Church holiday Lazarevskoe in the year. Diet for Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday is religious holiday in honor of the resurrection of Lazarus, later a great saint who preached about the life and teachings of Christ. It is celebrated on the 6th Saturday of Great Lent, on the eve of Palm Sunday, that is, in 2020 - April 11. After it begins Holy Week- the most strict and the last week post.

The Bible tells the story of this divine resurrection. Lazarus was a friend of Christ and lived near Jerusalem, in a village called Bethany. Jesus visited him often, but one day news reached him that Lazarus had suddenly become seriously ill. Jesus replied that this illness would not lead to the death of his friend, but, on the contrary, would become a milestone in the coming glory of God's Son.

Jesus went to a friend's house to visit him at his bedside, but 4 days before Christ arrived, Lazarus died. His sisters buried him, according to the traditions of that time, in a cave, covering it with a stone. But when Jesus arrived, he ordered this stone to be moved away from the entrance to the tomb of Lazarus, and then said: “Lazarus! Get out." And the deceased came to life and left the cave.

This miraculous resurrection was immediately known throughout Judea, people talked about the Son of God, who was able to raise the dead, and word quickly spread. Then, a little later, Jesus rode into Jerusalem, as the Scriptures say, and was greeted by the people with palm branches, speaking of him as a new king. It was this incident that reached the high priests, who, fearing the overthrow of power, conspired to kill Christ.

An interesting nuance is that the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is celebrated by the church the day after Lazarus Saturday, on Sunday, and according to historical data, there was a gap of several weeks between these events.

Lazarus, after the death of Jesus, lived 30 years of earthly life and preached Christian teaching in memory of him. He died in Cyprus, from where his relics were later, already in the 9th century, taken out and placed in Constantinople. In 890, a temple named after Lazarus was built in the city of Kition in Cyprus. The foundation was built right on the saint’s burial site. To this day, pilgrims from many countries come to the temple.

The church calls the resurrection of Lazarus a miracle, which signifies the omnipotence of the Lord, his good will and justice. Lazarus led a righteous life and immediately believed in the true identity of Jesus Christ, and he was given a “second” life.

Celebrating Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday falls at the end of Lent, and this day cannot be fully celebrated. The church allows small allowances to the table in the form of fish caviar and red wine. On this day, it is customary to cook pancakes from buckwheat, porridge, bake fish pies and cook mash.

On Lazarus Saturday, they usually break off willow branches from a tree or buy them; they symbolize the palm branches with which Christ was greeted in Jerusalem. During the evening service they are blessed with holy water. Lazarus Saturday is also called Palm Saturday because it falls on the eve of Palm Sunday.

The willow is the very first tree that begins to bloom after the winter cold and is a symbol of resurrection, awakening, just as Lazarus was resurrected and awakened. On the night of Palm Sunday in Russian villages, it was customary for young people to go from house to house with willow branches and chants. It was believed that if you lightly hit a person with a willow twig, it would give him health for the whole year.

Among other Slavic peoples, this custom also took place. The Serbs tied small bells to branches, and the Czechs and Slovaks go around houses with willow not on Sunday night, but on Monday, Easter.

The Bulgarians and Gagauz have a ritual of lazarization. Little girls, lazarkas, went from house to house and sang ritual songs, and one of them symbolized the bride and carried a large basket for gifts, where people put treats.

It is on the feast of the resurrection of Lazarus that the clergy change their black robes to white, showing their unity with the resurrected saint. The holiday of faith in miracles, healing and resurrection revives in the soul of every believer a sense of hope and the desire for eternal life. On this day, Jesus not only brought Saint Lazarus back to life, but showed the power of God and gave hope for salvation to his people.

In his life and in the course of preaching God's will, Christ raised the dead only three times. The first time he resurrected the son of a widow from the city of Nain, the second miracle was the resurrection of the twelve-year-old daughter of Jairus, and the third was the resurrection of Lazarus. Christ performed the miracle of resurrection so that people would believe in the power of God, in the immortality of the soul and in the possibility of resurrection during the coming of the Last Judgment.

Lent in 2020

In 2020, Lent begins on March 2 and lasts until April 18. What does it mean? Lent symbolizes the 40 days of Jesus being tempted by the devil in the desert. He ate nothing for 40 days and fought against the obsessions of the evil spirit. It was then that he began his journey to save humanity from sin. 40 days of fasting are held in honor of this great test, and the last week is in honor of the last acts of Christ, his suffering and death. Among his last miracles performed before his death, the church celebrates the resurrection of Lazarus.

Lent is the strictest fast of Orthodox believers; it is customary to prepare carefully and meaningfully for the celebration of the holy holiday of Easter. On Lazarus Saturday, the church advises spending the day thinking about life and death, abstaining from entertainment and worldly goods, cleansing the soul from unrighteousness, and it is best to devote this day to reading Holy Scripture. Although this Saturday is a holiday, it still remains part of Lent, so the celebration is usually very restrained, moderate in food and sober.

Bishop Pavel told readers about the celebration

This Saturday, April 8, the Church remembers the miraculous resurrection of Lazarus by our Lord Jesus Christ.

The rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl, Vladyka Pavel, told Vesti readers about the holiday.

Lazarus Saturday: history of the holiday

"The Raising of Lazarus". Caravaggio

During his earthly life, the Lord often went to Lazarus’s house, loved to talk with him and his sisters Mary (she who anointed the Lord’s feet with myrrh and wiped them with her hair) and Martha, and called Lazarus His friend.

Lazarus was a Jew and the son of Simon the Pharisee, originally from Bethany. When Lazarus fell ill, the sisters sent to tell Jesus that the one He loved was sick. But Jesus said that this disease is not for death, but for the glory of God, through it the Son of God will be glorified. Having said this, He remained in the place where He was for two more days. Then, turning to the disciples, he said that it was necessary to go to Judea, because “Lazarus, our friend, fell asleep,” and He was going to wake him up.

The disciples, not understanding what He was talking about, replied that if he fell asleep, he would recover. They did not understand that Jesus was talking about the death of Lazarus.

Arriving at Lazarus' house, Jesus finds that Lazarus has died and has been in the tomb for four days. And many of the Jews came to console the sisters in their grief. Martha, coming out to meet Jesus, said that if the Lord had been here, her brother would not have died, but she knows: whatever Christ asks of God, God will give him. When the Lord said that her brother would be resurrected, she replied that yes, he would be resurrected along with everyone else on the last day.

Mary, who came out to Jesus, fell in tears at His feet, saying that if the Lord had been here, then her brother would not have died. Seeing the crying sisters and the crying Jews who came with her, Jesus shed tears and, experiencing inner grief, approached the tomb and ordered the stone to be rolled away from the tomb.

Lifting his eyes to heaven, Jesus said: “Father, I thank You that You heard Me. I knew that You would always hear Me, but I said this for the people standing here, so that they would believe that You sent Me!” After which Christ said in a loud voice: “Lazarus, get out!” And the dead man came out wrapped in swaddling clothes from the tomb.

Conspiracy against Christ

Many of those who came who saw this miracle believed in Christ. But there were also those who, seeing what was happening, went and told the Pharisees, who became furious. Having gathered a council, the high priests and Pharisees reasoned that this man performs many miracles and, if everything is left as it is, everyone will believe in Him. And then Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said a very prophetic phrase: “It is better for us that one man should die for the people than that the whole people should perish.”

Saying this by inspiration from above, he himself, without realizing it, included a very deep meaning in this phrase, that Jesus would die for the people, in order to then gather all the children of God together.

From that day on, the decision was made to kill Him.

Jesus went with his disciples for a while to the city of Ephraim near the desert and remained there.

As the Passover approached, many went to Jerusalem, wondering if Jesus would come. And the high priests had already given the order that whoever saw Him should announce it to them in order to take Him.

How Lazarus lived after his resurrection

Lazarus lived 30 years after his resurrection, went to Cyprus and maintained strict abstinence. Later, he was installed as a bishop there by the Apostles. Holy Mother of God gave him a hand-made omophorion.

He died in Cyprus and in the 9th century his relics were transferred from Cyprus to Constantinople.

The Raising of Lazarus: Interpretation

The Raising of Lazarus. Jouvenet Jean

As God, He announced to the disciples about the death of Lazarus when no one had yet spoken about it. Upon arriving at the house of Lazarus, his sisters and some of the Jews publicly called Him the Son of God. And after a short prayer to the Heavenly Father, Jesus with one word resurrects the four-day-dead Lazarus.

Like a man, having come to Bethany and seeing the crying sisters and everyone who was mourning with them, he himself began to cry.

“We know that according to Scripture, Jesus cried three times during the period of His earthly life. When Christ wept for the dead Lazarus, He wept for the horror that man, having sinned, brought death and now the bright man dies, because sin came into the world. Miracle Christ performed the resurrection from the dead three times during His earthly life. He raised the son of the widow of Nain, the twelve-year-old daughter of Jairus, and Lazarus, who was in the tomb for four days. The miracle of the resurrection was shown to us by the Lord so that we could see and believe that human life does not come with death. ends, it does not plunge into eternal darkness, but there is hope for the general resurrection of all on the Day of Judgment. People often wonder why wicked people, liars, oppressors and others prosper. Why does God allow it? righteous life experiencing need and oppression? And where is the truth? God has truth in the resurrection of the dead! And there will be a Last Judgment! And all who were unjustly attacked, suffered, persecuted, will receive heavenly joy. And those who did not keep the Law of Christ will go into eternal fire, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth,” Metropolitan Pavel emphasized.

In the Apostolic Readings this Saturday, the Church tells us about the establishment of the eternal kingdom of grace, which began with the resurrection of Lazarus.

Fasting on Lazarus Saturday

On this day, fish roe is allowed at meals.


Keeping fasts in Orthodox Christianity is a fairly important tradition. Especially great importance has for believers Great Lent, preceding the bright holiday of Easter. Saturday of the sixth week (week) of this period is called Lazarus Saturday. What is this holiday dedicated to, and what events prompted the Church to establish it as an important religious date in Orthodox calendar, you will learn from this material.

Lazarus as a biblical figure

Saint Lazarus was a righteous man who lived during the time of Jesus. He was the brother of two pious Christians: Mary and Martha. The Savior often visited this family, with whom the Son of God established warm relations. That's why Lazarus considered Jesus his friend and called him that.

One day the righteous man fell ill. Word of Lazarus' illness quickly spread throughout the area. When it reached Jesus Christ, he said: “This disease is not leading to death, but to the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” However, four days before the Savior arrived in Bethany, the young man died. Having learned this, Jesus shed tears. He wept that Lazarus had to die because of a world mired in sin. Next, Christ went to the burial cave, where the body of the righteous man was placed, and ordered the stone to be “taken away” from the entrance. When this was done, Jesus said, addressing the deceased: “Lazarus! Get out." And immediately the resurrected righteous man came out of the cave.

The news of the miracle quickly spread throughout Judea. The next day, after Jesus entered Jerusalem, he was met by many people who praised the Savior as if he were a king. Under the feet of Christ the crowd laid their own clothes and branches of palm trees, which in Russia were later replaced by willows.

Unfortunately, it was the resurrection of Lazarus that caused the high priests to hate Jesus. The latter desired the death of Christ, having made the appropriate decision. As for the righteous Lazarus, the young man lived on Earth for another 30 years after his miraculous resurrection. He devoted all these years to serving God, being a bishop and preacher in Cyprus, in the city of Kition. In theological literature one can find such an expression as “Lazarus the Four Days”, which is a reminder of the actual death of the righteous, which did not become final death.

The discovery of the holy relics of the beloved friend of Jesus Christ happened in 1972, in the city of Kition, already mentioned above, now Larnaca. The remains of the righteous man lay in a marble ark. On the latter there was an inscription: “Lazarus the Four-Days, Friend of Christ.” Earlier, in the 9th century, the relics of the righteous man were transferred at the behest of the Byzantine emperor Leo the Wise to Constantinople. There they were in the temple in the name of Righteous Lazarus. But today thousands of Christian pilgrims from all over the world go to Larnaca to venerate the relics of their friend Jesus Christ.

Divine services on this day

Lazarus Saturday is the Saturday before a major religious holiday for Christian believers: Palm Sunday. Therefore, the service in churches on this day is quite solemn. It is very similar in content to Sunday Matins. That is, first, as part of this Saturday service, they verse the Immaculate Ones, then they sing the Sunday troparia (“Blessed art thou, Lord, teach me by thy justification”). Afterwards comes the sedalene, the chant “Having seen the Resurrection of Christ,” Psalm 50, canon. Matins ends with the singing of the Great Verse. In addition, on Lazarus Saturday, the Liturgy of John Chrysostom is celebrated, within the framework of which the song is sung: “Those who were baptized into Christ, who put on Christ.”

Features of fasting on Palm Saturday

Lazarev Saturday's food restrictions are not too strict. You are allowed to eat vegetable oil, wine and even fish caviar. In past times, Russian women cooked the so-called mash on this day, also cooked porridge, baked pancakes from buckwheat flour and fish pies. However, the listed dishes in families in Rus' were eaten on Palm Sunday, following Lazarus Saturday, and not immediately. By the way, relaxation in the form of permission to eat fish and wine with butter took place and is taking place on this holiday, and indeed during Lent due to the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

Russian customs, rituals, traditions

In this section, the most pressing and interesting question is, of course, the following: why exactly did the willow become a symbol of Palm Sunday in Rus'?” The branches of this amazing tree were broken according to tradition the day before happy holiday, that is, on Lazarus Saturday. This was done by both peasants in villages and townspeople. It is logical to assume that the willow (willow) replaced the palm tree for two reasons. Firstly, in Rus' and in other Slavic countries there are no palm trees. And secondly, the willow is one of those trees that bloom first in the spring. Thus, the branches strewn with delicate “fluffy” symbolize the awakening of nature from a long winter sleep, otherwise the resurrection of the living from temporary death. This tradition was first mentioned in the Izbornik of Svyatoslav at the beginning of the 11th century. This book occupies third position in the list of ancient Russian manuscript volumes after the Ostromir Gospel and the Novgorod Codex.

In addition to the official “willow” tradition, approved by the church, there were unofficial customs that were widespread among the people and were, one might say, magical in nature. So, on the night from Lazarus Saturday to Palm Sunday, namely at midnight, rural girls and young men went around the houses in their villages with ritual songs, the saying in which sounded like this: “Open, unlock, young, hit with a camel, give more health than before! " There was another custom of “willow beating.” Within its framework, young people entered the first house they came across with willow branches in their hands and lightly, jokingly beat the sleeping people, saying: “We beat you to be healthy,” “Whip the willow, beat them to tears!”

Lazarus Saturday among other nations

Not only our ancestors celebrated Lazarus Saturday with all sorts of rituals. The peoples of other countries did not lag behind them in this either.

The Serbs, following the example of the Rus, broke willow branches in order to consecrate them on Sunday in the temple. However, they first tied small bells to the symbols of the holiday.

The Greeks still follow ancient tradition, which consists in baking “lazarchiki” (in Greek “lazarakia”) produced on Lazarus Saturday. Under the cute, unusual name lies an anthropomorphic cookie made from spicy sweet dough.

But the most interesting tradition of Lazarus Saturday should be considered “lazarization”, invented by the Bulgarians. Its essence is as follows: on the eve of Palm Sunday, girls aged 7-10 years perform the spring maiden rite, that is, they go from house to house in groups of three and sing Lazar songs. At the same time, one of the babies portrays the “bride”, and therefore the child’s face is covered with a short white veil, or, in extreme cases, a scarf. For their singing, girls (they are called “lazarki”) receive a treat in every house: small coins and raw eggs. The Gagauz people also practiced a similar custom.


In the Bible, this miraculous event is described in the Gospel of John. Christ sincerely loved Lazarus and often came to his house. But death does not spare even the best people - Lazarus, being in the prime of his life, became seriously ill and died. After four days, Jesus learned of the death of a man whom he considered his friend and came to the tomb cave where the deceased lay. “Take away the stone,” said the Son of God. After his demand was fulfilled, Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and turned to his heavenly Father. Then he said loudly: “Lazare! Get out!”

What was the surprise of those around him when Lazarus himself came out of the cave, still wrapped in burial shrouds. The rumor about this miracle immediately spread throughout all the surrounding lands. It was the resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus Christ that became the reason for the final and firm decision of the Pharisees and high priests to kill the Savior. Along with the triumph of Life comes the power of darkness, bringing with it last days life of Christ. It is no coincidence that, having learned about the illness of his friend, Christ said: “This illness is not for death, but for the glory of God.” By raising his friend Lazarus, Jesus gave each of us eternal hope that there would be a resurrection of Himself, as well as the resurrection of all the dead. It is no coincidence that, having learned about his friend’s illness, Christ said: “This illness is not for death, but for the glory of God.”...

Divine service on Lazarus Saturday special, with a certain order. It has extraordinary awe combined with penetration and solemnity, and in the chants the key lines are those indicating the non-randomness of the event, the resurrection of Lazarus, and how important it is for all true believers and for Humanity in general. It is celebrated with special trepidation, soulfully and solemnly, and the main chant contains lines indicating the non-accidentality of the resurrection of Lazarus and the importance of this event for faith and believers.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of Lazarus Saturday, although this holiday is not so widely known among secular people. This is a true symbol of the coming resurrection of all the dead, as well as a real miracle that proves that Life always triumphs over death. Is this nothing more than proof of the love of the Lord? If you look at the church calendar, you can see that Lazarus Saturday is directly related to Palm Sunday, which, in turn, is marked by the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, and it is celebrated by the Orthodox world the next day. Indeed, the holiday associated with the resurrection of Lazarus Orthodox Church remembers a very long time ago. Church fathers such as Saint Amphilochius, John Chrysostom and others left to their descendants teachings that were delivered precisely on Lazarus Saturday, recalling that the resurrected Lazarus was able to destroy many temptations for the living.

Traditions of Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday is one of the days falling during Great Lent. However, it is indicative that those who fast can give themselves some indulgences as part of their catering. Since during Great Lent all those dishes that contain animal products are prohibited, and there is also a restriction on the intake of vegetable oil and hot food, on Lazarus Saturday, according to the church charter, those fasting can afford grape wine, caviar and vegetable oil. If we look deeper into the traditions, then in Rus' hospitable housewives on this day prepared dishes such as porridge, buckwheat pancakes, as well as fish pie, which was supposed to be tasted the next day, since on Palm Sunday fish was also added to the list of permitted foods.

Almost every holiday has its own traditions that go back centuries, and Lazarus Saturday was no exception. On this day, it is customary to break the willow, and in the evening its consecration will begin on the eve of Palm Sunday. Another custom is also interesting. As soon as evening came, people whipped each other with willow branches, saying certain words: “Whip the willow, beat them to tears!” or “We beat you to be healthy.” The ritual has its own justification: it was believed that it could help a person gain health and prosperity in the home.

It is extremely important to note that Lazarus Saturday is not suitable for lush festivities and noisy fun, since with all the relaxations it is still the day of Lent, where abstinence with humility is held in high esteem. Previously, in Russia, on Lazarus Saturday, the so-called palm tree auction traditionally began, which attracted a lot of people. Before the revolution that occurred in 1917, trading took place directly in the capital on Red Square. There they sold icons, willow branches, as well as Easter eggs and toys with flowers. Back in the 1870s, the auction was moved to the Smolensk market in connection with the start of construction of the Historical Museum.

By the way, I would like to note a few words about willow branches, which have already been said many times. It is believed that they should be plucked from those trees that grow in close proximity to water bodies. In addition, you can buy willow from old women who sell it near churches and temples, since they usually always strive to fulfill holiday traditions and will not pick willow in inappropriate places. Christians especially treat willow because healing powers are attributed to it and the water in which it stands. Also pay attention to what the willow you choose looks like: if it has a lot of fluffy lumps, or yellow earrings, as they are also called, then this is an excellent sign that predicts a bountiful harvest. Another historical note: earlier on this day it was customary to sow peas, and then they always grew well. Another proof of the victory of Life!

On Lazarus Saturday, for centuries, young girls gathered in groups and sang sonorous songs, and people were pleased to listen to their slender, beautiful voices, so as a reward they heartily gave some kind of food or money. By the way, the girls were called “lazarki”, and the companies usually consisted of three people. After the end of the event, the girls divide all the gifts equally and go home to their families. And on Lazarus Saturday, at one time, Cypriot parishioners and priests staged theatrical performances that symbolized the miraculous resurrection, which became a message to all of Humanity.

Divine service on Lazarus Saturday

The church canons have special rules relating to worship on Lazarus Saturday. The day before, on Friday, the Easter hymn “Seeing the Resurrection of Christ” is sung. On Saturday itself they serve the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, plus they sing the hymn “Be baptized into Christ, put on Christ,” instead of the Trisagion. The Church itself and its representatives, as before, are convinced, reminding the people that the resurrection of Lazarus, a great miracle, was performed for all Mankind, in order to show both sinners and true believers that the resurrection from the dead is possible, and this is a reason to think about the soul and its purpose.

How to spend Lazarus Saturday?

Although this is a holiday, it is recommended to celebrate it not quite in the traditional sense of the festival. It is better to devote Lazarus Saturday to thinking about your death, and also to prepare for it spiritually according to St. Francis de Sales, remembering the miracle of Christ’s resurrection of the righteous Lazarus, who later lived in health for more than 30 years, preaching Christianity. Parishioners go to church, asking God to heal themselves or their family members. It is believed that on this day all prayers, without exception, will be heard, and help will not be long in coming for believers, but only for those who believe with all their hearts and pray sincerely. It is also important to be in a good mood, watching your thoughts. Of course, there can be no talk of any work on a holiday.

From La-za-re-howl Saturday, you church-songs-no-singing on-chi-na-yut news of the believers according to the footsteps of the State Yes. There is less than a week left in His earthly life. The hour of Is-ho-da is near. “Assuring the general resurrection of Thy passion, Thou didst raise La-za-rya from the dead, O Christ of God...” We hear the singing of the holiday.

“The resurrection of La-za-rya is the last great miracle before Christ, the last shine of His Glory before the night of -stay. Evangelist John depicts this event as an eye-witness, with clarity, almost axial-behind-my-hundred -faithfulness. You see literally every touch: the timidity of the students, their co-le-ba-niya and, finally, the determination to go to the meeting. I smell danger. Jesus with eyes full of tears at the tomb; sisters, long-suffering; Martha's embarrassment, the stone from the flax and the imperious call heard in other worlds: “Come out, Lazarus!” A silent figure in a sa-van on a po-ro-ge crypt... He Who will soon Himself must pass through the gates of death, announcing lays himself on her be-di-te-lem.”

The Christian God-word sees this miracle as a visible symbol of Christ’s power over life and death, as the faith of the disciples in their Resurrection and the future resurrection of the dead. For this reason, it was given to this co-being in sacred honor on the Sabbath of the sixth sed-mi-tsy of the Great-by-hundred (Sub-bo- ta La-za-re-va), before the celebration of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). For the sake of precision, it should be noted that here the time of the day does not coincide with the is-t-ri-che- skim: the resurrection of La-za-rya took place a month or two before the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (see.)

“Lazarus of the Fourth Day” itself, or “friend of God”, is a resident of Bethany (the suburb of Jeru- sa-li-ma), brother of Martha and Mary, in whose house Jesus Christ stayed (;). His resurrection from the dead on the fourth day (from here the title), perfected by Christ in the form of a public but the mess-si-an-sko-go “knowledge” has become for the Jewish authorities, who are afraid of the re-li-gi-oz-waves -niy, after-the-nim ar-gu-men-tom, in favor of immediate rights over Him ().

According to the church's tradition, after the resurrection, Lazar lived another 30 years and died in the rank of bishop of Ki-ti. o-na (o. Cyprus). At the end of the 9th century. his powers were transferred to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol. Pa-myat - 17/30 October and on Saturday La-za-re-vu.

Yuri Ru-ban


Kas-si-an (Without-ob-ra-call), bishop.// Path. Paris, 1929. No. 16; Ra-in A.P. Resurrection of La-za-rya // Wanderer. 1904. No. 3.
