Class hour: "The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan." Class hour "our president" Symbols of openness of the world and hope class hour

Class hour on the topic:

“State symbols are national pride.”

Prepared by: AitkozhinaSh.Zh.


1. Contribute to the formation of ideas about our state, about the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Develop thinking, speech, creative abilities.

3. To cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for state symbols, patriotism, harmony and friendly relationships between students.


Cards of the coat of arms, flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Lesson progress

1. Teacher's word:

I. People do not choose where they are born on Earth. They can live in different countries, have different skin colors, speak different languages. But the words “Motherland”, “Fatherland”, “Fatherland” are sacred for each of them. For you and me, all these concepts are contained in one word - KAZAKHSTAN.

2) We will start the class hour with something that is always the pride of any state. Name the symbols of the state.

The national anthem is a spiritual banner. The anthem reflects the people's desire for freedom, deep roots and aspirations for the future. He calls for friendship and unity in the name of humanism, peace and harmony in our ancient and beautiful land.

There are rules for listening to the anthem. When singing the anthem at official ceremonies, those present must stand and place the palm of their right hand on the left side of their chest.

Each state has its own symbols - anthem, coat of arms, flag. And we can easily distinguish one state from another without much effort. Do you know when Symbol Day is celebrated?

State symbols are symbols of our lives and accompany each of us throughout our entire life journey.

B). They are depicted ... (work in groups)

Students make assumptions: on state seals, banknotes, government papers, etc.

View the presentation “Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Physical exercise.

If you're excited to go to school in the morning, wave your right hand.

If you value honesty and integrity in people, take a step forward.

If you are confident in your abilities, stomp your foot.

If you believe that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social background, take a step back.

If you care about the fate of our country, clap your hands.

If you consider yourself patriotic, raise both hands up.

If you believe that our country will take its rightful place in the world, extend both hands

If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.

You know that at the most solemn moments for the country, the blue banner flies and the anthem of Kazakhstan sounds. Every Kazakhstani: the President, parents, teachers, and you, the students, have respect for the symbols, pride in our country, in our Kazakhstan.

When athletes achieve victories on sports grounds, they glorify first of all their country, and as a sign of respect, the State anthem is played and the flag is raised in honor of the country that raised such athletes, in honor of the athlete who has achieved such heights.

Love for the Motherland, for relatives, respect for nature, pride in our history, symbols, memory and respect for those who glorified our Motherland.

Answers to questions.

3.National housing of the Kazakhs (Yurt)

6. Competition of akyns (Aitys)

7. Kazakh warrior - hero (Batyr)

2.Basic law of the state (Constitution)

5.The first pilot-cosmonaut of the Republic of Kazakhstan (T. Aubakirov)

8. The smell of which steppe grass is considered a symbol of the Motherland by the Kazakhs? (Feather grass)

4. Kazakh folk instrument (Dombra)

1.National sports game (Baiga)

Answer the questions using literature. (For weak students)

Question: What is depicted on the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (Sun, eagle and national ornament)

Question: What does the soaring eagle on the flag mean? (Freedom, dignity, insight)

Question: What is the significance of the image of shanyrak on the state emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (symbol of the father's house, Motherland)

Question: Name the basic law of our state (Constitution)

Question: This animal is a symbol of Kazakhstan. (Snow leopard (irbis))

Question: Who was the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (N.A.Nazarbayev)

NATION A historical community of people that develops in the process of forming a common territory, economic ties, literary language, ethnic characteristics of culture and character.

Why are the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan called national pride?

III. Reflection.

Of course, the history of a country is made by people. People of different nationalities. Look, in our class there are Kazakhs, and Russians, and Germans, and Tatars, and Gypsies... Therefore, now, to preserve the peace and prosperity of our country, stability within the state, friendship and harmony between the peoples inhabiting it are necessary. Love for the Motherland, respect for state symbols, patriotism.

Children read poetry.

On which herds graze.

Cities are growing nearby.

My homeland is my Kazakhstan.

What can we do for our Motherland? (children survey)

My homeland is the expanses of the steppes,

On which herds graze.

These are rivers, lakes, blue ponds,

Cities are growing nearby.

My love for the steppe region is limitless,

And nothing is miles away from these places.

After all, Kazakhstan is my Fatherland.

I live here, I worship her.

My homeland is the beauty of nature,

This is a big ocean of happiness, love,

It is a symbol of wealth, a symbol of freedom.

My homeland is my Kazakhstan.

North Kazakhstan region

district named after G. Musrepov

With. Stavropolk

KSU "Stavropol Secondary School"

teacher of Russian language and literature

Kasyanenko Nina Grigorievna

Target:deepening students' knowledge about the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan


– summarize students’ knowledge about the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

– create conditions for students to understand the significance of state symbols.

– develop cognitive interest, broaden horizons in the field of state symbols.

– to cultivate in children a respectful and careful attitude towards the state symbols of Kazakhstan, the historical past and traditions of the peoples of our country.

– to cultivate feelings of patriotism and love for one’s Motherland.

Progress of the class hour:

The National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is played.


The Republic of Kazakhstan is our native land, our Motherland. The Kazakh people have lived on this land since ancient times. The Kazakhs grazed livestock, farmed, and defended their homeland from enemies. They were able to preserve their land for their descendants, and therefore for us.

The path of the Kazakh people to their freedom was very long. The history goes back thousands of years. But, having overcome difficulties, Kazakhstan gained Independence in 1990.

In 1991, the news of the birth of an independent state, whose name was the Republic of Kazakhstan, spread throughout the world. Now

Kazakhs have their own land,

Your lands for all time.



The state symbols of any country include, first of all, the state emblem, flag and anthem. Our Motherland also has them. After all, one of the first steps of the emerging state is to acquire its own flag, coat of arms and anthem. This is due to the fact that they are symbols of the country’s political independence and sovereignty.

On the Banner - an eagle carries a luminary,

And in the core of the coat of arms is shanyrak

So in a sovereign world our strength

And in long-standing friendship - a grateful sign.

The Kazakh people went through considerable trials before winning the right to their state symbols - the Anthem, the Coat of Arms and the Flag.

There is a proud word “Kazakh”,

The state was embodied in him

With the Coat of Arms and Anthem, there is its own Flag,

The language in which is the wisdom of the nation.

State symbols are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Article 9, and also Article 34 states that “every citizen is obliged to know and respect the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

On June 4, 1992, new state symbols of independent Kazakhstan were approved for the first time. This day will forever remain in the history of the country as the birthday of the new state symbols.


State symbols are one of the unshakable foundations of the state. And today we will once again leaf through the pages of our “book of symbols”

State symbols are not only artistic images, but also heralds of the idea of ​​realizing state independence. It helps to penetrate this idea into people's thoughts and feelings. Residents of different countries are rightfully proud of their state symbols. But it is important not only to know what the coat of arms, flag and anthem of your home country look like, but also to understand their symbolism. And for this you need to have an idea of ​​their history, how these state symbols arose, and what path they have passed through the centuries

The blue flag with a golden sun and the soaring silhouette of an eagle and the coat of arms, in the center of which is the image of shanyrak, as a symbol of a common home for all Kazakhstanis, showed the world the image of a new independent State called the Republic of Kazakhstan.

(Video about state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

State flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The word “flag” is of Dutch origin and means “ship’s banner.” The flag is one of the symbols of the state. There are flags and banners of ships, factories, institutes, banners of sports teams, banners of military units. Since when did the custom of raising and honoring the flag begin?

For the first time, banners appeared, perhaps, among the ancient nomadic tribes - the Scythians, only the banners were inflatable. It was a long bag that was shaped like a dragon - with a mouth, legs and a tail in the form of sleeves. It inflated in the wind and was supposed to scare enemies.

As you and I see, the origin of the flag is military. In the Middle Ages, every knight had his own banner, not to mention counts, dukes and kings. The color of the banner was very different.

Modern state flags most often consist of colored stripes, as a rule, they are rectangular, but there are exceptions: Switzerland and the Vatican have square banners, and Nepal ... triangular.

“The state flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a rectangular blue panel with an image in its center of the sun with 32 rays, under which a soaring steppe eagle.”

Blue color is traditional for the Turkic peoples. On the flag, it means the infinity of the sky over the entire earth and people, and is also a symbol of general well-being, tranquility, peace and unity.

Since ancient times, the Kazakh people considered the eagle a sacred bird. In the language of symbolism, the silhouette of an eagle means state power, breadth and foresight. This is a symbol of freedom, independence, striving for a goal, for heights, and flight into the future. At the same time, the eagle, having powerful strength, is able to give a worthy rebuff to anyone who tries to interfere with achieving the future. The silhouette of an eagle also arose from the idea of ​​young sovereign Kazakhstan’s aspiration to the heights of world civilization.

On the left side, along the shaft, there is a typical national ornament, personifying the culture and traditions of Kazakhstan.

The sun is the source of life and energy. The silhouette of the sun is a symbol of wealth and abundance. Therefore, it is no coincidence that all 32 rays of the sun on the flag are shaped like grains - the basis of abundance and prosperity.

The golden color of the sun, eagle and ornament means a bright, clear future for our peoples, abundance, happiness and wealth.

State emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. coat of arms - “the emblem of a state, city, class, clan, depicted on flags, coins, seals, state and other official documents.”

Today's coat of arms of sovereign Kazakhstan is the result of enormous work and creative quest of two famous architects: Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shota Aman Ualikhanov..


The coat of arms has the shape of a circle. In the world, the most perfect shape is considered to be the shape of a ball. And the circle, as the element closest to this perfection, is especially valued among nomads. This is a symbol of life, eternity.

The central element, which incorporates the main idea of ​​our coat of arms, is the shanyrak - the circular top of the yurt dome.

The image of shanyrak in the State Emblem of the republic is the image of our common home, the common Motherland of all people living in Kazakhstan. Happiness in it depends on the well-being of everyone, just as the strength of a shanyrak depends on the reliability of its skills. The future of the state also depends on the unity and consent of its citizens, on their common efforts for the benefit of a common home - a common Motherland.

The skillfully, effectively and beautifully depicted tundyk, the anti-aircraft opening of the yurt, resembles a bright sun against the backdrop of a blue, peaceful sky.

The domed poles - uyk, evenly diverging from the center along the blue space of the coat of arms, resemble the rays of the sun - the source of life and warmth.

The cross-shaped, triple kuldreush of the shanyrak symbolize the unity of the three zhuz, which ensures its strength.

The next component of the compositional structure of the coat of arms are golden-winged, fantastic horses with crescent-shaped horns - tulpars.


Horses were the main helpers in the household and in wars with invaders. After all, the horse is also the element of the Kazakh.

They have long said: “Cossack zhylky minezdi”, this once again emphasizes the greatest closeness and similarity with nature. A horse with wings symbolizes the dream of the multinational people of Kazakhstan to build a strong and prosperous state. They also testify to pure thoughts and the desire to improve and achieve harmony in society, with nature and world civilization.


In the center of the coat of arms is a five-pointed star. Our hearts and arms are open to representatives of all five continents.

The color scheme of the coat of arms consists of two main colors - golden and blue. The first corresponds to the bright, clear future of the peoples of the country. The blue sky is the same for all peoples of the world. Its color in our Coat of Arms represents Kazakhstan’s desire for peace, harmony, friendship and unity with all peoples of the planet

The Kazakhs have the following noble greeting: “May your shanyrak be high, your kerege wide, your threshold strong and happy.”

National anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“The anthem is a flag made of words.”

A. Tazhibaev


So, at the beginning of our meeting, the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan was played for you.

– What is an anthem, and do you know on what occasions it is played?

Hymn is a word of Greek origin meaning a solemn song performed on special, most important occasions.

The anthem is a song dedicated to one’s Motherland, it is a symbol of the state, every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan should know and honor it. The performance is accompanied by signs of the highest respect - everyone stands up and places the palm of their right hand on the left side of their chest, and the military salutes or salutes with weapons.

In international life, singing the anthem of another country means expressing respect for its representatives.

Since January 7, 2006, the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan has become the popular song written back in 1956 “My Kazakhstan” (“Menin Kazakstanym”) with changes made that bring the song to the status of the national anthem. Since amendments to the text were made by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, he will be indicated as a co-author of the text. Music by composer Shamshi Kaldayakov to lyrics by Zhumeken Nazhimedenov (1956), Nursultan Nazarbayev.


According to the poet A. Tazhibaev: “The anthem is the flag of the state, woven from words.”

Of course, the words of the anthem should be sacred and close to the people. To create a word-symbol, a word-oath, not only a sense of historical reality is required, but also wisdom and insight, and most importantly, the prophetic insight of a true creator of art.

The song “My Kazakhstan”, written during the raising of virgin soil, became such a symbolic song. This song is on everyone’s lips and is close to everyone in its spirit.

The national anthem is a spiritual banner. The anthem reflects the people's desire for freedom, deep roots and aspirations for the future. He calls for friendship and unity in the name of humanism, peace and harmony in our ancient and beautiful land.

2.Why is the color of the flag blue? (Color of heaven and earth, unity of heaven and earth)

3.What does the color blue mean? (honesty, purity, innocence, color testifies to the cultural and ethical unity of the people, the idea of ​​​​the indivisibility of the state is laid down)

4.What does the sun mean on the flag? (sources of life and energy, symbol of life, wealth, abundance)

5.What does the steppe eagle or golden eagle mean? (the eagle is state power, breadth and vision, a symbol of freedom, independence of striving for a goal, for heights, flight to the future, the power and strength of the state)

6.Why is there an ornament on the flag and what kind? (“koshkar-muyiz-ram’s horns” is a national sign of the state, a distinctive feature from other flags)

7.How many flag designs have been proposed? (600 projects)


So, to summarize, we can proudly say: Kazakhstan is a state with its own history, its own state language, symbols enshrined in the Constitution and capital. It is nice to know that the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan can increasingly be seen at international exhibitions, competitions and meetings. More and more representatives of Kazakhstan are holding positions in various international organizations. Foreigners coming here are amazed at the pace of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is a promising and developing state. I believe that in the future it will become even better, even stronger. The peaceful policy of the state, the development of intellectual and economic potential are the key to future prosperity.

Kazakhstan of the past - the historical homeland of brave Turkic tribes, a powerful Central Asian state; Kazakhstan of the present is an independent state with high rates of development, firmly gaining its place among the leading Asian states; Kazakhstan of the future is one of the recognized world powers.

We, the residents of Kazakhstan, and the state itself are one organic whole. We will do everything possible for its development, and in the end we will benefit ourselves - we will be citizens of a developed, independent, economically and politically powerful state.

Our class hour dedicated to the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan has come to an end. I think that you not only remembered, but also learned something new about the State symbols of our Republic. I hope that you will become true patriots of your Motherland, because according to Bernard Shaw, “patriotism is the belief that your country is better than others because it was in it that you were born.”

And in the philosophical dictionary the following definition of patriotism is given: “a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, the desire to defend the interests of the homeland.”

Love your Motherland and be worthy citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Cool hour. " Together with the President for a peaceful Kazakhstan!»

Target: give an idea of ​​the activities of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N.A. - a guarantor of stability, harmony, strengthening interethnic unity.


Lesson type: class hour

Methods: visual, verbal, partially search.

Shapes: collective, group.

Progress of the lesson.

Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Teacher - There is an amazing legend about the creation of Kazakhstan. It reads: “In the days of the creation of the world, God created heaven and earth, sea and oceans, all countries, all continents, but forgot about Kazakhstan. I remembered it at the last minute, but the material was gone. I quickly grabbed a piece from different places - an edge from America, an edge from Italy, a piece of the African desert, a strip of the Caucasus, folded it and stuck it where Kazakhstan should be.” It is impossible not to believe in this legend, because on our amazing land you can find everything: the eternally bare expanses of waterless salt marsh, and the most picturesque contrast of mountains, and the blueness of the sky, and the vast expanse of the seas, and magnificent forests.

1 student
Oh, Kazakhstan, my Republic -
Darling, what happiness it is,
What are you, my homeland?
And on sunny days and on days of bad weather.

2 student
I love your steppe expanses,
I love your high mountains too
Lakes, rivers, seas,
After all, this is your native land.

Poems about the Motherland.

3 student
Otan degen Atameken!
Otan degen tugan zher!
Otan ana, otan ulken!
Kazakhstan Tugan ate!

4 student
Otan menin - ata - anam,
Otan dosym, bauyrym!
Otan Olken - Astana.
Otan tugan - aylym!

5 student
There are countless large lakes in our region,
There are countless forested mountains in our region.
In our region there are no number of brave people,
Inhabiting the steppe expanse for a long time.

Dear guys, today’s class hour is dedicated to our Motherland, our President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev.

How do you understand the word “president”?

President (from Latin praesidens, genitive case praesidentis - sitting in front, at the head) - head of state in countries with a republican form of government.

Division of the group “I choose”


1.Who is the head of our state?

3.The capital of our Motherland?

The work will take place in groups:

"Bolashak" - "Future"

"Muragerler" - "Heir"

"Patriottar" - "Patriots"

Each tour is rated with a star

(brief conversation about choosing team names)

Brainstorm (group work) Write associations for the word “president”: power, state, stability, image, owner, .... responsibilities.
Teacher: Everyone has responsibilities - me, you, your parents and, of course, the President.


  1. Kazakhstan is……. (state)
  2. Capital of Kazakhstan….. (Astana)
  3. Head of state….. (president)
  4. What is the name of the president of our country? (N.A.Nazarbayev)
  5. What is the official language? (Kazakh)
  6. For how many years is the president elected in our country? (7 years old)
  7. What song is performed standing? (hymn)
  8. In what year was N.A. Nazarbayev born? (July 6, 1940)
  9. Basic Law of the State (Constitution
  1. Childhood . On July 6, 1940, in the Ushkonyr zhailau in the Trans-Ili Alatau, a long-awaited boy was born into the family of Abish and Alzhan Nazarbayev, whom his parents named Nursultan.
  2. Youth . Nursultan studied at school very diligently and with interest. He then graduated with honors from a vocational school and became a metallurgist.
  3. Youth . N.A. Nazarbayev spent his youth in Temirtau, where he met his wife Sara Alpysovna.
  4. Mature years. Since 1972 he has held leadership positions.
  5. December 1, 1991The first presidential elections of the Kazakh SSR took place.
  6. December 10, 1991The Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR adopts a law renaming the Kazakh SSR into the Republic of Kazakhstan and inaugurates the President of Kazakhstan.
  7. December 16, 1991The independence of the republic was proclaimed and Nursultan Nazarbayev became the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  8. Family . Like all ordinary people, N. Nazarbayev has a family. Wife Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva and 3 daughters: Dariga, Dinara and Aliya. He has 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. This is a loving father and grandfather.


Each team receives a crossword puzzle. KeywordsKazakhstan, Nazarbayev, different concepts are formed, depending on the number of cells.

Why are the words from different areas? What does this mean?

1. State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Flag, coat of arms, anthem)
2.National currency (Tenge)
3. Kazakh warrior - hero (Batyr)
4. Who is the 1st president of Kazakhstan? (N. A. Nazarbayev)
5. Hero of humorous stories and anecdotes of Kazakh folklore, folk tales (Aldar Kose)
6. What is the name of the Presidential Residence? (Akorda)

1.National sports games (Baiga, Kokpar)

2.What is our president’s favorite sport?

3. City - center for space exploration (Baikonur

4. Holiday of the unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan (May 1)
5. What does shanyrak symbolize (Shanyrak is the heart of the coat of arms. It is a hearth, a family
6. The year of the first presidential election?

International recognitions.Kazakhstan was recognized by the world community thanks to its leader.

The People's President together with the people

“He came from the people” - this is what they say about the President of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev grew up in a simple rural family and is well aware of the needs of ordinary people.

All socio-economic reforms in the country are carried out for the benefit of the people.
- How do we see the implementation of these reforms in our city? (Schools, kindergartens, houses, hospitals are being built, roads are being improved, cleanliness and comfort in the city are being improved.)

On every working trip to the regions, N. Nazarbayev finds time to communicate with citizens of the country.

Hobby. N. Nazarbayev devotes rare pauses in work to his favorite activities, which for him are both relaxation and entertainment.

This includes communication with nature, playing sports, music and reading books.

Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A museum is located in the former Residence of the Head of State N. Nazarbayev. It stores more than 60 thousand exhibits that reveal the most important stages in the formation of sovereign Kazakhstan and talk about the life and activities of the president.

Astana is a city of the future, the main symbol of independent Kazakhstan

What is the name of the capital of our state?

N. Nazarbayev is rightfully considered the main architect of the city.

Today Astana is the political, economic, cultural and spiritual center of the Republic.

What is the name of the Presidential Residence? (Akorda)

Monumental and sculptural composition “Kazakhstan”

In Almaty, in the park named after the first president of Kazakhstan, on November 11, 2011, this monument was opened, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

United Fatherland - independent Kazakhstan

We are Kazakhstanis, and we say this with great pride.
Loving the Fatherland is the first sign of civic maturity.

How can you demonstrate your civic maturity now? (Love the Motherland, be the owner of your land, honor the memory of your ancestors, be educated, healthy, brave, believe in the future, ...)

Unity of the people is the highest virtue

What symbol indicates that all the people of our state live as one friendly family? (shanyrak)

Where have you seen this sign? (on the country's coat of arms)

Mother tongue is a mirror of the nation

What is the official language?

What is the language of international communication?

Who is prohibited from speaking their native language? This means we have the right to speak any language.

Why is it important to know and study the state language? This means that we must take a responsible approach to Kazakh language lessons.

“Knowing, appreciating and respecting one’s native language is the filial duty of every citizen”

(reading home essay “I am the President”

4. tour Creative activity

Group work - make a collage “My Motherland”

(The song “I, you, he, she - together, a friendly family” sounds)

Speech from groups: What did you depict in your work?


Counting stars.

May these stars that you lit today become big in your life and illuminate your path, may they shine brightly over you and over our Motherland.


If you're excited to go to school in the morning, wave your right hand.
2. If you value honesty and integrity in people, take a step forward.
3. If you are confident in your abilities, stomp your foot.
4. If you believe that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social background, take a step back.
5. If you care about the fate of your country, clap your hands.
6. If you consider yourself patriotic, raise both hands up.
7. If you believe that your country will take its rightful place in the world, stretch both hands forward.
8. If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands

Year: 2013

Primary school teacher
Tyurina Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
region, Balkhash
KSU "Secondary school No. 4 named after N. Krupskaya city

Class hour

“The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation”

Target: give an idea of ​​the activities of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N.A. – a guarantor of stability, harmony, strengthening interethnic unity.

Development of cognitive activity, expansion of knowledge about the work of the President
To contribute to the formation of ideas about our state, about the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Develop thinking, speech, creative abilities.
To cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for state symbols, patriotism, harmony and friendly relationships between students.

1. Organizational moment.
Slideshow “Nature of Kazakhstan”
What picture appeared before you. Was there anything familiar or familiar in this picture? What can you call a place that is very dear to you? (Motherland).
2. Conversation about the homeland.
- Guys, what does the word “Motherland” mean to you? The Motherland is a great country with a great history and people.
The homeland is also the place where we were born, grew up, live, where we speak our native language and everyone here is family to us.

What other synonym word can we choose for the word “Motherland”? (fatherland, fatherland, mother)
What do you call a person who loves his homeland? (patriot)
What proverbs about the Motherland do you know?
What is the name of the country where we live?
The poem is read by Anzhelika Latypova
I love Kazakhstan, my country.
I love traveling to countries
Wander around different villages and cities.
But no matter how good it is in countries foreign to me,
I am in a hurry to return to my Kazakhstan.
I walked through the Swiss Alps,
Their forest attire is beautiful and elegant.
But they will never compare
At the foot of the Trans-Ili Mountains.
The Buge canals fascinate me so much,
Bright gondolas are calling to Venice.
But the steppes of Kazakhstan, dear,
They attract and attract you more strongly.
I was in London, in the royal park,
I was in the park of the French kings,
But what in the world could be more beautiful,
Than the view of the steppes blooming in spring.
The German forest is beautiful and tidy,
It sparkles with sterile cleanliness.
But how beautiful is Kazakhstani,
Our protected forest, dear.
In Europe you take a step, it’s already a border,
And the eye wants to have space.
But my Kazakhstan is not a foreign country for you,
It is boundless and great.

3. Flags of the USSR
Teacher: Our Kazakhstan is a very young state. How many of you know how old the independent Republic of Kazakhstan is? Just 21 years ago, our Motherland was part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The USSR consisted of 15 friendly republics. Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan were friends with each other. (a slide appears for each republic when I name it)
Even now, when each state has become independent, this friendship does not stop.

In 1991, the news of the birth of an independent state, whose name was the Republic of Kazakhstan, spread throughout the world.
The Kazakh people went through considerable trials before winning the right to their state symbols - the Anthem, the Coat of Arms and the Flag.

The state emblem and flag are symbols of our lives and accompany each of us throughout our entire life journey. They are depicted on state seals, banknotes, government papers, etc.
4. Presentation “My Motherland Kazakhstan”.
Imagine that you are a participant in an international youth forum. During the week, you communicated with young people from different countries, made friends, but many know little about your country, and you want to tell so much more. You have decided to hold a presentation “My Motherland-Kazakhstan.”
You have been given time to prepare. How and what will you tell about your country?
So, “My Motherland is Kazakhstan”
5. Leader of the nation.
Today day and night are equal -
The moment of the equinox arrives.
And in the east we called it -
Nauryz Meiram il New Year.
Kazakhs, Turks and Uzbeks,
Well, in general, everyone is Muslim
How many times, for once
Nauryz was celebrated in the spring.
Praise the gods, everything has changed radically,
The country acquired sovereignty,
Our humble eagle spread its wings,
And Kazakhstan gained authority.
Now we celebrate the holiday
Cultural values ​​and creative source.
Kozha Nasyr, Aldar Kose the prankster
They make people laugh, they lead the flow of people.
All cultures mixed at this festival!
After all, there are many nations in Kazakhstan, you can’t count them.
It’s not structures that bring people together,
People are united by peace, love and honor.
Our president, God bless him,
Did a tremendous job!
Raised the country from its knees to its foundations,
Well, others follow him in rhythm!
-What is the name of our president? (Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev)
President Nazarbayev is the guarantor of stability, harmony, strengthening interethnic unity, which has a positive effect on the dynamic development of Kazakhstan, its inclusion among the highly developed countries of the world, as evidenced by the holding of the OSCE summit in Astana, as well as international sports competitions in 2011 in Astana and Almaty.

The achievements of Kazakhstan both in domestic politics and in the international arena are rightfully associated with the personality of the President.

On his initiative, a number of global reforms were carried out to improve education and science. Over the past years, students have had the opportunity to receive European education under the Presidential Program “Bolashak” in order to apply the acquired knowledge in their native land.
(short biography slide film)

The thinking and activities of the leader of Kazakhstan, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev is a reliable guarantee of the rapid development of the country.

Finish the sentence: “I love my homeland or my city because...”.

On a large piece of white paper, each child in the group outlines their palm and writes a wish for their country on it.
8. Reflection.
1. If you are excited to go to school in the morning, wave your right hand.
2. If you value honesty and integrity in people, take a step forward.
3. If you are confident in your abilities, stomp your foot.
4. If you believe that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social background, take a step back.
5. If you care about the fate of your country, clap your hands.
6. If you consider yourself patriotic, raise both hands up.
7. If you believe that your country will take its rightful place in the world, stretch both hands forward.
8. If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the activities of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Nazarbayev N.A. To develop the concept of “Motherland”, to form a holistic idea of ​​the Republic of Kazakhstan as a country with rich natural resources, with a diversity of flora and fauna, to instill a love of languages, respect for the peoples living in Kazakhstan, to develop cognitive activity, thinking and memory, to educate feeling of patriotism.

Equipment: children's drawings, map of Kazakhstan, balloons, symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, portrait of the President, book exhibition, laptop, presentation, musical accompaniment.

Class progress

The National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is played.

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Guys, let's start today's class with a riddle.

Guess what we are talking about?

The native side is always warm,
She is remembered with kindness and light,
And to me, immensely rich,
Given by a gracious fate.
How can I not love her more and more!
After all, six Germaniums will fit in it!
Altai is the beginning, the Caspian Sea is the end.
This is where the nest of my destiny lies!

2. Welcome circle “Weather forecast”.

Children stand one after another in a circle, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Under the verbal accompaniment of the teacher, they give each other a comic massage: it is sunny in Astana (the children draw the rays of the sun on their backs). Etc.

3. Conversation.

What was the poem about - a riddle?

Correctly, the poem speaks about our Motherland - Kazakhstan.

Let's remember a little about her.

There is a republic on the map like this,
Great, mighty, dear,
Kazakhstan is the name of the country
Kazakhstan is the name of spring,
Kazakhstan is the name of freedom,
Kazakhstan is sunshine,
Kazakhstan is the wings of victory!

It is great from Altai to the Caspian Sea,
It is broad, like the soul of the people.
She is Europe, she is also Asia
And the waves of the Urals, and the splash of the Irtysh.
Native land, young and ancient, -
I sing about you and live through you!

I look to the north - I see the greenery of the trees,
I’ll look to the south - the winds dry the grass,
You have everything: forests, lakes,
And the blue depths of overworked rivers,
Endless steppes, high mountains.
And I am your master and your man!

Do you guys know poems about the Motherland?

4. Teacher:

The land of Kazakhstan is truly great. More than 120 nationalities have lived here in peace and harmony for a century. More than 16 million people live in our state! All peoples have equal rights! And we all live in a common house, under a single shanyrak.

5. Warm-up “We feel good.”

We live in Kazakhstan, (arms to the sides)
Everyone has their own house, (hands with a house)
There is work (fist to fist)
There are friends, (clap your hands)
Mom, dad, there is me too! (Hug ourselves)

6. Intellectual game “I know State symbols.”

Each nation has symbols associated with its history, tradition and culture. Kazakhstan also has them. These are the State Flag, the State Emblem, and the National Anthem. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan are obliged to respect State symbols.

So, we are starting a game dedicated to the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Rules of the game:

The class is divided into two teams. The first team has blue tokens, the second - yellow. If the team answers the question correctly, then it is allowed to put a token in the piggy bank. At the end of the game, we open the piggy bank and count the tokens. Whichever team has more tokens in its piggy bank, that team wins.

Questions about the flag.

1. What shape does the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan have?

2. What are the dimensions of the flag?

3. Continue “The blue color of the flag is considered to represent...”

4. What does the sun with diverging rays symbolize?

5. What detail of the flag introduces the culture and national customs of the Kazakh people?

6. The soaring eagle on the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan symbolizes...

7. What does the golden color of the ornament, the eagle and the sun express?

Questions about the coat of arms.

1. What shape does the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan have?

2. Legendary horses are...

3. Color of the state emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

4. What word is written at the bottom of the coat of arms?

Questions about the anthem.

1. The national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan begins with the words:

A) silver, B) sky, C) gold.

2. What action should citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan perform when the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is played?

4. When was the composition “My Kazakhstan” given the official status of an anthem? (2006 Presidential Inauguration)

Questions for testing. "Not really"

1. The capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan is Moscow. -

2. The flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan depicts an eagle and the sun. -

3. Our flag is green. -

4. The coat of arms contains images of a deer. -

5. The image of the coat of arms contains shanyrak and uyky.

8. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - N.A. Nazarbayev. -

9. The anthem has 2 verses. -

Summing up the game. The jury opens the piggy bank. The tokens are counted. The winners are awarded.

7. Teacher’s story about the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“Our President chose the right path,
He boldly managed to look far.
Nazarbayev knew how steel melts,
He believed in the people and the cherished distance...”

But speaking about the state, it is impossible to remain silent about the head of state - the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - N.A. Nazarbayev. The word president, translated from Latin, means “sitting in front”! The President ensures that the laws of the Constitution are not violated, the President protects the sovereignty of the state! December 1, 1991 N.A. Nazarbayev became the first President of sovereign Kazakhstan. And for many years Nazarbayev has been the first President of our state, thanks to this the welfare of our country is growing, sports complexes, kindergartens, schools, entertainment centers, and health centers are being built.

1. Historical background

Nursultan Nazarbayev was born on July 6, 1940 in the village of Chemolgan, Kaskelen district, Alma-Ata region of the Kazakh SSR, into the family of Abish and Alzhan, who worked in agriculture. Comes from the Shaprashta family of the Senior Zhuz

In 1960 - graduated from vocational school No. 22 in Dneprodzerzhinsk. In 1967 he graduated from a technical college at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant.

He began his career in 1960 as a worker in the construction department of the Kazmetallurgstroy trust in the city of Temirtau, Karaganda region. Then he worked as a cast iron worker for casting machines, a blast furnace forge at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, a dispatcher, and a gas operator.

In 1973 he was elected secretary of the party committee of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant.

In 1977 - Secretary of the Karaganda Regional Party Committee.

In 1984 - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR.

Since April 1990 - President of the Kazakh SSR.

On December 1, 1991, the first popular elections of the President of the Republic took place, during which N.A. Nazarbayev received the support of 98.7% of voters.

On December 16, 1991, the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR adopted the Law on State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the country was renamed the Republic of Kazakhstan, and accordingly, N.A. Nazarbayev became the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On June 15, 2010, Nazarbayev was officially assigned the status of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation.

On April 3, in early presidential elections, he was re-elected President of Kazakhstan for the fourth time until December 2016. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Article 42, paragraph 5), the same person cannot be elected President of the Republic more than two times in a row, but this restriction does not apply to the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Nursultan’s childhood. Family

Since childhood, Nursultan Nazarbayev knew his ancestry up to the twelfth generation. Nursultan's direct ancestor in the eighth generation was Karasai Batyr, who in 1640-1680 accomplished many feats in the war with the Dzungars.

Nursultan’s grandfather, Nazarbay, was a biy and, according to documents from the Central Archives of Kazakhstan, in the 1880s he was a wealthy man, owned a water mill and “an irrigation ditch, 100 fathoms long,” leading to it. And also, from a young age, N. Nazarbayev also thoroughly knew the genealogy of the shezhire on his mother’s side.

Wife - Nazarbayeva Sara Alpysovna - engineer-economist. Currently heads the International Children's Charitable Foundation “B?bek” (“Baby”). N. Nazarbayev has three daughters: Dariga, Dinara, Aliya, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

In 2011, several films were released that captured the image of Nursultan Nazarbayev in cinema. The film “The Sky of My Childhood” is dedicated to the childhood and youth of the first president of Kazakhstan

3. Interesting facts

Record holder for being in power among post-Soviet countries. Since 1989 he has been the first person of the republic. One of the oldest leaders among the countries of the former USSR - 72 years old. Only Islam Karimov is older than him. Also, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are the only countries in the former USSR where the main person has not changed since independence.
His birthday coincides with the national holiday Capital Day. And May 7th is Dariga’s birthday and Day? Defender of the Fatherland. Both are holidays.
Monuments were erected to him in the Presidential Park in Almaty and Ankara.
Streets in Jordan and Turkey, as well as a university, schools and a peak, are named after him.
4. Hobbies

Nazarbayev was awarded 2 State Awards of the USSR, 36 Awards of foreign states, 10 Kazakhstan anniversary medals. Has

Over 20 Scientific titles, 5 honorary titles, including “Person of the Year” and “Person of the Century”. He is an Honorary Citizen of 7 countries and cities, awarded 28 public awards

8. Reflection:

What interesting things did you learn?

What was important to you?

What was new and unknown for you?

9. Conclusion.

You are the young generation of our republic. Do you want to live in a rule of law state?! So do everything to make life around you fair. Observe and honor the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
