Its budget prof is a professional information system of the 1c company for state (municipal) institutions. ITs budget prof - professional information system of the company "1C" for state (municipal) institutions Consultations on accounting

(delivery + installation + update)

Subscription for 3 months5211 rub. Subscription for 6 months 9936 rub. Subscription for 12 months RUB 19,320.

Financial and economic programs cannot work correctly for a long time without updates. Legislation is constantly changing, calculation methods, postings, and accounting requirements in organizations are changing. Errors made while working with outdated versions of programs can lead to the most dire consequences.

The 1C company provides users of 1C:Enterprise programs with comprehensive consulting, technological and methodological support. Support is provided as part of a subscription to the monthly publication “Information and Technology Support “1C:Enterprise”” (abbreviated as ITS).

Subscription to ITS is a unique service, it includes two components:

Information available on CD and DVD:

  • Software updates;
  • Practical and methodological recommendations for working with programs;
  • Unique guides to basic taxes and fees;
  • Materials from leading economic publications;
  • Exclusive explanations of changes in legislation;
  • Current regulatory information.

Service and consulting services:

  • Delivery of ITS disks to the user directly to the workplace, at a time convenient for him;
  • Installation of the latest software updates by qualified specialists certified in 1C;
  • Consulting on the use of products from the 1C:Enterprise family;
  • “Online user support” - the ability to get advice or update the program via the Internet.

Two types of ITS are issued monthly especially for budgetary institutions: ITS BUDGET PROF and ITS BUDGET.

ITS BUDGET and ITS BUDGET PROF contain technological, methodological and reference materials intended for the daily work of a budget organization. Many of them are exclusive and are not published in other publications.

All materials included in the ITS BUDGET and ITS BUDGET PROF publications are presented in the form of a full-text database with links to the regulatory framework of the ATP "Garant". ITS materials are constantly replenished and updated, which is important in the context of constant changes in budget legislation and the development of accounting solutions.

Methodological support

The section “Methodological support” is published as part of the publications ITS BUDGET PROF and ITS BUDGET.

The section "Methodological support for an accountant of a budgetary institution" includes articles by 1C methodologists and leading budget accounting consultants on the practical application of regulatory documents on budget accounting and its maintenance using software products of the 1C:Enterprise system.

Of particular interest to users are the materials of the monthly updated subsection “Accounting for budgetary institutions, edition 6” in questions and answers”, in which methodologists from the 1C company give answers to user questions and explain complex issues both in working with the program and in the methodology accounting in budgetary institutions.

By supplementing the documentation for the programs, the presented materials will not only help novice users in mastering software products, but will also introduce system administrators to the capabilities of the programs.

All information in the "Methodological Support" section is grouped by topic in a multi-level thematic rubricator.

Here are some of them:

  • Recommendations for the implementation and use of standard 1C:Enterprise configurations
    • Salary and Personnel, Taxpayer
    • 1C: Set of reports 7.7
    • Online user support
    • Configuration "Accounting for budgetary institutions" edition 6
      • Examples of reflecting financial and economic transactions in accordance with the Instructions for Budget Accounting (Order 25n)
      • "Accounting for budgetary institutions, edition 6" in questions and answers
        • Preparation of primary documents
        • Chart of accounts
        • Record keeping
        • Application of electronic documents
        • Working with directories
        • Formation of accounting registers
        • Data exchange
        • Administration
        • Preparation of regulated reporting
          • Why do the data in the Balance Sheet and the Consolidated Statement of NFA revaluation not agree?
      • Accounting methodology
      • Transition from self-supporting to budgetary chart of accounts
      • Determination of the tax base for property tax of budgetary institutions
      • Closing budget accounting accounts
      • Revaluation of fixed assets
      • Register of state (municipal) contracts
      • Preparation of payment orders
      • Centralization of accounting
      • Integration with cash register equipment
      • Inventory
        • Carrying out an inventory of balance sheet items before preparing annual reports
        • Features of conducting an inventory of certain types of property and liabilities
      • Start of accounting in the program "1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions" ed. 6
  • Practical recommendations for working with 1C:Enterprise
  • Additional reports and processing
  • Data exchange in XML format
  • Technology for creating external components

The section is updated monthly. All changes for the month are reflected in the "New and changed sections" section.

Directory of financial and economic operations of a budgetary institution

The directory of financial and economic operations of a budgetary institution is part of the ITS BUDGET PROF publication.
The directory contains descriptions of more than 250 typical, i.e. frequently encountered in practice, financial and economic situations and has a hierarchical three-level structure.

First level - these are accounting objects
Situations in the “Directory…” are grouped by accounting object - “Fixed assets”, “Inventories”, “Calculations”, “Funds in budget accounts”, etc. A total of 10 main sections are presented

Second level represents a grouping according to the “life stages” of objects.
So, for example, in the “Fixed Assets” section the following subsections are distinguished:

  • Admission;
  • Depreciation;
  • Recovery;
  • Revaluation;
  • Disposal;
  • Rent.

Third level represents a grouping by methods, respectively, of receipt, restoration, disposal, etc.

For example, in the subsection “Receipt of OS” the following “methods” of receipt are highlighted:

  • Purchasing from suppliers,
  • Acquisition through accountable persons,
  • Centralized supply,
  • Construction (manufacturing) of OS,
  • Free receipt.

Fourth level constitute the situations themselves.

Most situations are presented in terms of two types of activities:

  • budgetary activities;
  • income-generating activity.

When selecting a situation from the main menu, the user immediately gets into the budget.
Using the “Income-generating activities” tab, you can go to the description of this situation for income-generating activities.
Each situation contains a summary table of accounting entries that describes the contents of the transaction, debits and credits of the accounts.
For most operations (they are highlighted in green in the table) the “Directory” shows the order of reflection in the program “1C: Accounting 7.7 for budgetary institutions”.
Thus, from the contents of the operation, you can follow the “1C” link to a description of the formation of this accounting entry in the program.

When describing the debit and credit of an account in the summary table of accounting records, a reference to the symbol is provided:

  • functional classification of budget expenditures of the Russian Federation - FKR;
  • classification of budget revenues of the Russian Federation - CD;
  • classification of sources of internal financing of budget deficits of the Russian Federation - KIIF;
  • classification of sources of external financing of budget deficits of the Russian Federation - KIVnF;
  • chapter code (direct recipients of budget funds) - KG.

The indicated designations are used to designate 1 - 17 digits of the budget accounting account number in accordance with the Table of correspondence of the budget accounting account code to the code of income classification, departmental, functional classification of budget expenditures, classification of sources of financing budget deficits (Appendix No. 4 to the Instructions for Budget Accounting, approved by the Order Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 10, 2006 No. 25n).

The designation "KG" means that in digits 1-17 the following is indicated:

  • 1-3 category - code of the administrator of budget funds, corresponding to the list of main managers of funds of the corresponding budget;
  • 4-17 digits - zero values.

It should be noted that the links “FKR”, “KD”, etc. You can go directly to the corresponding appendix to the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation.
From the summary table you can go to the description of the wiring.
The description of the accounting entry includes: contents, debit and credit codes of accounts, a list of necessary documents required to reflect the entry in budget accounting, the procedure for determining the amount of the entry and the date of entry.
The description of the accounting entry contains references to certain regulatory documents, including those related to tax consequences, as well as clarifications from regulatory authorities. Using the links highlighted in blue, you can go directly to the text of the document, including familiarizing yourself with the approved document forms.
If you need to find situations in which a particular word occurs, you can use the “Search by Query” system by setting the appropriate query parameters.
As a result of the search, a list of situations that satisfy the request will be generated.

The “Directory…” situations are updated monthly and are carried out in three main areas:

  • development of new situations;
  • updating the requirements of regulations, which are given in the comments to accounting records, as well as adding links to newly adopted regulations and clarifications issued by regulatory authorities;
  • updating descriptions on the formation of operations in the current version of the program.

The announcement of the monthly update is given in the "New in release.." section.
Thus, at present, the economic situation in the “Directory...” is a kind of storage of information containing:

Accounting records with reflection:

  • the contents of the transaction, correspondence of invoices, necessary documents, the procedure for determining the amount and date;
  • justifications for accounting entries with references to regulations and explanations from regulatory authorities, including those related to tax consequences;
  • description of registration of operations in the program "1C: Accounting 7.7 for budgetary institutions."

Consulting on accounting and taxation

The materials in the section Consultations on accounting and taxation are included in the ITS BUDGET PROF.
The following are published monthly in the section:

  • full electronic versions of journals of the publishing house "Advisor Accountant", addressed to institutions of the social sphere, education and health care. For ease of use, the database is categorized by journal issue and topic;
  • tax reference books from the series “Line by line and in detail”: Income tax, VAT, Taxes and fees for settlements with personnel, etc.;
  • analytical reviews of changes in legislation and arbitration practice;
  • electronic versions of periodicals for accountants (RNA, PBU, Accounting).

Legal support

ITS BUDGET PROF includes a legal support system integrated with the programs of the 1C:Enterprise system. The section is formed by the GARANT company, is updated monthly and contains the documents most necessary in the work of an accountant and manager - the regulatory framework for accounting and taxation, tax calendar, business certificates, etc.

Technological support

The publications ITS BUDGET PROF and ITS BUDGET promptly include:

  • updating sets of accounting, tax and statistical reporting forms;
  • new releases (updates) of 1C:Enterprise system programs and standard configurations for budget accounting;
  • additional service and universal reports and processing;
  • tools for updating reporting forms and a mechanism for installing new releases, which allow you to install all new releases in one run of the installer program.

ITS subscribers, if they have access to the Internet, can quickly receive new sets of regulated reporting from the 1C website and connect to the standard configuration, and update standard configurations.

Information support

The “Information Support” section is presented as part of the ITS BUDGET PROF and ITS BUDGET publications.
The section publishes monthly:

  • schedule and some materials of the 1C:Consulting seminars on budget accounting and wages;
  • tests on the program "1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions" for certification for the title "1C: Professional";
  • training course schedule;
  • list of competence centers for budget accounting;
  • list of partners who have successful implementations in budgetary institutions;
  • information about new software products;

Subscription terms

Any registered user of 1C:Enterprise programs can subscribe to ITS.
ITS provides a subscription for 3, 6 and 12 issues. The cost of the subscription depends on the delivery option selected by the user.

1C methodologists provide answers to user questions and explain complex issues both in working with the program and in accounting methodology in budgetary institutions.

By supplementing the documentation for the programs, the presented materials will not only help novice users in mastering software products, but will also introduce system administrators to the capabilities of the programs.

All information is grouped by topic in a multi-level thematic rubricator.

The directory is updated monthly. Changes for the month are reflected in the “New and changed sections” section.

Directories of financial and economic transactions

The ITS BUDGET PROF information system includes three directories of financial and economic operations:

  • Directory of financial and economic operations of government institutions;
  • Directory of financial and economic operations of budgetary institutions;
  • Directory of financial and economic operations of an autonomous institution.

Directories represent a set of economic situations that arise in the daily activities of, respectively, state-owned, budgetary and autonomous institutions.

The materials in the reference books will be interesting and useful to accountants of state (municipal) institutions, as they contain information on accounting and taxation.

The situations in the reference books are described from the point of view of their accounting:

  • for government institutions - in accordance with the Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for Budget Accounting, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 16, 2010 No. 162n;
  • for budgetary institutions - in accordance with the Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of budgetary institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 16, 2010 No. 174n;
  • for autonomous institutions - in accordance with the Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of autonomous institutions, order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 23, 2010 No. 183n.

In addition, when compiling the Directory, the content of Orders of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n and dated December 15, 2010 No. 173n was taken into account.

In all reference books, transactions for accounting for a specific business transaction are a summary table of transactions indicating their contents, debit and credit accounts.

For most situations, instructions have been added for reflecting typical business situations in the 1C: Public Institution Accounting 8 program.

The handbook for government institutions presents situations on budgetary activities.

A separate section is devoted to accounting for funds in temporary disposal.

When describing the debit and credit of an account in the summary table of accounting records, the following symbols are given:

  • KRB- code of the main manager of budget funds, code of section, subsection, target item and type of budget expenditure;
  • KDB- code of the chief administrator of budget income, code of type, subtype of budget income;
  • KIF- code of the chief administrator of the sources of financing the budget deficit, code of the group, subgroup, article and type of source of financing the budget deficit;
  • KBK- chapter code for budget classification, zeros are indicated in 4-17 digits of the account number.

In reference books for budgetary and autonomous institutions Most situations are presented in the following context:

  • income-generating activities;
  • subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks;
  • subsidies for other purposes.

All transactions within the pivot table are further expanded. The description of the posting includes the contents, debit and credit codes of the accounts, a list of documents necessary to reflect the entry in accounting, the procedure for determining the amount and date of the entry.

Where necessary, the description of transactions includes references to laws, orders and instructions and other regulatory legal acts, including those related to tax consequences, and forms of documents, including primary ones, are provided.

You can go to a description of the posting by clicking on the serial number of the accounting entry in the pivot table.

Update everyone's situations Directories is carried out promptly and is carried out in the following main areas:

  • development of new situations;
  • adding to standard business transactions instructions for their reflection in the program "1C: Accounting of a government institution 8";
  • updating the requirements of regulations, which are given in the comments to accounting records, as well as adding links to newly adopted regulations and clarifications issued by regulatory authorities.

Announcements of updates are given in the "New in Release" section of each of the reference books.

Answers to questions about record keeping in state and municipal institutions

The directory was created specifically for 1C:ITS users who are state (municipal) institutions: state-owned, budgetary or autonomous.

The directory contains answers to questions on the following topics:

  • budget classification;
  • accounting of transactions (in terms of accounting objects) in state, budget and autonomous institutions;
  • other answers, depending on the topic of user questions.

Please note that the answers to user questions reflect the opinion of 1C specialists and are advisory in nature.

Directory of codes for classification of operations of the general government sector (KOSGU)

The experience of using 1C software by state (municipal) institutions indicates that budget classification is an effective tool for comparing planned and actual results of activities of different budget planning entities.

At the same time, many problems arise in the procedure for applying the budget classification for operations of the general government sector. In this regard, users of ITS BUDGET PROF are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Directory of classification of operations of the public administration sector (hereinafter referred to as the KOSGU Directory), developed on the basis of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation.

The KOSGU directory is a grouping of operations carried out in the public administration sector, depending on their economic content, in the context of:

  • income;
  • expenses;
  • sources of financing budget deficits.

Thus, the KOSGU articles are grouped in the Directory in accordance with the budget classification (the first level of the KOSGU Directory).

The articles in the Directory are supplemented as government bodies issue clarifications on the procedure for reflecting certain transactions according to the budget classification codes of the Russian Federation. Thus, institutions can use the KOSGU Directory as an information resource (a kind of information storage facility), in which information is systematized depending on the economic content of the operation.

The situations in the Directory are updated on a monthly basis by supplementing the certificates included in the Directory in connection with the release of relevant clarifications from the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Federal Treasury and other government bodies.

The monthly update is announced in the "What's New in Release" section.

Personnel Directory

Covers all major issues related to personnel matters.

Contains information about the rules for filling out work books, hiring and firing employees, accounting for travel and entertainment expenses, and what is necessary for the organization’s activities to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Personal Data.”

The techniques included in the handbook will instruct the user on how to correctly perform a particular personnel action with the least risk and maximum efficiency.

Directory "HR accounting and settlements with personnel in 1C programs"

The reference book “HR accounting and settlements with personnel in 1C programs” was created to provide support to users working with 1C:Enterprise 8 programs. As a rule, such users are accountants and HR employees of organizations.

The reference book contains practical examples on how to design various situations when making payments to personnel in the program “Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution, edition 1.0”. Practical examples simulate situations in which:

  • illustrates the procedure for filling out document forms in programs;
  • attention is paid to program settings related to a specific situation;
  • the examples provide an algorithm for calculating amounts;
  • reflection of calculated amounts in accounting;
  • taxation features are taken into account.

The reference book also contains practical examples on the formation of “salary” reporting.

Designers "Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data" and "Employment contract"

The designers will allow you to draw up Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data and an Employment contract using your own data at no extra cost.

For some clauses of the Regulations and the Agreement, there are several wording options to choose from. In some cases, you can use your own wording. This procedure for drawing up ensures the legal correctness of the document.

In addition, it is possible to save answers to questions (menu "File" - "Save answers"). In the future, when you open the saved file in the Designer, all previously entered information will be displayed, which can be quickly adjusted both for ready-made and for newly generated documents.

Calculation assistants

  • vacation pay (with or without using the reserve, as well as the amount of compensation for unused vacation);
  • benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth (both according to new and old rules), in connection with an accident at work or occupational disease;;
  • travel allowances (average daily earnings when paid by salary and average hourly earnings when working hours are calculated together).

Comments on laws, letters and court decisions

Contains comments:

  • the most important changes in legislation relating to the economic activities of the organization;
  • letters from various departments on controversial tax issues;
  • decisions of federal arbitration courts containing an assessment of any ambiguous economic situation.

For ambiguous issues, each comment contains expert recommendations for choosing a course of action.

Directory "Cash register equipment"

The handbook talks about who should use CCP and what the liability for non-use is, what requirements apply to this technique and how its use is monitored.

In addition, the handbook describes the procedures for registration, re-registration and deregistration of cash registers, as well as the procedure for filling out an application for registration of this equipment.

The directory also contains articles devoted to the procedure for carrying out calculations without the use of cash registers and the requirements for strict reporting forms.

In addition to theoretical articles, the directory contains recommendation articles that discuss practical issues related to the use of cash register equipment.

Directory "Trade secrets"

This guide tells you what a trade secret is, what information and for what purpose can be considered a trade secret.

You can also find out from the directory who needs to provide information that is a trade secret, and what liability is provided for failure to provide it. In addition, the handbook lists sanctions that may be applied for the disclosure and illegal use of such information.

From the step-by-step methodology, which describes the procedure for classifying information as a trade secret, you can find out exactly what actions should be taken to introduce a trade secret regime in relation to certain information, what documents need to be drawn up and what you should pay attention to when carrying out this procedure.

Handbook of contractual relations

The directory includes materials covering the most popular civil law transactions. The materials reveal legal nuances, the knowledge of which is necessary for an accountant to understand the essence of a particular obligation, provide data from judicial practice, and provide recommendations for including certain conditions in the text of the contract.

In addition, the tax consequences of a particular condition for its parties are now being added. You can find them in the “Taxes” tab of the “What’s important to know” section.

Designers "Supply Agreement" and "Power of Attorney"

The designers will allow you to quickly and easily draw up a Supply Agreement or Power of Attorney using your own data.

In order to compile them, you must answer questions and enter the requested information. Answers to questions will help formulate comments located at the bottom of the screen.

In some cases, you can use your own wording. This procedure for drawing up ensures the legal correctness of the document.

The result is a finished document that can be printed or saved to a file for editing.

In addition, it is possible to save answers to questions (menu "File" - "Save answers"). In the future, when you open the saved file, the designer will display all the previously entered information, which can be quickly adjusted for both the finished document and the one being generated.

Directory "Inspections by regulatory authorities"

Contains materials that will help you prepare for many types of inspections and protect your company from unlawful actions of inspectors.

  • on what basis is this or that inspection carried out and, accordingly, whether it is legal;
  • what is the competence of the inspection body and its officials;
  • how the manager and employees of the organization should behave when conducting an inspection;
  • whether the deadlines established by law are observed during the inspection;
  • whether the documents drawn up as part of the inspection are drawn up correctly by the inspection body;
  • what liability may the audited organization bear if violations are discovered in its activities;
  • in what cases it is necessary to appeal the actions of the inspection body, and in what order this can be done.

Section "Base of normative documents"

The volume of regulatory documents in the "Base of Regulatory Documents" section corresponds to the information blocks of the reference and legal system "1C: Garant".

LLC "Fitech"

Limited Liability Company "Fitech". I work as an assistant to the chief accountant and personnel officer at the Limited Liability Company "Fitech". Our organization is engaged in the installation and maintenance of fire protection systems. We use Enterprise Accounting 3.0. We are happy with the program, we have been using it for a long time, thanks to Irina Dump for the good work.

We use the “Consultation Line” of both 1C and First BIT and the website

The Pharmaimpex group of companies is a federal chain of pharmacies. Today we have more than a thousand branches, which, of course, facilitates continuous contacts with counterparties on issues of equipment supply, premises rental and much more. We often spent quite a lot of time requesting details from them and entering them into our 1C database.

An important point when drawing up the ITS PROF agreement was the connection to the 1C: Counterparty service. It is simple and easy to use, and by implementing the ability to autofill details, we spend almost no time resources.

LLC "Lesnoye"

I am the chief accountant of Lesnoye LLC. When I first got acquainted with 1C:ITS, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of information that was useful to me, presented in a simple and understandable form. In my work I use 1C:ITS information services such as “Accounting” and “Salaries and HR Management”. The programs are very convenient and allow you to fully maintain accounting and personnel records. All issues that arise are resolved very quickly, thanks to the news feed. I also cannot help but note the Information and technological support for 1C (ITS) users. It contains a lot of useful information both on working with programs and on changes in legislation.

Our 1C:ITS support manager is Ekaterina Moskalenko. Ekaterina knows and does her job well. She is very attentive to our requests, punctual, responsible, organized and communicative. If there is a failure in the program, Ekaterina will definitely answer as soon as possible, help, and if necessary, connect via remote access and solve the problem.

Construction company "Coliseum"

I have been working as an accountant for 10 years and have been using 1C programs in my work for the same number of years. Much has changed over the years, but the relevance, excellent adaptability of 1C software products and the desire of the developers of these programs to ease the hard work of accountants remain unchanged.

For 3 years now we have been cooperating with the First Bit company under the PROF level ITS agreement. During this time, I have formed an excellent impression of the employees of this company; they are distinguished by high professionalism, attentiveness and responsiveness.

Expertsroyproekt, Voronezh

My name is Nikulina Natalya Vladimirovna, and I work as the chief accountant at Expertstroyproekt LLC. I think for any accountant the hottest period of work is during the preparation and submission of reports. But, like any POSITION, you don’t want to be delayed at work again because the signed documents were lost in the mail or arrived at the last minute. Especially during the reporting period.

Our manager, who is updating the program, once heard that I was trying to persuade him over the phone to quickly sign and send the document. He offered me a document exchange service - 1C-EDO.

LLC "Remmontazh, Voronezh"

We keep records in 1C: Enterprise Accounting. The program is well adapted to accounting in the service sector. The program is satisfactory in all respects, the analytics works and deploys everything that is necessary to analyze the work and get good results. We generate all accounting, tax, pension and other reports using the capabilities of 1C: Enterprise Accounting and the 1C-Reporting service. The 1C:ITS information system helps in mastering the functions of the program and solving accounting problems. I constantly turn to ITS materials when complex questions regarding VAT accounting arise.

In addition to the information system from 1C:ITS services, I also use 1C-Counteragent and Cloud Archive. The first service makes my work easier and faster, and automatic database archiving guarantees my peace of mind. Even if we catch the virus, we won’t have to restore the entire database.

Stroykom LLC, Voronezh

I have been working as an accountant at Stroykom LLC since June 1, 2015. I work in the 1C: Accounting 8 program (version 3.0) and use the information technology support of ITS PROF. The first 1C services I started working with were 1C-Reporting and 1C-Counteragent.

I figured it out quickly and easily (when generating a report, you just need to click the “Submit” button). And how to request certificates, reconciliation reports for taxes, contributions and payments, and much more, the managers of the First BIT company told me. The advantage is that you don’t have to personally stand in line at the regulatory authorities. Highly recommend.

Nevskaya Dentistry LLC

I have been using ITS since 2010. Back then, the ITS was simply a disk with updates and accounting information. But even then he was useful.

Today there is much more information available in ITS. An online version of the ITS is available - it contains examples, auditors’ answers, and sections with useful information.


We are an organization with a small staff, we are engaged in construction. Every year legislation changes, new forms of reports appear, and there are ambiguous situations with the interpretation of laws. All this requires prompt answers, and we need not just an abstract answer, but a concrete answer - how to reflect it in our 1C.

IP Petrukhin

Our company is engaged in wholesale trade. In our work we use the 1C Trade Management and 1C Enterprise Accounting programs. Despite the fact that I have been working in programs for a long time, each enterprise has its own specifics. The ITS Prof contract services allow us to constantly keep abreast of all accounting and reporting news, find answers to questions that arise in the process of work, and easily submit reports.

The program is supported by Ekaterina Moskalenko, a specialist from the Titan company. I receive high-quality, qualified assistance in a timely manner. We are very pleased with the results of the support and do not regret that we turned to the Titan company; I can rate the support work as 10 on a 10-point system.

IP Baulin

I have been working with 1C programs for quite a long time, in particular 1C Trade Management, 1C Enterprise Accounting, 1C Salary and HR Management. We regularly renew the ITS Prof. contract. Thanks to this, we always have up-to-date updates, information about changes in legislation, and timely consultations on issues of interest. In our work we also use the services 1C Cloud Archive and 1C EDF.

The programs are supported by specialists from the First BIT company. We are very pleased with the service, they provide assistance in a timely and professional manner. The work on updates is carried out by service engineer Ekaterina Moskalenko. Informs in a timely manner about changes in legislation and performs the work efficiently.

Walt Street LLC

I work in the 1C program. Accounting 8.3 and ZUP 3.0. "Pro" version. I connected the ITS service from the Titan company. I am satisfied with this function, because... I always find clear and concise answers to questions of interest. I really like the functionality of filling out the counterparty’s TIN, it helps to really reduce the time for settlements with partners. The “Link” option erases the stereotype of an accountant’s work as an office worker, “tied” to his workplace. With its help, you can perform all your duties both at home and on vacation. Employees of the company "Osnova Business" and "Titan" are always in touch, insuring in decision-making. It’s a pleasure to work with the assigned ITS manager – Ekaterina Moskalenko. She is an excellent assistant and partner in accounting work (the technical side).

It took me a long time to decide on a 1C support and maintenance company and now I understand that I made the right choice. Thank you for working as a team, for your support and understanding!

IP Zhdanovich

Often, when working in 1C: Accounting, I had to contact the consultation line, within the framework of the ITS Techno agreement. But I couldn’t use the opportunity to send reports to government agencies. And then the manager of the company “First BIT. Izhevsk" Natalya told me about the possibilities of the "ITS PROF" subscription, where I can easily not only send reports, but also connect to the program remotely from home using the 1C: LINK service.

ITS BUDGET PROF will help:

correctly reflect in tax and budget accounting the economic situation that arises in the activities of state (municipal) institutions;

correctly apply the budget classification for general government sector operations;

get answers to questions related to accounting for business transactions in state, budget and autonomous institutions.

The professional information system ITS Budget PROF is intended for managers, lawyers, personnel officers, economists, accountants, accountants and IT specialists of state (municipal) institutions.

Methodological support

The section “Methodological support for an accountant of a budgetary institution” includes articles by 1C methodologists and leading budget accounting consultants on the practical application of regulatory documents on budget accounting and its maintenance using software products of the 1C:Enterprise system.

In this section, methodologists from 1C provide answers to user questions and explain complex issues both in working with the program and in accounting methodology in budgetary institutions.

By supplementing the documentation for the programs, the presented materials will not only help novice users in mastering software products, but will also introduce system administrators to the capabilities of the programs. All information in the ITS BUDGET PROF section “Methodological support for an accountant of a budgetary institution” is grouped by topic in a multi-level thematic rubricator.

The section is updated monthly. Changes for the month are reflected in the “New and changed sections” section.

Directories of financial and economic transactions

The section includes three reference books:

Directory of financial and economic operations of government institutions;

Directory of financial and economic operations of budgetary institutions;

Directory of financial and economic operations of an autonomous institution;

Directories represent a set of economic situations that arise in the daily activities of state, budget and autonomous institutions, respectively. The materials in the reference books will be interesting and useful to accountants of state (municipal) institutions, as they contain information on accounting and taxation. The situations in the reference books are described from the point of view of their accounting:

for government institutions - in accordance with the Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for Budget Accounting, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 16, 2010 No. 162n;

for budgetary institutions - in accordance with the Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of budgetary institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 16, 2010 No. 174n;

for autonomous institutions - in accordance with the Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of autonomous institutions, order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 23, 2010 No. 183n.

In all reference books, transactions for accounting for a specific business transaction are a summary table of transactions indicating their contents, debit and credit accounts. Instructions for reflecting typical business situations in the 1C: Public Institution Accounting 8 program have been added to most situations.

In the directory for government institutions, most situations are presented in terms of two types of activities:

budgetary activities;

income-generating activity.

A separate section is devoted to accounting for funds in temporary disposal. When describing the debit and credit of an account in the summary table of accounting records, the following symbols are given:

KRB - code of the main manager of budget funds, code of section, subsection, target item and type of budget expenditure;

KDB - code of the chief administrator of budget revenues, code of type, subtype of budget revenue;

KIF - code of the chief administrator of the sources of financing the budget deficit, code of the group, subgroup, article and type of source of financing the budget deficit;

KBK - chapter code for budget classification; zeros are indicated in 4-17 digits of the account number.

In reference books for budgetary and autonomous institutions, most situations are presented in the following context:

income-generating activities;

subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks;

subsidies for other purposes.

All transactions within the pivot table are further expanded. The description of the posting includes the contents, debit and credit codes of the accounts, a list of documents necessary to reflect the entry in accounting, the procedure for determining the amount and date of the entry.

Where necessary, the description of transactions includes references to laws, orders and instructions and other regulatory legal acts, including those related to tax consequences, and forms of documents, including primary ones, are provided.

Also, for convenience, links are provided to the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 21, 2011 No. 180n) and to the KOSGU Directory, which reveals the content of articles of the budget classification.

You can go to a description of the posting by clicking on the serial number of the accounting entry in the pivot table.

The situations of all Directories are updated online and carried out in the following main areas:

development of new situations;

adding to standard business transactions instructions for their reflection in the program "1C: Accounting of a government institution 8";

updating the requirements of regulations, which are given in the comments to accounting records, as well as adding links to newly adopted regulations and clarifications issued by regulatory authorities.

Update announcements are provided in the “New in Release” section of each reference book.

Answers to questions about record keeping in state and municipal institutions

The section was created specifically for ITS users who are state (municipal) institutions: state-owned, budgetary or autonomous. This section contains answers to questions on the following topics:

budget classification;

accounting of transactions (in terms of accounting objects) in state, budget and autonomous institutions;

other answers, depending on the topic of user questions.

Please note that the answers posted in the “Answers to questions for subscribers” section represent solely the opinion of 1C specialists and have no legal force.

From the "Consultations" section, ITS users can ask a question to the 1C company's consultation line.

Directory of codes for classification of operations of the general government sector (KOSGU)

The experience of using 1C software by state (municipal) institutions indicates that budget classification is an effective tool for comparing planned and actual results of activities of different budget planning entities.

At the same time, many problems arise in the procedure for applying the budget classification for operations of the general government sector. In this regard, users of the ITS BUDGET PROF are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Directory of Classification of Operations of the Public Administration Sector (hereinafter referred to as the KOSGU Directory), developed on the basis of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 21, 2011 No. 180n.

The KOSGU directory is a grouping of operations carried out in the public administration sector, depending on their economic content, in the context of:


sources of financing budget deficits.

Thus, the KOSGU articles are grouped in the Directory in accordance with the budget classification (the first level of the KOSGU Directory).

The articles in the Directory are supplemented as government bodies issue clarifications on the procedure for reflecting certain transactions according to the budget classification codes of the Russian Federation.

Thus, institutions can use the KOSGU Directory as an information resource (a kind of information storage facility), in which information is systematized depending on the economic content of the operation.

The situations in the Directory are updated on a monthly basis by supplementing the certificates included in the Directory in connection with the release of relevant clarifications from the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Federal Treasury and other government bodies. The monthly update announcement is provided in the "What's New in Release" section.

Personnel and remuneration

The section includes the following subsections:

Accounting and remuneration of public sector employees

Electronic version of the manual “Accounting and remuneration of public sector employees.” The manual takes into account both the specifics of calculating wages in state (municipal) institutions in accordance with new wage systems, as well as changes in legislation that came into force on January 1, 2011, including a new procedure for calculating benefits for temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

All current issues of payroll calculation are considered in relation to a specialized program for calculating all types of payments, deductions and taxes (fees) in state (municipal) institutions “1C: Salaries and personnel of budgetary institutions 8”.

Authors of the manual: Geyts Igor Viktorovich, Ph.D., editor-in-chief of the magazine “Salaries. Calculations, accounting, taxes." Author of numerous editions and publications on issues of wages, accounting and reporting, taxation, developer of departmental orders of a number of power ministries and departments on the specifics of applying the Instructions on Budget Accounting and Elena Arnoldovna Kadysh, methodologist at 1C.

Legal guide to personnel and remuneration

Covers all major issues related to personnel matters. Contains information about the rules for filling out work books, hiring and firing employees, accounting for travel and entertainment expenses, and what is necessary for the organization’s activities to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Personal Data.”

The techniques included in the handbook will instruct the user on how to correctly perform a particular personnel action with the least risk and maximum efficiency.

Maintaining personnel records and settlements with personnel in 1C programs

Includes practical examples of how to reflect individual personnel operations (hiring, dismissal, accounting for length of service, accounting for personal data) and payments to employees (salaries, bonuses, sick leave, etc.) in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 programs.

In addition, the settings for frequently used types of accruals and deductions are described, as well as recommendations for filling out individual directories in 1C:Enterprise programs.

Each article is a description of the order and features of performing a particular operation in an application solution. Users of the program “1C: Salaries and personnel of budgetary institutions 8” can also use these recommendations in their work.

Constructor "Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data"

The designer “Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data” is a program that will allow you to draw up a Regulation on the processing and protection of personal data using your own data at no extra cost.

In order to draw up the Regulations, you must answer the questions and enter the requested information.

Answers to questions will help formulate comments located at the bottom of the screen. For some clauses of the Regulations, there are several wording options to choose from. In some cases, you can use your own wording. This procedure for drawing up ensures the legal correctness of the document.

In the future, when you open the saved file in the Designer, all previously entered information will be displayed, which can be quickly adjusted both for ready-made and for newly generated documents.

Calculation assistants

This is a convenient tool that allows you to calculate, using your own data:

vacation pay (with or without using the reserve, as well as the amount of compensation for unused vacation);

benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth (both according to new and old rules);

travel allowances (average daily earnings when paid by salary and average hourly earnings when working hours are calculated together).

The handbook contains materials that will help determine how to act correctly during an inspection, assess the risk of liability and its size, as well as cases and methods of appealing against the actions of inspectors. The guide covers the following types of checks:

inspections by labor inspectorate;

checks by the migration service;

checking compliance with legislation on the protection of personal data;

on-site inspection of pension contribution payers.

Section "Legal support"

The section is devoted to legal support for the economic activities of an organization and includes several subsections.


The “Contracts” directory includes materials covering the most popular civil law transactions.

The materials reveal legal nuances, the knowledge of which is necessary for an accountant to understand the essence of a particular obligation, provide data from judicial practice, and provide recommendations for including certain conditions in the text of the contract.

The “What is important to know” sections for each party warn about the consequences of a particular action of both the party itself and its counterparty.

“Delivery Agreement” constructor

The “Supply Agreement” constructor is a program that allows you to quickly and easily draw up a Supply Agreement using your own data. In order to draw up an Agreement, you must answer the questions and enter the requested information.

Answers to questions will help formulate comments located at the bottom of the screen. In some cases, you can use your own wording. This procedure for drawing up ensures the legal correctness of the document.

The result is a finished document that can be printed or saved to a file for editing. In addition, it is possible to save answers to questions (menu "File" - "Save answers").

In the future, when you open the saved file, the designer will display all the previously entered information, which can be quickly adjusted for both the finished document and the one being generated.

Inspections by regulatory authorities

Contains materials that will help you prepare for many types of inspections and protect your company from unlawful actions of inspectors. Here you will find answers to the following questions:

on what basis is this or that inspection carried out and, accordingly, whether it is legal;

what is the competence of the inspection body and its officials;

how the manager and employees of the organization should behave when conducting an inspection;

whether the deadlines established by law are observed during the inspection;

whether the documents drawn up as part of the inspection are drawn up correctly by the inspection body;

what liability may the audited organization bear if violations are discovered in its activities;

in what cases it is necessary to appeal the actions of the inspection body, and in what order this can be done.


The volume of regulatory documents in the “Legislation” subsection corresponds to the information blocks of the reference and legal system “1C: Garant”: “Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship”; “Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship. Moscow"; “Tax calendar and business certificates.”

The database of regulatory documents is updated weekly in the Internet version of the ITS. All ITS BUDGET PROF materials contain hypertext links to the database of regulatory documents "1C: Garant".

Comments on laws, letters and court decisions

Contains comments:

the most important changes in legislation relating to the economic activities of the organization;

letters from various departments on controversial tax issues;

decisions of federal arbitration courts containing an assessment of any ambiguous economic situation.

For ambiguous issues, each comment contains expert recommendations for choosing a course of action.

Section "Accounting periodicals"

The section "Accounting periodicals" presents electronic versions of the following printed publications:

"Budget accounting";

“Autonomous organizations: accounting and taxation”;

"Russian Tax Courier";

"Practical accounting";


"Financial newspaper".

Release schedule for DVD releases of 1C:ITS for 2016.


































































January 2017




Especially for budgetary institutions, two types of ITS are issued monthly: “ITS Budget” and “ITS Budget PROF”. They contain technological, methodological and reference materials intended for the daily work of a budget organization. Many of them are exclusive and are not published in other publications.

All materials included in the publications "ITS Budget" and "ITS Budget PROF" are presented in the form of a full-text database and are supported by links to the regulatory framework of the ATP "Garant". ITS materials are kept up to date.

Methodological support

The section "Methodological support for an accountant of a budgetary institution" includes articles that reveal issues of the practical application of regulatory documents on budget accounting and its maintenance using software products of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system. The materials in this section complement the documentation for the programs and help users in the process of mastering software products, and also reveal the capabilities of the programs.

The section is part of the publication "ITS Budget" and "ITS Budget PROF".

Directory of financial and economic operations of a budgetary institution

The directory contains descriptions of more than 250 typical financial and economic situations. Situations in the directory are grouped by accounting objects: fixed assets, inventories, calculations, etc. Most situations are presented in terms of two types of activities: budgetary activities and income-generating activities.

The directory is updated monthly. The update includes the development of new situations, updating the requirements of regulations, updating descriptions of the formation of operations in the current version of the program.

The directory of financial and economic operations of a budgetary institution is part of the publication "ITS Budget PROF".

Consulting on accounting and taxation

Every month, the section publishes full electronic versions of the journals of the publishing house "Advisor Accountant", addressed to institutions of the social sphere, education and health care. For ease of use, the database is divided into sections by journal issue and topic; tax reference books: Income tax, VAT, Taxes and fees for settlements with personnel, etc.; analytical reviews of changes in legislation and arbitration practice; electronic versions of periodicals for accountants (RNA, PBU, Accounting).

The materials in this section are part of the publication "ITS Budget PROF".

Legal support

ITS Budget PROF includes a legal support system integrated with the programs of the 1C:Enterprise system. The section is formed by the GARANT company, is updated monthly and contains the documents most necessary in the work of an accountant and manager - the regulatory framework for accounting and taxation, tax calendar, business certificates, etc.

Technological support

The publications "ITS Budget" and "ITS Budget PROF" include:

  • updating sets of accounting, tax and statistical reporting forms;
  • new releases (updates) of 1C:Enterprise system programs and standard configurations for budget accounting;
  • additional service and universal reports and processing;
  • tools for updating reporting forms and a mechanism for installing new releases.

Information support

The section publishes monthly information materials on the following topics:

  • schedule and some materials of the 1C:Consulting seminars on budget accounting and wages;
  • tests on the program "1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions" for certification for the title "1C: Professional";
  • training course schedule;
  • list of competence centers for budget accounting;
  • list of partners who have successful implementations in budgetary institutions;
  • information about new software products.

The “Information Support” section is part of the “ITS Budget” and “ITS Budget PROF” publications.

You can get more detailed information about “ITS Budget” and “ITS Budget PROF” on the 1C: ITS Budget website.

ITS subscription cost

Price type Number of months of subscription, price
12 months 6 months 3 months
Retail price 19 320 9 936 5 211
16 800 8 640 4 530
Retail price 11 880 5 952 3 081
Retail price when purchased from a partner 11 520 5 940 3 060