Ex-boyfriend: why do you dream?

Dreams in which you see a former loved one are a fairly common fact. Perhaps you just haven’t let go of the past yet and are worried at the subconscious level. Such dreams can be a hint for you that the time has come to move to a new stage in life and say goodbye to the past. The dream book offers several interpretations of the pictures seen.

Based on popular belief, the person who appears in your dreams certainly thinks about you, which in relation to your ex-partner cannot help but amuse your vanity.

The dream warns that in real life you will make a rash act that will entail unpleasant consequences. When an ex-boyfriend shows warm feelings towards you, this is a sign that you should prepare for surprises, and not only good ones. If in a dream you kiss your ex-partner, then expect a strong surprise in the near future. Sex with him promises an exacerbation of a long-standing problem.

Another reason why a former boyfriend dreams is a subconscious comparison of him with his current partner. Try to abandon this idea, as it can cause serious problems in reality. A dream about an ex-partner can symbolize the presence of fear about betrayal or betrayal from loved ones. When you see a partner from the past married and happy, it is a sign that in reality you will forgive someone for their offenses. If you see yourself as the wife of a former boyfriend, then you should prepare for worries and worries. The interpretation of why your ex-lover dreams of smiling is as follows - most likely, in real life you undeservedly doubt your current relationship.

In a dream you saw your first love, most likely this symbolizes the fact that you are tired of adult life, which is filled with responsibility, fatigue, etc. The dream book recommends in this case to distract yourself, for example, go for a walk or arrange a romantic meeting.

Receiving a gift from a former lover in a dream is a harbinger of possible betrayal in the near future. If you beat or kill a partner from the past, it means that in the near future you will have good luck in all your endeavors. The dream book advises not to be afraid and even decide on dubious adventures. A dream in which you see your ex-lover in a new relationship foreshadows a new acquaintance that will allow you to create a relationship. When you didn’t recognize your ex-boyfriend in a dream, this is a symbol of significant changes in life, and not only in yours. The dream also predicts a possible meeting with a former partner.

Why do you constantly dream about your ex-love?

In this case, you should think carefully and understand yourself, perhaps the connection between you still exists, and it is still possible to fix everything. You constantly dream about your ex-boyfriend, but at the same time you already have a new love, which means, most likely, you lack romance and passion, so you mentally go back to the past. If you constantly dream about your ex, and you don’t have time to finish the conversation with him, this is a symbol that there is an understatement between you. The Dream Interpretation recommends deciding to have a final conversation, which will allow you to dot the i's and finally sort out the relationship.

Why do you dream about a dead ex-boyfriend?

In this case, the dream may be a warning that great danger awaits you. If a deceased person in a dream helps you cope with some problem or saves you from serious danger, this is a good sign that will tell you that you are under invisible guard, which will allow you to cope with many troubles.

Why do you often dream about your former loved one? It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The appearance of this character in a dream is associated with many factors, including those that do not relate to the past at all. The dream book will take into account various nuances and try to give an expanded answer.

When should it be interpreted?

If you constantly think about your ex (or he about you) and dream of getting the relationship back, then interpreting such dreams is pointless. They are only a transfer of what is desired into the dream world.

It’s another matter if both sides have long forgotten about each other. Then this is indeed a very interesting moment and it requires careful decoding.

It's time to forgive and let go...

Why do I dream about my ex-loved one every night? There is probably some kind of invisible connection between you: common ideas, goals, friends, etc. This is reflected in night visions.

It is possible that there is an incompleteness of the relationship, some unexpressed emotions and claims. The dream book is sure: meetings will continue until you both let go of your past.

Is he an enemy or a helper?

It is very important to take into account the nature of past and current relationships. If you still consider your ex to be a kind of standard, then he acts as an adviser, protector and assistant.

If you hate or are afraid, then the character is a reflection of current fears, concerns, suspicions. It can occur in a dream before very serious troubles.

Comes every night? Think about it...

By the way, the dream book claims that the ex can come quite often for one more reason. Perhaps you need to acquire some qualities that are characteristic of him. Or, on the contrary, get rid of characteristic features, habits, etc.

Decide what exactly you want...

Why do you dream about a long-forgotten former loved one? The dream book suspects that you cannot solve some painful problem.

In your dream, do you regularly meet with the guy you broke up with? This is how dissatisfaction with the current situation sometimes manifests itself. You want to change something, but you don’t yet know which direction to move.

What's next?

Did you dream about an ex whom you didn’t particularly respect or love before? Soon, a completely different person will declare that he has rights to you, which will cause a lot of trouble.

Did you have a fight with an old admirer in your dream? The Dream Interpretation believes that a new fan will soon appear, and he will definitely be better than all the previous ones.

Caution doesn't hurt!

Why dream that you felt real disgust for your ex? In the real world, you will mindlessly fall in love with a cute guy, but later realize that he is completely wrong for you.

Did you dream about showing up with your ex to a group of acquaintances and friends? In reality, you will get into a stupid story and ruin your reputation.

Difficulties are coming!

Have you managed to cheat on your current partner with your ex? The dream book prophesies: in the real world you will also deceive. Did your former loved one look happy and content in your dream? Give in to bad influences and you will suffer.

Seeing an old love in a sick and upset state can indicate illness, general disruption of affairs, or an unpleasant conversation.

The choice will be difficult...

Why do you still dream about your former loved one? If you have experienced tender feelings for him, then in your current relationship you will experience true love and happiness.

Did the collision with your lover resonate negatively in your soul? You will have to make a difficult choice between loneliness and existing relationships.

Definitely see you soon!

Did your former loved one suddenly appear in your dream? The dream book recommends preparing for drastic changes. This is also a signal that certain feelings or problems will disappear on their own, and life will dramatically change its direction.

It is not surprising, but your ex may appear as a ghost before an unexpected meeting with him in reality. It is possible that you will simply learn some unusual news.

Get ready for trouble!

Did you dream about a former loved one? Prepare for the fact that your interests will collide with completely opposite opinions of others.

Was there passionate love between you in a dream? The dream book advises you to think seriously about your current relationship. Perhaps not everything is as good as you think.

Remember for the future!

Didn’t you experience any special emotions during your date with your old love? There is a possibility that you will be alone for a long time. But if you feel joy and warmth, then you will soon start a new romance.

In general, try to observe before what specific events your ex appears in a dream in reality. This will help you make a very accurate forecast for the near future every time.

Try to control yourself!

Why dream that your former loved one insisted that you make him some kind of promise? A difficult period is approaching when you will be overcome by real despair.

Did you have to say goodbye to an old fan? The dream book prophesies: due to currently unknown circumstances, you will have to abandon your plans.

Success will come unexpectedly!

Did you happen to see your former loved one in a dream? This means that a hopeless business, which has long been abandoned, will suddenly bring success.

The same plot hints that your secret can affect your current well-being. For some time, try to check the veracity of any important information.

Decipher the actions!

To get a complete interpretation, you can decipher the most striking actions of the dreamed character.

  • Fighting - boredom, pleasant experiences.
  • Sticks - deception, new ideas, plans.
  • Talking - wise advice, mistake.
  • Jokes - the end of troubles.
  • Scolds - losses, successful endeavors.

Unpleasant communication is coming

Why do you dream about a very drunk lover? Get ready for inevitable communication with a person who is very unpleasant for you. Did your lover chase you and try to beat you? Successfully complete a long-standing task, solve a pressing problem.

A hug or kiss in a dream most often means an exchange of information and energy on the subtle plane. The Dream Interpretation believes that this cannot be further deciphered.

Don't relax, everything is just beginning...

Did the appearance of your ex in your dreams not interest you or did he not show any activity? In reality, get ready for great disappointment.

Was the meeting extremely unexpected? Something you have long forgotten about will return. Have you finally said goodbye to your ex? Lose the meaning when the target is almost there.

Dreams are an exit into the world of the mysterious and intimate, often receiving clues about future actions and situations that will need to be overcome. This article tells why your ex-lover dreams.

Former lover according to Miller's dream book

Watching a dream involving your ex-beau means that the heart wounds regarding your breakup have not yet healed. And some more time must pass.

If you see in a dream that your couple is together as if nothing had happened, then love and affection has passed, and the road to the future is free and full of discoveries and adventures.

Vanga's Dream Book

Judging by the opinion of a world-famous seer, a former beloved guy in a dream means attachment to this person, undying feelings that warm you from the inside to this day.

Freud's Dream Book: ex-lover

A dream involving such a character means that you like to go back to the past or regret what happened. You constantly compare “today” and “yesterday”, the past gentleman and the current one. The advice that a famous psychiatrist gives in this situation is to live in the present and enjoy it.

Former beloved according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to this source, a former lover in a dream is a future act full of frivolity and thoughtlessness. The consequences of such an action will not be the most rosy. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about everything that you do or want to do.

Interpretation according to Longo's dream book

Longo agrees with Freud in explaining this dream. He believes that such dreams are usually a symbol of your painful attachment to the past, from which you cannot free yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - a former lover in a dream

The famous predictor claims that anyone who sees a former lover in a dream should not come into contact with the world of magic in any way, since your past love will try to bring you back in all available ways, including with the help of witchcraft and magical techniques.

Esoteric dream book

And why does the former lover dream about it according to the esoteric dream book? Such dreams symbolize the influence of wrong and rash decisions in the past on the situation today. If you see a kiss with him, then expect a situation that will seem extremely surprising to you and, most likely, it will unsettle you.

English dream book

The compilers of the dream book expressed an opinion in solidarity with the predictor Nostradamus regarding this dream. According to their interpretation, a former lover in a dream expresses the imminent possibility of a magical influence on you, since the likelihood of feelings revived in him is extremely high, and he will do anything to achieve his goal.

Hasse and his interpretation

Such a dream symbolizes a call for change, because, as it turns out, your priorities have changed a little and now you need to strive for everything new.

So, a dream about a former lover is most likely a psychological reaction of attachment to what has already happened, to past events. You should either forget about them or take it easier than now.

Also, such a dream, according to some sources, can symbolize mysticism and witchcraft interfering in your destiny. Getting rid of the oppression of the past will also help in solving this problem. This attitude will change your attitude towards life and its quality.

In a dream, he indicates that the relationship with him is not over and the guy will soon remind himself. But sometimes dreams with the appearance of a former boyfriend signify changes in your attitude towards what happened.

Miller writes that this person suggests that the girl needs to change her view of guys or reconsider the past situation. The exact interpretation depends on why you broke up, how often you started dreaming about your ex-fiancé, and what happened next.

There is also an interpretation based on the days of the week on which he appears in dreams. But if you often dream about your ex-boyfriend, pay attention to the plot of the vision, what scared, amazed, or caused positive or negative emotions. This is what it means to see your ex-betrothed in a dream most often.

Time to part

If the separation happened because he abandoned you, then a dream about the appearance of a former boyfriend does not always predict a meeting with him.

This could be a change in attitude towards what happened, a change in love, or news about a lover.

The dream book indicates that frequent appearances of a former lover in a dream mean that the relationship with him is not yet over and a new stage or serious conversation will come ahead.

Pay attention to how he dresses, what he says in his sleep, and what happens next.

E If you broke up a long time ago, and he continues to appear in a dream, especially on Tuesday night, in reality he remembers you, gets angry, but does nothing about it.

Those who have recently broken up may dream about their ex because: - the girl has not come to terms with the breakup and she wants to relive pleasant moments in her life again.

If there is not enough intimacy, you dream of sex with an ex-man, a repetition of the brightest moments together.

The dream book does not interpret such dreams, since they compensate for the lack of impressions. But if something new and unusual appears, it predicts change; - you didn’t tell each other everything.

For example, a girl herself wanted to confess her love to a guy, but didn’t have time because he ended his relationship with her.

At first, the girl will have impressions in her dreams, and in them she will try to tell the guy everything that she did not have time to do before.

Such dreams can occur later, many months or years after the breakup. If you told a guy what you think in a dream and there is nothing else left, then this means a complete break in relations with him; - a dream predicts a meeting, news about a guy, if there is novelty in it.

For example, you met on the street, he approached again, although a lot of time had passed since the last meeting.

Usually in such dreams there is surprise and unusualness. Some people dream about the restoration of relationships.

A dream predicts a change in personal life if old stories and moments have newness. For example, during a date in the park, instead of chocolate ice cream, he hands you a bouquet of roses or a ring with a marriage proposal.

Such dreams occur either before a final break in a relationship or before changes in connections with a guy, if only he is alive.

If he's alive

The Islamic dream book writes that often seeing your ex-boyfriend in changed circumstances means that you want to find out how his life turned out, if he is alive.

When you dreamed that there was a wife in his apartment, it means that in reality you are free. The appearance of this woman, her type may indicate the ideal of such a man and indirectly hint at the reason for your separation.

For example, to see that he is married to a beautiful, slender blonde means that this particular woman will become a homewrecker or that you did not have enough tenderness, beauty, or sophistication to impress this person.

If the guy actually has a family, then seeing another lady instead of his wife in a dream means that your feelings will change. Sometimes a vision indicates that you have a chance. Seeing that your ex has a lover is news. Sometimes a dream turns out to be prophetic.

Pay attention to the woman's appearance, how similar she is to you. If you are similar, it means that something did not suit him in your behavior or character.

If a girl is the complete opposite of the dreamer, it means that she lacked some qualities to be in her place. Pay attention to the girl’s appearance, her presentation of herself. Sometimes a new bride means a different chapter in his life.

Making your ex-lover fall in love with you again means reconciliation with him. Especially if you're kissing again. Sometimes a dream predicts reconciliation, but you will not accept his offer.

If you dreamed that the past was coming back into your life, this means trouble. But when you unexpectedly dream that your ex-lover has returned and everything is back to normal, you will make peace with him.

Sometimes a girl dreams that she has a husband who won’t let her see her ex-boyfriend. This dream means that you value yourself and do not want to put up with the return of your lover just for the love of the past.

If the man next to the girl did not give the guy a chance to win, in reality, common sense will prevail. Most likely, the girl herself will not want to meet with her former lover.

The guy you used to be friends with in a dream symbolizes not only a past relationship, but also a period of life when you were happy with him. And if he returns again, the dream book says that in reality he will remind you of himself again.

If you dreamed of a guy during the day, this means that you will meet him, learn news from him or about him, or he will announce himself.

Interpretation by days of the week

It is only suitable if you broke up recently and the guy is alive. On Monday night, he predicts changes, surprises, and a meeting. Sometimes he comes on this day of the week because he thinks about you, remembers, but does not dare to approach you in person.

If you dreamed that he came and confessed his love, he regrets his mistakes, but because of his own weakness he cannot take a decisive step.

Just talking to him on the street means news or changes, in general, in your business. For example, in this person’s personal life or to meeting a new guy.

If your ex-fiancé starts smiling at you, then make peace, but not right away. Perhaps the guy is afraid of harsh behavior, complications and troubles.

Seeing him on Tuesday night means a scandal, an annoying meeting or jealousy. If on this day he decided to confess his love to you, then this means that in reality he experiences jealousy and passion.

Seeing him with another girl in the crowd means quarrel, disappointment and trouble. If he came to the house alone and asked for forgiveness, then he has a serious conversation with you.

The modern dream book prophesies that you will be able to correctly navigate the situation. The interpretation depends on whose initiative you broke up.

If a man himself decides to leave, then on Tuesday night he predicts jealousy, troubles and scandals. After this dream, you will most likely part with him forever.

But if you abandoned him, the dream book predicts that his feelings have not cooled down and he will try to get you back and will be jealous.

On Wednesday night he most often dreams of a meeting, change, new love. If you dreamed of wearing different clothes that you had never worn before, the dream book promises that in reality this person will change his attitude towards you. Pay attention to whether you liked his new look or not.

Eating with him in a restaurant means a business conversation, going to bed means reconciliation. On Thursday, even the most beautiful dreams rarely come true. Most often, dreams mean that the relationship will gradually fade away.

On Friday night you have the most vivid dreams, prophetic and very beautiful. Many of them are quite unexpected, predicting incredible changes.

Saturday foretells you unpleasant events and scandals, and on Sunday night your dreams come true only before lunch.

Sometimes the ex-man on this day of the week will return or remind you of himself. If you start kissing in a dream, then you will soon fall in love with him. Sometimes a dream predicts receiving a keepsake or good news.

Dead guy

It portends changes in your personal life or changes in general affairs that you have not completed before. Sometimes seeing him with another girl predicts trouble and even death for a person, especially if you know who she is.

Talking to a dead person in a dream means completing the work you started. Sometimes a dream predicts news about your mutual friends or relatives.

Other meanings of sleep

If a former loved one came to make peace, asks for forgiveness, dreams of returning to the past, then soon he will remind himself again.

Seeing him crying, cutting his wrists, drinking or injecting himself is a sign of suffering. Perhaps he will again try to attract attention to himself with another manipulation or trick.

Seeing him bleeding means a quarrel or illness. Often a dream in which he began to cry like a child, begging to come back and forgive him, indicates his love dependence on you.

To accurately understand the meaning of the dream, pay attention to what happened next. If you succumbed to pity and forgave a person, then you should not do this in life, as he may turn out to be a good manipulator.

If your loved one becomes your boss, you depend on him emotionally. Following his orders, even the most ridiculous ones, is a sign that the girl has completely lost self-respect and is dancing to someone else’s tune.

If you dreamed that you disobeyed your boss and did everything your own way, then you will break out of dependence. If he marries you, expect a complete break in the relationship. But for some people, such a dream predicts a desired marriage proposal.

Seeing your boyfriend naked in bed with another girl is a sign of worry. Nudity alone or in a public place means defenselessness, helplessness.

If your loved one kisses you and offers sex, then you will make peace with him very soon. But if this person's touch is unpleasant, expect trouble from him or because of him.

Crying because a guy is completely indifferent to you - suffering will not go away soon. If you dreamed of him being completely indifferent, then in reality you will lose hope of his return. However, if the girl managed to get him to talk, then she will be able to win her lover over to her side.

If your ex-boyfriend prevents you from meeting your new lover, expect a quarrel, an attack of jealousy, or a completely inappropriate love confession.

But sometimes this is a sign that feelings have not yet cooled down and memories of past love prevent you from moving on. Therefore, do not rush to start a new romance until the relationship has cooled down.

If you dreamed that your ex-betrothed has turned into a maniac and is chasing you with a knife or other sharp object, this is a sign of an imminent quarrel. The dream book warns that he may go crazy from his own jealousy and delusions of grandeur.

If a new love came to you in a dream and you began to hug your ex-lover just as a friend, this is a good sign. You will be able to restore your self-esteem and find someone who truly loves and appreciates you.

Occasionally, such a dream means that very soon you will meet new love. Seeing your ex-man drunk is a sign of his illness or suffering. Sometimes a dream means blind love.

If he drives drunk, smashes windows and behaves inappropriately, beware of his jealousy or anger. A dream in which your ex-fiancé wants to rape you means that he has not lost hope in the relationship.

But sometimes a dream predicts gross interference in your life and unexpected troubles. Often a vision predicts the tyranny of a loved one and big problems due to your own frivolous behavior.

Therefore, try to talk to your ex-boyfriend and explain to him that nothing will work out. But some people dream of rape so that they will be able to return the relationship and a loved one to themselves.

So don’t worry if he left: it’s possible that he’ll return very soon and you’ll be happy again. Such a dream is bad for a married woman, as it means that the ex-man will remind you of himself again, but completely inappropriately. You yourself will begin to avoid him, since he will behave rudely and not at all the way you want.

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Former feelings do not go away and do not make room for new hobbies, feelings and relationships.
You dream about your ex-lover when your heart has not yet completely said goodbye to your feelings for him.
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Getting back together with your ex-boyfriend- the dream is a sign that there are still feelings between you and there is hope for reconciliation.
In case of negativity or aggression from your lover, it would be better to remain silent and restrain yourself.
Seeing your ex-boyfriend hugging or kissing you in a dream means that in real life you often think about him and want to return to your previous relationship.
Seeing former colleagues and classmates in a dream- to urgent news from a friend whom you have not seen for a very long time.
Seeing intimacy with an ex-man in a dream will lead to an exacerbation of an old conflict.
Seeing a quarrel with an ex in a dream foreshadows positive changes in your personal life. Fighting with an ex in a dream means the emergence of a new partner-leader, or a manifestation of authoritarian tendencies in the current man.
If you dreamed about your ex-lover with someone else, then this means that he also cannot forget you and is looking for solace in the arms of an unloved girl.
If the former young man you dreamed of is no longer a representative of the world of the living, then there is cause for concern. Special
If in your dream you and your boyfriend are walking along the road towards the setting sun, regardless of the emotional coloring, this dream speaks of the death of your love, that the girl will forget her ex-boyfriend.
If you dreamed of your ex's wedding to someone else, then this portends that you will forgive someone if you are in trouble.
If you dreamed about your ex, then first of all this may be a sign that you still cannot forget him and are thinking about him.
If you dreamed about your former teacher, it means that in life you are doing something wrong, in order to improve your situation, you need to consult with knowledgeable people.
If you dream about your ex-lover or lover, then you have not forgotten him yet and have not let him go from your heart.
If you dream that you are still together with your former loved one, it means that your sadness and longing for him have already passed.
If your relationship was very valuable to you. This dream warns the owner of the dream about approaching danger.
If a former lover appeared to you in a dream, it means that this person still plays a significant role in your soul and your thoughts. Perhaps, deep down, the feelings and pain of parting have not yet dulled. The more often you think about the man you broke up with, the more often he will appear in your dreams.
If in a dream everything looked like you were getting back together, this means that the pain or depression after the breakup is slowly going away. You need to be prepared for the fact that this relationship will no longer be a sore subject for you and you will soon forget about it.
If in a dream you see yourself returning to the house in which you grew up, this promises joyful news about your loved ones.
If you saw your ex in a dream, it means that your feelings for him have not faded away.
If you believe in mysticism.
If you constantly think about him and miss him very much, then it is not surprising that his image comes to you in a dream.
If you saw your ex-husband or young man in a dream, then this characterizes your too much passion for the past. This prevents you from moving forward and developing.
If you want to resume your previous relationship, then this must be done immediately.
If a woman dreams of a former lover, this is a sign of gossip.
If you can’t do this, then you shouldn’t use past relationships as an example.
If the relationship was interrupted through no fault of yours, then you should not be worried about the frequent appearances of your loved one in a dream. It is not without reason that they say that you dream about what worries you the most.
If the gift was wrapped in something red. Be careful.
If you dreamed about the death of your ex- a foreshadowing of your wedding and the birth of a child.
If the dream is unusual, you should think about it.
There is a possibility that the relationship will resume if possible.
There is an opportunity to build a new relationship, but you will hesitate, remembering the past relationships. No need to compare. It's not the best solution to stay single. They say that if a person is about to tie the knot or is already tied, then such a dream about an ex-lover can spoil your new relationship. There may be a quarrel that arises because you compare your past and present partner. In addition, the shortcomings of the other half will be expressed to his face. Therefore, when you see such a dream, take it as a warning sign.
Cheating on your ex in a dream- meet new love.
When former lovers leave along the road, then the soul forgets about the person. Soon the separation will not be so sad.
When a former lover comes to you in a dream with a request, this means that the former lover cannot forget you, so as not to feel guilty, even if the breakup was not because of you, have a heart-to-heart talk with this person.
When in a dream you see yourself with your ex-boyfriend in a romantic relationship (or scenes from your happy past together appear before you) - this indicates that peace has reigned in your heart about the separation you experienced, the pain has subsided, and you can no longer torment yourself with vain memories.
When a deceased loved one saves you in a dream, there is no need to worry. This person will protect you from heaven, of course.
When the relationship ended due to the death of a loved one, and after a while you dreamed about him, this means that you will soon have problems.
When a former lover dreams of his new love, get ready for the meeting, it will soon become significant for you.
Your ex's love for you in a dream- expect surprises.
A man has such a dream to symbolize problems at work.
One of the options may well be a solution- to be alone for some time, without starting love affairs yet.
Kisses with an ex in a dream foreshadow surprise at something.
Hearing your ex-boyfriend's voice on the phone, or observing his requests to give you something, is a sign that your relationship is incomplete. You should talk to your ex to clear things up.
Dreaming of a former boss reprimanding you- to a quick promotion, to better changes in business.
Having a close relationship with your ex again, experiencing old feelings for him means the onset of the consequences of past events.
A dream in which a former loved one gave an empty gift speaks of insincerity, and maybe even betrayal of the current partner, especially.
A dream in which you see a breakup with your ex-man gives you a hint that the time has come to change your priorities, to destroy your previous ideals. After such a reassessment of values, your affairs will improve in many areas of life.
Salvation means overcoming difficulties in real life, and you do not need to fear a different outcome. a dream may indicate a real danger to the life and health of this man.
If you see your ex-boyfriend with another girl in a dream, keep in mind that you may soon be faced with a choice related to a new personal relationship.
Seeing your former loved one dead, killed or lying in a coffin means that you are full of anger and resentment towards this person, dreaming of punishing him or taking revenge.
A good sign is if your ex saves you during sleep. It doesn’t matter what it will save you from: fire, an animal or a car accident.
Being friends with your ex-boyfriend- the dream indicates that you have become indifferent to him, your feelings have gone away. It is likely that the time has come to start new love relationships, acquaintances, novels.
