What kind of certificate is this? 6. On approval of the form of information on the status of the individual personal account of the insured person


Everyone knows how much money is stored in their wallet, but not everyone knows about their funds, which are stored in their individual personal account with the Pension Fund. For some this is not interesting. Others don't even know about its existence.

But it is from these accumulated funds in the personal account Pension Fund and the pension calculation is formed. The greater the amount of pension points on your ILS, the greater the amount of monthly payments in retirement.

How to find out the status of your individual personal account

Every person, regardless of age, can find out information about the status of their personal account. To do this, it is enough to be registered with the pension fund ()

Individual personal account(ILS) is information not only about accumulated points, but also about the length of service, earnings and insurance premiums that you personally have accumulated to date.

Each such account has its own unique SNILS number. It is assigned to a person once. Therefore, even if your last name or other personal data changes, this number remains the same.

What if your employer doesn't pay? insurance premiums? In this case, you will not accumulate any experience with such an employer. Receiving a “gray” salary and having worked for a long time for such unscrupulous employer, you may find out too late that you are not entitled to a pension. Therefore, it is so important to know and periodically check the status of your personal account with the Pension Fund.

For our convenience, there are currently many ways to find out information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person. This is absolutely for free. You can order and view your personal account:

There are quite a lot of options so that, without wasting unnecessary time, you can track information about your length of service and accumulated pension points at least once a year.

How to correctly read information from the HUD

After you have received the requested information from your personal account, you must verify all data with your work history. The form of this document is called SZI-6. We recommend watching a video about what information is contained in our ILS.

The first page contains information about the insured person, the pension option, the total number of accumulated pension points and insurance experience:

All subsequent information consists of three main sections:

  1. after 2015. It is from this moment that, in connection with the entry into force, pension points are formed for each year of your work on the basis of the insurance premiums paid for you. Therefore, the ILS has its own separate section for this.

Please note that for each year of work the amounts of insurance premiums accrued for you are indicated, as well as points calculated from these amounts.

At this stage we need to make sure that your work is currently being paid officially and that your work experience is being taken into account. The table clearly shows the period of work, the amount of insurance premiums and the number of points taken into account during this period of work. All acquired experience up to this time is reflected in the next section.

  1. Information about generated rights until 2015. This information is necessary for calculations using the old pension formula and also affects the calculation of our pension. Pension capital for them is converted into pension points.

In this section you can view the available information about your:

  • average monthly earnings for 2000-2001;
  • experience until 2002;
  • other periods of work;
  • the amount of insurance premiums since 2002 (indexed as of December 31, 2014).

It also shows detailed information about your places of work, including the name of the employer.

The information from this section of the personal account must also be carefully verified. If you think that some job data has not been taken into account, then contact your employer to clarify the data and.

Information about the formed pension savings. Information about the funds transferred to the funded pension is reflected here.

Please note thatIf you do not form pension savings and are not a participant in the co-financing program, then the information in this section will not be displayed.

It is in the information about the state of your personal account that you can simply find out in which non-state pension fund the money is located.

The insurer can be either the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Non-State Pension Fund (NPF).

If you did not choose a non-state pension fund or a management company, then all the funds of your pension savings by default (hence the name “silent people”) are managed by the state management company"Vnesheconombank".

If there are pension savings from maternity capital or additional insurance contributions, the information will also be reflected in the corresponding lines.

Using the pension co-financing program (if you participate in it), you can track by year the amount of voluntary contributions and the amount that the state adds to your savings.

How to find out the size of your pension via the Internet

In fact, there is an additional – fifth section in the ILS.

This is information about the established pension. They appear only after retirement. At the same time, all data taken into account in the pension calculation are from previous sections are reset.

For example, you can see information that your experience is 0 years 0 months 0 days. This means that all accumulated experience is taken into account in the amount of your pension.

Here the pensioner will find both the total amount of his pension and its components: the amount of the fixed payment and the amount of the insurance pension.

For a working pensioner it is very convenient to view information about the amount of pension that he could receive if he did not work (taking into account all indexations).

Important! If after the appointment of an insurance pension in block 3.2. the amount of savings is not zero, then you have the right to payment of these funds. In this case, be sure to contact the pension fund with an application for a funded pension.

Why are there few points?

Perhaps many who have already used the service of requesting an extract from an individual personal account have noticed the lack of information for last year. Why are there few or no pension points for 2017?

The thing is that currently all reporting to the Pension Fund on length of service and insurance contributions comes through the Tax Inspectorate. For example, reporting on work experience SZV-experience is submitted by employers only once a year. Information about insurance premiums is submitted several times a year.

Therefore, information about length of service and pension coefficients appears late on your individual personal account. This is not a reason to sound the alarm. The pension fund also receives individual information about us with a specified delay.

Information about your work will be gradually received by the Pension Fund. You can check the status of the ILS once a quarter in the form of an SZI-6 extract through the government services website or in the pensioner’s personal account.

We hope that this information will be useful not only for you, but also for your loved ones. After all, accumulating pension rights is a long-term matter and we recommend periodically checking the status of your individual personal account to be sure of the integrity of your employers.

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It is necessary to obtain an extract from the Pension Fund on deductions. There are several ways to do this. And in this article we will talk about why it is needed, how to order and receive an extract from an individual personal account of the Pension Fund of Russia, and whether it can be done online.

What are extracts from the Pension Fund of Russia?

Before considering individual points, let’s get acquainted with the very concept and purpose of an extract from a pension fund. So, this document contains information about the individual personal account (IPA) of the insured person, which determines his pension rights. Using an extract from the Pension Fund you can find out the following information:

  • information about insurance premiums;
  • growth rate;
  • the totality of all funds in the personal account (the state of the insurance and funded parts of the pension);
  • which organizations made the contributions;
  • information about the state of a separate part of the HUD;
  • results of investing pension savings.

A participant in the compulsory pension system can read this report. insurance can be free of charge when contacting the Pension Fund, as well as when contacting the policyholder. Data can be sent electronically or in paper form by post.

Notice of ILS condition to the Pension Fund

The extract form (SZI-5), according to Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation N 473p (dated 06/01/2016), has one option. When filling it out, only individual data and the relevance of the information provided are important.

Options for obtaining an extract on the status of a personal account of the Pension Fund of Russia, the rules for submitting an application-request for such a receipt and its processing are discussed below.

This video explains how to contact the Pension Fund via the Internet:

Receiving such a document

  • Our state pension fund:
    • upon personal appeal to its territorial body;
    • through a written request;
    • through the online reception or “personal account” on the pension fund website.
  • Government services website. True, you first need to register and create a personal account for yourself.
  • Obtaining data through the employer, in accordance with Federal Law No. 27-FZ on accounting in the pension insurance system.
  • Contacting organizations that have entered into a special agreement with the Fund to inform insured persons about the status of their accounts in this area:
    • numerous and so popular today;
    • credit organizations (including Sberbank, Uralsib Bank, Gazprombank, as well as Bank of Moscow and VTB 24. Information about the status of your personal information system, in this case, can be obtained through a bank operator, ATMs, bass terminals, and Internet banking account.

Whatever method of obtaining data is chosen, you should always have your citizen’s passport and SNILS with you.

This video will help you check the status of your individual personal account with the Pension Fund:

Pension rights of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

The cardinal difference between this group of people is their independent payment of pension contributions. For individuals employed, this responsibility is assigned to the employer. In view of this, a certain system for the formation of their future labor pension has been approved and is in effect for the category of self-employed people.

  • Payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund begins from the moment and stops only after. Based on this, a person is obliged to pay insurance premiums, regardless of whether the entrepreneurial activity, and whether there is income. It is important to note that it does not depend on profit, but on income.
  • In addition, in case of non-payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, penalties are accrued in a strict manner. Pension Fund employees, in this case, can also calculate a mandatory fixed payment and file a recovery through the service bailiffs or Arbitration Court.
  • Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities determine the deadlines for paying insurance premiums independently. To avoid delays, the territorial branches of the Fund at the place of registration of the entrepreneur send him completed receipts for the Pension Fund and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund once a quarter. This is very beneficial for business people - it saves time and effort: all that remains to be done is to go to the bank and pay.
  • In addition, in order to avoid questions or misunderstandings in further work, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund. Since it is direct evidence of the fulfilled obligations of a company or entrepreneur to submit personalized accounting reports. In other words, this document excludes the existence of a debt to the Fund and claims on its part. The official name of the certificate is “Document on the provision of information to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with the law on personalized accounting.” Please note that the procedure for obtaining such paper varies in different regions and regions of our homeland, but it is not significant. An important role is played by the organization of the reporting process directly from the individual entrepreneurs or legal entities themselves.

In 2017, the management and recording of insurance premiums underwent significant changes. Management control has now been transferred to the Federal tax service Russia (FNSR). The innovation is associated with the inability of the Pension Fund to timely and effectively perform the accounting function, which gives rise to an increase in the debt of policyholders for pension contributions. Payment of contributions to the Pension Fund and General health insurance will take place using new details. The activities of assessing the debt, issuing a fine and conducting other lawful and appropriate checks are assigned to the Federal Tax Service.



On approval of the Form of information on the status of the individual personal account of the insured person

Lost force on May 5, 2018 based on
Resolution of the Pension Fund Board of April 5, 2018 N 184p

In order to ensure compliance with paragraph nine of Article 16 of the Federal Law of April 1, 1996 N 27-FZ "On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system" (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 1996, N 14, art. 1401; 2001, N 44, art. 4149; 2003, N 1, art. 13; 2005, N 19, art. 1755; 2007, N 30, art. 3754; 2008, N 18, article 1942; N 30, art. 3616; 2009, N 30, art. 3739; N 52, art. 6417, 6454; 2010, N 31, art. 4196; N 49, art. 6409; N 50, art. 6597; 2011, N 29, art. 4291; N 45, art. 6335; N 49, art. 7037, 7057, 7061; 2012, N 50, art. 6965, 6966; 2013, N 14, art. 1668; N 49, art. 6352; N 52, art. 6986; 2014, N 11, art. 1098; N 45, Art. 6155, 2016, N 1, Art. 5) Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation


1. Approve the attached Form “Information on the status of the individual personal account of the insured person” (Form SZI-6).

2. Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of December 11, 2014 N 493p “On approval of the Form of information on the status of the individual personal account of the insured person” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 26, 2015, registration N 35715) shall be declared invalid.

A. Drozdov

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
August 9, 2016,
registration N 43178

Application. Form SZI-6. Information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person


Form SZI-6

Information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person

When creating a form, a reduced set of its details can be used.

Details of the request on the basis of which the information was generated:

System number


Date of admission

"__" _________ ___ year

Outgoing number of the personalized accounting system


This information was generated as of "__" ______________ ______

Information about the insured person:


Date of birth "__" _____________ ____

Insurance number of an individual personal account:

Option for pension provision in the compulsory pension insurance system, chosen by an insured person born in 1967 or younger

(direction of insurance contributions for the formation of only an insurance pension, direction of insurance contributions for the formation of insurance and funded pensions (6% of the individual tariff of insurance contributions))

The value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) _______

Experience (taken into account for pension purposes)

Years _______ months _____ days

1. Information on the value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) and its components:
The IPC is calculated based on information received from employers, as well as information about the periods of your performing other socially significant activities (the period of completing military service upon conscription, periods of childcare, for the disabled, etc.), reflected in your individual personal account. The IPC for the period up to 2015 was calculated based on the conditions for assigning an old-age insurance pension on a general basis and can be clarified when assigning an insurance pension, taking into account the selected pension option.

Amount of payments and other remuneration accrued in favor of the insured person, rub.kop.

The amount of accrued insurance contributions for the insurance pension, on the basis of which the value of the individual pension coefficient is calculated, rub. kopecks.

The size of the individual
national pension coefficient
patient (IPK)

number of work periods (years, months, days)


until 2015

2. Information (pension rights) on the basis of which the value of the individual pension coefficient was calculated for periods before 2015:

2.1. average monthly earnings for 2000-2001 ____ rub. ____ kop.;

2.2. total length of service until 2002 ____ years ____ months _____ days;

2.3. information on the basis of which the data specified in subclauses 2.1 and 2.2 of this clause are calculated


Calendar year

Information about earnings (remuneration), income taken into account when assigning an insurance pension

Employers began providing information on earnings to the Pension Fund only in 1998.

2.4. estimated pension capital formed from insurance contributions for 2002-2014 (taking into account indexations of the estimated pension capital) _____ rub. __ kop.


Calendar year

Amount of insurance premiums, rub.kop.

Duration of work periods (years, months, days)

3. Your insurer with

is the Pension Fund

date, month, year

Russian Federation.

Funds are invested in

name of the management company (investment portfolio)

3.1. The amount of pension savings of the insured person, guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Agency upon the occurrence of a guarantee event in relation to the pension savings accounted for in the individual personal account of the insured person:

- amount of insurance contributions to finance funded pension: ___ rub. ___ kop.;

- funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital: ___ rub. ___ kop.;

- the amount of additional insurance contributions for a funded pension, the amount of employer contributions in favor of the insured person and the amount of contributions for co-financing the formation of pension savings: ___ rub. ___ kop.

3.2. The amount of pension savings taking into account the results of their investment: ___ rub. ___ cop., including:

For reference: pension savings funds that are not taken into account when establishing payments from pension savings funds.

- at the expense of the amount of insurance contributions to finance the funded pension, taking into account the result of their investment: ___ rub. ___ kop.;

At the expense of funds (part of funds) of maternal (family) capital, taking into account the result of their investment: ___ rub. ___ kop.;

- through additional insurance contributions for a funded pension, employer contributions and amounts of co-financing of pension savings, taking into account the result of their investment: ___ rub. ___ kop.

3.3. The amount of guarantee replenishment (compensation) upon the occurrence of a guarantee event in relation to pension savings accounted for in the individual personal account of the insured person:
A guarantee case is recognized as insufficient pension savings when the insured person changes the insurer for compulsory pension insurance or when a payment is established to you from pension savings.

- the amount of warranty replenishment, compensation, including in the current calendar year, is ___ rubles. ___ kop.

- the amount of warranty compensation, including in the current calendar year, is ___ rubles. ___ kop.;

3.4. Information on additional insurance contributions for funded pensions, including those received under the State Co-financing of Pension Savings Program:


4. Your insurer with


4.1. The amount of pension savings of the insured person, guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Agency upon the occurrence of a guarantee event in relation to the pension savings accounted for in the individual personal account of the insured person:
The amount of insurance premiums transferred by your employers or you to your individual personal account, as well as funds from maternity (family) capital and funds from state co-financing of your voluntary insurance contributions.

- amount of insurance contributions to finance funded pension: ____ rub. ____ kop.;

- funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital: ____ rub. ___ kop.;

- the amount of additional insurance contributions for a funded pension, employer contributions and amounts of co-financing of pension savings: ___ rub. ___ kop.

4.2. The amount of guarantee replenishment (compensation) upon the occurrence of a guarantee event in relation to pension savings accounted for in the individual personal account of the insured person:
A guaranteed case is recognized as insufficient pension savings when the insured person changes the insurer for compulsory pension insurance, when the insurer for compulsory pension insurance is liquidated, or when a payment is established to you from pension savings.

- the amount of warranty replenishment, compensation, including in the current calendar year, is ___ rubles. ___ kop.;

- the amount of warranty compensation, including in the current calendar year, is ___ rubles. ___ kop.

4.3. Information on additional insurance contributions to funded pensions, including those received under the State Co-financing of Pension Savings Program:

Your voluntary contributions, rubles, kopecks.

Amounts of state co-financing, rub., kopecks.

Additional contributions from your employer, rub., kopecks.

The amount of state co-financing is credited to your individual account in the year following the year in which you paid voluntary insurance premiums. Co-financing is carried out based on the amount of additional contributions ranging from 2 to 12 thousand rubles per year for 10 years, starting from the year of your first payment under the Program, if the first payment was made before January 31, 2015.

4.4. The actual amount of pension savings can be found in your chosen

name of the non-state pension fund

5. As of "__" ___________ ____ You have installed(s):

5.1. Insurance pension

(type of insurance pension: old age, disability, loss of breadwinner)

and a fixed payment to the insurance pension (taking into account increases in the fixed payment) from "__" _____ _____ to ________ in the amount of ____ rub. ____ kopecks, including the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension (taking into account increases in the fixed payment): ____ rub. ____ kop.
Information on the fixed payment (taking into account increases in the fixed payment) is not reflected in relation to persons specified in Part 6 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 51, art. 4831; 2009, N 30, art. 3739; 2010, N 30, art. 3739; 2014, N 30 (part 1), art. 4217).

5.1.1. The amount of the insurance pension and fixed payment to the insurance pension (taking into account increases in the fixed payment), paid during the period of labor and (or) other activities ____ rub. ___ kop.

5.2. Funded pension with "__"________ in the amount of ___ rub. ___ kop.

5.3. Term pension payment from "__" _________ to "__" _____ ____ in the amount of ___ rub. ___ kop.

5.4. One-time payment of pension savings in the amount of ____ rub. ____ kop. (one time).
Reflected only if the SZI-6 form is generated on the date of the month in which the transaction was carried out lump sum payment pension savings funds.

Name of the manager's position
territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia

Full name

To be completed upon receipt of the form “Information on the status of the individual personal account of the insured person” at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Official Internet portal
legal information
www.pravo.gov.ru, 08/10/2016,
N 0001201608100013

The TIN is indicated in brief The individual tax number and the reason for registration are indicated Codification of the insured person Filled out on the basis of a single classifier Date of compilation The estimated moment of payment of the labor pension is indicated The date of provision to the employees of the Pension Fund The date the form is accepted for processing is indicated, the month and day must be entered Not mandatory, filled out by the regional department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Reporting period Indicates the time period for which current information is provided Mandatory Information about the insured person Indicates the full name, insurance number, period of employment at the last place of work, and the territorial affiliation of the person References to the law In order to understand where To obtain a certificate of insurance experience, you must refer to the main provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, or more precisely to Federal Law No. 173.

How to get data from the ILS to the Pension Fund using the Szi-6 form

Pension Fund: “Did you find and correct the error yourself? Great. We are fining you” Anonymous, you wrote: Anonymous just What will the “gentlemen” say when the 20 million they indicated “self-inflicted... Carrot or stick? The authorities are thinking about how to force the self-employed to pay taxes Nad.K, you wrote: No, it is impossible to reduce the tax of the 1st quarter. There is a condition in the Tax Code that it is impossible to reduce... How to fill out a UTII declaration to receive a deduction for the purchase of cash registers. Can anyone tell me how to pay the fine of Article 15.33.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses to the director (aka the chief accountant).&...
Pension Fund: “Did you find and correct the error yourself? Great. We are fined you” Child care benefits at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund are paid until the child reaches 1.5 years of age... Where did you see... Social Insurance Fund: a mother cannot receive child care benefits if he goes to kindergarten I wouldn’t give a clarification...I would write a polite reply...The clarification is a camera room in a new circle.....

Informing insured persons about the status of an individual personal account

In accordance with the same federal law, a requirement may be established to attach an additional package of documents to the application. This list of securities is as follows:

  • certificates confirming work experience at previous places of employment - Articles 27 and 28;
  • children’s birth certificate – Article 28;
  • on the upbringing of children up to the age of 8 years - Article 28, a fact confirmed by the provision of documents from regional self-government bodies;
  • confirmation of children's disability – Article 28;
  • on recognition as a visually impaired person, as a result of which there are restrictions on labor activity– paragraph 1, article 28.

Article 27. Retention of the right to early assignment of a labor pension Article 28.

Why is there no length of service for 2017 in the PFR (SZI-6) statement?


Certificate of work experience - samples The procedure for filling it out is not established by the legislator, so the employer draws up the document in any form. The certificate is most often submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, if it is not possible to prove the length of service with a work book, as well as at the request of other organizations (for example, to the court). In this regard, the certificate must contain all the necessary information.

We will tell you how to arrange it correctly in our article. We issue a certificate of length of service in an organization. Certificates of general, continuous, insurance experience. How to obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation? Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel We issue a certificate of work experience in the organization. At the request of a current or former employee, the employer is obliged to issue a certificate of work experience at this enterprise within 3 working days (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Where to get a certificate confirming your insurance experience 6

Carrot or stick? The authorities are thinking about how to force the self-employed to pay taxes Natalie B, you wrote: msneg, you wrote: Natalie B, you wrote: The chief accountant is advertised on VKontakte “Journ... “Aktion” threatens “Clerk” msneg, you wrote: Natalie B, you wrote: Glavbukh is advertised on VKontakte “The Glavbukh magazine is no longer... “Aktion” threatens “Clerk” Anonymous, in the calculation of insurance premiums, individual entrepreneur contributions are not shown at all. Individual entrepreneurs without employees even... Fixed contributions IP-2018: new calculation, KBK, deadlines Let them take their damn pennies for themselves, lousy indexers. When will the pension be indexed after dismissal? Table for 2018 msneg, You wrote: Natalie B, You wrote: Glavbukh is advertised on VKontakte “The Glavbukh magazine is no longer...
"Aktion" threatens "Clerk" I am for it. The Roskomnadzor website has crashed. But we have hypersound! Like? Or maybe not! And what the hell with it, with hypersound and with one-class...

How to obtain a certificate of insurance experience

A certificate of insurance experience is submitted an individual to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the SPV-2 form. This document contains current accounting information for certain periods, as well as information about the insured person. The document is created on the basis of a special application from an employee of each specific organization who wishes to retire.
Submission of the SPV-2 form must be carried out within 10 days from the date of the employee’s written request. The completed form must be certified by the signature of the manager and state seal organizations.

Error 404

Contact our lawyers - and these difficulties will no longer be a serious problem for you! Experienced specialists will tell you how to get SFI 6, what to do specifically in your case, what documents to provide. Call! Legal consultation is free! What information must be provided to obtain information on Form 6? You must receive an extract from your individual personal account. The original is provided to the authorities (you can receive it in electronic form or on paper). The statement will not be returned to you. What does the SZI 6 certificate from the pension look like? The document is provided on several pages. This is not like a bank account! It does not store real money, but your pension rights. Until 2013, information could be obtained from annual “letters of happiness.”

How is sick leave calculated using the SZI-6 certificate to confirm the length of service?


Periods of work for individual citizens under contracts (domestic workers, nannies, secretaries, typists, etc.) for the time before the conclusion of employment contracts or contracts of a civil law nature, the subject of which is the performance of work or the provision of services, is confirmed by an agreement between the employer and the employee, registered in trade union bodies, and a document from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the territorial tax authority on the payment of mandatory payments. Night accountant." Tax officers are more actively taking on employment contracts and comparing “salary” reports different years Links do not work: https://www.klerk.ru/buh/news/472940/ “Night accountant”. Tax officials are more actively taking on employment contracts and comparing “salary” reports from different years. They’ve already been bullied with this spam about the Central Bank and the IMF.

Attention, the structure of world finance should be studied, or something.
You choose which form of document is preferable: electronic with a qualified signature or issued on paper.
  • Contact the bank with which the Pension Fund has an agreement. Statement 6 can be ordered from Sberbank of Russia, Uralsib Bank, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow or VTB 24 Bank.
  • Now you know where to get SFI 6, how to do it, how long you will have to wait, and in what situations you need to order information. “Moscow Law Company” has been providing similar services for new and regular clients since 2007. Lawyers help to cope with complex and confusing situations, when the pension fund refuses SZI 6, there are problems with obtaining an extract or confirming the length of service. We monitor changes in legislation and help to obtain up-to-date samples of SZI 6, which are 100% compliant with the requirements of government agencies.

SZI-6) and was surprised to find that it lacks information for the Insured Persons Tax deduction for participants of the State Co-financing Program Participants of the State Co-financing Program who pay additional insurance premiums (DSI) can annually Insured persons Why do you need SNILS Insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) - a unique identifier Russian citizen in mandatory systems Insured persons Reminder for persons who arrived on the territory of Russia from Ukraine The right to pension provision under the legislation of the Russian Federation of persons who arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation from Ukraine depends on Insured persons How to find out about your pension savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation? In this article we will look at the main ways to obtain information about the status of an individual personal account in the Pension Fund.

Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of June 15, 2016 No. 491p approved the composition of information on the status of a personal account in the SZI-6 form. This form is intended to inform insured persons about the status of their individual personal account.
You can obtain information on the SZI-6 form as follows:
- by contacting in person the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the MFC. IN in this case You must have an identification document with you. To simplify identification in the database of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is also recommended to have an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS).
- using " Personal account insured person”, posted on the official website of the Pension Fund. All users registered on the site have access to the service. www.gosuslugi.ru and in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA), and having a “confirmed” account level.
- You can also obtain information about the status of an individual personal account (form SZI-6) via postal service. In this case, the applicant sends a corresponding application, to which is attached a copy of the applicant’s identity document. These documents must be certified in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation (i.e., notarized). To simplify the identification of the applicant in the database of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is also recommended to attach a copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) to the application.
The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation keeps records of the pension rights of citizens on an individual personal account, which, among other things, displays information about periods of work experience before registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system. This information for the indicated periods was submitted to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by employers in 2003-2004. Information about periods of labor activity before registration in the compulsory pension insurance system was included in individual personal accounts based on information available in the work book.
If you believe that your individual personal account does not contain information about periods of work and (or) other activities prior to registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system, you can appear at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of your actual residence or at the place of your registration .
You must have a passport or other identification document, an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, as well as documents confirming periods of work and (or) other activities.
In addition, the individual personal account displays information about individual (personalized) accounting (information about wages, amounts of insurance contributions and labor (insurance) length of service) after registration in the compulsory pension insurance system. This information has been submitted by policyholders to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, starting in 1997, only for persons registered in the compulsory pension insurance system.
Information on wages (income), accrued and paid insurance premiums for insured persons working under an employment contract, as well as those who have entered into civil contracts, is presented on the basis of data accounting. Information about labor (insurance) experience is presented on the basis of orders, other documents on personnel records and other documents confirming the working conditions of the insured person, as well as accounting data on the calculation and payment of insurance premiums.
Information is included in the individual personal accounts of insured persons only when the policyholder calculates and pays contributions for compulsory pension insurance, periods for which insurance premiums are not paid are not included in the length of service and are not entered into personal accounts.
Responsibility for providing reliable information rests with the policyholder in accordance with the rules Federal Law dated April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ.
According to Art. 18 of the Federal Law of April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ, disputes between policyholders and insured persons on issues of individual (personalized) accounting are resolved by the court.
