Delicious pear jam with lemon recipe. Pear lemon jam slices

Pear jam with lemon It has a very interesting taste and aroma; it can easily surprise and delight guests who come to your place for tea. Delicious candied fruits look incredibly appetizing, and the combination of pear and lemon is always a win-win, be sure to try it.

Ingredients for making pear jam with lemon:

  1. Pear 1 kilogram
  2. Lemon 1 piece (large)
  3. Sugar 1 kilogram
  4. Water 200 grams

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Glass jars with lids, a saucepan, a kitchen knife, a paring knife, a cutting board, a ladle, a wooden spoon, a wide funnel, a brush for washing vegetables, a colander.

Preparation of pear jam with lemon:

Step 1: Prepare the pears.

Rinse the pears thoroughly and remove the skin from them by scraping it with a special knife. Then divide each fruit into 3-4 parts and remove the core with seeds, tear off the branches and cut off the tendrils.
Cut the peeled pears lengthwise into slices or, if you wish, into large slices.

Step 2: Prepare the lemon.

Rinse the lemon warm water, it would be nice to go over its skin with a soft brush to be sure to get rid of all the dirt. After the washed citrus, cut into thin circles or semicircles, simultaneously removing the seeds from its pulp.
Boil in between 200 grams water.
Then the chopped lemon should be placed in a small saucepan, pour boiling water over it and boil for 3 minutes. Then place the fruit slices in a colander and wait until excess moisture drains from them. Do not drain the resulting broth.

Step 3: Soak the fruit in syrup.

Return the broth remaining after boiling the lemons back into the pan, pour sugar into it and bring to a boil, stirring all the time. When the sugar has completely dissolved in the boiling water, remove the pan with the syrup from the heat and pour the pear slices and lemon slices into it. Leave the fruit to soak in the syrup for 1 hour.

Step 4: Prepare pear jam with lemon.

Later 1 hour Place the pan with pears and lemon in syrup on the fire, bring to a boil and cook its contents until the fruit slices become transparent, as if made of glass. On average, it takes another 1 hour. It is important to know that you need to cook it over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
Pour the finished pear jam into sterilized glass jars. Close the containers tightly with lids and leave them right here in the kitchen to cool. But after the jars with the preparations inside have reached room temperature, the jam can be put away in a cool, dark place.

Step 5: Serve pear jam with lemon.

The very presence of pear jam with lemon in your pantry is already a reason to get together with the whole family or together good friends for a tea party. Well, you will understand everything yourself as soon as you open the first jar. This truly royal treat can be eaten directly, with spoons, but it is better to spread it on crispy toast or on a homemade croissant with butter.
Bon appetit!

If desired, lemons can be pre-peeled.

From this amount of ingredients, approximately 1 liter of finished jam is obtained.

Pear jam recipe Many housewives have it, but we want to offer you several original and very tasty options that you will definitely like. If you are preparing a delicacy for the first time, then our tips will also be useful to you. Let's start with them.

How to make pear jam

We choose the fruits.

To prepare sweet treats, you need to choose fruits with dense pulp. The most popular varieties are duchess and lemon. However, you can take other varieties, the main thing is that the fruits are not overripe. Collect pears with elastic skin. Rinse them thoroughly, remove the stems and core, chop them into cubes or slices. Cut off all rotten areas and dark spots.

Cooking utensils.

For cooking jam, it is better to choose an aluminum or copper basin. In such containers it does not burn or stick. Wash the jars for preparation thoroughly and scald with boiling water. You can also warm them up in microwave oven or heat over steam. For preparation, also prepare a plate for foam and a wooden spatula.

Pear jam for the winter


Water – 2 glasses

Sugar – 2.4 kg

Pear – 2 kilograms


Prepare the fruits, cut them, put them in a bowl for cooking. Pour in sugar and smooth over the surface. Prick the fruit in several places with a fork. Leave for several hours until the juice appears. If the type of fruit is not very juicy, then pour water into it. Place the basin on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for an hour. During this time, stir it several times.

Pear jam with lemon


Pears – 2 kilograms

Granulated sugar – 2.5 kg

Lemon – 3 pieces


Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove dark spots and stems, cut into large cubes, and place in a container. Pass the lemon through a meat grinder. Also pass the lemon through a meat grinder and send it there. Sprinkle the fruit mixture with sugar and let it brew for 3 hours. Be sure to poke the fruits with a fork so that they release the juice. After soaking the sugar in juice, stir the mixture, place the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, and leave for an hour on low heat. Stir the mixture, pour it while still hot into prepared containers, seal tightly with lids, and place under a blanket until it cools. ready!

Delicious pear jam

Required Products:

Water – 1.5 liters

Almonds – 120 g

Vanilla – ½ teaspoon

Sugar, pears – 2 kg each

Cooking steps:

Prepare the fruits, peel and cut into slices. Pour water into the cooking container and place the prepared products in it. Boil for 3 minutes, drain the water into another container, add sugar, and cook the syrup. Pour the prepared syrup over the pear pieces and leave in this form for several hours. Place the jam on the fire, boil, reduce the heat, simmer for 10 minutes, and let it brew again for 4 hours. Next time, boil the mixture for 20 minutes. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped almonds and vanilla. Wrap the workpiece until it cools.

Pear and apple jam

You will need:

Apples, pears – 1 kg each

Granulated sugar – 2 kg

Mint sprigs – 3 pieces

Citric acid - teaspoon

How to cook:

Wash the fruits, remove rotten areas, cores and stems, cut into cubes, place in a pan, cover with sugar. Poke the fruits with a fork and leave for one night. If the fruits turn out to be a bit dry and do not give the required amount of juice, then you can add a little water. Stir the mixture and place on the stove. Boil the delicacy and cook over low heat with regular stirring. Cook for an hour and a half. Twenty minutes before the end, dip into the mixture citric acid, stir well. Place the washed mint sprigs, but make sure that they do not drown in the total mass. Before pouring the workpiece, they must be removed. Pack the preparation into jars, seal, cool, and transfer to a cool place.

Try this option too.

Pear and orange jam.

You will need:

Sugar – 2.2 kg

Pears – 2.2 kg

Oranges – 3 pieces


Wash the pears, peel the center, cut into slices, and place in a container. Peel the orange and cut into cubes. Cover the fruit mass with sugar, poke with a fork, and leave the mixture overnight. Place the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, simmer for an hour and a half over the fire, stir regularly, skimming off the foam. Pour the finished treat into hot jars and close the lid tightly. The fragrant preparation is ready!

How do you like this?

How to make pear jam.

You will need:

Light grapes – 520 g

Pears – 1.5 kg

Dry white wine – 220 ml

Granulated sugar – 155 g

Cinnamon - coffee spoon

sprig of lavender


Cut the peel from clean fruits and remove the center. Chop the pulp into slices. Mix sugar with wine, let it boil, stir until sugar dissolves. Add cinnamon and fruit, simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. As soon as the jam has cooled, put the pan on the fire again, bring the contents to a boil, add a lavender sprig, and simmer for 5 minutes. And the final approach. As soon as the preparation has cooled, remove the lavender sprig, boil the mixture, and package it in sterile jars.

Try cooking it the same way

Lingonberry jam with pears.


Hard pears – 2.8 kg

Granulated sugar – 2 kg

Lemons (juice and zest) – one and a half kilograms

Lingonberries – 1.5 kg


Wash the lingonberries and place in a sieve. Cut out the center of clean, peeled pears. Do this in such a way that the “tails” remain intact. Do not throw away the pear peel. Chop the pulp into slices. Cut the zest from the lemons, squeeze out the juice, sprinkle the fruits, transfer to a deep vat or bowl, cover with film, and let “rest.” Place lemon zest, lingonberries, pear peelings in a separate pan, cover with water (600 ml). As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the heat, cover the dish with a lid, cook with regular stirring for about 20 minutes. Make sure that the lingonberries turn into mush. Cool the resulting mass, pass through a fine strainer, place in a container in pears, add sugar, and place on the stove. Stir all this until the sugar is completely dissolved, simmer for half an hour, skim off the foam until the jam thickens. Pour the finished product into the prepared container and seal it tightly.

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Whole pear jam.

Required Products:

Granulated sugar – 2.4 kg

Pears – 4 kg

Citric acid – 1/3 coffee spoon

Water – 800 ml

Carnation buds – 3 pcs.


Wash the fruits, make punctures in several places, and place in a saucepan with thick walls. In a separate bowl, boil the syrup, pour over the pears, and let stand. Once the fruit mixture has cooled, place it on the stove over low heat and cook for 10 minutes. As soon as the jam has cooled, boil it again. To do this, 10 minutes will be enough for you. Do this several times. Add cloves and citric acid at the very end, place the workpiece in a sterilized glass container. Jam from whole pear ready!

Lemon pear jam.


Sugar – 1.3 kg

Water – 520 ml

Pears – 1 kilogram

A pinch of citric acid

Cooking steps:

Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove seeds, and cut into quarters. Boil water, place pear quarters in it, and boil for five minutes. Cool the fruits in boiled water cold water. Place in a colander and let the water drain. Prepare the syrup: add water to the sugar and cook while stirring until the sugar dissolves. Pour hot syrup over the prepared fruits, leave for 3 hours. Place on the stove, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 10 hours. Repeat the cooking function 3 times until the pears become transparent. Finally, add a pinch of citric acid. Package the finished product and seal it hermetically.

What do you think?

Pear jam in a slow cooker.

Wash the fruits, cut out the middle, cut them, put them in a multi-cooker bowl, add sugar and citric acid. Cook the product for one hour, setting the “Stewing” mode. If you took a pear that is not too juicy, add some water. As soon as you hear the multicooker signal, leave the treat in the “Warming” mode for another half hour, then boil for ten minutes. Place the jam into sterilized jars, roll them up, turn the jars over, wrap them, and keep them like this until they cool completely.

Pear jam slices.

You will need:

Light liquid honey – 4 tablespoons

Pears – 2 kilograms

Poppy – 2 teaspoons


Cardamom boxes – 5 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods and pound them in a mortar. Wash the fruits, peel and core them, place them in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add honey and crushed cardamom seeds, place on low heat, cook with constant stirring for three hours. Check the readiness of the treat in the old proven way: drop a small amount on a saucer. If the droplet does not spread, then the jam is ready. Finally, add vanilla, add poppy seeds, and simmer for a couple of minutes. Poppy seeds can also be replaced with chopped nuts and sesame seeds.

It turns out very tasty too.

Recipe with rowan berries and apples.

Required Products:

Pear – 300 g

Apple – 300 g

Rowan – 1 kg

Sugar – 1.55 kg

How to cook:

Prepare the rowan fruits. Sort the pears and apples, wash, peel, cut into slices, remove the stems and seeds. To prevent darkening, first immerse them in salted water and then in hot water. After heat treatment, cool the slices and remove excess moisture. Pack the hot jam into heated dry jars, sterilize at a temperature of 100 degrees.

Find out everything about it too. Dried fruits can be added to compotes or pies.

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In the middle of summer, pears ripen in the gardens; they come in different varieties, but for those who are not indifferent to them, this does not matter. Each type of this fruit is tasty in its own way and has its own unique aroma.

If you consider yourself a fan of pears, then you will definitely want to provide yourself with pear pleasure not only in the summer, but also in the winter. This is not at all difficult to do, because pear is good in compote in combination with apple, and in the form of jam, jelly or marmalade.

A piece of bread thinly spread with butter and covered with aromatic pear jam for breakfast is just what you need! And what a delicious combination of pear jam with a cup of milk! Simply heavenly pleasure!

We offer to cook clear jam pear slices using a very simple recipe. This time the lemon pear will be used for the preparation. It has very dense juicy pulp and if you like jam in the form transparent slices then it will come out of the lemon without using any tricks.

It is better to cook pear jam in a stainless vessel with a wide bottom. From the specified amount of ingredients you should get 2 half-liter jars.

How to make simple jam with lemon pear slices

lemon pear appearance It is not large and when ripe has a bright lemon color. You need to choose ripe, but not overripe fruits for jam. Feel free to ask the seller to cut the pear open and give it to you to try. Its taste should be sweet with a slight hint of tartness. Unripe fruits will have a greenish color and will not be as sweet. Such specimens are not suitable for jam!

And so we chose the source material and now we begin to prepare the jam. To begin, wash the pears, and then, taking a sharp knife in your hands, cut into slices about two to three millimeters thick.

As soon as we complete this task, put a saucepan of water on the stove, let it boil, add sugar and cook a thick sweet syrup. Sugar must be completely dissolved.

Pour the prepared slices into a saucepan in which we will cook lemon pear jam. Fill them with ready-made hot syrup on top.

We leave our pear slices for about 30-40 minutes so that they become even more saturated with sweetness and release some of their juice into the syrup. This procedure will prevent the pear from spreading during further cooking.

After the time allotted for soaking has expired, we will begin to cook pear lemon jam. Turn on low heat and little by little bring it to the boiling point. Let it simmer gently for 20 minutes and remove from heat.

We proceed to final cooking after complete cooling. Let it simmer over low heat for another 40-50 minutes, and the jam will be ready.

By this time, we are preparing jars in which we will put our delicious jam from lemon pears. For this purpose, we wash the container well and then be sure to sterilize it in the oven, slow cooker, or simply over steam.

The jars should be hot by the time you put the jam in. The lids should also be well washed and boiled.

Slices of our pear jam will be good as a filling for pies, bagels, and you can pour the syrup over curd desserts.
