Equipment serviceability certificate. Certificate of technical condition of equipment sample

The formation of a certificate of technical condition of equipment occurs in cases where it is necessary to certify the operability of any devices or equipment.


The role and purpose of the equipment technical condition report

Most often, a certificate of technical condition of equipment is necessary when:

  • acceptance of equipment for further use;
  • renting it out;
  • audit of enterprise property;
  • its write-off.

The report contains information about the external and internal condition of the equipment, identified defects, breakdowns, defects, as well as information about the measures that need to be taken to eliminate them, and the time frame required for this. If the equipment cannot be repaired, this is also reflected in the report.

With the help of the act, several important issues are resolved at once:

  1. It shows the technical condition of the equipment and its suitability for use.
  2. Sometimes, on the basis of this document, claims are made against the supplier, lessee or owner of the equipment - especially in cases where malfunctions occur during its use, leading to material damage or industrial accidents.

Thus, the act is a very important document. You need to be careful when compiling it, describing in detail all the nuances of the condition of the equipment. In the future, this may allow you to avoid unfounded claims and, in the event of emergency situations, quickly identify the person at fault.

Creation of a commission

In order to monitor the technical condition of the equipment, it is necessary to assemble a special commission of competent specialists. It usually consists of full-time employees of the organization: technicians, engineers, installers, electricians, etc. (depending on the type of equipment that is being monitored).

In some cases, third-party experts are also invited, especially if the specifics of the object being inspected require it.

The commission is appointed by a separate order of the director of the enterprise.

Methods of work of the commission

Members of the commission must have certain, often quite high, qualifications. This is due to the fact that in the process of studying the technical condition of the equipment, they have to get acquainted with design and technical documentation, disassemble and assemble devices, conduct tests, analyze the amount of work to be done (for example, if the equipment requires further serious repairs). All this information is included in the act.

General points and features of drawing up the act

If you are tasked with inspecting equipment and drawing up a report on its technical condition, look at the recommendations below and familiarize yourself with a sample document.

Before moving on to the description of this specific act, we will provide some general information that is typical for all such papers. Today, standard forms of primary documents have been abolished, so company representatives can write them in any form - this also applies to the act on the technical condition of equipment. At the same time, if your organization has an approved template for such a document, it is better to follow it - this will save time and eliminate the need to rack your brains over its composition and text.

The act can be written on the company’s letterhead or on a blank sheet of any suitable format (usually A4), by hand or on a computer. When entering information, you must try to avoid inaccuracies, erasures and corrections - in the future they can play a negative role in establishing the legality of the document.

Another important requirement that must be taken into account is to have the form certified with the autographs of all members of the commission who were present when certifying the technical condition of the equipment.

A stamp should be placed on the form only when the clause on its use for such papers is enshrined in the accounting policy of the organization.

The act is being written in several copies– one for each member of the commission. Information about the act must be included in a special accounting journal.

After drawing up, the act should be placed in a separate folder along with other similar documents, and after the expiration of the storage period, it should be disposed of, following the algorithm established by law.

An example of an equipment technical condition report

When formulating the text of the act, keep in mind that it must meet certain rules of business documentation.
At the very beginning of the act there is a so-called “cap” - this includes:

  • the name of the organization that conducts the equipment inspection;
  • name of the document;
  • date and place (locality) of its compilation;
  • composition of the commission, i.e. The positions, surnames, first names and patronymics of the company representatives participating in this procedure are written.
  • identification parameters of the equipment (brand, model, series, year of manufacture, manufacturer and inventory number, address of installation site, etc.);
  • measures taken to check the technical condition of the equipment;
  • information about identified malfunctions, defects, breakdowns, as well as the possibility, timing and options for their repair;
  • information about tests (if any were carried out).

If necessary, this part of the form can be expanded (depending on the needs of the commission members and the individual characteristics of the object). All additional papers attached to it (for example, a technical passport) must be included in the act.

At the end, the commission members draw a conclusion about the technical condition of the equipment and sign the report.

Document text:

Approved by resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Emergency Situations dated 07/05/2007 N 71/64

ACT N ___ TECHNICAL INSPECTION of equipment _______________________________ head. N _______________ reg. N _________________ "__" _______________ 20__ The commission consisting of: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ acting on the basis of order N __________ dated "___" _____________ 20__ ____________________________________________________________ (name of organization) conducted a technical examination of the equipment _______________ (type, brand) ______________________ head. N _______________ reg. N _______________ spent motor life (depreciation rates), in order to determine the possibility of its further operation. 1. Basis for carrying out technical examination. Technical examination of equipment __________________ ______________________________________ was carried out on the basis of technical conditions, technology, instructions, regulations, methods (cross out what is not necessary) 2. Data from the technical operation certificate of the equipment. The equipment was manufactured in _____, the manufacturing plant _____ _______________________________________________________________ Currently, the equipment ________________________________ ____________________ (not) working _________________________________ (indicate completeness or modernization) Operating modes _________________________________________________ (how many machine hours have been worked to date (data from the technical operation certificate) 3. Familiarization with technical documentation. The commission reviewed the equipment passport, drawings for this equipment, logbook, periodic inspection log, installation and operating instructions 4. Inspection of metal structures _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Maintenance of mechanical components _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 6. Inspection of electrical equipment and instrumentation. instruments (instrumentation and control) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 7. Checking the cable equipment ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8. Appearance of the equipment ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Testing _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 10. Non-destructive, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, etc. testing methods used. (cross out what is unnecessary) 11. Conclusion of the commission: based on the technical examination of the equipment ___________________________________ (type, brand) manager. N __________ reg. N _____________ (not) allowed for further operation for a period of _________ without limiting the load capacity (limited to _______ tons per __________). Repeated examination _________________ to be carried out in 20___. Members of the commission: _________________ _________________________ (signature) (signature transcript) _________________ ________________________ _________________ ________________________

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What other documents are there:

What else to download on the topic “Act”:

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The article will discuss the technical inspection report. What kind of document is this, for what purposes is it intended, and how to fill it out correctly - below.

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Equipment used in enterprises is subject to inspection to identify defects. At the same time, a document is drawn up - a technical condition report. How to compose it correctly?

General aspects

Business activities must be reflected in the accounting reports. For this purpose, documentation is drawn up. A certificate of the technical condition of the equipment is mandatory.

It makes it possible to accomplish a number of tasks, so its creation must be approached correctly. The law establishes that equipment at enterprises must be inspected.

The inspection is carried out by a specially formed commission. The inspection data is recorded in the act. Nuances that may arise:

Any facility of the enterprise is inspected by Rostechnadzor. In the absence of a certificate, the equipment will not be allowed to operate.

In the gas equipment inspection report, it is necessary to indicate the persons responsible for drawing up the document.

Detected shortcomings of the equipment are also highlighted, an assessment of its condition is written, and recommendations are given to the gas consumer for further use.

It is drawn up in three copies - for the gas consumer, the representative of the housing office and the gas supplying institution. The act must be approved by the chief engineer.

The timing and scope of the inspection are regulated by legal regulations. The purpose of the inspection is to identify deficiencies in equipment for the purpose of its further use.

The check includes 3 stages - preparatory and working, final. Preparatory means:

The working stage involves a detailed inspection of the object. First, the equipment (from the outside) and the objects that surround it are inspected. Next, the details of the equipment are studied.

Based on the results, an act is drawn up - the final stage. Equipment inspection is an important diagnostic process.

It is necessary to approach it prepared and develop an algorithm of actions in advance. This will ensure reliable results.

What is it

Technical inspection of equipment The process of checking its compliance with the requirements of legislative acts. Carried out by a commission, which, based on the results of the inspection, draws up an act
Equipment inspection report A document drawn up based on the results of inspection of equipment upon its receipt by the organization. Carried out by a commission. During the inspection, faulty equipment is identified and ways to resolve the problem are indicated. Each detected defect must be recorded in a special list and the nature of the damage determined. The act also indicates the persons who will work to eliminate equipment deficiencies.
The act can be drawn up in the form of a table or text. Phrases should be short and meaningful

Purpose of the document

When drawing up an inspection report, the following goals are pursued:

  • check the equipment is complete;
  • record damage;
  • check functionality;
  • identify breakdowns and malfunctions;
  • check compliance with passport requirements.

Having an act makes it possible to perform the following tasks:

  • display the state of the equipment at the time of testing;
  • confirm the fact of the inspection;
  • the document can be used in legal proceedings;
  • resolve controversial issues.

Regulatory regulation

The main document is “Album of unified forms of primary documentation”, approved.

Certificate of technical inspection of equipment with a conclusion on its condition

Managers of organizations make sure that equipment is diagnosed on time. The results of such work are an inspection report with a conclusion on its condition.

This is a form that describes the operating state of the object. It indicates the identified shortcomings and defects of the equipment. It is a document for decommissioning the old model and equipping the new one.

The act is filled out by commission members who have knowledge in this area. The purpose of the document is to assess the malfunction of the device and determine the degree of its defectiveness.

A routine inspection is also necessary to identify breakdowns at an early stage. The document has clear rules. If they are not observed, the act may be declared invalid.

The document should show the following:

Contact the manager The text is located at the top right and indicates the position, name of the organization, name of the boss
Title columns First write the name of the document (act), then the essence of the problem, the document number and the date of its preparation. Words cannot be shortened
Specify the grounds for creating the act The reason for the inspection and the list of persons included in the commission
Justify the commission's actions Briefly describe the problem
Expert opinion Describe the conclusions that the commission made based on the inspection results, express a personal opinion and give instructions and recommendations
List of documents Which are attached to the act
Sign each member of the commission Indicating
At the end the document is sealed After this, the act is considered valid

During commission inspection

To document the commission inspection, a report is drawn up. The document records the degree of equipment damage, technical condition, compliance with requirements, etc.

The inspection is carried out in several stages. The first is data collection, preliminary inspection. This is followed by a preliminary assessment of the condition of the equipment.

An appointed commission goes to the specified location and conducts an inspection, examining the details. After collecting the necessary data, a report is drawn up.

The document provides instructions as to whether further operation of the equipment is possible. The third stage is a detailed examination. The goal is to obtain reasonable data for assessing the condition of the object.

When tested individually

Before you start using the equipment, an individual test is carried out. Based on its results, an act is drawn up. The document describes the conditions under which the object was tested and the period of time.

The report is drawn up by the manufacturers after checking the quality of the equipment - functionality, wear resistance, etc. During an individual test, the following parameters are examined:

  • physical and mechanical properties;
  • productivity;
  • energy intensity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to environmental influences.

Individual test steps:

  1. Studying the characteristics of equipment based on previous inspections.
  2. Establishment of research methods with recording of results.
  3. Processing of results.
  4. Conclusions.
  5. Documentation.

On the foundation

The act is drawn up in writing. The document records the technical condition of the building at the time of inspection. The commission includes engineers, builders and other persons.

They are engaged in drawing up the act. There is a special form for the document, which indicates the date of inspection, the list of inspection persons, and the characteristics of the object.

The grounds for the inspection are:

  • the need for a routine examination;
  • establishing the consequences of natural disasters;
  • reconstruction or repair.

Based on the results of the inspection, an act is created. The head of the organization or chief engineer is required to approve it.

In preparation for write-off

When equipment fails, it cannot be used in the future. This fact must be confirmed with a special document - a defect report. The document is created before decommissioning of equipment.

Its preparation is preceded by a study of the general technical condition of the equipment. The act should show the following:

  • date of purchase of the equipment;
  • time of introduction into use;
  • owner's name;
  • identified faults;
  • frequency of inspections;
  • list of recommendations.

Write-off takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Preliminary defect detection – visual inspection of equipment, measurements of parameters, etc.
  2. Study of individual details.
  3. Analysis of equipment.

Based on the drawn up act, it is issued for repair of the object. It is imperative to assess the level of obsolescence.

In the equipment decommissioning act, display the following:

  • initial cost of equipment;
  • its technical condition;
  • amount of depreciation;
  • reason for write-off;
  • the cost of material assets (if the equipment contains parts that can be used in the future);
  • write-off costs;
  • the ratio of costs and benefits of this;
  • write-off results.

Decommissioning of equipment is considered legal only if there is an act.

Check for technological accuracy

Technological accuracy of equipment is its ability, in working condition, to produce a given number of products over a certain period of time.

The purpose of the test is to prevent possible decrease in accuracy and premature failure. Carried out during the commissioning of new equipment.

The frequency of inspection depends on the processing mode, required accuracy and other indicators. The verification process is as follows:

  • draw up and approve a list of equipment that is being checked;
  • establish inspection periods and deadlines;
  • draw up an inspection schedule;
  • draw up an act.

Equipment is checked for technological accuracy by a specially appointed commission. A certificate must be drawn up for each piece of equipment that has passed the test. It is drawn up in two copies and signed by the members of the commission.

Sample filling

There are no clear requirements for drawing up the document. However, you should adhere to some rules.

The act must indicate the following:

  • where and when the inspection was carried out;
  • information about the members of the commission;
  • information about the persons who were present during the inspection - the owner of the organization, an independent expert and others;
  • name of the equipment – ​​model, type and registration number;
  • where the object is currently located;
  • reason for inspection;
  • information about documents relating to equipment;
  • information about the inspection - under what conditions it was carried out, at what time, what devices were used;
  • the opinion of each inspection participant;
  • inspection results;
  • recommendations for correcting defects;
  • list of documents;
  • notification of the number of acts;
  • signatures of inspectors.

Checking the technical condition of equipment is carried out in order to improve production safety at high-risk facilities. To assess safe production conditions, form an opinion on the condition of utilities and equipment, and compliance with current standards and regulations, it is necessary to conduct an expert inspection to obtain objective information.

Experienced specialists with sufficient knowledge to analyze design and operational documentation and conduct equipment testing should be involved in the survey. Based on the results of the inspection, an equipment inspection report is drawn up with competent conclusions about its technical condition.

The report should set out the results of a comprehensive assessment of the facility, describe the progress of the survey and provide recommendations and suggestions for the further use of the equipment. Based on the commission’s findings, the customer of the inspection makes a decision on the economic and technical feasibility of accepting the experts’ recommendations.

Contents of the equipment technical inspection report

After carrying out the necessary measurements and examination, the commission draws up an inspection report on the technical condition of the equipment, which is a detailed description of the object at the time of the inspection. The document must also reflect all detected defects and identify their causes. Thus, the user of the equipment has the opportunity to form a reasoned idea of ​​​​the condition of the object. The form of the technical inspection report depends on the type of equipment and methods used in the inspection process.

Typically, the equipment technical inspection report is drawn up by specialists directly involved in the inspection; the final decision is made after discussion and taking into account the opinions of all commission members. Specialized organizations have the right to conduct such examinations. The head of the organization forms an expert commission, the composition of which depends on the specifics of the equipment being tested. The results of the examination and the authenticity of the act are confirmed by the personal signature of the head of the expert group.

There is no single form for the inspection report of the technical condition of equipment. The structure of the document may vary depending on the purpose of the examination and the type of equipment, but in any case the act must contain the following information:

  • full name of the equipment;
  • type and brand of equipment;
  • address of the survey;
  • data of the commission members who conducted the inspection;
  • basis for carrying out technical expertise;
  • description of equipment operating modes;
  • data from the technical passport, drawings, maintenance, etc.;
  • appearance of the equipment;
  • the process and methods used to check the condition of the equipment, methods of testing and monitoring work;
  • conclusion of the commission drawn up on the basis of equipment examination, recommendations for operation;
  • date, signatures of commission members and their transcripts.

Normative legal acts do not prescribe the mandatory involvement of experts from specialized organizations in examining the technical condition of equipment. The commission may consist of qualified employees of the enterprise.

Based on the findings of the commission, a decision is made on the possibility of using individual components, parts, and materials of the equipment if its further use is considered impossible. If write-off of fixed assets is possible only with the involvement of a third-party specialized expert organization, a corresponding agreement is concluded. An integral part of this document is the equipment inspection report.
