreams in which something abnormal happens never lead to good things. Negative in their perception, they do not bring anything good in life. And there is no malicious intent on the part of the deceased people. Besides the fact that they try to warn people or protect them in a way that is accessible to them, they cannot influence events in any other way.

There are several versions to explain the reason why dead people appear in dreams. The first version claims that the deceased can simply be present in a dream, without speaking or influencing events in any way. Usually such a dream does not cause any worries, because there is practically no meaning in it.

We have to look at and analyze dreams in a completely different way, where the “guest” talks and even performs some actions, thereby attracting attention to himself. Such dreams have a clear meaning. By his actions and statements, the deceased seems to express his positive or negative attitude towards a particular event.

Another option can be considered, in which the dream performs the function of prediction, censure or approval. The reaction to such visions is also not unambiguous. The most harmless of them is when such a dream is considered as a warning about a change in the weather.

When deciphering night visions, some dream books focus on the behavior and appearance of the deceased. Most often, friendly behavior is interpreted as not foreshadowing any troubles or problems. And, conversely, any negativity contained in a dream is interpreted not in favor of the dreamer.

There are dream books that consider the option of changing weather much more deeply. It is believed that dreams of the dead not only indicate bad weather. The dead man becomes a symbol of the change of stages. The old, outdated, is gone, and the new must come to replace it. That is, instead of the “atmospheric” option, the option of changes in a person’s fate is proposed.

The frequency of visions also indicates what can be expected from them. Does night vision contain useful information that helps a living person in everyday life, or does it contain some kind of terrible warning?

Great importance is given to dialogues. Questions reveal things that may matter to those who are alive and well. These questions can be no less important for the deceased person. Otherwise, why would he show up and ask questions?

Its meaning also depends on what day of the week the dream occurred. All dream books that give interpretations of dreams always pay attention to the image of the deceased in a dream.

By day of the week it will look like this:

  • as people say: “On Monday, sleep is a slacker”; sleep that night can be classified as an option with changes in the atmosphere;
  • on Tuesday - to changes in your personal life;
  • on Wednesday - long-awaited and important news;
  • on Thursday - to solve old problems;
  • on Friday - considered prophetic;
  • on Saturday - problems in business development;
  • on Sunday - sorting out relationships in the family or at work.

In order for a deceased relative from a dream to become a guardian angel and protect a living person, helping him, you need to learn how to correctly solve dreams.

Whatever dream you have, no matter what happens in it, remember that a lot still depends on you. Although, we must admit that there are events predicted in dreams that occur against our will and over which we have no control. This means we need to learn to accept and use the tips of those we care about.

Why do dead people dream of being alive? 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

If in a dream you happen to meet a deceased person, you should not be afraid or worry. It is believed that such a dream can occur when the weather changes. However, this dream carries a deeper meaning, so it is imperative to understand why the dead people dream of being alive.

Visit of otherworldly entities in a dream

In folk wisdom, which claims that the dead, as if alive, dream of a change in the weather, there is some common sense. It is during changes in atmospheric pressure that otherworldly entities have the best opportunity to penetrate our world.

They enter people's dreams under the guise of their deceased relatives and manipulate consciousness in every possible way. Usually a negative entity can be recognized by the oppressive atmosphere of the dream itself. When they appear, the sleeper may experience a feeling of anxiety, fear and even wild horror.

I dreamed about dead relatives alive

It is worth noting that the deceased in no way wish harm to the living. Therefore, the dreams in which they appear are most often filled with light, joy and pleasant emotions.

In this case, you must remember what the deceased said and did. His words come true exactly, and his actions are of a certain symbolic nature.

Actions in a dream

To understand why dead people dream of being alive, it is good to remember all the details of the meeting. In a dream, a dead person can give valuable advice and instructions on how to behave. However, if the deceased calls, but does not show himself, but the dreamer obeys this call, then a quick death awaits him.

Taking something from the deceased is a sign of success and wealth. Resurrecting it means prosperity. Receiving a gift means a valuable acquisition, but giving it away means a loss. Talking with the deceased means unexpected news, and seeing only his portrait means distress and need.

Who dreamed

To understand why you dream of dead people alive, it’s worth considering who exactly you saw. If both deceased parents came to you in a dream, then there will be happiness.

I only dreamed about my mother - beware of doing rash acts, father - don’t do something for which you will be ashamed.

Deceased grandparents appear before important life events. Seeing a deceased brother can be a lucky coincidence, but a dead sister predicts uncertainty.


According to the dream book, sometimes the dead can appear alive in dreams for completely natural reasons. This means that the dreamer considers the connection with the departed person incomplete, feels guilty, cannot let him go, or did not say everything he should have said.

All this weighs on the soul of a living person, and the dead know this very well. Therefore, meetings with them are healing for dreamers, bringing relief and purification.
