What do you need to take to enter the university? What is needed to enter the institute? Documents for admission to the institute

Admission to a university is a responsible process that can be completed not only by school graduates, but also by adult citizens.

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At the very beginning of your journey, you need to contact the admissions office to submit documents. Often this stage creates certain problems - applicants do not “submit” some certificates and extracts, which causes problems.

Basic moments

The list of documents submitted for admission to the university is established on the basis of the following documents:

Depending on the situation and profile of the educational institution, additional certificates and documents may be required confirming the availability of the opportunity to receive training and carry out further training. labor activity. The list of documents should be obtained from the university where you plan to enroll.

How many establishments can I apply to?

Since 2020, the number of institutions where you can apply for possible studies has been limited.

In 2020, you are allowed to submit no more than 15 packages of documents - this is a maximum of 5 universities with 3 different directions on the basis of the educational institution.

Documents for admission to university in 2020

The list of documents is standard in most cases. Only some changes are noted depending on the situation, which will be discussed below.

How to submit?

Most school graduates distribute their documents to numerous universities by all possible ways. At the moment, this is convenient, because in most cases, student enrollment is carried out only on the basis Unified State Exam results.

Personally or with parents?

School graduates often do not reach the age of majority, but already have a passport. Therefore, minor applicants can submit documents for admission to a university on their own.

But parental participation will be required when a student enrolls in a paid course at an educational institution. In this case, one of the parents agrees to the training and thereby assumes the obligation to pay.

By mail

Copies of documents can be sent to universities throughout the country via Russian Post. In this situation, copies must be certified by a notary, which confirms their accuracy.

After enrollment, the applicant will appear at the admissions office of the university chosen for study with the original documents and deposit the necessary ones.


Today, submitting documents online is the most convenient solution. To do this, just scan documents or take high-quality photos with a clear display of all data.

Files are sent via the Internet to the email addresses of educational institutions, where the presented method of submitting documents is considered.

Which ones are needed?

The exact package of documents for applying for admission to a university must be found out at the educational institution itself - often the list is presented on the Internet on the official website.


Upon admission to the full-time department, the applicant must collect the following package of documents:

  • Statement– it is written when submitting. Often this is a ready-made form in which the applicant simply signs. Some universities require you to write a request for enrollment by hand.
  • Passport or temporary ID in the case of the main document.
  • Documents on previously received education– a certificate for school graduates, a certificate of termination of studies at college with the desire to obtain a higher education, a diploma of completion of a college or technical school.
  • Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam– if the results are required for admission.
  • Photo– size 3x4, 6 pieces.
  • WITH correction from a medical institution according to form 086-u– it states the absence of infectious diseases and general health.

Sample applications for submitting a request for enrollment are usually available in the foyer of the educational institution. You can write them by hand or take a ready-made form to fill out from the methodologist. Applicants often download ready-made forms from the official websites of the university.

Medical certificates are issued in form 086-u. In fact, it indicates the possibility of working in the acquired specialty.

Application example:

Medical certificate form:

This is the main list of documents that may require additional information.

For correspondence faculty

Applicants wishing to study part-time must submit the same documents as prescribed above. In this case, there are no significant differences due to a different form of training.

To a military university

Military universities are strict towards candidates, so the following documents are requested here:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport;
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics from the place of study or current work;
  • photocopies of documents on existing education - certificate or diploma;
  • a psychological selection card compiled in accordance with the Professional Selection Manual of the RF Armed Forces;
  • medical examination card with the conclusions of the necessary specialists;
  • 3 photos without a headdress of a distinctive size - 4.5x6 cm.

If you have special rights to admission, you must prepare photocopies of certificates.

After college

If an applicant has already graduated from college, he needs to present a diploma of completion - it gives the opportunity to immediately enroll in the 2-3rd year of a university with a profile similar to the college.

If an applicant has completed only the basic part of college, which provides confirmation of completion of secondary education, he should take a certificate and attach it to the standard list of documents for admission to a university.

To the second higher

If there is one higher education some citizens want to improve the result and get a second one.

If the second university for study has a similar profile as the first, a diploma will act as a document about the existing education.

In this situation, applicants can be enrolled in the 2-3rd year of an institute or university if the subjects taught have been previously studied and the appropriate certification has been passed in them.

If the second institute is fundamentally different from the first, you can present a certificate.

If it is lost or missing for another reason, you can also attach a previously obtained higher education diploma to the package of documents.

Disabled person

Disabled people are beneficiaries who are exempt from taking the Unified State Exam, so their admission will be based on the certificate they have provided, and they may, if necessary, have to take regular entrance exams or undergo an interview.

To the number mandatory documents include the above list, a certificate of disability, as well as a conclusion from a medical and social commission - it must indicate the absence of contraindications in studies and subsequent work activities.

For orphans

Such children can apply for admission to a university on their own.

The general package includes certificates certifying the status of “orphan” - this is an extract from orphanage, a court decision to deprive parents of parental rights.


Beneficiaries are often provided with all sorts of concessions, but low-income families cannot qualify for university education at a reduced rate if they enroll in a paid course.

The only thing such families can count on is free meals in the university canteen. Therefore, when enrolling, it is recommended to attach a certificate of low-income family status.


Applicants who are under the guardianship of adult legal representatives must attach appropriate certificates of the existence of the relevant legal relationship.

Citizens of the CIS, DPR and LPR

To enroll, residents of these countries will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of your state;
  • documents on the education received;
  • translation of documents about the education received, certified by a notary;
  • migration card about legal crossing of Russia;
  • photos in the amount of 6 pieces, size 3x4;
  • application on the university form.

After admission and the start of their studies, students are registered and receive a residence permit. Copies of the documents received further must be submitted to the department’s methodologists.

For a foreign citizen

Foreign citizens also have the right to study at Russian universities, so they must provide for admission:

  • passport of your state;
  • application in Russian according to the university form;
  • documents on the education received with a translation certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the entry visa, if the border crossing was carried out on its basis;
  • 6 photos measuring 4x6.

If foreign citizen Russian nationality, he needs to bring certificates confirming the fact. Often in such cases a birth certificate is provided.

To a university in another city

For admission to universities in other cities, you should collect a standard package of documents and additional certificates confirming the availability of any benefits, if the applicant has them.

On a paid basis

All those who do not pass the passing grade for budget places are enrolled in paid courses. The list of documents does not differ from the standard requirements.

For distance learning

Distance learning at a university requires the same standard list of documents, with the only difference being that they are sent electronically, just like subsequent studies.

By target direction

The target direction is documents guaranteeing admission to universities for free places with subsequent provision of a place for employment.

In this situation, it is necessary to submit the documents mentioned above and the referral itself from the head of the enterprise or institution in which the applicant already works.

When does the appointment start and when is the best time to go?

Deadlines for submitting applications for admission will be limited as follows:

  • Until July 7 Applications will be accepted from persons who conduct admissions based on additional creative tests.
  • Until July 10 Documents are accepted to universities that conduct their own personal tests.
  • Until July 26 Information is accepted from applicants whose admission is based on previously passed Unified State Exams.

During the application period, you can send information in any way possible for the applicant.


Finally, you should consider a number of common questions regarding admission to a university.

If you changed your last name

To submit an application, you need to change your passport indicating new data. All other documents are provided in the same form, but with a certificate of registered marriage or a certificate from the registry office confirming the change of personal data.

If you are a person liable for military service

Men over 17 years of age are considered liable for military service. To enroll, they should prepare a military ID or registration certificate indicating the availability of a deferment.

What to do if you don’t have a certificate?

A certificate is issued indicating that the applicant has secondary education.

What to do if it is not there?

The solution to the issue depends on the situation:

  • If the applicant has not completed school, he should do this and get the coveted document.
  • If an applicant after 8-9 grade went to study at a technical school or college and completed school there, he needs to take the appropriate certificate from the educational institution.
  • If the applicant has lost his certificate or did not pick it up from his previous place of study– college or university – he must present a diploma of completed education.

What documents must be submitted to the university? This question worries all graduates high school who decided to continue their education.

List of documents for the university.

1. Passport. Every university in Russia must provide a passport or document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant.

It is better to immediately prepare several copies of your passport, since not all universities have printers for applicants. But running around and looking for where you can scan your passport is not always possible, especially in a foreign city.

2. Certificate about graduation from school, or a document about previous education (diploma from another university or college).

Let us immediately note that you can submit the original certificate when you are already on the enrollment list. In the meantime, prepare a copy of the document.

If you have decided on a university or prefer a specific university, you can provide the original. However, if you want to bring it to another university, it will take time.

Please note that the original certificate can be transferred to another university only once!

3. Certificate 086/у. Medical and pedagogical universities must provide certificate 086/у from the school or from a medical institution licensed to issue such certificates.

Please note that some universities require a medical certificate for certain specialties, so prepare a scan of this document in advance. Moreover, if you decide to enroll in several universities in Russia.

4. Parents' consent to the processing of personal data. School graduates under 18 years of age must have the consent of their parents or guardians to process personal data. Some universities do not even accept documents from minor children without parental consent.

Many universities publish their samples of such documents.

5. Statement with a request for admission to the university. The form can be downloaded in advance on the university website. However, the admissions office will provide it to you.

6. F otography 3 x 4 (2-3 pieces per university). If you are applying to 5 universities, take 10-12 photos.

7. Military ID if there is or registration certificate.

8. Information about the results of the Unified State Exam(if there is). A certificate with scores is not needed; universities themselves check the applicant’s results in the database.

Submission of documents is possible only if you have a certificate and Unified State Examination results in all subjects- such information is posted on the HSE website.

9. Portfolio. Information for different universities is very different; you need to look specifically at the websites of educational institutions.

For a portfolio, an applicant can add a maximum of 10 points to his Unified State Examination scores.

Let us immediately note that you must bring all your diplomas to the university for the 11th grade.

The university awards additional points:

For having a certificate of secondary general education with honors, a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded a gold medal, or a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded a silver medal, a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors

For a gold or silver GTO badge;

For the results of applicants’ participation in olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) advantages upon admission to study under a specific set of admission conditions) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, the maximum possible number of points is determined by the university.

Volunteer certificate;

Final essay;

And others.

Attach copies of certificates and diplomas, make copies of certificates, print out the final essay from personal account graduate.

What specific achievements to reward and how many points to give for them are decided by the universities themselves. Universities post this information in advance in the admission rules on their websites.

Preparing the necessary documents for admission to a university takes a lot of effort and time. First, you need to understand exactly what stages of admission to a higher educational institution you will need to go through, what difficulties the applicant may encounter and, finally, what documents and in what form you need to prepare. This article will help applicants and their parents understand. Here are answers to all the most popular questions asked by applicants regarding admission to Russian universities.

Documents for admission to university

The main and most important stage When entering a university, documents are accepted. This process is divided into several stages and takes a certain amount of time. This article talks in detail about exactly what documents are needed for admission to an institute, university, academy or any other higher educational institution in the Russian Federation. An applicant can choose up to 5 educational institutions to submit a package of documents at a time, in each of which he can apply for admission to one of three directions. Here you need to carefully read the admission rules of this educational institution, with the list of documents that need to be submitted for admission to the chosen specialty, which may have some differences and features. The originals are submitted upon direct admission to the only selected university. The exception is cases of admission to budget places, where a mandatory condition is the submission of originals of certain documents within the prescribed period.

To enter a university, you need to collect documents, a list of which is clearly drawn up for applicants. The list may vary depending on the requirements of the university. At the stage of admission to several universities at the same time, you need to submit copies of the necessary documents. Below are details of the main documents that must be submitted upon admission.

  1. . A sample application is usually presented on the university website. You can download it there too. It is important that correcting errors and making changes to the application is prohibited. This document should be filled out extremely carefully and honestly; at the end (sometimes in several places) you must add a signature.
  2. about complete general education. At the stage of choosing a university, you can submit copies, but when entering a specific educational institution, you must provide the original certificate.
  3. Identity and citizenship of the applicant. This can be any similar document, but it is best to provide your passport directly.
  4. 4 color or B&W photographs (30 x 40 mm). It is better if the photographs were taken this year.
  5. . This certificate is issued exclusively in form 086-U or 026-U. The need for it is determined by the chosen specialty. List of directions requiring preliminary medical examination usually presented on the university website.

In addition to the basic required documents, there are additional items that the applicant must provide as required.

  1. Some universities may require young people over the age of 17 to provide a military ID. This is often necessary to confirm the validity of the Unified State Examination results taken before conscription military service.
  2. Applicants with special health conditions must provide a document confirming the presence of any restrictions or disabilities:
  • conclusion of the PMPC;
  • a certificate confirming the applicant's disability;
  • ITU conclusion indicating that there are no contraindications to studying at a university.
  1. At his personal request, the applicant can provide a document confirming that he is an orphan or a person without parental care.
  2. At the discretion of the applicant, it is also possible to submit a document confirming individual achievements in a certain area that are significant for the chosen field of study.

To apply for further studies in a master's program, a slightly different list of documents is provided. The main difference is the document confirming receipt of a bachelor's or specialist's degree. You must also provide identification and two 3x4 photographs.

Attention! Applicants entering the institute for the purpose of obtaining additional higher education are required to provide a diploma (a copy of it certified by a notary is required). When changing your last name, you must provide a document confirming this fact and a copy certified by a notary.

Foreign citizens provide documents translated and certified by a notary.

How to apply to a university

In this part of the article we will talk about what needs to be done to enter a university when all the documents have already been collected. To submit a package with all necessary documents It is possible to either visit the university in person or send it by post. It is also possible to transmit information by e-mail, if this option includes the selected educational institution. All necessary contacts are indicated on the websites of universities on the Internet.

Commission employees who accepted the package of documents must issue a receipt of receipt. The applicant has the right to pick up the submitted documents within one day before the confirmation of enrollment is issued. In this case, a corresponding application is submitted.

Any university accepts an applicant for study only if all the conditions for submitting documents are met, when everything is submitted to right time and in the right form.

If anything from the above list is missing, if the application is drawn up incorrectly or not in the prescribed form, then enrollment will be postponed until the existing shortcomings are corrected. Information on how to correctly fill out an application can be found on the university website.

It is very important to understand not only the procedure for submitting the package of documents, but also the actual deadlines. Russian universities begin accepting documents from June 19. Most applicants come to university after passing exams at school. The end of this process for applicants based on the Unified State Exam results is July 24. On this day, universities also stop conducting entrance tests. After this, universities begin the stage of forming the final lists of those accepted for study, which are published on July 27.

The detailed plan for admission to the university for 2018 is as follows:

05.25-26.06 - stage of conducting unified exams by the state;

01.06 - publication of the enrollment plan;

19.06 - acceptance of documents from applicants begins;

07/06 - termination of accepting documents from applicants taking additional entrance exams in professional and creative areas;

10.07 - termination of acceptance of documents from persons applying on the basis of the results of entrance testing;

24.07 - termination of entrance exams and acceptance of documents from applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam;

27.07 - publication of lists of applicants;

29.07 - termination of the stage of admission to training without passing the entrance test;

30.07 - release of the order for admission of applicants to study;

03.08 - termination of submission of original documents by students;

04.08 - release of the order for admission to training for first-stage applicants;

06.08 - termination of submission of originals by students included in the competitive list;

07.08 - release of the order for admission to training for second-stage applicants.

Filling budget places takes place literally a few days from the end of July to the beginning of August (30.07-04.08), during this period about 85% of all budget places are assigned to applicants. Next, recruitment begins for the remaining 15% of places, usually this happens within a couple of days of August (04.08-06.08).

If documents are submitted by mail, then you need to remember that in this case you need to do it in the first trimester of July. The deadlines for submitting documents most often remain unchanged, but sometimes changes of one or maximum two days are allowed. The applicant can always receive fresh and relevant information via the Internet, directly on the university website.


We strongly recommend that you read this article very carefully and several times. In it we will talk about admission to higher education institutions, how this happens, we will try to talk about the pitfalls and give some advice.

Let's start with the fact that you were given a certificate, after which you had a wonderful time lying in a puddle with a bottle of champagne. Congratulations. Half the way has been completed. Next you need to drink mineral water and collect documents, namely:

  1. Photocopy of passport
  2. Photocopy of certificate and original certificate
  3. Photocopy and original of the Unified State Examination certificate (if available)

The original certificate of passing the Unified State Exam may be issued to you very late, therefore, universities in 2012 accepted documents without it. Photos are NOT NEEDED!!! They will be requested from you only after enrollment.

You have to choose 5 universities to which you are going to apply (6 universities will not accept your documents, don’t even try, even if they do, it will still come up later, because the admissions committees have all-Russian databases).

Just a short lyrical digression. Many of you (yes, yes) are waiting for some kind of official announcement of the 2013 passing grade from universities. I hasten to disappoint you. There is no guy on the university admissions committee who points his finger at the sky and says that the passing score for 2013 will be 210 points in total from 3 subjects (conditionally). What is a passing grade anyway? The passing score is the score of the last applicant enrolled on the budget, i.e. you will learn about passing score 2013, only after you are enrolled in the university or not enrolled. But more on that later.

As we have already said, you should not overestimate yourself in any case, even if you have 300 points with 3 Unified State Examinations. Perhaps all the places in front of you will be taken by beneficiaries, Olympiad winners and target students. So don’t choose a bouquet from HSE, Moscow State University, RANEPA, MGIMO and St. Petersburg State University. Be sure to leave 1-2 universities as a “back-up option”, where, as a rule, the admission rate is low.

So, you rubbed your eyes after graduation and went to your first university to apply. Apparently, you will immediately go to your favorite university. But, ATTENTION, most likely, your favorite university is the favorite university of thousands of applicants. Well, that's how it happened. So what's going on? In the first days of the admission campaign, everyone unanimously rushes to HSE, Moscow State University, RANEPA, MGIMO, Finashka, etc., because these are the favorite universities of, well, just everyone. Accordingly, what happens? In the first days of the admissions committees’ work, we have huge queues at leading universities. Therefore, I advise you not to run headlong into your favorite universities in the first days, but to visit the “back-up” universities for now, and then, in the middle, when this excitement from top universities has died down, calmly come to the university of your dreams and calmly submit documents in an hour , and not for 6, as this can happen.

So, you came to the university. In some universities they give you a ticket, in some there is a waiting list, but that’s not the point. The first procedure you have to go through is to fill out an application. In normal universities, you are seated in a classroom with many computers, they open a form and you fill it out electronically. The students help you, then they print your application form for you. Well, or in many universities they fill out the form for you. A number of universities mock applicants and force them to write this application manually, and they get to the bottom of the smallest blots. It may take about an hour to fill out one form if selection committee completely unorganized.

So, you have the right to choose 3 competitive groups (as a rule, a competitive group contains several faculties with the same entrance examinations and similar topics). Those. You can choose 3 competitive groups, and in this group there can be from one to infinity of specialties. For example. You have chosen 3 competitive groups, where in the 1st group there are 5 specialties, in the second group there are 3 specialties and in the 3rd group there is 1 specialty. Here you already have the right to choose all specialties in these 3 competitions. Those. It’s realistic to take part in 3 competitions in 9 areas at one university. In many universities, most often, there is one direction in the competitive group. If something is unclear to someone, ask in the comments. This is not trivial, do not hesitate to ask again.

Also, the university will require you to arrange all these specialties in descending order of “wants”. For example. You are enrolling in economics. We came to the university, and there we have economics in one department, economics in another department, and world economics (for example). We need to arrange them as follows:

First competition group (we want to get into this competition group the most)

  1. Economics of the Faculty of Economics (we want to go here most of all)
  2. Economics of the General Economics Faculty (we want to come here, but not so much)
  3. World Economy Faculty of Economics

Second competitive group (we are applying to this competitive group because we took the same exams, but just in case)

  1. Management at the enterprise of the Faculty of Light Industry
  2. Management in the sports industry of the Faculty named after. Anastasia Volochkova
  3. Advertising and Public Relations

The third competitive group (they just submitted documents)

  1. Jurisprudence Faculty of Law

So, we filled out the application. We are cool. We submitted documents to 3 competitive groups at 5 universities. Those. In total, you participate in 15 competitions. Now pay attention. You are not the only one who is so fashionable and participates in 15 competitions. Let's imagine. You have 250 points from the 3rd Unified State Examination (well, at least someone here will get 250 points). The score is not bad. But that's the problem. Imagine that each applicant applied for 15 competitions. We open the list of applicants and find that you, with your (fairly good scores), are in 1500th place, despite the fact that there are 100 budget places in your favorite specialty, your favorite university. We go cut our wrists in the bathroom (this is not a call for suicide) or sob into the pillow, as you like. That's the funny thing. 14 out of 15 is real dead Souls, these are just ticked boxes. Because one applicant per at this stage admission takes 15 places, but he really only wants one. Let’s not talk about the probabilities that there are more popular universities and less popular universities. Let's take an average university. Let’s assume that exactly 14 out of 15 of us are dead souls (at HSE, for example, it’s a little different, there, rather, every 4th will still remain on the budget). Nevermind. We are modeling a general situation. Being in 1500th place, despite the fact that there are 100 budget places in your specialty, I can assure you that most likely you will get into the budget position, since 14 out of 15 will most likely leave. If you are confused, read again, because what follows is worse.

So, all applicants have submitted their documents. The time of the “first wave” is coming. We are sitting in our 1500th place in university No. 1, in the 2000th place in university No. 2, and in the 500th place in university No. 3, etc. In this case, we fly over with the first wave. Let's return to our university No. 1, where we most want to go. As we have already found out, there are 100 budget places for our favorite specialty. Next are 2 scenarios (different universities work using different systems).

  1. Classic option. In the first wave, the university requests original documents from the first hundred. In our case, every 15th person brings documents. 6 people will bring documents to the university by the specified date. There are still 84 budget places left, which will be “raffled” in the second wave.
  2. Green wave. Some universities are making green waves. They calculate probabilities (in approximately the same way as we described above, or based on data from last year) and recommend for enrollment not 100 people, how many budget places, but 100*(1/probability that a person will bring documents to them , specifically for this specialty). Well, they also adjust for the worse to be on the safe side. In our case, we have. Let’s say the university has calculated that this probability = 1/15 (every fifteenth person will bring documents to them). Those. according to this logic, we should recommend enrollment (request original documents) to the first 1,500 people. Well, universities usually don’t take much risk and make adjustments. In reality, a university can recommend 1,000 applicants at once, despite the fact that we have 100 budget places.
  3. The most epic situation occurs when you are recommended for enrollment after the first wave at the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing, but the university you wanted to attend did not recommend you for enrollment after the first wave. What's happening? Many applicants, having such a borderline score, run in a panic to submit their originals to the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing (parents often force them, or in a panic that you will be left without a budget, take the documents there. Believe me, it will happen). You are successfully admitted there after the first wave, and in the second wave it turns out that you entered the university where you wanted. In this case, you have the right to withdraw your documents (in fairness, we would like to note that the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing will not let you go so easily and, perhaps, you will remain there. Be careful and know your rights!). The time for the second wave is coming. As a rule, on the 2nd wave they call almost everyone and privately ask you whether you will bring the original or not. In general, you need to constantly be on the websites of universities or on the websites for applicants of these universities (if there are any) and be constantly in the know, because they may not call you. They have the right, well, either they accidentally won’t get through, or you indicated the wrong phone number by mistake.