As a form of practical training in teaching general professional disciplines (using the example of technical mechanics) Shchepinova Lyudmila Sergeevna teacher. Modern problems of science and education Modern methods of teaching in technical mechanics


Regional state budgetary professional educational institution


A.V. Pashikhina




A methodological manual on the basics of Technical Mechanics has been compiled for teachers involved in teaching students of specialties that are part of an enlarged group of specialties:

    22.00.00 “Material Technologies”;

    08.00.00 “Engineering and construction technologies”;

    15.00.00 “Mechanical Engineering”;

    21.00.00 “Applied geology, mining, oil and gas engineering and geodesy”;

    13.00.00 “Electricity and heat power engineering”

The purpose of the methodological manual is to demonstrate pedagogical experience in teaching the discipline “Technical Mechanics” in lessons of various types.

The organization of the lesson and its implementation is determined by the type of lesson and its structure. Most often, when teaching the fundamentals of “Technical Mechanics,” the following types of lessons are used: presentation of new material, practical exercise, combined lesson, the teaching methods of which will be discussed in this article.


The discipline “Technical Mechanics” covers a wide range of issues from different fields of science: theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, machine parts and mechanisms.

The inclusion of this discipline in the curriculum of educational institutions is aimed at:

    To increase the level of technical knowledge of students so that they understand the structure and operation of mechanisms and machines.

    Contribute to a deeper scientific substantiation of issues studied in special technology, materials science and other technical disciplines.

    Ensure a conscious understanding of the work techniques and processes covered in lessons.

    Teach students to make calculations of structural elements for strength, rigidity, stability, shear, crushing, compression.

    Carry out assembly and disassembly work in accordance with the nature of the connections of parts and assembly units.

    To instill in students a materialistic worldview and raise their cultural level.

    Meet the employer’s requirements by demonstrating your level of training at international competitions “Young Professionals” (WorldSkillsRussia).

A large volume of educational material with a limited number of hours allocated to studying the discipline creates difficulties in teaching this subject.

This article proposes a methodology for teaching the fundamentals of the discipline “Technical Mechanics” in various types of lessons. It is taken into account that the main form of training is a lesson with a constant group of students.

LESSON No. 1 Presentation of new material.

Subject: Introduction. Technical mechanics and its sections.

Target: To familiarize students with the basic concepts and terminology of mechanics. To interest the subject by indicating the variety of objects studied by mechanics.

Visual aids:

    Portraits of the most prominent mechanical scientists.

    Posters depicting objects whose motion or equilibrium are considered in various sections of the discipline “Technical Mechanics”.


    Models of mechanical transmissions and machine parts.

    Small architectural and interior forms made from machine parts.

Lesson content: Any lesson begins with a greeting to the audience and the teacher, introductions or checking the attendance of students for the lesson.

The difference between this type of lesson and a lesson, for example, a combined type, is that there is no survey or checking of homework. The presentation of new material occurs at the beginning of the academic year or the beginning of studying a new section of the discipline.

This article proposes the structure of the lesson, which falls on the first lesson in the discipline “Technical Mechanics”.

The effectiveness of the learning process depends not only on the content of training, but also on how the material is absorbed. Improving the quality of material assimilation is solved by motivation, increasing the efficiency of perception, understanding and control of material assimilation. All elements of effective teaching must interact with health.

Motivation gives the educational process direction, selectivity, meaningfulness, dynamism and is the most important factor in successful learning. To develop educational motivation, it is necessary to form it by the teacher himself, thanks to the correctly selected type of training.

The effectiveness of perception implies a variety of techniques used. The variety of methodological techniques does not lead to fatigue of students, since slurred speech complicates perception, as does loud speech. Long-term viewing of video material leads to rapid visual fatigue, and an audio stream leads to auditory fatigue, etc. Therefore, I believe that the first lesson is the key to further success. When presenting a discipline, it is necessary to involve all types of perception: auditory, visual, tactile. As a basis, you can take the saying of Confucius “Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember, let me do it - and I will understand.” Therefore, the first lesson involves a demonstration of portraits, posters, presentations, models of mechanical transmissions, machine parts.

The presentation of new material must begin with brief historical information. When presenting the main stages in the development of mechanics, it should be noted that mechanics, like other sciences, developed in connection with the practical needs of society. It is necessary to point out the works of the greatest scientist of antiquity - Archimedes, and the studies of Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo and Newton. To quote Leonardo da Vinci as proof of the usefulness of science: “Mechanics is the noblest and, most importantly, the most useful of sciences.” Indicate some interesting details of the biographies of M.V. Lomonosov and N.E. Zhukovsky and the role of Russian scientists in the development of mechanics (presentation is expected).

The sections of “Technical Mechanics” must be presented with a structural diagram, which will give some consistency in the study of the discipline. When characterizing the branches of mechanics, it is necessary to point out the variety of problems solved by their methods. Show familiar quantities from the physics course on posters.

Pointing out the role of technology in the modern world, present to your attention the variety of parts and methods of their connections. Using mock-ups, give students the opportunity to independently name the areas of application of one or another mechanical transmission (chain transmission), thereby establishing a dialogue. Pay attention to the material used to make the gear (worm gear), and be sure to voice all the points that will be studied later.

Creative potential must also be used. Extracurricular activities for students are provided - design and modeling of various figures, which are subsequently repeatedly used in classes when studying sections of “Technical Mechanics”. During the introductory lesson, small architectural and interior forms made by students of previous academic years are presented. This is an interesting, accessible, entertaining and easily digestible option for studying the discipline. Tell that when the figures are ready, an exhibition of technical creativity “Entertaining Mechanics” is necessarily held; the results of this extracurricular activity are presented in the college group of the social network “VKontakte”, where students can vote for their favorite model. All project participants receive additional points when passing an exam or receiving a credit, which motivates students to participate in extracurricular activities of this type. Motivation for extracurricular activities has a positive effect on students’ academic performance and belongs to the category of health-saving pedagogical technologies.

During the introductory lesson, it is necessary to announce the number of practical and independent works provided for by the curriculum. Outline the need for timely decision and delivery of work as the key to successful completion of the session. To consolidate the material, the teacher conducts a survey-conversation with students, during which he gives additional explanations, clarifies individual wording and answers students’ questions. The final part of the lesson is homework, which follows from the content of the lesson.

LESSON #2 Combined lesson

Subject: A couple of forces and their effect on the body. Moment of a couple of forces and equivalence of couples.

Target: To familiarize students with the concept of a pair of forces and its physical meaning.

Visual aids:



Lesson content: The lesson begins with a greeting and checking the attendance of students for class. The teacher then moves on to checking homework, which usually begins with students briefly reviewing their notes in their notebooks. At the same time, it is established to what extent the homework was correctly understood and completed by students. The content of the homework depends on the material covered in the previous lesson and is checked in one of the following ways: questioning students, checking solutions to problems, test tasks, completing diagrams, etc. In a lesson on this topic, to test knowledge and restore students’ memory in a logical sequence of the entire complex of questions studied, test tasks are provided on the topic “Plane system of converging forces.” Test tasks last 20-25 minutes and include theoretical questions (choosing the correct answer, completing a missing word) and practical questions (composing equations ∑Fixand ∑Fiy).

After checking the homework, the teacher proceeds to present new material, the presentation of which is the most important part of the lesson, requiring careful preparation of the teacher. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher determines the content of the educational material, outlines the sequence of its presentation, selects questions and examples necessary to determine the degree to which students have mastered the new material and consolidates it in the students’ memory, selects educational and visual aids necessary for demonstration in the lesson.

On a new topic, the teacher introduces the concepts of a couple of forces, leverage, moment of a couple, equivalence of couples. Afterwards, the teacher invites students to independently determine what will happen to the body to which a pair of forces is applied. The answers are different and not always correct. Then the teacher demonstrates the action of a pair of forces by picking up a ball. After a visual explanation, students easily answer that a pair of forces tends to rotate the body. Next, the teacher gives an explanation of the moment of the pair, leverage, equivalence of pairs, and the moment of the resulting pair. After presenting new material, students have the opportunity to ask questions. If there are questions about the topic, the teacher explains them. If there are no questions, then the next stage of the lesson is to consolidate the new material.

To consolidate the material, students are offered the solution of several problems to determine the moment of a couple, the value of forces, and the resulting moment.

Task 1. Determine the value of the couple forces if M = 100 N*m, a = 0.2 m.

Problem 2. How will the value of the couple forces change if the shoulder is doubled while maintaining the numerical value of the moment.

Problem 3. Which of the following pairs are equivalent:

F 1 = 100 kN, a 1 = 0.5 m; F 2 = 20 kN, a 2 = 2.5 m; F 3 = 1000 kN, a 3 = 0.03 m.

Problem 4. Given a pair of forces, the value of which is 42 kN, the shoulder is 2 m. Replace the given pair of forces with an equivalent pair.

Problem 5. The system of force pairs is given schematically and the values ​​of force and leverage are indicated. It is necessary to determine the moment of the resulting pair.

Sample problems may be interspersed with questions. Problems are solved at the board by students one at a time, other students are involved in answering and solving examples and problems on the spot.

The final stage is the assignment of homework: you need to repeat the notes and use A.I.’s textbook. Arkusha “Technical Mechanics” pp. 27-33. And also complete the task of determining the moment of the resulting pair.

LESSON No. 3 Practical lesson

Visual aids:

1. Methodological instructions for performing practical work.

2. Poster.

Lesson content: The lesson begins with a greeting and checking the attendance of students for class. The implementation of practical work begins with solving a general example problem. Students are shown an algorithm for solving a problem, rules for constructing diagrams and composing equations. To complete each stage of solving a problem, students can be called to the board. During the explanation, students are shown all the possible options that are encountered when performing practical work. After solving the general problem, students ask existing questions and receive additional explanations and formulations for them.

Students perform practical work on an individual basis. This allows you to check the level of knowledge of each student.

As an additional motivation for educational activities, the students of the group are offered the following: if the work (solving the problem and its design) is completed in a time equal to the duration of the classroom lesson, then no additional protection will be required when passing the practical work.

During practical work, students are given methodological instructions that provide brief theoretical information, an example of practical work, and variants of problems with diagrams.

Practical lesson No. 1

Subject: Determination of reactions of ideal bonds by an analytical method.

Target: Learn to compose equilibrium equations and determine the reactions of ideal bonds in an analytical way.

Brief theoretical information.

Equilibrium condition for a plane system of converging forces:𝛴 Fкх=0,𝛴 Fku=0.

For the equilibrium of a plane system of converging forces, it is necessary and sufficient that the algebraic sums of the projections of all forces of the system onto each of the two coordinate axes are equal to zero.The projection of the system onto the axis is equal to the magnitude of the force multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the force and the axis.

- - - - - - - - - - - - α - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X

F x =FCOSα

- - - - - - - - - - α - - - - - - - - - - - - - - XF x = - FCOSα

XF x =F

XF x = - F

XF x = 0

Example: Determine analytically the forces in rods AB and BC of a given rod system (Figure 1.1).

Given: F 1 = 28kN; F 2 = 42kN; α 1 = 45°; α 2 = 60°;α 3 = 30°.

Define: effort S A and S C .

Rice. 1.1


a) we consider the equilibrium of point B, at which all the rods and external forces converge (Fig. 1.1);

b) we discard the connections AB and BC, replacing them with forces in the rodsS A AndS C . We will take the directions of forces from node B, assuming the rods are stretched. Let us draw on a separate drawing a diagram of the action of forces at point B (Fig. 1.2).


c) choose a coordinate system so that one of their axes coincides with an unknown force, for example withS A . Let us designate on the diagram the angles formed by the acting forces with the axis X and draw up the equilibrium equations for a plane system of converging forces:

𝛴 F kh = 0; F2 + F1 S c · - S A = 0; (1)

𝛴 F ku = 0; F2 - F1 - S c = 0 (2)

From equation (2) we find the forceS c = .

Let's substitute the numerical values:S c = = 16.32 kN.

Found valueS c we substitute equation (1) and find from it the valueS A ;

S A = F2 + F1 · S c · ;

S A = 42 · 0.259 + 28 · 0.5 + 16.32 · 0 = 24.88 kN.

Answer: S A = 24.88 kN;S WITH = 16.32 kN.

Signs indicate that both rods are stretched.

Initial data



F 1 , kN

F 2 , kN

α 1 , hail

α 2 , hail

α 3 , hail


1. Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (as amended on April 3, 2014) “On Education in the Russian Federation”

2. Abaskalova N.P., Prilepo A.Yu. Theoretical and practical aspects of health-oriented pedagogical technologies // Vestn. Ped. Innovations.- 2008.-No. 2

3. Internet resource

4. Arkusha A.I., Frolov M.I. Technical mechanics // Textbook, Moscow, Higher School. - 2005.

For about ten years I have been using a rating system for monitoring the quality of knowledge when teaching students the discipline "Technical Mechanics". Checkpoints have been worked out, tasks and their ratings have been optimally thought out. Students are involved in the process of constant work, from lesson to lesson. Only completed assignments on time bring maximum results and bring everyone closer to the successful completion of the discipline. The students are satisfied, the teacher is satisfied.



The successful development of modern society presupposes a close relationship between socio-economic progress and constant improvement of the education system. The second year of secondary vocational education continues the transition to training based on new federal state standards of the third generation (FSES), the distinctive feature of which is their focus on learning outcomes and labor market requirements. A trained young specialist should be included in production and social processes without any problems, productively using the qualifications, experience and competencies acquired during training. The education system must not only ensure that students master certain educational content, but - and this is the main thing - create conditions for launching mechanisms of self-education, self-development, and responsibility for their activities. “The right to study must be returned to the student,” says V.A. Karsonov, and one cannot but agree with him.

The success of training largely depends on the proper organization of control of educational activities. Checking and assessing the “quality of education” is a necessary condition for optimizing the learning process.

The issues of learning control have always received considerable attention. This is reflected in the works of psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyeva, V.V. Davydova and others. Methods and forms of knowledge control are discussed in the works of domestic (Yu.K. Babanensky, M.I. Zaretsky, V.M. Polonetsky, Z.A. Reshetova, etc.) and foreign (A. Anastasi, N. Kronlund, A. Hughes, etc.) teachers. At the new stage of development of education, assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions: assessment of the level of mastery of disciplines (MDK, professional modules) and assessment of the competencies of students.

The task of each teacher is to study and use the accumulated experience, develop and apply their own methods and forms of knowledge quality control. For many years I have been using a rating system for assessing the quality of knowledge in teaching the discipline of technical mechanics. This is one of the most popular modern monitoring technologies, which allows an integrated assessment of all types of student activities and a quantitative characterization of the quality of specialist training. The correctness of my choice is confirmed by the positive dynamics of growth in academic performance and quality of knowledge in a technical discipline that is traditionally difficult for students. I use my experience in this system, accumulated didactic and methodological material when creating a fund of assessment tools for this discipline.

The rating system, in contrast to the 5-point system, is characterized by the integral nature of the assessment. This allows me to consider the learning process in dynamics, compare the rating indicators of different students (groups) with each other at different points in time, on different modules, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of certain innovations, rebuild and predict future results.

The rating system is open and transparent. This is manifested in the fact that working conditions and assessment of the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities are brought to the attention of students in advance. Which also corresponds to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education “for assessing the quality of mastering the main professional educational program” in that “specific forms and procedures for current control of knowledge, intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module are developed by the educational institution independently and brought to the attention of students during the first two months from the start of training.” I introduce the group to the system for assessing the quality of knowledge at the first lesson in the discipline. Detailed information about the work program, a list of mandatory control points (events) and the time of their implementation, the principle of rating (minimum and maximum points) for these control points, the module, the final result, ways to obtain additional points, etc. are issued in the form of an Information Sheet (Memo). This is given to each student and posted on the information board. From the first lessons I make it clear that the success of the final result depends on the conscientious, responsible, regular fulfillment of all the teacher’s requirements. Each student gets the opportunity to clearly plan their achievements. By participating in the work of organizing control of all types: stage-by-stage, milestone, final, see your shortcomings. Everyone can take measures to improve their rating, for example, by performing independent work of a more complex level, solving problems of increased complexity. The teacher has the opportunity to stimulate the work of each student, his independent additional work to expand and deepen his knowledge of the subject. Moreover, a significant amount of time is allocated for the student’s independent work in the discipline (in the third generation Federal State Educational Standard). I assign extra points for completing assignments early. All these agreements and additional conditions may change and be adjusted depending on the level of training of the group, changes in working conditions during the semester, etc.

The rating system has advantages over the traditional five-point system from a psychological point of view. There is no negative point when everyone is divided into “successful” and “unsuccessful”. An experienced teacher knows that the number of “twos” often does not stimulate, but, on the contrary, creates indifference. A rating result (even a small one) at the end of each topic or section encourages any progress! There are no “bad” grades here; even a small answer earns its own point, which goes into the general fund.

The rating system for monitoring the quality of knowledge makes it possible to create conditions under which both sides of the educational process receive satisfaction from work and study. And the inspiring power of success will immediately bring its positive results!

The use of a rating system for assessing the quality of knowledge does not require changing the structure of the educational process and is best combined with a block-modular training system. The division of the content of the academic discipline into sections and topics is already contained in the work program. It is necessary to begin the development of rating indicators with an analysis of available methodological materials to ensure control and determine the main control points.

Simplicity, accessibility, obviousness (primarily for the student) and logic should be primarily taken into account when choosing a particular system of rating indicators. The list of checkpoints necessarily includes a test, an exam, a report on practical work, control and independent work, homework and other activities.

Developing a rating indicator for each control point is the most responsible and time-consuming process for a teacher. It is necessary to take into account, first of all, the level of significance of each control point in terms of its contribution to the study of the topic, section and discipline as a whole. The choice of a multi-point system can be anything and depends on the individuality of the teacher. It is recommended not to greatly increase the range of estimates and use the so-called “significance coefficient” (from 2 to 10 for current control and up to 25 for final control), i.e. all events are ranked. To determine the lower limits of assessment indicators (minimum score), it is recommended to use the “assimilation coefficient”, in most cases - 0.7, although from 0.4 to 1.0 are used.

The student’s oral response, work at the blackboard, technical dictation, or completion of an individual test task is scored from 3 to 5 points;

Independent work (small test tasks during the lesson) is scored from 5 to 10 points;

Homework (written work) – from 7 to 11 points;

Calculation and graphic tasks (according to options) – from 18 to 30 points;

Practical work – from 12 to 20 points;

Test work – from 15 to 25 points.

In addition to the main control points, points are given for checking notebooks (6-10 points): I take into account keeping a notebook and regularly completing all homework. Final certification - exam - from 20 to 30 points.

The rating system allows you to intensify the extracurricular (independent) work of students: preparation of messages and abstracts, design and research work, presentations, compilation and solution of crossword puzzles, problems of increased complexity, production of manuals, etc. - is assessed with appropriate points. Points for independent work can amount to up to 40% of the number of points for this module, which is a good motivation for this activity and allows for a better assessment of the developed competencies.

If a student misses a test point for a valid reason, then this work is completed in additional time and is assessed with the same number of points. Missing a control event without a good reason is penalized by the fact that work completed in extra time is assessed at a minimum. If the control measure is not completed (even by the minimum score), the work is allowed to be repeated, but is assessed only at the lower limit.

For each module (discipline section), a rating indicator card is compiled, which indicates the total number of points (from and to), all control points and the corresponding points. At the end of the semester, the results of all cards are entered into the general card for the discipline (summary by module), the result is summed up (the corresponding column), then there is a column for the final certification (exam, test) and the final rating. The point system allows the student to score such a total amount that he can be exempted from the exam (if he meets the “excellent” mark) or can improve his result if he meets the “good” mark.

In a multi-point rating scale, as in a five-point scale, there should be three characteristic areas: the area of ​​unsatisfactory assessments, which should occupy up to 60% of the entire scale, the area of ​​transitional assessments - approximately 10%, and the area of ​​good and excellent assessments - 30%. Depending on the type of learning activity, module structure, etc. The maximum score may change, but the percentages of the above areas must remain the same.

The rating system I have developed and used (its visual manifestation is cards for recording rating indicators) allows you to easily and quickly (with some experience) summarize the achievements of each student, analyze the performance of the entire group and each individual, identify shortcomings, and take timely measures to change unfavorable situations . Even at the initial stage of using this knowledge control system, an increase in students’ motivation for learning activities becomes obvious, the desire to learn regularly becomes natural, and a conscious interest in the results of their work is noted.

The use of a rating system for monitoring the quality of knowledge opens up new opportunities for the teacher to improve the forms and content of control activities. The rating will make it possible to fully implement the methodological function of control: improving the work of the teacher himself. Allows each of us to evaluate teaching methods, see our strengths and weaknesses, and choose the best options for teaching activities.

The use of a rating system creates a significant additional burden for the teacher. This includes determining the “cost” of rating indicators, selecting and compiling a list of control points, the need to constantly certify students and regularly summarize results, and, above all, methodological support for control in all sections and topics.

Current control ensures regular management of educational activities, their correction, and stimulates constant interest in cognitive activity. This determines the forms and content of control activities: a frontal survey, individual oral answers are supplemented with homework (in writing), independent work (in writing, for 10 minutes), and test assignments. In order to have a reliable idea of ​​the level of material learned, tasks must be multi-variant and multi-level (implementing a student-oriented approach). Of course, this is additional methodological work and burden when checking work.

Midterm control allows you to determine the quality of students’ study of educational material by sections and topics and the ability to apply the acquired skills and abilities when performing practical tasks. I organize this type of control using tests of medium level (up to 15 points) and increased complexity (up to 25 points). One cannot help but mention the educational significance of this moment: students learn to realistically assess their capabilities, make responsible decisions, develop self-criticism, and draw the right conclusions for the future.

The final control, aimed at checking the final learning results, is an exam that consists of a test and a practical part (also multi-level). All of the listed methods, forms of control, and the corresponding methodological support are reflected in the CBS for this discipline.

The rating system for monitoring the quality of knowledge is a “living”, changeable system. This forces the teacher to be constantly in search, improve the forms and methods of control activities, adjust the teaching material (increasing options, introducing tasks of varying complexity, developing additional tasks, tasks of increased complexity, etc.), sometimes revise the teaching methodology itself, study the accumulated experience colleagues. This stimulates the creative activity of the teacher, promotes his professional growth and has a beneficial effect on the learning process as a whole.

The use of a rating system for assessing the quality of knowledge allows us to judge the real achievements of each student with greater objectivity. Rating - an individual integrated numerical indicator forces everyone to work towards the final result. Starting with low scores for an oral response and for work in class, the student is gradually drawn into systematic, conscientious work from lesson to lesson. If you didn’t score points today (or didn’t score well), you can correct the situation in subsequent lessons. Reflection makes it possible to get a better result: choose a more difficult task, prepare more thoroughly for the checkpoint, etc.

Monitoring the quality of knowledge using ratings allows maximum consideration of the individual psychological characteristics of the student as an individual.

  • stimulate the student’s systematic work;
  • the student himself can predict grades of his work step by step and see the state of his affairs at any time;
  • cultivate responsibility, integrity and discipline;
  • evaluate knowledge objectively and flexibly;
  • make timely adjustments;
  • improve the comprehensive educational and methodological support of the subject.


  1. Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Education - III
  2. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology - M., 1991
  3. Zvonnikov V.I., Chelyshkova M.B. Quality control of training during certification: a competency-based approach: a textbook. M., 2009
  4. Zvonnikov V.I., Chelyshkova M.B. Modern means of assessing learning outcomes. M., 2009
  5. Karsonov V.A. Pedagogical technologies in education – Saratov, 2001
  6. Sosonko V.E. Monitoring the educational activities of students in secondary specialized educational institutions using a rating system - NMC SPO, 1998
  7. Sosonko V.E. Organization of control over the mastery of educational activities using rating indicators - NMC SPO - M, 1998
  8. Karchina O.I. The use of elements of the rating system in the educational process - SPO No. 2, 2001
  9. Kuznetsova L.M. Rating system of knowledge control – Specialist No. 4, 2006
  10. Orlov N.F. Block-modular system (from work experience) – Specialist No. 6, 2006
  11. Pastukhova I.P. Methodological support for the design of control and evaluation tools in the discipline. SPO No. 10, 2012
  12. Semushina L.G. Recommendations for the implementation of modern teaching technologies – Specialist No. 9, No. 10, 2005

Application of active learning methods

in Technical Mechanics classes.

Teaching methods are ways of teaching work by a teacher and organizing educational and cognitive activities of students to solve various didactic tasks aimed at mastering the material being studied.

(I.F. Kharlamov).

Purpose of activity : consider the use of active learning methods in the process of studying the discipline “Technical Mechanics” in college.


1. Determine the psychological and pedagogical foundations of active teaching methods.

2. Develop lectures and practical exercises using active learning methods for the discipline “Technical Mechanics”.

3. Test lectures and practical exercises using active teaching methods in the discipline “Technical Mechanics”

Areas of activity:

To provide conditions for personal development, to make the process streamlined and manageable, to form thinking subjects. Try to combine scientific teaching with accessibility, clear visuals with play, and ensure that all students work with enthusiasm

Modern methods and forms of teaching (active teaching methods):

Method is a combination of methods and forms of training aimed at achieving a specific learning goal. Thus, the method contains the method and nature of organizing the cognitive activity of students.

Form of study is an organized interaction between teacher and student. Forms of study can be: full-time, correspondence, evening, independent work of students (under the supervision of a teacher and without), individual, frontal, etc.

Education – this is purposeful, pre-designed communication, during which certain aspects of human experience, experience of activity and cognition are carried out. Education is the most important means of personality formation and, first of all, mental development and general education. The learning process is aimed at developing knowledge, abilities, skills, and experience in creative activities.

The activity of students is their intensive activity and practical preparation in the learning process and the application of knowledge, developed skills and abilities. Activity in learning is a condition for the conscious acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Cognitive activity is the desire to think independently, find your own approach to solving a problem (problem), the desire to independently gain knowledge, form a critical approach to the judgment of others and the independence of your own judgments. Student activity disappears if the necessary conditions for this are not available.

Thus, the direct involvement of students in active educational and cognitive activity during the educational process is associated with the use of techniques and methods that have received the general name active learning methods.

Active teaching methods are ways of activating the educational and cognitive activity of students, which encourage them to active mental and practical activity in the process of mastering the material, when not only the teacher is active, but the students are also active.

Active teaching methods involve the use of a system of methods that is aimed primarily not at the teacher’s presentation of ready-made knowledge and its reproduction, but at students’ independent acquisition of knowledge in the process of active cognitive activity.

Thus, active learning methods are learning by doing.

Based on the nature of educational and cognitive activity, active learning methods are divided into: imitation methods, based on imitation of professional activities, and non-imitation methods. Imitation, in turn, is divided into gaming and non-gaming.

The most common AMOs are trainings, group discussions, business and role-playing games, methods of generating ideas and others.

At the same time, non-game methods include analysis of specific situations (ACS). Game methods are divided into:

· business games,

· didactic or educational games,

· game situations

· gaming techniques

· active training

At the same time, gaming techniques include means of implementing individual, individual principles. First of all, various forms of activation of lectures and other traditional forms of teaching, game-based pedagogical techniques, and individual means of activation. For example, a lecture using the method of analyzing specific situations in the form of an illustration carried out by the teacher, a lecture with planned errors, a problem lecture, a press conference lecture, a lecture-discussion, a lecture-conversation - the principle of dialogue communication.

As a form of practical training in teaching general professional disciplines (using the example of technical mechanics) Shchepinova Lyudmila Sergeevna teacher of special disciplines GBOU SPO PT 2 Moscow, g * Role-playing games

The concept of role-playing games Role-playing games occupy an important place among modern psychological and pedagogical teaching technologies. As a method, they became widespread in the 70s of the 20th century. To increase the effectiveness of an educational game, its technology must meet certain requirements: · The game must correspond to the learning objectives; · A certain psychological preparation of the game participants is necessary, which would correspond to the content of the game; · Possibility of using creative elements in the game; · The teacher should act not only as a leader, but also as a proofreader and consultant during the game.

The concept of a role-playing game Any educational game consists of several stages: 1. Creating a gaming atmosphere. At this stage, the content and main task of the game are determined, psychological preparation of its participants is carried out; 2. Organization of the game process, including instruction - explanation of the rules and conditions of the game to the participants - and distribution of roles among them; 3. Carrying out a game, as a result of which the task must be solved; 4. Summing up. Analysis of the course and results of the game both by the participants themselves and by experts (psychologist, teacher).

Role-playing game “Job interview for the position of an auto mechanic at BMW” for the position of an auto mechanic at BMW” The game simulates an interview conducted by a large automobile company when searching for applicants for vacancies of auto mechanics. One of our technical school students actually found himself in a similar situation, and after his story, the idea arose to conduct a similar role-playing game. During such an interview, the applicants’ basic theoretical knowledge of the fundamentals of theoretical mechanics (strength of materials, machine parts, etc.) and practical skills in solving simple problems are revealed.

The procedure for conducting a role-playing game Before the lesson, students are given the task: to repeat the following sections of theoretical mechanics: basic concepts and axioms of statics, a plane system of converging forces, a pair of forces and the moment of force about a point. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher explains the goals and objectives of the lesson, the format of the lesson. Students then receive two task cards and an interview sheet. The teacher marks the option number on each sheet. A possible layout of options is presented on the slide. Within minutes, everyone solves the problems on the back of the interview sheet. Then the teacher invites the four most prepared students, who are assigned the role of expert examiners as representatives of the company. In front of each of them there is a sheet with theoretical questions (slide 9).

Interview sheet Number of copies - according to the number of participants Format - Interview sheet (F, I, O) Question code (option number) Number of points Total points Examiner's signature

Task card ex. Three converging forces F 1, F 2 and F 3 are given. Find their resultant R. Option number F1F1 F2F2 F3F

Task card ex. Show on the diagram all the forces acting on the part AB

Row2 row3 row Possible distribution scheme of options

Theoretical questions for the interview Topic question 1. What system of forces is called balanced? 2. What force is called the resultant of this system of forces? Topic of question 3. First axiom of statics. Can a body be in equilibrium under the influence of one force? 4. Second axiom of statics. Corollary from the first and second axioms; 5. Third axiom of statics; Fourth axiom of statics; Topic question 6. What is a connection? How is the reaction force of the connection always directed? Types of connections. 7. What is the direction of the coupling reaction force of a smooth surface (support)? Ball joint? 8. What is the direction of the bond reaction force of the thread? Rod? Cylindrical hinge? Topic of question 9. Definition of converging forces. Does such a system have a resultant? 10. Equilibrium condition for a plane system of converging forces (geometric and analytical); 11. What is the projection of force on an axis? What sign can the projection have? 12. Addition of converging forces (geometric and analytical); Topic of question 13. Moment of force relative to a point, its properties. 14. Couple of forces, moment of couple. Equivalent pairs. 15. Addition of pairs lying in the same plane. 16. Condition for equilibrium of a system of pairs lying in the same plane. Only 10 questions. Each question is scored according to a point system: 0; 1 or 2

Procedure for conducting a role-playing game (continued) In total, you need to ask 10 questions. Each answer is rated on a three-point scale: “0”, “1”, “2”. Tasks are assessed in the same way. Next, all the points received are summed up, and the results are entered into the final sheet (slide 12). Then the results are announced: Those who have scored points are invited to work from the next Monday with a starting salary of $1000. Those who have scored points are invited to work from the next Monday with a starting salary of $800. Those who have scored points are in the reserve with the possibility of an invitation with an additional interview. Those with less than 13 points come back in a year!

Final statement Last name I. O. Number of points 1. Abdrakhmanov R.R. 2.Altunin D.S. 3.Bebikh G.K. 4.Gadzhiev A.M. 5.Galkin D.A. 6.Gusenko P.S. 7. Dunenkov P. A. 8. Zinoviev B. A. 9. Zorkin I. R. 10. Ivanov D. A. 11. Katsapov S.V. 12.Kovalenko I.M. 13. Kondratenko N.V. 14. Kosorukov M.R. 15.Kudinov M.M. 16. Mavlonov N. K. 17. Meliev Z. M. 18. Novoselov M. I. 19. Peshalov A. B. 20. Pisarev V. I. 21. Spassky D. A. 22. Sukhorukov I. S. 23. Khodyakov D. S. 24. Khomyakov A. M. 25. Shchekoldin N. I.

What is needed to play the game: sheet with theoretical questions - 4 copies; card with a graphic task - 15 copies; card with an analytical task - 15 copies; interview sheet - according to the number of participants; final statement - 1 copy. Internet sources used:>…kachestvo_obrazovanija…vidy …kachestvo_obrazovanija…vidy">

Results of the role-playing game During the role-playing game, 18 student applicants were interviewed. One of them scored the maximum possible number of points - 24 points. This student also played the role of a specialist expert. An analysis of the progress of the game showed that for a group of about 20 people it is difficult to conduct a role-playing game in one lesson of 45 minutes: processing the results and their announcement took about another 20 minutes. Some psychological difficulties also arose: one of the supposed experts, quite well prepared, at the last moment refused to play his role. In general, based on the results of the game, the following conclusions can be drawn: - the role-playing game significantly increased the students’ interest in the discipline; - almost all students were involved in the gameplay with interest, were waiting for this lesson, and were preparing for it; - preparation for a role-play lesson should be carried out by the teacher very intensively and include a psychological aspect; - imitates a real situation, develops behavioral skills during employment.


“Advanced technologies for studying the discipline of Technical Mechanics”

teacher of special disciplines

GOBPOU "Gryazinsky Technical College"

1. Active learning methods are methods that encourage independent acquisition of knowledge

In recent decades, so-called active learning methods have become widespread, encouraging students to independently acquire knowledge, activating their cognitive activity, development of thinking, and the formation of practical skills. Problem-search and creative-reproducing methods are aimed at solving these problems.

Active learning methods are methods that encourage students to actively think and practice in the process of mastering educational material. Active learning involves the use of a system of methods that is aimed primarily not at the teacher presenting ready-made knowledge, memorizing and reproducing it by the student, but at the student’s independent mastery of knowledge and skills in the process of active cognitive and practical activity.

To enhance the cognitive activity of students, traditional teaching methods are used using such techniques as asking questions when presenting the material, including individual practical exercises, situational tasks, turning to visual and technical teaching aids, encouraging them to take notes, and creating supporting notes.

The features of active teaching methods are to encourage students to engage in practical and mental activity, without which there is no movement forward in mastering knowledge.

The emergence and development of active methods is due to the new tasks that arise before the learning process, which consist in not only giving students knowledge, but also ensuring the formation and development of cognitive interests and abilities, creative thinking, abilities and skills of independent mental work. The emergence of new tasks is due to the rapid development of information. If previously the knowledge acquired at school, technical school, university could serve a person for a long time, sometimes throughout his entire working life, then in the age of rapid growth of information it is necessary to constantly update it, which can be achieved mainly through self-education, and this requires a person of cognitive activity and independence.

Cognitive activity means an intellectual and emotional response to the process of cognition, the student’s desire to learn, to complete individual and general tasks, and interest in the activities of the teacher and other students.

Cognitive independence is usually understood as the desire and ability to think independently, the ability to navigate a new situation, find one’s own approach to solving a problem, the desire to understand not only the educational information being absorbed, but also the methods of obtaining it, a critical approach to the judgments of others, and the independence of one’s own judgments.

Cognitive activity and cognitive independence are qualities that characterize a person’s intellectual abilities to learn. Like other abilities, they are manifested and developed in activity. The lack of conditions for the manifestation of activity and independence leads to the fact that they do not develop. That is why only the widespread use of active methods that encourage mental and practical activity, and from the very beginning of the learning process, develops such important intellectual qualities of a person, which further ensure his active desire to constantly master knowledge and apply it in practice.

Active learning methods can be used at different stages of the educational process: during the initial acquisition of knowledge, consolidation and improvement of knowledge, and the formation of skills. It is impossible to sharply divide the available teaching methods into active and inactive.

Depending on the focus on the formation of a knowledge system or the mastery of skills and abilities, active teaching methods are divided into non-imitation and imitation. Imitation training, as a rule, involves teaching professional skills and abilities and is associated with modeling professional activities. When used, both professional activity situations and professional activity itself are simulated. Imitation methods, in turn, are divided into gaming and non-gaming, depending on the conditions accepted by students, the roles they perform, the relationships between roles, the established rules, and the presence of elements of competition when performing tasks.

2. Conducting a lesson using the brainstorming method

The problem of developing the creative abilities of students is acquiring enormous socio-economic and social significance these days. One of the factors for the successful development of society is the training of educated, creatively thinking personnel focused on accelerating scientific and technological progress. Active learning methods help solve the problem of developing students' creative abilities in the education system. Lessons in which the search activity of students comes to the fore bring much more benefit than those in which you only need to mechanically memorize and conscientiously absorb the truth expressed by the teacher. Students, to some extent, must be researchers, pioneers. Probably, it is necessary to intensify the learning process, make wider use of active learning methods - problem-based, research, which include business and role-playing games, method, case analysis method, brainstorming method, individual workshops, etc.

This methodological report examines one of the classes in the discipline “Technical Mechanics”, conducted using the “brainstorming” method. The Epod method promotes the development of dynamic thought processes, forms the ability to focus on any “narrow” issue of the topic being studied. The essence of this method is a collective search for ways to solve problems.

Using the “brainstorming” method requires the teacher to prepare in advance, select a topic for the lesson, and select problems for which students will have to find solutions. It is necessary to carefully and more than once think through the brainstorming procedure, prepare and justify educational tasks, and multiply the conditions and rules for generating ideas.

It is necessary to prepare thoroughly for the final assessment. During the year, you can conduct two to three classes using this method. To conduct such a lesson in the discipline “Technical Mechanics”, the topic “Flat system of arbitrarily located forces” was chosen.

By the time this lesson is conducted, students have already accumulated certain basic knowledge and received the basic basis for a fruitful study of this topic. They already know the basic axioms of statics, the concepts of force, systems of forces, have the skill of adding a flat system of converging forces, have a complete understanding of the conditions for the equilibrium of systems of forces, and practically know how to compose equilibrium equations. Taking all this into account, the teacher carefully develops a lesson plan and scenario.

3. Conducting a lesson using role-playing method

One of the methods of interactive learning is a game, which allows you to involve the largest number of students in the learning process and make learning interesting, exciting and fruitful.

Using interactive games, I pursued the goal of creating comfortable learning conditions in which the student feels successful and intellectually competent, which makes the entire learning process productive.

Any teacher, first of all, cultivates and develops interest in the subject. But the more seriously he approaches the solution of this complex problem from a professional, scientific and pedagogical point of view, the more successfully he solves another, no less important one - the awakening and development in students, on the basis of a special interest, of the desire to study related subjects and master the entire body of knowledge.

Studying the topic “Friction” is of practical importance in the development of students’ analytical thinking. Friction in machines and mechanisms plays a very contradictory role. In some cases, friction is a negative phenomenon; they try to get rid of it, if not completely, then at least reduce it in order to increase efficiency. mechanisms and machines.

In other cases, on the contrary, they increase the cohesion between individual parts to ensure the normal operation of mechanisms (clutches, belt drives, friction gears, brakes, etc.).

This material is not difficult to study, so you can give students the opportunity to study it on their own, and then reinforce it in the lesson using role-playing in the form of a “court hearing.”

Knowledge and skills, which are then developed in the process of solving problems, will be useful to students when studying many topics in technical mechanics, as well as when studying special disciplines and in practical activities.

Before teaching a lesson, the teacher must review the educational material on the topic both in textbooks on technical mechanics and in textbooks on special disciplines, as well as in special literature on friction, in the encyclopedia (TSB). Then divide the material “pros” and “cons”, taking into account the positive and negative role of friction in machines and mechanisms. After this, it will finally become clear how many roles should be involved in the game. This work needs to be carried out: in advance, even when drawing up a calendar and thematic plan.

About two weeks before the lesson, it is necessary to announce in the group about the upcoming game, its purpose, distribute roles taking into account the wishes of the students, indicate what literature to use and direct students to show creative initiative not only in the content of their speeches, but also in their design with visual aids .

Draw students' attention to the fact that in their speeches information about new progressive materials, types of lubricants, and efficiency is desirable. - economic indicators of machines and their individual mechanisms, as well as examples of the practical application of the studied material in agricultural machinery.

The “chairman of the court” and the “assessors” receive brief instructions from the teacher on evaluating the performances of other participants in the game. - For greater objectivity of their assessments, it is advisable to select the “chairman of the court” and “assessors” from among the most successful students.

On the eve of the lesson, the teacher, together with the participants in the game, clarify the course of the “trial,” set up the classroom, and provide the lesson with visual aids and TOO.

In the auditorium, two tables are set aside for the “court hearing”. They are covered with a tablecloth, a carafe of water is placed, and a bell rings.

The “court” is conducted by the “chairman”. “Assessors” monitor students’ performances and give grades. The “court secretary” calls the participants of the meeting.

The speaking participants in the “court” support their speech with posters, models, machine parts and other visual aids that they have prepared.

The teacher is in the “courtroom” and does not interfere with the course of the game. Only after the “verdict” is made when summing up the lesson does he assess the students’ preparation for the game. Then he announces the next stage of the lesson - solving problems on the topic “Friction”, indicates the purpose of this stage, and the numbers of problems to be solved in the lesson. While solving problems independently, the teacher advises students, and upon completion of the work, makes a conclusion about the lesson and gives grades.

Homework assignments can be given individually for those who did not complete the assignment in class.

4. Problem and game situations when studying the topic

For future mechanical technicians, knowledge of material on this topic is of great importance. Welded joints in all branches of the machine-building complex have almost completely replaced rivet joints due to the great economic effect. Adhesive joints are now widespread in all areas of the national economy for joining a wide variety of materials that cannot be welded. A mechanical technician must have a good knowledge of their technology.

When studying Materials Science, students have already received a certain amount of knowledge on welded and adhesive joints. During practical training in the welding shop, we acquired the skills to perform welding work and consolidated theoretical knowledge. In the section “Strength of Materials”, when studying the topics “Tension and Compression” and “Practical Calculations for Shear and Collapse”, students solved problems for calculating the simplest butt welded joints.

In the disciplines “Engineering Graphics” and “Fundamentals of Standardization, Tolerances and Fit,” students became familiar with state standards for designating welded joints in drawings. Students, after studying the topic “Welded and adhesive joints,” should be able to perform verification calculations of butt and lap welded joints under axial loading of the parts being connected and at the same time be able to select the permissible stress from reference books. The success of acquiring such skills will largely depend on the level of knowledge they acquired while studying mathematics and the basics of computer science.

The ability to make calculations for the strength of welded joints in specific assembly units will be useful to students in the future when developing the structural part of their diploma project. Knowledge of welded joints will be useful to students, will facilitate their study of many topics in the discipline “Maintenance and Repair”, will help them understand the feasibility of welded large-sized structures, in particular, welded gears (when studying the topic “Gears”). All of the above explains the importance of studying this topic.

The program allocates four hours to study the topic “Welded and adhesive joints”. The material is studied in full according to the program. The peculiarity of this topic is that in a relatively short period of time it is necessary to thoroughly study the material and acquire skills in calculating welded joints with recording in long-term memory, therefore it is desirable to use active teaching methods in lessons that will allow students to consciously acquire the necessary amount of knowledge and skills and ensure their strength. It is advisable to use the two hours allocated by the program to study material on the topic, and two hours to consolidate, generalize, systematize this knowledge and develop skills.

Conducting a lesson of this type has a number of common features. In this lesson, of all levels of learning, only perception, understanding and comprehension are realized. Before moving on to the presentation of new material, the teacher creates a different psychological mood: he emphasizes the theoretical and practical significance of the lesson topic, sets cognitive tasks for students, and, if the content of the material allows, a problem, communicates a plan for presenting the educational material. It is advisable to begin the explanation of new material by updating the background knowledge and showing the internal and interdisciplinary connections of the topic.

The central part of the lesson is devoted to the primary perception of educational material. The presentation must be distinguished by strict logical consistency and sufficiency of facts that reveal the effect of a particular law.

When explaining something new, it is especially important to reveal the relationships between the foundations and the conclusions that follow from them.

Questions that the teacher can pose during presentation play an important role in students’ perception of new lesson material. They encourage students to follow the logic of presentation, isolate the main thing, express their observations, guesses, draw conclusions, and briefly formulate a conclusion. To enhance mental activity, it is good to use diagrams, drawings, and supporting notes.

The success of mastering the main content of the educational material must be identified in the same lesson by analyzing the answers to questions and retelling of the material given by students on a particular scientific position

A lesson of this type has great real opportunities for the development and education of students, especially if it is structured as a problem lesson.

A lesson on improving knowledge, developing skills and abilities on the topic “Welded and adhesive joints” must be carried out after studying the theoretical material on this topic. The main didactic goals in this case are repetition, generalization, and systematization of knowledge.

The distinctive features of this type of lesson are as follows: during their implementation, the essence of the basic scientific concepts and the most significant theoretical conclusions that were studied in this topic is repeated; various connections are established between the phenomena being studied; various phenomena and events are classified according to different criteria; the studied phenomena are assessed based on certain criteria; teaching methods and techniques are used that contribute to the development of intellectual skills in students; tasks are performed that require the synthesis of knowledge from a new angle, the application of knowledge in new educational and production situations, and preference is given to tasks of a creative nature.

This methodological report provides a methodology for conducting classes to improve knowledge, develop skills using a business game, and holding various competitions.

A business game is a management simulation game, during which participants, simulating the activities of a particular person, make decisions based on a given situation. It is aimed at developing students’ skills to analyze specific situations and make appropriate decisions. During the game, creative thinking develops, and if it is carried out in the form of competition between teams within a group, then a spirit of collectivism is developed, responsibility for the decision made to the team.

In this case, the business game is variable in nature, since it contains various variants of tasks: this is a cross-sectional survey, and solving problems, crosswords, and holding competitions. All this makes the lesson more interesting for students; the material is summarized in a playful way and is competitive in nature.

By the beginning of the lesson (according to the assignment in the last lesson), the names of both teams and mottos are known, captains have been chosen, one question has been prepared for each team and two for the captains. Students were required to draw (A4 format) expert cards for accounting and knowledge assessment and display them in a visible place so that students could immediately see their and their team’s results. This is necessary to maintain the spirit of competition, friendship and rivalry.

The lesson begins with the teacher checking homework: the captain of each team introduces himself and his team. Then two people from each team are selected as experts who will evaluate the students’ work. Experts and a teacher form a jury of 5 people. Then the teacher reminds the topic of the lesson and the goal, creates the initial motivation for the students’ cognitive activity: “Today we are holding a lesson-competition between the teams (“Stimulus” and “Universal”), it will consist of the following stages:

Checking notes on adhesive joints (homework assignment);

Oral answers to the teacher’s questions and one question from another team;

Problem solving;

Solving crossword puzzles;

Captains competition.

Your task is to take an active part in the competition in order to get a good mark yourself and not let the team down. The score will be given based on the number of points scored, which the experts will put on their card. If the number of points is 10, the score is “3”; 14 – “4”; 17 – “5”.

How points will be assigned will be specifically stated at each stage, but the following will be taken into account: the quality of answers, additions, reviews of the answer. Everyone, including experts, will receive assessments. The team that scores the most points is awarded the title “Winner Team,” and the student who scores the most points is awarded the title “Expert in Permanent Connections.” If you have questions about the organization of the lesson, you should answer them.


This methodological report examines the conduct of seminar lessons using game methods.

To study the topic “Welded and adhesive joints,” methods for game and problem situations are proposed.

Using the role-playing method, it is proposed to study the topic “Friction” in the “Statics” section.

One of the lessons was developed using the brainstorming method. This method contributes to the development of the dynamism of students' mental activity.

Separate topics in the sections “Statics” and “Strength of Materials” are developed using supporting notes, where theoretical material is depicted in the form of diagrams. With this method of teaching, students more effectively absorb the information received and master the skills of mental activity.

The considered methods interested the students, increased their creativity and activity during the lesson. In addition, the preparation of such classes required students to work independently not only during classes, but also outside of class time.
