How to take revenge on an offender - smart ways to take revenge on people’s misbehavior.

There are often situations in our lives that hurt so much or leave an unpleasant mark that it is simply impossible to get rid of the desire for revenge. The desire to take revenge for injustice is quite understandable and justified, but one should not forget about the articles of the Criminal Code and subsequent responsibility for the actions committed.

When wondering how to take revenge on a scoundrel, it is necessary to consider methods that cannot compromise you personally and will not lead to unpleasant consequences. Such methods of revenge can be called minor dirty tricks, which can significantly ruin the life of the offender, but at the same time soothe your wounded pride and satisfy your vengeful intentions.

How to properly take revenge on a person knowing his phone number?

Events that appeal to your sense of justice may be associated with fraud, with neighbors, with the betrayal of a friend or girlfriend. Let's say you were deceived or became a victim of a scammer. How can you take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number, without causing suspicion on yourself?

Revenge by phone number involves the use of various services and programs:

  1. Use a spammer auto-dialer. On the Internet, if you wish, you can find sites that offer programs for auto-dialing a phone number. When using such a service, the offender’s phone will receive calls endlessly hundreds of times a day with different settings - playing a certain audio recording, a voice message, disconnecting or holding the call on the line. This type of revenge is called “spoofing” or, more simply, a flood attack on a phone number. This type of revenge will not cause much trouble, but it will significantly ruin the life and nerves of the offender. This service can be ordered either as a mobile or landline phone number, or via a Skype nickname.
  2. Order SMS flood to a phone number. A type of dirty trick that is similar to an auto-dialer, but instead of calls, the phone number will constantly receive messages of various contents. The text and frequency of SMS attacks are regulated personally using the program or by agreement with the company providing the services.
  3. Placing advertisements on various platforms for selling goods from hand to hand. Another way to take revenge on a person for an insult is to place an advertisement for the sale of, for example, a super-cheap car and indicate his phone number. Site visitors, greedy for cheap purchases, will be tormented with calls, at any time of the day or night.

The above types of revenge without personal confession cannot lead to you. Naturally, when establishing contact with site managers and when launching flood programs, it is better to access something other than your computer, or your home or work network. It is better to use a one-time email address and carry out all actions in public areas with wireless Internet.

How to take revenge on a scammer if you know his phone number?

Perhaps one of the most cruel and dirty methods of revenge, which already borders on meanness, is the use of various dating sites. Perhaps, for minor offenders, minor nasty things will be enough, but if you have been seriously scammed, then you can go beyond the bounds of decency.

Submitting an ad on a dating site indicating intimate details or needs on behalf of your abuser and with his phone number will arouse great interest among a number of inadequate users who are active participants in such resources. Probably, after such interest, your abuser will have to change his phone number.

As the Klingons said, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." If someone has done something that annoys you, is so heinous, so downright upsetting that you have no choice but to get revenge, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are many insidious options available to you: passive revenge, active revenge and just plain nasty revenge. How to choose? wikiHow can help. See Step 1 for more information.


Part 1

Passive revenge

    Ignore the person. Sometimes, just sitting and doing nothing is the best way to respond to a bully or tormentor who wants to hurt you. By responding when you hurl insults at them and vent your anger, they continue to gain the upper hand over you and prove that you are getting what you deserve. By ignoring and excluding a person from your life, you make them dead to you. It all ends and you can forget about them.

    • Being ignored can be just as frustrating, if not more so, than being taken advantage of. This technique works especially well with people who try to embarrass you in front of others, such as siblings, bullies at school, or co-workers who make fun of you.
  1. Live your life."The best revenge is to live well." Act as if everything that happened and what caused your revenge had no effect on you. Put up a barrier and continue to live as always. Even if you are in a stupor because someone hurt you, hold your head high and don't let them see how hurt you are. The sweetest revenge is to move on and live better than the person who hurt you.

    Don't help a person when he needs it. This works especially well in a production environment or any situation in which you are constantly criticized for your honest attempts to help or get your job done. Let them work on their own and know how to manage without you. They will get an answer.

    • If you're working on a team project at school and everyone is laughing at your efforts, step away and work on your own. When the deadline comes, let the teacher know that your group has decided not to support you.
    • If one of your siblings, roommates, or your partner criticizes some of your efforts around the house, stop doing the laundry or doing the dishes and let them do the work themselves.
  2. Insult them publicly. Order offensive materials and mail them to your victim at a compromising time of day. Order the latest dirty videos or VHS box of Essentials DVDs and send them to the office, making sure they get to the person at work during a meeting or other important time. Don't write a specific office to make sure the delivery person asks around the entire office park before finding the person.

  3. Scare them. Send them something nice, like flowers, but from someone disgusting or disreputable. Make sure you order anonymously and pay in cash so they receive flowers with a note that says, “Your yard is really comfortable to sleep in.” or anything else creepy, they will be terrified.

    • Being sinister is acceptable, just don't go overboard. You don't have to actually sleep in their yard or do anything illegal.
    • Keep your head high, don't look back at them and act like you are better than them.
    • The enemy of your enemy can be your friend. Bring some people with you.
    • If you're going to do more than one thing, stretch out the fun. You can do one small thing every two weeks or one big thing every month. Thus, it will be unexpected for them.
    • Make friends with the enemy's friends so that you can defeat him from within.
    • Insult them!
    • If you're annoyed, revenge should be mega easy.
    • Don't hurt your enemy. Just ignore him.
    • Revenge should ALWAYS be a last resort. Try to resolve the issue differently before taking revenge!


    • Be very careful not to overdo it. Otherwise, you will end up in serious trouble and your enemies will probably gloat.

Many will say that there is nothing easier than betraying a person who has trusted you, but true geniuses of intrigue and invention approach this process scientifically, driving their insidious actions into the strictly defined framework of a pre-thought-out algorithm. That is why for those who have not encountered such a phenomenon, this guide may be useful, and moreover, it is strongly recommended for study, which examines four generalized methods of deception and takes into account many years of experience in betrayals, deceptions and scams.

So, to commit real, true meanness, you must have a friend who has trusted you. You need to choose him carefully, and if you are just a beginning scoundrel, it is better to choose a naive person who believes in justice and mutual assistance. A kind of simpleton, an unexpected stab in the back. It should be noted that we only consider options in which your reputation remains unchanged or even improves. Any other option will satisfy only narrow-minded people who are accustomed to being content with little.

1. Minor foul tactics.
Start with something simpler, something that, even if you get caught, can be presented as a funny joke. For example, when you order tea with a friend on the train, remove the sugar. A friend will definitely slander the conductor at first, but after 2-3 such insults, the friend may suspect something, at least by the number of pieces of paper in your cup... But the evening is just beginning, isn’t it? Therefore, under no circumstances let him guess about anything, and to effectively inflame passions, be sure to change the so-called pain points. In practice, it looks like this - first we rub the sugar, then we spray some water from a spray bottle onto the freshly brought laundry, then we hide the change we brought for tea... If you do everything correctly, there will be one less guide in the world, and your friend will be in trouble for a long time...
By the way, it’s better not to follow him to the police station... Instead, we put on a mask of holy innocence and, throwing up our hands, we constantly repeat to those around us, “No, I don’t believe it, it’s not true, he’s incapable of this.” If you are a girl, be sure to say, “Oh, what a bastard, but he seemed quite normal.”

2. Destruction of relationships.
Usually girls prefer this method, but guys also sometimes resort to this type of setup. The point is to deprive a person of a potential spouse... The main thing to remember here is that meanness should be devoid of motive and you should not strive to take the place of a friend. Remember that for those who have elevated meanness to the rank of art, motives for framing are not needed. It is the motives that often bring a scoundrel to light, so you should remain impartial and engage in the destruction of relationships simply for the love of meanness.
In fact, there are too many methods and tricks in this field, and they deserve at least a separate book, certainly full of unexpected, bold solutions worthy of the closest study. However, the pearl of the collection is still a whirlwind romance with a friend’s future mother-in-law, during which a negative attitude is slowly created against the future son-in-law by conveying some information from a certain angle. We give an example of such information in a narrative form - “Fedya (Gosha, Petya, Vasya) once invited me to a brothel for company, but I, naturally, refused. So he got so drunk out of frustration that he vomited all over your daughter’s car.” Even in the event of final failure, there is no doubt that it will certainly not seem like enough to a friend. And you need to part with your mother-in-law immediately after her rage reaches the desired temperature. Be sure to tell your friend “what a bitch she turned out to be,” and that “you’ll soon see that for yourself.”

3. Practice good advice.
A very effective tactic, and in most cases it allows the master of the set-up to get away with it. It consists of giving bad advice, having previously wrapped it in a veil of virtuous, compassionate regret... Skillfully selected and carefully verified advice will drive a friend to suicide within two to three years. These are timely phrases like “You are lucky to have a job, but, of course, there is no future for it” (said after a successful meeting, a profitable deal, a trip, etc.), “You urgently need to go to study, because what you have you can hardly be called educated" (This is said at graduation, just after they drank to the diploma you received), "You think about your girlfriend, I recently saw her late at night in a store with some jerk" (a mandatory phrase at a bachelor party before wedding)...

4. Sharpening by duty.

It is carried out by simply borrowing a large amount of money without returning it. The subtlety is that the size of the amount should be sensitive for the lender, but not large enough for the borrower to refuse. The size of the loan can be artificially inflated by adding heartbreaking details. Examples of such details can be very different:
- I urgently need money for a bribe; because of my flat feet, they won’t take me into the army...
- My most beloved grandmother’s hamster got sick, but there is no money for treatment and a trip to Vladivostok... Poor, poor little animal... No, I’m not talking about my grandmother.
- The car is in the impound area, and I have to go to Copenhagen for the symposium... Give me money for a taxi until Monday...
You can be absolutely sure that the victim will long and painfully remember the day when he so frivolously gave out the requested amount. Remember that in order for him not to forget about your debt and in no case will any punitive actions follow, you need to call more or less regularly for one and a half to two years and promise to return everything in the very near future.

This is just a brief overview of the methods of setup, but remember - the world always gives you ways and opportunities for improvisation in this area, which should not be neglected. And only having learned all the principles of deception, having made friends with them with an improvised approach when used, only then will you achieve real heights and achievements in the difficult art of betrayal. But remember, no one should ever have the opportunity or grounds to accuse you of dishonesty. So you can lose friendship, and a friend, as Don Corleone used to say, is only a little less than family...

Many beautiful, but invariably cruel words have been said about revenge. And, probably, there is no person in the world who could boast that he has never felt a thirst for revenge. Everyone has their own reasons for this. And, despite the fact that the soul is burning, and the heart is eager to bring pain to the offender equal to that which he caused to us, we still want to remain human, and if we take revenge, then take revenge beautifully.

What is revenge?

This is one of those questions that you can ask every person living on Earth and never hear the same answers. Dictionaries state that revenge is just retribution for inconvenience and suffering caused. In some cultures, this is considered a noble cause. But a large number of people sincerely believe that only fools who lack moral principles take revenge. Who is right and how to choose your side in this issue? Probably the first thing you should do is decide on your understanding of this word. In ancient times, revenge led to terrible and bloody consequences, since all family members and friends of the warring parties entered into the conflict. Every action, seemingly done with good intentions in restoring justice, led to a new reason for revenge. It turned out to be a vicious circle from which it was impossible to get out. Just remember Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". Is it really wise to leave a blood feud after many generations? But is it fair to forget a long-standing grudge? There are so many people, so many opinions, but in our time, when progress does not seem to sleep, it is worth listening to the voice of reason and ethics in order to know how to take graceful revenge on the offender.

Reasons for revenge

It so happened that, despite the fact that almost all segments of society are subject to the thirst for revenge, it is still not customary to talk about it. The offender cultivates his anger too deeply in his soul, and the offended person cultivates his indignation. Sometimes the basis of revenge is envy, and this suggests that such “retribution” will definitely be a low act. But what if there was betrayal, betrayal, deep resentment? How to take revenge in this case? It is unreasonable to be ashamed of your desire for retribution. But before you look for ways to take revenge on your offender, listen to yourself: will this really make you feel better? Will your resentment really diminish? If the answer is an unequivocal “yes,” then such a step is apparently really necessary. But be prepared for the fact that any action you take will entail a response from the enemy.

Each of us has faced a choice between the simple and the right, so there is no point in giving clear instructions on behavior in the case when anger clouds the eyes. But there are some general recommendations that will help optimize the situation and mitigate the consequences.

So, the first and most important recommendation would be to moderate your ardor and understand that it is difficult to assess the level of damage caused to you and respond with something similar. Don't just try to make proportionate crap. Think about how to take revenge on the offender effectively, but fairly. Only in this case you will not lose face.

The second tip goes hand in hand with the first: remember the possible consequences! Your actions may go beyond the law, and the most unfortunate result of your revenge may be criminal punishment.

Do not involve strangers in your business. You yourself can later repent of having offended or humiliated an absolutely innocent person.

Well, the last recommendation can be expressed in one catchphrase: “Revenge is a dish that is served cold.” Wait a little and let the feelings subside. Assess the situation from the outside, and you will find effective ways to take revenge on the offender.

To the point

If even after a while your heart cannot calm down, and you are drawn to give the offender what he deserves, then start planning your actions.

Yes, revenge is not done spontaneously, unless, of course, you want it to be remembered. Take a closer look at the object of your retribution, discover its weak points, decide where you want to strike. Let your hypothetical victim relax and forget about you. If the enemy does not expect the blow, then he loses his vigilance. The easiest way to figure out how to take revenge on an offender is to use an example.

If your lover cheated

In most cases, revenge is committed out of great feeling. It is very painful to realize that a loved one suddenly turned out to be a traitor and literally dragged into the mud everything that was bright and good in your relationship.

Have you been cheated on? Were you insulted? Humiliated? How to take revenge on the offender? Most often, the next stage is scandal and breakup. But there are more original ways to punish the offender. They cheated on you - answer in the same coin, but to do this, become better, more confident, more interesting. Have an affair with your significant other's boss. This is rather a female version of revenge. With a successful development of events, the offended lady can achieve reduction of her offender in the service and general censure. Unfortunately, this method of revenge cannot be called beautiful, although in women's novels it always evokes strong emotions.

How to take revenge on an offender beautifully?

Let's remain human, even using revenge to benefit ourselves. If a couple has cheated, is it worth fighting for this person? Everyone decides for themselves, but it seems that the main nuance of the answer to this question is the depth of feelings. If they exist, then the lover will give in to the loved one, allowing him to take out fear, pain and resentment.

In some aspects, man is the most unhappy among the representatives of the living world, as he is prone to self-examination and criticism. In other words, by hurting another, we damage ourselves, our integrity and our soul. If we destroy a person’s faith in ourselves, then we lose him, and those around him see this and understand that they cannot trust us. So is there a worse revenge? Therefore, it is better to leave thoughts of retribution on your loved one. Let him go and trust him to judge his own actions.

In the case of a stranger

It’s a completely different matter when the role of the offender is a stranger, a passer-by, a neighbor, a work colleague, or just a street lout who flaunts his bad manners in front of his friends.

For them, perhaps the action is not so important. They will forget it in a minute, and your mood is hopelessly spoiled. Who among us has not been in such a situation when a fleeting word thrown after us was more humiliating than a thoughtful speech, and a sunny day suddenly seemed dull and worthless? Let's think, if we consider a person to be an outsider, then what weight do his words or actions have? Is it worth paying attention to them?

Are you thinking about how to take revenge on an offender at work? Yes, the situation when a colleague cannot behave correctly is very unpleasant. But retaliatory actions can harm you, so you shouldn’t be like your offender. Refrain from complaining to your superiors and gossiping among other colleagues. Instead, take a closer look at the employee’s actions and behavior. Remember that careful observation is more likely to tell you how to take revenge on the offender at work. Does he laugh a lot and regularly spend most of the day in the smoking room? Maybe he has no friends, and this is how he tries to gain a foothold in society. After work, he invites the entire department to the bar? Isn't this a hidden problem with alcohol? Observing a colleague will force you to listen carefully to his presentations, ask incriminating questions and, accordingly, delve deeper into the topic. Searching for weaknesses in your opponent at work can quite logically lead to the fact that your superiors will pay attention to your composure and offer you a higher position with an appropriate salary and a comfortable office. So your revenge will be accomplished, note, it is very beautiful, during the implementation of which you remain human!

Taking revenge in the virtual world

If in reality we can see the offender and at least guess what pushes him to such actions, then in the virtual world this is more difficult. For such people who spend their days provoking scandals on all kinds of forums and pages of social networks, they even have their own name - “trolls”. They caustically notice the slightest mistakes, shortcomings in appearance or upbringing, instantly get personal and are happy to try, stretching the conflict over many pages with the involvement of more and more new heroes.

First of all, you need to realize that this is a daily activity for them, almost work, and they may not experience any special negative feelings towards you. Do we get offended by waiters when they treat us indifferently? Or do we want to take revenge on the security guard if he didn’t let us into the club? This is their job, and since trolls cause negativity, it means they do it well. If, nevertheless, we are thinking about how to take revenge on the offender on VKontakte, then we should approach this with irony and humor. If our opponent cannot evoke negativity in us, then he loses his strength and begins to weaken, like an energy vampire. Amaze him with bright emotions and consider that your revenge is accomplished.

Let's go into the wilds of magic

To conclude our article, let's talk about the most unexplored area of ​​revenge - magic. When it comes to the question of how to take revenge on an offender, magic offers a huge range of possibilities. Various healers, witches, sorceresses, who place their advertisements in newspapers, promise complete moral satisfaction, damage and fair retribution.

No one can say with certainty that this is a deception, and the conspiracy will not work, so why would you take responsibility for a possible sin? There is another relatively harmless, but terrible way of revenge - this is a doll. Does everyone remember voodoo magic? So, sew a doll of your offender, try to make it as similar as possible, dress it up in clothes and send it to him. You don’t need any slander or prayers; you don’t even need to turn to magicians who can tell you how to take revenge on your offender. There is no conspiracy here, but a person who receives an exact copy of himself in a package will be very frightened and will seriously think about his behavior. However, this method of revenge is still designed for people with strong nerves. So think about your actions and do them with a pure heart.

At first glance, it seems that taking revenge via the Internet is not serious. But in reality this is not so, especially if the one you want to take revenge on cannot do without accounts on social networks, ICQ, and, of course, mail. And even if he can, there are still ways to ruin his life using the Internet, which I will now tell you about. We will start with the simplest and most harmless ones, and from them we will gradually move on to the complex and dangerous ones:

1) If our victim cannot do without mail and some kind of messenger, this is to our advantage. This method was invented a long time ago and is extremely simple: you need to “bomb” your mailbox with letters, this is done using a special program - “bomber”, which you can find on the Internet or write yourself. The same thing can be done with the messenger: send a bunch of messages to the interlocutor, and his program may even freeze. It is better to do this when he is not online; when he logs in, all these messages will immediately begin to be transmitted to him and, if the computer is not very powerful, this can lead to freezing.

2) If the victim has a page on a social network or a blog, then you can spoil him there - in the same way, with a bunch of messages on the wall or in the comments. It is almost impossible to do this through the program - after a dozen messages the captcha will start to appear, and you will sooner take revenge on yourself. But you can hire someone for this task, for example, create a paid task on wmmail, if you don’t mind the money for such a thing.

3) Another way of revenge is “trolling”. But it is not given to everyone, since it requires a certain talent. I think there is no need to explain what needs to be done.

4) You know the mobile phone number - very well, we will pester the subscriber with SMS or constant calls. SMS can be sent from ICQ, there is usually a small message limit, but registering a new UIN takes a couple of minutes. And if you want to make the subscriber nervous, there is a “ring flooder” for this, written for Skype, but calls to regular phones are paid.

5) Introducing the subscriber to nice people is the best thing. If you haven’t noticed, you can specify a phone number in a contact without confirming it, both mobile and home, as well as an ICQ number and e-mail. We post photos and write that we really, really love chatting on the phone. This method is perfect if you are taking revenge on a girl, but if you are taking revenge on a guy, you will have to spend money on a rating, and the result is not guaranteed, because girls are somehow not very eager to get to know each other.

6) Dangerous method. Waging war from a “fake” page with some embittered citizen, who will definitely recognize the victim’s address by phone number or photographs, or you yourself will tell him, and punish him.

7) The most difficult way is to hack your account and damage relationships with friends. The second stage is no easier than the previous one, because friends can guess about the hack, and you need to be very careful.

All methods are presented for informational purposes, and the author does not bear any responsibility for their use or non-use; any actions are at your own peril and risk, your responsibility. Remember this.
