The finalist of the show, the battle of psychics, died. How the deceased star of the “Battle of Psychics” lived

According to information that appeared in the media, Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the popular show “Battle of Psychics,” died after falling from a sixth-floor window. It is reported that before this the girl quarreled with her boyfriend.

Finalist of the show “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova died after falling from a sixth-floor window of one of the houses on Entuziastov Highway in eastern Moscow, reports. The circumstances of the incident are being established.


According to preliminary data, before her tragic death, the girl had a strong quarrel with her boyfriend, Artem Besov. “He threatened her that he would go home to Chelyabinsk and leave her, but she was categorically against this,” said the sorceress’s mother.

A scandal broke out in the girl’s apartment. After a quarrel, the young man turned away from his girlfriend for a short time, and at that moment she fell out of the window. According to the preliminary version, Ilona Novoselova wanted to scare Artem Besov, but could not resist, the Moscow city news agency reports. Eyewitnesses filmed the scene of the psychic's death on video.

She gained wide popularity in the media not only due to her successes in the mystical field. The gender reassignment scandal caused a great stir. In addition, the name of Ilona Novoselova appeared in criminal chronicles.

June 14, 2017

A well-known specialist spoke about unknown aspects of Ilona Novoselova’s life.

There are several versions of Ilona Novoselova’s death. Investigators are looking into the circumstances of the death of the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics.” There is an assumption that the woman fell out of the window through negligence, after a conflict with her boyfriend, deciding to intimidate him.29-year-old participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova fell from the window of her apartment on the 6th floor, receiving injuries incompatible with life.

It is known that Ilona Novoselova called herself a black magician. Fans of the TV project on forums, discussing the death of the magician, put forward the version that her work ruined her: love spells, evil eyes and other rituals.

the site spoke with the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ziraddin Rzayev, who knew the deceased. A famous psychic and psychologist regrets the death of a young woman. Ziraddin Rzayev has his own version of what happened.

- This is not an accident, I clearly see that Ilona committed suicide. She was very emotional, sensitive, choleric in temperament. I am far from black magic, but the things that Ilona used in her practice did not have a very good effect on her health and personal life. She was unhappy in life, always sad. Once, after filming, she had a drink and said: “I don’t want to die alone, I don’t want to be an old lonely witch.” She tormented herself, suffered. I learned from the media that her previous name was Andrei, and she used to be a boy. Ilona regretted that she changed her gender.

— You starred with Ilona in the program “Psychics Are Investigating.” She often showed psychic abilities.

“She had more ability to do rituals and ceremonies.The assessment must be givenpeople. But she had some kind of power. While filming in Elista, Ilona told her family that their dead child was eaten by ants. The relatives were shocked because Ilona guessed right: the child was thrown into a nest of ants.

— Did Ilona Novoselova have suicidal tendencies?

— She was emotional. I remember once, while filming, I went into a store to buy beer, and the seller didn’t have change for 5 thousand rubles. Ilona showered the saleswoman with curses, and I had to calm the woman down. Ilona's profession was negative, but she was not a bad woman.

Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, a clairvoyant, finalist of the sixth season of the “Battle of Psychics” project, was the closest friend of Ilona Novoselova, who tragically died on June 13. In an exclusive interview, she explained why the black witch actually jumped out of the window.

“Ilona was a frequent guest in my house,” said Kazhetta. “And she came to me not alone, but with her mother.” Psychics always communicate differently with each other than with ordinary people, and in recent months I began to feel that something terrible was going to happen.”

“The fact is that Ilona practiced exclusively black magic. She could drive someone into a coffin, break up a family, cause damage, the evil eye. I told her many times: “Ilona, ​​stop with these dirty deeds, you will ruin your karma, they will not bring you any good. But my friend just waved it off,” sighs Akhmetzhanova.

“Today everyone says that Ilona threw herself out of the window because of a quarrel with her lover. This is wrong. The man she lived with left her four times, but then returned, so this was unlikely to be a serious reason, the clairvoyant continues. - The point here is different. Ilona told me that at the age of 13 she was possessed by an otherworldly force. This voice inside told her what to do, and he advised her to undergo sex reassignment surgery.”

But after all the male organs were cut off, the worst happened. “Ilona suffered from wild phantom pains, she simply went crazy,” says Kazhetta. “The depression became more and more severe, breakdowns became more frequent, and she could no longer work. She took hormonal drugs endlessly, but the pain was so strong that it drove her to madness.”

“Novoselova kept talking about how she regretted becoming a woman. In a man's guise, it seemed to her, she could easily meet the woman she loved and live happily. Now Ilona suffered from internal contradiction,” says the clairvoyant.

“Ilona threw herself out of the window precisely because she lost control of herself due to pain, did not understand what to do, she simply had a clouding of her mind,” Kazhetta is sure. “Her mother was in the next room, so she didn’t prevent the disaster when her daughter stood on the windowsill and opened the window...”

Information appeared in the Russian media that Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the 6th and 7th seasons of the popular television show “Battle of Psychics,” died in Moscow yesterday.

This is stated in the message Life.

As an eyewitness told reporters, the tragedy happened on Entuziastov Highway - a 29-year-old girl fell from a sixth-floor window.

According to correspondents from another Russian media outlet, Novoselova had quarreled with her boyfriend the day before. The young man decided to go home to Chelyabinsk, but Ilona was against it. The psychic called her mother and asked her to come. The woman, accustomed to her daughter’s hot temper, tried to calm her down, and when after a while she went into another room, she heard a strange sound. Novoselova fell from the balcony onto the canopy of a dental clinic and died.

It was also reported that the girl drank alcohol on the day of the tragedy.

As Ilona herself stated, her “gift” appeared at the age of 10. She saw the silhouette of her deceased grandmother next to her mirror image. Since then, she began to “communicate with the dead.” As Novoselova said, her paternal grandmother was a witch, and her maternal grandmother was a healer.

From the age of 12, the girl developed her gift and at 14 she could already recognize people’s illnesses and “speak with the dead.” At 17, Ilona realized that her purpose was to help people.

At the age of 19, the girl experienced severe emotional stress due to separation from her beloved. She almost committed suicide, but it was at that moment that the spirits reported that she had been granted witchcraft powers. By the age of 30, according to Novoselova, her abilities had reached their peak.

Let us note that recently, Russian actor Vasily Stepanov tried to commit suicide by jumping from a fifth-floor window.
