What will a pensioner be taught? Silver University: it’s never too late to study Program for pensioners Silver Age

1. Who can be a participant in the Project?

A resident who has a place of residence in the city of Moscow and has reached retirement age, regardless of the fact that he carries out labor and other activities.

2. Who has priority rights to participate in the Project?

Citizens enrolled in a program at the CES at their place of actual residence.

Citizens who are in a queue formed when enrolling in a program at the CES at their place of actual residence.

Citizens who have a place of residence and live in the administrative district of Moscow, where the training program is organized.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of combat operations on the territory of the USSR, on the territory of the Russian Federation and the territories of other states, veterans of military service, labor veterans.

Citizens receiving social support in the CSO.

3. Where is the Project being implemented?

On the territory of each administrative district of the city of Moscow and provides for the placement of educational sites in each administrative district on the principle of territorial accessibility for residents of the administrative district. Training is carried out on the basis of territorial social service centers, social service centers and on the basis of educational organizations.

4. How to become a participant in the Project?

* when contacting the Social Service Center, an employee of the institution introduces the citizen to the list of programs implemented in the administrative district;

* to carry out registration, an employee of the Social Service Center offers the citizen to choose three programs that are the highest priority for the citizen;

* a citizen’s appeal to the CSC is recorded in an online form in the form of an application for training by a CSC employee.

5. Logistics of admission to Silver University

6. What documents are required to become a participant in the Project?

To fill out an application and subsequently register as an employee of the Social Service Center, a citizen must have a passport and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance; when enrolling in a vocational training program - also a document on education and qualifications.

7. What programs can a citizen take part in?

A citizen has the right to participate once a calendar year in one general development program or once in one of the professional programs. Studying simultaneously in general developmental and additional professional programs is not allowed.

8. How long can training take?

8.1. The volume of general development programs is up to 36 hours (include lectures, seminars, trainings and master classes).

* training in general developmental programs is carried out weekly from 3 to 4 academic hours.

8.2. The volume of professional programs is up to 160 hours (include lectures and trainings).

* training in professional programs is carried out weekly from 3 to 6 academic hours, the duration of participation in the Project is one academic year.

9. How will a citizen find out about inclusion in the list of Project participants?

After the formation of groups for training programs, the responsible employee of the Social Service Center notifies the Project participant by phone, in person or by letter to the email address specified during registration.

10. What document is issued after completing training in the Project?

Based on the results of training, a certificate of completion of a general developmental program or a certificate of completion of a professional program is issued.

11. What to do if a citizen registered to participate in the Project is not included in the group of students?

Due to the fact that the number of groups is limited, the citizen is included in the list of those waiting for subsequent enrollment in the group for training. Continuation of the project and additional admission to the Silver University in January 2019.

More detailed information about the Silver University project for residents of the Shchukino, Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Strogino and Mitino districts can be obtained by phone.

The Moscow Longevity project is expanding its scope every day and is arousing more and more interest among older citizens. Currently, universities, colleges and schools in the city are actively involved in the project. In this regard, new participants in the project have questions: how to work with this target audience, what programs are most in demand, how to organize the educational process?

The Moscow City Pedagogical University became a pilot site in 2017, launching the Moscow Silver University project. Over the course of a year and a half, interesting experience has been accumulated, which specialists and teachers from Moscow State Pedagogical University shared at a seminar organized with the participation of the Moscow Department of Education and Science, the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Moscow Population, and the Resource Center for the Development of Social Communications. 185 schools and colleges and 26 universities took part in the seminar.

In his welcoming speech, the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Igor Remorenko, spoke about the first results of the work of the Moscow Silver University: more than 10,000 people were trained, and interest clubs were created on the initiative of graduates. Based on the experience of working at the Silver University on IT programs, together with the All-Russian Society “Knowledge”, the professional standard “Digital Curator” (“Consultant in the field of development of digital literacy of the population (digital curator)” was developed and adopted).

The Russian State Social University shared its experience of participating in the Moscow Longevity project. In her speech, RSSU Rector Natalya Pochinok focused the attention of those present not only on the programs being implemented within the framework of the project, but also on ways to inform citizens and monitor educational requests and demand for programs.

Alexander Levintov, scientific director of the Silver University project, researcher at the Institute of Continuing Education at Moscow State Pedagogical University, introduced the seminar participants to the features of Aging pedagogy and presented the basics of the mission and functions of the Silver University.

The results of modern research into the interests and problems of the older generation were presented by Evgenia Romanova, director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of Moscow State Pedagogical University. An important value system for them is the desire for an active intellectual life and expanding the circle of social communication.

In the final speech, the director of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Marina Shalashova, spoke about the features of individual educational programs for older citizens, based on their educational interests and needs.

Numerous questions from the seminar participants were answered by the speakers and the head of the Department of Projects in the Sphere of Well-Being and Longevity of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, Alexander Bodrov.

Contacts of the Resource Center for the Development of Social Communications (GKU “RCRSK”), social projects department

On the official portal of the mayor and government of the capital. This project will allow Moscow pensioners to learn a foreign language for free, become familiar with the basics of financial and legal literacy, master a computer and various gadgets, and obtain a working specialty. Training will be free.

Elderly students will be able to choose one of five faculties to study:

  • humanitarian
  • mass communications and computer science
  • culture and creativity
  • health and safety
  • psychological support for the individual

The Faculty of Humanities will conduct classes in English and German. Here you can also get a specialty in green farming. In addition, older people will be introduced to the features of volunteering.

Students of the Faculty of Mass Communications and Informatics will learn how the modern information space works, get acquainted with computer equipment and modern gadgets, and learn how to use them. Here you can also learn about the basics of journalism.

At the Faculty of Culture and Creativity, older people will be able to attend dance classes and also learn various types of handicrafts. Here you can get a profession as a doll maker.

Students of the Faculty of Health and Safety will be offered training courses “Food instead of medicine”, “Health swimming”, as well as a course “Basics of financial and legal literacy”.

Classes at the Faculty of Psychology will help older people learn to prevent and resolve conflicts, and overcome the psychological barriers that they have to face when communicating with other people. Here you can also get a job as a nanny.

Classes will be held at social service centers at the place of residence and at the sites of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Each group will have 15-20 people. 24-36 hours will be allocated for general education programs, and up to 160 hours for training in working professions. Classes will be held twice a week, the duration of each lesson is 2 academic hours.

Elderly people will be able to gain theoretical knowledge in their chosen specialty, attend practical classes, and also take part in master classes and trainings. The organizers also planned festivals, creative evenings and recreational evenings. Upon completion of training, university graduates will receive certificates of completion of the educational course, confirming the acquired knowledge and skills.

Elderly Muscovites will be able to take part in the project: men over 60 years old and women over 55 years old. Classes will begin on November 1st. Acceptance of applications begins on October 16, they can be submitted at territorial social service centers.

“More than two and a half million elderly people live in Moscow – this is about a quarter of the city’s adult population. Our goal is to extend their creative and professional longevity by organizing cultural and educational leisure,” said Vladimir Petrosyan, head of the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. – “Silver University” will give pensioners the opportunity to study what they were unable to master earlier due to lack of time. Indeed, in their young and mature years, they mainly devoted themselves to work and caring for their family.”

Computer literacy training courses for seniors, which appeared several years ago, continue to be among the most popular. Getting to know a computer significantly changes the lives of retirees for the better, allowing them to navigate the modern world, opening up new spaces for communication and technological opportunities that make life easier. The state is also interested in such programs - increasing the number of people able, for example, to use the e-government resource, reduces the load on multifunctional centers.

Teaching in computer courses is more or less streamlined, and methodological developments are already being created. I told about one of them Maria Morozova, General Director of the Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation: “As a result of one of the projects supported by the foundation, the High Technology Resource Training Center in St. Petersburg, a special educational and methodological complex was developed that meets the real needs of older people. It focuses on the use of free programs, the skills of creating, for example, family photo albums, and does not focus on office programs that are unnecessary for older people.”

Recently, courses have been appearing for “advanced” pensioners who not only learn the basics of computer literacy, learn to talk on Skype and pay for services on the Internet, but also master more complex programs, for example, Photoshop and audio editors. Requests for such training are increasing.

Online status for the soul and for work

Computer skills increase the chances of retirees to find employment or retain jobs, as evidenced by the three-year experience of the “Status: Online” program, which is implemented by the KAF Foundation for the Support and Development of Philanthropy with the support of Philip Morris Sales and Marketing LLC. “When we saw that it was quite difficult for older people to find a new job, in all regions special classes on online search for vacancies and writing a resume were added to the program, and meetings were also organized with local employment centers and potential employers,” says Ekaterina Levshina, manager of work with public organizations.

Assistance in finding employment is the main task of the Assistance center, created to support doctors who lost their jobs during the healthcare reform process. The center is looking for vacancies and retraining doctors, nurses, junior medical staff - in those specializations that are most in demand in the region. “About 40% of health workers who contact our center are people of retirement age. Today there are more than 1,600 people,” says Konstantin Tsaranov, Director of the Assistance Center.

Garden design, art therapy, English, dancing...

Some centers provide comprehensive education for older people. A wide range of programs is provided, for example, by the Silver Age University for the Elderly. In addition to computer literacy and garden design, there are English language courses of various levels, dance, film and art therapy, economic and legal literacy, “brain gymnastics”, etc. - more than 15 in total. “Many directions have emerged, as they say, “at the request of the workers,” explains Evgeniy Machnev, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Silver Age University for the Elderly. - We found out what interests people have, what they want to learn. Some of the things arose from the request: “Guys, teach us,” and some even from such a request: “I can teach this.” Art therapy, for example, appeared this way.”

The Baba-Deda Internet portal helps pensioners navigate the space of services. The demand for educational services is consistently high: almost all educational programs presented on the website are popular and in demand. “Outside Moscow and St. Petersburg there are much fewer offers, but the demand is the same as in large cities,” says Anastasia Lazibnaya, head of the Baba-Deda portal and community of employers “Companies for all ages”.“Queues form, so people often send us applications for several training courses in their city at once.”

Volunteer resource

At the Assistance center, for example, a volunteer program appeared when it became clear that not all older people, having lost their jobs, were ready to look for a new one and retrain. “Many of them have devoted 25-30 years to their professional activities, and they have no plans to continue their medical career, master new technologies or retrain for another specialty,” says Konstantin Tsaranov. - But these are socially active, active people, they want to continue to remain useful to their family, society and hometown. Not only doctors, but also nurses, a paramedic, a midwife and a laboratory technician signed up for our first “5 Steps to Volunteering” program.”

Elderly volunteers were given special attention at the state level - during the organization of the Olympic Games in Sochi, there were 1,800 of them in the volunteer team. “These people are a completely undervalued resource of the economy: they can, are able and know a lot,” I am sure Marina Pochinok, Vice-President of the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee.

Geront formation: what is specific?

A separate science is devoted to the education of older people - gerontogenesis, or geragogy. It helps you build on the benefits of age and avoid the complications associated with age. “For people in the 55+ group, a special approach is needed that takes into account their physiological, mental and socio-emotional characteristics, and this is not only our own observation, this is a global practice,” notes Konstantin Tsaranov.

“Geragogy is close to pedagogy,” Evgeny Machnev develops the topic. - It’s not that everything should happen “childishly”, but it needs clarity, imagery, portions. It is important to immediately give practical application of the acquired knowledge. And be sure to turn to the experience of the participants themselves. This is the main difference from pedagogy: children have no experience, but older people have a lot of experience.”

Age-related changes must be taken into account. “Pensioners need a special approach,” notes Ekaterina Levshina . “That’s why our program employs coaches who have experience working with them.” For example, older people often experience some tightness in their hands; to develop fine motor skills, they are encouraged to master simple computer games or learn to draw. People with low vision are trained under a special program - they use special equipment with “talking” keyboards.

Gentle training

Much attention needs to be paid to psychology. Training should be structured with special delicacy - people of the “silver age” are very sensitive. Only in a trusting atmosphere of mutual respect can a productive process be built. “It is necessary to avoid situations that could put an elderly person in an uncomfortable, humiliating position. An elderly person's hidden grudge can destroy his relationship with you forever. You should not use an edifying, moralizing tone when communicating with the elderly, or try to dictate and defend your point of view,” explains Yulia Maltseva, Deputy Director of ANO SAP "Silver Age". “Of course, statuses must be respected. This is similar to the principle of training top managers: you cannot change a person’s status without his consent,” adds Evgeniy Machnev .

There are also cultural problems: in our society, a person is declared “old” much earlier than in many other countries. The “image of old age” that is broadcast is not at all positive. “There are some moments in training that require deeper study, attention and patience,” shares Konstantin Tsaranov . - We are talking, for example, about the negative stereotypes about old age that our listeners have and their low self-esteem. Resolving these psychological issues is one of the main tasks of our educational activities.”

Stereotypes of the average person and employer

“The most important thing in our work is to change the prejudiced attitude towards the elderly as a social dependent; support public initiatives that help improve the quality of life at this age, including through education. It is equally necessary to convince older people themselves that learning can and should be done at any age,” says Maria Morozova .

Prejudicial attitudes can only be changed through the process of cooperation between people of different generations. Marina Pochinok talks about the experience of older volunteers participating in the Olympic Games: “We have a lot of stereotypes. The fact that these people are not mobile, do not have quick skills, physically cannot work as much as young people, they no longer have such communication skills, etc. etc. In fact, those who worked with us could give the youth a head start. These are very energetic people, with enormous internal drive, energy, spark, and excitement. Incredibly efficient, with a huge sense of responsibility for their work, not discouraged and perfectly grasping everything new. It turned out to be a big discovery for me.”

Bias is on full display in employment – ​​age discrimination exists in almost all areas. “It was unexpected for me that the topic of employment is so critical in Russia for people of retirement age,” says Anastasia Lazibnaya. - They really want to work and not always for the sake of earning money; they no longer believe that anyone is ready to offer them a job other than as a loader or watchman/cleaner; We are already receiving people over 40 who also suffer from age discrimination. We thought about the need to motivate the employer by breaking his stereotypes about people over 45-50 years old. We launched the KVV (companies for all ages) direction and got busy with it.”

Continued story

What is very important in the education of older people is that it must continue: having felt a taste for something new, immersed in communication, they do not want to return to their old way of life. “At first we thought that after training our people would simply receive certificates/diplomas and leave, but they didn’t go anywhere. They say: “Teach us something else,” says Evgeny Machnev. - That is, a problem arose about what to do with the active elderly. This is where various volunteer centers, press centers, etc. appeared.”

Almost all educational programs have a request for continuation. “We are aware that pensioners, having left home and plunged into the eventful life of courses, do not want to stop there,” says Ekaterina Levshina. - They learned to work on a computer, became more active, and expanded their social circle. Course graduates want to study further and apply the acquired skills in practice. They are ready to participate in a variety of seminars, master classes, webinars, championships, and Olympiads. Many program graduates become volunteers both in “Status: Online” computer literacy courses, helping new students, and in other NGO projects.”

“The most important driver for people over 55 is their own usefulness, a feeling of belonging, being in demand, the understanding that your experience is useful, and someone also needs your wisdom in life,” Marina Pochinok is sure. These are the opportunities that educational projects provide.

A university project for older people will be launched in Moscow on November 1 Silver University. In it, pensioners will be able to study foreign languages, master a computer, or obtain a working specialty for free.

“More than two and a half million elderly people live in Moscow - this is about a quarter of the city’s adult population. Our goal is to extend their creative and professional longevity by organizing cultural and educational leisure. Silver University will give pensioners the opportunity to learn what they were unable to master earlier due to lack of time. Indeed, in their young and mature years, they mainly devoted themselves to work and caring for their family.", - said the head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Moscow Population Vladimir Petrosyan

Students" Men over 60 years of age and women over 55 years of age can become university students. Applications will begin on October 16.

/ Friday, October 6, 2017 /

An educational project for elderly Muscovites starts on November 1. This was reported by the official portal of the mayor and government of Moscow.

"A new educational project for older people called Silver University starts in Moscow on November 1. IN Silver University it will be possible to get a profession as a nanny, doll maker or urban landscaper. . . . . . Acceptance of applications for free training will begin on October 16 at territorial social service centers. . . . . .

As explained, pensioners will be able to enroll in one of five faculties: humanities, mass communications and computer science, culture and creativity, health and safety, or psychological support of the individual. At the Faculty of Humanities, older people will learn the basics of spoken English and German, the history and culture of Moscow, and will also become familiar with the peculiarities of volunteer work. At the end of the training, graduates will be given certificates of completion of the educational course. These are not state diplomas, but these documents confirm the acquired knowledge and skills.

. . . . . In it, the capital’s pensioners will be able to learn foreign languages, master a computer, or obtain a working specialty for free, reports the portal of the Mayor and the Moscow Government.

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Each group will have 15-20 people. It is expected that by the end of the year, 2,600 pensioners will study at the university. The duration of general education programs will be from 24 to 36 hours. Up to 160 hours are allocated for training in working specialties. . . . . .

In the South-Western District, classes will be held at the TCSO “ Zyuzino” on Odesskaya street, house 9, building 1, as well as at two sites of the Moscow State Pedagogical University - College “ Cheryomushki” on Tsyurupy Street, building 14B and State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IKI) on Maria Ulyanova Street, building 21.

. . . . . Accepting applications for participation in a new educational project for older people Silver University will begin on October 16th.

According to the Moscow City Hall website, free classes in Silver University will begin on November 1st. . . . . .

The iz.ru portal previously reported that in the park “ Zaryadye” On October 15, a children's media studio will open in the pavilion “ Media Center”.

From November 1, universities for older people will open in some areas of Moscow. In the Lomonosovsky district, pensioners will be able to take courses at the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IKI), located at 21 Maria Ulyanova Street.

At universities for older people, it will be possible to study foreign languages, master a computer, or obtain a working specialty for free. . . . . . It should be noted that in the Lomonosovsky district the Territorial Service Center is located at the address: Leninsky Prospekt, building . . . . . When creating it, experts were based on surveys conducted at the TCSO among older people. Such monitoring helped to determine the sphere of interests of the capital’s pensioners.

. . . . . Lessons will be held at least twice a week for two academic hours. In addition to theoretical and practical classes, students will be able to attend trainings and master classes from specialists in specific fields. In addition, the university will host festivals, creative evenings and recreational evenings.

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A university for elderly citizens will open in Moscow. . . . . .

Elderly people will be able to learn how to use a computer, study foreign languages ​​and master a working specialty within the framework of the project Silver University. It starts in the capital on November 1. Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Vladimir Petrosyan noted that over 2.5 million elderly people currently live in the city.

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According to the information portal of the mayor and the Moscow Government, for students Silver University organize cultural and educational leisure. Applications for free training will be accepted by specialists from territorial social service centers.

. . . . . As reported on the website of the Moscow City Hall, at the educational institution, students - men over 60 years old, and women over 55 - will be able to master computers and mobile applications, learn foreign languages, and also get acquainted with the basics of financial and legal literacy. In addition, in Silver University You can get a job as a nanny. . . . . .

. . . . . IN Silver University They will be able not only to have an interesting time, but also to acquire knowledge and skills that improve their quality of life. . . . . . Indeed, in their young and mature years, they mainly devoted themselves to work and caring for their family."
. . . . . They are located in eight metropolitan districts - Western, Southwestern, Central, Eastern, Northeastern, Northern, Northwestern and Zelenograd. . . . . . At the same faculty, training will be given to the profession of green farm worker.
During classes at the Faculty of Mass Communications and Informatics, pensioners will be explained how the modern information space works, taught how to use gadgets, and told about the basics of journalism. The Faculty of Culture and Creativity will host practical classes in dance and handicrafts. Here you can also learn the profession of a doll maker.
Health and Safety students will take courses "Basics of financial and legal literacy", Recreational swimming and “Food instead of medicine.” And at the Faculty of Psychology, older people will learn to prevent and resolve conflicts, as well as overcome psychological barriers in communication. Here, pensioners will be able to get a job as a nanny.
. . . . .
Silver University- part of a city project Active longevity. Its main task is to create conditions for the creative and professional development of older people and improve their quality of life.
International Day of Older Persons was celebrated in Moscow on October 1. More than 1,300 festive events were held at various venues, and open days were held at social service centers.

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Classes within the project Silver University will be held in 10 territorial social service centers (TSSC).

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At the university, older people will be able to learn foreign languages ​​and master computer operation for free.

. . . . . The official website of the Moscow Mayor reports this.

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At a university called Silver University older people will be able to learn foreign languages ​​and master computer operation for free.

. . . . .

An educational project for pensioners will be launched in Moscow Silver University. . . . . . By the end of the year, 2,600 pensioners will be able to undergo training. . . . . .

Pensioners will be taught how to use a computer and foreign languages.

On November 1, it begins its work in Moscow Silver University. Men over 60 years old and women over 55 years old can study there. . . . . .
The university will teach foreign languages ​​and the basics of computer operation. The lesson is free.
Also, pensioners will be able to get a job as a nanny, doll maker and landscaper.
The application can be submitted from October 16 at the territorial centers of social services at the place of residence.

. . . . . A new educational project for older people, designed to train city residents aged 55 (women) and 60 (men) years old, will start in Moscow on November 1. . . . . . He also clarified that the training program was developed jointly with the Moscow City Pedagogical University, and when creating it, specialists were based on surveys conducted at the TCSO among older people.

Classes will be held both directly at social service centers at the place of residence, and at the sites of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, which are located in eight metropolitan districts - Western, Southwestern, Central, Eastern, Northeastern, Northern, Northwestern and Zelenograd .

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Classes will be held at the following addresses:

TCSO and branches of USZN JSC

Structural divisions of Moscow State Pedagogical University

Name of institution

Name of institution

GBU TCSO "Veshnyaki"

Reutovskaya street,

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (ISPO, College "Izmailovo"

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IMIiEN)

Izmailovsky Boulevard, 19

Chechulina street,

State Budgetary Institution TCSO "Mozhaisky"

Rublevskoe highway,

house 28, building 3

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (ISPO, Dorogomilovo College)

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (ISPO, Arbat College)

Poklonnaya street, building 2

Lane Kamennaya Sloboda, building 4

Branch “ Sunny” State Budgetary Institution TCSO "Zelenogradsky"

Zelenograd, building 826

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IPPO, Zelenograd branch)


building 1140

(building 3)

GBU TCSO "Beskudnikovo"

GBU TCSO "Timiryazevsky"

Dubninskaya street,

Timiryazevskaya street, building 10/12

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IPSiSO)

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IMIiEN)

Petrovsko-Razumovsky proezd, building 27

Sheremetyevskaya street,

State Budgetary Institution TCSO "Bibirevo"

1st Northern Line,

PIFKiS "School of Water Sports"

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (ISPO, College "Medvedkovo"

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IMIiEN)

Kasatkina street, house 23

Grekova street,

house 3, building 1

Sheremetyevskaya street, building 29

State Budgetary Institution TCSO "Tushino"

Novoposelkovaya street, building 5b

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IGNiU)

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IPiPO)

Fabricius Street, building 21

Stolyarny lane, house 16, building 1

GBU TCSO "Meshchansky"

GBU TCSO “ Tagansky”, Khamovniki branch

Pereyaslavsky lane, house 6

Timur Frunze Street, building 3, building 4

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (Center for Design Creativity “ Start-PRO” INO)

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IPiPO)

Protopopovsky lane, building 5

Sadovaya-Samotechnaya street, building 8

GBU TCSO "Maryino"

Lublinskaya street,

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (INO)

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (INO)

2nd Tulsky lane, building 4

Novokuznetskaya street, house 16

GBU TCSO "Zyuzino"

Odesskaya street,

building 9, building 1

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (IKI)

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (ISPO, college "Cheryomushki")

Maria Ulyanova Street, building 21

Tsyurupy Street, 14b

State Budgetary Institution TCSO "Tsaritsynsky"

Veselaya street, house 11

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (INO)

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (PIFKiS)

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU (ISOiKR)

2nd Tulsky lane, building 4

Balaklavsky prospect, house 32, building 4

Panferova street, building 8, building 2

Will appear in Moscow Silver University, which will come into effect on November 1.

All interested Muscovites, aged 60 years for men and 55 years for women, will be able to undergo training at Silver University, which will open in the capital on November 1. Pensioners will be able to acquire knowledge there that will help them improve their quality of life. This was reported by “Evening Moscow”.

A message appeared on the official website of the mayor and government of Moscow that for everyone who wants to study at this institution, programs have been developed that can teach them the principles of operation of mobile devices, foreign languages, legal and financial literacy.

The main purpose of creation Silver University is to extend professional longevity.

Earlier, the Nation News news agency reported that the Pushkin Museum will be open for free on the day of the 60th anniversary in Moscow.
