Blocks for strip foundation. Foundation made of FBS blocks: technology for constructing a durable prefabricated foundation

When calculating the cost of construction work, the cost of erecting foundations is a quarter of all costs of constructing a building. Each individual developer would not mind saving significant money on this part of the construction work, while maintaining a balance between price and quality, and in the case of foundations, also strength and reliability. For a technical and economic comparison, we can consider the cost of constructing popular types of foundation structures: monolithic concrete and prefabricated from FBS blocks.

Monolithic and prefabricated foundations: comparative characteristics

To make a comparison and draw a conclusion - which foundation is cheaper: monolithic or prefabricated from FSB blocks, you need to understand their structure and installation.

Monolithic concrete and prefabricated load-bearing structures can have two types of designs: strip and column. There are many differences in the construction of these types of foundation structures:

Monolithic made of concretePrefabricated from FBS blocks
Preparatory stage: excavation workRequired to be completed in full
Financial costs for purchasing or renting removable formworkRequired in fullNot needed
Labor costs for installation and dismantling of formworkRequired, but can be reduced when using permanent formwork structuresNot needed
Time and season of workSignificant, including the period of strengthening of the concrete mixture and the warm seasonMinimum

Block structures are recommended for use in deep foundations.

Ready-made FBS significantly speeds up the laying of the underground part of the house, and therefore prefabricated foundations are cheaper than other types.

Comparison of monolithic and block foundations

In the comparison table you can see the main differences in the design and installation of foundations:

  • The volume of excavation work for the installation of both types of load-bearing structures is approximately the same, with a slight advantage for a monolithic structure, which will require a little more space during reinforcement and installation of the formwork system.
  • The price of precast reinforced concrete and ready-mixed concrete for a monolithic concrete mass is almost the same.
  • Foundation blocks are laid on a layer of cement-sand mortar using a truck crane.
  • Monolithic tape requires significantly more costs for the purchase of materials for formwork and reinforcement, the manufacture of reinforcement cages and their installation, the production of concrete (for small volumes) or purchase with delivery by a concrete truck - a mixer of ready-mixed concrete and laying the concrete mixture into the tape structure. Here we also need to add labor costs for compacting the concrete mixture by vibration and caring for the concrete for 3 to 7 days until it gains 70% strength.
  • The cost of replacing a truck crane for unloading and installing a prefabricated block structure is about 12,000 rubles. The installation of FBS can be completed in a few days by a team of workers - installers in the amount of 3 people. If we carry out the simplest calculations, we can draw the following conclusions that the total cost of renting a truck crane, wages for installers and the purchase of cement mortar will be two or three times cheaper than performing similar work during the construction of a monolithic load-bearing structure.

Based on the listed conditions for the work and economic feasibility, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that a strip foundation made of FBS blocks will be better in all respects than a monolithic one .

Savings when installing a block structure

There are several additional opportunities to reduce the cost of constructing block structures. For example:

  1. When installing, use used blocks in good condition, the price of which will be several times lower than new ones.
  2. The possibility of constructing a block foundation in winter, when large seasonal discounts are offered for installation work.
  3. When constructing a prefabricated foundation, a combination of both FBS blocks and small-sized stones (cinder block or brick).

Such simple measures can significantly reduce the cost of constructing a prefabricated load-bearing foundation for a house.

Features of choice

Despite the comparative price indicators, one cannot be so clear about the choice: FBS or monolith. There are times when it is better to opt for a more expensive foundation design and at the same time ensure maximum reliability and strength of the entire structure.

It is known that any monolithic structure will be stronger than a prefabricated one made from individual fragments. This truth applies perfectly to foundation arrays. The reinforced concrete block itself is a single monolith, but a structure assembled from individual foundation blocks will not be completely intact and monolithic. This must be taken into account when choosing the type of supporting base.

If the building site has a soil foundation with possible horizontal displacement, the prefabricated foundation may end up in an extremely unstable position, which can lead to loss of integrity of the foundation mass.

If the soils on the site have unstable surface layers or the site is located on steep terrain or hills, it is better to give preference to a monolithic concrete foundation.

Construction of strip foundations on difficult terrain:

Criteria for choosing the type of foundation

The desire to save money when constructing load-bearing elements of the foundation is not always the main criterion for choosing a particular structure. There are basic situations for the construction of load-bearing structures:

  1. When constructing one-story brick, slag concrete, stone buildings or multi-story buildings with foam concrete walls, it is allowed to construct buried foundations from FBS blocks. More massive houses and structures are recommended to be installed on a monolithic solid foundation.
  2. If the foundation has a shallow structure, it is better to make it from monolithic concrete using a reinforcing metal frame. FBS blocks can be used in stable, strong soils.
  3. The combined technology of creating a foundation with a combination of laying FBS blocks and pouring a reinforcing monolithic concrete belt, which will simultaneously serve as the base of the building, has proven itself well.

You can make a foundation strip using any of the following methods. It is necessary to carefully weigh all the nuances of constructing foundation structures in each specific situation.

Arguments for choosing a monolithic strip foundation

There are times when there is no point in making a choice: a structure made of FBS or a monolith. There are conditions under which it is necessary to construct a monolithic concrete foundation in the form of a continuous strip:

  • If the site has heaving soil foundations.
  • There is a risk of increased seismicity in the construction area.
  • Significant loads on the foundation, as a result of which the structure will be subject to bending moments.

Considering all these factors, we can conclude that the savings should be reasonable. The main thing for the foundation is strength, stability and reliability of the entire structure and ensuring the integrity of the entire structure.

It is difficult to say unequivocally which type of load-bearing base will be cheaper: monolith or FBS. To make an accurate comparison, it is recommended to link construction to the individual conditions of the site, the nature of the terrain and soil types.

Thanks to the optimal combination of its performance qualities, it has maintained a leading position for hundreds of years.

All alternative options for supporting structures were created for specific conditions and are significantly inferior to tape in many respects.

The most rigid and durable types of tape are monolithic concrete castings, but they require a lot of time for the concrete to cure until it reaches technological hardness.

In addition, pouring a large base at once is extremely difficult, and interruptions significantly reduce the strength of the material.

Taking into account the seasonality of concrete work, the technology for installing prefabricated strips from durable reinforced concrete foundation blocks was developed, allowing work at any time of the year.

The abbreviation FBS stands for “foundation blocks of solid section.” They are reinforced concrete briquettes of different sizes, from which, like bricks, a strip foundation of any size is assembled.

It is allowed to use only standard products manufactured at the factory in compliance with special technology in accordance with the requirements of GOST and technical standards. Externally, FBS is a concrete block, rectangular in cross-section and a floor on the side surface.

The end side has a small rectangular recess for pouring mortar or using it as a socket when installing vertical elements. The upper plane has a pair of loops for engagement with lifting equipment during installation.

After the block is laid, they are bent and pressed tightly to the plane. When assembled, the result is a canvas made of tightly packed blocks; vertical joints are placed at random to ensure greater strength.

The elements are connected to each other using sand-cement mortar.

What requirements must they meet for a strip foundation?

Foundation blocks are produced in accordance with technical conditions and GOST standards.

Based on their shape, the blocks are divided into:

  • Whole. They are basic briquettes with standard sizes.
  • Additional ones. Used to fill areas of the tape where a whole block cannot be placed.

There are two height options:

  • 380 mm.
  • 580 mm.

In practice, their values ​​are rounded and called 30 and 60 cm, respectively.


  • 300 mm.
  • 400 mm.
  • 500 mm.
  • 600 mm.

The length of the blocks is:

  • 880 mm.
  • 1180 mm.
  • 2380 mm.

In addition to sizes, FBS blocks differ in material:

  • Expanded clay concrete or silicate concrete with a minimum density of 1800 kg/m3.
  • High-strength lightweight concrete B100.
  • High-strength heavy concrete grades M200-M500.

The material also contains plasticizers that reduce the brittleness of concrete, and reinforcement made of high-strength steel A1 or A111. There are additives that increase the frost resistance of concrete.


There is another type of foundation blocks - small-format briquettes with dimensions 40:20:20 cm (length:width:height). It allows you to work without the participation of lifting equipment, but due to the large number of joints it is not able to form a tape of sufficient rigidity and strength, so it is used less often.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of FBS blocks include::

  • Strength, high load-bearing capacity.
  • High quality material obtained in modern technological conditions.
  • The design of the blocks ensures optimal installation density, making the tape durable and resistant to external influences.
  • The design of the elements is universal and allows the creation of foundations of any configuration.
  • Work can be carried out at any time of the year, which significantly expands the possibilities compared to concrete casting.
  • The time required to create a tape is significantly reduced compared to monolithic base construction options due to the lack of a long curing period for concrete.

Disadvantages of prefabricated foundations made of FBS:

  • The work cannot be done manually. Due to the heavy weight of the blocks, lifting equipment is required.
  • Joint seams are problem areas regarding the strength and tightness of the tape.
  • The heat-saving qualities of the blocks are relatively low.
  • The price of such a foundation is noticeably higher than that of a monolithic type.

The main advantage that determines the popularity and wide distribution of their FBS tapes is the high speed of installation and the absence of seasonal dependence on climatic conditions.

Burying depth

It has a width equal to the design parameters of the sole, and the height of the shields is assumed to be slightly increased compared to the height of the cushion itself.

The panels are assembled from edged boards; the panels installed inside the trench rest against the side walls of the trench. A layer of geotextile is laid on the bottom to prevent water from escaping from the concrete.


The installation of a reinforcement cage is necessary to compensate for tensile loads that occur during movement or heaving of the soil. Metal or composite reinforcement bound with soft steel wire is used.

The dimensions and configuration of the arm belt correspond to the design parameters of the sole and are designed so that the working rods are no deeper than 2-5 cm under the outer layers of concrete.

The thickness of the working rods depends on the size of the sole and is usually in the range of 10-14 mm.

Filling the pillow

Concrete must be supplied from different points so as not to wait for it to spread on its own along the entire length of the trench. During pouring, bayoneting or processing with a construction vibrating plate is performed to remove air bubbles.

Concrete grades M100 or M150 are used; if necessary, the heavier type M200 can be used.

must be done at one time until the concrete begins to set. This is important, since solidity is ensured only in this way; if you take breaks in pouring, then the whole procedure becomes meaningless.

Installation of blocks

Installation of blocks begins only after the concrete pad has been completely cured (28 days). During this period, the material gains structural strength and is capable of bearing the load from the weight of the FBS.

The blocks are laid on a layer of sand-cement mortar, which is applied to both horizontal and vertical joints. The blocks are laid with offset vertical joints. To fill the rows, short (additional) blocks cut to length are used.

Cutting is done using specialized diamond cutting tools.


The surface of the finished tape is covered with a layer that prevents water from penetrating into the concrete.

Hot tar, ready-made bitumen mastic or other materials are used as an insulator..

All surfaces must be insulated, including the internal parts of the ventilation openings.


Insulation is the process of installing a heat insulating tape on the surface. The best choice would be extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex), somewhat worse - polystyrene foam. They are impermeable to water and do not rot, which is important for difficult operating conditions.

It is possible to use liquid polyurethane foam, a more expensive but very effective insulation with maximum tightness. The material is installed tightly, without cracks or gaps, on the surface of the tape from the inside and outside.

Any gaps found must be immediately filled with foam..

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to make a strip foundation from FBS blocks:


The construction of a strip foundation from FBS blocks can significantly speed up work and remove restrictions on climatic indicators. The resulting foundation is demanding in terms of soil composition, but in favorable conditions it demonstrates high efficiency and reliability.

The main advantage is saving time, which is important when building large houses.

The cost of purchasing blocks is higher than purchasing concrete, but this difference is not too noticeable and is compensated by an improvement in the construction schedule.

In contact with

The durability of the building directly depends on the characteristics of the foundation - the underground foundation must successfully withstand operational loads and impacts from the soil. Therefore, at the stage of designing a house, it is important to choose the right type and technology for making the foundation.

The most common is a strip foundation, since this type of foundation is suitable for use on soils with different characteristics. The design is a closed loop, creating a continuous support for each of the walls.

A strip foundation often means a foundation made using monolithic technology, and is contrasted with a block foundation - a structure assembled from FBS (foundation blocks). In fact, a block foundation is also a strip foundation.

Let's consider which foundation is best to use when building a house from profiled dry timber and rounded logs - monolithic strip or prefabricated from blocks.

Depth and strength of the foundation

Based on their depth, foundations are divided into two types:

1. Recessed. Such a foundation is buried 3-4 meters into the ground and allows you to equip a basement floor or a usable basement. This design requires the greatest financial investments and labor costs.

This type of foundation can be made either monolithic or block, choosing a more affordable technology. The buried tape, compared to the shallow-buried design, is characterized by stability and can be used on different types of soil, with the exception of marshy ones.

2. Shallow. An option suitable for the construction of light houses (including from logs and timber) on stable soil. Not suitable for marshy, sandy and heaving soils. Does not provide the opportunity to arrange a basement or ground floor.

If we compare the strength of a buried strip and block base, the advantage will be on the side of a monolithic structure made of reinforced concrete - the prefabricated structure is not a single whole, and therefore may be vulnerable. Under the strong influence of horizontal soil movements, the integrity of the prefabricated FBS structure is compromised due to the displacement of the blocks.

A monolithic foundation is the optimal choice when building on difficult soils with unstable layers, or when constructing a foundation on a hilly area. On stable soils, a FBS structure will not be inferior in reliability and performance to a monolithic one, so it makes sense to choose a simpler and cheaper option to construct.

For a shallow belt, the best choice would be a monolith, regardless of the soil characteristics, since it is the surface layers that are prone to deformation and horizontal displacements. The use of blocks is allowed for small lightweight buildings, provided that the soil is stable and the tape is laid on a horizontal area without height differences.

The advantages of a monolithic strip foundation are high strength and reliability. FSB bases are easier and faster to install, and also noticeably cheaper, but at the same time they are limited in application.

What to choose

Let's consider which foundation is cheaper, strip or block, if we compare their arrangement under the same conditions from the point of view of the geology and hydrology of the site, and the characteristics of the planned building.

1. Scope of earthworks. The costs of excavating pits are almost the same - a little more soil will have to be removed for a monolithic foundation, since space will be required to attach the formwork.

2. Cost of materials. The cost of FBS and ready-mixed concrete, based on the price per cubic meter, is approximately the same. But in addition to ready-mixed concrete, formwork and reinforcement will be required.

3. Installation work. The foundation blocks are laid on cement mortar using a truck crane. Arrangement of a monolithic tape requires:

  • installation of formwork panels;
  • installation of reinforcement cage (using wire or welding);
  • delivery of concrete mixture using an automatic mixer;
  • laying concrete in formwork with compaction using a vibrator;
  • proper care of the structure (concrete must be covered with film and regularly moistened during the period of strength gain up to 70%, this will take 3-7 days depending on the weather).

4. Access roads. Set up in both cases, because Requires the use of special equipment and freight transport.

5. Waterproofing. The costs are the same, since a reinforced concrete structure needs protection from groundwater, regardless of its installation technology.

6. Substrate for the foundation. Under both types of foundations, a gravel-sand cushion is laid at the bottom of the pit, on which a reinforced concrete strip with a waterproofing layer is mounted. A monolithic foundation requires a tape with widening, but this does not significantly affect the overall financial costs.

So, the main differences in financial investments relate to the costs of installation work. A truck crane with a long boom, capable of delivering blocks to any part of the pit from one parking lot, plus a team of three people who will complete the entire range of work on installing a prefabricated structure in 3-4 days. At the same time, renting a crane and paying workers will cost at least two times less than paying for the entire complex of work associated with the arrangement of a monolithic foundation.

To further reduce the cost of a block foundation, it is assembled from used FBS - if the block does not have serious damage, it is as strong as a new one, and its cost is noticeably lower. In addition, installation work is allowed during the cold season, when construction organizations offer discounts on the rental of special equipment.

You can reduce the cost of a monolithic foundation only by doing the work yourself, abandoning the vibrator in favor of manual processing of concrete using a reinforcing rod, using a mini-concrete mixer, etc. But this reduces the final quality of the foundation and prolongs its installation time.

In general, FBS construction is a good alternative to a strip base. But laying an underground foundation from blocks is used primarily when arranging buried structures, since they are less subject to loads from the soil.

Despite the fact that FBS reinforced concrete blocks are heavy and bulky, their popularity is rapidly growing. After all, with their help you can build reliable and durable foundations that can withstand heavy loads.

High-rise residential and administrative buildings are erected on such foundations. But the use of a foundation of this type is justified only in the following cases:

  • when you need to build a foundation in the shortest possible time, which can even occur in a few days. And here an important role is played not only by the speed of construction of the structure, but also by the quality and durability of the structure. Only FBS block structures can make it possible to build a foundation in the shortest possible time, and this can be done with your own hands using a minimum of construction equipment;
  • in cases of private construction, especially in the absence of construction experience. As a rule, foundations of this type are used by private developers, because installation is extremely simple, there are no complex calculations of soil loads, selection of building characteristics and other parameters. It’s simple, you just need to know the dimensions of the future building and the parameters of the specific building material. It is also popular due to one feature - as such, there is no reinforcing belt, and this further minimizes construction costs;
  • In cases where there are different soils on the same construction site. In such cases, a strip base is recommended, and it should be expanded across all layers of soil at the same time. Only when laying structures you need to remember that they rest on a dense sand and gravel bed.

Why are FBS blocks so popular?

Foundation made of FBS concrete blocks - for a brick house.

Depending on their size and weight, they are excellent for the construction of foundations and load-bearing walls. But the mass of the future building should be taken into account, because it is huge if you use concrete blocks of this type.

But, despite the mass of products, the building will be strong and reliable, capable of withstanding even heavy winds. And the most important thing is that the entire structure can be done with your own hands as quickly as possible.

Main advantages:

  • speed of installation;
  • simplicity of design without special construction knowledge;
  • strength, stability, reliability and a high degree of shock absorption during seasonal soil movements;
  • All base elements form a single monolithic structure due to factory fasteners.

The only disadvantages due to which prefabricated strip foundations have not become widespread is the need to often use powerful lifting equipment.

The blocks are expensive and to protect the ground floor or basement you need to install reliable waterproofing.

DIY foundation made from FBS blocks

In fact, the step-by-step instructions for building a foundation are not complicated, but they must be followed in the smallest detail. And first you need to calculate how many blocks will be needed to build such a foundation.

Calculation of the required number of blocks

Before purchasing and laying blocks, you need to calculate the required number. To do this, you need to know the dimensions of the future building. The load-bearing volume of the masonry can be calculated using the following formula:

V=l*a*h, Where

l– length of the foundation,

a– foundation thickness,

h- height

Then the result must be divided by the volume of one block. Considering that all such products are factory-made, it is not difficult to calculate the volume of a parallelepiped. The result will be the number of building elements.

But here you also need to remember that large structures weigh a lot, so to install them you need to use powerful mechanized equipment. Therefore, it is better to immediately calculate the required number of small-sized FBS blocks, this makes it easier to install them later.

At the moment, manufacturers offer several standard sizes of blocks, which makes installation and quantity calculations quite simple. The height of concrete structures is 58 cm, although for calculations it is often taken as 60. There are convex edges on the sides, but they are not necessarily needed, because they can also be even in shape. Here the type of construction depends on the financial capabilities of the developer.

One of the features you need to remember is that installation begins on a concrete base or laid with a sand and gravel cushion. Further, the masonry is extremely simple: you just need to do it correctly, like an ordinary brick one (unless the material is much larger).

Necessary tools and materials for foundation installation

As a rule, the installation of the foundation itself is extremely simple and takes little time. The speed of installation depends on the type of soil and the mass of the future building. But in any case, concrete structures must be laid on a prepared surface, and its installation takes a lot of time. Required tools:

  • A building level, a level, clamps and a long length of rope, preferably on a reel or coil;
  • Shovel or portable excavator. The choice depends on the size of the future foundation and the estimated width of the base;
  • Sand and fine crushed stone for the construction of a cushion;
  • Tool for compacting pillows;
  • Actually, concrete blocks;
  • Wooden boards or beams for installing formwork;
  • Concrete solution.

A prefabricated foundation can be constructed from structures of the following type:

  • FBS 24-6-6 (length – 240 cm, height – 60 cm);
  • FBS 24-4-4 (length – 240 cm, height – 40 cm);
  • FBS 12-6-6 (length – 120 cm, height – 60 cm);
  • FBS 12-4-4 (length – 120 cm, height – 40 cm).

These are standardized sizes, but many construction companies offer products in other sizes.

When purchasing, each developer will independently decide what and in what sizes to buy.

Just immediately take into account the dimensions of the base, as well as the compliance of the products with GOST.

First stage of construction

If you are laying FBS blocks for the base, you need to remember that the first stage is always the most important.

The preparatory stage consists of the following actions:

Second phase

This is the actual stage of laying concrete blocks. There are rules for laying, and you always need to start from the corners of the building and the intersections of load-bearing walls.

The first layer is laid on a concrete solution, preferably quite dense, but without gravel or crushed stone. This installation of blocks resembles classic brickwork.

When installing blocks, you must immediately provide for the correct dressing in the corners of the building; the seams between adjacent blocks should not coincide. Each ball must be additionally waterproofed with liquid resin, rubber or roofing felt.

The horizontal and vertical structure of the structure also plays an important role. Horizontality is checked using special beacons, a rope and a level. The angle of deviation from the horizontal should not be more than 2 degrees, and vertically - 3 degrees.

Also, when installing blocks, one must not allow the formation of voids, gaps or holes in the space between the blocks, because such holes lead to rapid destruction of the base.

Final stage

When a building is being erected on all types of soil, except sandy, then at the final stage you can stop building a foundation from FBS blocks. Only for foundations on any soil it is necessary to carry out a number of other actions that will be mandatory:

  • Waterproofing blocks using roofing felt or liquid rubber, bitumen;
  • After the waterproofing layer has dried, you need to backfill the base from the outside and inside with sand. In this case, each layer of sand is compacted; it is also possible to install a drainage system and a concrete blind area.
